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After another night of Strip poker, I awake with Mary standing over me.
At three in the morning, when Mary flopped over on me for the fourth
or fifth time, I decided to sleep on the floor. Those romantic pictures
of couples sleeping in each other arms look good in the movies, but
you can't really sleep that way. I thought about sleeping in Beth's bed,
but wasn't sure what Mary would think about that so I dragged the
blanket off Beth's bed and went to sleep on the floor next to Mary's

When I woke up Mary was standing next to me in a bathrobe.

"Good morning sleepy head," Mary said with a smile.

"Uuuhh...good morning," I mumbled still half asleep.

Slowly things began to fall back into place. I was sleeping on the floor
in Mary's room because she kept kicking me when I tried to sleep in
her bed. These dorm beds were definitely not designed for sleeping
two people. I was still naked under the blanket after last night's

I sat up and looked around. I spotted my clothes still lying on the floor
after last night's strip poker game. I leaned over and grabbed my
underpants and started to slip them back on under the blanket.

"Just a minute there Larry," Mary said. "I won those last night. I get
to keep them."

I looked up at Mary. I had forgotten that she said that, but now I
remembered agreeing to it. Of course, I had expected to win when I
agreed to it, but no big deal.

"Oh, I forgot," I said, taking them back off. "Here, you can add them
to your strip poker trophy case."

"Thanks," Mary said, as she knelt down next to me and planted a kiss
on my cheek.

"You know Larry," Mary said. "You did that well last night. If you
didn't tell me it was your first time, I would think you had been

"You were great too," I said. "But right now I really have to get
dressed and answer a call of nature."

"Well, then don't let me get in your way," said Mary as she handed
me my jeans and shirt.

I pulled my jeans up very carefully, since I wasn't wearing underwear.
I headed out of Mary's room. It was a long way to the men's
bathroom. By the time I got back, Mary was already dressed.

"I think we missed breakfast," Mary said.

"I usually do on Sunday," I said.

I felt awkward. What was I supposed to say now? What was I
supposed to do? I had never slept with a girl before. What did you say
in the morning?

"There is a coffee shop over on Main Street," I finally said. "We
could get some coffee..."

"Ok, yeah. That sounds good. I can't hang around all day though. I
have got a bunch of work to get done today."

"So do I. Look, I really need to shave. Why don't I run by my dorm
and meet you there in say...half an hour?"

"That sounds fine," Mary replied with a smile. She reached out and
kissed me on the cheek.

"You look uncomfortable in those jeans," Mary said, as I headed out
the door. "You better put some underwear on before you hurt yourself
or something."

"I was planning on it," I said as I turned down the hall.

In fact, I really didn't need to shave that badly, but I did need to get
some underwear.

A half an hour later I was wearing clean underwear and feeling much
better when I met Mary outside the coffee shop on Main Street. We
got two cups of plain coffee and some muffins and found a table.

"Ahh...I'm not sure how to ask this, but ... well are we ... you know ...
going together now?" I asked.

Mary smiled. "Do you want to be?" she replied.

"Yeah," I said. "I mean, if you want to."

"Oh, Larry, of course I want to. You know that, don't you?"

"Well, I wasn't sure. I've never had a real girlfriend before."

"And I've never had a real boyfriend before either. So it's a first for
both of us."

This was followed by an awkward pause. Mary smiled and sipped her
coffee. I finally felt I had to say something.

"So, besides strip poker, what things do you like to do?" That was a
silly question, but all I could think of.

Mary smiled and half-giggled. "Well...I'm a pretty simple girl. I like
movies and music and TV. You know, simple stuff like that."

"So what do you want to do next weekend?"

"Well...I think there'll be the big strip poker game on Friday."

"Do we have to go to that?"

Mary laughed.

"Well...I have promised lots of people to be there...besides it will be
fun. We just need to be careful to make sure we don't loose."

"Are those people from last nights game really going to play in this

"I think so," Mary said. "I'll have to check with them. I sort of
wonder about Fred after what Sally and Carrie did to him last night,

"Yeah, stealing his clothes and taking them down to the lounge, that
was a dirty trick. What are they going to do after the next game?"

"Oh...I didn't tell you about that." Mary had that mischievous smile

"Didn't tell me what?"

"Ah...the loser of next weeks game has to streak the campus."

"What!!! Streak the campus, you're kidding, right?"

"Shh...not so loud," Mary said, looking around to see if anyone was
staring at us. Mary wasn't kidding.

For those who are not familiar with the great university tradition of
streaking, it means running naked across the campus, usually at night.
The most popular route is to run from the south campus entrance
through the center of campus and out the northwest gate. Most
streakers do not run alone. They have several clothed people who run
`escort' with them to provide protection from anyone who might try to
accost them. The escorts can also carry a sweat suite or something the
streaker can throw on in case the campus police show up, but that is
rarely a problem.

Most streakers are men, although there are always stories of women
streakers. I had never seen a streak, although I had heard there had
been one earlier this year. I had always wondered why people would
do something like that. I figured they were either exhibitionists or had
lost a stupid bet. It never occurred to me that they might have lost a
strip poker game!

After looking around and deciding that no one had taken notice of my
outburst, Mary continued in a soft voice. "It will be late at night, right
after the game, so there won't be many people around, and the
winners will all run escort for the losers to make sure nothing bad
happens, so it'll be safe."

"But...but...I don't want to streak the campus," I protested.

"Well, I certainly don't want to either," Mary replied. "If we play
carefully, just like we did last night, there should be no problem."

"But we got some pretty good cards last night. What happens if we
just don't get any playable cards?"

"Then we just fold our hands and wait for others to make mistakes.
With the people who will be playing in this game, I'm sure somebody
else will make the big mistakes."

"But...what happens if we get a full house or something and get beat
by somebody with a higher full house or four of a kind?"

"Well...we need to be real, real careful," Mary said. "As long as there
are people with less clothes on than we have, we don't need to win a
hand, so we don't take any chances. We let the others take chances
and wait for them to make the mistakes."

What Mary said made sense, as long as we did not get a real bad run
of cards and everyone else played well. I guess the chances of that
were slim.

After all the strip poker games, I was no longer frightened by the
thought of dropping my shorts in front of this group of girls. I had
seen most of these girls naked already, and most of them had seen me
naked too, if only briefly, but the idea of running naked across the
campus caused a knot in my stomach.

"Late at night it's kind of cold for streaking isn't it?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess so. Another good reason to make sure we don't lose"

It was clear I was not going to talk Mary out of this, so I would just
have to make the best of it and try to make sure it wasn't us who
streaked the campus next weekend.

"Well...if we already have plans for Friday night, how about a movie
on Saturday night?"

"Ok. What would you like to see?"

I hadn't thought about that and really didn't even know what was

"Ah.... I'll let you pick the movie."

I guess I was going to find out the hard way what kind of movies
Mary liked. Even if Mary picked some dopey romantic girl movie, I
still got to spend two hours in a dark theater with Mary. Not too bad,
but better if we could spend a few hours in my room afterwards. I
would have to talk to Marc, my roommate, and make a deal for the
room on Saturday night.

"Well, I've got a lot of work to do today, so I better get going," I said.
"I'll call you tonight, ok?"

"I've got to get to work too," Mary said.

A few minutes later we parted company with a kiss in front of Mary's
dorm and I headed back to my room to hit the books.

I called and talked with Mary every night and we met at the library to
study together for a few hours on Tuesday night, but I found it really
hard to concentrate with Mary there. My mind kept wandering off to
events of Saturday night and that would cause and uncomfortable
bulge in my pants.

I really wanted to just pick Mary up and carry her back to my room
for a repeat of Saturday night. The only problem was Marc and
Charlene already were doing it back in my room, which is why I was
studying at the library. Mary's goody-goody roommate Beth ruled out
her room, so we were stuck. Then a thought crossed my mind. I had
heard stories of people doing it someplace back in the stacks of the
library. Maybe I could get Mary to give me a blowjob right there in
the library. I decided I better stop thinking so much.

Before we parted, Mary said the game was now all set for Friday
night, and that almost everyone would be there. Even Fred had
apparently been convinced to play. That was good. More players
meant less chance of us losing. That made me feel better.

By Friday I had gotten use to the idea that the loser of tonight's game
was going to the streak the campus and I had spent at least one hour
each night reviewing my poker book to make sure I was as sharp as
possible. While I wished that Mary hadn't gotten me into this, I was
confident that Mary and I would not be the ones streaking the campus.
That was before I ran into Vicky.

"Hey...Larry," I heard a female voice call as I walked back to my
dorm after my German class. I turned and saw Vicky, Kat's
roommate. Vicky was the girl I had bluffed out of a hand in a strip
poker game at her apartment a few weeks ago. Mary had told me that
Vicky was mad at me and wanted to get even with me for stripping
her in that game.

"Hi, Larry," Vicky said with a smile as she walked up to me. If Vicky
was smiling at me, I was probably in trouble.

"I hear that you are going to they say...doing a little
streaking tonight."

"Where did you hear that?" I replied.

"Oh...just around," Vicky smiled.

"Well it's not true. At least it's not going to be me who's going to be
doing the streaking."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that Larry," Vicky smiled. "I heard that
Sharon has invited a real poker pro to this game. Some guy named
Les. He's going to beat you out of your clothes and send you running
home naked."

"Well...I wouldn't believe everything you hear," I replied, trying not
to sound nervous.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be there tonight
waiting for you," Vicky said.

"You're going to play in the poker game tonight?"

"No, silly," Vicky replied. "I'm going to be waiting on campus for
you to by. Oh, and I'll have my camera too."

It had never occurred to me that somebody might have a camera on
the campus in the middle of the night.

" could just take your picture now, because this is all you're
going to see tonight. I have no intention of losing."

"We'll see," Vicky said, looking down at my jeans. "I'm hoping to
see at least a little something there." Vicky giggled, then turned and
walked away.

I hoped Vicky wasn't serious. The girls wouldn't invite a poker pro to
the game. She was just saying that to make me nervous, and it was
working. As soon as I got back to the dorm I called Mary, but no one
answered the phone.

I changed clothes, then sat around the room thinking things over. I
was sure Vicky had just made that story up, but she clearly knew
about the strip poker game tonight and she knew that the loser would
streak the campus. If she knew that, then how many other people
knew it? I had expected the campus to be completely deserted by the
time this game was over. Was there going to be a big crowd of people
who had heard about the game waiting for the loser? Some of them
with cameras? That was a disconcerting thought.

I tried to call Mary again, and this time she answered the phone.

"I ran into Vicky today," I said.

"Oh," Mary replied.

"She seemed to know all about tonight's game," I said.

"She knows Sharon and Kristen pretty well, so I'm not surprised."

"Vicky said there was going to be a poker professional named Les at
the game tonight."

Mary laughted.

"I think Vicky was trying to tweak you, and it sounds like it worked.
There is somebody named Les who is suppose to be there tonight, but
he's some friend of Sharon's and he certainly isn't a poker

"That's what I thought," I said. "Vicky also claimed she was going to
wait on campus with a camera for the loser to streak."

Mary laughed again.

"Vicky really tweaked you didn't she. You have to be careful about
bluffing girls out of their clothes in these strip poker games. I'm sure
Vicky has better things to do with her Friday night than camp out all
night in the hopes of getting a picture of, of you in the

"Well, yeah, but how many other people know about the game?"

"Vicky is a good friend of Sharon's, so I wouldn't worry about it. Just
relax. If you keep your cool, we won't lose and it won't matter if
Vicky has a CNN news crew there waiting for you."

"Ok. I'll pick you up after dinner."

"I'll probably meet you in the lobby," Mary added. "I want to avoid
having to explain too much to Beth."

Mary was indeed waiting for me in the lobby. She was wearing the
same tight fitting white blouse and full blue skirt with a white flower
pattern that she wore to the first strip poker game.

"Ready for the big game, Larry?" Mary asked. "Or are you still
spooked by Vicky."

"Well...I did see a CNN truck go by on the way over, so they do
seemed to be getting ready for something big."

"Don't be silly," Mary said as we headed out of the dorm and started
the long trek into the student ghetto south of the campus.

Mary wanted to make sure I remembered all the rules and strategy for
tonight's game. This game was going to be different from the previous
games. Mary and I would play as a team, with six pieces of clothes
each for a total of twelve pieces. Mary thought there were going to be
9 couples total in the game, so Sharon and Kristen's apartment was
going to be crowded.

This would be a nine handed game of draw poker. There was no ante,
but we were using the must open rule like we had used in last
Saturday's practice game. Before the draw, you had to have at least a
pair of Jacks to open the betting, and the opening bet was always one
item of clothes. As soon as one player opened, everyone else had to
see this bet. This replaced the ante. After the draw, each bet or raise
was one or two items of clothes.

To bet an item of clothes, you had to take it off. To make the game go
a little faster the girls had decided that only underwear could be put
back on, even if you won it right back. That meant as soon as you bet
your pants, they were gone until the game was over. The game ended
when the first couple lost all their clothes, and that couple would be
the one to streak the campus. Of course it was always possible that
more than one couple would be striped on the same hand, in which
case they all would streak the campus.

The rest of the players could put their clothes back on before the
streak. The losers would only be given back their clothes after the
streak. Mary said they had some jogging suits for the losers to wear
from the apartment until they got back to campus.

Mary's strategy to avoid being the streaker tonight was simple. If you
folded every hand after the draw, you would lose just one item of
clothes for your must open bet. This meant you could survive 12
hands without betting. Mary doubted that the game would go 12
hands. Mary wanted us to play very tight. Just fold unless you had a
sure winner, like a full house or better. Even then, we had to be real
careful that we did not get beat by a higher full house or something. If
we didn't get any really good hands, we would just fold and hope that
someone else would lose before we were stripped. Given the caliber
of players in this game, it sounded like a good strategy to me.

We finally arrived at the once elegant, now defaced house I
remembered from our first two strip poker games. As I walked up the
stairs to the second floor apartment, I remembered how I had felt the
night of that first strip poker game. I had been very unsure of myself.
Unsure whether I could take my clothes off in front of strange girls,
unsure if I knew how to play poker, and, most of all, unsure of where I
stood with Mary. Tonight as I walked up the stairs, I was sure of

As Mary knocked at the door, I could hear several people talking
inside. Kristen answered the door and let us in. The apartment already
seemed crowed. As I looked around, I recognized Betty and Joe from
our earlier games. Sally, Jill, Kevin and Rick from last Saturday's
game were already here too. Then I noticed a couple I didn't
recognize standing in the kitchenette talking with George.

"Who's that talking to George?" I whispered to Mary.

"Don't know," Mary replied. "Must be that poker pro that Vicky told
you about. Let's go introduce ourselves."

As Mary and I walked up, George noticed us and said, "Hey, Mary,
nice to see you again, and nice to see you too, Larry."

I smiled. The way George said that made me think he was hoping to
get to see a little more of Mary tonight.

"Let me introduce you to Linda and Les," George continued.

Les looked to be just over 6 feet tall, and had a good athletic build, but
I barely noticed him as I reached for Linda's hand. Linda smiled as
she shook my hand. Linda had long blond hair, and a very attractive
figure that was accentuated by a tight sweater and a short skirt. Linda
clearly was trying to look like a knockout, and had pretty much

"Les is an old friend of Sharon's," George said.

"George means an old boyfriend," Les smiled, as he reached out to
shake my hand.

"An old boyfriend!" Mary exclaimed. "That is interesting."

"Sharon and I parted on good terms," Les said. "I just heard about the
game and asked if I could come. At least I hope Sharon hasn't stacked
the deck or something to get even with me."

"I heard you were a poker professional," I said.

"Well, that is a little bit of an exaggeration, I think," Les said. "I do
play poker for money some..."

"Like every week," inserted Linda.

"...but it's just a small stakes home game," continued Les.

"He has already won enough money this semester to pay for his
tuition for the whole year," Linda said in a matter of fact tone.

"Yeah, but I was just lucky," Les said. "There're a couple of frat guys
with lots of money that started playing almost every week. They think
they know a lot about poker, but they are very easy to read. I just got
some good cards and made a couple of killings against them."

It sounded like Vicky had not been too far off base in describing Les
as a poker pro. I was wondering how much Linda knew about poker.
If Linda was a decent poker player, we might all be in trouble with
this couple in the game.

I glanced over to see Fred and Carrie arrive. So Carrie had actually
persuaded Fred to come, in spite of what she and Sally did to him
after last Saturdays game. I wonder what inducements Carrie had
offered Fred to convince him to come? It probably would not be polite
to ask.

I looked around the room at all the girls. I had already seen most of
them naked at one of our previous strip poker games. Sharon was the
big loser at the second game. I had seen Kristen completely naked at
that second game too. Cathy had only her panties left at the end of that
second game. Jill had been stripped in last Saturday's game and Carrie
had ended up topless. That left only Betty, who by some miracle had
never lost her bra or panties in all the games and Sally who had done
very well in last Saturday's game. Then, of course, there was Linda. I
would certainly like to see a little more of Linda, but with her poker
playing boyfriend that did not seem too likely.

I guess everyone was here now and we seemed to be getting ready to
get started. Sharon turned off the music to get everyone's attention.

"Ok, everyone is here, so I think we can get started in a few minutes,"
Sharon said. "I think you all know the rules, but just in case you want
to review them, I have a couple of copies of them here."

Sharon held up a few sheets of paper, but I did not feel I needed to
read the rules, even though they were a little different for this game.
Mary had gone over all the rules with me several times.

"Now remember, each couple will take turns playing the hands, and
the person who is playing the hand has total authority to decide on the
play of that hand, including how much clothes to bet. Since we will
alternate who plays the hand, each of you will play every other hand
against the same players. We will divide up so there will be close to
equal numbers of male and female players in each hand."

Mary and I began to move out of the kitchenette to join the circle of
players in the living area. Mary went over and stood next to Betty and
Joe and I joined her. Kristen came over and stood next to us on the
other side as the couples formed a rough circle.

"Ok," Sharon said. "Now I will play the first hand. We want to
alternate boy girl around the circle, so that means Les you will play
the first hand too, and Jill you will play also, and ..."

"Kevin," Kevin injected when it was clear Sharon either didn't know
his name or had forgotten it.

"Ah, yes, Kevin you will play this hand, ... and Betty ... and Larry...
and Kristen... and Fred... and Cathy," Sharon said as she went around
the circle. That left Sharon and Cathy playing next to each other, but
with nine couples, that had to happen.

I glanced around the circle at the people I would have to play. The
only one who really worried me was Les. I had played everyone else
at least once and felt I knew how they played, but Les was a real

Sharon got the two decks of cards and began to shuffle the cards as
the players sat down on the floor in a circle to start the game. As I
looked around the circle, I realized I had almost forgotten that the
loser of this game had to streak the campus. While it might be niece to
strip some of these girls, the important thing was to make sure that
Mary and I were not the ones that had to run naked across the campus

Sharon dealt out the cards and I reached downs to pick up my first

Chapter 11 The Couples Game

I peaked at my cards. They were basically junk, a king, queen, ten,
five and a two. Well, given Mary's strategy, I guess it would be easy
to keep folding junk hands.

Sharon had dealt, so the betting started with Cathy. She immediately
opened. All the guys took off their shoes as the bet for this first hand.

"Hey guys," Sharon injected. "Let's make this a little simpler. Only
put one shoe in the middle and put the other one in the corner. That
way we don't have to try to keep them together. We can do the same
thing with socks."

Everyone agreed, so I tossed one shoe in the corner and put the other
in the pot.

Everybody took three cards, except for Sharon and Cathy. Sharon
took one and Cathy took 2. I picked up my three new cards and was
surprised to see another king and two threes. I now had two pair,
kings and threes. A fair hand, but not likely to win in a nine handed

The betting started with Cathy. She had opened and taken two cards,
so I expected her to bet, but after studying her cards for a long time,
she passed. Fred and Kristen passed quickly, and then it was my turn.
I looked at my cards again, but decided Mary would kill me if I bet, so
I passed too.

Betty, Kevin and Jill quickly passed. Les looked over at Sharon,
shook his head and passed. That left it up the Sharon. She had taken
one card, but after thinking for a minute, she passed too. Boy
everyone was being careful on this first hand.

We all laid our cards down and I looked around. Could I have actually
won this hand with my two pair? That would be a great stroke of luck.

"I've got two pair," Cathy said. I looked across at her hand. I saw two
aces sticking out the end and realized I was beat.

"I've got two pair, too," I said. "But it looks like yours is higher."

No one else could beat Cathy's two pair of aces and jacks, so she
collected the pot with all the guy's shoes. I stood up to let Mary sit
down to take my place. It was Bill's turn to deal. Bill had taken Cathy
place, and he slowly shuffled the cards. It takes a long time to shuffle
two decks of cards, and he was being careful to make sure he did a
good job.

After the cards were dealt, Carrie was the first to act, and she quickly
announced she was opening. This time it was all the girls who had to
put in their shoes, all except for Cathy. Bill tossed somebody else's
shoe in for them.

A number of players including Mary took three cards, but Carrie, Joe
and Bob took two and Rick took one card.

Carrie was studying her cards and finally looked back at Fred.

"Ok, Fred," Carrie said. "I'm going to open for one. That's your

Fred tossed one sock into the middle and put the other one aside.

George and Mary both folded without much thought. Joe put his cards
on the floor.

"I'm raising two," Joe said, as he pulled his socks off. Betty standing
next to us looked at Joe with an expression that seemed to say `Are
you sure you know what you're doing?', but she pulled her socks off
and handed them to Joe. Joe then unbuttoned his shirt and tossed that
into the pot too.

Now things were starting to get interesting. Sally folded, but Rick
immediately jumped up and started pulling his socks off.

"We're seeing the bet," Rick said to Jill, who also removed her socks
and Rick then pulled his shirt off over his head and placed it in the
middle too.

Linda had been intently watching Rick undress and now that it was
her turn, she said, "I'm seeing this bet too."

What kind of hands did all these people have? No one would bet last
hand, now we had three players in for three items already. Linda
wiggled out of her panty hose, while Les dropped his shirt and socks
into the pot.

Bob had been enjoying the view while Linda had removed her panty
hose next to him, but now he had to decide what to do. I guessed he
must have something too, because it did not seem an easy decision,
but after thinking, he folded.

Bill folded and then we were back to Carrie, who had a kind of
worried look on her naturally very pale face. Carrie clearly had not
expected this many people to bet, after what had happened on the first
hand. After thinking, she folded, rather than put up two more pieces of

"Ok, Joe, what have you got there," said Rick.

"Three kings," said Joe as he spread his cards with a smile.

Linda muttered, "Damn" and threw her cards on the floor.

"Not so fast," said Rick, as he spread his hand. "I've got a straight."

I looked at Rick's cards and sure enough, it was a 7 high straight. Rick
had taken one card and drawn to a straight.

"What did you have?" asked Les to Linda.

"Three Queens," said Linda as she stood up.

No wonder that had been so much betting. I wonder what Carrie had?
Probably three of something smaller.

Mary stood up and let me sit down for the next hand. It looked like
Mary's strategy was beginning to pay off. The Betty, Joe team and the
Linda, Les team were both down three pieces of clothes. The
Fred/Carrie team was down one item also. So Mary and I just had to
wait for one of them to lose. We would see how good a poker player
Les really was.

Fred dealt out the next hand. I got another queen high garbage hand.
Kristen was the first to act, and she passed. So did I. Betty passed and
Kevin finally opened the betting. For me that just meant my socks, but
I looked to see Betty unfastening her blouse and Linda stood up and
pulled her tight fitting knit blouse off over her head. With both Betty
and Linda's while lacy bras now in full view, I began to feel a bulge
in my pants.

Most people took three cards, except for Sharon, who took one and
Kristen, who took two. My three new cards gave me a pair of eight's,
but that was clearly a loser.

Since Kevin had opened, he was the first to act, but he passed.
Everyone else passed around to Cathy.

"I'm opening for two," Cathy said, and she tossed two shoes into the

Fred, Kristen, myself, Betty and Kevin folded. Jill was staring at
Cathy. Rick and Jill had a big stack of clothes from winning the
previous hand, so Jill could afford to call Cathy's bet, even with
almost nothing in her hand. Finally, Jill called the bet and tossed a
couple shoes into the pot.

Everyone else folded.

"Ok, what have you got Cathy?" asked Jill.

"Two Pair, Queen's and ten's," Cathy announced.

Jill threw her hand away. Obviously she did not have very much. So
Cathy won the hand with two pair, Queen's and ten's.

Mary played the next hand, but it seemed to be almost a repeat of the
last hand. This time Rick was playing instead of Jill and Bill instead
of Cathy, but the two teams with the big stacks of clothes next to them
were once again the only bettors. Mary's lost her socks. Joe and Les
both lost their pants this hand, so they were now both sitting there
with obvious bulges in their underpants. This brought a smile to
Mary's face as she glanced over at Joe. Rick won the hand with three
three's. Of the first four hands, Rick and Jill had won two and Cathy
and Bill had won two.

I took Mary seat on the floor and looked around the circle as I picked
up the cards and began to shuffle them. I was going to have to ante my
shirt this hand, but Betty would have to ante her slacks and Linda
would ante her short little skirt. Things were definitely starting to get
interesting. I dealt out the cards and picked up my hand. I had two
queens and some small junk. If I drew a third queen, it would be hard
to not bet, but that probably wouldn't happen.

Betty was the first to act, and she passed. So did everyone else, right
back to me. I had a minimum opening hand, so I opened with my
shirt. Betty stood up and unzipped her slacks. She stepped out of them
one leg at a time, revealing pure white lacey panties. Betty dropped
her slacks in the pot and sat down next to me. Kevin pulled off his
shirt for the opening bet. Jill tossed in somebody's shoe. Les turned
and looked at Linda.

"Oh," Linda said. She unzipped her skirt and let it fall casually to the
floor, revealing white low cut panties. Linda bent over and picked the
skirt off the floor, tossing it into the pot. Linda had been standing
behind Les, but now without her skirt, she decided to sit down.

Bob removed his shirt for his and Sharon's opening bet. Cathy tossed
a pair of shoes from her pile into the pot. Carrie slowly unbuttoned her
blouse and dropped it in the pot. George casually pulled off his shirt
and tossed it into the center of the circle.

Everybody took three cards, except for Sharon, who took two. Sharon
must have had a small pair and an Ace kicker, because she didn't
open. I picked up my three new cards, but they were just junk, so I
still had only a pair of queens. Before the draw, I guess a pair of
queens must have been the best hand, but I was sure it wasn't now, so
I passed.

Betty passed too, but Kevin slowly set his cards down.

"I'm opening for one," Kevin said as he turned to Sally. Sally pulled
her sweater off over her head and handed it to Kevin, who dropped it
into the pot.

Jill reached down and grabbed three shoes from her pile of clothes.

"I'm raising two," Jill announced.

Les folded quietly. Sharon was clearly thinking about betting, but she
folded too. Cathy immediately started counting out five shoes from
her stack of clothes.

"I'm raising two also," she said.

I wondered what Jill and Cathy had, besides big piles of clothes. Fred
and Kristen folded. I, of course, folded, and so did Betty. Now it was
back to Kevin.

"That's four to us right," Kevin said as he stood up and began to
unfasten his pants. Sally looked at Kevin with that `are you sure' look.
Sally could see where this was going, and her two pieces where slacks
and bra. Kevin dropped his pants and stepped out of them. There
obviously was a big bulge in the front of Kevin's shorts. Kevin pulled
his undershirt off over his head and sat down as he dropped it into the

"I hope you know what you're doing," Sally said. She unzipped her
slacks, and stepped out of them, tossing them into the pot. Sally
stopped and looked around the circle, then she reached back behind
her and tugged at the latch on her bra for a few seconds. She finally
unlatched it, and threaded first one arm and then the other out of the
straps, while holding the bra against her beasts. Sally's eyes went
around the circle, then she pulled the bra away from her breasts. Free
of the confines of her bra, Sally's breasts were rounded, grapefruit
size mounds topped with a small, erect nipple. While modest in size,
they still bounced as Sally sat down.

"Let's see there, it's two to me." Jill said, as she looked over at Sally
and Kevin, now sitting next to her in their underpants and panties. Jill
counted out four more shoes from her stack of clothes.

"I'm raising two more," Jill said with a smile as she looked down at
the bulge in Kevin's jockey shorts.

"Well, I don't really have anything," said Cathy. "So I'll fold." Cathy
smiled at Kevin and let her cards drop to the floor.

Now all eyes were on Kevin and Sally.

"Jill doesn't have anything either," Kevin said as he started to get up.

"Well...she's got more clothes on than we do," said Sally also getting

"I wouldn't be so sure that I'm bluffing," said Jill. "You could always

"It's too late for that," said Kevin, as he jerked his shorts down to his
ankles. As Kevin's erection popped out of his shorts, I heard a mixture
of giggles and cheers from the girls. Kevin sat down immediately and
pulled his shorts off his ankles and into the pot, while moving his legs
to try to cover up.

Sally was standing behind Kevin, and when he sat down, I could now
see a clear profile of her breasts. Although Sally's breasts were not
large, the combination of the long bleached blonde hair draping over
her naked shoulders and the neat mounds protruding from her chest,
made a very uncomfortable tightness in my pants. This only lasted a
second though, because Sally could feel all the eyes in the room
staring at her now, and she decided to get this over quickly. She
grabbed the waistband of her panties and pushed them down to the
floor, then she sat down all in one motion. I only caught a brief glance
at her bush as she sat down. It had clearly been trimmed and the hair
was much darker than the bleached blond hair that flowed off her
shoulders. Sally picked her panties off her ankles and handed them to

"I'm expecting these right back," Sally said.

"Ok, what have you got Jill," Kevin said.

Jill smiled and spread her cards on the floor. "I have a king high," Jill
said with a laugh. "What do you have Kevin."

" least I had an Ace," said Cathy turning over the ace from her
discarded cards.

Kevin turned to Sally and said, "See, I told you they were bluffing."

"Yeah, yeah...but we're the ones who are naked," said Sally. "Just
show your cards, and get me back my underwear."

Kevin spread his cards on the floor. "A full house, kings over jacks,"
he announced, as he picked up Sally's bra and panties from the pot
and handed them back to Sally. Then he grabbed his own shorts out of
the pot. In a few seconds both Sally and Kevin were in their
underwear again, and Sally now looked much more comfortable than
the two minutes she had been sitting there naked.

With the show over, I stood up to let Mary sit down for the next hand.
Three teams now had big piles of clothes behind them. Kevin and
Sally had the biggest pile. Both Jill and Rick and Cathy and Bill had
good size stacks, and in addition, both of them were wearing most of
their own clothes. Clearly these three teams were going to make
anyone else with a good hand put all their clothes in the pot to prove

Joe dealt out the next hand. Sally passed, but Rick opened with
somebody's sock from his pile. Les pulled off his undershirt for his
bet. Sharon unbuttoned and removed her blouse revealing her black
lacy bra. Bill tossed in yet another shoe from his pile.

Carrie looked at Fred, who took a deep breath and unbuckled his
pants. Fred stepped out of his jeans and handed them to Carrie. There
was a big bulge and a wet spot on the front of Fred's jockey shorts,
and he quickly sat down to provide some cover.

Kristen pulled her sweater up over her dirty blond hair and tossed it
into the pot. Kristen was wearing a bluish purple lacey bra.

Now it was Mary's turn. She pulled her tight fitting sweater blouse off
over her head. As she reached back to pull the last of her light brown
hair through the opening, her white lacey clad breast protruded
forward. Mary tossed the sweater into the pot.

Joe took off his undershirt and Sally tossed in a shoe to complete the
betting. Everyone took three cards this time. Rick had opened so he
was the first to act.

"I'm opening for two," Rick said as he pulled two socks from his pile
of clothes.

Linda, Bob and Bill quickly folded. Carrie sat staring at Rick for quite
a while, but finally folded too. Carrie must have had a little
something, but not a really good hand.

George and Mary both folded.

"I'm going to see your bet," Joe said confidently. Joe stood up, looked
around and pulled his shorts down to his knees. He stepped out of his
shorts one leg at a time and dropped them in the pot, while he stood
there with his erection sticking straight out. This brought a couple of
gasps from the other side of the circle. Finally Joe sat down, but I
could still see the head of his penis sticking up between his legs.

"Ok, Betty," Joe said. "It's your turn." Joe seemed to be enjoying this.
As I recall, he had lost at some of our earlier games, but Betty had
never had to remove her bra before, at least at any of the game that I
was at. Betty stood up and unfastened her bra in back. She let the bra
slide down her arms away from her breasts. Betty clearly had the
largest breasts of any of the girls here tonight. Sitting on the floor
looking up at her, they looked like huge mountains. Freed from the
support of her bra, her breasts sagged noticeably.

After Betty sat down, I finally glanced back at Mary and realized she
had been watching me stare up at Betty's breasts. She smiled and
leaned over and whispered, "Enjoying the view?"

"Yes," I replied. "There are some interesting things popping up
around here."

Mary giggled and glanced over at Joe.

"I can see that," she whispered. "But I hope somebody loses soon, or
we are going to be a bit too revealing ourselves."

"I'm raising one," said Sally, as she pulled three shoes from her stack
of clothes.

"You didn't have to do that," Betty said staring at Sally.

"Well...If I had to do it, then you can too," replied Sally.

Rick tossed another sock to see the bet.

Betty stood up, and casually pulled her panties down to her knees and
stepped out of them. She tossed them into the pot, then forced a big
smile and struck a pose.

"Was this what you were looking for?" she said.

I was looking almost directly at her bush, which was right at my eye
level as I sat on the floor behind Mary. Betty had a large mound of
curly dark brown hair, and I could just see the front of her vaginal lips
between her legs.

After a few seconds Betty sat down, and I realized that Mary had been
staring at me again, rather than Betty. Mary giggled.

"Ok, what have you got, Sally?" asked Joe.

Sally smiled and spread her cards. "A pair of tens," she said.

"A pair of Kings," said Rick.

"Three nine's," said Joe as he spread his cards.

Joe handed Betty her bra and panties, then slipped his own jockey
shorts back on. As Betty's ample breasts once again disappeared
behind the vile of her bra, I realized this was not really a good
development. Now only Les and Linda had significantly fewer
clothes than we did. They had only three items of clothes left, but if
they could win one of the next three hands, we could be in trouble.

As Mary and I changed places, Mary whispered to me, "Relax and
stick with the plan." Well, she wasn't panicking yet.

Kevin dealt out the cards this time, and once again I got a pair of
queens. If the third queen showed up on the draw, I would have to go
for it, but otherwise, I would just fold it.

Jill was the first to act, but she passed.

Les turned to Linda and said, "I can open."

Linda stared blankly back at Les for a few seconds.

"Oh," Linda said when she realized that meant they were betting her

Linda got to her feet, and struggled with the clasp on her bra for
several seconds before getting it unfastened. Linda let the bra slide
down her arms away from her breasts, then tossed the bra into the pot.
Linda's breasts reminded me of small mountains. They were almost
triangular in cross section, with a rounded top. Although they were
much smaller than Betty's breasts, I could not detect any sag as Linda
seem to proudly push them out of her chest.

"Enjoying the view, guys?" she asked with a knowing smile, then she
sat down.

Sharon turned to Bob, who stood up and unfastened his pants. As he
pulled his slacks off I could see a very wet spot on the front of his
jockey short. Bob threw his pants into the pot and sat down.

Cathy pulled a shoe out of her stack and added it to the pot.

Fred looked back at Carrie, who stood up and unzipped her slacks.
Carrie quickly stepped out of the slacks and handed them to Fred,
before sitting back down. Without her slacks now, Carrie began to
remind me of a ghost again. Her very light complexion with only a
few freckles contrasted sharply with her read hair. Last Saturday I
wondered what color the hair in her bush would be, but I never got a
chance to see the answer. Maybe this week I would.

Without any prompting from Kristen, George got up and removed his
pants. He too had a big bulge in his jockey shorts, and what looked
like a small wet spot in front.

Now it was my turn. I stood up and unzipped my pants. I figured I
was going to find a wet spot on my jockeys too, and I was right about
that. I pulled my pants off, threw them over Mary into the pot, and sat
down. It actually felt better to be out of my pants. The bulge was
starting to be very uncomfortable.

Betty, Kevin and Jill just tossed in shoes or socks from their piles of

I drew three cards and so did everyone else. I picked up my three
cards hoping for a third queen. Instead I found two two's and a four.
Now I had two pair, queens and two's. This was hard. I doubted this
hand was actually highest, but it might hold up against the players
with big stacks. Still it seemed unlikely.

"I pass," announced Les, interrupting my thought.

Sharon, Cathy, Fred and Kristen all quickly passed too.

I thought about it for a minute, but decided my best shot was to pass
and hope it got passed all the way around. If somebody bet, I would
have a chance to decide if I thought I had him or her beat.

Betty passed, but Kevin pulled out two shoes and said, "I'm opening
for two."

I stared at Kevin. He could be just bluffing, trying to steal the pot, but
I couldn't be sure.

Jill folded, but Les sat very still staring at Kevin.

"I think your bluffing," Les finally said. "I'll see your bet."

Les jumped to his feet and casually stepped out of his jockey shorts.
Les erection hung down at a 45 degree angle, making me think that he
was spending a lot of his mental energies on the poker game. Linda
stood up next to him and casually stepped out of her panties. Linda
was almost completely shaved. There was only a very small patch of
dark hair visible. Linda moved next to Les and struck pose for the
group. Even across the circle, I could clearly see the front of Linda's
vaginal lips. From their behavior I would guess that Les and Linda
had played this game before.

After a few seconds, the two of them sat down. Sharon, Cathy, Fred
and Kristen all quickly folded. I figured that Kevin did not have much
and my two pair probably had him beat, but Les was another story.
Maybe Vicky had spooked me about Les, but if Les was challenging
Kevin with a hand that was worse than mine, he was taking a big, big
chance. I couldn't risk it, so I folded.

Betty immediately folded too.

"Ok, what have you got," asked Les.

"A pair of fives," said Kevin as he spread his cards on the floor.

"I figured," smirked Les. "Two pair, aces and queens."

It was a good thing I folded. Les did have my hand beat.

Less grabbed Linda's bra and panties and handed them to her. Then
he pulled his own jockey shorts out of the pot and pulled them on. As
Linda pulled on her panties and bra, I realized things were not going
completely as we had planned. We had five pieces of clothes left, so
we could last five more hands. Sharon and Bob and Kristen and
George were in the same position. Fred and Carrie only had four
pieces of clothes. The pressure was on Fred and Carrie right now, but
if they won one of the next four hands, then the pressure was on us.

I got up and let Mary take my seat. Rick shuffled the cards and dealt
out another hand. The action started with Linda, and she passed. So
did everyone else right back around to Rick. I figured no one had an
opening hand, but Rick tossed out somebody's sock and said, "I can

Linda opened with a newly won shoe.

Bob turned to Sharon, who stood up and unzipped her skirt. She let
the skirt fall to the floor, and revealing black lacey low cut underwear
that matched her bra. She bent over and picked up the skirt and tossed
it into the pot.

Bill bet a shoe from his collection of winnings.

Fred pulled off his undershirt and dropped it in the pot.

Kristen stood up and unzipped her slacks. She pulled them down to
her knees, then stepped out of them. Kristen was wearing bluish
purple panties with white lace across the top that matched her bra.

Mary stood up and unzipped her blue skirt. She held it down around
her knee and stepped out of the skirt. Mary was wearing lacey white
panties, similar to what I had seen at previous games. She dropped her
skirt into the pot and sat back down.

Joe and Sally both threw a shoe in for their opening bet.

Everyone took three cards, except for Linda. Linda took only two

Rick had opened, but he passed. Linda, Bob and Bill all quickly
passed too.

Carrie was clearly thinking about betting, but was having a hard time
making up her mind. Finally, she turned to Fred and said, "I'm going
to bet."

Carrie stood up, reached behind her and unfastened her bra. She
quickly let the bra slide down her arms away from her breasts and
dropped the bra into the pot. Carries breasts were round and firm
looking, but far from large. While I couldn't completely place it,
something about the whiteness of Carrie's skin, contrasted with the
redness of her hair, made her seem...well...supernatural, a ghostly
apparition. While this was sexy, it was also, somehow not sexy too.

Kristen looked at Carrie for a moment, then folded. Mary folded
without any thought.

Joe looked over at Carrie. "I'm raising two," he announced. Joe pulled
out three socks from his pile and tossed them into the pot. Everyone
else folded back around to Carrie.

"Well, I knew this was coming," Carrie said. She stood up smiled at
all of us, pushed her breast out as far as she could to make them look
as larger as possible. Then she slowly pushed her panties down, off
her hips and let them fall to the floor. Her bush was in clear view as
she kicked her panties into the pot with her foot. Carries bush hair was
indeed reddish, but darker than the hair on her head. I guess the fact
that it never saw sunlight made it darker.

Carrie sat down and said, "Ok, Fred. Your turn."

Fred stood up and pulled his jockey shorts down to his knees, and sat
down in a single motion. He did this much better than last Saturday,
when he fell over trying it, but the girls were still giggling as Fred
scrambled to hide his erection and toss his underpants into the pot.

"Well, you figured I had nothing, didn't you?" Joe asked as he spread
his cards. "Two pair, tens and eight's."

Carrie looked relieved. "Aces and Kings," see said as she spread her
two pair. Carrie grabbed her panties and immediately slipped them
back on. She gave Fred his underpants and slipped her bra back over
her shoulders.

"Now we are in trouble," Mary whispered to me as we got up to
change positions for the next hand. This was clearly true. We had
four pieces of clothes left, and we had to win one of the next four
hands, or we were going to be a little underdressed for our run tonight.

Les dealt out the cards and this time I got a pair of three's, a queen, a
four and a two. A third three would make this hand playable, but I
hadn't gotten any good draws tonight.

The betting started with Sharon, and she opened right away. Bob
pulled off his undershirt for the bet.

Cathy and Fred put in shoes or socks from their piles.

George contributed his undershirt for Kristen's opening bet.

I pulled off my undershirt for our opening bet.

Betty, Kevin, Jill, and Les opened with shoes or socks from their

We all drew three cards, except for Sharon, who only took one card. I
did not find the a third three in my new cards, but I did get a pair of
tens, so I now had two pair. Would that be good enough? It seemed
unlikely, but we were getting desperate.

Sharon stood up and announced, "I'm betting one." With that she
unsnapped her bra in back, then threaded her arms out of first one
strap and then the other. Then she pulled the bra away from her
breasts. Sharon's breasts were just the way I remembered them. They
had been the first girl's breasts I had ever seen on the night of that
first strip poker game. I had knick named them the Grand Tetons, after
the mountain range, although in truth Sharon's breasts are really of
modest size. It is the shape of her breasts, not the size, which reminds
me of the mountains I had seen in Wyoming two summers ago.

After Sharon sat down, Cathy, Fred and Kristen all folded.

Sharon was not the best poker player in this game, but she knew what
kind of a hand it took to win. I guessed she had a better hand than my
two pair, so I folded.

Betty dropped one shoe in the pot and said, "I'll see the bet."

Why hadn't Betty raised? I guess her pile of clothes was not as big as
the other teams, and she was being cautious. Besides, she had seen
Bob and Sharon naked before, so no big deal.

Kevin folded, but Jill was busy pulling socks out of her pile.

"I'm raising two," Jill said, dropping three socks into the pot.

Les folded, and that brought it back to Sharon. Sharon looked at Bob.

"I'll go first," she said as she stood up. Sharon slipped her fingers
under the elastic waistband of her panties. She paused for a second
and then pushed her panties down to her thighs. There were several
gasps of surprise. Sharon had shaved her bush and was now
completely bare.

"What do you think?" Sharon asked, as she stepped out of her panties.
"I did it this morning, just for tonight."

Sharon dropped her panties in the pot and sat down.

"Ok Bob, your turn," she said.

"Hey, did you shave too?" yelled out George.

"No," replied Bob, as he pulled down his jockey shorts to prove it.
Bob casually stepped out of his shorts and dropped them into the pot,
with his erection sticking straight out. Bob carefully sat down behind
Sharon, but you could still see his erection sticking up between his
legs and he was making no effort to hide it.

Betty looked at Sharon, then at Jill.

"No," Betty said. "I don't know how much longer this game is going
to last. I better be careful. I fold."

"Two pair, Kings and Jacks," Jill said. "Can you beat that?"

So Jill had not been completely bluffing this time, but Sharon was not
at all upset.

"A full house," Sharon said. "Aces and fives."

Sharon handed Bob his jockey shorts and pulled her own panties back
on. As I watched the Grand Tetons disappear from view again, I
realized we were now even worse off. We had only three pieces of
clothes left. Mary would have to bet her bra this hand, and only
Kristen and George had the same problem that we faced.

Les dealt out the cards and this time I got a pair of three's, a queen, a
four and a two. A third three would make this hand playable, but I
hadn't gotten any good draws tonight.

The betting started with Sharon, and she opened right away. Bob
pulled off his undershirt for the bet.

Cathy and Fred put in shoes or socks from their piles.

George contributed his undershirt for Kristen's opening bet.

I pulled off my undershirt for our opening bet.

Betty, Kevin, Jill, and Les opened with shoes or socks from their

We all drew three cards, except for Sharon, who only took one card. I
did not find the a third three in my new cards, but I did get a pair of
tens, so I now had two pair. Would that be good enough? It seemed
unlikely, but we were getting desperate.

Sharon stood up and announced, "I'm betting one." With that she
unsnapped her bra in back, then threaded her arms out of first one
strap and then the other. Then she pulled the bra away from her
breasts. Sharon's breasts were just the way I remembered them. They
had been the first girl's breasts I had ever seen on the night of that
first strip poker game. I had knick named them the Grand Tetons, after
the mountain range, although in truth Sharon's breasts are really of
modest size. It is the shape of her breasts, not the size, which reminds
me of the mountains I had seen in Wyoming two summers ago.

After Sharon sat down, Cathy, Fred and Kristen all folded.

Sharon was not the best poker player in this game, but she knew what
kind of a hand it took to win. I guessed she had a better hand than my
two pair, so I folded.

Betty dropped one shoe in the pot and said, "I'll see the bet."

Why hadn't Betty raised? I guess her pile of clothes was not as big as
the other teams, and she was being cautious. Besides, she had seen
Bob and Sharon naked before, so no big deal.

Kevin folded, but Jill was busy pulling socks out of her pile.

"I'm raising two," Jill said, dropping three socks into the pot.

Les folded, and that brought it back to Sharon. Sharon looked at Bob.

"I'll go first," she said as she stood up. Sharon slipped her fingers
under the elastic waistband of her panties. She paused for a second
and then pushed her panties down to her thighs. There were several
gasps of surprise. Sharon had shaved her bush and was now
completely bare.

"What do you think?" Sharon asked, as she stepped out of her panties.
"I did it this morning, just for tonight."

Sharon dropped her panties in the pot and sat down.

"Ok Bob, your turn," she said.

"Hey, did you shave too?" yelled out George.

"No," replied Bob, as he pulled down his jockey shorts to prove it.
Bob casually stepped out of his shorts and dropped them into the pot,
with his erection sticking straight out. Bob carefully sat down behind
Sharon, but you could still see his erection sticking up between his
legs and he was making no effort to hide it.

Betty looked at Sharon, then at Jill.

"No," Betty said. "I don't know how much longer this game is going
to last. I better be careful. I fold."

"Two pair, Kings and Jacks," Jill said. "Can you beat that?"

So Jill had not been completely bluffing this time, but Sharon was not
at all upset.

"A full house," Sharon said. "Aces and fives."

Sharon handed Bob his jockey shorts and pulled her own panties back
on. As I watched the Grand Tetons disappear from view again, I
realized we were now even worse off. We had only three pieces of
clothes left. Mary would have to bet her bra this hand, and only
Kristen and George had the same problem that we faced.

I stood up and let Mary take her seat to play this hand. Bob finished
pulling his undershirt back on and shuffled the cards for the next
hand. After the cards were dealt, the action started with Bill, but he
passed. So did Carrie and George.

Mary looked at her cards again, then stood up. "I can open," she said.
Mary released her bra strap in back, then threaded each arm out of the
bra while holding it against her chest. When both of arms were free of
the straps, she looked up and pulled the bra away from her breasts. I
was sitting behind her, so I could only see the side of her breasts, but I
could tell from the expressions of Les and Bob on the other side of the
circle that they were enjoying the view.

Mary sat down and everyone else opened with shoes or socks from
their piles until it got back to George.

Kristen stood up without any prompting from George. She smiled as
she popped the clasp on her bra, and just let the bra slide away from
her breast. Standing almost next to me, I looked up at Kristen's
breasts. They sagged slightly without the support of her bra. Kristen
tossed the bluish purple bra into the pot and sat down next to me.

Mary was now sitting topless in front of me, and Kristen was topless
next to me. I looked down at my shorts and noticed a large wet spot
on my jockey shorts. Then I realized next hand it would be my shorts
that we had to bet. Maybe Mary would win this hand. She had opened
anyway. Of course, if Mary bet, the first thing she bet would be my

Mary took two cards and so did Linda. Rick took just one card, but
everyone else took three. Mary had opened and so she had to act first,
but she passed. That was what I would do with anything less than a
killer hand.

Joe passed, but Sally pulled a shoe out and stuck it in the pot.

"I'm opening for one," Sally said.

I wonder why she didn't open for two?

Everyone folded around to Mary again.

Mary stared at Sally for a long time. If she called this bet, it was my
shorts she would be using to call it, but after a long silence, Mary
shook her head, and said, "I fold."

Joe then folded too.

Jill smiled and laughed. "I only had a pair of Queens," she said.

Mary didn't say anything. Mary stood up so we could change places. I
leaned over and whispered, "What did you have?"

"A pair of Kings," Mary said. "I kept an ace. If I'd had three of kind, I
would have called her."

Well things were really desperate now. We had to win either this hand
or the next hand. Mary could have won the last hand, but I couldn't
fault her for not betting. I wouldn't have bet either with just a pair of

Cathy shuffled the cards and dealt the next hand. My cards did not
look very promising, a pair of fives, an ace, queen and a jack. I would
have to hope for a third five or another pair on the draw.

The first to act was Fred, and he passed. So did Kristen and then I
passed. Everyone else passed right back to Cathy. I was hoping she
would pass too, in which case we would deal a new hand, but Cathy
opened with a sock.

Fred tossed in a sock too.

George stood up next to me, and I realized I was next. There were
some giggles as George casually stepped out of his shorts and dropped
them in the pot. George then sat back down, with his erection sticking
out between his legs for everyone to see.

Well this was it. I stood up, closed my eyes and pushed my shorts
down. I heard the same giggles and some girl said, "All right, two of
them." I sat back down and opened my eyes. My erection was sticking
up between my legs, and when I looked up I could see both Betty and
Kristen on either side of me staring down at it.

I looked Betty in the eye and said, "You have seen one before, haven't

Betty laughed. "Oh, yes," she said. "But I didn't get a very good look
at yours before."

Everyone else opened with items from their winnings. I took three
cards, deciding not to keep the ace. So did everyone else except for
Sharon, who took just one card.

I picked up my three new cards and my heart leaped. There was the
third five, plus a king and a jack. I had three fives now! Would that be
good enough to win? I was going to have to find out. We would either
win this pot, or we would be doing some au naturel jogging on
campus tonight.

Cathy had opened, but she now passed. So did Fred and Kristen, so
that left it up to me. I could pass, and hope that everyone else did too.
Then I could win without betting. If someone did bet, then I could see
that bet. That seemed safer, so I passed.

Betty, Kevin, Jill, and Les all passed, but Sharon bet one sock.

Cathy folded immediately, but Fred sat there looking at his cards and
then at his stack of clothes.

"There's no sense pushing this one," Fred said. "I'll fold too."

Kristen quickly folded, which brought it back to me. Sharon had
drawn one card, so she probably had two pair, which I could beat. She
could have drawn to a straight or a flush and made it or have a full
house now, all of which I couldn't beat, but that was less likely. Given
my current attire, I had no choice but to call this bet.

"I'll see the bet," I said turning to Mary.

Mary stood up behind me. She casually pulled her panties down to her
thighs and stepped out of them. She handed them to me, and I
deposited them in the pot.

Everyone else quickly folded, and the room became silent. This was
it. Sharon smiled and spread out her cards.

"Two pair, tens and threes," she said.

I let out a big sigh of relief. "Three fives," I said, spreading my cards
on the floor.

I grabbed Mary panties and passed them back to her.

"Hey," yelled Fred. "That's not fair. I had three nine's" Fred held out
his cards for everyone to see.

"It doesn't matter, you folded," I said.

"But I should have won," Fred protested.

"I folded a pair of aces on the previous hand that Sally won with a
pair of queens," Joe said.

"You got to bet, if you want to win, Fred," said Les. "What were you

"Well...I was worried that we seem to have a smaller stack of clothes
than everyone else," Fred replied. "And the game might last all
night... If I'd known that Larry was going to bet, I would have called
the bet."

"Well, that's poker," said Les. "If you play a lot, it won't be the last
time you fold the winner."

Mary slipped her panties back on, and I pulled my underpants out of
the pot and slipped them back on. Then I pulled in the rest of the pot,
which was mostly shoes and socks. I noticed Mary was still topless.

"Where's your bra," I asked Mary while surveying our newly won
stack of clothes.

"Sally's got it," said Mary. "We lost it last hand."

"Oh," I replied.

Mary sat down to play the next hand, while I relaxed behind her. Now
our only worry was that George would pull out a big win this hand,
which would put us back at square one and mean we would be here all
night. Carrie shuffled the cards and dealt them out. George passed and
so did Mary, but Joe opened with some man's undershirt.

Everyone quickly saw this with shoes or socks until we got to George.

"Ok, this is what you all have been waiting for," Kristen mumbled as
she stood up. Kristen pushed breasts out, then wiggled as she slide her
panties off her hips and down her thighs. She stepped out of the
panties and tossed them over George's head into the pot.

"This is what you came here for boys," Kristen said as she struck a
little pose next to me. I looked up from the floor next to Kristen and
could clearly see her vaginal lips under her brownish bush.

After a few seconds Kristen sat down, and Mary tossed a man's shoe
in the pot for our bet. Most people took three cards, but Rick took two
and Bob took one.

Joe had opened, but he passed.

"I'll bet one," Sally said, throwing a shoe into the pot.

Rick dropped a man's shirt into the pot from his team's winnings to
see the bet.

Linda folded, but Bob quickly gathered up three socks. "I'm raising
two," Bob announced.

Bill and Carrie both folded, and that brought it to George.

"We're all in already," George smiled.

"Ok," Mary said as she reached out to divide the pot. "Here is your
side pot."

Mary then looked at Bob and said, "I'm raising two." Mary counted
out five socks and shoes from our pile. What did Mary have?

Sally looked at Mary, then looked at Bob.

"Ok, I'll raise two also," Sally said. Sally counted out six items from
her big pile of clothes.

Rick looked at Sally and shook his head. Rick only had a few items
left in his stack of winnings.

"I'll fold," Rick said.

Bob was smiling at Mary.

"It looks like you like your hand," Bob said. "Do you like it enough to
go all in with it?"

Mary smiled. "Why would I want to go all in? What could I possibly
win by going all in?"

Mary was right. This was probably the last hand. Mary was a sensible
girl. After the last hand, Mary would not bet everything again this

"Well, you could get us all in too," Bob said. "Loser streaks the
campus with George and Kristen."

"What!" yelled Sharon. "You can't do that."

"I'm in charge of the betting on this hand, remember," said Bob
firmly to Sharon.

"I think you've got more clothes than we do," pointed out Mary.

"Well count how much you got left," Bob said.

Mary had four pieces left, plus the two we were wearing.

"Ok," Bob said. "We've got six here, but I need 2 to see your raise.
Then we're wearing four, so you're right. We have two more pieces
than you do."

Bob looked down at his pile of clothes. He picked up a man's
undershirt and tossed it to Mary.

"There," Bob said. "Now we have exactly the same number of items,
so do you want to go all in?"

"You can't do that," protested Sharon. "You can't give our clothes
away like that."

"I don't think the rules allow that," Mary said as she threw the
undershirt back to Bob. "I don't want your clothes."

"Well, ok," Bob said. "Then how about a side bet, not part of the pot,
loser has to streak with George and Kristen."

"Hey, that assumes we are going to lose this hand," said Kristen.

"Well, I think that's a safe assumption," George said. "I don't have
anything." George flipped his cards face up on the floor.

"You can make your own side bets," Sharon said. "But leave me out
of them."

"Ok," Bob said. "Let's leave Sharon and Larry out of it then. Just you
and me, loser streaks with Kristen and George. Do you like your cards
that much, Mary?"

Mary stared back at Bob. There was no reason for Mary to accept this
bet. Why would she risk having to streak the campus just to see Bob

Bob shook his head.

"I figured she doesn't have the guts to take my bet," Bob said. "Mary
like's to play it safe. Larry had to save her ass in this game tonight."

It was obvious that Bob was trying to goad Mary into accepting his
silly bet, and I was sure Mary wouldn't fall for it.

"Ok, Bob," Mary said. "You're on. Loser streaks. What have you

What was Mary thinking! I tried to see Mary face, but from behind I
could not tell what her expression was.

"Wait a minute," protested Sally. "No one has seen my bet yet, and
what happens if I win the hand?"

Bob grabbed two pieces of clothes and tossed them in the pot. "There
I saw your bet. This is just a bet between Mary and me."

Mary tossed in a shirt and a man's underpants. "I see the bet too. Now
what have you got."

"A pair of tens," giggled Sally.

Bob smiled and spread his cards on the floor. "A full house, tens and

Mary seemed very calm, as she lowered her hands and spread her
cards. I looked over her shoulder. The nipples on her breast were hard
and erect, but all I could see were small cards, no face cards or aces.
Had Mary been bluffing? Then I saw it.

"Four nines," Mary said softly.

"What!" yelled Bob. "How could she get that hand?"

"How do you think Bob," Mary replied contemptuously. "I had two
nines and I drew two more."

"How can you beat luck like that," Bob said.

"I think you have just learned your first lesson in big bet poker the
hard way," Les said shaking his head.

"What do you mean?" Bob asked.

"Big bet poker like no limit or pot limit is a completely different game
than limit poker. You just made one of the classic mistakes of big bet

People were starting to look for their clothes to get dressed, except of
course, for Kristen and George. I started trying to pick mine out of the
piles of clothes all over the room.

"What mistake did I make?" Bob asked Les. "I had a great hand and I
bet it. Mary was just really lucky and had a better hand, that's all."

Les was busy picking up his and Linda's clothes.

"Your mistake was making a bet that Mary would only call, if she had
you beat," said Les as he pulled his pants up.

"Mary knew I had a full house?" Bob asked with a confused look.

"You drew one card, and you wanted to bet everything with Mary
really badly. You either had drawn one card to a straight or a flush, or
you had two pair and drew to a full house."

Bob looked perplexed at this.

"Here, you can wear this for the walk to campus," Sharon said as she
handed Bob a jogging suit. Sharon then went over and handed
George another jogging suit. Kristen already had one and was putting
it on.

"You need to take off your shorts and shirt off before you put the
jogging suit on," said Mary, who was now almost completely dressed
and smiling down at Bob shorts.

"Did you know I had a full house?" Bob asked Mary.

"Well...I figured you had a straight or a flush," Mary replied. "But I
knew a full house was likely too."

"And you only bet, because you knew you had me beat?" Bob asked.

"Knew is too strong," Mary said. "You could have had a straight flush
or a higher four of a kind, but I thought that was real unlikely."

Bob pulled his shorts down quickly under Mary's watchful eyes and
then pulled on the pants from the jogging suit.

"Well, some day, Mary, your luck is going to run out," Bob said.

"What'd mean?" Mary said. "You got to see all of me tonight, didn't
you? What more did you want to see?"

"He obviously wanted to see you running across campus in your
birthday suit," laughed Sharon. "Now it's him who will be letting it all
hang out for tonight's run."

"If everybody's ready, let's get going," Mary said.

People slowly started to file out the door, and down the stairs. I
followed behind Mary. When we got outside, I realized how chilly the
nights had become.

"I hope our streakers don't catch cold tonight," I said to Mary as we
walked along towards campus.

"Well...they'll just have to run fast enough to keep warm," Mary said
loud enough for Bob to hear.

Bob had clearly heard Mary, but he was ignoring her.

"I don't know how fast the guys can run," Sally laughed. "I mean with
things flapping around down there ... they might injure themselves if
they run too fast."

The girls all giggled at this.

"Well, I think Kristen is going to have a few problems with things
bouncing around up front too," Fred said with a sneer.

As we walked along in the crisp night air, I glanced at my watch and
noticed it was just after midnight. I knew the poker game had taken a
long time, but I had not realized it was this late. We were approaching
the south entrance to the campus, and as we crossed the last main
street, I noticed only a few small groups of people still on this street.
There would still be lots of people a few blocks away on Main Street,
but here at the edge of campus, it was very quiet this time of night.
We crossed the street and walked a few hundred feet up to the South
entrance. As we turned into the gate a single couple came walking out
of the gate arm in arm. They didn't pay any attention to us as they
headed off down the street.

"Ok," Sharon said softly. "Now we want to all stay together in one
group, so don't go running off."

This was the moment of truth. Bob looked at Sharon and Mary.
George and Kristen looked at each other and the group.

"Let's not stand around here all night," Kristen finally said as she
pulled off her sweatshirt revealing her rounded breasts. "I want to get
this over before it gets any colder."

George started pulling off his sweatshirt too. Bob hesitated a moment,
but then quickly pulled his sweatshirt off too. Kristen was out of her
jogging shorts, and George pulled down his jogging shorts. I noticed
that George no longer had a full erection. Was that the cold air or fear
that had caused him to lose his erection. Bob pulled off his jogging
pants over his shoes and tossed them to Sharon.

"Let's get going," yelled Kristen. "I'm freezing."

Mary and Sharon took off, with everyone else close behind. I turned
back to see Kristen's breasts smoothly flowing up and down with her
stride behind me. Bob and George's partially erect penises flapped up
like doorknockers against their stomach and back down between their

We had seen no one yet when we came up to the first turn around the
chemistry building. After we made the turn, up ahead I could see a
small group of people heading towards us. They were talking with
each other and laughing and not paying much attention as we
approached. As I went past the group, one of the guys looked up at us
with an amazed expression on his face.

I heard someone behind us yell, "There's a naked girl ..."

I looked back at the group, but they weren't trying to follow us.

As we rounded the last turn before the central campus square, a male
voice ahead of us yelled, "Here they come."

I looked around the central square as we entered it. Off to the right a
group of about 50 to 100 students was running out to greet us. Who
were these people?

"It's them, it really is them," I heard a guy yelling. These people
seemed to be expecting us. Had word of the strip poker game leaked
out to this many people? Suddenly a camera flash went off in my face,
and I couldn't see very well for several seconds. I was following
Sharon and Mary and we headed off towards the Northwest entrance.

Then I remember what Vicky had told me this afternoon. She had said
she was going to wait on campus for me with a camera! Had Vicky
gotten all these people out here in the middle of the night in the hopes
of seeing me streaking! I looked around but my eyes were still trying
to readjust to the dark. I couldn't see anyone that looked like Vicky, in
fact I could only see guys. If Vicky had organized all this for me, she
was going to be disappointed that I still had my clothes on.

Sharon and Mary now seemed to be running faster and I picked up my
pace to try to keep up. I looked back and I saw Fred and Rick pushing
some guys out of the way who were trying to chase after us. They
seemed to be staying behind to try to cut off any pursuit. I looked up
just as we came upon a couple walking arm in arm. The guy looked
up and pointed at us with wide-eyed astonishment as we ran past.

I turned and looked back, to see them staring after us with Fred and
Rick running towards us in the distance. We were now getting close to
the Northwest entrance where the streak was supposed to end. As we
rounded a curve past a group of trees, I heard laughing and talking
ahead of us. I saw a group of four of five guys walking towards us.
They looked like they were drunk, and were helping to steady each
other as they walked. As we raced past them, one of them said, "Hey,
those guys are naked." Another one said, "That was a naked GIRL,
you idiot!"

I could now see the Northwest entrance ahead. Bob sprinted past me
with his penis slapping against his stomach trying to catch up with
Sharon, who was carrying his jogging suit. Sharon stopped just short
of the gate and Bob grabbed his jogging pants.

"Who were all those people?" asked Bob as he pulled up the pants.

"Some of them had cameras," protested Kristen as she pulled a
sweatshirt over her head.

"I don't know," replied Sharon, trying to catch her breath.

"You told me there would be nobody here at this hour of the night,"
Bob complained as he pulled on his sweatshirt.

"Somebody must have told people we were coming," Sharon said.
"Did any of you talk about the game tonight."

Vicky had known. Where had she found out? Could she have told all
those people? She would only have to tell a few guys, and the word
would spread quickly in the dorm, but I hadn't heard anything before I
left for the game.

Rick and Fred came jogging up and I heard shouting in the distance
coming from behind them.

"I don't think we should hang around here," said Fred, breathing
heavily. "Some of those guys are going to follow."

"Ok we can split up here," Sharon said. "Do you know any of those
guys, Fred?"

"I've seen some of them around the dorm," replied Fred.

"I think they were mostly freshman," added Rick, as he turned and
looked back at the sound of approaching groups. "Let's get out of here

Rick took Jill's hand and started through the gate. Sharon and Bob
followed them out the gate, but turned the other way. Although I was
still out of breath, I took Mary's hand and we went out the gate and
turned back to the east to head for Mary's dorm.

"Do you think Vicky told those people," I said still trying to catch my

"I doubt it," replied Mary looking over her shoulder at the noise of
someone coming up fast behind us. It was Les and Linda obviously
trying to catch up with us.

"Hey, mind if we join you," said Les.

"Not at all," I said.

"Hey, do you guys ever play poker for money?" said Les.

"Not really," I said. The truth was the only poker I had ever played
was strip poker.

"Well, you should think about it," Les said. "I think you could make a
bundle of money."

I looked at Mary.

"I've never really thought about it," said Mary.

"You should," said Les. "Most guys never give a girl credit for
knowing how to play poker. You could clean up, Mary."

"I don't know," Mary replied. "I don't have much money I could
afford to lose."

"These are pretty low limit games," Les answered. "You must have at
least a couple hundred bucks expense money for the rest year, right?"

"Well, yeah...but I need that for expenses," replied Mary.

"For these games one hundred dollars is a good starting bankroll," Les
said. "If you just play the way you did tonight, I wouldn't worry too
much about losing it."

"Les has been trying to teach me how to play," injected Linda. "I am
ready to try it, but I don't want to be the only girl in this game with
these frat boys."

"I don't know," Mary said. "Playing poker with frat boys somehow
doesn't sound like too much fun."

"Oh, these guys are real jerks," said Les. "But I'm not asking you to
go on a date with them. They've got lots of money, and they seem to
like losing it at poker. The point is to take their money. Wouldn't you
like to help Linda separate a few frat boys from their excess cash?"

"I've never played poker for money," said Mary. "I'm not sure I
would be all that good at it."

"Well, it's not really that different from the game tonight," replied
Les. "But I could arrange a little practice session, if you like."

"When is your next game?" asked Mary.

"There's a game planned for next Friday night," said Les.

"That's too soon," said Mary. "With the final exams coming and

"How about this," said Les. "We could get together for a practice
game tomorrow sometime. Just penny poker, but it would give you
some practice, and then you could decide if you wanted to try it."

"I don't know," said Mary. "We had plans for Saturday..."

"Ok...well maybe next semester," shrugged Les.

Linda gave Les a funny look, then stepped over next to Mary and
whispered something in her ear. Mary looked surprised at whatever
Linda had said.

"Ah...what does that mean?" Mary asked.

Linda leaned close to Mary's ear and whispered more.

Mary giggled, then said, "Yeah, Larry and I have played a game like

"What do you think?" asked Linda.

"I'll ask Larry," Mary said.

Mary leaned over to me and whispered, "Linda wants to play a little
girls vs guys strip poker."

Linda had certainly looked good sans clothes tonight, and I guess I
wouldn't mind seeing a little more of that, but it was well after

"What would the winner get?" I asked.

"Anything they want for the rest of the night," whispered Mary.

Chapter 12 The Girls vs Guys Game

What was Mary thinking? The winner could get anything they want?
Did that mean I could sleep with Linda if I won? Could Les sleep with
Mary if he won? I was sure that wasn't what Mary meant. Mary could
see the confused look on my face.

"If you or Les win, then Linda and I have to do what you tell us, and
if we win, then you have to do what I tell you."

Well that made a little more sense, but I still felt uneasy about this.

"What exactly will the losers have to do?" I whispered to Mary.

"Oh...nothing you haven't done before," Mary smiled. "You'll find
out after you lose."

I didn't like the sound of that. I was remembering Connie's story from
a few weeks ago, and figured I knew what Mary was talking about.

"That assumes I'm going to lose," I protested.

"Well, of course, that's what I assume," Mary laughed. "Come on
Larry. I'll be fun."

"Where are we going to play?" I asked. "My room is already occupied
and Mary has a very uptight roommate."

"I think we can use my apartment," said Les. "My roommate is gone
till Sunday."

Given Mary's enthusiasm, I couldn't think of anymore excuses, so I
nodded my agreement and we started off towards Les's apartment.

"So what rules are we going to use?" I asked.

"It's late, so we could play it the old fashion way," said Les. "Just the
low hand takes off a piece of clothes."

"No way," said Mary. "That's the way little kids play. How about we
bet clothes like we did tonight. Larry and I played a no limit game
betting clothes. I think that format would work ok with four people."

"Hey, no limit strip poker," beamed Les. "This sounds really good."

"That's no betting limit," Mary said with the emphasis on the word

"Yeah," replied Les. "What did you think I meant?"

"We know what you meant, Les," laughed Linda.

"If we use the must open rule with no limit betting after the draw, that
should make for an interesting game, that won't take too long,"
continued Mary.

"Sounds ok to me," said Les. "You sure you know how to play no
limit poker?"

"Well, Larry and I have played it before," said Mary. "With only four
players we should probably play any pair can open, rather than jacks
to open."

Les nodded his approval.

"How do the teams work?" I asked.

"Oh we each play for ourselves," replied Linda. "And the game ends
when there are only girls or only guys left in the game."

"You can get stripped and still be on the winning side," said Les.

"So if I get stripped first," I said. "But Les then strips both you girls, I
still am the winner?"

"Yeah, that's right," said Les.

"Ok, I think I understand," I said.

"Oh, one other thing," Les smiled at Mary. "First person stripped on
the losing team has to do one favor for the winner."

Mary looked a little unhappy at this suggestion.

"The loosers can, of course, refuse to do anything with another
person," Les quickly added.

Linda leaned over to Mary's ear and whispered something in her ear
again. Mary giggled.

"Oh, I see," Mary said. "Well...I'm not planning on loosing."

"Planning may not have all that much to do with it," Les said. "A few
hands of bad cards, and you'll be naked no matter what your plans

"We'll see who ends up naked," Mary said.

I wasn't so sure about this. Mary and I had played like this once, but
Les seemed to know a lot about no limit poker, so I was a little
nervous about this. On the other hand, Les was on my team, so I guess
it was Mary who should be worried about Les.

Les's apartment turned out to not be in the direction we had started
out in at all. I wondered if Les and Linda had followed us just to invite
us to play strip poker. I was also a little worried that Les seemed too
interested in Mary. And what about Linda? She didn't seem at all
upset about Les's interest in Mary. In fact, Linda seemed to be helping
Les pursue Mary. Could Les and Linda be swingers? I had read about
couples who liked to swap partners with other couples. Was that what
was suppose to happen after this game? I couldn't see Mary going
along with that, but did she realize that was what might happen?

Les's apartment turned out to be in a small modern building on the
West Side of campus. I had not explored this part of town yet, and had
not even realized that there were apartments over here on the other
side of the commercial district. The apartment was a first floor, two-
bedroom unit with a large living room and a kitchenette in the corner.
There was a big sliding door that opened onto a very small private
courtyard. The apartment upstairs had a balcony that was only a little
smaller than the courtyard.

While the building was stylishly modern, as soon as you walked in the
door, you could immediately tell that this was a guy's apartment. It
was sparsely decorated with a football poster, an action movie poster
and a poster for the movie "Rounders", which looked like it had
something to do with poker, although I had never seen it. The
appointments in the kitchenette were strictly functional, completely
lacking any little female decorator touches. My guess was that Linda
was just Les's girlfriend. She obviously did not live here.

I pulled Mary aside and whispered, "Are you sure you want to go
through with this?"

"Don't worry," Mary whispered. "If I loose, I'll just have to give Les
a blowjob, that's all, but I don't intend to loose."

This surprised me. Mary was not at all upset about having to give Les
a blowjob? Did this mean that Mary would not be upset if I got a
blowjob from Linda?

Les had gotten out a deck of cards and was clearing off the coffee
table so we could play around it. Linda asked if anyone wanted
something to drink. Everyone was thirsty and Linda went to the
refrigerator to get some sodas. Mary went to kitchenette to help and
the two girls were talking softly as then poured the drinks. I suspected
they were planning strategy for this game.

Les came over said softly to me, "Look Larry, no limit poker is
mostly a trapping game. If you get ahead, don't bet your big hands.
Let the girls bet, then force them all in."

I nodded my agreement. This was what Mary had done to me the
night we had played.

"One last thing," Les said. "Don't forget, we are a team. If you think
you have me beat, don't be afraid to call me. I would rather loose to
you than to the girls."

Linda and Mary brought over the sodas and we sat down around the
coffee table. Mary sat at one end of the couch and I sat at the other
end. Linda sat in a big chair at the end of the coffee table, while Les
sat in a kitchen chair he placed on the other side of the table. With this
low coffee table in the middle, you were clearly not going to be able
to hide your losses under the table.

Les shuffled the cards and dealt out our first hand. As I reached for
my cards, I realized my hands seemed to be shaking a little bit. What
was the matter? Les and Linda had already seen me naked tonight. I
could certainly take my clothes off in front of Linda, no big deal, but I
was pretty sure what `favor' Linda would ask for if I lost, and I really
didn't want to do that in front of Linda and Les.

I looked at my cards and was not too pleased with what I saw, a jack,
eight, six, five, and a three. Then I noticed that except for the jack,
they were all diamonds. My best shot was probably to draw one card
and go for a flush.

Mary was the first to act and she pulled off one shoe and placed it on
the coffee table to open, tossing the other shoe aside. We all quickly
followed suite with our own shoes. Les took three cards. Mary and
Linda both took two cards and I drew one.

Instead of another diamond, I got a black eight, so I now had a pair of
eight's. With Mary and Linda each taking only two cards, this seemed
to have little chance.

Mary studied her cards only briefly, then announced, "I pass."

I passed as well, but Linda immediately stood up and reached under
her short skirt and wiggled out of her panty hose. She dropped them
on the table and said, "I'm opening for one."

Les looked at Linda who smiled back at him. He reached down and
pulled off his socks, placing one on the table and tossing the other

"I'll see your bet," he said.

Mary folded and so did I.

"Ok, Linda, what have you got there," said Les.

Linda spread her cards on the table.

"Three nines," she proudly announced. Linda dragged the clothes out
of the middle of the table. She pulled her panty hose out of the pile
and sipped back into them. As she pulled up her short shirt to get them
on again, I got a nice clear view of her white low cut panties before
they disappeared beneath the panty hose.

Mary was busy shuffling the cards and dealing out the next hand. In
no limit, I realized it was important to win one of the early hands so
you had a stack of clothes you could use to force other players all in. I
needed to win a hand soon.

I picked up the cards Mary had dealt me, and they looked even worse
than the last hand, no face cards at all, just a ten, nine, six, five, and a
three. Well, I could discard the ten nine or the five and three and try to
draw two cards to a straight, but I knew that was stupid.

I was the first to act, so I passed. Linda passed also, but Les stood up
and pulled off his shirt.

"I'll open," he said as he dropped his shirt on the coffee table.

Mary and I put our socks in the pot. Linda pushed my shoe into the
pot for her bet.

Les took one card. Everybody else took three cards. With Les having
opened and taken only one card, he must have two pair. I looked at
my three new cards, but they were no help. I had only a jack high.

Les stood up and unfastened his pants. As he pulled them off, I could
see a big bulge in his jockey shorts. Les dropped the pants on the table
and sat down.

"I'm betting one," he said.

Mary studied Les for a few seconds, but folded. I folded. Linda threw
her cards on the table in disgust and folded too. I guess both Mary and
Linda knew Les had two pair and could not beat it.

Les pulled his shirt and pants back on while I shuffled the cards and
dealt out the next hand. Les winning was certainly better than one of
the girls, but I still needed to win a hand soon.

When I looked at my cards, I found a queen, jack, ten, eight, and a
five. I could discard the five and try to draw an inside straight, but I
knew that was a poor play. Still when I missed, I might be able to
bluff that I had two pair, so maybe it would be ok.

Linda was the first to act, and she immediately pushed Les's shoe
onto the table for her bet. I pulled off my shirt and dropped it on the
table. Mary unfastened her blouse and added it to the pot. Les put
Mary's sock in the pot.

Everybody else took three cards. I decided to try to draw to the inside
straight and took only one card. It, of course, didn't work. I got a two
instead of the nine I needed. Since Linda had opened, I would be last
to act, so I might be able to bluff I had two pair.

Linda had opened before the draw, but she shook her head and passed.

"I'm opening for one," Les said as he dropped my shoe on the table.

Mary studied Les carefully with her eyes. She breathed in deeply and
let it out slowly.

"I'll call your bet," Mary said.

Mary stood up and unzipped her skirt and stepped out of it. Les was
smiling as he watched Mary in her white lacey bra and panties drop
her skirt on the table.

I had been thinking about bluffing that I had two pair, but with Les
and Mary both betting now, that didn't seem like a good idea at all, so
I folded. Linda folded too.

"Ok, Les, what have you got there," said Mary.

Les smiled.

"Three threes," he said.

`Not good enough," beamed Mary. "Three sixes."

"Damn," Les said.

I had been hoping Les would win. Now everybody except me had
won a hand. Now, I was in big trouble.

Mary pulled her tight fitting sweater blouse back over her head and
then slipped back into her skirt, while Linda shuffled the cards and
dealt out the next hand.

When I picked up my cards this time, I saw a pair of queens. This was
better, but I would need a third queen or another pair to make this into
a winner.

Les was the first to act, but he passed. Mary opened the betting with
Les's shoe. I stood up and unfastened my pants. As I stepped out of
them, I could see a little moist spot on my jockey shorts. I dropped my
pants on the table and sat down quickly. Linda put Mary's shoes in the
pot and Les opened with my socks.

Everyone took three cards. I looked at my three new cards, but they
were no real help. I still had just a pair of queens. I was beginning to
appreciate Les comment about a few hands of bad cards getting you

Mary had opened but she passed. I passed. Linda took another look at
her cards, but passed. Les looked at all of us and shrugged.

"I have to pass too," Les said. "I only have an ace high."

"Pair of sixes," said Mary as she laid her cards on the table.

"Pair of queens," I said laying mine down.

"Damn" said Linda. "A pair of nines. I could have bluffed you out of
that hand, but I was afraid Les would have something."

"It's easy to see what you should do when you can see everyone
cards," laughed Les.

I grabbed my pants off the table and pulled them back on. Then I
collected my other winnings, two shoes and a sock. It wasn't much,
but it got me back to where I had started the game.

Les shuffled the cards and dealt out the next hand. Looking around I
could see that Mary looked like she had one or two more pieces than
the others did and Les had only the clothes he was wearing.

I picked up my cards and found a pair of eight's, a seven, a five and a
two. Well, if I could get another eight, it might be a winner, but just a
pair of eight's was probably no good.

Mary was the first to act and she passed. I had a pair, so I opened with
Les's shoe. Mary and Linda tossed in items from their piles. Les took
off his shirt and put it in the pile.

Everybody took three cards this time. I looked at my three new cards,
but they were no help. I still just had a pair of eight's.

I passed. Linda studied her cards for a few seconds, but passed also.
Les quickly passed too. Mary studied her cards.

"I'll bet," Mary said, tossing a sock onto the coffee table.

I stared at Mary. She had passed the opening bet, so she didn't have a
pair before the draw. She had drawn three cards, so she probably had
one pair. If she was betting, I was pretty sure that her pair would beat
a pair of eight's, so I folded.

Linda hesitated too, but folded. Les quickly folded.

Mary smiled and pulled her winning off the coffee table. Now she
clearly had more clothes than anyone else did. Les and I were clearly
behind right now, and we needed to win some hands.

Mary shuffled the cards and dealt out the next hand. I was wondering
what Mary really had that last hand. Had Mary bluffed us?

I picked up my cards and saw a pair of sevens, a queen, a ten and a
six. Unless I could improve on the draw, this hand was no better.

I was the first to act, so I opened with Mary's shoe. Mary quickly
opened with shoes from her piles of clothes. Linda no longer had a
clothes collection, but she was still wearing her shoes, so she took
them off. Les took off his pants again and dropped them on the table.

We all took three cards again. This time when I picked up my new
cards there were two black eight's, so I now had two pair, seven's and
eight's. With everyone taking three cards, that seemed like a pretty
good hand. I picked up the last thing in my clothes pile, which
actually looked like my sock, and tossed it into the pot.

"I'm opening for one," I said.

Linda studied me carefully.

"I'm going to raise you three," Linda said.

Linda stood up and pulled her tight fitting knit blouse off over her
head. Then she unzipped her short little skirt and let it fall the floor.
She picked the skirt up and tossed it into the pot. Then she wiggled
her panty hose down off her hips and pulled them down her legs.
Linda dropped the panty hose on the table, then reached behind her
back to unfasten her bra. After a few seconds of struggle, the clasp
came free and Linda's bra slide down her arms freeing her pert
breasts. Linda's breasts were certainly smaller than Mary's, but they
looked like little volcano's spouting out of Linda's chest. Linda
smiled at me then sat down. Her breasts bounced as she settled back
into her chair.

Les had been watching this show closely too. He smiled, shook his

"I have to fold," Les said.

Mary folded too. That left it up to me. I only had three items of
clothes left, so I would have to go all in to see Linda's bet. Linda had
drawn three cards, so the best she had before the draw was a pair, but
she must have improved on the draw. I didn't think Linda would bet
her bra unless she had a very good hand.

"I have to fold too," I said.

"All right," Linda exclaimed as she pulled her bra back off the table
and her breasts disappeared from view again. Les and I were now in
big trouble. I had three pieces of clothes left and Les only had two.
Mary and Linda both had piles of clothes.

It was my turn to deal, so I shuffled the cards and dealt out another
hand as Linda slowly got dressed again. I picked up my cards and saw
two aces, plus a nine, eight and a six. This looked better than any
other starting hand I had gotten in this game, but I would feel much
better if I could improve it on the draw.

Since I had dealt, Linda had to act first, but she passed. Les passed
too, but Mary opened with my shoe. I stood up and unfastened my
pants. I stepped out of the pants and dropped them on the table. Linda
tossed in a shoe from her collection. Les pulled off his undershirt and
dropped it on the table.

Everybody took three cards. I picked up my three new cards and saw a
pair of jacks. Now I had two pair, aces and jacks. That sounded better
to me than my two pair last hand, but if somebody had picked up three
of kind on the draw I was dead. Still I only had two items of clothing
left, and this was probably my best shot to win a hand.

"I'll open for one," I said and pulled off my undershirt. Now both Les
and I were sitting there in only our jockey shorts and I suspected my
shorts would be coming off in a minute too the way Linda was
smiling at me.

"I'll raise you one," Linda said. She picked up a shoe and sock and
placed them on the table, then smiled as she stared at the bulge in my

"I fold," Les said with a disgusted look on his face.

Mary folded quickly and now it was my turn. Linda could have drawn
three of a kind, but it was hard to tell. Last hand she had bet a lot of
her clothes, including her bra. I figured she wouldn't have done that
without a real good hand. This time she wasn't risking much, but she
didn't need to either. With only my underpants left, I had to take the

"I'll see your bet," I said.

I stood up and quickly pulled my shorts down to my ankles. My
member popped out and Mary and Linda both cheered as I tossed my
underpants on the table and sat down with my erection sticking up
between my legs.

"Alright Larry," Linda giggled, her eyes focused on my lap. "What
have you got there, other than what I can see."

"Two pair, aces and jacks," I said as a laid my cards on the table.

Linda shook her head and dropped her cards face up on the table. I
could see only a pair of queens. I grabbed my underpants and slipped
them back on. I pulled on my undershirt, and then slipped back into
my pants.

It was Linda's turn to deal, and as she shuffled the cards and dealt out
this hand, I glanced around and realized that unless Les won this hand,
he was out. Mary, Linda and I looked to be close to even in clothes
count, and all slightly ahead. In stark contrast Les looked very
uncomfortable in just his jockey shorts. If Les was out of the game
after this hand, then I would have to play against both Linda and Mary
on my own, and I didn't like that idea, so I was hoping Les would win
this hand.

I picked up my cards and looked at an ace, king, queen, jack, and a
seven, almost a straight. Should I try to draw for the straight or
discard three? It wasn't an open ended straight, so I would have to
draw a 10, so I didn't think that sounded like a good idea.

Les was the first to act, and he passed. Evidently he did not have
anything, which was not a good start. Mary opened by tossing a shock
on the table. I put Mary's shoe on the table for my opening bet. Linda
put Les's pants on the table. I noticed that this was the last item in
Linda's clothes collection. Of course, Linda still had her shoes on,
since she had always won them back when she bet them.

Now it was Les's turn.

"Ok, this is it girls," Les said. "This is what you came here to see."

Les stood up and quickly pushed his shorts to his ankles. His erection
stuck out but remained partially hidden until he stood up again to drop
his shorts on the table. Both Mary and Linda were smiling and
giggling. Les stood there pointing his member first at Mary then at

"Better be careful where you aim that," said Mary. We all chucked.

Les finally sat down, with his erection sticking up between his legs for
all to see. Everyone else took three cards, and I decided to take three
too, rather than draw for the gut shoot straight. When I picked up my
three new cards, I had another king, so I now had a pair of kings. That
was good, but not great.

Mary had opened so she had at least a pair of something, but after
studying her cards she just said, "I pass."

I toyed with the thought of betting, but decided against it and passed

Linda looked first at me, then at Les, then shook her head and said, "I
have to pass too."

"Well, I'm all in," said Les. "So I can't bet either. All I've got is a ace
high, I don't suppose that's good, is it?"

"I've got a pair of threes," said Mary.

Linda didn't say anything, and dropped her cards on the table face

"I've got a pair of kings," I said. "Looks like I win again."

"Well, I'm out now," Les said. "So it's all up to you Larry."

"Yeah," said Linda. "Take a good look at Les. You're going to be
dressed just like him in a minute."

"Let's go girls," said Mary with a giggle.

"We'll see about that," I said, trying to sound much more confident
that I actually felt.

It should have been Les's deal, but since he was out, Mary dealt the
next hand. Having won the last hand, I realized that I now had a lot
more clothes than either Linda or Mary. That should make me the
favorite in this situation, right? Well, I sure didn't feel like the
favorite. I knew that Mary was good at this game and I hadn't seen
Linda do anything stupid, so I felt like it was two against one.

I picked up my cards and didn't like what I saw, a king, a ten, a five, a
three, and a two. I wasn't going to strip Mary and Linda with junk like
this unless I improved a lot on the draw.

I was the first to act so I checked. Linda checked too.

"I can open," Mary announced, dropping a shock on the table.

I pushed a shoe from my pile onto the coffee table, and Linda took off
her shoes again and put one on the table.

Mary and I took three cards, but Linda only took one. Linda had not
opened, so she could not have two pair. She must be drawing to a
straight or flush. I looked at my new cards, but they didn't do
anything for me, so I just had a king high.

Mary frowned. "I pass," was all she said.

I quickly passed.

Linda shook her head. "No way I can bet this, so I pass too."

"Just a queen high," Linda added as she dropped her cards on the

"I've got a pair of fours," Mary said.

"I've got junk," I said as I tossed my cards on the table.

"Great," said Mary. "It's a small start at stripping Larry, but I'll take

It occurred to me Mary was trying to rattle me, make me nervous, get
me to make mistakes. Well, I wasn't going to let her do that.

"I should point out that I still have a bigger pile of clothes than you
do," I said to Mary, trying not to sound nervous.

Mary handed me the cards to shuffle.

"A purely temporary status, I'm sure," Mary said.

I shuffled the cards and dealt out the next hand. When I picked up my
cards, I found a pair of queens, a six, a four and a three. This was
much better than the junk last hand, but I would need another queen or
another pair to trap either Mary or Linda into betting a lot of clothes,
so I had better hope for a good draw.

Linda was the first to act. "I can open," she said.

Linda stood up and pulled up her short skirt so she could get her panty
hose off again. She turned around and wiggled her behind at me as she
pushed the panty hose off her hips and down her legs. She stepped out
of them and dropped them into the pot.

"I'll be getting these back in a minute, Larry," Linda said with a
smile. "So then you get to watch me put them back on too."

Mary and I both placed shoes from our piles on the table for our bets.

Mary and I both took three cards, and Linda took one. Since Linda
had opened this hand, she must have two pair. That would explain
why she was so sure she would be getting her panty hose back. I
picked up my three cards and looked at them. My heart jumped, and I
had to fight to keep my expression calm. I had drawn a third queen,
and Linda had two pair! Well, Linda had two pair unless she had
drawn to a full house, but that was a chance I would have to take.

"Ok, I'm betting one," Linda said confidently. Linda stood up and
pulled her tight fitting sweater blouse off over her head and laid it on
the table.

"I'm folding," Mary said.

I studied Linda carefully. I had already decided to try to raise her all
in, but I wanted her to think I wasn't sure what I should do.

"Want to see a little more of me, Larry" Linda asked coyly.

"Yes," I said. "As a matter of fact, I do. I'm raising you three."

"Ohh...," Linda said. "Larry wants to see all of me."

I pulled shoes and socks out of my pile and then tossed Les's pants in
the pot for the last item.

"Ok," Linda said. "I'm going to let you see all of me, but get your
eyeful quickly, cause I'm going to win it all right back."

Linda stood up and unzipped her short skirt. She let it fall to the floor,
then reached down and placed it on the table.

"Don't be so sure of yourself," said Les. "You don't know what
Larry's got there."

Linda popped the catch on her bra and let it slide down her arms away
from her breasts.

"I've seen what Larry's got," Linda said. "I fact, I can see the bulge in
his pants right now."

Mary giggled.

"I like what I'm seeing," I said. "Keep going."

Linda dropped her bra on the table and placed her hands in the elastic
band of her white low cut panties. Linda paused and smiled at me,
then she began to slowly work her panties down. Finally, the top of
her bush hair came into view. Either Linda naturally had very little
hair or she had shaved most of it, because there was only a small
patch of hair directly above her vaginal lips.

Linda bent down and quickly pushed her panties down to her ankles,
then stepped out of them, and dropped them on the table. Then she
held up her hands over her head in a V and spread her legs slightly so
I had a clear view.

"Ok, Larry, now you've seen all of me," Linda said. "What cards have
you got."

I smiled and spread my cards on the table.

"Three queens," I said.

"What!" Linda exclaimed throwing her cards down on the table.
"How did you get that."

From her reaction I gathered that Linda only had two pair. Les
reached out and turned over Linda's cards.

"She's got two pair, aces and sixes," Les said.

"Shit, I was sure Larry only had a pair," Linda complained. "What a
lousy piece of luck."

"Good job Larry," Les said. "One down and one to go."

"You got lucky, Larry," Linda glared at me. "It won't happen twice."

I picked the cards up off the table and handed them to Mary.

"I dealt this hand, so I guess that makes it your deal now," I said.

"Relax, Linda," Les said. "At least you had good cards, Larry just had
better cards. It happens. I couldn't get any good cards, and look at

"Well, it's not going to happen again," Linda said as she sat down.

"Hey, this chair is cold without any clothes on," Linda protested.

I started to clear my winnings off the coffee table, while Les went into
one of the bedrooms to get something to put on the chair for Linda.

I now had a huge pile of clothes, while Mary only had a modest
collection. That ought to make me the clear favorite, since I could
now force Mary all in before I let her win a hand. The only problem
was it didn't really do any good to force Mary all in, if she had better
cards. That would just transfer my whole pile to Mary. I had to be
careful, and only force Mary all in when I had a chance of trapping
her like I had trapped Linda. That, however, would not be easy. Linda
was right. I had been lucky when I trapped her.

Les came back with a blanket for Linda to sit on as Mary finished
dealing out the cards. I picked up my hand and looked at it. I had a
pair of sevens, an eight, a four and a three. Well, I wasn't going to
trap Mary with a pair of sevens, but if I could draw a third seven, I

Since I had a pair, I opened with a shoe. Mary put another shoe on the
table for her opening bet. We both took three cards, but when I picked
up my new card, there was no third seven, just an ace, a king and a
jack. So with just a pair of sevens, I guess I had to let Mary win this

"I pass," I said.

Mary studied me carefully, but then shook her head.

"I have to pass too," she said.

We both laid our cards on the table.

"I have a pair of sevens," I said.

"Only a pair of fives," Mary said.

"Every little bit counts," said Les. "Keep it up."

"Don't let Les rattle you," said Linda. "Be patient, wait for the good

I pulled the two shoes off the coffee table and gather up the cards. I
shuffled and dealt out the next hand. This time I got another pair of
queens. Well, if I could get the third queen again, I might be able to
trap Mary, but I doubted that would happen again.

"I pass," Mary said, when she looked up from her cards.

"I can open," I said, tossing Les's shoe onto the table.

Mary put a sock into the pot for her bet. We both took three cards
again. I got a king, a jack and a five, all diamonds, but that did not do
any good. I still just had a pair of queens.

As I stared at my queens I thought, Mary didn't open, so she did not
have a pair before the draw. Chances are the best she has got now is
one pair. My pair of queens is probably better than whatever pair
Mary has.

"I'll bet one," I said as I pushed a second shoe onto the coffee table.

Mary only hesitated a second. "I fold," was all she said.

"Ok, we're on a roll now," said Les.

"No problem, Mary," said Linda. "Be patient, you'll get some good

I pulled another winning pot off the table. While I was winning, at
this rate we were going to be here all night. I needed to find a way of
trapping Mary into betting all her clothes on a losing hand.

Mary gathered up the cards and dealt another hand. This time I just
got an ace, a queen, a nine, an eight and a three. Hopefully, I can
improve this one on the draw.

With no pair, I passed. Mary, however, opened with Les's shirt. I put
one of my shoes in the pot.

We both took three cards. The draw didn't help me. I still had just an
ace high hand.

"I'm going to bet," Mary said, as she dropped my shirt into the pot.

Since Mary had opened, she must have a pair, and she knew I didn't
have a pair before the draw. She probably still had just a pair, but I
had nothing but junk, so it would be stupid to call this bet. It was clear
Mary had me beat.

"I'm out," I said, dropping my cards on the table.

"That's the way, Mary," Linda said. "He's afraid of you now."

"He's not afraid of her," Les said. "He's just laying a trap for Mary."

"I think Larry just knew I had him beat, that's all," Mary said.

"You guys are acting silly," I said.

"Linda's just trying to put you on a tilt, so she does have to give you a
blow job," Les said.

"Oh yeah," Linda protested. "And what is it that you're trying to
avoid, huh..." Linda looked down at Larry's erection sticking up
between his legs. "Don't want to do that in front of Mary, eh?"

"I'm not worried," Les said, but his voice betrayed a little
nervousness. "Larry will have Mary stripped in no time."

"Well see about that," said Mary.

"You just sit back and watch Mary strip your partner," Linda said.

It was my turn to deal, so I shuffled the cards and dealt out another
hand. This time I got two nines, a queen, five and two. If I could draw
a third nine, I might be able to trap Mary with this hand, but just a pair
of nines wasn't worth much.

Since I had dealt this hand, Mary was the first to act.

"I can't open," Mary said when she looked up from her cards.

I could open, so I tossed Les's shoe on the table. Mary quickly put
another shoe on the table. I took three cards and Mary drew only one.
When I looked at my three new cards, there was no third nine, but
there were two aces. Now I had two pair, aces and nines. Mary
probably had two pair two, because she had drawn one. No that
wasn't right. Mary hadn't opened, so she must have been drawing to a
straight or flush. If she had made it, she had me beat, but she had
probably missed. She probably had nothing or one pair at best. Maybe
I could get her to bluff at me. She would not suspect that I had two

"I pass," I said, trying to look as disgusted as possible with my cards.

Mary stared into my eyes, then reached down and grabbed my shirt
and threw it on the table.

"I'm betting one," Mary said.

Well, I had gotten Mary to bet. Now I had to hope she didn't have a
straight or flush.

"I'm raising you...." I quickly added up how many clothes items Mary
had. "...five."

I pulled shoes, socks and shirts out of my pile and stacked them on the

Mary stared at me intently. She finally shook her head.

"Too rich for me," Mary said. "I'm out."

"Good job Larry," Les said. "Mary hasn't got the guts to bet it all."

"I know how to bet it all," Mary replied. "And I know that wasn't the

My trap had almost worked, but Mary was too careful to bet all her
clothes on one pair or maybe nothing at all. Maybe I would have to
win her clothes one at a time. She only had one shirt left in her pile,
but we would be here all night if I had to do that.

Mary shuffled the cards and dealt out the next hand. I picked up my
cards and my heart skipped a beat. I had a full house! I had three jacks
and two sixes. Now I could strip Mary with this hand! But wait a
minute. When I drew zero cards, Mary would know that something
was up and she would never bet all her clothes after I had drawn zero
cards, so what good was this hand?

"I can open," I said tossing a shoe on the table. Mary added Les's shirt
for her opening bet. That was Mary's last item, other than the clothes
she was wearing.

It was my turn to draw. If I took no cards, I could never get Mary to
bet. If I discarded the sixes and drew two, then Mary would suspect I
had three of kind. Then it occurred to me. Discard one card. Mary will
figure I have two pair. If Mary gets a high two pair or a low three of a
kind, maybe I can trap her. It seemed unlikely it would work, but it
was the best I could think of.

I took one card and Mary took three. Well at least a pair was the best
Mary had before the draw.

I looked at my new card. It was a five. So now I just had three jacks. I
had opened, so I had to act first. If I bet a lot, Mary would probably
just fold. I decided to see if Mary liked her hand well enough to bet.

"I pass," I said, trying not to give away my hand with my voice.

Mary studied me for a few seconds, then she pulled her sweater
blouse off over her head and deposited it on the table.

"I betting one," Mary said.

My eyes met Mary's then drifted down to her white lacy bra.

"I think Larry want's to see your tits," giggled Linda.

Mary just smiled back at me. Mary must think I have two pair and she
is betting anyway. She drew three cards. What kind of hand does she
have now?

"I'll raise you three," I said, trying not to sound too confident, which
actually wasn't that hard. I was beginning to wonder if I had beaten
myself by throwing away a full house. I found four shoes or socks
from my pile and tossed them on the table.

Mary sat there staring at me for a very long time. Just when I was
beginning to think she would fold again, she suddenly stood up.

"Ok, guys," Mary said. "If a show is what you want, I guess I'll have
to give you one."

Mary unzipped her skirt and stepped out of it, tossing it onto the
coffee table. Then she reached back and unfastened the catch on her
bra. She held the bra to her chest with one hand while she threaded the
straps off first one arm then the other. Then she looked at me and then

"Ta...da..." Mary said as she pulled her bra away from her breasts.
Mary pushed her chest forward as her breasts bounced a little now that
they were freed from the confines of her bra. Mary's breasts were
clearly bigger than Linda's. While Linda's breasts were topped with
small erect nipples, Mary had much bigger nipples, which were also

"Like what you see guys," Mary asked.

"That mouse in Les's lap is certainly standing at attention," Linda

Les tried to cross his legs, but his erection was still sticking up for all
to see. Mary wiggled her breasts at us, then placed her thumbs under
the waistband of her panties and slowly pushed them down while
wiggling her hips. She had a much bigger bush than Linda, which
quickly came into view. Mary worked the panties down to her thighs,
then stepped out of them one leg at time. She held her panties up and
dropped them on the table. Then she turned around bent over and
wiggled her butt at Les and myself.

"Ok," Mary said standing up. "That's enough of a show for you

Mary reached down and flipped her cards over on the table.

"I've got three tens, so I'll get dressed again now," Mary said.

"Way to go," said Linda.

"Just a minute," I protested. Mary had already grabbed her panties and
was starting to put them back on.

"I've got three jacks," I said.

"What?" Mary exclaimed. "How could you have three jacks." Mary
leaned over to look at my cards. "A full house or a straight maybe, but
three jacks?"

"Alright Larry," Les beamed. "You did it."

"What did you do Larry?" Mary asked. "Did you have three jacks and
only discard one card to fool me?"

"It sure looks like that's what he did," Les said. "Great play. Where
did you learn that?"

I smiled. I wasn't going to tell them I really had a full house.

"It just came to me on the spur of the moment," I said.

Mary dropped her panties back on the floor, shaking her head in

"Sorry, Linda," she said. "I tried my best. Larry was just too good for
us tonight."

"Ah...yes," Les said to Linda. "Larry does seem to have won, and you
do seem to have lost, so are you ready to give Larry his...a... prize."

"I...guess so," Linda said looking at me. "What favor did you have in
mind, as if I have to ask."

I looked at Mary and then at Linda.

"Oh," Linda said. "We don't have to do it in front of them. We can do
it in the bedroom, if you like."

After seeing all these naked women tonight, I really needed some
relief soon, but did I want a blowjob from Linda? Mary had to do
what I asked for the rest of the evening too, so why get a blowjob
from Linda. Of course, Mary was the only girl who had ever given me
one, and she was just learning how to do it. Linda probably had a lot
more experience and Mary didn't seem too upset with the idea. I
would probably never get another chance like this. Still, something
about it didn't seem right.

"I don't think I want a blowjob," I said.

Linda looked astonished.

"I have never had a guy refuse an offer of a blowjob before," she said.
"Did I hear you correctly?"

"Yeah, I don't want a blowjob," I repeated.

"Mary must give one heck of a blowjob," Linda said. "Ok, what do
you want?"

"I...want play with yourself," I said.

Linda's cheeks started to turn pink.

"You want what?" Linda said.

"I want you to do yourself," I repeated.

"He wants you to Jill off," Les said. "You do know how to do that,
don't you?"

"What do you think," Linda shot back at Les. "Of course I know how
to do it, just not with an audience."

"Well, if you girls had won, that's what you were going to ask one of
us to do, so fair is fair." Les said.

"But guys are different," Linda said. "After seeing Mary and me
naked, I bet if I just touched your thing there, you'd shoot all the way
across the room. With girls, it's different. I don't think I can do it with
an audience."

"I bet you can," Les said. "I'll get one of your favorite porno tapes,
and you can watch it while you try."

Linda was now clearly embarrassed that Les had said she liked porno
tapes, but Les disappeared back into the bedroom and came back with
a tape. Les cleared his chair from in front of the TV and popped the
tape into a VCR.

"Ok, Linda," Les said. "Just forget that we're here, and remember, no
faking it."

"Boy, I thought all guys wanted blowjobs," Linda said, shaking her

The tape finally started playing. I had only seen two porno tapes
before. One at a friend's house in high school and another at a party
the second week I was at college. Those tapes had just been pictures
of couples screwing. This tape was a little more complex. It at least
attempted some sort of plot about a lonely woman who keeps
fantasizing about sex with the pool guy. Most of the tape was her
daydreams about what she wanted to do with the pool guy, but never
actually did, intermixed with scenes of her playing with herself.

At first Linda just watched the tape, but then her right hand reached
down and she stroked herself, like the actress on the tape. Finally she
brought her other hand down and spread her vaginal lips and placed
her finger directly on her clitoris. Linda spread her legs and settled
back in the soft chair and began to slowly massage her clitoris.

While the actress on the tape was pushing her fingers deep inside her,
while fantasizing about wild orgies, Linda simply rubbed herself
faster and breathed deeper. Then Linda spread her legs even wider and
began to moan softly as her hand rubbed harder. Linda's eyes were
closed, and I don't think she was watching the tape anymore. I had
stopped watching the tape also, with my attention riveted on Linda. I
glanced over at Mary and Les. Both of them had their eyes glued to
Linda also.

Linda's vaginal lips were spread wide and looked swollen. Her finger
was firmly planted on her clitoris and rubbing furiously and below
that the pink inner reaches of the vulva were clearly visible. Linda
began to moan more loudly. All I could think about was how long it
was taking her. If I had been stroking myself like that, I would have
cum a long time ago. Then Linda let out a deep moan and began to
rub even faster. Suddenly, Linda arched her back and moaned deeply.
She rolled first right and then left, pulling her legs together with her
fingers still firmly planted on her clitoris. The look of pain and ecstasy
on her face almost made my pants explode. Linda now was gently, but
firmly massaging her clitoris, moaning and breathing deeply. She
slowly relaxed, lying on her side in the chair with her hand still
between her legs.

I glanced over at Mary who was still staring at Linda. When I turned,
Mary looked at me and our eyes met.

"I knew you could do it," Les said.

Linda still looked a little out of it, but she raised her head and looked
at us.

"I can't believe I just did that," she said and put her head back down.

Les went over kissed Linda on the cheek then disappeared into his
bedroom. He emerged after a few seconds and said.

"You two can use my roommates bedroom," Les said pointing to the
other bedroom. "He won't mind. Just make the bed and straighten up
before you leave in the morning."

Linda now stood up and looked at us.

"I hope you enjoyed that," Linda said shaking her head. "All I can say
is Mary must really give dynamite head."

"Oh, and just in case you need it, here," Les said shoving a rubber into
my hand.

"I think I know what you want big boy," Linda said looking down at
Les's erection.

"Just close the door when you leave in the morning," Les said as he
led Linda into his bedroom. "It will lock behind you."

I turned and looked at Mary.

"I think I know what you want too," Mary smiled at me. "Let's get
those pants off."

I led Mary into the bedroom, unfastened my pants and pulled them off
on the floor. I ripped off my undershirt and pulled off my underpants.
Mary came towards me, and I pulled her tightly against me, my
erection pushing against Mary's stomach, her breasts pressing on my
chest. I pulled her head back and kissed her on the lips, my tongue
gently probing her mouth.

I lay back on the bed with my legs spread wide. Mary climbed up on
the bed between my legs. Mary smiled and then reached out with her
tongue and ran it from the base of my penis up to the most sensitive
lip of the head. Then she opened her mouth and slipped it around the
head. Mary slowly slide her tongue down the underside of my
erection, while drawing it further into her mouth. Mary slowly bobbed
her head up and down, her tongue sliding across the head and her lips
tightening around the shaft. In less than a half dozen stokes, I
exploded in her mouth. Mary kept stoking till I pulled her head back,
because I had become too sensitive.

Mary gave me a funny smile, then climbed up over me and kissed me
on the mouth. As our tongues met, a felt a salty, milky taste in my
mouth. I looked at Mary and then I realized what it was. Mary

"See, it really doesn't taste that bad," Mary said.

"No, I guess not," I said.

"I'll be right back," Mary said. She jumped off the bed and ran into
the bathroom. I heard the water run, and she came back and sat down
on the bed.

"Why did you turn down Linda's offer?" Mary said. "I can't really be
that good."

I looked at Mary.

"I don't know," I said. "I think you do great, and that's all that

"But why not give Linda a try?" Mary asked.

"I don't really know," I said. "It just didn't feel like the right thing to

Mary stared at me silently for a few seconds.

"If I had given Les a blowjob, would you have been jealous?" Mary

"I wouldn't have been happy," I said. "I'm not sure."

Mary stared at me for several more seconds.

"I'm glad I didn't have to," she said.

"You want to sleep here, or go back to your dorm?" I asked.

Mary did not answer immediately, but sat on the bed next to me and
stared down into my eyes.

"Did you like watching Linda do it?" Mary asked.

"Of course," I said. "Didn't you?"

"Would you like to watch me?" Mary asked, her right hand reaching
down between her legs. The evening's actives had made her just as
excited as it had made me.

I sat up and kissed Mary on the lips.

"No...I don't want to watch you," I said. "I want to help you."

I pushed Mary on her back and spread her legs. I reached out and
spread her vaginal lips. Mary was dripping with anticipation. I ran my
tongue through the salty, musty liquid myrrh and when it reached the
apex of feminine carnal passion, Mary's moans left no doubt of its
veiled hiding place. Having found that tiny ball of concentrated nerve
endings, I gently ran my tongue back and forth across its hidden lair.

"Oohhhh....yes, yes," Mary moaned and she gently pushed my head
down harder.

As my tongue pushed at the gates of her passion, I looked up between
the peaks of her breasts at the sweet tension rolling through her face
and body.

"Faster...faster..." Mary pleaded.

My tongue strained to comply, rubbing ever faster against the portal
of her desire.

"Ooohhhh...." Mary cried. Her back arched and her body began to
twist from side to side.

While my tongue struggled to find its shifting mark, I looked up to see
that look of supreme agony and ecstasy painted on Mary's face. There
is no sight like the look on a woman's face in that brief moment which
lies between wanton lust and heavenly release, between the cravings
of the flesh and the peace of the angles, the moment when all the
carnal demons are exorcised from a woman's sole, and she is rendered
pure again.

"Oh...God...yes..." Mary moaned as she flopped over on her side.

As her body began to relax, I slowed my tongue to just a gentle
massage until Mary pushed my head away. I climbed up and kissed
Mary on the cheek, then lifted her head and kissed her on the lips.

"Oh, God,'re the only one."

I sat up and grabbed the blanket and pulled it over us, then I lay down
next to Mary and took her in my arms.

Chapter 13 The Epilogue

That Friday night, really early Saturday morning, game with Les and
Linda was the last strip poker game of our first semester. There were
term papers that had to be finished and we needed to study for final
exams. That was really just fine with me, because I was beginning to
worry that every time we went out, we somehow ended up playing
strip poker. I wanted a relationship with Mary that was not just pure
strip poker.

On Saturday night we did go out to that movie, and the subject of strip
poker never came up. We spent a few romantic hours in my dorm
room after the movie too, and we had too many other things on our
minds to even think about strip poker.

On Saturday, when Mary and I final got back to the dorm from Les's
apartment, everybody in the dorm seemed to have heard about the
naked girl who streaked the campus the night before. There were all
kinds of rumors about what had really happened, and some of them
were even close to right. I readily admitted to Marc, my roommate,
that I had been there and seen the streak. I was pretty sure I had
recognized some guys from the dorm there, so I figured there was no
sense in trying to pretend I hadn't been there.

Beth, Mary's roommate, gave Mary a hard time for staying out all
night, and generally seemed to be acting really weird. Well more
weird than normal, but Mary didn't think much of it Saturday.

Sunday was when the trouble started. I don't know who found the
pictures first, but late Sunday afternoon Mary called to tell me
someone had posted pictures of Friday night's streak on a web site.
One picture I saw clearly showed Kristen and Bob. George was
behind some people and you couldn't see much of him. There was
another picture taken from a distance that showed both Mary and I,
along with almost everyone else. Fortunately for me, I was facing the
other way, so no one seeing the picture could know it was me. Mary's
face didn't show either, but you could clearly see her skirt, which
would identify her to someone who recognized it, like her roommate

I have heard that Kristen was a little upset when she saw the pictures
on the Internet. Bob was supposed to be angry too. Mary would not
have been very bothered by it all, except that it was Beth who first
showed her the pictures on her computer. That was the first thing that
freaked Mary out. How had Beth found these pictures so quickly on
the Internet?

Then Beth dropped the real bombshell. Beth had actually been in the
crowd on campus that Friday night waiting for the streakers. Neither
Mary or I had seen her, but there were lots of people there, and Beth
must not of been one of the people that ran out real close to our group
as we ran past. Not only had Beth been there, she had taken her
camera and had pictures of the streakers. Mary was really freaked out
by that revelation. The reason Beth was telling Mary all this was she
was worried about getting the film developed. She thought she might
get in trouble for developing a roll of film with pictures of naked
people on it and wondered if Mary had any idea where to take it to be

Mary was sure that Beth had recognized her there Friday night and
was completely freaked out over the whole experience. I tried to calm
her down. We were not the ones who were naked Friday night. So
what if Beth had pictures of us running next to some naked people.
There is nothing wrong with that.

I know that one flash went off in my face, so somebody probably has
a picture with my face in it. If that is posted somewhere on the
Internet, somebody in my home town will probably show it to my
father, since he is the local minister, and then I will have a little
explaining to do. I will just tell him the truth. I was out late one Friday
night and these naked people were running across the campus. I ran
along next to them to see what was happening, and somebody took the
picture. Well... that is the truth...sort of. Everything I said was
technically true. Bill Clinton got away with it, why can't I?


2020-04-21 04:57:03
Fantastic final part to a great series! Really well written, interesting, paced, plotted, super. I guess you are not going to post more - I should love to learn of their further adventures if you do, hopefully a happy story - but a massive ‘Thank You’ for what we have. Have you posted anything else, anywhere else? Under a different name? Recommend anything similar? Robert.


2019-07-01 10:43:46
I find it infuriating when people try to rewrite other people's true stories. And often they do so as Anonymous. I wonder if some of these "rewriters" don't know the difference between truth and fiction.


2016-03-13 20:04:03
Disappointing but still good. Thanks for the series!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-03-01 03:21:20
I enjoyed all the episodes. But I would have enjoyed a different ending better. for example, after he had performed oral sex on Mary, but had not climaxed yet, have her clime up his body, kiss hime, wait a couple minutes, and then slide down until she could feel his penis against her lips, and then have her slowly ask him, "Larry, do you have a rubber?" And then end it there.


2016-02-26 02:11:33
great story, I loved it, and like the rest of the members here, I want more from your great writing skill.

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