Sometimes, doing volenteer work does come with a couple of extra incentives.
TO THE READER: This is what I hope to be another great series. So give it a look & tell me what you think. Story is a little slow at first, but it does heat up the further you read this. Thanks.
Sumner of 1996...
As I still laid in my bed. I couldn't help but wonder how my Friday was gonna go. For starters, I was supposed to go to my aunt's house to babysit my two cousins while she went to work. I happened to be home from college for the summer. Money wasn't really an issue, since I work four days a week up at my high school- assisting a couple of teachers. It was only eight in the morning, but I could see it was gonna be another scorcher of a day.
You see, I'm originally from the southern part of Illinois. But I'm attending the University of Illinois in Champaign. So it's not very often that I see my mom, dad or any of my other friends or relatives. So anytime that I'm home from college, I try to meet up with or try to visit as many people as possible. So now that I've finished a grueling three years worth of college, I could really use a break. Aside from working up at the school, I also like to do voluntarily things. Among others. babysitting my aunt's two kids.
My aunt's name is Darla, who is about maybe six years younger than my mom. And even though her kids are both 11 & 9, they still need adult supervision. .That's because Eli(the younger of the two), has physical limitations that resulted from a car accident that killed their father, uncle Russ. Even though aunt Darla is only in her early forties, she doesn't look it. At about 5' 7", she has a natural figure like Farrah Fawcett. Everything except her hair, which is a light auburn-type. In addition, She has a natural curl.
So I knew I was gonna have a full day ahead of me. So I got up, took a shower, put on some loose clothing & then proceeded downstairs to have breakfast. In the dining room at the dining room table, both my mom, dad & my sister were sitting there waiting for me.
"Good morning guys," I said as I went into the kitchen to grab a bowl to have cereal in it.
"Good morning Doug," answered my mom in a sweet voice. Then she said, "Aunt Darla called."
"Oh, what did she say?" I asked her. Then she replied, "She doesn't have to work today, but she wanted to know if you'll go with her & her boys to the mall later." Now, this was getting a little better. Not only would I do it, but it's been a while since I've been to the mall. As I said before, I don't get much time to spend with family & friends. Immediately without hesitation, I said, "Absolutely, I'll go."
"Why don't you call her back then?" my mom suggested. Then my dad said, "Find out what time though, she called here maybe a few minutes ago- right before you came down." So before I poured the milk into my cereal bowl, I went to grab the cordless & I called her. We must've chatted for less then a few minutes before I hung up. As it turned out, my aunt & my cousin weren't the only ones going to the mall. The therapeutic rec group that my 9-year old cousin belonged to at the time had planned a field trip & they needed an additional chaperone. Therefore, my aunt wanted to know if I'd go.
"So what did aunt Darla wanted you to do?" my younger sister Jane asked me. Then I replied(not directly answering the question), "She wanted to know if I'd like to go with them to the big mall with the therapeutic rec group that cousin Eli belongs to."
"They probably need a couple of extra chaperones," my mom said. Then dad asked me, "So what time are you supposed to met up with her?"
"Actually," I told him, "she's coming to pick me up here in the next half hour or so,"
"So is Brendan going too?" my mom asked me. Then I replied, "Actually, no. Brendan already left for the weekend with his uncle Ted & his cousins."
“Oh, okay." my mom said. Brendan is Eli’s older brother. So after we chatted and ate our breakfast, I went & washed out my bowl- along with the few other dishes that were next to the sink. It didn't take me long to do them either, so I still had time to freshen up & get whatever stuff I needed. So finally about ten after nine, a minivan pulls up in the driveway. I heard my dog barking outside, letting us know that there's somebody here. So I went to answer the door. Sure enough, it was aunt Darla waiting outside on the porch.
"Oh, come in, aunt Darla." I said as I politely greeted her.
“Top of the morning to you too, Doug." my aunt said as I let her inside. Then she asked. "Ready to go?"
"You bet," I said. She went into the dining room, where my mom & dad were still sitting. But then my aunt asked me, "Do you think you could hang out at my place later" I was wondering if you'll help with something."
Then I said, "Sure thing. What do you need me to do?"
"Well," she said, "I need you to help me re-arrange Eli's bedroom."
Then I said, “Sure, I think I could help you out."
"Thanks a bunch sweetheart," she said. Then I said, "No problem dear."
So after we chatted for a couple of minutes, I said 'bye' to my mom & dad as I walked out of the house & got into my aunt's minivan where it was already cool & my cousin Eli was there to greet me.
"Hey, Doug." Eli said. Then I answered right back as I shook his hand after he turned around, "Ay Eli, how's it going?"
"Doing good," he replied. After we shook hands & I got seated, my aunt came out of the house and got into the van. We were finally off.
When we got to the rec center, there were a couple of big vans waiting for us. So we pulled up behind one of the buses at the entrance so I could help Eli into his wheelchair. Then aunt Darla went to park the minivan as I went over to where the other staffers were & the younger kids.
“Hi Eli,” greeted one of the staffers. Then Eli said, “Hello Dana.” Then Dana asked, “And who is this gentleman?” So I introduced myself to her.
“I’m his cousin Doug,” Then I continued to feed more info, “My aunt, which his is mom, went to go park the car. Nice to meet you Dana.”
“Nice to meet you too,” Dana said. Then she asked, “Are you filling in for one of the chaperones?”
“Yes,” I replied. Then I added, “Aunt Darla wanted to know if I wanted to help out today, so I said yes.”
“Cool,” Dana said. Then aunt Darla walks up after parking her car and starts chatting also. But now, it was time to load up the vans as we were all set to go.
It took us maybe an hour and a half just to get to where we needed to go. It wasn’t a straight shot. When we got there, the first thing we did was do another head count of all of the youths, staff & chaperones. Everyone was accounted for. The only other person I knew that was helping out was a childhood friend of mine, her name was Dee. Dee & I grew up in the neighborhood until she moved away about six years ago. She also happened to be in town from college, only she was staying with her uncle since her parents have recently separated. I found out through another friend of mine. So we chit-chatted for a bit as we walked from the main entrance to the food court that was nearby. There, we all met up and had lunch
It turned out to be a great afternoon. We all saw a movie that everyone could see. Then we shopped around for a bit. Finally, it was time to leave. It took us a bit longer to get home, because we were dealing with rush hour traffic part way. We got back around 5:30 pm. But I knew I still had some stuff to do. So after I, along with aunt Darla & Eli got back to their place. We took a little break. Then the phone rang, so aunt Darla went to answer it. She talked for maybe no more than ten minutes. After she hung up, she asked Eli, “Hey Eli, Joey’s mom called. Joey wanted to know if you’ll spend the night at his house tonight.”
“Okay mom,” Eli replied. So she called Joey’s mother back to make the arrangements. Then aunt Darla asked me, “Doug, could you stay here while I take Eli over to his friend’s. I’ll be back in about ten minutes.”
“No problem.” I said to her. But then I asked her, “On the way back, could you stop and pick me up a combo meal or something?”
“Come to think if it,” Darla said, “I’m a little hungry too. Okay, I’ll get us something.”
“Thanks dear.” I said politely. So Darla gets an overnight bag ready for Eli for the evening. As it turned out, Joey’s mom was having a sleepover for some of him & Eli’s friends. So this would just leave me & aunt Darla alone. Maybe we would get a few things done. But before aunt Darla went out the door, she said something to me, “Oh Doug, While I was in the phone, your mom called. Could you give her a jingle?”
“Alright, I’ll do it,” I said as my aunt went back out the door again with Eli. So I went to the phone that was in her kitchen and called home.
“Hi mom,” I said, “it’s me, Doug.”
“Oh, hi baby,” my mother said. Then she continued by asking, “So how was your day today with your aunt and cousin Eli?”
“It was great,” I told her, “Head a good time with the kids.” We continued to chat a little. My mom wanted to know if I’d stay over at my aunt’s house instead of going home, which might work out anyway since she wanted me to help her move around Eli’s bedroom furniture. So after a minute or so, I said, “Bye mom.”
“Bye son,” my mom said before I hung up.
So about fifteen minutes later, aunt Darla came back home with two paper bags and a couple of large drinks. I was able to open the door from her after she parked her minivan in the garage, which was adjacent to her house.
“Thank you Doug,” she said as she put the stuff on the kitchen table. Then I said, “No problem, aunt Darla.” So we ate our supper and chatted some more for about a half an hour, basically discussing how we were gonna re-arrange Eli’s bedroom. Then she asked, “Bye the way, did you call your mother after I took Eli over to his friend’s house?”
“Yes,” I replied, “she wanted to know if I could stay here tonight instead of going back home.”
“That might not be a bad idea,” aunt Darla said. Then she added, “I don’t think we’re gonna get everything done tonight anyway.” And aunt Darla was right. By this time, it almost 7:30 in the early evening, and it’s been a busy, fun day for both of us. So after we ate and chat, I helped her clean off the dining room table as I put the trash in the garbage can.
“I’m gonna go wash up, then slip into something more comfortable,” my aunt said. Then I said, “I didn’t bring any change of clothes.”
“Don’t worry about that Doug,” she said. She then continued, “I’m about to start up a load of laundry here in a bit, I could give you one of my big shirts to wear.”
“Ok,” I told her. Now normally I don’t wear other people’s cloths- much less my mom or any of my aunts. But aunt Darla was always the tomboyish kind of aunt in the family. She would wear not just women’s cloths, she also liked wearing sports jerseys like the ones my uncle used to buy for her. Sure enough, she changed into a Blackhawks’ hockey jersey. Then she gave me a large Cubs’ T-shirt, which used to belong to my uncle Russ.
“Here you go Doug,” she told me as she handed me the shirt. Then I said, “Thanks aunt Darla.”
So I went into the bathroom, stripped all of my clothes & washed up quickly. Then after that, I put on the t-shirt that my aunt loaned me. Since I was used to wearing loose boxers anyway, my big cock would’ve been swaying back & forth. And at that moment, something crossed my mind: Was my aunt wearing any panties underneath her hockey jersey or not? After about ten minutes, I went back out into the hallway and back into her living room.
“Aunt Darla?” I said as I was calling out to her.
“Yes?” she answered. Then I asked her, “Where are you at?”
“In the laundry room next to the bathroom you were just in.” she replied.
“Okay, I’m coming,” I said. So I went back down the hallway, passing the bathroom, until I came to the doorway that led into the laundry room.
“Give me your clothes, I’ll put them in with mine,” aunt Darla suggested. Then I said, “Here you go, aunt Darla.”
“Thank you sweetheart,” she said as she put my cloths in the washing machine. Then, I couldn’t believe what she did next. After she filled up the washer with clothes, she knelt down to get the laundry detergent- unaware that A). When she was kneeling down, her jersey rose up- exposing her pussy & B). I was getting a front row view of her snatch. I could also see that she had what I would presume is a nicely trimmed carpet around her clit. This of course, was giving a raging hard-on. Since I wasn’t wearing any boxers, my big, thick cock was pointing directly at my aunt. At this point, I was thinking to myself ‘I hope she’s not offended by my pointy, hard cock’. Since she didn’t turn around, I was safe. So after she knelt down to get the detergent & the fabric softener, she stood back up and put some in the washer as I still continue to stare at her. After she finished, she put the plastic jugs aside so she could start it up. And all this time, I’m still was hard as a rock. Only now, the tip of my cock has precum on it. There was now a small wet spot on my aunt’s shirt that I was wearing.
“Okay Doug, the load will take about.., HOLY SHIT!!” she exclaimed suddenly as she turned around. Then she asked me, “Are you fuckin’ hard for me??”
“Well,” I said as I manned up and came clean. “When you were kneeling down to get the laundry soap and fabric softener, your jersey rose up- exposing your trimmed vaginal area. I just couldn’t help myself.”
“Obviously,” she said. “I also noticed you have precum on your cock, because there’s a wet spot on my shirt you’re wearing.”
“Well to be honest” I continued to tell her my true feelings about her, “you’re the most amazingly beautiful women I’ve seen through & through- just like my mom. You’re what some might call an all-natural, classic beauty, like Farrah Fawcett. Only with auburn hair.”
“Oh my god,” she said as she inched closer to me. “Your uncle used to say that to me too. Tell me the truth, do I seriously turn you on?”
“Yes,” I said. Then she grabbed hold of me & the unthinkable happened. Her & I locked lips and kissed open-mouthed. After that she told me, “Doug, I want you to fuck your aunt. Right here, right now.”
“Are you sure you can handle somebody like me?” I asked her. Then she replied, “There’s only one way to find out. So there happened be a laundry table that was across from the washer & dryer. I suggested she put a towel on the table so that there be a mess. So after she laid the towel down, I backed her up to where her ass could sit on the edge.
“I want you to fuck me from behind- standing up,” she asked as she soon began to beg like a bitch in heat.
“Okay dear,” I replied to her request. So after she turned around to where her ass was facing me, I bent her over. First, I lifted her jersey up(even though she took it off anyway after). Then, I fingered her pussy, which was very tight. And how wet was her slit? From where I was standing just a couple of minutes earlier, it was glistening wet. It was really wet now as I continued to finger her.
“Ohhh, that feels sooo good Doug,” she said as she continued to sigh & moan. After about a minute or so of fingering & teasing, I slowly positioned my cock at the entrance of her tight pussy.
“Are you ready for this?” I asked my aunt as my throbbing cock had a little more precum on it.
“Yes,” she said, “but go slow first. I haven’t been fucked in a long time.”
“I’ll be gentle then,” I answered. Then she made one more request, “Doug, I want to have your love child. So I want to cum in my pussy. Please!!” This of course, answered my other question: Was she fertile or fixed or on the pill? So I answered her request, “As you wish, my dear.”
So after I positioned my shaft at the entrance of her pussy, I slowly sunk the thick head of my cock inside if her tight twat. Then, I slowly pushed my cock in- and all while trying not to split her wide open. As my cock slowly went in, she moaned out, “Ohhh.., god. You feel.., so.., good. Go deeper.”
So I pulled of my hardened cock part way out, then I proceeded to go deeper by pushing it in a little. After a few gentle strokes and her moaning, the head of my cock came to a barrier in what was her cervix. I held my cock there for a little bit. And all the while, my aunt was breathing & moaning- telling me to go faster and harder. I was able to stretch her pussy lips as I pulled my cock back out. My cock is that big, especially when it hits the woman’s cervix & a couple of inches didn’t even go in. So after I pulled out, I told her, “Okay you slut, you’re gonna get it now!”
“Fuck the daylights out of me. DON’T FUCKIN’ STOP!!!!” exclaimed my aunt. So with one big, deep breath, I put my cock back inside of her. All I could think about was arming & impregnating my sexy MILF of an aunt. As I soon began to pound her tight twat, which was now loosening up. There was simply no turning back.
The harder I fucked my aunt from behind, the louder she began to moan with excitement. She really, really wanted it. That’s how desperate she was. As I continued to pound her, there was just one thought I had: Was this the REAL reason my folks wanted me to stay over, or was this some sort of fluke? Anyway I looked at it, I really didn’t give a shit. I was having the time of my life, fucking a REAL woman instead of some stuck-up twat like my ex-girlfriend.
“Ohhh.., fuck!!!” I said as I grunted with each thrust of my pumping shaft. But even I knew it was a just matter of time before I’d reached my climax, because my balls were beginning to churn. As for my already hardened cock, it was stiffening even more.
“FUCK…, I’M GONNA CUM!!!” I said as I moaned and was granting also. Then, it happened.
“OHHHHHHH…, SSHHIIITTT!!!!!!!” I yelled out as my baby seed shot up my shaft, and into my aunt’s piping-hot pussy.
“Ohhh.., yeah!! Pump.., your baby seed.., deep.., inside.., of…, my…., womb!!!!” she said as she sighed and moaned as she too reached her orgasm. As I continued to pump my load in, she moaned to as the inner walls of her pussy clamped. Right then at the moment, both my aunt and I had a simultaneous orgasms. Her pussy juices squirt Ted out in between my cock and her inner vaginal walls. Finally after I shot about eight or nine thick streams of my seed, I collapsed right on top of her back. It took maybe a few minutes, but we somehow managed to come back down to earth- even though my cock was still in her. But by now, it had softened a little.
“So how was I? Was I good?” she asked in a doft, panting voice. So I answered, “To be honest aunt Darla, you were the best pussy I’ve ever gotten. And you had me pound your tight twat like you wanted to be punished.”
“Really?” she asked liked she was being credited, “I was that good?”
“Yes, THAT good,” I replied. Then she continued, “To be honest Doug, no matter what size cock was pounding me, that’s nothing compared to childbirth. That’s why I could handle somebody like you.”
Still standing there bent over, I was finally ably to pull out my cock. No sooner after that, all of that jizz that I shot up into aunt Darla ran down her leg and onto the tile floor.
“Holy dhit!” I said. “You gotta see this.” So she stood up as the last of the cum oozed out of her. She turn around to look down. She was in awe.
“Damn Doug,” she said, “you know how to shoot a mean load, unlike your uncle could never do.”
“Thanks, aunt Darla,” I said to her. Then she said, “I’m not through with you yet. It’s round two later.”
“I’ll be ready sweetheart,” I said to her. So as the washing machine continued to run, aunt Darla & I cleaned up the jizz we both made messes of. After that, we went into Eli’s bedroom to speculate and decide how she wanted to have it re-arranged. I knew this would be a two-person job. Even with Darla’s older son around who’s 11, he wouldn’t’ve been much help with moving around the bed & the dressers anyway. All I knew was, it was gonna a long night- and a good one at that.
Why should one feel guilt in a relationship unless one party is less than willing. If that were case the offending ass-hole or slut wouldn't feel guilty anyway.
The sex action could use more but sex is a major part of life, not all of life itself. At my age, this site is my sexual outlet; I still love my wife & would like more of what we have had in the past, but life goes on, so now we must enjoy other aspects of our relationship. The desire hasn't lessened but the physical capabilities have, so we live & love that we still can share.
The story is quite nice.
You could use a lot less "then" in your sentences, after a little while it started to annoy me.
The sex scene was a bit too short compared to the rest of the story.
Rex AllenReport
Dudley DowrongReport
The sex action could use more but sex is a major part of life, not all of life itself. At my age, this site is my sexual outlet; I still love my wife & would like more of what we have had in the past, but life goes on, so now we must enjoy other aspects of our relationship. The desire hasn't lessened but the physical capabilities have, so we live & love that we still can share.
Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport
You could use a lot less "then" in your sentences, after a little while it started to annoy me.
The sex scene was a bit too short compared to the rest of the story.