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Chapter 7
Upon sensing Abaddon’s raised energy levels, the four stationed-Archangels took flight, rushing to the scene. Flying in formation, they zoomed towards the site but were suddenly stopped as Baltoh appeared before them with a stony expression on his face and sword in hand.
Raphael drew his claymore and pointed it at him. “What the Hell are you doing Baltoh?”
“I’m sorry, but I cannot let you pass,” he said softly, raising his arm and holding his sword to his side.
Growling, Michael materialized his sword as well. “You bastard! I knew that you were no better than they were! You’ve been on the Demons’ side since the beginning!”
Baltoh bit his lip and looked at Rosemary, who had a very tense and guarded look on her face but curiosity in her eyes. “No, I am not on the Demons’ side. They are holding the woman I love, and in return for her safe return, I must keep you from interfering. Do not hold it against me, for I am doing this only to get her back.”
“One human is not worth the whole world!” Michael yelled, shooting towards Baltoh with his sword raised. He swung his sword diagonally, aiming for his neck, but Baltoh calmly reached out and caught it with his bare hand as if Michael were just a child swinging his teacher’s meter ruler.
“She is to me,” he said softly before he emotionlessly drew back his sword and plunged it into Michael’s chest, right below the heart.
The sword burst out his back and Michael vomited a huge splatter of blood. The other Archangels stared in shock at the merciless wound and then gasped as Baltoh ripped his blade free, tearing out strips of Michael’s flesh that were stuck on the serrations and gut-hook. For the second time, Michael was thrown back, critically wounded with blood streaming from his mouth.
“That should show you how dedicated I am to saving Selene,” he said darkly, swinging his sword to splatter off the blood.
Across the city, in five key points where the symbols had been drawn, Bile, Shama, Dagon, Midgard, and Nergal all slammed their hands on the ground, having sensed the signal from Abaddon.
“Demon Art: Inferno Abyss Summoning!”
“Angel Art: Saint Beckon! All Angels close in on the six Demon locations, stop their spells at all cost!” Gabriel cast, using the spell to contact all the Angels in New York while Raphael caught Michael and began healing his wound.
“Angel Art: Crusaders Cathedral Summoning,” Baltoh said, snapping his fingers.
Down below them, a nearby building shattered as a new structure was built in its place, a massive cathedral built solely out of a single piece of marble. The windows of the grand church were all colored and ornately arranged to form collages of saints, made with inhuman skill and glistening brighter and more brilliantly than a rainbow made of gems. Above the great oak doors was a rose window, made of glass mixed with gold and silver to form a sun surrounded by stars. The roof of the cathedral was adorned with statues of Angels, all in poses of prayer or charity, and the bell tower was decorated with statues of Archangels, all standing resolute with their swords in hand but resting with the tips on the ground, as if they were waiting for battle. At the very top of the tower was a clay dove, holding an olive branch in its beak.
Not even seeing the cathedral, the people in the street and nearby buildings fled at the original structure’s collapse. Slowly, the doors opened and Angels streamed out, confused at the sudden change of scenery. The Crusading Cathedral worked on Angels in the same way the Conjuring Necropolis worked on Gargoyles, teleporting them from across one plain of existence to help whoever had summoned the cathedral. In this case, all the Angels that were on their way to try and stop the Demons had now been teleported to the scene of the battle.
Baltoh calmly pointed his hand at them. “Angel Art: Rosary Restraints.” Countless chains of rosary beads were shot down at the Angels, tying them all up so that they could not leave and attack the Demons. “I’m sorry, but I cannot let any of you pass. I must do everything I can to keep Selene safe, even if that means taking part in the end of world.”
“You bastard!” Gabriel yelled, creating his sword and about to charge.
“Wait,” Rosemary said, putting her hand on Gabriel’s shoulder to stop him. “Baltoh, you understand that we cannot just sit idly by while the Demons try to destroy the earth, and I understand that you can’t just sit by while the woman you love is killed because we interfered. Neither you nor us can be convinced to abandon the duty beset upon us, so let’s stop arguing and fight as we are meant to, each trying to protect what we hold dear, with each cause equal in worthiness!” she said with painful resolve in her voice. Holding out her hand, Rosemary brought forth her broadsword into existence. “From this point on, there is no more judgment. You will hold nothing against us and we will hold nothing against you. We fight with honor, using only our swords, not our words.”
“Thank you,” Baltoh whispered, preparing for their attack.
Both Archangels flew towards him and brought their swords down towards his head, but he blocked them with his own with little effort. His tail suddenly jerked, reaching out and knocking aside Raphael who had tried a sneak attack from behind. With his face downcast, Baltoh easily pushed Gabriel and Rosemary back, then delivered a deep slash across their stomachs and sent them tumbling down out of the air.
Hitting the ground, Rosemary quickly cast a healing spell on herself. While her flesh and clothes stitched themselves back together, she looked back up at Baltoh, who’s eyes were still hidden by his hood, even as he turned and smacked aside a divinity ray from Michael with his sword.
‘Why do you not meet our gaze? Are you afraid to look upon us, or afraid of us looking upon you?’ Rosemary thought to herself as she took to the air. “Angel Art: Halo Discus!” she called, pulling a chain of halos from the one above her head and throwing them at him.
“Demon Art: Tombstone Shield,” Baltoh said in little more than a whisper.
A table-sized grave marker appeared before him, acting as a barrier and catching all the thrown halos. Baltoh then turned around, lazily blocking a frenzy of stabs and slashes from Gabriel as if he were moving in slow motion.
“Demon Art: Dark Shackles.” From the metal band around his wrist, several bladed chains shot forth like a thrown net and wrapped around Gabriel, sending him plummeting back to the street.
‘Why do you fight us now with so much shame when you have shown no hesitation in striking down an Archangel before? Why do you overpower us so easily, but fight like you haven’t slept in three days?’ Rosemary pondered as Michael got back up and fired a barrage of Feather Arrows at him.
Baltoh wrapped himself in his wings, completely unaffected by the attack. Rosemary shot forward with white flames streaming up her sword, increasing the cutting power. Baltoh opened up his defenses to block her attack, deflecting the strike with a lazy swing of his sword, still keeping his face cast in shadow. Moving silently, Raphael attacked from behind. Like Rosemary, his sword was burning with white flames, increasing the penetrating power so that it could break even Baltoh’s skin.
He plunged the sword into the hybrid’s back, lodging the tip in the solid muscle but unable to go in past the ribs. Baltoh shook only from the impact but showed no response to it, as if he hadn’t even felt the blade pierce his flesh. Instead, he pointed his finger at Rosemary with a black sphere of energy charging at the tip of his claw. “Demon Art: Dark Pulse.” He murmured, blasting her pointblank with a dense eruption of shadow energy that was so large in diameter that it completely consumed her.
She was thrown out of the sky, her flesh badly burned and smoke billowing from the singed fabric of the remains of her outfit. ‘Why do you show remorse, but not pain? Why do you finally let us strike you, but act more like you wanted it? Are you trying to block our attacks or punish yourself? Do you even know?’
Baltoh quickly turned around towards Raphael, pulling the sword from his hand with his own sword raised. He brought the jagged blade down, cutting a vertical line down that sliced off his wing, his arm, and his leg. Hollowing in pain and unable to maintain his elevation, Raphael landed in the street in a pool of his own blood.
Baltoh looked to the side, spotting Michael trying to sneak away to go stop Abaddon. With his hand limp and clammy, he pointed his fingers at him. “Demon Art: Claw Bullets,” he cast, launching his talons like rounds from mini guns at Michael.
The claws ripped apart the street like mortar shells as he corrected his aim, bringing up the five streams of razor bullets and finally riddling Michael with holes, sending him crashing down into the street like a WWII plane.
“Angel Art: Ultimate Penitence!” Gabriel cast, finally breaking free of his straightjacket of Hell chains.
Upon the name of the spell, a car-sized wooden cross fell out of the sky, straight towards Baltoh. But just as it was about to land square on the top of his head, it touched his halo and was instantly reduced to ash.
Near where Gabriel lay, Rosemary slowly got to her feet, having healed her burns and repaired her clothes. ‘You used to be so calm and tempered, your burning hatred under control and compacted like a star. Now it seems like the heat and power is still there, but the flames have died out, leaving only burns. Where is your hatred now directed? How can you live with so much anger in your heart, so much hatred?’
With roars of determination, she and Gabriel shot towards Baltoh with their swords burning with white flames, desperate to deliver any injury. Gabriel attacked directly with his sword above his head to try and deliver a killing strike and Rosemary went towards the side, planning on quickly shifting to the back while Gabriel drew his attention. Baltoh swung his sword to block Gabriel’s attack, but before Rosemary could strike, he reached out and stabbed him through the right lung with his hand, sending his clawed fingers bursting out of a gaping hole in Gabriel’s back. Without even looking at her, Baltoh then reached back with his tail and stabbed Rosemary through the stomach, running her through as if she were made of paper and then dropping her.
“Or is that that what you hate most of all is yourself?” Rosemary whispered as the air whistled past her.
Rosemary and Gabriel fell down into the street, where Michael and Raphael limped over to help them with their injuries as well as continue treating their own. Once they were all healed, the Archangels decided to go at it all together. Dredging up their power levels one last time, they took to the air and encircled Baltoh, keeping their distance while they channeled all their energy into their swords. In their hearts, none of them believed that it would truly work, but they had to do everything they could to try and beat him.
Roaring in both frustration and determination, they all lunged towards Baltoh with their swords held back, ready to stab.
“Angel Art: Crusading Canter,” he murmured, swinging his sword.
Instantly, the four Archangels all stopped in midflight as fountains of blood filled the air. They all cursed and gagged in pain as they looked down. In a single nanosecond, Baltoh had slashed them all across the stomach, cutting so deep that he had been just a few inches away from completely severing their lower bodies. Their torsos cut open and unable to walk, the Archangels once again fell out of the air and landed in the street, defeated and on death’s door. Unable to break free of the rosary chains that held them like piano wire, the crowd of Angels could do nothing but watch in horror and dread as their leaders crawled across the ground like worms, beaten and exhausted. The four fighters grouped together, desperate to come up with some kind of strategy.
“Is it possible? Has he always been this much stronger than us? Has every fight we ever had just been a game to him? Have we always been this weak and helpless compared to him?!” Michael cursed, spitting up blood from all of his entrails being cut right through.
“If we attack from the front, he gets us with his sword. Attack from the sides, he blocks with his wings. Attack from behind, he lashes out with that damned tail. We can’t even beat him with spells because he turns it back on us ten fold.” Raphael muttered, holding his glowing hand between the two halves of his body and slowly pulling himself back together.
“I’ve never seen him fight like this, fight so heartlessly. He rarely got so many injuries on us, so I always assumed our power levels were actually close. But now, he’s going for blood. He’s never truly gone after our lives,” Gabriel panted, his chin streaked with blood and his lungs struggling to function.
Rosemary slowly got to her feet, having healed herself just enough so that she could stand up, but was still using her hands to keep her organs from spilling out. “No, if he wanted us dead, we wouldn’t have even been able to draw our swords. He just wants to keep us down and out of the way. He’s not being heartless; no, it’s just the opposite. He is finally showing his heart and fighting for the woman he loves, the one woman who can truly take away his hatred.”
Upon healing his wounds, Michael stood up without turning to his friends. “I’ll hold him off, you three hunt that Demon down and stop his plans. There is only one way I can even have a chance of matching his strength, just make sure it doesn’t go to waste,” he said solemnly as he took to the air, flying slowly up to the same altitude as Baltoh.
“Michael, no! You know what will happen if you use that technique! There is another way!” Gabriel shouted, having almost finished healing his wounds.
Up in the sky, Michael turned to face Baltoh without his sword. “You’re stronger than us, Baltoh; it’s impossible for me to deny that any longer. But even if you’re stronger, that doesn’t mean I’ll let you win!” he challenged, bringing his right hand towards his left wrist.
“Angel Art: Final Crucifixion! Demon Art: Debt Retrieval!” Baltoh called, clapping his hands together.
Two crosses rose up behind Gabriel and Raphael, making their faces pale in fear. But even though the crosses were summoned, the spell did not fully activate due to Baltoh’s control. A huge skeletal hand then burst and grabbed Rosemary, holding her in its grip.
“If you so much as think about breaking one of your rosary chains, I swear on everything between Heaven and Hell that I will kill them. Move your hand an inch and I will initiate the crucifixion for your brothers and their deaths will be on your conscience. I have nothing against the girl, so I will spare her,” Baltoh threatened, glaring at Michael.
“Goddamn you,” the Archangel hissed as he lowered his hand.
“He already did.”
The stalemate was suddenly broken as Baltoh and the Archangels all sensed the Demons complete their spells. Across New York, the five Demons that Abaddon had stationed grinned as their summoned artifacts rose up from the semi-permeable portal to Hell. The objects they had summoned were house-sized cauldrons, adorned with engravings of humans being cooked and eaten and filled with liquid flames. The mouths of the cauldrons were actually portals, leading straight to the Lake of Fire in the center of Hell. They were normally used as an environmental advantage, where the caster would pull their enemies into it and incinerate them in the inferno. However, they would all serve different purposes on this day.
In the center of New York, Abaddon was laughing at the top of his lungs and his Horror Obelisk began to glow and sent out a wave of dark energy like an EMP. The wave stretched out in all directions like the beginnings of a tsunami, having no affect on the city itself but supercharging the Inferno Abysses. Upon receiving the strengthening transmission, the five cauldrons all shot geysers of Hellfire straight up into the sky. Immediately, the sky became as red as blood with black clouds and the sun became dark as if there was a solar eclipse as the cauldrons changed their purpose, no longer pulling things into Hell but instead sending them out.
Fences of red light and Hellfire shot out from each cauldron, linking them to each other with the red light forming a pentagram around all of New York City with the Horror Obelisk in the center and the Hellfire encircling it all in a massive ring. Upon the pattern’s completion, there was a deafening crash heard throughout the world as the ring of Hellfire tore through the dimensional barrier between Earth and Hell like a cookie cutter. Across the globe, people were panicking as they tried to understand what was going on and what had happened to the sky, while anyone trying to get in or out of New York was instantly incinerated in the wall of Hellfire. Even the water flowing in an out of the city was vaporized on contact with the burning perimeter.
Fearful of what he had allowed to happen, Baltoh shot off towards the center of New York to fight Abaddon and retrieve Selene. The Archangels quickly followed suit, praying that they would be able to reverse whatever had happened. Baltoh was the first to arrive at the Horror Obelisk, followed by the Archangels. Abaddon was there, already surrounded by his fellow Demons. With the sun no longer shining and the sky as dark as twilight, the Demons were no longer invisible, scaring off any people who were in the street. Beside Abaddon, his pet Gargoyle stood with Selene tied up in its tail, looking around wildly. Baltoh tried to ignore the tightness in his chest as he looked at her, searching for any sign of trauma or injury.
“What the Hell have you done?!” Raphael demanded.
“Hell, Hell is the keyword. By harnessing all the hatred and anger in this city, we were able to weaken the barrier between universes and open the portal to Hell. As we speak, this city is slowly sinking, weighed down by its own darkness. Soon it will sink in between the dimensions, and once it gets right between them, it shall be obliterated and the true doorway will be opened. While they cannot yet leave the perimeter, Gargoyles are streaming into the city from Hell. You should say goodbye to New York, because it will be a part of Earth for only another two weeks, and in a month it will be obliterated and a true inter-dimensional doorway will be opened in its place. This city is essentially a hot ember on a sheet of paper, burning through and creating a hole that cannot be fixed.
If you want someone to thank, turn to Baltoh. Only by retrieving bits and pieces of his energy from jumping between dimensions were we able to create a portal stable enough for a few of us to pass through. You have no idea how many eons we had to wait in Hell to gather enough of his energy.”
Baltoh had his eyes downcast and was staring at the ground with blood dripping from his clenched fists.
True to Abaddon’s words, the city was shaking violently as Gargoyles began bursting out of the ground by the thousands, popping up like weeds and streaming into the air in packs so dense that they looked like pillars of smoke. They immediately tried to fly out of the city, but were unable to pass the burning ring around the pentagram, even if they flew a mile above the wall of Hellfire. Until the portal was truly opened, the forces of Hell could get into New York, but they could not leave and neither could humans get in. Following the mindless pawns, Demons began to appear by the dozens, laughing at their imminent freedom as they began feasting on the people of New York.
“Even if you destroy this Obelisk or the Inferno Abysses, you will not stop the process. The doorway has already been carved, now we just need to wait for this city to sink between universes and open it up. There is no way you can stop it.” Abaddon laughed.
“Selene, give me Selene,” Baltoh growled, his face downcast. Abaddon just smirked.
“I did what you want, I followed your instructions. You promised me you would return Selene safely,” he cursed, looking up at them with his halo burning like a bonfire.
“Very well, she is free to go. Take back your weakness.”
Upon the command of Abaddon, the Gargoyle lowered Selene down onto her feet and released her. Nearly falling to the ground, Selene stared at Baltoh with wide eyes as she slowly walked towards him. Baltoh was in the same state, moving as if he were sleepwalking towards her. They met in the middle of the street and wrapped their arms around each other, holding each other tightly as they each breathed in sweet relief.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I didn’t get there in time. I’m sorry I let this happen to you and Molly,” Baltoh murmured, clutching her naked body.
“No, I’m just glad I’m with you again. I thought I would never see you again,” she replied, burying her face in the side of his neck.
Baltoh turned as he felt a hand on his shoulder and was face to face with Michael, who had a much softer expression his face. “This is a side of you that I have never seen, this woman has truly revealed what separates you from the Demons. Even after how hard we just fought, I think I can finally trust you in your resolve to face these Demons. Don’t get me wrong; I hate you, I think you’re an abomination, and we still have a score to settle after this, but I think it’s time for us to finally work on the same side.” Michael then walked past Baltoh with his sword slung over his shoulder and one of his rare smiles on his face. “So, if my info is correct, you are the one known as Abaddon. I must say, you’ve been giving us a lot of trouble, but I would be lying if I didn’t say if I’ve never been this impressed by a Demon. However, you made one fatal flaw in your plan.” He said.
“What was that?” Abaddon growled.
“You’ve been working so hard getting reinforcements, that you forgot about ours,” he said, knocking his heal on the ground.
Instantly, all the Demons and Gargoyles New York shielded their eyes as blinding rays of golden light shone down from the red sky, completely illuminating the city. Descending from the center of the light were thousands of Angels and dozens of Archangels, entering the null-space of New York and ready for battle. The armies of Heaven landed on the roofs of buildings and in the streets, staring at the Abaddon and his group.
“I hope you realize that this means war.” Michael said confidently. Abaddon cracked a smile.
“What am I worried about? War is what I was born for,” he said, drawing his spinal sword. Bile, Shama, Dagon, Midgard, and Nergal all brought forth their weapons, as well as all the Demons situated behind them and in the sky.
“Selene, I have to get you to safety,” Baltoh whispered in her ear while everyone’s attention was diverted.
“Alright, just promise me you’ll make it back,” she whispered, pressing her lips against his once again.
Even surrounded by Demons and Angels, Baltoh allowed himself to enjoy the kiss, but suddenly, Selene jerked and Baltoh felt something stab him in the stomach. He stepped back and looked down, feeling the breath being ripped from his lungs. Selene had just been pierced right below the rib cage by a javelin, resembling the skeleton of a snake and burning with black flames.
Somehow, the massive battle that was imminent just a few moments ago was now stopped as every Angel, Gargoyle, Archangel, and Demon stared at the two lovers. With wide eyes, Abaddon looked up at a Demon standing on a nearby building. The beast was laughing as it drew another javelin from the back of its neck, cursing Baltoh as a traitor.
But while the Demon was bragging about his kill, Abaddon was filled with dread. “Oh no,” he whispered, turning back to the two lovers.
“Baltoh…” Selene gasped as blood began to pour from the wound.
Baltoh was paralyzed, his mind unable to process the sight of her wound. Her whole body shaking, Selene tried to put her hands on the javelin, but before she could do anything, the sleeve of black flames flared up and began to consume her. Selene shrieked in pain as the fire ate away at her with incredible speed. Baltoh caught her as she fell and began healing her, but no matter how much power her put into the spell, her weak human body was the perfect fuel for the Demonic flames and she was being destroyed faster than he could restore her. He clutched her tightly as the black fire moved out in all directions, reducing her body to ash in seconds. Not only was it destroying her body, but her soul as well, meaning that she would cease to exist in all forms.
“Baltoh, I love you,” Selene tearfully murmured as the flames moved up her chest, practically erasing her from existence.
Baltoh tried to speak but his vocal cords failed to work, leaving him mute. He just looked at her, his mouth hanging open as he desperately tried to talk. Even though he couldn’t say anything, Selene smiled as if he did and kissed him, gently pressing her lips against his before the black flames fully consumed her and reduced her to ash. Baltoh’s arms closed around himself as she disappeared, leaving him with his whole body shaking and air refusing to enter or leave his lungs. All the Angels and Archangels were silent, while the Gargoyles and Demons laughed at the death and Baltoh’s pain.
The traumatized hybrid lowered his shaking hands, scooping up the ashes that had once been the woman he loved. He stared at the black powder in his palms, shifting and splashing as his tears slowly dripped into them, the first tears that he had ever experienced. The ash fell away between his fingers and two streaks of tears ran down his face like rivers. Looking up at the sky, Baltoh took a deep breath and released a howl of anguish.
While the cry had a normal volume, it was carried by Baltoh’s energy and spread across the globe. Everywhere, people turned their attention away from the hellish sky and their prayers as the howl reached their ears, so saturated with Baltoh’s pain that they struggled to not be brought to their knees by its weight. The sound was so heavy, so mournful, and so painful, that everyone who heard it could literally feel Baltoh’s pain in their own hearts, and even began to weep without even knowing why.
In New York, all the humans were unable to stand as the sadness in the Baltoh’s howl hit them the hardest due to their proximity to him, and all the Archangels fought with all their might not to drop their swords as Baltoh’s pain assailed them like an electric shock. Even the Demons and Gargoyles were silenced, not through any sort of sympathy, but because the emotions and pain transmitted through the sound were agonizing and weighing down on them like lead weights.
Finally, the howl came to a stop, and the whole world fell silent. Everyone watched as Baltoh sat on the ground, waiting to see what would happen. Everyone ducked as broken glass suddenly filled the air, brought on by every window in the city simultaneously shattering into powder. Looking around, all eyes were turned on Baltoh as cracks began to appear in the ground around him. In a great crash, a pool-sized crater instantly formed underneath him, lowering him into the ground as if he had suddenly become as heavy as a mountain.
‘Oh no, it’s as I feared. That blasted fool has doomed us all!’ Abaddon thought to himself.
A miniature tornado wrapped around Baltoh, picking up Selene’s ashes and spinning them around him as he slowly got to his feet, his face downcast and hidden by his hood. As he stood up, everyone was forced down by the invisible weight of his energy. The Gargoyles and Angels fell out of the sky like birds passing through a cloud of toxic gas and everyone on the ground gritted their teeth as they tried not to be flattened. Without moving his wings, Baltoh slowly rose up in the air and hovered back onto the level ground, facing Abaddon and the Horror Obelisk.
“You underestimated me. You underestimated my love, my power, and my hatred,” he hissed, his face hidden in shadow but his eyes glowing like coals.
Slowly, Baltoh’s burning halo began to elevate, floating five feet above him. As he raised his wings and pointed them at the halo, a tremor ran through both Rosemary and Abaddon.
“No, he wouldn’t dare…” Abaddon muttered.
“Baltoh, are you insane?!” Rosemary shouted.
“What is he doing?” Dagon asked.
Slowly, Baltoh brought the halo down, having it hover in front of him vertically with his four wings outstretched around it, holding it in place like four fingers around a coin.
“It’s a spell unlike any other, his most powerful technique. I saw him use it once when I was a rookie Archangel trying to lessen the Gargoyle population in Hell. I was there for just a day but I saw it once and it still haunts me from the God-like power it unleashed,” Rosemary said, answering the same question as asked by Raphael.
“It’s a spell so powerful that it has no name and originates from neither light nor darkness. It is strong enough to obliterate the Masters of Torture and Goliaths. Even the Hell Princes are wary of its power!” Abaddon explained in terror as Baltoh’s halo began to spin like a gyroscope between the tips of his wings
“Every time he uses it, he risks destroying Hell itself in the process. It is a jet of pure energy straight from his soul, the collective hatred of every spirit that he was born from, all joined together into one deluge of power that puts Archangel and Demon spells to shame. If he uses that spell here, he could annihilate the entire planet,” Rosemary gasped, shocking everyone in earshot.
As his spinning halo increased in speed, Baltoh released an animalistic roar of anger and frustration with tears streaming from his space. Finally, the halo was spinning so fast that it had blurred into a sphere of light with energy streaming forth in ambient waves.
“Damn it Baltoh, you’ll destroy the world if you use that!” Rosemary shouted.
With an earth-shaking pulse, he released the neon blast at Abaddon and his group. It was so bright that no one could look directly at it and the recoil threw every Angel and Archangel behind Baltoh back. Its diameter instantly expanded upon launch, becoming over a hundred feet wide before it reached the Horror Obelisk. Using the Shade Shimmer spell, Abaddon was just barely able to get to safety as the blast obliterated the other five Demons, the Obelisk, and everything else in its path. The blast continued expanding and flying, vaporizing buildings, Gargoyles, Demons, and everything else that was caught in its path.
Carving a massive scar across New York City, the blast soared past the fence of Hellfire and west out across the landscape, growing larger and more powerful as it consumed all the matter in front of it. Lucky for the Earth, the planetary curve took affect, meaning that it was rising higher and higher instead of staying parallel to the ground. By the time it had cleared Earth’s atmosphere, its diameter had stabilized to a dense few miles and was shooting through space as a compact laser.
“Impossible!” Gabriel gasped as everyone got to his or her feet, in awe at the destruction that had been brought forth.
Baltoh turned to Abaddon and released another roar of anger, charging a blast to maximum power in just a couple seconds. Abaddon cursed and again used super-speed to dodge just a nanosecond before the blast was fired, this time at a slightly lower angle to the northeast. Just like the first, the second neon blast instantly expanded in diameter with phenomenal speed, growing to be a hundred meters wide before even leaving Manhattan.
The blast carved another massive scar across New York, destroying everything before it whether living or nonliving. Because of the slightly lower angle, the blast basically dove into the ocean, forcing all the water aside. It surged through the northern Atlantic like a colossal torpedo, sending gargantuan tidal waves in all directions as it tore straight through the Isle of Newfoundland, Iceland, and Svalbard, practically carving the land masses in half, destroying the surrounding coastlines with towering tsunamis, and leaving a devastating scar on the Earth’s crust before shooting up into space.
Charging even faster than the first time, Baltoh fired his third blast immediately, swinging it up to catch Abaddon in midair. The attack finally got him, annihilating the Demon once and for all. However, while he raised the blast, he inadvertently whip-lashed it across the moon, still slightly visible in the mid-morning. For a fraction of a second, it seemed like nothing would happen, then everyone gasped as a line of bubbling mushroom clouds appeared across the surface, visible from Earth. To everyone’s horror, the moon itself was split in twain, having been carved in half by the blast with the two halves jettisoned by the resulting explosion. Every body of water on the planet suddenly exploded into a massive eruption as the splitting of the moon caused a catastrophic gravitational imbalance, resulting in all the water either being pulled up towards the sun or down towards the planet’s core. Already, tsunamis were sweeping across vast stretches of land, snatching up everything and then dragging it all into the sea.
“You’re insane!” Michael shouted as he and every other Angel and Archangel combined their power and cast a repairing barrier on the moon, trying to put the two halves back together before the damage to the Earth became permanent.
Ignoring them, Baltoh turned to the armies of Gargoyles and Demons hovering in the sky and fired upon them without hesitation. The bright streak engulfed countless buildings as it grew, and while most of the Demons were able to dodge the blast, several remaining ones and all the Gargoyles were unable to get out of the way. The blast washed over them like a flood, converting their very atoms into pure energy as they were dematerialized by the raw power.
He began charging his fifth blast, not caring what would happen, not knowing what would happen, and in so much pain that he wanted to keep blasting until he died or the universe was destroyed. This blast would be the most destructive, fired at ground-level in 360º. It would vaporize New York, everyone within it, and the surrounding landscape, but Baltoh didn’t care, he just wanted the pain to go away.
Just as he was about to fire, he stopped, his whole body as still as a statue from the feeling of soft hands pressed against his cheeks. A pair of glowing white Angel wings were wrapped around him like a blanket and the owner was behind him, leaning against his back. Moving without his will, his burning halo stopped spinning and moved back above his head and his wings fell slack. His whole body shaking, Baltoh slowly turned around and looked at Selene’s face, completely mesmerized by her peaceful smile and all the love in her eyes. She was wearing a white dress and hovering over her head was a golden halo.
“S… Selene…”
“Yes, my dear sweet Baltoh, it’s me. I wish I could have come back sooner, but it took time to become an Angel. God stepped in just in time to save my soul before it was destroyed,” she murmured sweetly before giving him the softest of kisses.
As their lips separated, a stinging pain stabbed his brain as he realized the unfathomable amount of destruction he had just brought forth for no reason. Gripping his head, Baltoh shouted in self-loathing and fell to his knees with tears falling from his eyes as he considered all the innocent people he had just killed. Selene crouched down and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him tightly.
“I’m sorry, Selene, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you were still alive and I gave into my anger. I killed all those people because I couldn’t think clearly!”
“Shhh, it’s ok, I forgive you. God allowed us to be Angels and sent us here to help you,” Selene said before pulling back and kissing him.
When their lips separated, she smiled and inclined her head. Baltoh looked in the direction she was motioning to and spotted Molly, leaning against a lamppost with a smile on her face and a halo above her head. Miraculously, the little vixen had gotten into Heaven.
“It was just a mistake that anyone would have made. You are not a monster, just a man who was blinded by his pain and his love. Besides, you have the chance to save as many lives as you have taken,” Selene whispered, pressing her forehead against his.
“I’m so sorry, Selene, I just love you so much.”
“I forgive you and I love you too.”
The rejoined lovers suddenly jerked as all of New York City began to shake, experiencing a massive drop in elevation. Descending an inch every second, the metropolis began to sink into the planet. Rising up from the perimeter of Hellfire that had carved an inter-dimensional hole in the Earth, a dome of black smoke formed above New York, separating New York from the planet physically and visibly while it sank deeper and deeper, descending five feet below sea level in a single minute.
With Selene helping him, Baltoh slowly got to his feet, completely drained of energy but full of happiness and relief.
“Are you alright?” She asked, clinging to his arm.
“Yeah…” Baltoh said tiredly, looking around.
All the Demons and Gargoyles were gone, disappearing either into the city or going back to Hell to plan for the next attack, and the forces of Heaven were still trying to repair the moon. Baltoh looked back as Selene wrapped her fingers around his hand.
“I’m alright, just tired. Come on, we have work to do.”
“Ok, I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we have never faced a situation like this before. This is basically the definition of Armageddon,” Michael sighed, leaning against a table in the office of the mayor.
The mayor had already been debriefed as to the situation, and no longer were the Angels or Archangels hiding their existence. The room was willed with people, including the new mayor (the last one had been killed when the doorway first opened), the chief of police, all the Archangels, Baltoh, Selene, several Angels, and multiple human representatives for the people of the city.
It had been twenty-four hours since the doorway had been established, and a state of emergency had been declared and New York was at its breaking point. The city had sunk so far into the Earth that it was surrounded on all sides by walls of stone in a shaft going down more than a mile beneath the surface of the planet. It was like sitting at the bottom of the giant well, but with the city painted red by the light for the Hellfire that still burned around the perimeter.
Outside New York, every government was trying to figure out what had happened to the sky, and no matter how hard the American government worked to keep it a secret, the knowledge that New York was obviously at the center of it all spread. Currently, US forces were surrounding the impenetrable black dome of condensed smoke around the city while the top scientists in the country tried to figure out a way in. Anything they used to try and pass through was instantly destroyed, either incinerated by the fence of Hellfire on the ground or disintegrated when it touched the dome. Nothing could get through, not even sound, light, or radio frequencies.
Separated from the outside world, power and running water were lost, and generators were responsible for any lights still on. Even the rivers had run dry upon the raising of the Hellfire fences. The air was filled with fear and desperation, people outside were siphoning fuel, stockpiling food and water, and saying their prayers. Police were working without rest or reprieve as the breakdown of reality brought out the looters and rioters, desperate for carnage.
The order had already been given out for everyone in New York to get weapons if they could or join together with people who had weapons. This was going to be a real war, and everyone would have to fight. The last twenty-four hours had been spent tending to the wounded, trying to repair the damage inside and outside of the city, and blessing every weapon and bullet that could be found. While the holy objects would not be strong enough to take out a Demon, a blessed shotgun shell would be enough to blast a hole in a Gargoyle’s chest and kill it.
Finally, the opportunity to come together and begin planning had arrived, and the forces of Heaven, Baltoh, and the people of New York were trying to figure out some way they would survive. The legions of darkness had not yet made their move after seeing what they were up against, but there was no way in Hell that there wouldn’t be a lot of fighting soon.
“Unfortunately,” said Rosemary, “even though we can pass through dimensions and that dome, we cannot bring any humans with us. We can make people intangible though contact, but we cannot transfer that kind of power to them. Abaddon said that the city is like the final obstacle in the doorway being formed, when really, that dome and the sides of the shaft are what are keeping the two universes separated. Any Gargoyle could fly up to the surface of Earth through this shaft, but without Angel powers, they can never penetrate the sides or that dome, meaning that they can’t get out. That fence of Hellfire around the city is only about ten stories high, but this stone shaft is like an inter-dimensional pocket, a bubble cutting New York off from the world. Angels can pass through it, but human and demonic forces cannot. As we sink deeper and deeper into the planet, this will be a blessing, as it will keep this city from being incinerated by the earth’s core.
Long story short, evacuation is not and option, we can’t contact the outside world, and supplies can’t be brought in. Everyone in the city is stuck in here.”
“Well then what are we supposed to do? What are we supposed to do with all the civilians and the people who want to fight but can’t?” Mayor Bloomberg asked desperately.
“We have filled the city with Angels to act as guards to the people,” Raphael said. “If any Gargoyles try to attack your people, the Angels will stop them. As for the Demons, we will handle them. However, their numbers are most likely greater than ours, but we have Baltoh as our trump card.”
“What we haven’t addressed is how we are supposed to end this conflict,” Baltoh said. “Whether we can fight off the hordes of Demons and Gargoyles means nothing if the opening of the gateway will obliterate the city. Abaddon said that we have about a week before New York separates from Earth completely and a month before the gateway opens in its place. We have to figure out a way to reverse the process before then.”
“Most likely the source of this problem is in Hell. We have to go down there and destroy whatever it is that is causing this,” Selene said, clutching Baltoh’s arm.
“No, that wouldn’t work,” Michael cursed. “The forces of Hell outnumber us a thousand to one in terms of fighters. If someone is a particularly avid reprobate, then Hell will become their home instead of their prison, and they will join the legions of dungeon masters that torture the other residents. They are known as the Sinners, and these are the real hardcore bastards: the life-in-prison guys, the death-penalty guys, crime-lords, warlords, war-crime committers, serial killers, serial rapists, and all around sadists. These are the ones that survive Hell and don’t just crumble into ash and later become a part of a conglomerate that forms a Demon. These guys are evil enough to become Gargoyles, essentially semi-Demons.
Add in the fact that Gargoyles are spawned from just the raw hatred and malice of humans and you have a never-ending deluge of foot soldiers, not to mention that there are far more Demons than Archangels. The odds are stacked against us.”
“Even I wouldn’t be able to face the entirety of Hell, their population is as dense as a dying star. If I were to take on all of Hell, they would just wash over me like a tidal wave. Not even I’m strong enough to face them all.”
“That means that we have to try and find another way to reverse the process,” Raphael said. “The Demons were able to open up a doorway with only human emotions and spells, so hopefully we can close it in a similar way. We just need time to come up with an equally powerful ritual. We already destroyed the five Inferno Abyss cauldrons in the five corners of the city, so we might be able to reverse the process with a Hope Beacon in the center of New York where the Horror Obelisk was placed and five Heaven Lanterns where the original cauldrons were.”
“I’m not sure it’s that simple. The Demons were only able to do this because this city was a colossal hub of anger and negative energy, basically it was a giant weight on the fabric of space and time. We would have to create an equal and opposite affect in order to even have a chance, and even then, it would probably only serve as a plug in sealing the gateway to Hell and not actually saving the city.”
“Maybe we could get enough positive energy if we combined our powers or one of us broke a rosary chain,” Rosemary suggested.
“The forces of Hell would flood the city with their bodies before letting us foil their plan. We have all of Hell beneath us with the pain and hatred of its residents wafting up like smoke through a chimney. Even if we got every Angel and Archangel down here to lend his or her strength, there is no way we could overcome the malevolent miasma of Hell. As powerful as it is, even breaking a rosary chain would just be like fighting a forest fire with a garden hose.”
“So again, what are we supposed to do?” the deputy mayor asked, at his wit’s end and trying to keep from just blowing his brains out now.
“Yes, how are we supposed to deal with this? The humans, I mean,” the chief of police asked.
“As said before, we just fight them off and bide our time until we can come up with a way to reverse all this. As for the people, they’ll just have to cope and accept what is going on. When it comes to fighting, just make sure that you get your weapons blessed and you don’t end up facing a Demon,” Baltoh said before he turned around, walking out of the room with Selene following him like an apostle.
“What was that about breaking a rosary chain?” Selene asked as they walked through the dark halls.
“It is a forbidden technique of the Archangels. You have noticed the rosary chains that the others and I wear around our wrists, right? Well if an Archangel breaks them, they gain an insurmountable boost of power, one that is very brief but brings them up to my level of might. The Demons have a similar move where they can break their shackles, however, both moves result in death.
A few Demons in history that broke their shackles, but only because they did not know what the cost was. As I said before, Demons absolutely never commit suicide, as it goes against their nature of vanity. I actually faced one of those Demons, and for a total of five minutes, we were on a completely even playing field. For Archangels, it’s just as complicated. Upon the creation of Archangels, God puts a seal on their mind, which forbids them from committing that sin of suicide. He did it after Lucifer’s rebellion. Michael threatened to break a rosary when we fought, but I’m not sure he was even capable of doing it.”
Once outside, Baltoh looked around the barren city, already resembling a post-apocalyptic battlefield. Thick pillars of smoke were rising in the sky from the buildings set on fire and would burn to the ground, since the fire fighters couldn’t afford to waste any water. The black lines were barely visible against the rock walls of the shaft New York had sank through, cast with a red light from the fence of Hellfire. It was only a matter of time until that solid rock would be replaced with churning magma, wrapping around the sealed-off city but unable to affect it.
Was it possible for the people to survive? To pull together and fight this threat?
“Hey, are you ok?” Selene asked, shaking Baltoh from his thoughts.
“Yeah, just trying to process everything.”
“You’ve been working nonstop since the battle, you haven’t allowed yourself to rest or regain your strength,” she said, wrapping her fingers around his hand.
“That’s because I have a lot of damage to make up for. I made a huge mistake that took a lot of lives and caused a lot of destruction, and I have to repent for my sins,” he said tiredly. He then turned to her. “How are you doing? We haven’t had a chance to talk really about what happened. Are you ok? Have you come to terms with the fact that you’ve died?”
“Well, I’ve mostly accepted it. It’s weird to think that I am dead, especially when I think about how distraught my family will be. Molly is a wreck though. Becoming an Angel helped heal her mind of the damage caused by what she suffered, but just the memories alone is enough to nearly drive her insane. I would give anything to be able to help her. I just have to hope we can survive this battle and live in peace. But we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”
“Just be careful. Even though you have died once, you will be gone forever if you are killed. Please, be cautious. I don’t think I could bear to lose you again,” he said, lifting her chin and kissing her. As their lips separated after the tender kiss, Selene gained a warm smile.
“Here, follow me. I know a way to relieve some of your stress,” she said, opening her wings and taking to the air with him right behind her.
Flying alongside Selene, Baltoh was completely overjoyed by the smile on her face. Even during the end of the world, Selene was laughing and happy as she soared over the city like a listing dove. Her childish giggles and ecstatic grin made Baltoh forget all of his troubles and cares, replacing them instead with love and joy at the sight of her happiness.
“I’ll never get used to this, I can’t believe I’m flying!”
Wrapping his tail around her waist, Baltoh pulled her over to him and they shared a passionate kiss while they flew over New York. After a few minutes of soaring, they settled down in one of the city’s hotels, passing through the balcony windows like ghosts. As expected, the room was vacant and showed no signs of habitation. With a coy smile, Selene locked the door and turned back to Baltoh.
“I have special surprise for you,” she said, walking over to Baltoh and wrapping her arms around his neck.
“What?” he asked with a smile as he kissed her.
“When I became an Angel, I was completely reborn and gained something that I thought was gone forever. Baltoh, I’m a virgin once again, and I want to give my virginity you, just like I wish I could have done when I was alive. Will you take me?”
Baltoh smiled and cupped her cheek, admiring her unparalleled beauty. “It would be an honor.”
With a grin, Selene stepped back to the foot of the bed and lowered the straps of her dress down her shoulders, exciting Baltoh with the anticipation. She tried to pull the dress down her hourglass figure, but it was caught and refused to move. Unable to suppress his laugh, Baltoh suggested she retract her folded wings.
“I’m still not used to these things,” she said sheepishly as the Angel wings were pulled into her body as if melting away.
With the wings gone, she fully removed the dress and undergarments, letting Baltoh look upon the gorgeous ebony form that drove him wild. Her breasts were still like melons and were as firm and perky as ever, with her quarter-sized areolas and nipples that stood out like pencil erasers. Her belly was still as flat as paper and faintly lined with the toned muscles packed underneath. Her hips had their usual fullness, with her thighs as smooth as glass and as soft as the ears of puppies, and her ass so taut and shapely that it could bounce a quarter across the room while still rippling after a nice smack and would put a Brazilian stripper to shame. Between her smooth thighs, the lips of her pussy were shaven as if by a laser, and looked untouched in every way possible.
Baltoh gazed upon her body as if experiencing a religious awakening, completely stunned by her divine beauty and her unequalled sexiness. Wearing a wry smile, Selene slipped off her shoes and climbed onto the bed, crawling up to the pillow on all fours and granting Baltoh a view of her pussy and anus that deserved to be recorded and posted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
Selene laid down with her head on the pillow and her wings re-extended, spread out and stretched to the point that the ends were curled up against the walls. “What do you think? Do I look like an Angel?”
“You always looked like an Angel,” he replied before undressing.
With his wings re-extended, he climbed onto the bed and very slowly began moving up her lovely body. He started first gently kissing her feet, then ran his lips against the back of her shins, then took his time in licking her smooth thighs with his long forked tongue, taking in the delicious taste of her soft skin. All the while, Selene shivered and purred in bliss from his teasing touch, driving herself wild in anticipation.
Baltoh lied down on his stomach with Selene’s legs on his shoulders and his face just inches from her Barbie-smooth vagina. He breathed in the sweet flowery aroma and his forked tongue slithered out and began tickling the entrance to her gate of paradise. Selene gave a soft coo of arousal as Baltoh provided vast amounts of stimulation and sensations through the smallest and lightest of touches, almost like the healing affects of acupuncture.
Moving forward, Baltoh pressed his lips against the entrance, kissing it passionately as if he were kissing her mouth and saturating his sense of taste with her delicious juices, licking up her essence like a dog with an empty peanut butter jar. Selene gave a shrill hum at his touch and ran his fingers through his hair, squirming in joy with each flick of his tongue inside her. Baltoh quickly found her hymen with his tongue, checking to make sure it really was there. After his surprise was gone, he returned to pleasuring her like a champion, using his tongue to tickle and stimulate every sensitive nub and flap in her body, bringing her to her first orgasm in record time and making her call out to the heavens in euphoria.
With his job momentarily done, Baltoh continued on his oral tour of Selene’s body, spending a few seconds to cover her soft smooth belly in kisses before moving up to her chest. Careful not to scratch her with his claws, he squeezed and massaged her breasts as if they were stress-relievers, making Selene coo and purr of the excitement in the tender nerve endings. Baltoh wrapped his lips around her right nipple, sucking on it like a vacuum cleaner and tugging on it, almost making Selene yelp in pleasure.
He then moved to the left nipple, painting it with his tongue with the same energy as an artist who had just been woken up in the middle of the night by inspiration. The taste of her nipple was almost as succulent as her pussy, but lacked that key wetness. Regardless, just the shape and consistency of that erect nub drove him wild with lust, and no matter how hard he sucked and licked, he could just not get enough of it.
Finally, when he risked leaving a hickey right on her nipple, he moved past her breasts and began kissing her collarbone and her soft throat, making her look up and purr like a cat getting rubbed behind the ears. He then kissed her several times on the cheek, once on the ear, several times on the forehead, once on the nose, and then on the lips, where they maintained that link with an undying passion, separating and rejoining over and over again while their tongues swirled around each other in a deliciously wet dance.
“Come on baby, rock my world,” she whispered with a stretch.
“This will hurt, no matter how I do it.”
“Don’t worry, this Angel body is different than my human body. From the man I love, I can feel no pain. There is nothing you can give me but endless bliss. Put it in me, one big thrust, don’t stop.”
Baltoh smiled and kissed her while guiding his cock to the lips of her waiting pussy without his hand. As he slowly pushed the head into the entrance, he could feel it loosening, almost parting to let him in. He slowly inserted himself, her pussy as soft and wet as her mouth and with that perfect tightness: loose enough so that he wasn’t stopped, but tight enough so that it hugged him beautifully. Baltoh obeyed her request, shoving his entire cock into her in a single thrust and completely pulverizing her hymen. Selene released a shaking moan at the top of her lungs, lacking a single tinge of pain and radiating with euphoric joy.
“Oh my god, that was so incredible… I can’t even describe how good that felt. Baltoh… I… I… I…” she stammered before Baltoh silenced her with a kiss.
“I know. I could feel it as though we were the same person,” he said as he pulled out his cock, which was glistening red from her blood.
Making sure his hands weren’t on her wings, he elevated himself as if he were doing pushups and began swinging into her like a trebuchet. The bed was rocking back and forth as if one leg was longer than the others, nearly jumping off the floor and cracking the drywall behind the headboard with each of Baltoh’s inhumanly powerful thrusts.
“Oh yes! Oh Baltoh, yes! I can’t take it, I’m going to go crazy!” she howled as he slammed the deepest corners of her pussy with the power of a sledgehammer.
Selene spread her legs and lifted her hips and Baltoh crouched over her on his knees, driving diagonally down into her and making her cry out in bliss every time his muscular member was plunged into her inviting cunt, stretching it to its maximum and leaving it gaping when he pulled back. Baltoh lowered his head and kissed her, licking the corners of her mouth while his ball sack slapped her ass. The kiss was interrupted by a high-pitched holler from Selene as she had her second orgasm in her new Angel body and Baltoh could taste the delicious hormonal rush on her breath.
He slowed down and was about to dismount her, thinking that she had reached her limit. Moving quickly, Selene pushed him off and he fell on his back, shocked as she reinserted his dick into her while crouched over him in a crabwalk. Thrusting her body back and forth, Selene rode him at an angle with her breasts jiggling with each rock and her breathing heavy from the strain on her arms and legs. Baltoh just smiled and laid his head back, basking in the amusement of how desperate she was to get fucked by him and the deep hums she gave as she basically swung herself down onto him.
After the countless hours she had spent in the gym working her human body, Selene was able to keep the position going for another twenty minutes, not to say that Baltoh didn’t help her out and cradle her with his tail. With the wall broken, her third orgasm was achieved effortlessly and she collapsed on top of him limbo style.
After several minutes of catching her breath, she sat up on his lap, still with his cock inside on her. They were still for a brief span of time, both with tender smiles on their faces as he ran his fingers through her hair and she massaged his chest. Licking her lips, she got up and removed his cock, sighing in relief at the mass being removed from her body. She then began moving back and forth very slightly, rubbing it between her firm ass cheeks, clenched between them tightly and moving the skin as if she were instead giving him a handjob.
“Do you want to fuck my ass?”
“I don’t know, I’ve never met an Angel that liked anal before,” he said teasingly, bringing him a playful smack from his giggling lover.
Wrapping her fingers around the shaft, she pressed the bulging head against the ring of her anus and slowly leaned back on it, pushing it inside her. Like her formerly virgin pussy, her anus immediately loosened as Baltoh entered her, almost like the sides of her sphincter were opening up like a throat taking a deep breath.
“Oh god yes, I love that big cock in my ass,” she purred, chewing on her lip.
“And I love hearing you talk dirty,” he replied as he lifted himself up, fully packing himself in her perfect ass.
Selene began to grind against Baltoh’s lap, swinging forward and backward as she fucked herself with the hybrid’s cock stationary. Baltoh just laid there, watching her face twist in the awkward pleasure and listening to her hum and moan as he probed every corner of her asshole, sending shivers throughout her body as if he were poking her spinal cord with the head of his dick.
“Baby, I think I’m going to cum soon,” he grunted, feeling that familiar tightness in his pelvic region.
“Then fill me up, but don’t spray it all, because I have a special surprise for you,” she cooed as she worked her ass in circles, getting his cock to rub hard against the inside of her ass at every angle.
Careful as always, Baltoh grasped her firm ass cheeks and elevated her, then began driving up into her at top speed, making Selene cry out from the rectal punishment. He was moving so fast that his balls ached from being slingshot up and down, but Selene’s screams of ecstasy made it all worth it as his thighs slapped her ass so hard that it sent ripples through her body.
Finally, Baltoh grunted as a white geyser of semen spurted from the tip of his penis like a fire extinguisher, filling up Selene’s asshole with so much pressure that they almost jerked from the balloon-like expansion.
“Oh yes, I love your hot cum inside me,” she purred as she moved up off his dick, which was struggling to stay erect.
“I made sure I held back half of it. What’s that special surprise you mentioned?”
“Here, sit at the edge of the bed,” she instructed, getting down onto the floor.
With his dick slowly returning to its prime, Baltoh sat at the edge of the bed with Selene at his feet. Leaning forward, the beautiful Angel took his cock in her mouth and began bobbing her head, slurping up the mixture of semen and ass juice that coated it as if it were chocolate syrup. Baltoh rolled his head back and grunted from the wet softness of her mouth as she worked her tongue and cheeks against the tender skin of the head, teasing and exciting all the nerve endings.
“Ready baby?” she asked, taking out his cock and smearing it lovingly across her face. Baltoh just gave an exhausted smile and nodded.
Sitting up, Selene held her natural D-cup breasts together and dropped a mouthful of spit between them, using it as lubricant as she rubbed the two inflated mounds of flesh together with Baltoh watching in horny awe. Her breasts glistening with spit, she pressed them together with Baltoh’s dick between them, nearly making him blow his entire load from not just the feeling, but the image and mental realization.
With her breasts held tightly together, Selene began jacking Baltoh off with an indescribable titty-fuck. As the fleshy water balloons moved up and down the shaft, she had her face down and was licking the tip with her tongue, tickling the slit as she spat on it over and over again, just adding more lubricant to the sexual extravaganza. In less than a minute, she was moving frantically, bouncing up and down as if on a pogo stick and holding her breasts against his cock so tightly that they almost had two hand-shaped bruises.
Finally, Baltoh groaned as a several ropey streams of hot jizz blasted from his cock, spraying into Selene’s mouth, across her face, and bathing her breasts in a puddle of white slime. Baltoh laid back, panting heavily with his erection gone, while Selene hungrily licked up every drop of sperm on her face and chest.
“Forget Angel, you’re a nymph.”
Selene smiled and stood up, climbing on top of him. “Trust me, I was never this wild with the boys, never. Everything we’ve done aside from missionary and doggy-style, that was all brand new for me. I guess we both have a little Demon inside of us, and you sure know how to bring mine out,” She said sweetly, leaning down and kissing him on the nose and then crawling over to the headboard. “Come here, get some sleep. You need it,” she said, patting the pillow invitingly.
Baltoh sighed. “I can’t, I need to stay awake and keep patrolling the city for when the forces of Hell make their move. Besides, I’ve gone entire years without sleeping, I’m fine.”
“Honey, don’t even think that you can fool me. Come here, I’ll keep watch for you while you get your rest.”
Yawning, Baltoh finally gave into his tiredness and crawled over, retracting his wings as he moved under the covers. Selene did the same and curled up beside him, kissing his chest.
“Do you promise you won’t fall asleep? I can’t allow anyone else to die because I was taking a nap.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll stay awake. And if I get bored, I can always just invite Molly and the two of us will use the other side of the bed,” she said coyly, leaning her head on his shoulder and stretching her arm across his chest.
With Selene curled up against him and his body drained of both energy and semen, Baltoh had no trouble falling asleep.
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