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Tee spent several years taking care of a sick husband. She never cheated on him... then he died
I could see that Tee was watching my every move as I washed my cock, pubic hair and balls. I rinsed the washcloth, put a little fresh soap on it, and walked to the bed. There was a question in her eyes as she reached out, took the cloth and began catching cum and her own juices. She never took her eyes from mine as she wiped her cunt, “My God, Don. What did you do to me? No man has ever made me have that many orgasms. We gotta figure out a way to do this again, soon; I mean real soon.”

“Oh, believe me; I’d love to do this with nobody else; every fucking day for the rest of my life. You know I’ve dreamed of this for over five years. I kind of feel bad that J.L’s not even in the ground, yet, and I’m already pounding my cum into his pussy... And just how many men have tried to make you cum, anyway?”

She grinned as she cleaned up the mess on her snatch and the spots on her sheet, “Most of the time, all they wanted was to dump their own load. J.L. was better than the other three…. And that’s all; just four.”

She handed the washcloth back, patted my wilting dick and said, “Wish I’d found number five, first. My boyfriend in high school broke me in. I think we screwed five or six times before he decided to work on another conquest. Then there was my first husband, Len; but I cheated on him. It cost me my marriage and custody of my girls. A good looking biker and I shacked up for a little while, but he left one day. That’s all I know about him. I swore I’d never cheat again. I met J.L., fell in love with the, proverbial, rich guy and started my career as caretaker for a sick man. It’s been nearly three years since he and I had sex, but I never wanted to cheat on him… well, I wanted to, I just didn’t. Now that he’s gone, it’s not cheating… and God, it was good.”

Now for a little history of how this raven-haired beauty and got to this point……..

A few years ago, my daughter, Brenda, came home from college and brought her boyfriend. He slept late the next morning while she made the rounds, making contact with old friends from high school.
As I was to learn, later, my wife of 21 years happened to pass by their bedroom door and saw the young stud asleep, with his cock at full staff; with a piss hard. She, evidently, decided to get a closer look and wound up with it buried inside her 40 year old pussy.

Somehow, it became my fault because I couldn’t satisfy my own wife; resulting in her divorcing me and moving in with Brenda and… whatever the fuck the little bastard’s name was.

Not long after the divorce, I found a small house and sold the big one. Tee was the real estate agent who handled the listing and she was very pleasant to work with. I’m sure that going to bed with her crossed my mind, at some point, but I was still pissed off at women in general, so it never occurred to me to try hitting on her. During one of our meetings, I asked her about her unusual name.

“Mom was in a coma for a week after I was born. She wanted to name me Anastasia, but Dad couldn’t remember that… so… he told the hospital she wanted to name me… Tasmania. Yep… Tasmania. All my relatives were shocked, but never said a word to Dad. They were all relieved to hear him start calling me Tee. When they both died, I had it changed, legally.”

I happened to mention that I was a computer nerd. I can install new software, like most people, but I can write programs and set up entire systems for multi-million dollar corporations, too.
My original training is in repairing computers, and I’m fully capable of fixing almost any problem that can show up.

Tee gave me J.L.’s business card and told me to contact him. As it turned out, not only did he own his own finance company (with three branches) but he owned a few commercial buildings and was the majority stockholder in the largest hardware/lumber yard in the county.
Other than the finance company, a liquor distributorship gave him his next largest income.
Needless to say, his data processing had to stay up to date.

I had a good talk with the man and was hired to keep his system current and train his personnel.
J.L. was a really nice guy, but his lungs were bad. Many times, he would remove his nasal cannula and step outside to smoke a cigarette. He had been told many times, by several doctors, to quit the killing habit.

During one stint in the hospital, Tee was troubleshooting something in the main office at the same time I was doing some upgrading. We chatted a little and left the office at the same time. I told her I was going to Tres Amigos for a Mexican plate, and asked her if she’d like to join me.
She declined, but just as the hostess was seating me, I saw her come through the door.

“Changed my mind,” she remarked as I pulled the chair out for her, “A big, Poblano, stuffed with sausage sounds really good.”

I grinned and repeated her words, “Stuffed with sausage? Yeah, that sounds REALLY good to me, too.”

She snickered and flipped the end of her napkin at me, “You are a pervert, Don Parker. And you know better, too. I will not even respond to that remark.”
However, when our server took her order, she glanced at me and smirked before she emphasized, “Stuffed with sausage… and have them squirt a little sour cream on top, please.”

We knew several of the patrons in the small restaurant and a few of them looked around to see who it was that had burst in laughter. We settled into a good visit, ate our meal without incident and she told me, in a tone loud enough for a few close tables to hear, “Well, thank you for the company. I need to head to the hospital, now. J.L’s doctor is supposed to meet with us at three o’clock. I’m hoping he’ll be released this evening so he can take care of all his business. You get the pleasure of getting the check, thank you.”

She smiled and turned toward the exit… watching her fine ass sway as she walked started a boner rising, so I sat at my table and drank iced tea until it dwindled. That was the very moment I realized just how, fucking, lucky J.L. was.

Everything went back to normal until a few months ago, except for the few times I would run into Tee at one of the offices. She was always cool, but she made me hot.
One day, I happened into the same Mexican restaurant while she and J.L. were having lunch. When I spoke, he invited me to sit with them.

When I saw what Tee was having, I asked what it was. “Stuffed Poblano pepper. It’s very good.”

“Hmmm.. it does look good. What’s it stuffed with?”

Her face was stoic as she told me it was sausage, with sour cream on top, “I think it’s one of the best dishes they serve here. J.L. likes it, too, but he’s having enchiladas today.”
When my dish was served, I spotted a quick sparkle in her eye as the server said, “Stuffed Poblano. It’s hot, so please be careful.”

We talked about computers and I suggested a new system for J.L’s businesses. It was, believe it or not, a little cheaper and easier to navigate than his current system. He agreed to look at figures and told me that lunch was on his nickel.

The next week, I made the rounds and installed the new system. Minimal training was needed and they knew I was on call, if needed.
Again, everything went smoothly. J.L. had a couple more brief hospital visits, but his employees were able to operate for a few days without his presence.

Then it happened… Tee called me one morning when I was in Kansas City, working on a problem with the Royals’ server.
“Don?” I could see the number was J.L’s, but Tee had never called me on his phone, “Don, he’s gone... He had a stroke last night… and a heart attack at the hospital. I need some help with his passwords. The CPA and our attorney… need some information and I can’t access those pages. Is there anyway to help me?”
I could tell she was sniffling back tears as she was pleading.

“Oh, my God, Tee; I’m so, so sorry. J.L. was a good friend to me for the last few years. Do you need anything?”

“Right now, just those damn passwords so I can get these bastards off my ass.”

“Uh… I can probably finish this job in Kansas City by tomorrow afternoon. Can they wait that long?”

She checked with her lawyer and called back. This time, she was pissed, “His sister is trying to get control of his money and all his assets. The bitch tried this shit when his brother died, too. J.L. put her fat ass in her place when that came up. I really need this information as soon as I can get to it. Do you think you can find out anything with his laptop?”


“Good. I’ll be on my way to Kansas City as soon as I fill up my car.”

“Uh… okay. Be sure to tell Mary to leave his office computer on and connected to the internet when she closes the office this evening. If I can crack the password, I can access it from here. I’m at the Hyatt, call me when you get close to town and I’ll see to it that you get a nice room.”

“Don’t bother, I may not stay. I really have to get this done.”

I met the elevator, gave her a quick hug, and took the laptop and two other bags to my room. Once inside, she fell against the door frame, put her face in her hands and started crying. It had been a long time since I had dealt with a crying female, but she readily accepted my arms as they circled her torso.

After a few minutes, I started to relax the embrace, “No, Don, please hold me. Right now I need someone to hold me, and hold me, and hold me. Please don’t let go…”

My knees were in pain when her tears finally quit, “Can we just sit and talk for a few minutes? Since they told me he died, I sniffed and sniveled a few times, but that’s the first good cry I’ve had. My system needed that badly. Thank you for helping me get through that.”

She rose onto her tip-toes and gave me a quick kiss… on my lips. Her smile was the only thing I saw through the running mascara and smeared lipstick. At that moment, Tee was the most beautiful sight in the world. Unconsciously, my left arm circled her slim waist and I pulled her closer. Another smile and a nod of her head gave me all the incentive I needed.

Our lips met. My hands became tangled in her dark hair. Her nails raked my back, through my shirt. Her lips parted and accepted my tongue as the sweet taste of her mouth made me delirious. Somewhere in the mix, our clothes began to shed from our bodies; leaving a trail from the door to the bed.

As I rolled onto her luscious body, I touched her nose with mine and asked, “Are you sure?”
She smiled and reached to position my manhood. There was no doubt or hesitation as she rose to take it inside her tightness.

I may have enjoyed sex as much when my wife and I first married, but if so, I couldn’t remember it and I didn’t care. We kissed each other constantly as we made love; until I heard her deep gasps, “Oh my God, Oooo my Godddd… Gnhhhuhhh, oooo SHIT! OH, OH, OH, OH, OH, OH… AHHHHHHhhhhhhhmmmmmmm… Oh, my God… that was wonderful… I was… oh.. oh.. ooh, Oh, shit! I’m gonna cum againnnn… AHHhHHhhh… Ugnhhhhhh… ugnhhhh... fuck me hard, fuck me hard, fuck me harrrrrrrrrrdd!!”

I was glad that I was not the twenty year-old stud I used to be. That young man would have already busted his load and been through. Although I knew it wouldn’t be much longer, I kept hammering all I had into Tee’s sweet, sweet pussy. She had a third cum as I exploded and filled her with my own seed………………………………………..

That, dear readers, brings me back to where this story started…

I could see that Tee was watching my every move as I washed my cock, pubic hair and balls. I rinsed the washcloth, put a little fresh soap on it, and walked to the bed. There was a question in her eyes as she reached out, took the cloth and began catching cum and her own juices. She never took her eyes from mine as she wiped her cunt, “My God, Don. What did you do to me? No man has ever made me have that many orgasms. We gotta figure out a way to do this again, soon; I mean real soon.”

“Oh, believe me; I’d love to do this with nobody else; every fucking day for the rest of my life. You know I’ve dreamed of this for over five years. I kind of feel bad that J.L’s not even in the ground, yet, and I’m already pounding my cum into his pussy. And just how many men have tried to make you cum, anyway?”

She grinned as she cleaned up the mess on her snatch and the spots on her sheet, “Most of the time, all they wanted was to dump their own load. J.L. was better than the other three…. And that’s all, just four.”

She handed the washcloth back, patted my wilting dick and said, “Wish I’d found number five, first. My boyfriend in high school broke me in. I think we screwed five or six times before he decided to work on another conquest. Then there was my first husband, Len; but I cheated on him. It cost me my marriage and custody of my girls. The biker and I shacked up for a little while, but he left one day. That’s all I know about him. I swore I’d never cheat again. I met J.L., fell in love with the, proverbial, rich guy and started my career as caretaker for a sick man. It’s been nearly three years since he and I had sex, but I never wanted to cheat on him… well, I wanted to, I just didn’t. Now that he’s gone, it’s not cheating… and God, it was good.”

Tee lay naked on my bed as I, also still naked, easily opened a couple of files on the laptop. J.L. had a complete list of his twelve passwords stored in a simple download file. She wouldn’t have any trouble getting to the information her CPA and her lawyer needed. I closed the computer and sat beside her on the bed. I fondled her dark nipples and traced my fingers across her lovely lips, “You said we need to figure out a way to do this again. Do you have a specific time schedule in mind, or will ‘now’ be a good time?”

She leaned into my lap and kissed the cock she’d been fondling, “Hmmm… yeah, now would be good... I got a hot Poblano down here, just hungry to be stuffed with that sausage.”

Note: The next morning, Tee questioned me about just wanting her because she was rich. Her total worth, according to J.L’s books… by the time interest was figured into her loans, was close to nine million dollars.
I opened my laptop, pulled up my three bank accounts and showed her where my eighteen million lottery dollars were deposited, “You, my dear Poblano, are the only one besides my bankers, and CPA, who know about that win. My daughter, or her fuckin’ whore of a mother, will never find out.”
We waited until J.L. had been buried for about eight months before we married… but we fucked every day.


2016-01-14 05:54:01
Thanks, Gina & Cadillac! I've been pretty busy, but now I may be able to start contributing again.

mature ginaReport 

2016-01-13 19:21:17
Don, you are such a pervert and that is why I enjoy your stories so much. ;-)


2016-01-13 16:25:11
What a great story and very well written. Please continue on with these two from where J.L. was buried until now. Thank you !!!!

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