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A Agents life is changed as he gets involved in the events surrounding umbrella corporation.
"Our mission is clear. We board the ship and destroy any trace of the T-Virus and kill any infected encountered. Any sight of Umbrella employees, especially high ranking ones such as Ada Wong are to be taken in alive if possible." The strong, determined voice of Jill Valentine said as she stood before the team that would be coming with her on the mission.

Her long brown hair was tied in a ponytail and she stood in dark combat fatigue in front of the team of 20 men and women who would be with her on the mission. Among them was S.T.A.R.S recruit Alexander Reaper. He had just joined the Racoon city police department when the incident that left the city destroyed due to the mass infection of the T-Virus had occurred. He had been lucky to escape the city before it had been nuked.

Now he was helping to fight back against Umbrella corporation by helping Jill though he had no real combat experience except battle training. It was a good thing he would be in the second group of Ten that would arrive of the ship by chopper an hour after Jill and the initial team arrived by sea by underwater submarine.

With a nod Jill walked out of the room to prepare. Alex couldn't help but admire the firm shape of her body, Ass and her huge tits as she passed by. He could've sworn he saw her look his way before giving a small smile and walking with a little more move to her hips. To think that such a hot woman became an Agent to take out Umbrella!

With a shake of his head to clear his thoughts, he rose from his seat and went to prepare for the mission…


Two hours later…..

"Team Zulu, do you copy? Over! Team Zulu, do you copy?……Nobody is answering this thing. Something must be wrong." Agent Marx said to the other nine members of his team as they approached the ship in the chopper. Alex couldn't only hope nothing had happened. He was only nineteen Goddammit! He didn't want to die on a ship full of zombies. And on his first mission to boot!

They sighted the ship soon enough. The U.S.S Frontier it was called. Though there was no sign of anyone or anything on deck. They told the pilot to land the chopper and clear out of there. "If anything happens to us you're the only one who can get back backup. But if you see we're swamped by infected, don't bother. Just blow this Damn thing to hell with your missiles. Come back after 2 hours to check up on us." Said Agent Rosa.

They all got out of the chopper and watched as it flew away. They were on there own now. And God! They were unprepared. Of all 10 of them, only 5 were in full combat gear to deal with infected. And he ( Alex) wasn't. Though he wasn't badly off. He had worn full black clothes with a black coat on and had 6 pistols on him and thrice the amount of Ammo with Kevlar underneath his black shirt and two Uzis on him. The other 4 agents of the group only had pistols and Kevlar on them.

"Alright. We'll go in first and see what's wrong. Hopefully we'll find Agent Valentine and the rest of the team and it was only a problem with communication. Here take this." Said Agent Marx as he handed Alex a radio communicator. "You'll call in after 40 minutes and we'll tell you how its going. Don't worry, everything will be fine. Alright you four, let's go and see if we can bag a few stray zombies." He said as he left with the four combat ready Agents.

Alex was left with the other four agents to wait and secure the deck. There was nothing to be found up top, although he did find two grenades, one of which he handed to Agent Rosa, who accepted it gratefully. She gave him a smile of thanks as she went to talk with Agent Trisha. He couldn't deny that the Mexican Agent was beautiful. Her long black hair and the great shape of her Ads was just wonderful. And those breasts…..

He laughed to himself. He really needed to get laid when he got home. He passed Agents Deren And Finch as they boasted out loud ( mostly for the female agents benefit, who ignored them) of the great number of zombies they had killed on other mission. Agents Rosa and Trisha just smirked while looking Alex's way as he just shook his head slowly to show them that it was all bark.

40 minutes had passed so they surrounded him to hear from the first team. Alex pushed the button on the radio and began to speak. "Agent Marx, how's it going down the….." He started before he was cut off on the other end by numerous cries and the sounds of gunfire.

"Ahhhhhh! Help me! Don't leave me here! I don't wanna…..Ahhhhhhhh!"

"Shit! They've got Drake. Shoot the fucking bastards."

"They're too many of them. Where the fuck did they all come from? And did you see that big one. SHIT!! It cut Marx in Half….."

"Stop talking and shoot the…..Ahhhhh!"

"Sara! SHIT! It's just you and me Greg. Greg? Greg? Oh Holy shit!"

Alex and the four agents were looking at each other frantically as they heard they're teammates get slaughtered. Deren and Finch had gone pale and Alex and the ladies weren't any better. Alex tried again. "Agent Sharpe! Agent Sharpe pick up the radio." Thankfully there was a connection.

"Reaper? Reaper is that you?…."

"It's me man. Stay focused and get the fuck out of there. Get to a secure location and lock yourself in. We're coming for you buddy, just hold on man."

"Alright, give me a few seconds…" There was the sound of hurried footsteps as Sharpe went somewhere. "Alright. I've locked myself in the ship's kitchen."

"Alright. Good job. We're coming for you. How's your ammo? And your team?…any sign of Agent Valentine and Zulu team?"

"I'm pretty low on ammo. And the rest of the team are dead. Being eaten by those dead fucks right now. Won't be long before i see e'm walking around looking to eat me too. Agent Marx got sliced in half by a Tyrant. A FUCKIN TYRANT! It was a setup. They told us that it'd just be some C-class infected zombies of the 50 crew with a B-class infected mutate here and there. They were wrong. We got hordes of C-class zombies and A-class infected. We gotta blow this hunk a metal to the sky!"

"And Zulu team? Agent Valentine?" Alex asked.

"Oh we found them. But only Agent Valentine and Sherawat. The guys are dead. And we couldn't take them. We wanted to but we were swarmed…..There in the hold of the ship if you wanna try….it's something straight out of a nightmare down there. And we got Ada Wong somewhere on board with WESKER of all people." That didn't help, Alex thought grimly. Only Jill stood a chance against wesker.

"Alright. Sit tight. We're on our…"


The radio went dead. Agent Sharpe was gone. God rest his soul.

Alex looked up at his fellow agents. They looked at him as well. He upholstered his pistol and pulled back the safety. "Finch and Deren, you're with me. Rosa and Trisha, you stay up here. If we're not back in an hour you get in the chopper when it gets back and stay airborne. If after 2 hours none of us are back….blow this cursed piece of shit to Hell."

They nodded as they all unholstered their weapons. Alex walked to the door that led to below deck followed by Finch and Deren. With a deep breath, he pulled it open and walked in.


1 Hour ago…..

Jill struggled with her her tentacle bindings in the hold of the ship as the infected creature that made them held onto her Ass through the skintight wetsuit she had worne for the mission when they had come from the submarine underwater. Nearby Agent Jessica Sherawat did the same as the creature who had her groped her full firm tits.

Nearby were two other female bodies, one Caucasian and the other dark skinned. They were earlier agents who were sent to investigate the ship and never returned. Claire Redfield and Sheva Alomar. The creatures holding them had released a giant tentacle from their mouth that fully covered the female Agent's heads, forcefully feeding them liquid T-Virus and nutrients to keep them alive as the two infected creature's cock fucked them fully with their infected seed, the Female agent's pussies filled to the brim with thick cum and their bellies bloated with jizz.

Ada Wong watched amused nearby as they tried and failed to get loose.

"Don't worry Miss Valentine. The creatures won't kill you and Agent Sherawat. Just Fuck you till your mind breaks and fill you with their DNA. And the best, and if Chairman Wesker is correct, it will change your DNA and give you incredible abilities, though all you'll think about is spreading your legs and breeding like a 5 cents Whore. At the worst you'll spend your days here, pumping out strong infected offspring for Umbrella corporation to use. Besides, the rest of your team is dead, why fight? Just be a nice broodmare for those two boys and pump out some babies."

"Actually…that will be your job, miss Wong." Said Albert Wesker as a Tyrant came behind the surprised Asian Agent and ripped off the red dress she was wearing and held her up by her hips before sitting down heavily on the metal floor and pushing the betrayed woman fully onto his thick 9 inch cock as she screamed and tried to get off the monster's cock in a futile effort to escape.

"Damn you wesker..ugh…I'll fucking kill you for…ahh..this." She said between grunts as the tyrant began to pull her up and down his huge cock.

"You've outlived your usefulness. The best you can do for me is to breed me an army which will inherit your skills and the tyrant's power." Wesker said as he left them to their fate.

Jill could do nothing as the creature that had her released multiple tentacles from it's body and opened it's mouth to reveal a huge wet tentacle with an opening that encased the top of her head and stifled her screams and which began to fill with T-Virus liquid and nutrients while the rest of the tentacles began pawing over her firm body as Agent Sherawat received the same treatment. Two tentacles revealed soft mouths which latched onto the two agents ripe tits and began to suck on them hard as the creatures cock sank fully into the Agent's slick pussies and began to Fuck them hard.


Alex came running into the Hold of the ship as he fired shots behind him. Fuck! Those things never gave up. His shots landed into the skull of two zombies behind him. They had separated the three agents just minutes into entering below deck and soon they had been swarmed and forced to separate. He hoped Deren and Finch were safe. At least he had reached the hold of the ship. He could rest here. For now. He still had three good 3 and a half hours before Rosa and Trisha would be forced to think them dead and blow them up.

He closed the main hold door and turned around….And then sincerely wished he hadn't. The whole hold was covered with tentacles. Albeit non moving tentacles, it was still freaky. He gingerly stepped on one and when nothing happened, he continued on. He moved as silently as possible and reached the inner hold doors which he opened.

He found the remains of four creatures and what seemed liked…cum on the floor. He nervously poked at the body of a decapitated tyrant and wondered where Jill and Sherawat (or at least their zombie forms) were.

He moved onwards till he found an empty hold cell which had nothing but an empty bed and hadsomeone standing inside it. "Hello..hey Who are you?" Alex asked while still cautiously aiming his gun at the figures head as it turned. "Jill!" He said, though he didn't lower his pistol. "Are you ok….Jill?" He said as jill just stared at him with an impassive face. "Alex?" She said softly as he finally lowered his weapon. No zombie could speak, that much he knew.

"Thank God Jill, I thought you were a goner. Listen we need to…." He never finished his sentence as jill came at him at seemingly supernatural speeds and pushed him into the cell while locking the door. She grabbed the pistol before he could aim it at her and threw it to the side. He hadn't noticed but now he did. Jill's eyes were flashing red. Oh Boy.

"Jill you have to fight immpphhhhh." Alex said no more as jill slammed her lips against his, silencing him effectively. Her tongue captured his own and wouldn't let go as she pulled off his clothing. She finally released their kiss, a thin trail of saliva connecting their lips as she showed a feral smirk on her face. "You wear way too much clothing Alex." She said as she pulled down his trousers and slipped his boxers to the floor to reveal his slowly hardening 8 inch thick cock and his two bloated balls.

"My oh my, Alex. Have you been hiding this from me. And to think I would have never noticed…" she said as she gazed at his cock while licking her lips hungrily. Alex could only groan in pleasure as she kissed the head of his cock and then did the same to his bloated balls before she swallowed his whole length down her throat.

"Ohhhh shit!" He cried as jill began to suck deeply on his cock, his dick going in and out her velvety mouth as she blew him like a pro. She drew his cockhead out of her throat to her mouth and bathed it with her tongue as she moaned in approval of the taste of his precum.

Alex couldn't hold on any longer though. His balls were already tightening up. "SHIT! I'm cumming Jill." He shouted as jill gave one last long suck at his cock before letting it's head rest on her tongue. His cock spewed up a hot load of thick backed up cum into the Agent's warm mouth as he came hard. Jill moaned in pleasure at the taste of his jizz and let all his sticky jizz lay on her tongue. As the flow tapered off, she gave his cockhead a last deep suck before releasing it.

Jill looked up at Alex with her red eyes and he watched as she opened her mouth to show him his thick cum filling her mouth as she played around with it before swallowing the thick sperm and licking her lips in satisfaction at her protein rich meal.

"Your sperm is soooo tasty Alex. And sooo virile. Do you know what a thick load of that would have done in my pussy? "She Said in a sultry voice as she stood up and slowly unzipped the blue skintight wetsuit she wore. Alex watched as her huge firm breasts flopped out of the suit as she kicked it off at her feet.

"Agent Valentine…we..we shouldn'tdo this." Alex said though Jill only smirked. She pushed her body onto his own as she began to remove his own clothes and threw them and his weapons in a pile without any resistance from him."Don't tell me you haven't thought about fucking me Alex. Claiming me as your woman." She said as she kicked his cheek slowly until she reached his ear and whispered.

"Putting some babies in my womb. OUR Babies growing in my belly. Marking me with your offspring, watch them growing strong inside me as the other Agents watch and feel jealous that YOU fucked and bred the great Jill Valentine. Watching your young suck on these fat melons of tits as you get ready to breed me again and again and again…."

Alex was growing hard once more at Jill's words, his cock moving upwards into her soft hands. "They did something to me Alex. The T-Virus changed me. I'm stronger, faster, smarter, more beautiful and I even heal faster. But now all I think about doing is being bred by your cock and having your babies so I can pass all these genes to them. I could snap wesker in half without even trying now. I don't even need a gun. But for now……"

Jill led him by his cock to the empty bed and Alex watched as she climbed on and lay on her back as she spread them wide apart." Fuck me Alex."

He moved on top of her and placed his huge cock at the entrance to her pussy as he speared his dick straight into her, hitting the entrance to her cervix. "Oh Fuck. That's right baby. Fuck my pussy hard."

She cried in pleasure as he began to pound into her sopping wet pussy. His cock slammed into her hard as he began to live a dream so many male Agents had failed to live. Jill's cries of pleasure filled the room as his dick continuously buried itself within her. "Fuck me, Fuck me, Fuck me, FUCK ME!!! FUCK ME LIKE A WHOMPPPHHHH!" Her screams were silenced as her mouth was devoured in a wet hungry kiss by Alex. He didn't want her attracting any zombies after all.

Suddenly with a great slam, Alex buried his cock straight into her pussy and right past her cervix into her womb as her eyes rolled inwards in pleasure while Alex struggled not to cum at the tightening of her warm silk walls. It was a losing battle though.

"Jill. I'm going to cum. Ohhh Fuck! Sooo tight." He cried as jill shouted in pleasure. "Breed me. Fucking cum inside me. Knock me up. Turn me into your personal breeding sow. Make me your baby factory. Breed me now with your cum and claim me as your woman." She cried in pleasure, her legs encircling his waist as Alex slammed into her pussy and unleashed several loads of thick virile cum into her fertile and ovulating pussy. His balls seemed to paste her whole womb with cum as he impregnated her on the spot, her lips meeting his in a needy lover's kiss before he suckled on her firm ripe tits as jill moaned in pleasure.

A surprise waited for him as warm milk flowed into his mouth and he drank deeply before falling into a deep sleep as Jill covered their still connected bodies with a thick blanket. His cock was still within her as it spewed out thick cum into her already impregnated womb. Suddenly the door of the cell opened and in walked Ada Wong, Jessica Sherawat, Claire Redfield and Sheva Alomar. All had the same red eyes as jill.

"Are the remaining Agents knocked out?" She asked Ada, Who nodded. "Agents Rosa and Trisha are out cold until the chopper arrives. Though the others are all dead." She said without much emotion as jill nodded and begun to stroke Alex's hair softly and lovingly.

Whatever had happened with those creatures had given them all abilities that surpassed human imagination. They were almost a hive mind, with all of the 5 women seeing and feeling what the other felt and saw and having great coordination with each other. As a team they were now unstoppable, but with similar needs due to their infection by the virus. The Need to breed and pass on their new abilities within their genes. Thus Alex was now their most precious possession. Umbrella and Wesker would pay for the Hell they had been put through and they would fall. For now though, they would handle other things.

"Dress him slowly and carry him to the deck for now. Our plans will begin once he will be informed of our bonds to him. Though I don't see him refusing anytime Doon." She said with a smirk as she dressed.

To be continued…..Next Jessica Sherawat and a new mission.

(Please comment)

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-03-20 08:17:19
This is a lot of potential for this series and for yourself as a writer. I do hope you find the desire to continue this series. Your generating an interesting set of events and setting and makes for a very good story. Hope you continue the series -G

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-03-07 00:53:24
Alright Sir Drake Max, where is the next chapter: Jessica Sherawat and a new mission due? Come on Man, there are 11 comments on this story all begging for MORE!!! I just read another great story "Flesh for Satan" in which the writer has done the same thing you have, left his reader/fans hanging in the fucking wind by not finishing the story. I mean why even start a series story with NO intension of finishing the fucking story From the large number of series stories I have read on this site and others, the compeletion rate for series is around 10%, pretty piss-poor don't you think. I mean great stories on this site like "Alien son, Caveworms A Girl and her Tenacle Monster", and so many more great stories that their writers refused to finish. Please do not be one of that 90% who do not finish their story and leave nothing but a very disappointed reader/fan base.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-18 15:13:03
An exquisite story and hope there are more chapters in the works. It's been over 2 months since chapter 1 was posted so I hope there are morme. Please do not be one of the 80% to 90% of writers who DO NOT finish their multiple part stories!!

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-28 22:26:04
Hey man,.were the rest . u can't start a great read and not carry on.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-08 22:14:51
Hope u are working on part 2. Can't wait for the next story

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