Sharon brings Rita to be introduced to sex by Jason.
The Adventure Continues
"Jason, you've got to help me, please. I have no idea what to do. Please Jason." Sharon was near tears and begging for help when she called Jason Sunday evening.
"Slow down, Sharon. First tell me what's wrong. Then I'll see if there is anything I can do to help you."
Sharon seemed to get herself together before she continued. "Jason, it's Susan. She has gone crazy ever since we left you Friday night. She fucked three different guys Saturday, and sucked off a couple more. Sunday morning before she left to go home, she fucked two more guys. Jason, she said she's going to fuck every guy she can until she finds another with a cock like yours. Jason please, you've got to help me. She wasn't like this until she gave herself to you."
Jason told Sharon, "I'll give it some thought and get back to you as soon as I can. What's her number?" After Sharon gave Jason her sister's phone they hung up.
Jason already knew what he had done, and it wasn't right. Jason liked fresh young virgins and would continue to seek them out. However, he should not have suggested to Susan she become a whore until she found another man with a cock that could fill her as much as he had.
Jason didn't know if his powers would work over the distance between their homes or over the phone. He knew he had to try. He called Susan later that evening.
When she answered, without saying a word, Jason sent her a mental suggestion. 'Susan, you are a good looking girl who is also a great fuck. You do not have to fuck every guy you meet. You will not be your town's whore. You will only be sexual with someone you care for. That is how you find someone that will fill you physically and emotionally. Do you understand, Susan?'
"Yes Jason.' She replied to the unspoken suggestion.
Jason then hung up without ever saying a word to her.
A few days later, Sharon called Jason again. "Susan has returned to normal. She still wants a man who can fill her, but she isn't fucking every guy she sees. How did you do it, Jason?"
"All I did was communicate with her. She must have come to that decision on he own. By the way, when can I see the beautiful and horny Sharon again?"
Sharon giggled and said, "I'll be there again next Friday. I know how Susan feels. My pussy gets wet every time I think of you and that huge cock of yours. Will you mind if I bring a friend with me? Her name is Rita, and she's also a Freshman cheerleader. I think you'll like her."
"That will be great, Sharon. I look forward to seeing you again and meeting Rita. See you Friday after the game."
The week rolled by slowly, but Friday finally came. Jason was unable to attend the game due to an unscheduled lab experiment that his supervisor had arranged. Jason was assigned to be at the lab just in case another accident occurred. The way he had efficiently handled the last accident, even putting himself in danger to protect others, had convinced the university administration that Jason was their best lab supervisor. So, Jason missed the game.
He had just showered and gotten dressed when Sharon and Rita arrived. Jason invited the girls in and they stepped past him into his living room.
Sharon then introduced Rita and Jason to each other. Rita was slightly shorter than Sharon's five feet three inches and a bit thinner. In spite of her slender build, Rita had a set of breasts that had to be at least C-cups. Her butt was nicely rounded too.
"So glad to meet you Rita." He offered her his hand which she delicately took. Rita then giggled.
Sharon didn't understand why Rita had giggled. She had no way of knowing Jason had sent Rita a mental message. 'Rita, you look good enough to eat.'
He then sent a suggestion to Sharon. 'Sharon, you have done very well. Thank you for bringing Rita. Why don't you lead the way as you did with Susan. Release your tits so I can admire them.'
Sharon grinned and began unbuttoning her blouse. Rita stared at her friend with a startled look on her face.
"Rita, Sharon knows I love looking at her tits." Jason told his new guest. 'You would like to to show me your tits as well?' Jason silently suggested.
Rita smiled and slowly began removing her blouse. Soon both Sharon and Rita stood before Jason with their tits on display for him. His first impression had been right. Rita had a firm set of C-cup tits that were standing high and proud on her chest. Her nipples were hard and centered on puffy areola.
'Rita, you do look good enough to eat. Shall we start with your lovely tits?' Rita stepped closer to Jason.
He reached out to fondle both of her tits. He then leaned forward and began sucking on her left tit while gently pinching her right nipple. "Very nice." Jason told the nervous girl.
By then, Sharon had removed the rest of her clothes and stood next to Jason in the nude. "Very nice Sharon. You know I love seeing your delicious body.
He let go of one of Rita's tits and reached toward Sharon. He squeezed each of her tits. When he petted her bald pussy he found it was already very wet. Jason slipped a finger into her pussy.
Sharon spread her legs and sighed with pleasure.
"Sharon, why are you naked already? Shouldn't you at least wait until you're in his bedroom?"
Sharon giggled and replied to her friend. "I just have the urge to get naked whenever I'm near Jason. He loves seeing me nude. Why did you offer him your tits?"
"I don't know why, but I had the urge to show Jason my boobs. I had such a thrill go through me when he touched me."
Jason then sent Rita another suggestion. 'Rita, don't you want to get naked too? Show me your body so I may enjoy looking at you as well.'
Rita practically tore the rest of her clothes off. She was a delectable looking creature, indeed. Like Sharon, she too shaved regularly and presented a bald pussy to Jason.
"Very nice, Rita. You have a beautiful body as well. Thank you for letting me see you."
As she blushed at Jason's compliment, he sent her another suggestion. 'Rita, don't you want to give me a blowjob?'
While Jason continued to finger Sharon, Rita fell to her knees. She released Jason's belt, pants button, and lowered his zipper. His pants fell to the floor. Rita then reached up and pulled his boxers down.
Rita gasped when Jason's fat eight inches of cock sprang out and slapped her in the face. "Oh my God, it's huge!" She exclaimed. The size of the cock in front of her face frightened her, but it did not dissuade Rita from taking its head and several inches of shaft into her mouth. She bobbed her mouth up and down Jason's cock while her tongue swirled around its head and shaft. She sucked as hard as she could while bobbing her head up and down Jason's cock. Just as Jason began feeding Rita his large load of cum, she stopped bobbing her head and took him deep into her mouth. She sucked hard until his flow of cum eased. She then licked and sucked the last few drops of cum from his cock, kissed it, sat back on her heels, and smiled up at Jason.
'Tell me the truth, Rita.' Jason mentally told the girl still on her knees before him. "You've sucked a few cocks before haven't you?"
"Yes Jason. Giving head was my virginity defense method. When a guy wanted to have sex, I'd blow him instead." She answered.
"Then you are still a virgin?"
Sharon smiled at Jason.
'Rita, you want to give me your cherry pussy, don't you?'
Rita smiled. "Yes Jason. I want to give you my virginity."
"How do you do that?" Sharon asked.
Jason smiled at Sharon and said, "Rita, why don't you go to the bathroom and make sure you are nice and clean for me? I love eating fresh virgin pussy. Please make sure your ass is clean as well."
Rita giggled and started to trot off to the bathroom. She stopped and said, "Jason, I'll give you my virginity, but I won't do anal."
"Ok, Rita. Go on to the bathroom and clean yourself."
Jason had decided he wanted a steady girlfriend and someone he could trust and depend on. He needed to tell Sharon his secret. "Sharon honey, would you like to be my steady girlfriend?"
"Oh yes, Jason. Ever since I flashed you my boobs, I've wanted you to be my boyfriend."
"Good, then I need to explain something to you. Several weeks ago you may have heard of the accident in one of the labs." She nodded her head. "Well, I was irradiated during that accident. I now have the power of suggestion. You flashed me your tits because I mentally suggested you wanted to show them to me. I've tested my power and range since then. Your first visit here was the result of my suggesting you wanted to show me your pussy."
"But Jason..."
"Don't interrupt! Then it was my suggestion that you bring your sister to see me. And now, at my suggestion, you've brought Rita."
"Oh come on, Jason. That's not possible! Is it?"
"Just be quiet and watch. I'm going to butt-fuck Rita. I'll fuck her pussy then she'll ask me to fuck her ass. Now, here she comes, please be quiet and just watch."
Rita came back grinning from ear to ear. "Jason, I am so looking forward to having your huge cock take my virginity. How and where do you want to do it?"
"I think you would enjoy it doggy style right here in the living room. Get on your hands and knees, Rita."
Rita fell to her hands and knees. Then, spreading her knees as wide as she could and looked back at Jason. "I'm ready for that big cock to take my cherry now, Jason."
Rita was certainly ready for Jason to enter her pussy. Her pussy was practically dripping with her juices. Jason aligned his thick eight inch cock with the entrance to Rita's pussy. With one powerful shove, he buried his cock deep in her virgin hole.
Rita screamed as her cherry was ripped from her. Tears flowed from her eyes as she cried from the pain in her devirginated pussy.
Jason began sawing his cock deep in Rita's cunt. In a short time, he bathed her cervix with its first taste of cum.
While he rested a few minutes, Jason sent Rita another suggestion. 'Rita, you want me to fuck your ass now. Ask me to give you a good butt-fucking.'
"Damn Jason, that hurt. Getting it in my ass can't hurt much more. Will you give me a good butt-fucking now?"
Jason looked at Sharon and grinned. Sharon just stared. He then told the girl beneath him, "Yes Rita, I'll fuck you in your ass. Are you ready?"
"Oh yes! Please Jason, fuck my ass." Rita begged.
"Sharon, would you please go to my bedroom and bring back the bottle of baby oil." Jason asked his girlfriend.
It was only a matter of a minute or so until Sharon returned with the oil. He then told Sharon, "Put some of the oil on my cock and in Rita's ass."
Sharon immediately complied. She soon had Jason's cock oiled. She then put a large quantity of oil on and in Rita's tight asshole. Sharon seemed to enjoy fingering Rita's ass with her oiled coated fingers.
Rita was gently pushing back to take more of Sharon's fingers into her asshole. 'Oh Sharon, that feels nice. It's weird but nice."
When Sharon thought she had enough oil on and in Rita's ass she put the head of Jason's cock in contact with Rita's sphincter.
Jason took a grip on Rita's hips and put a little pressure against her asshole. "Are you ready for your butt-fucking now, Rita?"
"Oh yes, Jason! Pleae fuck my ass. Shove that big cock into my asshole." Rita agreed.
Sharon smiled at Jason and nodded.
Jason then gave a shove with his cock and at the same time, pulled back on Rita's hips. His hard cock shot into Rita's ass as far as Jason could bury it.
With Jason's eight inch cock buried deep in her ass, Rita cried out. "FUCK THAT HURTS!"
Jason began pumping his cock in and out of Rita's ass. As Rita began thrusting back to take more cock in her ass, Jason stopped. "Do you want me to quit now, Rita?"
"No! You've gone this far, you might as well finish. Jason, please fill my ass with you hot cum."
Jason then proceeded to soundly fuck Rita's ass. As his orgasm neared he rammed deeply into Rita and pumped a load of cum into her bowels.
When he pulled out of Rita's ass, he turned toward Sharon. "Sharon clean my cock please."
"Oh Jason, no. That thing has been in Rita's ass." She refused Jason's request.
'Sharon, you want to suck my cock and clean Rita's ass off of it, don't you?'
Without replying, Sharon fell to her knees and sucked Jason's cock into her mouth. Once he thought she had him clean enough, he had her stop but leave his cock in her mouth. "Sharon, didn't you just say you didn't want to clean my cock after it was in Rita's ass? What are you doing now?"
Sharon's eyes widened. "My God, it's true. You can control people with your suggestions."
Jim patted her ass and kissed her. "Sharon, you are going to make one hell of a girlfriend."
'Rita, you will remember none of the pain you felt tonight. You will only remember you freely gave me a blowjob, your pussy's cherry, and let me fuck you in your virgin ass. You had a great time and want to do it again soon and often. You and Sharon will become good friends and happily share me with each other and any other women we may invite to join us. Will you be good with that?'
For a short time, Rita seemed to be considering the thoughts that were flooding into her mind and her new position in life. She then smiled and said, "Jason, thank you for teaching me the joys I can feel with you. I will be happy to be one of your girlfriends if you and Sharon want me."
Sharon smiled broadly, and Jason told Rita he and Sharon would welcome her. "Rita honey, we will love to have you as a girlfriend. But for now, I need to talk to Sharon in private."
"Okay Jason, I'll go home now. See you real soon." Rita then dressed and left for her home.
Jason then explained everything that had happened since the accident. "Sharon, will you be my girlfriend and help me. I want you and Rita to bring other virgins to become part of our group."
"Oh Jason, I'd love to. The problem is that most of the cheerleaders were putting out while in high school. I know how much you like virgins. So, I already have a couple more girls to bring to you. When can we begin?"
Liked the story. Your characters are a little one-dimensional though. Looking forward to see what you post next.
Keep up the good work
as always
johnny rotten
Keep up the good work
as always
johnny rotten