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Can Clarence open George's eyes?
This story was inspired by the 1946 film, "It's a Wonderful Life".

Here it was almost a month before Christmas and I had no spirit at all. Christ, I had always had great Christmas spirit loved to give rather than receive. This year I had nothing, all my children were scattered, me and the wife had parted ways not in a good way, though we were still married. I figured what the hell, without them it just wasn't Christmas or hell for that matter a life, I just wanted to end it, life to me didn't feel worth living anymore, true I might be reading more into it than there was. I looked around the office was I a coward? Was I really that weak? Huh guess I was, walking out I still hadn't decided how to end it. Laughing a moment I really was a coward, not a gun, too loud, car? No too painful and might not work too many survived.

I had called all my children but of course they had their own lives so were far to busy to be bothered with their old man. Hell, I just wanted to wish them well, hoped they had a good holiday with their families. The last part I left, I apologized for bothering them as I knew that they were busy and I really didn't want to take up all their time. Hell, I'd even tried to see my grandson to no avail. So I left the office having already fallen into a deep depression.

I walked maybe a mile, had turned off the beaten path finally coming to stop on an old metal bridge. I knew the water would sweep my body away as fast and heavy as it was flowing. Looking around I started to climb up the railing when there was a splash, looking down I saw a man flailing in the water.

"Help! HELP!" The man shouted, jumping in I swam to him bringing him to the shore. A couple of police officers appeared a few minutes later and took us to a local shelter. There they began to question the man, then just left as suddenly they just left slapping me on the back calling me a hero. Ok, that was odd they never left that fast without investigating a lot more than they had.

Looking over at the 50-55 year old man stooped over the bed I had to ask, "you ok there uh ... fellow?"

"It's Clarence," He replied. "Yes, I am fine." I stared at the old really old underwear that the man was putting back on his body.

"You're lucky he jumped in to save you after you fell in." Another shelter man who'd heard the story said.

"Oh, I didn't fall in I jumped in, to save George here, stopping him from committing suicide" Clarence said a huge smile on his face.

The shelter man stopped a moment shock on his face, then opened his mouth to say, "Oh but it's against the law to commit suicide here."

"I know it's against the law where I'm from," Clarence said.

"Oh? Where's that?" I said looking up, finally I wasn't cold.

"Oh, ah heaven! I'm his guardian angel." Clarence said.

The shelter man fell out of his chair a look of shock and disbelief on his face as he quickly fled the scene.

"Now wait," I said, "you jumped in to save me? Seems like it'd be easier to just step up and say hey don't do it! Don't you think?"

"True, true," Clarence replied, "but then again would you really have listened? Besides it saved you now didn't it?"

Laughing I said, "say uh ... Clarence you got anywhere to go or stay?"

"No George, I'm fine." He chuckled.

"That's another thing how the hell do you know my name?" I looked at him suspiciously. "You some kind of stalker or something?"

"No, I'm nothing like that," Clarence cheekily said, "I'm an angel specifically YOUR guardian angel."

Nodding my head this was a bit much to take from a man I'd just saved from drowning, "Uh huh yeah, you sure you're ok? You didn't bump your head did you? You need a doctor?"

"No," Clarence chuckled, "I am Clarence Oleman, AS2 at you service."

"AS2? Huh," I said. "Just what exactly is an AS2?"

"Ah! Angel second class, I don't have me wings yet, I have to earn them. You my good man, are going to help me." Clarence replied happily.

"ME? Oh no, no, no I think you got the wrong man. I'm just a broken down, used up, old man, ain't good for nothing much now a days. If anything I'd get you an express trip to the other place. "Bout the only thing I'm good for anymore is screwing up. Besides it might be embarrassing for you to be seen with me." I told Clarence believing every word.

"Oh, you don't believe that your wife, your children or your Grandchild would be better off if you were dead do you?" Clarence said a look of horror on his face.

"Ah!" I said, "you're right it'd probably be better if I was never born."

"Oh, you mustn't say..." Clarence started, then looking up, "say that's not a bad idea what do you think? Hmmm yeah alright, that ought to do it. Ok George, ya got your wish, you've never been born." At those words a huge wind blew the door open stirring everything up creating a mess. "Show off!" Clarence shouted.

Getting up I helped Clarence pick up the mess, "Well I said, I best be going I have a business to run."

"I wouldn't be so sure George," Clarence said. "Mind if I tag along?"

"Sure," I said, "they might be able to get you set up with something at the store." I told him.

We walked for a while then entered the building I had my business in. Something was off where were all the offices? Why was there just a huge room with tiny cubicles in it.

A woman walked up to me, "I'm sorry sir but you do not belong here, you'll have to leave."

I looked at the woman, "just who are you? I own this building and I don't remember hiring you."

"That's funny," the woman smirked, "John Thompson owns this building and you most definitely don't look like him. I am building security, now you'll have to leave, this is a porn editing house and your presence here is disturbing everyone. I suggest you leave before I throw your ass out!" The woman shouted.

"What?!" I said in disbelief standing there in shock as several large men walked up and literally threw us out the door! Lying on the side walk I brushed my clothes off, stood and walked back in the door only to come flying back out a second later.

I started to enter a third time when the woman walked out, "I suggest that you leave, your actions have already alerted the local authorities they should be here in a few minutes, if you're still here then, you're going to jail." With that she shut the door in my face and locked it.

"That's my building," I said.

"No it isn't," Clarence said, "you were never here to buy it or to force the porn industry out on the outskirts of the city."

"What!?" I yelled as we started to walk away down the street. "No I was there, I saw them all pack up and move."

"No George you weren't." Clarence repeated. "You weren't here to start the petition, or carry the fight to the city council George, because you weren't born!"

Looking at Clarence I must have been dense 'cause I didn't hear a single word he was saying.

"No," I said, "It just some kind of trick, look here comes Burt one of my best friends."

Waving down the cabbie he stopped, "Yeah pal where ya going?"

"Come on Burt stop playing you know I live at 21 Sycamore, come on take me home."

"Yeah, yeah right keep your shirt on!" We pulled out and the cabbie passed a police car drawing the officer's attention and waving at me then doing a crazy sign.

The cab with the 3 of them stopped in front of a broken down condemned house, George ran from the cab in the front broken door. "Kids? Jane? Jr?" They could hear him shouting through out the building. A moment later the police officer pulled up.

"They aren't here," Clarence said, "cause you were never born to have them." I just stared at him like he was crazy.

"Yeah, what you got Burt?" the officer said.

"Not sure Tom, think this guys a loon spouting all kinds of stuff, especially that I knew him, never seen the guy in my life."

"Alright, I'll check it out Burt," The officer said.

"Ok buddy you've had your fun time to go, this place isn't safe been condemned," the officer told me. "We need to get you to a hospital you appear to be stressed out really bad. Come on out of there before I have to arrest you for trespassing!"

I came out not really sure what the hell was going on. "Look Tom, can we go to my mother's? She can vouch for me ok?" I asked Tom.

"Sure," he said, "then we'll get you to the hospital, you obviously have had some type of head trauma."

"Sure, sure, whatever you say," I said to try and placate the man.

We drove to the other side of town, downtown I could see that it was almost all porn theaters, bars, with half of the buildings boarded up and closed, what the hell was going on? This was one of the most active areas of the town, but here I saw almost half was closed, was I in the wrong town?

Finally we stopped in front of a boarding house. Huh? That wasn't right where was mother's house? Knocking on the door I sighed in relief when my mother answered the door.

"Mom, you have to let me in the world has gone crazy I..." I started

"Mother? Who are you? Is this some type of sick Joke? I ain't got any kids my only son died a few years ago in front of the school, a drive by. I don't know you from Adam." The annoyed woman said.

"Mother it's me George, your son, I was just with your brother 2 hours ago." I said.

"Oh yeah? Where?" She asked cautiously.

"Why right here," I replied.

"That's a lie! My brother is in county lock-up for drunk and disorderly conduct. If you want a room it's money up front." She growled at me, then slammed the door in my face. I could only stand there my mouth open feeling like an idiot, what in the hell was up? I knew a joke like this could be done but not on this scale, and to have my mother involved to this extent?

I walked to the end of the walk Tom the cop was there, "Alright buddy you've had you're chance, time to go in." Pulling out a set of hand cuffs I watched without moving, 'til he was right upon me then I sprang. Catching Tom with a surprise uppercut I watched him fall then lit out the opposite direction.

Groaning he rose pulling his revolver, "stop!" I heard him shout, then his gun firing over my head. Running, twisting turning through every alley way I could I soon lost him, though I knew it was only a matter of time before they located me. Finally stopping in a park not far away I waited for night to fall.

Clarence soon appeared. "You see George? No one knows you, you were never born to make friends with them. You weren't there when Tom graduated from police academy."

"I know what this is you've hypnotized me, I've heard about people who have this strong of a mind to make people think and do things they normally won't." I accused Clarence.

Sighing Clarence looked up and shook his head, "you really don't get it do you George? You might not think that you've done much but each man and woman leaves a mark, a passing if you will upon all those whose lives they touch. I am surprised a man as intelligent as you hasn't seen all this for what it really is. You've been given a wonderful gift to actually see what the world would be like without you in it."

"A gift?" I stated, "More like a horrible twisted, insane nightmare."

"No George it's nothing like that you have..." Clarence started.

Grabbing Clarence by his shirt I stared straight into his eyes. "I have to know Clarence, I have to know, where's my wife, she might hate me but at least she'd see past the insanity of all this."

Struggling Clarence tried to break free, "I'm not allowed to tell..."

"Tell me damn it! or so help me I'll fatten your lip," I threatened.

"I can't George if I do..." Clarence sputtered.

"WHERE!" I shouted.

"She never married she's an old bitter woman, she cleans at the hospital. She'll be off in an hour!" Clarence shrieked, as I dropped him on the grass.

I started running for the other side of town I'd barely make it. I had just got there when I saw some of the staff leaving, "Jane!" I yelled to get her attention. Startled, I saw her dash away in the opposite direction.

"Jane!" I called as she took off even faster. Finally downtown I managed to catch her. "Jane! Don't you know me it's George!"

I felt a burly arm yank me from her, "hey pal you disturbing the lady?" can a husky voice.

"Disturbing? No, that's my wife!" at which point Jane let out a scream and passed out.

I lit out of there, the crowd was starting to look ugly and they were starting to stare at me. I ran back to the park, then kept going before I knew it I was at the same bridge again I could feel the tears streaming down my face.

"CLARENCE! CLARENCE Can you hear me Clarence?! I want to live, I don't want it to end this way. Please I want to live! I want to live! Please Clarence, please."

A moment later a car stopped behind me on the bridge, "George? George!" I heard Tom the cop say.

Turning I warned, "go on get out of her Tom before I flatten you again!"

"George buddy, you ok? Everyone's been worried about you since you walked out earlier today." Tom said.

"I said g ... wait you called me George!" I said suspiciously.

"Yeah well that's your name after all." Tom said slowly.

"You mean you know me Tom?" I asked.

"Damn George you ok? You hit your head? You need a doctor?" Tom asked worry etched on his face.

"No Tom!" I shouted with Joy. "I'm fine! as a matter of fact I am better than fine!"

"Well I was supposed to tell you that your kids have called more than a few times about you. Something about you never returned their phone calls." Tom advised me.

Thanking him I took off for town, Yes! This was the town I lived in! There were thriving business here, no porn houses, no bars just the town I remembered.

I was finally back to my building, strangely enough there was a crowd in front, that and the fact that they

seemed to be waiting for something or someone. As I drew closer saw it was far more than my staff, in fact it appeared to be almost every person I knew in the town. Huh, disappear for a little while and they all come out of the wood work.

A young woman I'd had my eye on for a while was the first to see me, "Oh George!" She shouted as she ran up to me and threw her arms around me. "You scared me to death! I was afraid you were gone for good! Without me giving you your present." Here she slipped my hand into her pants to show she had nothing on under her pants. Pressing into my hand I heard her gasp then she pulled back and blinked.

Damn I thought when had she gotten this damn hot for me? Watching her walk back to the others I could smell her sex juices on my hand. Inhaling the aroma I thought she had an awful nice ass, shit I had almost missed it! Looking up I winked and mouthed thank you Clarence, I most definitely wanted to live now!

That's when I saw several of the other women giving me and my crotch the once over, hell yeah!

My daughter and son came to take me to her house, though I really didn't want to see her I knew my wife would be there. Promising them I would be civil I went and actually enjoyed my self. In the back of my mind I knew I had at least 5 other invitations, all of them to one bed or another. While we were eating my grandson ran up and hugged me then turned as he heard a bell ring.

"Grandpa, I heard that every time a bell rings an angel gets it's wings." He said.

Smiling I nodded, "that's right," I said looking up, "'at a boy Clarence, 'at a boy!"

Clover ErnestReport 

2016-09-28 03:30:07
See, Pars, all these people criticizing you for doing something to get us emotional, which t
you did a splendid job on the wonderful life remake btw, and yet they the ones criticizing you are ask tripping the same damn lines - "bad idea", "you shouldn't have done this", blah blah blah. It was creative, it took talent to try to recreate it without butchering it, and out left Mr with a warm, if not erotic feeling. Keep up the great work with all the other series!
Add always,
Sumpter Fidelibus Fidelis,

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-07-03 00:55:24
Strangely enough, It's a Wonderful Life was itself inspired by a short story.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-25 02:37:27
Not sure this was the best idea. Wonderful life is a very popular movie. many traditionally watch it and defend it to the harshest of critics. It was suppose to be based on the movie, yet it just had slight differences. The ending gives it the xxnx feel, but should have done it more as a prequel. Still better yet, could have done it where he embraces the facet no one knows him. Begins a new life, to see where that goes to. I am not a huge fan of the movie, there's one big flaw in it. this story didn't do any better. Nicely written but I would encourage you to stick to your own story creations. Or pick a movie that can stand to be redone.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-24 08:12:18
I love your work and you have a very creative mind, however a really bad habit you have throughout all your stories that I've noticed is jumping perspectives. For example in this story it begins in George's perspective, then halfway through it changes to third person, then back to George's perspective again. Can really make it confusing to read, so please keep an eye on it. Other than that keep up the great work!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-24 04:15:47
Usually love your work, and have enjoyed it's a wonderful life for years, but I don't think you took the original and changed it enough to make it your own.
Respect your talent but "just say'n "
Give it another shot. .......

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