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Back to your unscheduled reading enjoyment.
So first things first on a Saturday morning after my night with Abigail is Mom there checking on me like she said. I didn’t really clean up last night and when I point out that I’ve been dressing myself without her for over a decade I see my Mom’s face turn from helpful to sad. Now I’m trying to be nice for some reason, I blame Abby, and try to scramble a reason.

“Mom I need to try to do this myself, only way I am going to get back to full speed is doing it on my own,” I see it doesn’t help the situation and figure on turning it up a notch,” Can you just wait outside the door for a bit in just in case?”

She nods in agreement and smiles lightly before stepping out of the room. I dress easily, it’s not that difficult to put on the basics of shorts and a t shirt before stepping out of my room and she smiles at me. She’s trying, really trying but I don’t feel good about it. I put that away and join some of the family for breakfast as it’s only Abby, Mom and Mr. Delauter with me. Abby is sitting next to me again and the parents are at their head and foot of the table. Both want to talk, both want to say something but after Mom got kicked out of my room and Mr. D received my message of why I don’t care about his family. It makes things difficult for them to reach me and I am in the ninety percentile of not wanting them to. Mom informs me that I’m to be home and healing for another week, I’ll have missed almost all of October but first week of November I’ll be back in classes which will delay my initial plans by a month so end of February or beginning of March if I keep to my idea. I know Abby is up to something because she’s started to say something to the table three times and stopped looking at me before she did.

“Guy could do college courses through the high school,” she finally says and now Mom and Mr. D are paying attention,” If he does college courses through the school he’ll be a step ahead for college.”

“I don’t know if I’m going to college,” I say the words and now the both parents want to chime in.

“Honey college is the next step for you, it’s getting out there and seeing the world,” Mom starts but Mr. D is quick to counter.

“College is the reason you put up with high school nonsense. All the drama and bullshit,” I don’t think I’ve ever heard him swear before,” that you have to put up with is so that you can go to college and get a real education. You spend four years prepping for it and I think it’d be a shame if you wasted it.”

“What classes are my strongest,” I ask and now the table goes quiet, for a second.

“Math and English,” Mom says and I figure she has had a look at my transcripts,” You were always so smart with math when you were little and even though I never got you a calculator you still passed your classes.”

“Let’s not take this trip down memory lane right now,” Mr. Delauter says taking control of the conversation,” The point my daughter is trying to make Guy is that you have options, not just here but out there in the world.”

They’re trying to get me to stay but still I don’t feel it. I remember when I wanted to stay, seems like a lifetime ago but that died in me two years back at the no birthday party I had. I let that thought carry me through picking at the scraps of breakfast and when I’m done head up to my room to ‘rest and recover’.

Healing is a wonderful thing, it allows you to regain who you were and realize that you can be stronger and better than you were before. It’s also boring as watching paint dry and grass grow, I actually sat outside and watched the yard. We live on a yard big enough for me to do laps around and yet we have no dog, seems like a crime but they’d probably move me into a closet under the stairs for the dog to take my room. I don’t think that would actually happen now but a couple of years ago Bethany could make it happen. Speaking of Queen of the Bitch brigade she keeps messaging me because face time is too much for her right now. Nothing like ‘Are you okay’ or ‘I was a complete cunt and I’m sorry’ it’s more ‘Are you going to attend my Halloween party or not’ and ‘You better not have a crappy costume’. I spend the weekend feeling the love off those messages.

Monday I find myself left alone in the house except for Rosa who is doing her chores. Mom is doing some volunteer thing she apparently has been involved in for the past couple years. I didn’t even know, maybe the lack of caring became a two way street and I didn’t notice. Regardless with her gone wherever she went and everyone else at work and school I am allowed to sit downstairs in peace with Rosa. I’m the one sitting as she is cleaning the kitchen and doing prep work for dinner tonight, mother cooking still confuses my inner child.

“Guy you are doing better,” Rosa asks and I nod,” why do you not tell everyone you are better?”

“They don’t deserve to know and anyone out there who wants to hurt me more will see me already wounded and surrounded by watchful eyes. It’ll keep me safe till the police figure out who it was that did this,” I explain and she nods but doesn’t like it.

“Guy I know you and your family are not close, I watch you and them. Your mother doesn’t know how to help you,” Rosa says and I like Rosa so I let her say her piece,” You should give her an opportunity.”

“Rosa you are a nicer person, I’m not. I’d love to be able to say that I actually did something to garner the level of apathy that these people and my mother have for me but I didn’t. You say give her a chance,” I ask receiving a nod in reply,” She had four years.”

“She loves you,” Rosa tries to explain but I have to stop that.

“She loves the idea of me, she loves possessing me but actually loves me? I’ve never known a time in my life where I was a priority and after my sixteenth I know that
making her or any of them a priority isn’t worth my time. I need to get back to school and finish so I can move on with my life,” I tell Rosa who understands my words but doesn’t believe them.

“This family is a good family, they are not perfect and they have faults…. Some big ones with the cheer puta,” I smile at Rosa’s thoughts on Bethany,” But they are trying, they are desperate to make you a part of the family. You should let them.”

“I should and I could but I won’t. I don’t deserve it,” I say and before she says something about my words I finish the thought,” I don’t deserve being let down and dragged around when everyone gets bored with making me feel welcome and goes back to their perfect lives.”

Rosa wants to say something but the front door opens and we hear Mother come in and call for me. We want to talk more but for my privacy and her employment we keep this discussion to ourselves. Mom comes in and wants to talk to me about my day but considering talking with Rosa and laying around doing nothing is all I’ve got. She wants to make me a snack, I’m not hungry. Then Mom is wondering if I want to watch TV with her and I say no before heading back to my room. Rosa disapproves and I see it in her face. I’ll probably have to talk with her about it tomorrow.

Monday rides out as boring and the same with Tuesday and most of Wednesday until the afternoon. Mom was home most of the day and didn’t want to go anywhere without me, she’s offered before but I’m supposed to be healing not running around on ‘salvage relationship errands’. I don’t think I’m acting any different than I have been before, I’m not giving them anything and I’m not taking anything however now most of the family is trying to get me to open up. I’m up in my room and I know the rest of house are home by the noise and Abigail bringing me my homework, she’s been really helpful in that respect but otherwise she is being a pain. She won’t talk to me at all about her night in my room and she isn’t letting go of me staying at the house for the family. I must have been done with my homework for about a half hour when Mr. D knocks on my door asking to come in even though it’s half way open.

“Your house,” I remark realizing how cold it sounds.

“We’re having a family meeting downstairs and I’m here to get you,” he says and I shrug,” Please. I don’t want to tell Abigail and have her get mad and come up to get you.”

“Why not try yelling and screaming at me, it would be a change of pace,” I comment but I stand up and following him down.

Everyone is apparently in the TV room waiting and it’s only once I’m inside that I see we have a visitor. Dr. Hill has her own chair and the rest of the family is seated on the couch or in the other comfortable chairs. Another chair is brought from the dining room for me to sit on and I can scream about how this is poetic but I put a pin in it to come back to the point.

“Thank you for joining us Guy,” Dr. Hill greets me with a smile.

“Not sure why I’m here,” I remark sitting down in my wooden seat.

“You’re here to join the family therapy sessions. The rest of your family has been meeting for almost a month now to work out their issues and since you are out of the hospital and moving we figured you’d like to join us,” Dr. Hill explains and I scoff.

“You figured wrong,” I say it and Bethany rolls her eyes, another pinned item to bring back.

“Guy all of us are here to work out the way this family has acted. There have been a few one on one sessions so that some of us can accept things that we have done or didn’t do when it came to how we treated this family as a whole,” Mr. Delauter explains and I shake my head.

“Okay so what does this have to do with me again,” I ask and everyone grimaces at my lack of enthusiasm.

“Guy what your family is trying to do is bring you into the fold emotionally, you’ve always been a part of the family,” I start to say something but Dr. Hill cuts me off,” now before you begin we’re going to let everyone say their piece on how they felt about the whole situation once everything was brought to light.”

I should get up and leave right now but Mark Jr. steps up and wants to say something to me that he’s probably rehearsed over the past sessions.

“Guy when you came around I didn’t know what to think because you were different. Different from me, I was waiting to see who you were when the fight happened and I beat you up. I didn’t know it at the time but I was being used to make a point and I’m sorry I was a shitty big brother,” Mark stops to gauge my reaction before continuing,” Mostly I just want to take you out and try to make up for lost time.”

I think about it, put it in its place and watch as Abigail stands up to say her piece. Oh lord they are all going to do this one at a time.

“Guy we’ve talked a little bit about it but you have no idea how sorry I am by my lack of actions in your defense. I will do many things to help bridge the gap I allowed between us, I only ask that you let me and trust me like I trust you,” Abby sits back down a little hopeful.

“Guy when you came into my life I knew you were special. You are a smart young man and you have the best sense of duty and family I’ve ever seen. You did things way beyond the responsibility that you should have had and have grown up too fast and yet not poorly. I never wanted to take the place of your father but I hope with time and consideration you will accept me and my children as your family as we have done a poor job of showing you that you are a part of our family,” Mr. Delauter hits a few really good points before sitting back down next to my Mom.

It’s a big debate who is going to go next but I’m about talked to out. Apologies are fine but it’s like a Nazi apologizing to a holocaust survivor. You can use all the words you want but it’s not going to change the fact that you killed twelve million people. Granted that’s a bit bigger than my current dilemma and I stand up gaining everyone’s attention.

“Guy could you please let the rest of the family finish their statements,” Dr. Hill asks thinking I’m going to leave.

“No, I need to head back up to my room so something productive can happen in this little session,” I say and everyone in the family is a little hurt by my dismissal of their apologies but Dr. Hill doesn’t want to let go.

“Guy this family is trying to tell you how they recognize the situation you’ve been living under,” She begins but I shake my head,” And you are being dismissive of their efforts.”

“It’s a moot point, you can’t change what was done and what wasn’t done to and around me since I was nine. All the things that lead up to the point in my life where I got stabbed were unrelated to that event unless someone here orchestrated it which I doubt. I’m not going to let one event that had nothing to do with my living situation change how I…,” I am trying to explain but Dr. Hill cuts me off.

“Guy you are not helping this family, they are all sympathetic and attempting to help you but you aren’t giving them the opportunity…,” about here is where I decide to finish this.

“SHUT UP WHEN I’M TALKING TO YOU! Why the fuck can’t you seem to understand I don’t care. I am the poster child of an uncaring life and an uncaring family environment but you keep on nagging with their feelings. FUCK THEIR FEELINGS AND FUCK YOU! I did everything for my Mother and she was happy to have her fucking victory trophy of a son for years while she drank herself into a fucking hole and I took care of us and as soon as she found the man she was looking for she decided she needed to straighten her ass out for her new perfect fucking family,” I am spewing venom but apparently that doesn’t dissuade Dr. Hill.

“Guy your language has no place in this session,” She get that much out before I continue.

“Bitch my voice has no place in this house thanks to that cheerleading whore, her idiot brother and brow beaten sister. I tried to talk to them and I was ignored and the best part is Beth was right. I’m not wanted here, not unless you want to count to make the perfect family feel less guilty about their upper class ways. Get one thing straight, there isn’t a person in this room that has been there for me to the point that I would call them family in almost a decade. NOT ONE PERSON! All of you are a family, I’m just the shitty trophy from Mom’s first marriage that she won when she somehow screwed my father out of rightful custody,” my words are poison and everyone especially Mom is in pain from them,” I don’t need this family. I don’t need your bullshit or guilt or lies and I especially don’t need someone to try and tell me the past is something I need to forget about because it doesn’t help everyone else. Everyone here for years has said fuck Guy. Now here is me saying FUCK YOU!”

I leave the room fast and head up the stairs to my room in a rage I’ve never had before. My ears are ringing and I can feel my heart in my head pounding. My limbs are shaking and I don’t feel well. I sit down and lose all control as I cry against my bedroom door.

Mark Delauter Jr.

I have kicked people’s asses for a lot less than what just got yelled at me and my family by my younger brother Guy. I know part of me wants to kick someone’s ass right now because it be better than feeling like an idiot. Mom is crying and Dad is holding her while Abigail is burning holes through Bethany. Beth on the other hand is more concerned about Mom than what Guy said about her. Maybe that’s part of the problem, Mom and Guy are a package and she doesn’t see it. Dr. Hill is still waiting to speak like Guy is going to come back down and let her have a word with him.

“Well that was good,” the doctor says and now everyone is looking at her like she is the idiot.

“How in the hell was that a good thing,” Dad asks and I agree with him.

“Guy’s biggest problem is he has cut off all his emotional attachments. When I was able to speak with him in the hospital my main obstacle was his emotional distance. He’d rather speak with a stranger on the street than sit at a table with his family. Nothing any of us can do to break that wall down since it was outside stimuli that built it, we needed Guy to break it down and from that we can help him feel again,” the doctor says and I’m confused.

“You manipulated him to say all those cruel things to my Mother so you could do your job,” Beth begins to argue and I don’t know which to smack, her or the doctor.

“Yes, I’m here to help this family and Guy grow and hopefully develop a real family bond. A bond that is easier when emotions are involved which he wasn’t feeling or allowing himself to feel. You know your place in the pain that he’s endured but you are not able to empathize with it. Guy needed to lash out and hurt, he needed to express himself after years of silence,” Dr. Hill is firm with my sister before looking at the rest of us,” You needed to know his pain, all of it and even though this wasn’t the happy accepting session you thought you would get we’re actually making good progress.”

“Explain to me how him leaving the room when we’re trying is good progress,” I ask because there are a lot of emotions and I’m not fully understanding.

I watch as Doctor Hill picks up a pen and then I’m hit in the face with it. It stings a little and everyone is staring at her as I want to throw her out of my Dad’s house.

“Did that hurt,” she asks and I nod angrily,” now imagine that all your emotions a feeling, that was you feeling emotional pain. Happiness, sadness, rage, shame, envy, lust are all feelings that would have a corresponding physical feeling. Do you understand so far?”

“Yes,” I grunt and I want to throw the pen back at her.

“Now think about how you would feel if I struck you with the pen but there was no pain. Emotionally Guy has spent years building himself up so that he feels nothing since all of it for him has had pain attached to it. His Mother loved him but couldn’t cope with her personal issues until she found your father and then she was busy trying to build a solid family base with him. Your father is a solid provider and loves in his own way but can be emotionally distant at times as he is a rational thinker,” the doctor explains and I’m beginning to get it I think.

“So what about the rest of us,” Bethany asks and I’m curious as to our faults.

“Your brother was naïve to how much deceit you have directed towards others and you turned his nature of defending his family against Guy. Your sister, your twin, wasn’t as emotionally strong as you and you bent her to a follower position just to further your agenda,” Doctor Hill says to Beth who doesn’t like what is being said.

“So what about Beth, Mark was mislead and I was coerced,” I don’t know that word Abby used,” What is Bethany’s thing other than she’s a mean hatful bitch.”

“She’s not mean or hatful, she’s scared,” Doctor Hill says it and I think I scoffed louder than Beth,” You are afraid of being alone and forgotten. When your mother passed you clung to everything and now with your Mom, Loretta, you have changed yourself so that she will feel closer to you.”

Now that makes a lot of sense but I feel like we’re all missing the point since Guy’s upstairs and not down here. I didn’t even think about it when Beth told me Guy attacked her and I don’t hate her even though I’m not happy with finding out I have been her goon for a few years. Everyone continues to talk about what to do with Guy and how him screaming at us is good but again he’s not here. I stand up and walk to the door only to have Dad say something.

“Mark we’re in the middle of the session,” Dad says but I shake him off.

“Dad I have to do this,” I say it as I head out the door.

Up the stairs and I can hear Guy in his room crying, dude we made him cry? I don’t get that at all but here it is and I am just going to have to deal with it. I knock on his door and hear it go quiet so I knock again. It takes a minute but he opens the door after the third knock. He doesn’t say anything but he looks at me like he wants me to leave.

“Put on some jeans and shoes, we’re going out,” I tell him and he gives me an angry look.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Guy informs me and I shake my head.

“Yeah we are, come on,” I tell him and stand there.

I let him close the door and wait for a few minutes before he comes out with jeans and shoes on. I take my time walking with him downstairs and out to the garage then get him and me into my Dodge Challenger and I head out to get some food. We’re about five minutes out and Guy is just sitting there looking out my window.

“Burgers or chicken,” I ask him.

“What,” he asks, guess I confused him.

“You want a burger or chicken, I don’t know a decent seafood place with a drive through,” I tell him and he shrugs,” pick one man.”

“Burgers,” he tells me looking back outside.

We pull into the drive thru of a mom and pop burger joint, the kind that you eat in the parking lot because all the whole building could fit in my Dad’s garage. Guy picks his meal and I tell our order to the girl behind the counter, kind of cute but I’m not trolling for high school girls. We get our food and drinks after I pay and I take him to one of my spots at the college and park before getting out with our food. Guy is about a half step behind me as I head to the edge of the parking area and sit down on the grass. It’s a hill over looking one of the practice fields where football and soccer do their drills. I could have kept playing but I wasn’t first string or second string material and decided to stick with academics, sadly I’m not that good at those either. I am glad that I can find decent tutors for a few of my classes so I don’t let Dad down by failing college. I pull mine and Guy’s food out of the bag as he sits to my right and we start eating. It is only about six in the evening and but the sun is low enough that the sky is really pretty. All we do is sit and eat, we don’t talk much or say anything big and important. I just want to sit and eat and that is what we do. I don’t take my time on my burger because I’m fucking hungry and so is Guy, home food is good but you need a fucking burger I figure since he’s been on hospital food for three weeks.

“The one thing I wish I could do over again this last month,” I start and Guy stops with a grumpy look on his face,” I should have brought you one of these when you woke up everyday.”

He sees I’m talking about the burger and nods in agreement before we both laugh a little and continue eating. More eating and less talking when I have to ask.

“Dude are you still a virgin,” and the look I get is funny,” I guess not but damn I thought you would have killed me in the fucking therapy session but that look would do me in right now.”

“Why the hell would you want to know that,” Guy asks me confused.

“Because I don’t know you, yeah we’re supposed to be bros and all that but you could probably tell me more about me than I know about you and that’s not how bros are supposed to be. I’m just trying to fill in the important details,” I try to explain but I don’t think it’s coming out right.

“So if I was a virgin,” he asks confused.

“Then I’d be at college in a couple weeks trying to get you hooked up with a girl or something, I don’t know. It’s just… I’m supposed to be your bro and if shit isn’t good then I’m supposed to help,” I explain and he shrugs.

“Not much you can do to help me now,” Guy says finishing his fries and not looking at me.

“No I can do a lot to help now. Now is all I got. Yeah I can’t go back and change shit but I can do shit now. That’s all I can do,” I tell him and realize I sound dumb and shut up.

Guy doesn’t say anything to that, he just nods and we sit watching the state of Texas go from day to night before throwing our garbage away and getting back in my Challenger and heading home. I don’t know why but I have to ask.

“So was she good,” I ask about his last girl and he shrugs.

“It was my first time, it felt great. I just didn’t want to be the only high school virgin,” Guy says and I nod.

“I get that, so women weren’t beating down the door of the school outcast. Think they will start now,” I ask him and he shrugs,” I say don’t change a thing man. I want to be bros, here on out we will be bros but as for them at school I say don’t change a thing. Be you and fuck them.”

Guy nods and I am thinking about what to do now when it hits me and I pull off the freeway and into one of the Latino communities. We’re driving around for a bit and I know Guy is confused but I’m looking for something, I think I remember what they look like or where they hang out but it takes a half hour before I find them in a parking lot with their low riders. Guy is looking at the group and I park my car.

“So let’s go kick some ass,” I tell Guy and get a confused look.

“Who’s ass and why,” he asks me and I point the little gangers at their cars,” Mark what are you talking about?”

“Those guys kick the shit out of you at school so let’s go fuck them up,” I don’t know how bad Guy is still hurt but he could take one.

“Mark, I don’t know them. They aren’t even part of group at my school,” Guy says and I look at the gangers again.

“Really, they dress like them,” I say confused.

“Wrong colors, the crew at school is white shirts and blue jeans with black rags, these guys have black and green,” Guy says and I shrug.

“Okay so we’ll go find white and black,” I tell Guy who stops me.

“Mark can we please not do this, I know what you are thinking and it’s cool but it’s not me,” Guy tells me and I nod, his call really.

“Next time shit happens though I need you to tell me about it okay,” I tell Guy getting a nod

We pull out of the corner store parking lot and head back towards home. We’re about half way there when Guy decides to talk.

“They’re going to get me first day back,” he tells me and I shake my head.

“If they’re stupid they will. I’m not as smart as Abby or you but I know that I’ll show up at their houses with half the football team from my college and beat everyone of those fuckers,” I tell him thinking they won’t be stupid enough to say shit to Guy again.

“Why the hell would you do that,” he asks and I smile.

“You’re my bro, I’m gonna keep saying it till you learn it’s real,” I tell him almost hoping someone fucks with him.

Guy doesn’t say anything about it and we get home easily enough. Parked and out of my Challenger. We get into the house where Mom and Dad are waiting outside his office. I think they heard us coming when Guy surprises me.

“Thanks Mark,” is all he says but he smiles as he says it.

I watch him head up the stairs and end up getting pulled into my Dad’s office. Mom and Dad are worried but I’m smiling.

“Where did you two go,” Mom asks and I tell her everything,”Why would you try to find the people that have been beating up my son?”

“To scare them so they’d leave him the hell alone,” I tell her and my Dad doesn’t approve.

“That was an unsafe move Mark,” he says and I stop him.

“Dad you told me I scare people from hurting or pushing my sisters around, Guy needed me and I wasn’t there because I didn’t know. I know now and I can do something about it. Now the next time one of those shits decides to push Guy around I’m gonna find him and kick his ass in front of his boys,” I tell Dad who doesn’t like my way of handling it I think.

“Mark did you talk to Guy tonight? Did he tell you anything,” Mom asks and I think a bit before telling her.

“Mom we talked a bit about guy, I mean bro stuff and I wanted to do something about the gang at school who messed with him but he talked me out of it when I couldn’t find them,” I tell her leaving out the sex talk.

Mom smiles a little and that makes me feel better, I remember my Mom but Mom now is really good too. Hell she’s great and she deserves something for all the pain and shit she’s been through since Guy got stabbed. I leave my Dad’s office and head back to my room to chill out. I think I did good tonight or at least did good by Guy for once.

Guy Donnelly

My dinner trip with Mark to the bad side of town was interesting, it felt good I think. I actually get to say that and mean it too. We just sat and ate and he didn’t ask me bullshit questions or apologize for everything he didn’t do. I am not sure what he has planned next but he talked about me and him working out or something. I think he just wants to do things together and figure it out which is more than I can say for everyone except Abigail. That ‘sister’ of mine has been in my room everyday going over things on both our homework with me and now that it’s Friday I’m wondering what the hell happened with our one night thing.

“Okay well I’m done with homework so explain to me what the hell didn’t happen the other night,” I ask Abby who thinks for a moment to remember.

“Listen I don’t know either, I was trying to be there for you, then we were in bed and then ‘IT’ happened and it was a bit naughty and nice but I’m not sure it’s something we should be doing. I like you and I’ve been a shitty sister for a long time but if I’m going to be your sister than being your booty call isn’t really something I should be doing,” Abby explains and I can see the reasoning.

“So why not just be my girlfriend or something,” I ask and she smiles.

“We grew up together despite everything that happened and I do like you but and I hate the way this sounds but I want a brother, one who I can relate to and even though I love Mark that’s not him,” Abby lets me know where she stands and she’s not trying to hurt me.

“Well at least you are honest about it. But for the record I’d never let you be a booty call,” I half joke and she laughs a little.

It’s good to laugh a little with Abby but I’m not sure about where things are with her and I. Brother/sister or whatever is honestly in the odd category considering everything that has gone on over the past few years. It’s not like I have a lot of options and I don’t think Abby is a bad one honestly but if she’s not interested then it’s a moot point. I have a costume for the Halloween party tonight and Bethany made sure that I’d be there but she picked the costume and looking at it I’m really not sure if I’m being set up or not. There is a lot being set up in the back yard around the pool with lights and shit. Mom and Mr. D are also going to be in attendance probably to keep the peace and watch out for stupid shit. I get dressed up and realize that I don’t look completely ridiculous and the mask covers my mostly healed eye. I wait and head down to see Mom and Mr. Delauter as a Frankenstein and a vampire? I don’t know the reference but they look happy to see me. Abigail and Bethany apparently are beign twins without being twins, Abby is Velma and Beth is Daphne from Scooby freaking Doo. Bethany is nice and all but the sweater on Abby is about to burst. Mark is in a fur loin cloth and leather armor but not proper leather armor, more like Conan leather armor with chest, legs and arms exposed. I wait and watch as people start to arrive. Apparently the amount of people we go to school with is compounded by the families that Mom and Mr. D know and their children. Total there must be a hundred people in the back yard and what I was told was a Halloween party for me to be formally considered a member of the family is not a massive Halloween bash that I know, personally know, five people at.

I drink some punch, listen to conversations, a few people talk to me but fellow students give me odd looks in passing. I’m mostly miserable and even thought Abigail and Mark keep coming around to take me to a group to talk I find the people are talking and when I do say something they listen then go right back into their tangents on what is popular in their own respect. An hour in and I’m in the kitchen sitting down while everyone else is outside. I can hear the talking and laughing intermingled with music and dancing when Bethany comes into the kitchen boyfriend in tow behind her.

“Why aren’t you enjoying your party,” she asks as her boyfriend, Brett, hangs back.

“Because it’s not my party. There is nothing that could have illustrated more that I’m not a part of this family more than a party where everyone is friends with you and your family and doesn’t even know me,” I state and Beth’s face frowns for a second.

“Well I need you for something, you have to Karaoke,” Beth says taking my casted hand and pulling me.

Oh what sweet hell is this, I have to sing. I’m lead out to the stage at the end of the pool and there is a spot light, lovely. I sit and as soon as I hear the music I groan, she actually did her homework on me. It’s Music of the Night from as my costume dictates, Phantom of the Opera. I’ve sang this privately, I’ve sang a great many thing privately and away from the ears of my so called family and now here is the instrumental picking up for it. For those who don’t know it’s one of the pieces that have only one vocalist in it.

I feel awkward and simply close my eyes and re watch the scene in my head feeling the tempo and verse as I play it out, it’s not a grand piece so lengthy but about half way through the accompanying audio cuts out and I’m still singing into a microphone. I can hear the music in my head and I finish the soft piece before calmly bowing my head to those that were listening and open my eyes. Oh fucking Christ everyone is staring at me silent and I can barely see them or their faces. I feel embarrassed and panicked but remain calm and quietly step off the stage and head towards the dark corners of the yard away from everything and everyone. I hear people murmuring as I pass but I don’t stop and when music comes back on I am in the dark alone and left to my thoughts. I sit in the quiet and the dark only to find I’m not alone as there is another who has crept up and is looking for me.

“Hello,” I hear her voice but I don’t know her and her accent is not local, it’s very Scottish.

“Yes,” I stand and step out to be visible, I was in the shadows so sue me.

“There you are, I went looking for you after your song. The man running the machines is getting a right proper chewing from your family,” she says and I get a good look at her.

“Not really my family,” I remark and she smiles.

“Oh yeah, we’ve all been hearing that from Beth. You wanted to be your own person, didn’t want anyone to help you and going to make your own way in the world,” the accent is amazing and I’m taking in a full look at her now.

“You’re one of Beth’s friends,” suspicion meter rising.

“Not really, I feel like sometimes I’m the funny foreign girl with the accent,” she says with a laugh,” We’ve spoke to each other but this is the longest I’ve been in her company.”

“Well you’re not exactly in her company now,” I remark and she smiles again, big smiler this one.

“Ah know I’m here trying to speak with you but you seem so skittish. Is it my dress,” she asks and I take a good look at her.

About 5’7” or so with long wavy brown hair down past her shoulders, the dress she’s wearing looking like medieval renesance faire in pale purple with one difference. They had to use rope or twine around her breasts because they’re huge and pulling the hell out of her top. One lose point in the knot and the girls will be out for the world. She is a shapely lass as her people would call her, meaty all around and not a little waist either, a waist that says ‘yes I’ll eat your piece of cake since you’re on a diet’ but still looks womanly. Hell everything about her screams woman. And now she’s noticed me looking at her.

“I think it looks nice,” I comment while making it a point to not completely stare at her breasts.

“Well thank you, Bridget,” she offers her hand and I shake.

“You probably already know my name,” I reply and she laughs a little.

“Aye but I didn’t know why you are hiding in the shadows,” she asks and we begin to walk so I’m not easy to find, more so.

“Mostly because I don’t know anybody there,” I state and smile.

“Well they don’t know you either. Why not try talking with them,” Bridget asks and I smile.

“Because I’m talking to you,” I remark and she smiles.

We talk a little about her being an exchange student from Scotland, a little about the fact that I’m self taught when it comes to singing. Mostly she seems interested in my stance towards my family.

“So you really didn’t want them to help you for all of high school,” she asks and I shrug.

“I guess not,” I am not sure what to say as Bethany seems to have made a story for her own convenience as well as her siblings.

“Well I can’t understand why? You’re Mum and Da,” She says it and sees my face before correcting,” Step Dad have a lot to be proud of. They have done very well for themselves.”

“Yeah, they’re a couple of big go getters in the world,” I make the comment but don’t really like myself for it.

“So what about you, are you going to make your mark on the world,” Bridget asks and I shrug,” Oh come on, you’ve been the poster boy for brooding gifted genius at the school now for a month.”

“I’m the what,” I ask and she smiles.

“You are the, what did they call you, dark prince of the white castle,” Bridget says and I stare at her like she’s grown a horn out of her head,” What?”

“Why the fuck do they think that,” I ask and she laughs.

“Your sister that’s why. She’s been talking about how you were always so much tougher than everything else and how you wanted to earn everything without everyone else giving you any help. It seemed kinda foolish to me but here you are walking and talking after everything that happened to yah,” Bridget says looking around,” I’m just waiting here to see if you’re gonna kiss me or not?”

I don’t remember moving to Bridget or her moving to me but I know her lips are soft and she has cinnamon lip gloss or something because it burns a little when my lips touched hers. She isn’t pressing hard or anything, it’s just a soft and sweet kiss that has me embarrassed when it stops. She smiles at me a little and I get pulled into a new set of hedges where I discover the other half of kissing. My hands are going across her ass and her tongue is taking it’s time getting into my mouth and coaxing my tongue out of hiding. Cinnamon and berries, that is what I taste and smell as we paw at each other and I’m surprised, happily, when she moves my hand up to her breast. They are soft and I can feel the warmth of her through the soft plush fabric. Bridget’s arms wrap around my neck and I hold her waist with my hands as I continue my first course in kissing. It’s all soft and warm, Bridget is sweet and pleasant to touch and all of this is interrupted by Mom calling out looking for me.

“Guy?! Guy are you over here,” she’s calling and I don’t want to answer.

“Shhh, go see her. We can get back to this,” Bridget tells me and I regain my compure and let her wipe my lips off.

I exit the bushes and move out to where Mom can see me. She is happy I didn’t run off but when she tries to lead me by the arm back to the party I avoid her extended hand and simply walk with her.

“Bethany is sorry about the Karaoke thing,” Mom says and I keep silent,” She hoped you would think it was fun. When did you learn to sing like that?”

“I didn’t learn, I just do it,” I tell her which is pretty much true.

“Well we could look at getting you formal lessons, I could see about a vocal coach,” Mom offers and I shake her off,” Honey you have real talent.”

“I have a real talent of getting screwed with,” I say it and Mom is right there on it.

“Beth has done some bad things but she was really trying to be nice,” my Mother says the words but I don’t believe it.

We get back to the main party and people are moving around and dancing. Some are having happy and spirited conversations. I see Bridget in a group talking with a couple people from our school including Bethany. I sit and think about how I’m going ot get her and me up to my room to continue my education from earlier when I find I’m being addressed.

“Hey Guy, so we never really spoke before,” Brett, Bethany’s boyfriend and poster child for white athletes in America, think 6’ plus of styled brown hair and good looks in Fred from Scooby Doo costume.

“You mean aside from you and the rest of your friends laughing at me when I’d get my ass kicked at school. Or how about when I had to change in gym class and everyone whispered about my bruises from the aforementioned ass kickings,” I say it and Brett immediately counters.

“You never asked anyone for help man. I mean had we known…,” Brett is going to the family route but I don’t care.

“Had you known what? That people were kicking the shit out of me. That I was walking around in constant pain. What would you have needed to know,” I ask and Brett is trying to get his piece said.

“Had we known you and Bethany were,” he starts it, I’m stopping it.

“First off Bethany and I aren’t anything, did that make it into your brain? She’s all American cheerleader and I’m nothing. I was nothing when you and your friends stood by and watched me get my ass kicked and I’m nothing now. Don’t waste my time because you don’t know me and honestly, I don’t want you to,” I am livid at the level of presumption and most people in spitting distance know it.

Brett backs away not in a mood to continue this conversation and frankly I’m about done for the evening and attempt to make it to the house and my room but as soon as I’m ten feet from the door Mark or Abigail bring me back around and try to get me to socialize with people. Even Mr. Delauter takes me aside and has me speaking with one of his partners at the law office. I am a fucking trophy and this party does nothing but prove it. After three hours and some change the party finally wraps up, lights and music are packed up but clean up is for tomorrow as Rosa will be given a few extra helpers to take care of the yard. The family is heading back inside and I’m bringing up the rear as everyone heads off to their beds. I get in my room and peel out of my costume and into shorts for bed when there is a knock on my door. I don’t even get to answer it as Beth slips inside and her expression isn’t a happy one.

“Listen I’m trying and you’re not helping anyone,” she says and I am too tired to fight,” Brett was trying to apologize and you spit on that. I try to have a party for you and you spit on that too. Why are you being such a pain?”

“Welcome to my life for the past three to four years flipped,” I say it and it fits, kind of.

“I am sorry,” Beth starts and I wave her off fast.

“No you’re not. Had it gone on you’d still be laughing and enjoying your long running joke of how to fuck with me, that is the truth,” I say it and she wants to counter,” No don’t, you can tell me all the crap the therapist fed you to make sure I could ‘understand’ where you were.”

“My issues aren’t crap,” the cheer sister says and I shake my head.

“My problem is you’re putting on this farce of wanting to help and wanting to bring me into the fold. So minus ‘your’ family putting the screws to you for what you’ve done or my being stabbed tell me why you’re doing anything that would potentially end in my benefit,” I say it and wait, I can see her trying to come up with something that doesn’t fall in either category.

“Okay, I was cruel but that doesn’t mean you have to spit on everything everyone is trying to do for you. We want you in the family,” Beth says and she’s trying to be sincere, big mistake.

“See Beth I may not like you, hell I think your scum but in my generosity I’m going to give you what you want. In less than four months I’ll be graduating high school early, I won’t wait and I won’t walk with the class. I’m going to grab my diploma and leave. That very day I will pack all the things I need which will fit into one bag and I’ll be gone. I won’t call, I won’t write and I won’t tell anyone where I’m going. Mother will never have to see her mistake again, your family will be able to move on and resume its standard of perfection minus the blemish you ‘know’ I am. I’m going to give you what you want most, I’m going to let you win,” I say it and realize how cold I sound, I am not sure I like it but I can’t say I hate it either.

Bethany wants to speak but I think I finally froze the words in her mouth as she opens it a couple times but nothing comes out. It takes her a moment to realize I’ve stopped addressing her and am pulling down my bedding to get some sleep before she leaves quietly closing my door.

The weekend before I resume school is a weekend of eggshells. I don’t know who Bethany told about our conversation but Abby and Mark spent the time playing buffer between me and their sister. Mr. Delauter is around this weekend and has expressed that he would like to work something out between the family and myself but he doesn’t call me into his office or try to sit down with me so I have nothing to do with him. And then there is Mom, she watches me all the time. I slow down my walking she checks me to see if I’m feeling well. I don’t feel like eating and she offers to make me something else. The whole thing is this unreal world that I would have murdered small animals for when I was a child but now it is a pathetic attempt to be something she is not.

Monday morning everyone is getting ready as they normally do and when I come down with my backpack to head off to school on the bus I’m stopped by everyone in the house except Rosa.

“How are you getting to school,” Mom asks and I shrug.

“The bus, like I always do,” I say like she doesn’t know.

“How long has this been going on,” Mom asks and I don’t know who she’s asking , me or her children.

“Since we began high school,” Bethany answers quietly.

I watch her turn to the rest of the family and they begin to talk about travel logistics. Who is taking me to school? Who is picking me up? Why wasn’t I always taken to school with the rest of the kids? I think I walked out the door quietly when they started going into the who did what and when. I make it to my bus stop and wait with the other public transit riders. Getting to school is no problem, getting around school at my slowed rate isn’t a problem either. My problem is the whispers. I can hear them, not the words but when people are watching you and talking it’s easy to figure out what they are saying. Mostly the usual stuff about my being stabbed or how I’m still alive, very little on my family connections for now but give Bethany some time and she’ll spin it so she’s the popular girl with the wounded brother. If it would get me out of here faster I’d endorse it but an old lesson about Beth is that whatever benefits her will hurt me. I get maybe twenty minutes into first class of my first day back and I’m called to the office. Teacher excuses me to leave and I shake my head at the situation before getting up and pulling my backpack along with me. I keep my slightly slowed pace and slightly hunched posture that I’ve been using since I got out of the hospital. Also with my face only showing a light bruise around my right eye this is the best I’ve looked in years, which means two shades away from butt ugly. In the office I find Mom there filling out paperwork, looks like the emergency contact forms. Well that secret is out but it shouldn’t matter for too much longer. She sees me enter the office and smiles at me before finishing the form. We exit the office as apparently came to school to make sure I arrived alright. Mom is walking with me to my second period class, if they don’t like my lack of a pass I don’t give a fuck. Unfortunately we’re alone and Mom has that look on her face.

“I have been a pretty poor mother the past decade,” she says it and I should be kind, I don’t know how.

“I can see why you’d say poor, not my choice of words honestly,” I get the words out and she stops us from walking.

“How about abysmal,” She tries to joke but I’m about to take that away.

“It doesn’t matter honestly. You are who you are, I can’t change that. I never could and I don’t care to,” I note she’s wearing her business clothes,” Have a meeting to get to after this?”

“No, just more paperwork at the center,” she says and I shrug.

“Well I’ll get me to class on my own,” I don’t even say goodbye, just keep walking.

My day seems to go pretty fast after my morning meeting with mother. I even get through lunch with only moderate stares and whispers but as soon as I get outside to my spot, the one I’ve been eating lunch in for the past three years or so I find I need to change my location. Carlos, the second year senior gang leader, and his partner in crime Hector are waiting with about twelve of their closest boys right where I would sit. I don’t even feel hungry anymore as I turn around and walk away. I get back into the cafeteria and half way across the dining portion when I hear feet behind me.

“Hey we need to talk,” I feel a hand on my back and turn to see someone not interested in kicking my head in, yet.

“No Syd, we don’t,” I turn back around and continue my walk but she’s keeping pace.

“Why didn’t you say something, half of last year we’re friends and you don’t tell me you’re freaking rich? Aside from that you lied to me about where you live,” She says it and I have to remember the dance.

“And your point is,” I ask stopping in the hall.

“I found out you were out of the hospital and went over to ‘your house’ to talk to you but guess what? I found out that a very confused vet lives in that house and he doesn’t like people knocking on his door asking about people who don’t live there,” I think about the situation and want to laugh but hold it in,” We are friends and you lied to me.”

“You lied to me about being my friend so I think they cancel each other out,” I say it and begin to walk away only getting a step before she stops me.

“Oh no, I have been your friend you just couldn’t be honest with me. I don’t care that you have money or your family is connected. I just feel like I don’t know you and I am wondering what I did to deserve that,” Syd asks and I pull my arm away from her.

“Nothing, what I did I did because of me. Not you. And yeah I thought we were friends until you ditched me at the one dance I actually went to so that you could fuck someone else because you believed I was at a party with friends,” I say it and she realizes the error,” I don’t have any friends, I certainly don’t want any because when I trust people they do their absolute best to let me down and leave me to suffer. Friend? No I was your hold over till you could get something out of me and your mistake was cashing out early. Anything else?”

“You’re being an asshole. I screwed up but friends forgive each other and try to make it up when they screw up. That’s what people do,” She argues and I can see some students watching our tense discussion.

“Do us both a favor, walk away. It’s not that hard you did it once already,” I get the words out and see I caused her some pain.

Syd tears up a little but holds it in like the tough girl she is and backs up a step before turning and walking away from me. I know people are whispering and going on about the drama yet frankly I care less now than I would have a month or so ago. I continue my day uninterrupted and at the end of school avoid getting spotted by Abigail who is looking for me to make sure I get home safely. I make it off school grounds and to the bus stop only to find I am mercifully alone for the first time today and actually get to breathe. Bus takes me home and I arrive through the door about half an hour, I had to walk some of it as normal, after the twins. Abby smiles a little when she sees me but Bethany isn’t super happy about it, what else is new.

“Hey we’re supposed to give you a ride to and from school now,” Beth informs me coming out of her room.

“Okay but no thanks, I can do just fine on my own,” I keep heading to my room.

“You seem to think you have a choice in the matter. Mom said,” she gets the words out and I turn on her fast, faster than she expected.

“Your Mom. Your Dad, remember? She spends all her time with you and your siblings. You’re her family and I’m the little fucking disgrace she had following her around before she met your father. Now do us both a favor and leave me the hell alone,” I turn back around and continue the short trip to my room.

The next couple days are slow at school and marginally better at home. My class work and assignments have never been a problem which is good. The bad is everyone is keeping their eye on me. I’ve caught Mom coming into my room to check on me in the middle of the night and sometimes she talks to me. It’s simple things like she’s sorry and she’s loves me, things I would counter if I were fully awake and wanted to. I’m walking to the bus stop on Wednesday after school when a pair of hands cover my eyes and I hear a voice.

“Guess who,” the Scottish accent gives it away.

“A girl who never got back to me at the party,” I ask and Bridget removes her hands before stepping along side me.

“So I was trying to get into the house but your sister, Beth, was busy asking me questions about how mad you were. She figured out I caught up with you but I don’t think she had any idea what we were doing other than talking,” she says and I smile.

“Well she doesn’t think much of me anyway. So you finally caught up with me,” I ask and she nods happily.

“It took me a day to figure out you were second lunch, I’m first and then I had to find out how you get to and fro. Your sister Abby let me know you usually take the bus but she was hoping you’d come see her for a ride someday,” Bridget explains her journey to find me and I smile.

“Well that’s good and all but you probably need to get home,” I think about her possibly missing her ride or bus.

“Oh no, I have a project I’m trying to get worked out and you’re going to help me,” I love her accent of ta instead of to.

“Okay well I can usually help with most classes,” I figure she needed something and I’m pretty smart while she’s just pretty.

“It’s not school work, I’m trying to see if the snakes of Ireland can survive in Scottish climates,” she says the words and I’m confused.

Nothing is said for about ten feet then it hits me and I have a big smile on my face. Bridget sees it too and laughs a little. We both laugh and get to my stop to wait. We talk a little not about what she plans to do but just basic things. How she was planning to get away with her and me in my room during the party and how she was going to get home. My plan was I don’t care what anyone says and she wouldn’t have to leave on my account. Bridget likes that and we board the bus towards home.

A bus trip and a short walk bring us to home for the next few months at least as I finish out school and we don’t get ten steps in when Mark comes out of the TV room to see me come in.

“Bro, you could have called and let me know if you needed a ride or something,” Mark says addressing me and not yet addressing Bridget.

“I could if I needed one but I didn’t,” I keep my reply short as I’m a little more than anxious to get me and Bridget to my room.

“Hey could you let my Bro and I talk alone for a minute,” Mark asks Bridget who looks to me before nodding,” Thanks, his room is after the left on the end. The furthest one down.”

I’m confused Mark was giving her directions to where I sleep, it doesn’t make much sense but I watch Bridget, in her tight jeans and white button up shirt with sweater tied around her shoulders head up to my room as Mark ducks into his for a quick second and comes back handing me condoms.

“Dude, my Dad is gone till six or so with work today. I’ll stall Mom and ask her to meet me in town for a gift or something for you, be surprised. I think my sisters are at after school stuff or in Abby’s case tutoring but they won’t bother you,” Mark tells me this before a light punch in the arm.

I watch him leave and hear his car pull out of the garage when it hits me, this is what a real brother does. Condoms and a cover so I can be alone with a girl in my room, mental note Mark needs to share his want to be a family techniques with the others because I am starting to enjoy having a brother. I have nobody watching so I don’t keep up with my slower pace and hunched up posture and resume normal movment speeds. Hell I ran up the stairs and only slowed down when I get a foot away from my bedroom door, didn’t want to seem too anxious. I open my door and get inside to find Bridget sitting in the chair Mom had put in the room to ‘watch’ me. Oddly I think she’s only used it once and Abigail has used it much more than she has. Bridget looks up from her phone, even Scottish exchange students are into their phones, and puts it away.

“So is your brother going to be nosing around,” Bridget asks and I shake my head no,” Thank god for that. I can’t stand nosey people.”

“He’s actually making sure we have space and time,” I say and she gives me a questioning look.

“So it’s just us for how long, a couple hours,” Bridget asks and I nod a little.

“Two at the most before Abigail and Bethany come home. More for the parents,” I don’t know how or when she’s gotta be home or how I’m going to swing that.

“Good, now I need to use the ladies room,” Bridget asks and I point out which door it is,” Oh and it took you a bit to figure out what I meant as we were walking. I’m giving you till I change to figure out what you should be doing.”

I watch Bridget step out of my room and leave the door slightly open. She heads down to the first bathroom and steps out of sight. Now I’m thinking, she said change and her bag is right there and she carried no clothes with her. Yep I’m in my underwear in less than a minute and I’m not sure where to wait for her and decide to lay down on my bed and pray she comes back in less than what she left. For safety sake I put a condom under the pillow. I’m in my boxer briefs and do I get under the blanket or wait, it’s freaking daytime but I decide for under and wait. Ever want to know what anxiety is be a male waiting for a woman in your underwear and not know what’s coming for you when she shows up. I hear her walking and my door pushes open to show Bridget in a towel from the bathroom tied around her body and her clothes and shoes in her hand. She smiles and closes the door behind her, I watch as she places her clothes on the chair in my room before moving to the side of my bed and pulls the blankets back a little to see my boxers.

“Well we had the same idea,” She says with a smile.

Bridget slides into bed and pulls the comforter over her before removing the towel carefully and throwing it across the room. I’m on my back as she slides up next to me and pulls the blanket down just enough to see my scar. I feel a little embarrassed until she starts kissing my chest slowly and softly working her way around.

“I saw you before that happened,” Bridget says poking my scar gently,” at school. You always seemed so sad I didn’t understand what was making you so sad.”

“I wasn’t alive then, I don’t fully feel alive most of the time,” I tell her getting a ‘look’,” Right now and when we were together at the Halloween party being very big exceptions.”

The look stops and she smiles as she resumes kissing her way down my body and instead of the blankets being pushed to the floor Bridget pulls them up over her head and now I’m going by feel alone from here on out. I help her pull my boxers down and hear her saying something but I don’t know what it is and then I feel lips wrapping themselves around my cock. I tense up and try not to interrupt the angel under my blankets as she takes me in deeper than Aly did when she was giving me a blow job. I can almost feel Bridget trying to force herself down onto me deeper with her mouth but she pulls back before choking and slowly repeats the process taking her time and allowing me to enjoy her work. I get harder as she keeps up her task and as such she moves up I can see the top of her head and her light brown hair poking out as he head moves up and down with her lips still wrapped around me. Everything feels amazing until I start to get that tingle and begin to try to warn Bridget.

“Bridget I’m… I’m….,” I can’t finish my words as I cum hard.

When Aly did this for me she pulled her mouth off and let me blow my load on a wall. Bridget is not Aly and instead backs her mouth mostly off my cock and strokes me by hand as I cum in her mouth and throat. I’m coming down from the high and feel Bridget release me from her mouth and hand before crawling up my body, really far up my body and when I open my eyes I see heaven. Okay it’s a mostly trimmed pair of Scottish lass lips but you have your heaven and I have mine.

“I did mine, now it’s my turn,” Bridget informs me and I can tell she’s smiling even though I can’t see her face.

Okay now I’m nervous, I’ve never done this before and the shit they do in porn is usually for thirty seconds. I move my head up a little and Bridget lowers her hips down to my face a little so that I can give her a sweet kiss on her lower lips before putting my tongue out and searching around for her clit. It takes me a bit and Bridget leans forward so I can find it but when I do her whole body tenses up and I can hear her gasp in excitement. I lick, then suck followed by sucking her clit and the whole area around it while making circles around the clit itself with my tongue. Everything I have ever seen in oral sex on a female I do including pushing a finger inside her hole and nearly breaking my hand as she grinds forward using my face as a rubbing point. I grab her thick thighs and attempt to keep sucking and licking her clit as Bridget holds the top of my head by the hair and grinds out an orgasm that nearly suffocates me as she flat out sits on my face. I can hear her panting and I turned my head to the side to keep from ruining the mood with death. It takes a moment or twelve but Bridget realizes where I am still and pulls off my face giggling and as soon as I have air she kisses me hard and deep shoving her tongue in my mouth. We kiss deep and it barely occurs to me she got done swallowing me a couple minutes earlier.

“How many girls have you done that to,” Bridget asks breaking the kiss.

“Including you, one,” I reply and she pushes me.

“Then how do you know how to do that so well,” She asks propping up on her elbow facing me.

“Internet porn, you can learn some really great things from it if you have no clue how to do it. Also some horrifying things that you never want to try,” I keep the humor up and Bridget giggles again.

“So, now that we got the opener out of the way, how about we move to the show,” my Scottish female asks gripping my cock and giving it a firm tug.

I am hard and have been hard since about half way through my near suffocation/giving it back orally session with Bridget so I reach under the pillow and remove my condom that put there. Bridget is quick to snatch it from my hand and tears it open with her teeth before putting it on with her mouth. Bridget has me sit up with my back against my head board before swinging her leg over me and using her hand guides me inside her pussy. It’s I can feel the heat and she’s more than wet enough that she is able to push herself all the way down and I see a benefit of us positioned like this, I’m eye level with her large d cup breasts. I don’t move as Bridget rides me going slowly, it’s always slow to start and I wonder if that’s because of my size or just how things are done, while she works I decide to play and take her breasts in my hands and squeeze them. Bridget moans a little as she rides me and it feels good but I’m nowhere near an orgasm so I decide it’s time to play around and begin sucking on her nipples alternating breasts then toughness. First I go hard, then soft, after that I use tongue only and finally I’m down to nibbling a little.

“Those are sensitive and attached so be gentle,” Bridget says and I lighten up,” Okay not too gentle, just don’t try to hurt me.”

“You’re a big girl and I’m not going to do anything to hurt you,” I remark and she give me a look.

“Big girl,” She asks and I realize she doesn’t understand my compliment.

“Grown up and not to be mistaken for a boy. With these big beautiful breasts,” I kiss one then the other,” And this amazing ass that is riding me so well.”

She’s smiling again which is good because having an angry woman in your lap doesn’t seem like a good thing, especially when you are having sex. Bridget grips the headboard and begins grinding against me hard and I push up into her a little meeting her. She’s going harder and faster onto me and I like it but I’m not close enough yet and instead of light thrusts upward I try for hard slams. Bridget figures out what I’m doing and slams her ass down harder and faster. It’s our competition to see who can give out first and at one point of us filling the room with our sex and grunting Bridget stops and puts her body weight down on top of me while clutching me with her hands and legs. I can hear her squeaking but I don’t stop slamming into her and she squeaks a little more before groaning out her orgasm. I slow down my thrusting and Bridget rolls off me slowly and onto her back. I’m not done but she’s taking a moment I think.

“I haven’t been fucked like that since I came to this country,” she remarks inbetween catching her breath.

“Not that many males over here you like,” I ask and she smiles at me.

“No, there aren’t. They just don’t have that dark soul about them,” Bridget says and I’m curious about that but she’s not in the mood to explain as she sees I’m still hard,” want to go really hard?”

Bridget gets up and moves onto her hands and knees, this I know and I move behind her. She has her knees together and I rub my cock head against her slit a little before pushing back in. I push till I’m all the way in and begin working my cock in and out slowly when she looks back at me.

“You were just fucking me a minute ago, can’t keep up,” She asks and her fucking sounds like fooking, her accent is hot.

I squeeze her hips with my hands and speed up a little and when she stops staring back at me I go harder and faster. I work out, I do cardio but this has me breathing hard and sweating. Bridget has her head lowered and I can’t hear much coming out of her mouth when I get an idea and reaching up her back take a handful of her brown curly hair and pull gently bringing her face out of my mattress. One hand on her hair and I’m hammering my cock into Bridget’s pussy when I out of nowhere smack her hard on the ass, the response is immediate.

“Fuck me! Fuck me,” Bridget groans it loudly over and over.

I’m going hard and I begin to feel my orgasm coming fast and when it does I just try to keep moving as much as possible. I’m thrusting through the sensation as Bridget lets out a loud squeak and I feel her body shudder and try to push me out, I respond by thrusting back in hard and holding there. We stay like that for eternity, or five seconds, before I collapse backwards slowly and Bridget does the same forwards. We lay on my bed away from each other when she laughs a little. I laugh a little with her and she pulls herself around the bed and searches before finding the towel she came in with and begins wiping between her legs a little before using it to remove the full condom off of me and clean me up. I watch as she moves off the bed and walks naked around my room first throwing the condom and wrapper in my trash and then putting the towel in my dirty clothes before pulling on a pair of pink lacy panties. I smile and feel my penis twitch a little as she crawls back into bed and rest up against me.

“So how was that for you,” we both ask at the same time and then laugh.

We don’t talk really, I just hold her and she drapes and arm and a leg over my body as we relax after a hell of a work out. It finally dawns on us that we should probably get dressed and not be laying naked in bed. We settle into watching funny stuff on the internet when I hear the twins arrive home one after the other and Bridget giggles a little.

“If they knew what I knew you could film it and make money on those porn sites,” she jokes and I laugh a little.

We’re talking about simple things when Bethany barges into my room and upon seeing a female, one she knows, in my room begins to ask questions.

“Bridget what are you doing here? Guy what is she doing here? What is going on here,” Beth asks and I see Abigail poke her head around her twin to see Bridget and I.

“I don’t think it’s any of our business,” Abby states before waving at me lightly and pulling her sister out of my room.

We’ve only been here alone for a couple hours when I hear Mark arrive at home and he’s coming for my room, a 6’ plus former football defensive tackle comes running and trust me you’ll know. He bursts into the room and seeing us smiles before getting to why he came in.

“Hey Guy, we need to take her home,” Mark informs me and I don’t really want her to leave.

“You’ll drive me home,” Bridget asks and Mark nods,” Perfect, saves money on a taxi.”

“You could stay the night,” I offer but know the answer.

“You’re coming too bro,” Mark informs me and I shrug, might as well.

We pile into Mark’s Dodge muscle car, it’s a Cha-something and this is the third time I’ve been in it. Bridget and I sit in the back while Mark plays chauffer. Bridget give him directions and the three of us talk about bullshit and avoid the fact that we all know what Bridget and I were doing a bit earlier. We finally get to Bridget’s sponsor’s home after about twenty minutes. Not to shabby, better than what I grew up in honestly and both her and I exit the car as I walk her up. Now I feel nervous.

“So do you want to get together sometime,” I ask and she smiles.

“Maybe, but problem is I like you not love you,” She says it and I am confused,” You are sweet and quiet. A little bit crazy and a little bit bad but I’m not going to be here forever. I graduate and then head home. Best I could give you is a couple months and then I’m gone forever.”

“I could move with you,” I offer, I like her so sue me.

“That is sweet but you’re just feeling the warm tingly that we had. Besides I’m the one that your sister is going to be grilling for information about today,” Bridget says as we reach her door,” If nothing happens for you after the New Year I promise I’ll come by and we’ll make another afternoon out of it.”

I get a kiss on the cheek and a promise before she enters her house. I slowly return to the car, not sadly, but hunched over and slow as usual. Once inside with Mark we head back for home and we’re not even at the end of the street when he decides to talk about it.

“Bro she was hot, I swear I could have creamed my pants at her accent. Was she good,” he asks as he drives.

“She was great, better than the first one,” I remark thinking about it.

“What was wrong with the first one,” he asks and I shrug.

“It was just business,” I tell him and clarify as he looks confused,” I paid for it.”

“Bro you got a hooker,” Mark asks shocked.

“No, just a girl that needs money and is clean. She was good but Bridget was amazing in comparison,” I tell him and he nods.

“When they come cause they want to it’s always better,” Mark remarks and we both smile.

Arriving back at home there is a big truck, the business kind, sitting in the driveway. I am confused and I see Mom in the kitchen making dinner but when I try to get to my room Mark pulls me into his room and asks me for help with his computer. I’m not a computer whiz or anything so I just run a few antivirus programs and explain that having more than one is best. It only takes me a half hour and when I try to head back to my room he stops me again and wants to show me something on his phone, it’s just a couple girls from his college and their texts which is kinda cool I guess? That keeps me busy for another fifteen minutes when we’re called to dinner. Everyone is seated and we’re not sat down for five minutes when Bethany decides to start a discussion.

“Guy is bringing girls home,” she says it and both Mom and Mr. Delauter take a moment to think before Mr. Delauter weighs in.

“About time,” two words from the head of the household that have more impact than fifty from me.

“So he can bring a girl home anytime he wants when there are no parents here, which is against the rules,” Beth brings up a valid point when her father clarifies.

“Actually that rule never applied to Guy or even all of you as a whole, just you unfortunately Beth,” Mr. D lays down his parenting facts and watches his daughter get mad.

“What did I do,” Beth asks now everyone stops eating.

“There was the Junior Varsity football team practice that you held in the foyer,” Mr. Delauter begins.

“Or the weekend party when your father and I were on a business trip for his work left you three,” Mom references Abby, Beth and I,” to the honor system.”

“Hey what about the lingerie modeling session she had for the cheer squad last year,” Mark says it and by the look on Mr. Delauter’s face I don’t think he heard about that.

“Or anytime you were supposed to be studying but you and your boyfriend were making out on your bed,” Abigail drops the bomb and Beth looks super pissed off.

“I was working on a project with Bridget, we met at the party you held for me,” I say it and I don’t think she buys it.

“What project,” Mom asks and I think quick.

“Social sciences, interlocking customs of the countries in Northern Europe,” I get it out and the only two who don’t get it are Mark and Beth.

Want to talk about grumpy, Beth is fuming because I am not held to the restrictions she has been living under. Boo fucking hoo bitch. We get done with dinner and I’m dragged to the tv room to sit with Mom. We don’t talk about anything important, just school things and how have I been feeling. I know something is going on in my room but I have no clue as to what it is aside from power tools being operated. Finally an hour after dinner a man in a store uniform with a clipboard has a signature for Mom to give as he and his team of three pack up their tools and head out. I wait as Mom gathers the family, upstairs and finally comes down to get me.

“Honey there have been a lot of things that we haven’t done for you, Mark spoke to me about it earlier today and he mentioned something to me. I can’t remember the last time we really celebrated your birthday,” Mom says as we head up the stairs.

“I was eleven, you took me to a bar and got me a cupcake with a candle while everyone sang me happy birthday,” I recall the event and it pains her that I can and it’s a pathetic memory.

“Well Mark was talking about how everything is a now thing but I’m kind of bad with now and there are things we missed over the years like presents and cake,” Mom is listing the basics and now I remember Mark said something about a gift.

“Mom it’s a little late for a lot of things, don’t worry about it I’ll get by,” I brush it off hoping this isn’t her trying to buy me off.

“Only time it’s too late is when I’m dead, I may spend the rest of my life trying to prove I love you and that you are my special boy but in the mean time I have nine birthdays that need to be balanced,” Mom explains and the family is waiting outside my door.

I watch Mark opens it up before Mom covers my eyes and slowly I’m walked into my bedroom, or to the banister to be thrown over cause I can’t see anything. I get in and get turned around before the hands are removed from my eyes and I see it. The TV almost as long as I am tall and as wide top to bottom as Mark and I standing side by side stuck to my wall, along with that is the small to medium entertainment center with a game console and about twenty different games. Mom grabs a remote and turns the whole thing on as I am dumbstruck, okay this is pretty amazing.

“Mom and I were talking and when we looked at everything this was the best idea we could come up with for amazing belated birthday gifts,” Mark says hopeful.

I have to think for a minute about the whole situation, is it buying my affection or repayment for past shit and is there a difference? I’m not sure but the rest of the family is either moderately traumatized or proud of Mark, I think only Beth is traumatized. The whole set up is amazing and I don’t know what to do about the situation since it’s Mark who is working the good and Mom who has been living on my ‘don’t give a shit side’. Is she trying after all this time? Now I’m confused, I actually sit down at my desk since that chair is swiveled to it can face everything and think about this whole thing. Everyone is waiting for some major reaction out of me and thankfully it’s Abby that saves it.

“Mom he’s speechless, Mark you two did amazing,” Abigail says it and I watch Mom and Mark, mostly Mom, smile.

“It’s just so much, I don’t know,” I say the words and keep it ambiguous.

Mark and Mr. D clear everyone out my room so I can sit back and take it in. Make up or bribe it is going to suck to have to give this up in a few months regardless. Do I leave with everyone trying though? Will they stick with it and make their changes permenant? I’m just not sure and now I don’t know if I want to talk to Mom about everything or not. My evening is spent quietly except for Abby coming into my room to see what games I have and immediately inform me that three of them are better on the PC cause you can mod them. Personal opinion I say but I’ve never had anything like this at all in my life. My major gifts I’ve recieved have always been clothes or small items and once a debit card from Mr. Delauter when I turned sixteen. Sleeping comes a little later than expected, that thing is going to take up a lot of free time.

Thursday comes and goes with no major incidents other than Bridget being friendly around me and Abigail making it a point to interact with me at school. Carlos and his boys are waiting in the wings for me to be alone or catch me off guard but I’m paranoid thanks to being a pin cushion once and don’t want to find out what he’ll have them do for an encore. Mom is still waiting for something big to happen between her and me after the massive gift but she isn’t pushing it by hanging all over me. Again I suspect Mark’s influence and now that sounds weird with Mark being the one that figured shit out between he and I first.

Friday and I’m looking at a potential weekend of hardcore gaming for the first time in my life. I don’t know how I’m supposed to survive on soda, snack food and no shower for two days but I figure if people can get online and make money doing it and post videos I can survive it once. I get to lunch time and grab my bag lunch, our cafeteria actually makes them for you to buy and carry instead of taking a tray, and head in the opposite direction of my former eating spot. I haven’t seen Sydney at all since she made her case about me lying to her. I didn’t lie I just didn’t tell her anything really.

Ever have one of those moments where you think the world is fucking with you and it isn’t? I mean you begin to think that you’re being set up but it’s not. I’m walking with a sack lunch and see one of the few females, not girl, at my school that gives Bethany a run for her money. Jenna Christianson, 5’9” barely d cup breasts that have been known to defy gravity, an ass that can stop traffic and legs that go all the way to heaven. Light ginger hair down to her shoulder blades and deep hazel eyes. I’m not making this up she’s an amateur model and dancing enthusiast and most of this is on her personal modeling site. How much she wrote and how much people said and they took is up for debate but it’s also insanely accurate. Now back to my paranoia she’s sitting on a stone bench outside alone, as in not a soul around as she sits sadly looking into her phone. I look in every direction to see nobody around before approaching.

“Are you alright,” I ask and Jenna looks up from her phone.

“Yes… No… I don’t know,” she says and lowers her head again.

“I mean I’ll listen if you want to tell someone about it,” I offer and Jenna sniffles, her sniffles sound sexy.

“My boyfriend… Ex-boyfriend Brandon Clarke, you heard of him,” she asks and I don’t think many people haven’t heard of him,” Well we broke up a couple weeks ago.”

Brandon Clarke is the guy that you’d expect to be an all star running back, he started on the Varsity squad as running back and he hasn’t been benched since. It wasn’t half way through his sophomore year that he started dating Jenna and they’ve been a power couple that you’d see in the adult world. Black superstar athlete and a white super model, the headlines write themselves but now they’re broken up.

“Well then he’s a moron,” I state and she gives me a dismissing look.

“He’s not the problem I am, sooner or later I was going to lose him and it’s just sooner than later I guess,” Jenna says somehow upset,” And now he’s been dating his way through the cheerleading squad and any other girl he can seem to find.”

“Well that is his choice, he decided on quantity instead of quality,” I say it and wonder where the hell it came from.

“He what,” Jenna asks confused.

“He wants to run around with a bunch of seventy or eight percent girls then let him. He let the ninety eight percent woman go. I’d say it’s his loss,” I tell her trying to be nice.

“That’s nice of you to say but who are you,” She asks and I shrug.

“I’m the nobody. I’ve been out of school for a couple weeks and was in the hospital for most of it,” I state explaining for the first time where I’ve been in the most vague terms.

“Nobody is a nobody, there is something about you that makes you special,” Jenna says and it’s like she’s the world’s greatest motivational speaker.

“Well thank you for saying it pretty lady,” I nod my head to her,” I say find someone who will appreciate everything you are and then just be happy. Happiness is the best revenge is what I’ve heard.”

Jenna smiles at me and I just became the nice guy to help the pretty girl. Now to take my battered and mildly scarred face back to the hole so I can eat my lunch, I depart with a light wave from Jenna and find a quiet spot to eat in peace and quiet. The rest of my day is quiet and I make it home on the city bus again even though Abigial was waiting for me in the parking lot. I know she was waiting because she messaged my phone while I was at the stop asking where I was.

Friday evening comes and goes and I spend most of that night gaming online and finally pass out at one in the morning, I’m an early riser and my body forces me awake so I can go about my basic work out. I can’t go running, mostly because I don’t want anyone to see that I’m almost one hundred percent so it’s basics of stretching, push ups and sit ups. I get done and go right back to bed to sleep. My day keeps to a basic of food, gaming online and offline since I don’t like having people insult my mother despite our history, and a little socializing with Mark who is constantly asking when do I think I’m going to be up to working out again. I keep it vague but honeslty I’m thinking I need to come out of my ‘weakened’ state and do something.

It’s about an hour away from dinner when I’m told I have a visitor and make my way down the stairs to find Jenna standing in the foyer waiting.

“Well it didn’t take long to see that you’re not actually a nobody,” Jenna greets me as I get down the stairs.

“Okay, hi and what are you doing here,” I ask confused.

“Taking your advice, I’m going to find someone who appreciates me and my ninety eight percent self,” she says with a smile and I nod.

“I’ll call my brother, he’ll be thrilled,” I tell her with a smile and she shakes her head.

“How about you take a shower and put on some very nice clothes and I’ll drive us to a very nice restaurant so we can have a wonderful evening and talk about things we both want like appreciation,” Jenna says with a smile and considering the dress she’s wearing, thin straps with tight form fitting curves and red, yeah I’m gonna head back up right now and shower.

Mark is living in the big brother zone trying to pep talk me while I actually do everything I’m supposed to from cleaning, brushing, grooming and dressing before I return downstairs and find Jenna waiting there talking with Mother and Beth who is asking about four million questions and getting absolutely no answers. Jenna sees me, I put on one of the two suits I own, black suit, white shirt and black tie, and for some reason she smiles. I feel amazing as we leave home and I walk her to her car and get the door for her before hopping in the passenger side.

“Mind if we go somewhere a bit pricey,” Jenna asks and I think for a second.

I nod and smile which Jenna sees and smiles back as we head away from home in her VW Beetle. I’m watching her a little out of the corner of my eye and I have to wonder… How did I get so lucky?


2017-03-05 06:47:22
Damn gold diggers

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-16 03:22:24
I think I'm becoming a fan of ur series of stories.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-24 00:27:24
It's a trap it's a trap!!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-20 16:31:55
love your work

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-03-15 19:23:01

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