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A guys good fortune in the New World as he meets and Fucks hot super heroines
This story takes place in an AU universe. Thus both Marvel,DC and various other characters from different worlds are in it. This story will have a small plot, mostly sex but will try to keep it interesting. It is inspired by pics from


Recorded history of the mergeance of worlds by American Scientist and Historian Robert Steen.

June 23, 2006

Scientists discover merging of Universe/Worlds and humanity witnesses the merging of two worlds together. World's are codenamed Marvel and Dc respectively.

June 30, 2006

Merging of New Marvel/Dc world with our own. Phenomenon of twin beings merging takes place as many of those who had a copy/Version of themselves in either Marvel or Dc world gain their memories after the merge.

August 5,2006

Merging of worlds complete. Worldwide tension over the existence of Super powered beings from first two worlds causes Governments to take action. As weaknesses of the beings are known to members of our world, drastic measures are taken to ensure safety of humans.

October 24, 2006

Beginning of crusade against super powered beings. Many fall within the first few days though victory is quickly gotten. Technologies and scientific advancements are taken from the heroes while captured heroes are subjected to experimentation to acquire their powers for the good of the human race before disposal. Female heroes are kept alive and "Re-educated". Mind manipulation and scientific brainwashing leaves these females unable to revert to former ways of heroism as new mindset is created.

December 15, 2006

End of war with the last of High level super beings eradicated. I.e Superman, Cyborg, Martian Manhunter, Shazam and Aquaman. High level "Evil" Super beings follow soon after.

March 2007

Creation of Lergon Island off the American coast. Unwanted Vox populi and Undesirables are herded to the island along with captured superhero females, with power suppression bracelets attached. The island soon becomes a huge slum as the rest of the world thrives from stolen technology brought about by the merging of worlds. Island soon becomes a pit of moral degradation to survive with prostitution and drug trafficking at its head, though many of the "respectable citizens" of the mainland use it frequently…


Michael Phillips' parents had died a month ago in a hover car accident. He had only just turned 19 and so still in college. Competition for jobs on the mainland was tough and those who had no work to do to help the populace continue to thrive were considered "Undesirable" and shipped off to the island.

Michael had managed to evade the police for a long time. A week to be exact. That was saying something, even the cops who caught him couldn't help but admire him. With the advanced technology gotten from the meargence event, it usually only took them 5 hours to acquire a target. And that was when they were lazy.

He had only 4,000 dollars to his name. On the mainland, that only lasted you two weeks tops with how expensive everything had become since the advance in the world's technological way of life. And now there he was, along with 9 other guys, getting off the ship and stepping on New soil. Slum soil. They watched as the heavily armed ship that had carried them to the island sailed away, guns trained on them to make sure they stayed on their new home and didn't try to swim back onto the ship.

They separated, each going their own way. It was everyone for himself now. Michael took up his duffel bag that contained all the items and clothes he had left, his black hoverboard included, and started to walk towards the small island city in the distance.


He wondered how anybody could survive in this place. There wasn't much light in the city. Only some broken streetlights here and there gave some light. Every single building was covered in graffiti as far as he could see and he didn't like the look of the neighbourhood. He saw a run down tenement building a few blocks ahead and walked towards it.

Well…run down could have been a compliment. This thing gave normal tenement buildings a bad name. Graffiti all over, broken and plywood covered Windows…..SHIT! It looked horrible. He walked up the stairs to the door and knocked on the almost broken down door and waited.

He heard the sharp clicking of heels on a floor and then heard someone unlocking the doors locks before it opened. "Whad'ya want?" A strong female voice said as Mike looked up and gaped. There standing in front of him, counting some dollars and looking at him expectantly was…..Wonder Woman?

Well. It was wonder woman, only….much sluttier. She had a very, very short blue and star spangled miniskirt and red heels on with absolutely nothing covering her huge bare and firm breasts which just seemed to scream "Grope us" at him. She had painted her lips in blood red lipstick and put on some purple eye shadow while also having her raven hair cut short and applied a minimum amount of gel and spray to have it slicked back lightly, with a few strands falling lightly around her face.

He had to fight like crazy not to get a Boner right there.

"You a customer?" She asked as her eyes roamed lazily across his figure, making him self conscious, even with the black hoodie he wore that covered most of his face and slightly thin frame. He swallowed before answering. "I'm looking for a place to stay. I just got off ship." He said as she nodded slowly.

"Yeah. You look the type. Well this place ain't cheap. It's five dollars a month for a room and Breakfast, lunch and Dinner. But 3 dollars if you just want the room." Michael gaped. That was…..BEYOND cheap. The HELL? Were things that bad in the slums?

He wasn't complaining though. He handed her a hundred dollar bill and saw her blue eyes widen in disbelief. She took the money gingerly in her hand, bringing it to her nose and smelling it deeply before her whole body began to shake in little tremors as she held onto the door for support.

"SHIT if I didn't just cum right now. That's a good bill right there. I think I'm the richest Whore on the island right about now. So a big spender huh? What else you got big on you, hmm?" She said as her hand suddenly went to his crotch and fondled his cock and balls before he leaped back in surprise as she licked her lips hungrily.

"Ohhh. A REALLY big boy then. What was that I felt then? 8?, 9 inches maybe? I may just have to take a peek one of these days. Follow me, lover boy." She said as she stood aside and let him walk into the building before closing the door and locking it shut and leading him up a pair of broken down stairs as she spoke.

"Breakfast is at nine in the kitchen on the first floor. NOBODY leaves or opens the door before Nine o'clock. There's a curfew on anytime before. Unless you wanna get mugged of course." She said looking at him as Michael shook his head. He could hear the sound of creaking beds? Or maybe mattresses as they went up the stairs and passed each floors rooms. He probably didn't want to know what was going on in there. He could guess.

They were about 5 floors with 6 rooms on each floor and as they came up the 5th one they walked the corridor to the third room as she finished explaining the building to him. "The toilets and bathrooms on each floor are communal. You want hot water, you'll be up by six to get it in the shower before it cools. Oh! And before I forget… its two to a room. Though Jean ain't here tonight, she'll be your roommate."

Jean?! As in Jean grey! The Phoenix??!! Michael had a very vivid vision of death by roasting. "Where is she?" He asked in a cautious voice as Wonder woman smirked at him.

"Looking for some tail already stud? How nice. Anyways, she's working at a hotel. Some rich C.E.O came in from the mainland, bragging about wanting to "Fuck the Phoenix" or some shit like that. Had her dress up in some green skintight costume with some yellow boots and gloves. The fetishes these bastard mainland rich guys have, shit!"

Michael's eyes narrowed a little. She didn't know? But why…..

He saw it then.

Next to her, obviously, indestructible silver bracelets was another techno bracelet. A suppression bracelet. It kept her powers sealed away. And her memories? He heard that the government had been experimenting on them. Then brainwashed them. Apparently, the rumour on the net at the time had said that so many of the rich and powerful had paid top dollar to be serviced by the captured heroines while they were "Re-educated". They just didn't remember who they were.

He took the key she gave her for the room as she walked away. "Oh yeah. By the way, names Diana, stud. I hope we'll get to know each other REAL well before long." She said with a wink before she left down the stairs.

He opened the door with the key and walked in. There were only two small mattresses and two oil lamps on each side of the room. Jean's side of the room had been covered completely with graffiti on the wall. The lower side of her mattress was written on with a black marker pen. "Welcum" it read. Her walls weren't any different.

"Whore point."

"Dick slut."

"Crum bucket."

"Cheap slut."

"1$ Whore."

Michael shook his head. At least he knew what business Jean was in. Her and every other heroine on the island. He dropped his duffel bag to the side of his mattress, changed into his pyjamas and then walked to the toilets for a leak before sleeping.

The toilets were grimy and filled with filth but AT LEAST didn't smell. But they were no open stalls. They were locked with only a small hole the size of which a guys cock and balls could fit easily with an arrow pointing at it. "Insert dick here."

He shrugged and, seeing no other way, followed instructions. He dropped his pants and placed his shaft into the hole before gently pushing his balls in. He let loose his piss and heard it hit the bottom of the toilet dead on. When he was done and was about to pull his cock back, he heard footsteps on the other side of the stall.

"Damn I'm hungry. Fucking mainland prick gets off on you and can't even buy you a sandwich. Fucking bastard can go….Holy SHIT! Damn, I've hit the jackpot."

Michael tried to hurriedly pull his cock and balls out only for a soft pair of hands to pull it back in.

"Ohhh no fella. You ain't going anywhere till I'm done with this horse dick. Cock must be nine inches at least. And look at those balls! Hell! You gotta have a nice thick load for a hungry tummy at least. Hold on."

Suddenly the door to the stall opened from the inside as he quickly slipped his nine inch package from the hole. Out of it walked a person he least expected.

Long red hair, green eyes that were taking in his cock, soft pouty lips with red lipstick freshly applied on to them, firm hips, long smooth legs in red sandals, white t-shirt that covered bare firm tits and a miniskirt that did nothing to hide the red thong that was visible for all to see.

Mary Jane Watson.

He gulped.

"And who would you be, tiger?" She asked, practically purring at the sight of him. He swallowed. "I'm Michael. I just moved into the building." He said as the redhead approached him.

"Well then, Mike. Allow me to give you a proper welcome." She said as she knelt on the ground before him and began to give his cockhead a deep kiss that made Michael shake with pleasure before she began swallowing his whole length into her warm, wet mouth.

"Ahhh Fuck!" He cried out as he took the girls head in his hands and began pushing her head deeper onto his cock. To think Spidermans wife was giving him head. Mary Jane was skilled and didn't even make a sound of protest, her lipstick leaving deep red rings on his length as she sucked hard on his throbbing length, her eyes never once leaving his as she pleasures his shaft. The taste of him was quite delicious to her buds and she could feel the exquisite flow of his thick precum on her tongue.

She slid her mouth of his thick prick and went lower to his seed filled balls which she began to suck on, tasting and smelling the scent of the boiling thick load in his twin jizz bags as she began licking them and covering them in her hot spit, all the while making dirty talk to the loaded semen stores.

"Oh that's it babies. Make Mj a nice hot load to eat. Churn up that thick stinky gunk of baby batter for momma. Mmmm. I can just smell that thick load bubbling in these two jizz jars."

Mj took each of the balls in hand and gave each a deep kiss and sucked, leaving them marked each with a deep red lipstick stain before leaving the two dangling orbs and giving deep kisses all over Michael's cock, leaving red lipstick stains all over his nine inch meat and finally its tip before she swallowed the whole of his length to the tip.

Having never had such a blowjob of such intensity and having gone so long without one, Michael was at his limit. He took a handful of Mary Jane's fiery hair and slammed her mouth down to the base of his cock. "I'm Cumming! I'm Cumming! Take my hot load you redhead slut!" He shouted as his balls began to let loose a torrent of thick backed up cum out of his cock slit and into Mj's hungry belly.

His balls were fully loaded and seeing Mj's green eyes looking up at him adoringly as he bathed her belly in cum just added to the amount of jizz he let loose into her tummy. The thick streams of seed let of again and again before finally tapering off as he slipped his spent cock out of her warm oral orifice. When his tip reached her mouth, she grabbed his legs and sucked hard on his dick, almost making him fall to his knees as her tongue probed his piss slit for the last vestiges of seed before finally letting go and standing up, licking her lips in satisfaction.

"Mmmhmm. Thanks for the meal stud. I'll be seeing ALOT of you if I get my way, tiger. Second floor, third room if you need a good Fuck." She said as she left.

Michael returned to his room and hit the mattress in an exhausted slip, wondering where his life was headed.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-04 19:00:14
Hmm it was interesting to see mj giving him a blow, but I think I will try wonder woman to fill her tight asshole on my
Dick , and storm to taste her boobs nd clit .

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-31 07:14:48
More please

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-22 11:29:47
we want more super sluts like mary jane watsoN!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-02 11:01:08
damn this was fucking hot more please!

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