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When discussing our strip poker games, Jack is eager to play. Is his ego big enough? Will he be able to walk to walk the talk?
I picked Mary up at her dorm the next night and we walked over to
the theater, where we were suppose to meet the others.

"I talked to Sharon today," Mary said as we walked along. "She is
fine. You don't need to worry about her. She is already figuring out
what to do for the next game, assuming, of course, that you don't
chicken out. Sharon really has some interesting ideas for the next

"I don't know if I like the sound of that," I said. "You know the old
Chinese curse: `May you live in interesting times'. Maybe I should
just quit while I'm ahead."

"Oh... So your going to wimp out on us and deny the lady a chance to
get even."

"Well, as I recall, it was a couple of guys who lost it all in the first
game," I said. "So I would say that things are already pretty much

"Well, we have to think things over for little while, but I think you'll
like Sharon's ideas when you hear them," Mary replied.

I decided to change the subject. "How did you do your midterms?" I

"I did ok," Mary replied. "I guess I shouldn't complain, but I really
expected as hard as I studied, I would ace most of them. I'm really
wondering if I'm cut out to be an engineer. What about you? How did
you do?"

"I did ok in everything, except German," I replied. Actually, I got an
A on all my midterms, except in German, but after what Mary had
said, I didn't want to boast about it. "I barely got a C in German. I'm
going to have to work really hard on German just to pass."

When we got to the theater, there already were two girls out front
Mary recognized, but I didn't. Mary introduced me to Vicky and
Kathy, or Kat for short. This was Kathy with a K, not be confused
with Cathy with a C, who I had seen a lot of during the strip poker
game the night before. Vicky and Kat were also engineering students,
like Mary, but they were sophomores and lived together in the
University Terraces apartments.

While we chatted, Betty arrived with Joe from last night's game.
Well, at least I was not going to be the only guy with this group of
female engineering students. However, Betty had been at the first strip
poker game, and had seen me without my shorts. That somehow made
me feel uncomfortable. Mary had, of course, seen me too, and, in fact,
Mary probably got a better look than Betty did, but somehow that
didn't bother me the way Betty presence did.

I leaned over and whispered into Mary's ear. "How many more people
who've seen me naked are you expecting tonight?" I asked.

Mary giggled. "None, that I know of."

Then Mary pulled my ear down and whispered to me. "Don't worry,
Betty will be very cool about it. She's not going to blab about it here."

Next a guy arrived by himself. Jack was another engineering student.
All the girls seemed to know him, but after we got into the movie, he
sat next to Kat.

Finally three more girls and one guy arrived in a group. The girls were
Pam, Connie and Leslie, and the guy was Phil. Phil looked familiar
but I couldn't place him. It turned out he lived in my dorm, which is
where I must have seen him. Phil, Pam and Leslie were all
Engineering students, but Connie, refreshingly, was a music major.
Phil and Leslie had obviously come together, but I never did figure
out what connection, if any, Pam or Connie had with Leslie or Phil.

These were apparently the last people we were expecting, because
after they arrived, we all went into the theater.

The movie was one of those romantic comedies where the star-crossed
lovers miss connecting over and over, until the final scene, when they
finally find true love in each other's arms. There was no real suspense
in this. From the very first scene in the movie, it was obvious that in
the last scene the actor and actress who had their names above the title
would be in each other's arms as the credits rolled. The only question
is what amusing adventures would they have along the way.
Definitely not a guy movie, but the girls all seem to like it, and they
were apparently the ones who picked this movie in the first place.

The movie was out just before 9. Kat suggested that we all come over
to her and Vicky's apartment, as she put it "To watch some TV or
whatever." It was still early, and we all agreed, except for Phil and
Leslie, who said they had something better to do. I could guess what
that something better was. The rest of us walked the two blocks to
University Terraces.

U Terraces, as it was usually known, is a fairly new, apartment
building, but it reminded me of a dorm. The way the lobby and
hallways are decorated just strike me as having that institutionally
bland quality which is the hallmark of dorm decor. The apartments
themselves are small and furnished with what I swear is the same
furniture my dentist has in his waiting room. In spite of this, Kat and
Vicky had done a good job of decorating, and their apartment looked
like real people lived in it. There was one room, which served as the
living room, dinning room and kitchenette, and then there were two
very small bedrooms.

With all nine of us in the living room/kitchenette the apartment felt
crowded. Jack turned on the TV and then began the male past time of
channel surfing, but Vicky and Kat did not have cable, so you could
only get 4 channels. There wasn't anything he or anyone else was
interested in listening to, so he turned it off.

It looked like we were going to have to do some "whatever".

"Where is Stan tonight?" Mary asked Vicky.

"Stan, huh," Vicky replied. "He was only interested in one thing, and I
said no. He's probably out looking for some new conquest tonight."

"That's to bad," Mary replied. "He seemed like a nice enough guy."

"That's because you have never been out with him," answered Vicky.
"Stan cannot keep his hands off of a girl, and the only thing he wants
to do is go back to his apartment and play strip poker."

"Sounds like a good idea to me," injected Jack.

"Oh don't be silly, Jack," snapped Vicky. "Vicky's dating rule
number 23 says never play strip poker with your date, unless you plan
on sleeping with him, and there is no way I'm sleeping with Stan."

"I think you just wouldn't play strip poker period," answered Jack.

"That's not true," said Vicky defensively. "I know how to play poker
and with the right people I would play strip poker, provided that's all
it was. No sex, no orgy afterwards, just strip poker where the loser
takes off his clothes."

"His clothes?" responded Jack. "I think that should be her clothes."

Vicky smiled, and turned to Kat. "Kat, you should take Jack to one of
Sharon's strip poker games and get this strip poker thing out of his
system. After he loses his pants in front of a bunch of girls, he
wouldn't act like this all the time."

"What strip poker game at Sharon's?" asked Jack. "How come
nobody invited me?"

"I never mentioned it because I haven't a clue how to play poker,"
said Kat. "In a strip poker game, I might as well just take my clothes
off at the start, cause that's what would happen anyway, if I tried to

"Sounds good to me," replied Jack. "I'll go find the cards."

"In your dreams, Jack," snapped Kat. "In your dreams."

"Well, if you're too shy for strip poker, I'm not," said Jack. "So when
is this strip poker game at Sharon's? Maybe I'll go by myself."

"You can't," said Betty. "Only couples are allowed to play."

"Ok, how about you, Vicky?" asked Jack. "You said you knew how to
play poker, and that you were not afraid to play strip poker. We can
go together."

"Well, er... if its ok with Kat," said Vicky, hesitantly, looking at Kat.

The look on Vicky's face said she was really asking Kat to get her out
this mess she had just talked herself into. Kat, however, seemed to be
enjoying watching Vicky squirm.

"It's ok with me," Kat said, with a smile. "Provided, of course," she
added. "That I get to watch Jack lose his pants."

"Then we are all set," said Jack. "When is this big game at Sharon's."

"Not so fast, hot shot," said Betty. "Spectators aren't allowed at strip
poker games, so Kat can't tag along to watch you drop your draws."

"Well, if I can't watch, then ... I guess you're out of luck, Jack," said
Kat with a shrug and a smile.

Jack stared at Kat for several seconds, then turned to the rest of us.
"So, are all the rest of you going to this big game."

I looked at Mary wondering what we were supposed to say. Finally,
Pam broke the silence. "Actually, I think the big game was last night."

"You mean I missed it?" Jack asked. "What happened? Who lost?"

"Don't look at me," replied Pam. "I wasn't there. Mary and Betty here
are the poker sharks."

Jack turned to Mary with a surprised look. "You played in a strip
poker game?"

"Don't look so surprised, Jack," replied Mary. "I won too."

"Is this true, Larry?" asked Jack.

"Yeah, it true," I said. "Mary and Betty both have never even lost
their blouse."

"Who were the losers?" asked Jack.

"Well, I'm not sure it's a good idea to say too much about who the
losers were," said Betty.

"The way we play, the game ends when the first person `loses' all
their clothes," said Mary, "although, in the first game two players lost
all their clothes on the same hand."

"First game?" said Jack with surprise. "How many of these games
have I missed."

"Just two," said Mary.

"So when is the next game," asked Jack.

Betty and Mary looked at each other. "I don't know," Mary said.

"Strip poker does start to get a little boring after you have seen all the
players naked," Betty said.

Mary laughed. "I talked to Sharon this morning. She has some
interesting ideas, so there is a good chance there will be more games."

"Alright, Kat, we have to find a way to go the next game," said Jack.

"I already told you there's no way I can play in that game," replied

"Maybe we can get them to change the rules, or something," said

Pam had been sitting quietly at the side, while Jack interrogated us,
but suddenly she spoke up. "You know last summer when I was back
home, I went to a birthday party for a guy I had known in high school.
The guys at the party claimed they wanted to hire a stripper for the
party, but they couldn't afford one, so they went around asking all the
girls at the party to volunteer to be the stripper. We all refused, of
course. Then they dared some of the girls to play a game, with the
loser being the stripper. I refused to do that too, but one or two girls
had problems saying no to dares, and the guys finally convinced them
to go along, if all the other girls would agree. I didn't like this at all,
but I finally went along because I didn't want to be the only one."

Pam had seemed like a quiet girl, but she was clearly excited as she
continued. "Well...for the game all the girls just took turns drawing
cards, and whoever got some card, the ace of spades I think, had to be
the stripper. It was a silly game, but boy was it a rush. I was never so
terrified and well ... excited. I was terrified every time I had to draw a
card, and ... well ... I actually was hoping someone else would get the
card, so I didn't have to take another one. When some other girl
finally got the card, I was really relieved, and I boy am I glad I didn't
lose. Those guys did not treat the loser very well."

"What happened to the loser?" asked Vicky.

"Well, she tried to be a good sport about it, but she really didn't want
to take her bra off. The guys practically ripped her bra off. After that,
her boyfriend finally put a stop to the whole think."

"What would you have done if you had lost?" asked Connie.

"Well ... I've thought a lot about that. I'm not really sure, but I guess I
would have done it. I would have tried to avoid taking my bra off too,
but I didn't have a boyfriend there to save me, so I probably would
have taken it off."

"Well there, Kat," said Jack. "You can play Pam's game. I'll get a
deck of cards for you girls."

"No way Jack," said Kat. "It's not your birthday."

"Ooooh," said Jack. "So you will play on my birthday."

"I never said that," said Kat. "Besides, none of these other girls would
go along with it, even on your birthday."

"Oh I don't know about that," said Jack. "Mary and Betty here are the
strip poker champions. Vicky just told me she would play strip poker.
I bet Pam would like to play this game again. What about you

Connie giggled. "Well, I admit I have played strip poker before."

"Well..." said Jack, after a pause. "Come on Connie, what happened?"

Connie giggled again, then continued. "Last spring I went out with
Steve from the orchestra, and he acted just like Stan. All he wanted to
do was go back to his room and play strip poker. Well, I know how to
play poker too, so I finally agreed, just to get a chance to show him
up. Well, to make a long story short, I won. Steve was naked, and I
had only lost my blouse."

"What happened after that?" asked Vicky. "Did you just leave?"

Connie giggled, and blushed a little bit. "No, I didn't leave right then.
Steve suggested we should keep playing for favors."

"And you agreed?" asked a wide-eyed Vicky.

"Well..." replied Connie. "I still had three pieces of clothes to lose
before I would lose a favor, so ... yeah, I agreed."

"What happened?" asked Pam.

"Well..." Connie said, obviously a little embarrassed, "I hope you
don't think I am bad, or anything, but... well... I lost my pants, and
then I won a favor, and ... I ...ah..."

Everyone was now staring at Connie, and she was obviously shy
about tell this part of the story. Vicky pressed her. "What kind of a
`favor' did you ask for?"

Connie swallowed. "I asked him to do himself, ... you know..."

"You mean jack off?" injected Jack. Connie nodded yes.

"Did he do it?" asked an even more wide-eyed Vicky.

"Yeah, he did it," said Connie with a devilish smile. "Then I got my
clothes on and I got out of there fast."

"Weren't you taking a big chance?" asked Pam. "What would you
have done if you lost?"

Connie hesitated. "Well, ... if I lost, ... I'd probably ended up giving
him a ... you know..." After several seconds of silence, she finally
added. "... a blowjob."

This story had produced a big bulge in my jeans, and I had to adjust
my position slightly to relieve the pressure of my erection on my
jeans. After a few seconds of silence Vicky spoke. "Boy, Connie, you
like to live dangerously. I would never do that."

I found this whole conversation hard to believe. Were there really
guys like Stan and Steve who's idea of a date was to ask a girl back to
their room for strip poker that ended in sexual "favors?" Did this
technique really work? Was it this easy to get laid? What percentage
of girls would actually come back to your room and play strip poker
with you? Vicky had refused Stan, but Connie had said yes to Steve.
Would Mary come back to my room for a private strip poker game?

I turned and noticed that Mary and Kat were whispering to each other.
Mary motioned Betty over and the three of them moved into one of
the small bedrooms. What were they up to?

"I agree with Vicky," said Pam. "I would only go back to a guys room
for strip poker, if I wanted to sleep with him."

"Let me get this straight," said Jack. "If I ask a girl back to my room
for strip poker, and she agrees, then that means she wants to sleep
with me?"

Vicky, Pam and Connie all giggled. "I wouldn't count on it," Connie
said. "They might just want to beat you out of your pants."

"I have never ask a girl to my room for strip poker," said Joe. "How
many guys try this."

"I certainly never have," said Jack. "What about you Larry?"

"No, never," I said.

"I don't think there are that many guys like Stan and Steve, but they
have to ask a lot of girls," said Connie. "Even if a girl says yes, they
are only going to play one or two games with her. Then they get bored
with her, and are out looking for a new opponent. Steve has hit on
almost every girl I know in the music department."

"I don't know about Stan, but I suspect your right Connie," said
Vicky. "Any guy who asks you to play strip poker is not looking for a
long term relationship. You guys shouldn't feel you've missed out on
anything. I think you guys are all nice, even you Jack."

If this was a random sample of girls, strip poker was looking like a
low probability of success approach, unless the girl really wanted to
sleep with you. If every girl always said no, you would think guys like
Stan and Steve would stop asking quickly. The fact that there were
guys like this means that some girls must say yes. I wonder if all these
girls were really telling the truth about saying no?

"Well, I'm going to have to look Stan up and ask him about this strip
poker thing," said Jack. Then Jack turned to Connie. "Do I know this
Steve?" he asked.

"I don't think so," Connie laughed. "He plays the trombone. I could
introduce you, but he never spoke to me after that night. I doubt he
wants to talk about it."

"Well, I'm the height of discretion," said Jack. "If you just point him
out to me, I would never even mention your name, much less mention
what you did."

Another thought occurred to me. I was a virgin. Charlene had told
Marc, my roommate, that Mary was a virgin too, but how many of
these other people here tonight were virgins? It seemed probable that
Jack and Kat were sleeping together. Vicky and Pam had both added
the `unless I wanted to sleep with him' clause to their no strip poker
declarations, so I would guess they had previous experience. Connie
sure didn't sound inexperienced. All this talk about strip games didn't
seem like something that you would do in front of virgins, unless you
were trying to seduce them or something. They probably all assumed
that since I had gone to two strip poker games with Mary, we must
have slept together. This, of course, begged the obvious question,
which I avoided trying to think about.

Mary, Betty and Kat had now reappeared out of the bedroom.

"So what conspiracy have you girls cooked up tonight?" asked Jack.

"No conspiracy," said Mary. "It's just that you're such a nice guy,
Jack, that we wanted to help you get over this strip poker thing."

"I don't want to get over it," said a smiling Jack. "I want to get into

"Well, we think we have figured out a way, if everyone agrees, to
have a strip poker game here tonight."

Another strip poker game? This was not at all what I had in mind for
this evening!

"We'll see how much you like strip poker after you've lost your
pants," added Kat.

"Well, this is a pretty tough crowd," said Jack. "Mary, Betty, and
Connie are all undefeated at this game, but I think I can beat you girls
out of your panties."

"Well, let me explain the rules we propose. First, absolutely no sex,
and no touching either. Since a number of people don't know how to
play poker, and we have more girls then guys, we though we would
play as teams. There are nine of us, so we could form three teams of
three players each. Each team could have 2 girls and 1 guy. Each team
would also have a couple of people who understood poker and one
who didn't. The game would end when one of the teams had lost all
their clothes. There would be a ten minute penalty period in which we
all get to ogle to the losers ... ah ... natural beauty, then we put our
clothes back on and go home."

I looked around the room. Vicky's eyes seem to be looking daggers at
Kat. Vicky had expected Kat to get her out of her boast of being
willing to play strip poker. Now it was going to be very hard for
Vicky to get out of this game. Pam did not look very excited either.
Connie had a little smile on her face, like she really liked the idea. Joe
seemed to like the idea, and Jack, of course, loved it.

"So, who is on which team?" asked Jack.

"Hold on just a minute here," said Mary. "First let's find out if
everyone wants to play. Does everyone agree to play."

I looked over at Vicky. She still looked rather upset, but she was no
longer just staring at Kat. She was now looking around the room at the
rest of us. No one raised any objections, so after a few seconds, Mary
continued. "Ok, good. Then lets put Kat and Jack on one team, and..."

"Wait a minute," said Kat, cutting off Mary in mid-sentence. "I want
to be able to enjoy it when Jack loses his pants. I want to be on a
different team."

"I want to enjoy Jack losing his pants too," said Vicky.

After a few more minutes of negotiations, we decided not to put any
couples on the same team. Mary, Pam and Jack ended up on one team.
Vicky, Connie and Joe on another, and I was on a team with Kat and

While this was going on, Mary came over to talk to me. "You don't
look to thrilled with this idea," she whispered to me. "This is every
guys fantasy, playing strip poker with all these girls. Come on Larry,
even if your team loses you are still going to get to see two naked

This was true, but I had seen quite a few naked girls last night.

"Well, I sort of had a different idea of this evening," I whispered back
to Mary.

"Yeah, I bet," Mary said. "Well, maybe we can have some time
together after this is over. Who knows? You might get to see me
naked tonight."

Then Mary turned to the whole group. "Now we need to decide
exactly how we are going to play this. In the rules we have been
using, it was five chips to each piece of clothes, but we would be here
all night if we played by those rules with only three hands."

There followed a discussion of how to actually play. It was quickly
agreed that only one person from each team would play each hand.
The other members of the team could not help the players with
deciding to bet or fold, but not all members of the team had to take a
turn playing hands. Kat and Pam both said they did not want to play
any hands.

Mary proposed that we not use chips, but actually bet pieces of
clothes. Since there were three people on a team, each team had 18
pieces all together, so we agreed with that.

Jack did not like everyone having to show their hand and the team
with the low hand giving one piece to the team with the high hand.
Jack complained this made it difficult to bluff. Mary explained this
rule was so people wouldn't just fold all the time. Jack suggested we
have a must bet rule in the first round instead. If any team had an
opening hand then, the other teams had to see the one piece bet in the
first round. Everyone agreed to that.

Betty thought with these rules the game might take way to long with
only three hands. If none of us played stupidly, we could trade clothes
around for hours with these rules. She proposed that each team would
ante one piece of clothes every hand, which would go out of the game,
and not be part of the pot. This would mean that as the hands went by
there would be fewer and fewer pieces of clothes, so no mater how
even the game was, eventually someone would get stripped. Everyone
agreed to this, but Kat was worried that once a piece of clothes was
anted away, you could never get it back, and this did not seem fair.

"What happens if I ante my bra?" asked Kat. "If we win can I get it

"You're not wearing a bra," said Jack.

This certainly looked to be true. Kat was kind of flat chested, and I
thought I could see the outline of her erect nipples in her tee shirt.

"Shut up, Jack," replied Kat. "I'm going to put one on in a minute."

There followed a long discussion of teams trading clothes with each
other and with the ante pile. Finally it was decided to keep things as
simple as possible, there would be no trading of clothes between
teams, but you could trade one piece of your own clothes for another
piece in the ante pile. This means, if Kat had anted her bra, and won
her shoes back, she could trade her shoes for her bra in the ante pile.

Kat was not the only person who was not wearing six pieces of
clothes. I did not have an undershirt, and neither did Jack or Joe. Kat
went into her bedroom and closed the door to get a bra. I put on my
jacket to act as a shirt, then making my tee shirt my undershirt.
Finally, Kat came back out, now obviously with a bra under here tee
shirt, and everybody was ready.

The Team Game

"If we are going to be playing strip poker, I think I better turn up the
heat," Vicky said. As Vicky went off to make the adjustments to the
thermostats, I wondered if she knew that she had just said something
that could have a double meaning, or was that just my imagination.

"Let's discuss strategy here, Larry," said Betty, interrupting my
daydream. "Have you ever played in a small poker game like this?"

"Well...not exactly," I said. Actually, I had never played poker before
that first game at Sharon and Kristen's.

"Well, in a three handed game, any high pair is a good hand," Betty

"Are we playing jacks to open?" I asked.

"I hope not," Betty said. "We'll be here all night trying to get an
opening hand."

Betty turned to the whole group. "Larry brings up a good point. In our
other big poker games we played jacks to open, but in a three handed
game, that doesn't really work. I propose a pair of anything as the
minimum hand to open."

Nobody had any objections, so Betty turned back to Kat and me. "We
have to decide what order we bet our clothes," Betty said.

"I think we should bet all of Larry's clothes, then all of Betty's, then
mine last," said Kat.

I smiled. "I was kind of thinking it was ladies before gentleman," I
said. "So you and Betty, should go first, and I'll go last."

"You two are being silly," said Betty. "We take turns betting one
piece of clothes each. I propose that Larry go first, since Kat and I
would have to show our breasts when we get down to one piece of
clothes, but Larry will not really show anything until he loses all his
clothes, so I think that makes it fair."

Certainly there was some logic to Betty's proposal. "All right, I
guess," I said. That meant I had to ante my shoes on the first hand.

"Ok, Larry," said Betty. "Since it's your shoes, you can play the first

I bent over and untied my shoes and held them in my hand.
Apparently the other teams had overheard Betty, or had independently
come to the same conclusion, since Jack and Joe were also taking off
their shoes for the ante.

"Ok, why don't we put the ante clothes in the kitchen," said Mary.

It wasn't exactly a kitchen. It was really a kitchenette in the corner of
the apartment, but we all knew what Mary meant. I tossed my shoes
onto the kitchenette floor and sat down on the floor next to the coffee
table, while Jack shuffled the cards and dealt out three hands on the
coffee table. I picked up my cards and looked at my hand. I had junk,
an ace, nine, eight, seven and a four.

Jack looked at me. "Up to you Larry."

"I pass," I said.

Connie, who was playing for her team, reached down and placed her
shoes on the table. "I'll open," she said.

Jack turned toward Mary. "Mary, we need your shoes to open," Jack
said. Mary already had her shoes off, and handed them to Jack to
place on the coffee table.

Without saying anything, Betty handed me her shoes, and I put them
on the table, then I took three cards. Connie took three cards too, but
Jack only took one.

I looked at my new cards. I had some higher cards, but still just junk.
Connie must have had a pair to open, and Jack might have two pair, so
I was clearly out of this hand.

Connie was staring at Jack. Clearly, she was wondering what Jack had
too. Jack could have two pair, or he could have been trying to fill a
straight or flush, in which case he might have nothing.

Finally, Connie passed. Jack looked at his cards again, and laid them
face down on the table. "Ok, we are going to raise by three, so one
piece of clothes each," he said.

Jack took off socks placed them on the table. Mary took off her socks
and Pam handed Jack her shoes.

I folded and it was up to Connie. Connie looked at her hand again,
then shook her head, and folded too.

"Alright!" exclaimed Jack, as he grabbed the clothes off the coffee
table. "I like this game already." Jack pulled his socks back on, and
handed Mary and Pam their clothes.

Mary pulled her socks and shoes back on. "Time to ante for the next
hand," she said. "Jack, ante one those pair of shoes for us."

Betty turned to Kat. "We need to ante your shoes," Betty said.

Kat did not seem at all upset by this, after all, it was only her shoes.
She pushed them into the kitchenette. Vicky tossed her shoes into the
ante for her team.

As I studied Jack, I wonder what he really had. Jack was the one who
thought bluffing was an important part of poker. Had Jack just bluffed
us into thinking he had two pairs by taking only one card and then
betting aggressively? Well I only had junk, so there was nothing I
could have done. I would have to watch Jack and make sure he didn't
steal the game.

I stood up and let Betty sit down to shuffle the cards for the next hand.
Betty dealt out the cards. I tried to get a peek at what she had, but all I
could see was some face cards. I had no idea what she had.

Joe had taken Connie's place, and he passed. Mary, replacing Jack,
also passed. "I can open," Betty said. "Larry, your socks."

I had forgotten that my socks would have to be the open bet, so it took
me a minute to pull them off and hand them to Betty. Joe took off his
socks to see the opening bet, and Mary put somebody's shoes into the

This time everyone took three cards. Since the other two teams had
passed, neither of them had a pair before the draw. Betty pulled her
socks off. "I'll open for one," she said.

Joe did not look very happy, and he laid his cards down. "I'll fold," he

Mary was now looking carefully at Betty. "I'm going to raise three,"
she announced. "I'll need one piece from each of you," she said
turning to Jack and Pam. Mary put her own shoes and sock on the
table, then collected Pam's shoes and Jack's socks.

Betty never looked at her cards, but studied Mary carefully. "Ok, I'll
see that bet," Betty said. "I need one piece from each of you." Betty
pulled her tight fitting blouse off over her head. As the knit blouse
came up over her bra, her large breasts seemed to pop out into view
next to me. Betty's breast looked to be larger than any of the other
girls here tonight even with her blouse on, but now that I could see her
bra, I more fully appreciated just how large they really were. Kat
pulled off her socks and handed them to Betty. I handed her my
jacket, which was replacing my shirt for this game.

Betty laid the clothes on the table. "Ok, what have you got, Mary?"
she asked.

Mary laid her cards on the table. "A pair of queens," she said.

Betty scowled and dropped her cards. I could see a pair of jacks.

"Way to go Mary," exclaimed Jack. "I'm liking this game more and
more," he continued with his eyes fixed on Betty's bra, and a little
smile on his lips.

Mary sorted their team's clothes from the pile in the middle of the
coffee table, and handed Pam her shoes. Then she turned to Jack.
"Here, put your socks and shoes back on," Mary said. "You have to
play the next hand, Jack. Make sure you don't get so distracted by the
scenery that you blow it."

"I thought you said that we would trade clothes back and forth," Kat
said to Betty. "How come Jack's team keeps winning all the clothes?"

"Just luck," said Betty. "It's our turn to win one now."

"What about our turn?" said Vicky, breaking into the conversation.

"Ok, boys and girls," said Jack. "Time to ante for the next hand."

Betty and I both looked at Kat. "My shirt now?" Kat asked.

Kat pulled her tee shirt off over her head and tossed it into the
growing pile of clothes in the kitchenette. Kat was a rather tall, thin
girl, and standing there without her shirt it was clear how slender she
really was. Her breasts were ... well petite, and she was wearing a
sports bra over them. Kat and Betty were almost the same height, but
standing next to each other in their bras, they provided a stunning
contrast in the variety of the female figure.

"Larry, you have to play this next hand," said Betty. "So stop staring
at your teammates, and concentrate on the game. You're going to
have to bet your pants on this hand."

I had forgotten about that. I was going to have a little problem here.
From the first strip poker game, I had learned you should never play
strip poker in boxer shorts. Boxers have a problem with things
popping out. Jockey shorts are much better. I had gone out and bought
a package of jockey shorts for the second strip poker game, but as
things turned out last night, I didn't need them. Tonight I was wearing
boxers again, so I would have to be very careful after I took my pants

I sat down next to the coffee table. Vicky added her socks to the ante
and Mary tossed somebody's shoes into the ante pile in the
kitchenette. Vicky shuffled the cards and dealt them out. With a knot
in my stomach, I picked up my cards and looked at them. I had a pair
of aces, a king, queen and a jack. If Betty was right about any high
pair being a good hand in this game, then this could be a winning

Since Vicky had dealt, Jack was the first to act. Jack grabbed
somebody's socks from his team's pile of clothes and tossed it into the
middle. "I'll open," he announced.

This was the big moment. I stood up, unzipped and unfastened my
jeans. I carefully pulled the jeans down, making sure I did not drag the
boxers down with the jeans, and making sure that nothing popped out
of the boxers either. My erection was in the left leg of the boxer
shorts, so there was little danger of it popping out the front flap, but I
had to be careful the leg did not come up high enough to reveal it. I
pulled the jeans down and off one leg and then the other, then abruptly
sat down without standing up completely up.

"What's that in your shorts there, Larry?" called out a giggling Vicky.
Someone else whistled.

"I'll see the bet," I replied.

Vicky turned to Connie. "We need your socks, Connie." Connie took
her sock off and dropped them on the table. Everyone took three
cards, which was a good sign. It meant before the draw, a pair was the
best hand anyone had, and I was holding the best pair possible. I
picked up my three new cards, but they were no help, a jack, nine and
a two.

Jack began sorting through the stack of clothes his team had won and
counted out three items. "I'll open for three," he said.

I had expected him to open for one, but Jack was taking advantage of
his teams position to make it harder on us. "Ok, I'm going to see that
bet," I said. "We need one item from each of us."

"What!" said Kat. "You're going to bet my pants? Are you sure you
have a winning hand?"

I pulled off my tee shirt and tossed it on to the coffee table. "I've got
him beat, no question about it," I replied.

Betty unfastened her jeans and began to slide them slowly over her
hips and down her legs, revealing simple pure white panties. She
stepped out the jeans one leg at a time and tossed them on the table,
and then sat down on the floor. Previously, she had been standing
behind me, but without her jeans she chose to sit.

"Let me get this straight," said Kat. "Larry is `sure' he has a winning
hand, so I have to take off my pants so we can bet them, so we can
find out if Larry is right."

"Yeah, that's pretty much it," replied Betty.

"If Larry was really sure he had me beat, he would raise three rather
than just see the bet," said Jack with smile.

"If we raised three, then you would have to take your bra off too,"
explained Betty to Kat.

"And Jack would just raise us back again," I added. "You would then
have to take your panties off to call that raise. I'm sure I have him
beat, but I'm just calling his bet."

"Ok, if we win, then I get my pants back, right?" ask Kat.

"Yeah," said Betty.

"What about my tee shirt? Can I get that back too?" asked Kat.

"Well, we anted your shirt," replied Betty. Betty turned and looked at
the clothes on the coffee table. "Are those your socks in the pot?"

"Yeah," replied Kat.

"Ok," said Betty. "In that case we can trade your socks for your shirt."

"I hope you're right about this hand, Larry," said Kat, as she began to
unfasten her jeans. "Otherwise, I'm going to sitting here stark naked
in a minute." She slid the jeans down her hips, revealing low cut pink
satin panties. She pushed the jeans down her thighs and stepped out of
first one leg, then the other leg. As she lifted the second leg out of the
jeans, I noticed two pubic hairs sticking out from under her panties.
Kat handed me her jeans, and sat down on the floor next to Betty.

I placed her jeans in the pot. "I see the bet," I said.

Everyone turned and looked at Vicky. "No way, I fold," she said.

"Ok, let's see what you got, Larry," said Jack.

I turned over my pair of aces. Jack dropped his cards on the table.
"Damn," was all he said.

I looked over at the cards. He had a pair of tens.

"We won?" asked Kat.

"Yes, we won," I said, as I passed Kat her jeans. I passed Betty her
jeans next, then grabbed my own. Betty stood up to get into her jeans,
but Kat and I both slipped our jeans on over our legs and pulled them
up, while still seated. Then I stood up and began sorting through the
pile of clothes in the pot. I found my tee shirt and slipped it on. I
found Kats socks and went over to the ante pile and traded them for
her tee shirt, which she slipped quickly over her head.

Betty was looking at the pile of clothes we had collected. "Here's my
socks," she said, "but where's my shirt?"

"Over here, Betty," said Jack, picking up the shirt from his team's
pile. "I think I'll ante it this round." Jack tossed Betty's shirt into the
ante pile.

Betty picked out an unidentified pair of socks and tossed them into the
kitchenette for our ante. Joe had to ante his jacket, which he was
wearing in place of a shirt.

Mary sat down at the table and began to shuffle the cards for the next

"Ok Connie, it's our turn to win," said Vicky. "We're going to be a
little too revealing here if we don't win soon."

Mary dealt out the cards, and Betty sat down to play the next hand for
us. Betty studied her cards, then grabbed a pair of socks from our pile.
"I'll open for one," she said.

Connie was looking at her cards. She seemed confident and turned to
Vicky. "You or me first?" Connie asked.

"Well, you went first before," replied Vicky. "Besides you're playing
the hand."

Connie pulled her tee shirt up over her head, revealing a white bra
topped with lace. Connie's breasts were smaller than Betty's, but
hardly what I would call small. Her tee shirt became caught on an
earring, and Connie had to struggle with arms behind her head and
chest pushed out for a few seconds to free it. When she finally got it
free of her ear, she placed it in the pot. "I'll see the bet," she said.

Mary picked up my jacket, and placed it in the pot. "I'll see the bet
too," she said. That was the last piece of clothes that Mary's team had
won, so now they would have start betting their own clothes. Of
course, they still had most of their shoes and socks, so that was not a
big deal.

Everyone took three cards. Betty rearranged her cards, then looked at
our remaining pile of clothes. "I'm going to open for three," Betty
said. "There's only two pieces here, so we'll need your tee shirt, Kat."

Kat looked at Betty then pulled her tee shirt back off over her head
and handed it to Betty, who placed it in the pot along with two pairs of

Connie was studying Betty. She turned to Vicky and Joe. "I'm going
to see the bet," Connie said. "So I need one piece from each of you."

Vicky starred at Connie for a second. "I hope you know what you're
doing," Vicky said. Then she pulled her sweater up over her head,
revealing her white lacy topped bra. Vicky's breasts were slightly
smaller than Connie's, but still much larger than Kat.

Kat leaned over to me. "How did you know that you had Jack beat?"

Vicky tossed her sweater into the pot and both Joe and Connie began
to remove their pants.

"Well, everyone took three, so I knew the best Jack had before the
draw was a pair," I whispered to Kat, as I watched Connie carefully
work her jeans over her hips. "I was holding the best possible pair, so
I had him beat before the draw," I continued, as Connie pushed her
jeans down her legs, displaying white panties, decorated with blue and
read flowers. "Jack could have gotten a second pair or three of kind in
the draw, but the chance of that seemed low, so I figured I had him
beat," I said, as Connie stepped out of first one leg and then the other.
Then she placed her pants in the pot and sat down next to the table,
hiding her panties from my direct view.

Joe also tossed his pants into the pot, and sat down. My attention had
been focused on Connie, but Joe was a wearing jockey shorts, and I
could see an obvious bulge in the front.

As Joe sat down, Kat turned back to me. "So what your really saying
is you bet my pants on an educated guess?"

"I guess you could call it that," I replied.

Mary shook her head. "No way, I fold."

Connie laid her cards on the table. "I have a pair of Kings," she said.
"What have you got, Betty?"

Betty slowly spread her cards on the table. "A pair of queens and a
pair of tens."

"Oh, God..." cried Vicky.

Kat looked at me. "Did we win again?"

"It looks like it," I said, as Betty pulled the pile of clothes off the
table. Betty found Kat's tee shirt and handed it back to her to slip on.

"Well, this is a fine mess you got us into Connie," Vicky said. "We're
going to be topless in a minute."

"I had a pair of Kings," Connie protested. "How was I suppose to
know she had drawn a second pair?"

Kat leaned over and whispered to me. "It looks like Connie's educated
guess did not work out quite as well as yours."

I smiled and shrugged. I helped Betty get all the clothes we had won
off the coffee table. I picked up a pair of socks. "Time to ante for the
next hand," I said as I tossed the socks into the growing ante pile in
the kitchenette. Mary took off her shoes and brought them over to
place in the ante pile. I sat down and started to shuffle the cards for
the next hand.

Vicky was still glaring at Connie. "Now I'm going to have to ante my
pants," Vicky complained to Connie. "That's going to make it hard to
even win them back." Vicky unfastened her jeans and pushed them
down her hips, making sure she did not drag her panties down with
the jeans. Then she slid her jeans down her thighs, revealing bright red
panties. She stepped out of one leg of her jeans and then pushed them
down the other leg. She stepped out of the jeans, stood up and tossed
the jeans into the ante pile. The brief glimpse of Vicky's pure white
bra and bright red panties before she sat down looked ...well, peculiar.
Vicky seemed to realize this too. "I'd have worn matching underwear,
if I'd known we'd be playing strip poker," she said.

I dealt out the three hands, and picked up my five cards. I had a pair of
sixes, a ten, a three, and a two. I figured I would need another six or
another pair to make this hand a winner. Vicky and Jack had picked
up their hands and were studying them. Vicky passed, but Jack
opened with Pam's shoes. I saw the bet with a pair of socks from our

"I need your shirt Joe to see the bet," said Vicky. Joe took off his shirt
and tossed it on the coffee table. This left Joe sitting on the floor in
only his jockey shorts.

Everyone took three cards. I looked at my three new cards, but they
were no help, so all I had was a pair of sixes.

"I'll open for one," Jack said. He took off his own socks and placed
them on the table.

It seemed to me that the pair of sixes I had was unlikely to win a
showdown. On the other hand, Jack would have opened for three, if
he had a really good hand, so maybe he only had a low pair. I picked
out a pair of socks from our clothes pile and tossed it on the table to
see the bet.

Joe looked at me and at Jack. Connie could see that Joe was having a
hard time deciding what to do. "If you're going to bet my bra, make
sure you win it back," Connie said.

Joe shook his head. "I fold."

"What you got, Larry?" asked Jack, as he laid his cards on the table.

"A pair of sixes," I said rather meekly.

"Good," said Jack. "I got a pair of eight's."

Joe turned to Connie. "I only had a pair of sevens, so your lucky I

"Well, ... `lucky' isn't the way I would describe it," Connie replied
sarcastically. "Now my bra goes into the ante pile."

As Jack gathered in the small pot of clothes he had just won, everyone
else's attention turned to Connie.

"Ok, ok," said Connie. "Might as well get this over with." Connie
reached around behind her and unfastened her bra strap.

"The rules said you had to standup to take off your underwear," said
Jack. "So I think Connie should standup."

Connie looked at Jack, then to Mary. "I think Jack is right," Mary
said. "We did say you had to stand up to take off your underwear."

Connie stood up with a little difficulty, since she had already
unfastened her bra and see needed to hold on to it. She held her bra
against her breasts, and pulled first one arm and then the other out of
the shoulder straps.

"Also remember the rule that you cannot cover your breasts up with
your hands," said Jack.

Connie glared at Jack, but didn't say anything. She seemed frozen
there holding her bra against her breasts for what seemed like an
eternity, but was probably only a few seconds. I was beginning to
think that Connie was going to refuse to remove her bra and end the
game right there. "Here goes," she finally said and let the bra drop
away from her breasts. Connie's breasts were actually quite large, not
by the standards of Playboy or Penthouse, but given the three in the
flesh examples I had seen at last night's strip poker game, Connie
compared very favorably. With the support of her bra removed, the
breasts drooped noticeably, giving them a rounded look. Connie
tossed her bra into the kitchenette ante pile and sat down.

Vicky gathered up the cards and began to shuffle for the next hand.
Mary grabbed somebody's socks from her team's winnings and tossed
them into the kitchenette. Betty grabbed a shirt from our pile and
tossed it into the ante. I sat starring at the erect nipples on Connie's

Kat leaned over to me and whispered. "Are Vicky and Connie going
to lose now? I'm really hopping I don't have to take my bra off."

I leaned over and whispered in Kat ear. "I'm not sure, but I hope so."

Mary was the first to act, and she grabbed a pair of socks from her
team's pile and opened for one. Betty tossed my jacket, which I had
never bothered to put back on, into the pot to see the bet. Now all eyes
turned to Vicky, who was going to have to open with her bra.

Vicky smiled, and stood up. She reached behind her and unfastened
her bra, then holding the bra with first one hand and then the other,
she threaded her arms out of the shoulder straps, while holding the bra
tightly against her breasts. Vicky only paused for a second, then
dropped her bra away from her breasts, and abruptly sat down.
Vicky's breasts were not as large as Connie's, but they were more
pyramid shaped, and reminded me of the Grand Tetons I had seen last

Everybody took three cards, although I was not really paying much
attention. My eyes kept going back and forth between Vicky's peaks
and Connie more rounded protrusions.

Mary turned to Jack and Pam. "I'm opening for three, so I'll need one
piece from each of you." Mary picked up a shirt, which was the last
item in their team's winnings, and threw it into the pot. Pam gave her
shoes to Mary and Jack handed his socks to her.

Betty was studying Mary carefully. She picked up two pairs of pants
and a shirt from our winnings and tossed them into the pot. "I'll see
the bet," she said.

Now everyone looked at Vicky. I had not been paying too much
attention to the game, but now I realized that Vicky's team only had
three items of clothes left. If they wanted to see this bet, they would
have to bare it all. If they folded, then they would have to bare it next
hand. Vicky picked her cards up again and looked at them to double
check what she had in her hand. Then she took a deep breath, which
caused her breasts to thrust forward and fall back. "I'm going to see
this bet, so we are going to have drop our panties here."

Vicky stood up slowly, got a hold of both sides of her bright red
panties, then quickly slid them down to her knees, and stepped out of
them one leg at a time. I could clearly she her bush, which was much
darker than her hair. She sat down without ever straightening up
completely. From were I sat, the coffee table was in the way, and
Vicky was positioning her legs to try to hide her bush.

"Ok, I did it," Vicky said. "Now, how about you Joe."

Joe looked a little reluctant, and when he stood up, I could see why.
There was a huge bulge in the front of his jockey sorts. Joe suddenly
grabbed his shorts and pushed them down to his ankles in a single
motion. Then he sat down and brought his legs up to cover his
erection. He shook his shorts off his ankles and handed them to Vicky.
In spite of his efforts, from my angle I had clearly seen his erection
pop out as soon as his shorts came down. I turned and looked at Kat,
who was still starring at Joe with a little smile on her lips.

Connie stood up, pushed her panties down to her ankles and then sat
down all in a single motion, similar to what Joe had done, but Connie
seem smoother and more fluid in her motion, and, of course, nothing
popped up when she lowered her panties. Although I caught only a
very brief glimpse, Connie's bush seemed much smaller and looked
like it had been trimmed, like a Playboy or Penthouse model. Connie
pulled her panties off her ankles and handed them to Vicky. "You
better win these right back for me," Connie said.

"Ok, I've got a pair of ace's," said Mary, as she laid her cards on the

Betty dropped her cards without comment. But a big smile spread
over Vicky face as she spread out her cards. "Two pair, kings and
jacks," Vicky beamed. She immediately grabbed her red panties off
the coffee table, slipped them over her ankles, up her leg, down her
thighs, and over her hips without getting off the floor. She then
grabbed Connie's panties and handed them to her, and then Joe's
shorts to him. Vicky then took her bra off the table and slipped it on
over her shoulders.

Connie also slipped her panties on without getting up, but once her
panties were on, she joined Vicky sorting through the big pile of
clothes they had just won. Connie found her pants. "I'm going to trade
this for my bra," she said. As Connie walked past me towards the
kitchenette, I could see her breasts bouncing up and down with each
step. Connie dropped her pants, and picked up her bra and held it up
to her breasts while she threaded her arms through the shoulder straps.
With the bra in place, she reached behind and expertly refastened the

Joe meanwhile had slipped his shorts back on and was now looking
for more of his own clothes. He found his shirt and pants, and slipped
them back on.

Vicky pulled her sweater out of the stack of clothes. "I'm going to
trade this for my pants," she said. She walked over to the kitchenette
and found her pants on the floor and wiggled them back up over her

Kat turned to Betty. "Are we in trouble now?" Kat asked.

I looked around at the situation. We had used up all the clothes in our
pile on the previous hand. We were wearing a few more items of
clothing than Vicky, Connie and Joe, but they had a pile of clothes
they had just won. Mary and Pam still had their stockings. We were
the team with the fewest items of clothing again.

"Well..." replied Betty. "We need to win a hand soon, or else we may
be ... ah...showing a bit too much."

"Don't worry, Kat," I said. "We're all pretty close to even."

Connie grabbed a pair of shoes from their winnings and tossed them
into the ante pile. Mary took off her socks and threw them into the

Kat looked at me. "We may be close to even," she said. "But I think
the ante pile is winning." She then pulled her tee shirt off over her
head and dropped it into the ante.

Jack shuffled the cards and dealt out three hands. I sat down and
picked up my cards. I had a pair of aces, a nine, a seven, and a two.
This was the kind of winning hand we needed right now. As the first
to act, I wanted to open. I looked around at Betty and Kat. Then I
realized the opening bet was my pants. I stood up unfastened my
jeans, then realized my erection was going to pop out the front of my
boxers. I reached down and pushed it to the side then pushed my jeans
down and stepped out of one leg and then the other. I dropped them
on the table and sat down. I looked up and saw both Mary and Pam
smiling at my discomfort.

Connie tossed a pair of socks from her pile into the pot. Jack turned to
Pam, who pulled off her sheer stockings and added them to the pot.
Everyone took three cards, so with a pair of aces, I had the best hand
before the draw.

I picked up my three new cards and saw a third ace and two other
cards. Now this is what I had been looking for the whole game.

"We are going to open for three," I said.

Betty and Kat both looked at me somewhat reluctantly. I stood up and
pulled off my tee shirt and dropped it in the pot.

I walked over to Kat and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry, this one
is a sure thing." Kat unfastened her jeans and pushed them down her
hips past her low cut pink satin panties and then down her thighs. She
stepped out of first one leg and then the other. She handed me the
jeans and then sat down.

Betty had unfastened her jeans and quickly pushed them off her hips,
past her simple white panties and down her legs. She stepped out of
each leg and sat down. I stepped over and collected the jeans and
added both pair to the pot.

I turned and looked at Connie, who had been sitting, watching us
disrobe. She shook her head. "I fold," was all she said.

Jack's cards were laying face down on the table. "Way too rich for
me, I fold," he said.

I passed Betty and Kat their jeans, then slid my own jeans on without
standing up. I pulled my tee shirt back on over my head. After
reclaiming our clothes from the pot, our winning consisted of just two
pairs of socks. I guess I had over played my hand.

"What did you have?" Betty whispered in my ear.

"Three aces," I whispered in reply.

Betty nodded, then picked up some male athletic socks and tossed
them into the ante pile. Joe threw another pair of women's shear
socks into the ante from his collection. Jack took off his jacket, which
he was wearing for a shirt, and brought it over to add to the pile
covering the kitchenette floor.

Betty sat down and began to shuffle the cards, then dealt out three
hands. Joe picked up my jacket and placed it on the coffee table to

Mary stood up and I suddenly realized that her team had finally run
out of shoes and socks. Mary quickly pulled her blue sweater off over
her head, revealing a white lacy bra over generous breasts. In the two
previous strip poker games, I had never even seen Mary's bra, but now
my heart was racing faster as Mary smiled at me and sat down.
Mary's breasts were smaller than Betty or Connie, but the bulge in my
pants kept getting bigger.

Everyone took three cards, but my eyes were staring at the lace in
Mary's bra, trying to visualize what was hiding beneath the whiteness

Kat brought me out of my dream state. "What was your sure thing?"
she whispered in my ear.

I turned and looked at Kat, trying to remember what she was asking
about. "Oh... yeah..." I said. "I had three aces."

"Is that a really good hand?" she asked.

Joe stood up, unfastened his jeans and slid them down his legs. With
my attention focused elsewhere, I had not realized that his team had
used the last clothes from their pile, and now had to bet the clothes
they were wearing. Joe stepped out of his jeans and dropped them
onto the coffee table, sat down. "I'm opening for one," he announced.

I leaned over and whispered in Kat's ear. "The best hand anyone has
had tonight." At least, I couldn't remember anyone getting a better

Now we turned and looked at Mary. Mary turned to Pam. "I'm going
to see the bet," Mary said. Pam seemed frozen, not sure what to do.
"It's not that bad...It's like wearing a bikini," Mary added. Pam slowly
stood up and pulled her lose fitting sweater over her head, revealing a
white bra and small, but firm looking breasts. Pam handed her sweater
to Mary, forced a smile and sat down. Mary dropped the sweater in
the pot. "I see the bet," she said.

Betty turned to Kat and me. "I am going to raise three," Betty said.
"So we need four pieces of clothes. That's Larry's pants and shirt, and
Kat and my pants."

The bulge in my pants was bigger than it had ever been, and now I
was going to have to take my pants off again. I stood up and pulled
my tee shirt off again and tossed it on the table. Then I unfastened my
pants and used my hands to push my erection to the side, then pushed
my pants down to my knees and pulled them off one foot and then the
other. I sat down, and handed the jeans to Betty. I looked up and saw
Mary smiling across at me.

Betty quickly unfastened her jeans and worked them off her hips and
down her legs. She stepped out of each leg and dropped them on the
table, before sitting down.

"Maybe I should stop putting these back on," Kat said, as she wiggled
her jeans over her hips, and down her thighs. She pulled one leg free,
then as she held up her other leg up to pull the jeans off, I could see
the two pubic hairs still sticking out from under her pink satin panties.
Kat handed the jeans to Betty and sat down.

Betty stacked the jeans on the coffee table. "I raise three," she said.

I turned and looked at Joe. He frowned, shook his head. "I fold," he

I turned and looked at Mary, who was now studying Betty. If Mary
wanted to see this bet, she and the other members of her team had to
bet their pants. Mary finally shrugged. "I guess I have to fold too."

Betty passed Kat her jeans, and in spite of what she had said earlier,
she immediately pulled them back on. Betty then handed me my
jeans, and I slipped them back on. Betty slipped her own jeans back
on. I found my tee shirt and pulled it on over my head.

"Ok, now Larry," said Betty. "Keep your mind on the game. Don't get
distracted by the scenery."

I sat down at the table and grabbed a pair of women's socks and
tossed them into the ante pile. Jack stood up and unfastened his jeans.
Jack quickly pushed his jeans down to his knees, then pulled one leg
off, then the other. As he stood up to toss the jeans into the
kitchenette, I could see a huge bulge in his jockey shorts.

"Hey Jack," Kat called out as Jack sat down. "You still like the

"We'll have your panties in a minute," replied Jack.

Vicky now stood up and unfastened her pants, pushed them down
over her hips, past the bright red panties, and down her thighs. She
pulled off one leg and then the other. Then she tossed the jeans into
the kitchenette and sat down.

Kat's observation that the ante pile seemed to be winning was coming
to pass. One of our teams was going to lose soon. I had to be careful it
wasn't my team. Vicky started to shuffle the cards and deal out the
hands. I picked up my hand and looked at an ace, queen, nine, six and
five. Well, we had a little pile of clothes, so I guess we didn't need to
win this hand that badly.

"I can't open," Jack said.

I shook my head. "I can't open either."

"I can open," Vicky said. "I need your shirt, Joe." Joe took off his tee
shirt and handed it to Vicky, who dropped it on the table.

Jack turned and looked at Mary.

"Ok, I know," Mary said. Mary slowly stood up, her legs stiff from
sitting on the floor. She unfastened her jeans and carefully pushed
them down over her hips, exposing white satin low cut panties with
lace around the edge. Mary pushed her jeans down near her ankles,
then stepped out of them one leg at a time. She immediately sat down
and handed Jack the jeans. Jack dropped them in the pot.

I sat there staring at Mary's bra and panties. I could still make out the
smooth white satin as it went around her hips, although her legs
blocked any view of the front.

"Ok, Larry, what're you going to do?" asked Jack.

Suddenly I realized that it was my turn to act. I grabbed a woman's
sweater from our pile and tossed it in the pot.

Everyone took three cards again. I picked up my three new cards and
saw a pair of eight's and a four. This was better, but still didn't seem
like a winner.

Vicky turned to Connie. "I'm going to open for one. That means your

"Well, you could go first this time, if you want," replied Connie. From
the silence it was clear Vicky did not want to go first, so Connie
reluctantly stood up, unfastened her bra, pulled her arms out of each
of the shoulder straps, then pulled the bra away, letting her rounded
breast drop free. Connie then sat down and handed Vicky her bra.

I turned to look at Jack. "I fold," he said immediately.

That left it up to me, and I was about to fold. When I started to
wonder what Vicky really had. I had a pair of eight's. Maybe Vicky
only had a pair of seven's or six's. Maybe I should see her bet to find
out. I looked down at our pile and counted three remaining items.
Then a thought occurred to me. Vicky did not have a great hand,
otherwise she would have opened for three. I picked up two shirts and
a pair of jeans from our pile tossed it in the center. "I'm raising three,"
I said.

I then stood up unfastened my jeans and pushed my jeans down again.
In my excitement, I had forgotten about my boxers, and the head of
my penis popped out the front of my boxers when I pushed my jeans
down. I immediately saw the problem and pushed it back in over to
the side, but there was and immediate chorus of giggles from all the
girls. I pulled the jeans off one leg and then the other and tossed it on
the table and sat down.

As I sat down I could see Vicky starring at me. If she wanted to see
my bet, she would have to bet her bra, Connie's panties and Joe's
underpants. She wouldn't do that unless she had a very good hand,
and I was hoping she didn't have that kind of a hand. I sat staring back
at Vicky trying not to give away my fear. If she called my bet, I had
lost my pants.

"I can't do it," Vicky finally said. "Larry's had too many good hands
tonight. I fold."

A great wave of relief swept over me, and I grabbed my jeans and
slipped them back on. I then pulled the rest of clothes off the coffee
table and stood up. I had taken a big chance, but I had gotten away
with it. Things now looked pretty good for our team. We clearly had
more clothes than anyone else, except for the ante pile.

As Mary gathered up the cards, I overheard Connie talking to Vicky.

"What did you have?" Connie asked.

"A pair of jacks," replied Vicky.

I had actually bluffed her. I thought she had a low pair, but she had
folded a pair of jacks! I couldn't believe my luck.

Betty grabbed Mary's sweater from our pile and tossed it into the
kitchenette for our ante.

"Ok, it your turn," Mary said to Pam. "It's not really that bad. Just like
wearing a bikini."

Pam stood up and unfastened her jeans, then slid them down her hips
and over very fancy lacy white panties that were solid in the middle,
but semi-transparent on the sides. She slid the jeans down her legs and
pulled them off one leg. As she lifted up her other leg to pull the jeans
off, I could see three or four pubic hairs sticking out from the crotch
of her panties. She pulled the jeans off and sat down abruptly. Pam
handed the jeans to Mary who tossed them into the kitchenette.

We then turned and looked at Vicky. She reluctantly stood up, quickly
unfastened her bra, threaded her arms out of the straps, then pulled the
bra away from the Grand Tetons and sat down. From the floor she
tossed her bra into the kitchenette.

Kat stepped over next to me and whispered in my ear. "What did you
have last hand?"

I smiled. "A pair of eight's," I said.

Kat gasp. "You mean you bluffed Vicky?" she whispered.

Mary dealt out three hands. Betty looked at her cards, grabbed a
sweater and tossed it on the table. "I'll open," Betty said.

I whispered to Kat. "Yeah, I guess I did bluff her, but I thought she
had a low pair."

"Vicky is going to be really mad when she finds out," Kat whispered
to me.

"Ok, Joe, we need your underpants now," said Connie.

Joe stood up, looked around then his eyes seemed to settle on Betty.
He put his thumbs under the waistband of his jockey shorts, then
quickly pushed them down to his ankles and sat down. Of course, as
soon as his shorts were below his hips, his erection had popped
straight out, which was greeted with giggles and catcalls from all

I leaned over to Kat. "Well make sure that Vicky doesn't find out," I

Kat smiled. "I'll try," she whispered back.

Everyone took three cards again. Betty studied her cards and frowned.
"I pass," she said. Obviously, Betty was not real happy with her hand.

Connie leaned over and whispered something in Vicky ear. Vicky
then nodded her head in agreement. "We are opening for two,"
Connie said as she stood up. She quickly pushed her panties down to
her knees, revealing her trimmed bush and sat down, to pull the
panties off her ankles and tossed them on the table.

Vicky then stood up, pushed her red panties down to her ankles and
sat down all in one motion, giving a fleeting glimpse of her fuller
bush. Vicky pulled her panties off her ankles and tossed them onto the
coffee table as well.

Vicky, Connie and Joe were now sitting there stark naked, having bet
all their remaining clothes on this hand. Connie would not have bet
her panties on nothing, so she must have a pretty good hand.

I turned and looked at Mary, who seemed to be studying her cards
carefully. Finally, she took a big breath and turned to Pam. "I want to
see this bet. That means your and my bra. Do you think you can do

Pam looked at Mary. "Well don't tell me it's just like wearing a bikini
to the beach," Pam said. "You go first. If you can do it, then I guess I

Mary stood up, reached behind her and unfastened her bra. Holding
the bra against her breasts, she carefully threaded her arms out of the
straps, and then paused for a second and her eyes met mine. As she
pulled her bra away Mary's breasts sagged into a slightly rounded
mountain topped by her large erect nipples. My heart was racing like
crazy as Mary sat down, but turned so I still had a very good view of
her breasts.

"Well, if you can do it, I guess I can," Pam said. She stood up,
unfastened her bra in the back, slipped her arms out of the shoulder
straps, and then dropped the bra away. Pam's breasts were smaller and
firmer than Mary's, but I hardly noticed. I was imagining what it
would be like to squeeze Mary's breasts in my hands.

Betty leaned over and whispered something to Kat. Kat giggled and
nodded agreement. Betty grabbed a pair of pants, my jacket and
someone's tee shirt from our pile of clothes.

"I am raising one," Betty said.

What was going on? I expected Betty to fold. Kat was giggling.
Finally it dawned on me. Betty was forcing Jack to remove his

"We're all in," Connie protested. "We don't have anything left to see
the bet with."

"That's ok," Betty replied. "We'll split the pot. The raise is only for
Mary, ... or more specifically, for Jack."

Jack was now glaring at Kat. "Why are you picking on just me?" he
asked. Then he looked down at the clothes next to Betty. "You've still
got a pair of pants and a bra there. Why don't you raise three instead
of one? I'm sure Larry would like to see a little more of Mary and

Betty turned to me. "What do you think, Larry? Should we raise

I tried to think rationally about this, and did not look over at Mary.
Vicky, Connie and Joe were stark naked. If they did not win this hand,
the game was over. I had no idea whether Mary or Connie was
holding the winning hand, but I was pretty sure Betty was not going to
win. Betty was just wasting our clothes pile to force Jack to drop his
shorts. Betty must be counting on Mary to win the hand and end the
game, because if Connie wins... Well what would happen anyway, if
Connie does win with this split pot? Mary would probably win the
split part of the pot, so they would get all these extra clothes back.
That would leave us all pretty even again.

"I think we better keep the extra clothes. We might need them," I said.

"Ok," said Betty. "I am just raising one."

Jack stood up slowly. "You'll pay for this," he said. He pulled his
shorts down to his ankles and sat down in a single motion, but his
erect penis popped out into view as he did it to the cheers of Kat and
Betty. Vicky and Connie, who were both sitting stark naked at the
other end of the coffee table, smiled, but could not work up as much
excitement as Betty and Kat.

"Ok, what have you got Betty," said Jack.

"Oh, ... not much," said Betty, as she turned her cards over. "A pair of

Mary turned her cards over. "A pair of aces," she said.

"Oh god no!" cried Connie. "Not that." Connie turned over a pair of

"Yahoo!" yelled Jack, as he grabbed his shorts and pulled them back
on. Mary grabbed her and Pam's bras from the pile on the table, and
handed Pam her bra. They both quickly put their bras back on. Mary
then retrieved her pants from the pot and pulled it back on.

Pam pulled her sweater out of the pile. "Where are my pants?" she

"In the ante pile," said Mary. "You can trade your sweater for your
pants." Pam took her sweater over to the kitchenette and found her
pants, which she quickly pulled on.

Jack pulled on his undershirt, and continued the rummage through the
pile looking for any other clothes of his. "All the rest of my clothes
are in the ante, so I can't get even my pants back," he complained.

"Well, I guess you'll have to tuff it out for another ten minutes in your
shorts," laughed Mary.

"Yeah, just what is that bulge in your shorts?" mocked Kat.

"You know very well what it is," laughed Jack.

"Ok, let me remind everyone of the rules," said Mary. "Kat do you
have a kitchen timer so we can time the ten minutes."

"Yeah," said Kat, and wadded off through the clothes in the
kitchenette to find a timer.

"Remember, absolutely no touching," said Mary. "That applies
equally to both sexes, Ok."

Kat came back with a kitchen timer, which she set for ten minutes.

"Ok, let's go," said Mary.

"Alright, ladies," said Jack. "Let's not be shy here, stand up so we can
see you."

Vicky and Connie looked at each other. "You first," said Vicky.
"You're the one who got us into this mess."

"What?" said Connie. "Why am I the one who got us into this mess.
You're the one who brought up the whole idea of strip poker and
practically dared Jack to play."

"Now wait a minute," said Jack. "I want the timer reset when these
girls finally stop squabbling with each other and stand up for our show

"Ok. Let's get this over with," said Connie as she stood fully erect,
completely displaying big rounded breasts and neatly trimmed bush.
Vicky stood up next to her with her smaller, firmer breasts and full,
natural bush.

"You too, Joe," said Betty. Joe also stood up, with his erect penis
sticking straight out, to the applause of Betty, Kat and Mary. Pam
smiled, but seemed a little more subdued about the situation.

Jack turned to me. "So Larry," he asked. "What do you do with the
ladies after they loose one of these big strip poker games?"

"Well, you can have them lay on the floor and spread their legs for
closer inspection, or you can have them dance," I said.

"Those sound like excellent ideas," said Jack. "Girls, over here," said
Jack, pointing to a large clear area on the floor. "Lay on the floor and
spread those legs wide open."

Connie looked at Vicky. "How about you first this time," said Connie.

"It's not as bad as a visit to the gynecologist," Mary said. "They can't
touch you, just look, and Jack and Larry are both nice guys."

There wasn't room on the floor for both Vicky and Connie to lay
down at the same time, so Vicky laid down first and spread her legs
wide. Jack went over and stuck his nose so close it almost touched
Vicky's clit. Then I went over and inspected things from a more
reserved distance.

Next Connie lay down on the floor and spread her legs wide open.
Jack stuck his nose up very close to Connie clit also. I found Connie
trimmed bush to be more interesting. Her clit and vaginal opening
somehow seemed to be more exposed than Vicky's.

While Jack and I were inspecting Vicky and Connie, Betty, Mary and
Kat had gathered around Joe. Pam was kind of standing behind Mary,
apparently afraid to be too close to a completely naked man with a full

Jack went over to the stereo and turned on some music. "Ok. Let's see
you ladies dance," Jack said.

Vicky and Connie looked at each other. Vicky shrugged and started to
dance and Connie joined her.

"Joe, why don't you dance also?" said Mary. Joe started to dance also.

I don't know what you think, but I think a dancing naked woman
looks heavenly, while a dancing naked man, especially one with an
erection, looks just silly. Joe's erect penis danced and bobbed as he
swayed to the music. The girls, though, seem to enjoy watching Joe
dance. I don't know whether it was because they thought it was silly
or not. Maybe girls think a dancing nude woman is silly looking, I
don't know. All I know is that I enjoyed watching Vicky and Connie

When the kitchen timer went off, Jack protested. "Wait we should get
another two or three minutes, because they argued with each other for
that long before they started."

Nobody was paying any attention to Jack, though. Vicky and Connie
had run straight away and grabbed their panties and slipped them on.
Joe had grabbed his shorts and slipped them back on. Vicky and
Connie both found their bras and put them back on. Soon the
apartment was a confusion of people milling around looking for their
lost shoes and socks.

I found most of my things and was putting on my socks and was
sitting in the corner when I noticed Kat whispering something to
Mary. Mary nodded her head, and then whispered something back to
Kat. What plot were those two trying to hatch now?

Pam was now completely dressed, and she yelled good night to
everyone as she headed for the door. Joe, who was being consoled by
Betty, quickly followed her. Kat and Vicky had disappeared into their
bedrooms, and Connie said good night as she headed out the door.

This left just Mary, Jack and myself. I pulled my jacket on getting
ready to leave.

Mary came over and pulled my head down to whisper in my ear.
"Kat's going over to Jack's apartment for the night, so she said we can
use her bedroom for a while."


2020-04-15 13:09:30
Congratulations on Part 3: you did not drop off, another great story! I would have been very happy to have seen a little more detail, unlike an earlier commentator. Just shows that you can never please everyone. For me, detail is very important. A great effort to have devised and written a story around a game for teams of 3. I have played in mixed sex teams of 2 but never more than that - not sure it would have worked as well with two guys and one girl: a different dynamic. The girls were able to support each other when stripping rather than being tempted to cut and run. Wish I had been the guy with two girls. Hoping to have time to read the next Part tomorrow. Keep safe at this difficult time.


2019-09-18 04:08:59
good story!


2016-03-13 19:09:25
The team play had me worried, but you nailed it during the game. I had higher hopes for the ending. Seemed like Jack might have pushed the boundaries a bit more, but it was good. Thanks again

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-03-04 16:23:32
Story is great so far, just too many repeated phrases. its a long story as it is i don't need to know that each person used their thumb and forefinger every time they disrobed

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-25 00:44:51
it is taking me at least three days to read, but very erotic so far, and detailed suspense.

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