secret signals on the daily commute leads to very naughty times
Hi and thanks for taking the time to read my story, i say story but these were very real experiences, ones i will never forget but get much pleasure out of remembering these days.
Im matt 35 year old business man, i work in the city (ill keep my location private) and travelled there daily on our wonderful public transport system.
I would catch the same train there and the same train back everyday, monday to friday, without fail.
Now those of you who catch a train will know that its often difficult to find a seat or even enough space to stand so the occasional brush of my cock by some female stranger is a guarantee so ill stomach the horrific public transport this country has to offer but thats not what my experience is about.
it was a Monday evening and as usual i rushed from my connecting train to my usual everyday platform and as per usual delayed , only by 5 mins but never the less , standing in the cold this can seem like forever.
eventually the train rolled in and pretty empty for a rush hour train.
as i boarded i noticed a seat available in the connecting carriage section, there is only 3/4 seats in this area but one free so jumped into it quick sharpish.
As the train pulled away i did my usual, out came the phone and onto youtube for some clips of unfortunate people hurting themselves and some opportunist ready with the video recorder.
After about 10 mins i looked across the carriage and noticed a woman sat opposite me, She wasn't my usual type but something about her caused a real stir down below.
She was of a slim to medium build with a perching through her eye brow and small nose stud, she had a head of grey long hair with dark brown ends so I'm guessing she had chosen to go grey gracefully and must of been early 50's, fresh faced and dressed in a long summer type cotton dress with a dark denim jacket, the dress was buttoned at the front and the top few buttons undone showing her cleavage not massive but you could tell her tits were once pert, round and fairly large, but now probably down by her ankles.
I don't know why but i couldn't stop looking at her and wondering if she was as grey below as she was on top.... by this time i was semi hard and as you know in cotton trousers this is quite obvious although i tried my best to hide it, but pushing down with my coat had the adverse effect and made it worse so i thought it best i get back to my mobile and stop being a perv.
after about 5 mins i looked up once again and she was staring straight at me and quickly turned away as i stared right back at her, i didnt think anything of it and went back to my phone.
after 10 mins i was bored of the clips i had been watching so decided to take a look at the scenery and as i looked out of the window i saw her again in her reflection staring right at my reflection in the window , i don't think she noticed me see her looking through the reflection in the window and i continued to stare right at her across the carriage.
this continued for maybe 2 - 3mins before she snapped out of her little trance like state, she then bent down to her bag and pulled out a pair of dark rimmed glasses and a TV magazine and pen, As she bent down my assumptions of her boobs were confirmed, they looked soft long and empty but still a good size.
She continued to put on her glasses and start to do what i can only presume was a cross word but that couldn't of been further from the truth, the lady started to look directly at me over the top of her magazine and i mean stare not just a glimpse a full on stare, this would continue fir about 5 mins, eventually i thought sod it and gave a smile and stared straight back, slightly worried but yet a turn on when she continued to stare at me through her glasses.
She then lowered the magazine took off her glasses and started to gently chew the glasses arm (the bit over the ear) and slowly looked me up and down as i sat in my seat, she then let her head fall back and slump into her chair glance out of the window and turn the page in her magazine.
As i continued to stare i noticed the page she had turned over, the naughty thing had written a little note, i read what she had written then looked around behind me as i couldn't quit believe it was for me, she must of seen this as she let out a slight chuckle and the resumed the serious look she had held for the entire journey.
Across the top of the page she had written the following "I see you every day, i want you to follow me off the train" now i didn't know what to make of this and as the next stop was mine i knew she obviously went a lot further than me and as i get a lift from my partner every evening this could be difficult, as my stop fast approached i though fuck it so quickly got out my phone and text "sorry babe having to work late ill get the later train and walk form station xx" reply "great a little earlier for the notice would of helped ".
As my train pulled in to my stop i was having second thoughts but couldn't stop thinking on what she wanted or if id get to find out if the collar and cuffs matched so i sat and the train began to pull away.
After about 25mins 4 or 5 stops we were in a real rural area and as the train pulled up to the next stop Grey (as we will cal her) started to get her things together and stood up out of her seat and for the first time i got to see her in all her glory, she was very shapely , wide hips with a large bum but still something about her that i couldn't keep my eyes off her.
she stood at the door and i remained seated and as the train stopped there was a slight pause then the doors opened and I'm still sat in my seat she got off the train and just as the doors were about to close i jumped out of my seat grabbed my bag and just made it before the doors closed for the last time and i was on the platform, it was now dusk and a few people about but no grey , shit where had she gone!!! there was a foot bridge that went over the tracks to the opposite side and up onto the road above, as i looked up i could see grey walking up the stairs and onto the above road, at this point i began to run and try catch her up, i was now on the road looking up a small hill there were houses on the left about 200yards up the road.
I was walking about 60 yards behind her, she continued up the road to the row of large houses on the left and then stopped she looked round to see me standing there looking straight at her she smiled and went into the drive way of one of the houses, i was too far behind to see which one and thought fuck i lost her... I continued to the houses, they were large victorian 3 story places as i got to the 3rd one along i could see the front door was open slightly, still unsure if this was the right house i approached and answer ...brilliant, i pushed the door slightly open and gave an out of breath but loud "hello" - "Come on in" i heard in a broad bristol accent, so i went in and closed the door behind me.
I wondered into the hall way through to the kitchen and it was a house decorated in hippy/earthy kind of stuff there were photos on the wall of grey with her husband and kids .
As i entered the kitchen there she stood minus the denim jacket and her shoes, she had perfectly painted toe nails in bright red varnish, I didn't know what to say or do so i asked her "was that little message for me" ? to which she chuckled again as she did on the train and said "why, of course" , with that she walked over to me took me by the hand and led me out of the kitchen into a room on the same floor, there was one of those weird sofas with an arm on the one end and books everywhere.
grey sat down on the sofa and told me to "come here" i didn't have to think twice.
As i stood in front of grey she looked me up and down again smiled and placed her hand on my already rock hard crotch.... we both looked at each other and that was enough, grey stood in front of me and we kissed hard, i mean real hard tongues in out , she began frantically pulling on my belt , after a few seconds i pushed her hand away and took over whilst i was undoing my belt grey was lifting the cotton dress and frantically pulling on her knickers by now my trousers and boxers were around my ankles, grey hitched her dress up and pulled me close, this was a no foreplay no sensual shit just pure passion play. I grabbed hold of greys bum it was cold and large her skirt up by her midrift and i could just see her boobs drooping out but best of all a full grey bush of pubic hair.... i pushed her dress up over her head reveal her very large saggy boobs as i grabbed one of them her nipples were hard with massive outer nipples... this all happened in a matter of seconds we frantically pulled close to each other and before i could even think about asking about a condom grey had my cock in her hand and pushing it against the opening of her mature grey pussy, with one thrust i was balls deep inside and no word of a lie with that one thrust i felt my balls tighten so i began fucking her fast and deep all along she was gripping on to my arse slamming me into her after about 30 seconds she told me she was coming so i began drilling her as fast and deep as i could, i felt her pussy grip my cock and at the same time i came and came deep inside her , squeezing her tits at the same time and getting a quick suck on each massive nipple... we climaxed in to a heap on the side of the sofa, this whole experience lasted about 2 mins but the intensity was amazing.
after about 10 seconds i pulled myself out of her and she proceeded to put her knicker on and pull her dress over her head, "put your trousers back on" she said and showed me to the front door, i was about to give her a kiss and "No" she said and like a complete twat i asked "can i see you again please" she smiled so i asked if that was a yes? she nodded and i asked for her number and again"No" , i asked well how will i see you ? how will i know ? as she opened the front door and rushed me out she said " we catch the same train every day, make no effort to find me, if you see me, its on " as the door shut behind me i stood there in the now dark wet evening thinking WTF !!! , i looked at my watch and realised id been in there 15 minutes at the most. however i was more than satisfied and began my journey back to the local station to catch my train home, my first experience of a quickie with a complete stranger and i loved it, this happened nearly 3 months ago and yes i have bumped into grey since and more pleasing and slightly longer lasting than my previous encounter, i may tell you about them but i think ill see what you guys think of this amazing experience first.
I'mma spell shrek yo shit my nigga.
Yeah, it's a amazing how a passionate moment can seem to last so long.
wow thanks for the comments guys i am very tempted to post my other experience's with grey, And i didn't realise this was an English lesson.... each to there own !!!
Personally, I enjoyed your 'amazing experience' and I thank you for sharing.
As for the shit head comment, anonymous (2nd from the bottom) She's probably a frustrated, very old, fat, failure of an English teacher.
she could have written the same criticism with a positive spin.
Thanks, again.
I thought it was very interesting and I would like to hear more. I didn't know pubic hair turned grey. My neighbor is 60 plus and her bush is still brown. It must be genetics I guess. She does have a body similar to your friend though, with a nice big ass and a big saggy bosom too.
Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport
I'mma spell shrek yo shit my nigga.
Yeah, it's a amazing how a passionate moment can seem to last so long.
Anonymous readerReport
As for the shit head comment, anonymous (2nd from the bottom) She's probably a frustrated, very old, fat, failure of an English teacher.
she could have written the same criticism with a positive spin.
Thanks, again.
Anonymous readerReport