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Cadence, a bitchy cheerleader, is abducted and taught to drink piss and eat dog food like she deserves.

When Cadence woke up, she was in a concrete room. It measured about ten metres by five metres, the floor was rough and cold, and it was most certainly not where she had gone to sleep. There was only one entrance - an ominously heavy looking steel door - and there were no windows, only a grating in the floor and an air vent in the ceiling. The words "SPOILED BITCH" had been painted sloppily on one wall in red paint.

Most concerning, Cadence was naked. There was a thin metal collar around her neck, and similar metal bracelets around each wrist, but otherwise she was totally nude. There were goosebumps on her D-cup breasts.

Cadence was 18. She was halfway through her final year of high school, and was Queen Bee of her grade, prettiest and most popular of the meanest girls her school could offer. She looked at the words "SPOILED BITCH' on the wall and part of her knew they were true. Her family was rich, and she was spoiled, and she took great pleasure in being an incredible bitch. She could do it because she got away with it. She was pretty, and pretty girls got away with a lot of things. Until now.

Her captor was Gareth Bridges, a boy from her class, one of many she'd cockteased and mocked and never intended to offer herself to. He had time, and money, and a suitable place to keep her caged, and so he'd abducted her. Cadence had been supposed to be using the mid-year holiday to visit Europe - her parents wouldn't miss her for a month, and her fickle friends would think she had merely cancelled at the last minute. He planned to give the spoiled bitch a course correction - divert her from her perfect pure popular persona into something more fitting the cockteasing whore who she was.

It wasn't necessary to Gareth for Cadence to know who had captured her or why, though. That was giving her more respect than she deserved. He intended to do things *to* her, not *with* her.

The first thing Cadence learned was how little control she had over her own body. She had been awake an hour - long enough to call for help, to explore her cell, to bang on the door, and to start to get really scared - when the buzzing in her cunt started. It was only a gentle vibration, but it was coming from somewhere slightly above and behind her clit, inside her cunt flesh. It was vibrating her clitoris from the *inside* - and the vibrations travelled through her groin and stimulated her G-spot, on the inner vaginal wall. Her eyes widened as the sensations started, and then she fell to her knees. Despite her fear, she felt her pretty shaved cunt beginning to moisten.

She groped at her cunt, probing around her clitoris - an action that made her gasp and bite her lip - and could just feel the source of the vibration. Something had been embedded in her groin - a tiny capsule, it felt like - in the flesh between her clitoris and the inside of her vagina. And now it was humming slightly, and it was hard for Cadence to think of anything else except that pleasure in her pussy.

She hated it. She knew by now she had been abducted, and that "SPOILED BITCH" on the wall was clue enough that it wasn't for any pleasant reason. She didn't want to be aroused under these circumstances. But her cunt was a slave to the stimulation it was receiving.

And then the implants in her tits started up. Somewhere behind each nipple, additional capsules started to hum. Her nipples quavered from the vibration. Cadence clutched at her tits, which helped some, but she could still feel that maddening buzzing inside her large boobs.

"No, no," she moaned. She had no doubt there was a camera in her cell, even though she couldn't tell where, and she correctly guessed that someone - Gareth, as it turned out - was watching her writhe with a hardening cock. She wanted to control herself, but she couldn't. She wriggled with pleasure, unable to tune out the buzzing, unable to dry her now-dripping pussy. She spread her legs, then clenched them together, but neither made a difference. Soon she found herself orgasming, not wanting to but unable to help herself, bucking and moaning, her eyes slutty and unfocused.

Gareth watched the pretty popular cheerleader squirm like a slut on the concrete floor of her cell. He knew she had cum, but didn't turn off the vibration, which he controlled remotely. Instead he watched the implants in her cunt and tits take her from that first cum back into the haze of arousal and build her towards a second orgasm.

Cadence started to cry when the implants wouldn't turn off after she had cum. She was scared. She didn't know if they would ever turn off - maybe they would just vibrate forever now. She had no control over her body and no way to stop herself from being a naked orgasming whore. She cried and cried, and then cried harder when she found herself moving her hand to her pussy to rub her clit and help herself along to that next orgasm. No one was making her massage her cunt - that was all her.

But Gareth didn't intend to let Cadence cum again. And as she approached her second orgasm, he demonstrated the second way in which her body was no longer under her control. He pushed the buttons marked "discipline", and watched in pleasure as each of the three implants - cunt, and both tits - stopped vibrating and instead administered a sudden and painful electric shock.

Cadence squealed as the electricity spasmed through her breasts and twat. She jerked her hand away from her cunt, but there was nothing she could do to prevent the pain. And after the first shock, they went off again, and again - a repeating course of pain to her sexual organs to get the message through that her body was no longer her own. Cadence could only make incoherent mewling sounds as the shocks continued. She wet herself, her urine trickling through the grate in the floor.

Finally, the pain stopped, and the implants quietened, and Cadence was left there, lying naked in her own piss, crying and helpless.


Gareth left her like that for three days. She had no human contact and was given no food or drink. Occasionally Gareth would activate the implants on their "vibrate" setting, mostly while Cadence was attempting to sleep. If she was able to sleep despite the stimulation, he would give her enough time to enter a REM state and begin having erotic dreams, and would then use the "shock" setting to bring her painfully awake.

By day three Cadence had had no real sleep. She could barely think straight, and she was so desperately thirsty she had tried licking the walls for moisture. She had lost a lot of moisture through her regularly-wetttened cunt. She begged for a drink to the empty air in a dry, croaking voice.

That was when Gareth sent her her first visitor - a man he had hired. The man entered her cell naked except for a face-concealing hood. Cadence looked up hopefully and fearfully.

The man said, his voice partly muffled, "If you are thirsty you can drink my piss. Put your lips on my cock if you want to drink my piss."

Cadence wrinkled her face, digusted. She shook her head. She wouldn't drink piss!

The man waited for three minutes, then turned and left without a word. The door closed behind him.

Gareth gave Cadence another four hours of thirst to think about what she had done, to make it clear to her that no other drink was coming. Then he sent her another visitor - a different man, because he didn't want her building a relationship with anyone. Plus she needed to learn that she would drink the piss of any man, not just one specific one.

The new man said, "If you want a drink, you can drink my piss. Come suck my cock if you want to drink my piss."

Cadence was crying. She had never in her life thought she would drink a man's piss, but she had realised now that this was the point of her thirst - to make her do this willingly. Her captor, whoever he was, wanted her to willingly volunteer to drink piss. And she was so thirsty that she couldn't say no.

Tears running down her face, Cadence crawled across the floor to the man and hesitatingly placed her lips on his cock. It was soft, not erect. She had heard men found it harder to piss with an erection. She had never had a man's cock in her mouth before - or even touched one. She had been content to tease but had remained a virgin. Now she was tasting the salty, warm foreskin of a penis. Hungry and thirsty as it was, it tasted good.

"Look up at me," said the man, and Cadence did, without taking her lips off his dick. As soon as she made eye contact, she felt warm syrupy liquid start to flow across her tongue.

She had expected to gag at the taste, to vomit, but in her dehydrated state it only tasted like heaven. She found herself starting to suck eagerly at the man's cock, futilely attempting to make the urine come faster. Her efforts only made him stiffen a little, and the pissing slow, and she had to wait for him to calm down again before she could have more. She gulped down what was in her mouth, grateful for the moisture. He pissed and pissed in her mouth, and she swallowed it all.

She was even disappointed when his bladder was empty. She sucked at him hopefully for a moment, in case there was more, but he just grabbed her hair and pulled her forcefully off his cock. He wiped his dick clean on her cheek, then turned and left the room.

Cadence cried a little after he was gone, left with the knowledge that she had just willingly drunk a strange man's piss. Her implants came on, buzzing her to a state of arousal. It felt strange for her cunt to be wet while she was crying but she couldn't help her response to the implants. She idly rubbed her clit as she cried, hoping her orgasm would come quickly.

Four hours later, another man came, and again Cadence obediently took his cock in her mouth and let him piss down her throat. She was less thirsty and the piss didn't taste quite as good but again she surprised herself by not gagging, and by even liking the taste a little. She had been so thirsty she seriously thought she might die earlier in the day. The urine tasted like survival, like getting to keep on living.

After that came the night, and Cadence lay on the cold floor, trying to sleep, as the arousal and pain of her implants kept her awake.

In the morning, a new visitor came - a pretty naked girl, her brown hair in a ponytail. The girl said nothing, only put a pitcher of water on the floor, and then left. Cadence scrambled to it eagerly. Water! Real water! She took long, deep mouthfuls of it.

What Cadence didn't know is that Gareth had laced the water with an emetic and a few other drugs. Moments after drinking the water, Cadence began to feel very sick. Her bowels cramped. Pain and nausea swept through her. For long minutes she felt so awful she literally wished she could die, and then she found herself vomiting down the drain in the floor. There was nothing in her stomach but piss and water, but she quickly brought all of it up and then spent another 15 minutes dry retching.

Cadence wasn't stupid. Her reaction might just have been because of how long it had been since she'd had water and how quickly she'd drunk it - but she rightly suspected the water had been poisoned. She was being conditioned. She was being taught that drinking piss made her feel good, and that drinking anything else made her feel unhappy and sick. If this kept up, she would be literally unable to drink anything other than piss, conditioned at a deep physiological level to see water as poison.

She was exactly right in this. Gareth intended to make Cadence into a little piss kitten, eager to be a toilet for any male, needing it to survive. He loved the thought of the frigid little cheerleader desperately begging men to piss in her mouth. He had thought about how to make sure Cadence could survive on piss being her only liquid, and had a plan, but the first step was addicting to her to urine.

Over the next 24 hours, other drinks were brought for Cadence - soft drinks, juices, alcohols. No more piss was offered. Cadence avoided them to start with but by nightfall, desperately thirsty, she was willing to try a glass of apple juice. It produced the same result as the water, and she ended up lying on the ground, her belly cramping, crying and wishing she was dead.

At nightfall, finally, another man came. He said nothing, just offered his cock. Grateful and eager, Cadence crawled happily across the floor and suckled at his cock, and sighed in relief as he soon filled her mouth with piss. Her implants came on as she drank the piss, hardening her nipples and wettening her cunt. When the man had emptied his bladder in Cadence's mouth and left, she found herself needing to rub her twat to an orgasm.

By now Cadence was desperately hungry. She hadn't eaten for five days. On the morning of the sixth day the pretty nude brunette returned. She put down a metal dog bowl in front of Cadence. The side of the bowl read "SPOILED BITCH CADENCE". As Cadence watched, the girl emptied a can of dog food into the bowl - slimy chunks of foul-smelling jellied meat. Then the girl left.

Cadence felt her heart sink at this turn of events. Was she going to be made to eat dog food too? But she was so hungry, and she knew from her experience with the piss that if her captor wanted her to eat this, she was going to end up eating it.

She reached out to take some food from the bowl, and then discovered the purpose of the metal bracelets locked on her wrist. As her hand approached the bowl, the bracelet on it gave her a sharp shock, and then a moment later similar shocks went off in her tits and cunt. She jerked her hand away reflexively.

Experimenting produced the same result again. If she moved her hands near the bowl, she got a shock.

She thought about it, and then realised what she was supposed to do. She put her hands on the floor, not too near to the bowl, and then lowered her head to the food. As she had thought, no shock. She was permitted to eat directly from the bowl using her mouth, like a dog. She felt herself starting to cry again as she began to chow down on the disgusting slimy meat. It still tasted awful, even in her hungry state, but it was satisfying. It was what she needed.

After she had licked the bowl clean, a man came in to give her a drink of piss. She took it gratefully. The man left the bowl in the room when he departed.

The same procedure began with the food as had happened with the drink. Cadence was offered other foods - pasta, chicken, steak, snacks - and each of them was poisoned. When she tried them she found herself shaking, shivering, and vomiting. At first she thought the only food she would be allowed to eat was dog food, but soon she discovered there were other options. On the eighth day the nude girl put a sandwich in Cadence's dog bowl. Then the girl squatted over the bowl, spread her cunt lips, and began to piss into the bowl.

Cadence found herself scrambling to drink the girl's piss without even thinking about the fact she'd have her face in a girl's cunt. The thought of being a lesbian didn't even cross her mind - she just knew that piss meant not being thirsty, meant not being poisoned. Cadence would have eagerly buried her face in the girl's snatch if she'd been allowed - but she wasn't. The girl slapped her away, hitting her hard, and then finished pissing into the bowl, stood, and left.

Cadence was left with a soggy sandwich drenched in urine. It was the first meal she had been offered that day. She didn't know whether it would be poisoned - it was humiliating, and in her dog bowl, but it wasn't dog food. She avoided it at first, but soon she found herself reconsidering. The smell of the urine was the deciding factor. Cadence hadn't had anything to drink since the night before, and the acrid hot urine smell, which once would have so disgusted her, was now making her even more thirsty.

Reluctantly, she crawled to the dog bowl and pushed her face into the pissy sandwich. She ate the whole thing, and then licked up the piss in the bottom of the bowl. Her implants began to buzz happily as she ate the disgusting meal.

Her stomach rebelled a little at the soggy feel of the bread - but it wasn't poisoned. Cadence learned she could eat people food - as long as it was soaked in piss and eaten from her dog bowl.

No more men came to offer Cadence urine that day. In the afternoon, her bladder full, Cadence tried an experiment. She pissed a little into her own hands, then brought it to her mouth to lick at. Immediately, her implants went off with a massive shock, and Cadence dropped the piss and squealed. She didn't understand why, but got the message that this wasn't allowed.

Gareth knew why. He couldn't allow Cadence to satisfy her piss addiction with her own fluids, or the same urine would keep passing through her body, becoming more toxic on each pass. A girl who drank piss couldn't herself let her piss be drunk. Only the piss of others would be allowed to satisfy Cadence.

That night the girl came back again, and this time she let Cadence drink piss directly from her cunt. Cadence eagerly lapped at the girl's pussy, desperate for the taste of urine. She felt the girl orgasm against her face at one point, and felt briefly guilty and weird, but didn't care, because the girl's piss tasted so good.

From that point Gareth used men and women interchangeably to feed Cadence piss. But he wanted her to particularly worship cocks, so when she drank from men her implants would vibrate, whereas they would lie silent when she drank from women.

A girl can't live on urine alone so after that Gareth showed her how she would live day to day. He had her feeders come into the room with water, or rum and coke, or orange juice, and as she watched, they would piss into these drinks a little, and then leave them for her. Cadence initially didn't drink from them, afraid of the poison, but when she got thirsty enough she relented, and discovered she could drink people drinks, provided they had enough piss in them that she could taste it.

She went for two weeks, drinking piss either from cocks or cunts, or mixed with other liquids, and eating dog food and piss-soaked meals from a dog bowl. Occasionally the men or women would force her to eat something poisoned, just to reinforce the conditioning.

In the third week they experimented with variations. They would piss on her face and tits, and watch her try to lick the urine from her breasts. They would piss on the floor and have her lick up the puddle. A man came in with the pretty brunette, and pissed all over the brunette, and had Cadence lick the urine off her face and breasts and pussy. They gave her bowls full of pure urine and watched her eagerly gulp them down. They brought the brunette in wearing panties, had her piss her panties in front of Cadence, and then take the panties off and stuff them in Cadence's mouth for her to suck on.

During this week they photographed Cadence - sucking cocks, licking cunts, drinking piss, rubbing her cunt, licking urine off the floor. They extensively documented her humiliation and degradation. Cadence hadn't had a full night of sleep in three weeks and didn't even notice. She was aware she was being conditioned, was being made less human that she had been before, and that made her scared, but whenever she tried to think about it she would be forced to be aroused, or given a shock, or have someone piss in her mouth, and it was too hard to concentrate.


At the end of the three weeks, there was no finale. Cadence was finally allowed to fall asleep in the concrete cell, and she woke up at home, naked, in her own bed. She couldn't really believe she was home. She was so used to being naked now that she didn't even think to put on clothes as she wandered around her house. At first she crawled, out of habit, before remembering she could stand and walk.

The house was empty. A note indicated her parents were away for the weekend - Cadence would have the house to herself for three days before they returned.

Cadence felt thirsty. She poured herself a cup of water and set it on the counter. She looked at it. She wanted to drink it. But she couldn't bring herself too. Objectively, she knew it wasn't poisoned. But she couldn't drink it. She managed to lift the glass as far as her lips before her gag reflex took over and she found herself vomiting uncontrollably into the sink.

Afterwards she cried. The conditioning had worked. She couldn't drink water.

She tried food. She fixed herself a sandwich. But she couldn't eat it. It looked wrong, sitting on a plate. It was people food. Her eyes strayed to the dog bowl where the family's border collie ate his meals. The bowl was dirty, with chunks of dried food still stuck to the bottom of the bowl. Cadence went to lift it and clean it - but her hands refused to go near the bowl. She couldn't touch it. It would shock her. She knew it wouldn't but - she knew it would. She was not allowed to lift or clean this bowl.

She picked up her sandwich and dumped it in the bowl. She got down near it on all fours, naked - but she couldn't eat it. It didn't smell like dog food. It didn't smell like piss. It would be poisoned. She wasn't allowed.

Crying in frustration, Cadence backed away from the bowl. She forgot to stand up again - crawling felt right. She crawled to the cupboard, opened it, and got out a can of dog food. She used a can opener to open it, and then tipped the slimy, disgusting contents into the dog bowl, all over the sandwich. She saw her dog, Cubby, standing out in the back garden, looking in through the glass door, curious as to why Cadence was feeding him when he wasn't inside. Cadence ignored him, and bent down and began to eat from the bowl.

It tasted good. It tasted right. She eagerly devoured the slimy chunks of dog food and then, to her delight, discovered she could eat the slimier parts of the sandwich too, as long as they tasted strongly of dog food. She pushed the rest of the sandwich around in the slime, and then ate that too, before licking the bottom of the bowl clean. Her implants usually buzzed in her pussy when she ate this. They weren't now, so she simulated the feeling by fingering her twat until she orgasmed.

When she was done, she still felt thirsty. She looked at that glass of water she couldn't drink, and she started to cry again. She cried for a very long time, because she knew what she was going to have to do. She idly rubbed herself to another orgasm as she cried.

And then she picked up her phone and looked down her contacts list, and began to think about which of her friends she could ask to piss in her mouth....


All These RoadworksReport 

2016-02-07 08:14:13
Travler51 - No, this is a standalone. You're welcome to imagine what happens next for yourself.... :-)


2016-02-04 04:55:51
Will there be more?

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