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How our adventure begins with new friends and family
The continuation the Gym Teacher 2, but this time it is the Carol and Tim story. It is a true story too, and thankfully, to this day continues as a long running love story. Gratefully, this is a true story and the love of my life.

I awoke at 6:45am, which is not unusual for me, for many days I am already gone to work. But I figured I could sleep in some, especially after the workout we gave one another until midnight last night. We were still in the same position that we fell asleep in the night before, with her leg over mine, and somehow intertwined, her arm over my chest and her hear nestled on my chest and shoulder, and my arm around her neck and hand resting on her lower back. I looked over at her and saw she was awake too. Good morning beautiful, and she said good morning handsome. She kissed my cheek, probably avoiding a lip kiss because of the dreaded morning breath. I kissed her forehead, then she rolled off of me and said nature is calling. She got up and went to her bathroom, which has access from her room, and sat down and pee’d. she didn’t even bother closing the door, when finished she wiped and flushed and came back in, and now I had to pee, so I went and relieved myself and figured what the hell, and left the door open for her. When I came back into the room, she said damn babe, you save up a gallon? I laughed, and said I didn’t want to disturb you earlier, but damn I thought my bladder was going to bust. She then said I am going to make some coffee so I can wake up. I wanted to say I have something that will wake you up, but right now, I didn’t know what she was thinking and had a feeling what she said the night before, she was regretting now.

I waited a few minutes to see if she would come back to the room, but she hadn’t yet, so I padded out to the kitchen and found her looking out the window, and luckily the coffee maker was going. I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her and felt her tense up. I released her and asked what was wrong? She turned around and had tears running down her face. I had this feeling what she about to say was not good, so I was bracing for the worst, like I made a mistake and this was only supposed to be fun and nothing more. But, she said that she is scared. I ask of what? She said because she is afraid I don’t want her now, since she said those 3 words last night, and the fact I made no move this morning to make love to her. I gathered her up into my arms and held her close and told her, Carol, please don’t be scared, because I fell in love with you at almost the first hello the a week ago. I did not make any attempt to make love this morning only because I don’t want you to think I am taking you for granted, or using you for the sex. Christ, if allowed, I would be inside you every waking minute, but we both know that cant happen, great thought, but impractical. Right now, this is truly love making, holding each other and talking, the sex is just the cherry on top of a rich chocolate sundae. She looked up at me and asked, are you sure you are only 22? I laughed and said I think so, unless my parents have been lying to me all these years. She laughed and said that all the men she has dated, never put her feelings first and that sex was always the common factor in those relationships. I told her I am not other guys and was brought up to respect a woman and always be compassionate and not take people for granted, especially someone I care about. We kissed, even with yucky breath and my cock started to grow to its full length and hardness. She took it in her hands and stroked it gently. She looked up at me and said I need this so badly right now, but let’s wait until later, when we can spend more time like this together, since I know you need to get over home and do that work. We had our coffee together and then I dressed and said if you still want to come over, please do, I am not sure how long I can go without seeing you. She laughed and said you’ll do fine, but would be over later, after she showers and does a load of laundry.

I arrived home before 8am and found mom getting ready to leave for work. She asked how my evening went and I lied and said we all had a fun time. She looked at me and asked, did you two sleep together? I said mom, what a question to ask. She said, well did you? I said yes we did. I said mom this is not the 40’s and 50’s now, things have evolved and when two people like each other, you just go with the feeling. She said I know all about those feelings, I was young once. I am thinking oh Christ, here we go. But she said, just be sure because if you two have an accident, it will change your life for good. I asked mom, do you like her? She said yes I do, although I do not know her as well, since she doesn’t work our school unless someone like Nancy calls in sick, which is rarely. She floored me when she said she always thought Carol was a lesbian. I said, really? She said yes, because that is the rumor. I said well she was dating a guy for a while here and mom said, people said that was for appearance. Well mom, if she is a lesbian, then I am the pope. She then said look, you are my son and I will always back what ever you do, but please be careful and don’t get hurt. I said I will and she left.

By 10:30, I had most of the trim work done, except for one window and then hang two closet doors. That’s when Carol showed up. She looked absolutely hot in these yellow shorts that barely covered her ass and a yellow halter top. It was a good choice for being such a hot day, it was already near 90 and the weather said it was going to get close to 100 today. I was on my knees when she came back into the addition and saw me. She said, mmmmmmm I love a man on his knees. I chuckled and said, I bet you do foxy. She was standing right in front of me, so I leaned in and kissed both her inner thighs. She moaned a bit and said don’t start something unless you plan on finishing. I said I will finish that later, since I already started this job and need to finish so we can enjoy the afternoon. I stood up then and wrapped her in my arms and she said, eeewwww, you are sweaty hun. I said I know, it is a tad warm in here. I told her she looked so sexy in her outfit, and she giggled and said that was what she was going for, and hopefully make you hard all day here. I told her no problem doing that baby. I took her hand and placed it on my crotch area and she squeezed my now erect cock. She kissed me and said mission accomplished. Trust me wheni say, she looked amazing, and if I stared hard enough, I could see her dark areolas through her halter and her nipples were straining to get out. I backed away and lifted her halter and licked both nipples and she said, later stud, lets get this work done. And we proceeded to hang the doors after I got the track in place and drilled a couple of holes. She was quite handy too and knew tools pretty good. She asked what time my mom would be home for lunch and I said between 7 and 10 after 12. She laughed, and said that punctual? I said oh yes. Carol said what does she eat and i said hot tea for one and a sandwich. About 5 minutes till Carol went into the kitchen and put on her tea kettle and started fixing her something to eat. She even brought me a sandwich and a coke, since I wouldn’t take time.

Mom came into the house at 10 after, but came in the new door for the addition and looked at my handy work and was impressed that I was almost done. She asked who’s car that was in the drive and I said Carol’s, and told her she was in the kitchen, and mom went up the hall and I heard her say, oh honey, you didn’t have to do that. Once I heard her call Carol honey, I knew mom was fine with all of this. Carol stayed up with mom, and the dog, since that bonehead figured on getting some food too, and luckily, he liked Carol too. I heard them talking mostly about school crap and the people they knew, and lots of laughter. When mom was ready to go back to work, she said to knock off of work and go take Carol somewhere fun. Right then I knew I was doomed. Doomed I say, because now it would be two against one and I would be the one and would lose every time any argument with these two ladies.

As soon as mom left, Carol came in the back and kissed me passionately. She said come on and dragged me to my bedroom. She closed the door and took her top off, and then her shorts, and saw she wasn’t wearing panties, mmmmmmmm. I stripped down and took her to the bed and spread her legs. I asked what got into her and she said, oh I don’t know, but after you kissed my thighs earlier, I wanted to fuck you so bad then and I cant wait any longer, and you mom did say to have fun. I laughed and said, I don’t think she meant this though. I started licking her pussy and she just moaned out. I licked and sucked her pussy until she came, which she put a pillow over her mouth so the neighbors couldn’t hear. After she came she said to lay down and I did and she started to suck my cock with a vengeance. My god she felt good doing that. Then she quit and straddled my waist and lowered her pussy onto my cock, which she was directing it to her wet lips, and came down slow. We both moaned out then and started to fuck slow. She was definitely in a teasing mode because she would lift up real slow, then go back down real real slow, which was driving me crazy. She leaned down to kiss me, but I said wait, I am too sweaty from work and she said, shush, I love you sweaty and I am now too. We kissed and fucked, with my hands holding her luscious ass, squeezing those cheeks and bringing them down harder onto my cock, She said you really do love that ass don’t you? I said more than you’ll ever know. She said I love you baby, and that ass is all yours, as is my whole body. We started going faster and faster and she said oh fuck babe, I am going to cum again. I started meeting her downward thrust with my own thrust up into her and we could hear our pelvic regions smacking together. I kept saying oh fuck baby, make me cum and started shooting a huge load into her, as I was cumming, she started to cum too. As she came she said oh honey I love you and I told her I loved her too. After resting a few minutes, she rolled off to the side and was breathing hard. She laughed and said that she feels very naughty right now. I asked why? She said because she fucking me in a bed I grew up sleeping in. I said you are a very bad girl. She said my mom gave her a hug for making her lunch and they just chatted away like they have known each other for ages. I said mom is like that, if she likes you, which I can tell she does. Carol said mom hugged her again and told her that she isn’t sure how, but she can tell that there is something more to us, then just casual dating, but once us both to make sure this is what we want, and not hurt each other. Carol assured her that is was more than a casual fling and would do nothing to hurt me, or get hurt herself. She then slapped me on the ass and said lets get the tools picked up and then head to my place where we can shower and then go to the park and have fun.

Before we left to go over to Carol’s, she told me about this morning and running into her next door neighbor Karen. They were both leaving their apartments at the same time and Karen said it sounded like someone was having a good time last night, and giggled. Carol said she was a bit embarrassed at first, but Karen said oh wow, I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I am sure you have heard Pete and I on occasion. Karen and Pete are a young couple that have been married for a year, but lived there for the last 2 years. Carol apologized for being so noisy, and Karen said no worries, it worked them both up too, and were doing the same then, except I didn’t want to get to vocal. She said it turned them on actually. Then she asked Carol if she has ever seen the couple who live in the house out back? Carol laughed and said, oh hell yeah. She told Karen how she likes to tease them too, by walking naked in front of the glass door. Karen laughed and said, they did it too, so Carol told them about our little escapade last night, out on the balcony. Karen laughed and said they have done that too. I asked how old this couple was and Carol said that Karen is 26 as is her husband Pete. Carol reassured her that we will try and keep it down, or if we do get a little wild, confine it to the living room. Karen laughed , and said, well shit, guess we’ll have to come listen at the front door then.

I followed Carol back to her place then we got inside and stripped down to shower. She got the shower to the temp she likes, which is about where I want it too and we got in. There was plenty of kissing going on and our hands wandering all over, and of course my hands landed on her fabulous ass. Now mind you her ass isn’t big, not like a woman like J Lo’s, but bigger than a woman who wears a size six, but I just love it. We soaped each other down, paying extra attention to tits and ass and her pussy, and she was stroking my cock with soap. Damn that felt good. After we rinsed off, she turned around and backed into me, put her arm over her head and around my neck, and gave me great access to her breasts, which I took advantage of. Then she bent over a bit and asked me to slide it in, but, no fucking. Just stay inside me for as long as you can without moving, or cumming. I asked her if she was nuts? She laughed and said no, but just wants to feel me inside her and enjoy the closeness. We did it for about 5 minutes and then she pulled away and said damn, we have to quit, or we’re gonna fuck again. We got out and dried each other off, leaving me with a raging hard on, that she bent down and kissed before heading off to the bedroom to put on clothes. As we were dressing, she said how do feel about taking my parents out to dinner tonight? I said fine with me, and I know the place they usually go too.

We were both dressed casually for dinner, me in khaki shorts and a blue golf shirt, and Carol had on a summery top and khaki shorts too. We got back to my parents house just before mom came home from work and informed my dad of our plans, and then mom when she got home. Dinner was nice and dad and I talked about what was left to do at the house while mom and Carol talked work related stuff. Carol informed me then that she would be going into work tomorrow, to fill out lesson plans and the such, and that a bunch of them were going out to dinner and drinks afterwards. I said that was cool, but was thinking, thank you for my dick needed a rest. Now don’t get me wrong, I love sex, but Carol is insatiable and I better start working out more and taking vitamins at this rate. We dropped off my parents and mom asked what we had planned and I told her we were going to the boat and see if TJ was down there. TJ is my buddy who I am in halves with on the boat, then after that who knows. Mom goes, well I am not leaving the light on for you, meaning she already knows I am spending the night with Carol. We got down to the boat about 7 and TJ was there, just sitting in the back of it reading something. Tj also works for the school district, and is a 2nd shifter, but had that night off. I made the introductions and Carol and TJ found out who they knew who works for the schools, so all in all, it went quite well. Carol excused herself to use the bathroom that was a short ways away. TJ goes damn, is she blind? I said what the fuck are you talking about? She is hooking up with you and she is gorgeous. I said, thanks asshole and the same could be said for Tina dating your dead ass. I handed him 20 bucks and said this should cover for the gas I used yesterday, since we have a rule of whoever takes the boat out, needs to put gas back into it, but I didn’t have the time.

We left and decided to head back to the apartment. It was about 8:30 and sunset was rolling in and she suggested getting ice cream at the shop down the street. So we walked over to the place, and it was very refreshing, considering it was still 95 out. She then suggested using the pool a little later, when it was dark and i was all for that. About 10pm, we got on our suits, but this time Carol opted for a bikini, saying it gave better access, so I know she wants to fuck for sure in the pool. We went down by the pool and Carol used her key to open the gate, and when we got inside, she said shush. Then pointed in the pool. There was a couple way down at the other end, embraced, and her breast was free of her suit and he was sucking her nipple. We stood and watched for a moment and Carol said, damn that is hot looking. I asked if we should leave and she said no, we’ll just ease in and not disturb them. The only light there was, was coming from the street lamps about a quarter mile away, so very little lighting and the pool is set back a good ways from any of the apartments. We did ease in and Carol wrapped her arms around me and we kissed. Of course my hands went under her bottom and squeezed her ass. We could her some slight moaning going on, down at the other end but now they were in a shadowy area where you really couldn’t see, and if they realized we were in the pool, they gave no indication of it, until we heard a voice a couple minutes later say shit, someone is in here. We could see them break their embrace and started swimming this way towards us, to where the steps were. When they got close enough to make out faces and could stand up, the lady goes, oh hi Carol. Carol said hi back to Karen and Pete. Carol then made the introductions for my benefit.

Now Pete was a good looking guy, about 5’ 10, 170 lbs, with blond hair. Karen was pretty, but not a real knock out, but definitely a good looking woman. She was about Carol’s height, and she also had blond hair, but small in the breast department, about a 34B, with a shapely ass and hips, and if I was to guess, maybe about 140 lbs, with a slight belly, but she did look good in her bikini. Karen laughed and said it looked like we had the same thing in mind as they did. Carol said, kind of, and giggled. She said that her and Pete do this quite often. One for the thrill of it and also not to disturb the neighbors, and then winked at me and Carol. Carol and I both apologized again, but Karen said she was kidding and told Carol that if what they heard is how Tim is all the time, he is a keeper. Carol, giggled and said, oh he’s a keeper alright, and from what I have heard, Pete must be a keeper too. Karen said oh hell yeah, not trading him for anything, unless its for a few hours with others. Karen then grabbed Pete’s hand and said lets go studdly, I have some thing’s to take care of. Carol’s eye’s went right to Pete’s suit and we both could see a nice tenting, as mine were too, which Karen was looking at. Karen giggled and said looks like the boys have the same thing on their minds. We watched them leave and Carol said that if she didn’t know any better, Karen was letting them know that they are into playing. I laughed and said, yeah I got that too. I asked her if it ever came to be, would you want too? She said oh yeah, but only if you are with me, and in the same room so I can watch. Carol said damn baby, I am so horny now. Let’s go back to the room and take care of this, as her hand grabbed my hard cock and squeezed it. We left the pool and damn near ran home.

We stripped in the bathroom and threw the suits into the tub and raced for the bed. We didn’t waste any time either, we just got into a 69 position and started sucking and licking. About ten minutes into it, we could actually hear those two fucking, because the headboard was hitting the wall between us and could barely hear Karen’s moans. That was turning Carol on even more. My tongue was so deep inside her and a finger in her ass, that she was having a hard time concentrating on sucking me. She came and let the whole complex know she was cumming. After she came, she moved off of my mouth and straddled my cock and forced it in her and started fucking me hard. I met her every downward thrust, with my own thrust up in to her. You could hear our bodies slapping into each other. She was trying to kiss me but was moaning so much and then telling me how she loves my hard cock fucking her pussy like this. After a few more minutes of intense fucking she came again, and I was getting close. We rolled so I was on top now, and took her legs and put them on my shoulders, and she locked her ankles around my neck, and said give it to me baby, give me my cock and fuck your pussy. I started to fuck her hard, yet not fast yet, and we could hear Karen scream she was cumming. Carol moaned real loud then and told me to fuck her cunt, make us cum you fucker. I pounded into her for a good two minutes until I felt my cum starting to rise from my balls, and just before I let loose, Carol screamed out she was cumming and I dump a huge load into her. I thought I would never end cumming, I was shooting rope after rope of cum deep inside her, but when I finished, I collapsed on top of Carol. My god baby, that was wonderful, I do so love you. I was still inside her and we started kissing. I asked her if she would eat Karen, and she said oh hell yeah, if she got into it. I asked would you like Pete’s cock sliding in you like this, and I started pumping slowly into her. She moaned and said oh yeah, as long as I was there with her and did not get jealous. I said why get jealous, that is just sex with them. She just moaned and said she like to see his cock in her as I am fucking Karen. We were just slow fucking now and enjoying our love making and we could hear those two going at it again. Carol giggled and said it is good to know he is not a one and done guy. I said they really got you wound up huh? She said yeah they did, and she knows it got me horny too, to which I agreed. We started kissing again and making love for another ten minutes and we both came again, but not as intense as before. We then cuddled and fell asleep.

We got up around 7:30 and Carol went and put the coffee on then came back into the room and said come on lover, lets shower. We showered, but did play around, except for some groping and long kisses, then got dressed and had coffee and toast. She was dreading this day, because it meant that soon her vacation was almost over. She would be starting back next Monday. I said I know what you mean because reality is going to hit us both Sunday night, since I had to be back next Monday. She said I don’t know how I can get through a day without having you with me. I said I like the sounds of that, but we’ll manage and when we do see each other at night, it will all be worth it. She kissed me and said, god I am loving you more with each passing day and I expressed the same sentiments. She asked if I was ok with her going out tonight, and I assured her that I was fine with it and hoped she had a good time and had fun. She said she would call me when she got home. I said she didn’t have too, but I would love to hear her voice tonight. She kissed me and said damn I love you. I told her my plans for the day, which was to finish up the work at the house, then hang out with TJ and another buddy of ours, which is what I usually did damn near every night. I asked her if I could take her on a date Saturday night? She said oh babe, you don’t have to ask. I said I most certainly do. I have no idea what you may want to do, and would never impose on you like that. She said she would love to go out, then asked where. I said dinner and dancing, where we dress up and have a fun night, then come back here and make love till the wee morning hours. She said that sounds wonderful. She knows just the place for dancing, so I get to pick the dinner spot. She said it is going to suck tonight and tomorrow morning because she is really liking going to sleep, then awaking with me next to her. I said oh I know, it feels so good too. She said tomorrow and Friday we’ll go and do things. She said she wants to go shopping on Friday for an outfit, if I was game. I said sure. I am thinking that she will want to pick out clothes for me, because we all know how women think, like us men cant do these things. We kissed and I said I was going to go, and we parted at the door with I love you’s.

In the lobby, I ran into Karen, who said good morning in a very pleasant voice. She asked if we slept well and i assured her that we did. She said her and Pete did too, and winked at me. Then thanked us for really turning them on. I said no problem, because we felt the same too. I said to bad there wasn’t a door between the two bedrooms, it would have made it easier to hear. She said Pete said the same thing, and laughed. She then said that maybe we 4 should get together one evening, if you two are up for something like that. I said we were wondering the same about you two. She said great minds think alike. She then got bold and asked if Carol is Bi. I said kiss her and find out, and winked at her. She let out a little moan, then gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and headed for her car.

Later that night, Carol called about 10pm. I was lying in bed, just ready to drift off. When I answered Carol was sort of breathing heavy. I asked what was wrong and she said not a thing baby, except I am missing you, and then I heard a buzzing sound. She then said you hear that, and I said yeah, and could feel my cock harden. She proceeded to fuck herself with her vibrator and as she did, I stroked my cock. This went on for a good ten minutes and then we both came. I had to restrain myself so my parents didn’t hear that. She calmed down and said she really misses me in bed with her and I said the same. Then I told her about my day and then about Karen and what she said that morning. Carol said now that is interesting. She said she always felt Karen might be Bi but wasn’t sure, but if she is asking if I was, then i know she is. She said maybe we should explore this one weekend soon and I said sure sweetie. And if you girls just want to play and then we have our own partners, I am good with that. Then she told me about her evening with the girls. She said one of the ladies said they saw Nancy at dinner with a guy that looked like Dave. Carol said she told them that Dave and Carol are an item now and that she has found a wonderful man who really knows how to treat a lady. Being the smartass I sometimes can be, I said, oh yeah, who is he? I want to kick his ass. She laughed and said you dope. I said I resemble that remark, but i only like to smoke that, and laughed. She asked what time I was going to be there tomorrow and I said you tell me honey. She said well right now, but lets not give your mom a heart attack by you staying here every night, just most of them. I said how about 9. She said that is good and asked about going to an antique shop down in Amish country? I said that sounds fun, since I do like doing woodworking.

I got there around 9am and she met me at the door naked. Now that is a nice way to be greeted. She kissed me, took my hand and led me to the bedroom. I am thinking, damn girl, you are going to wear me out. She asked me to undress and get on the bed, which I did. She reached over to her night stand and pulled out her vibrator. She said I want to masturbate with you. I want you to watch me and me watch you and when you cum, shoot it all over me. I was instantly hard, for I have never done this before but it sounded erotic. My head was at one end of the bed and hers was at the other, so we could see each other easily and what we were doing. As I stroked my cock, she would slide her toy in and out of her. She reached over one time and ran the vibrator up and down my cock, but said I couldn’t touch her. I said that was unfair and she said tough, just enjoy this with me. She asked me if I have ever done anything like this and I said no. I asked her and she said she tried once with what’s his name, not wanting to say Dave, but he said it was stupid. I told her I think it is erotic as hell, and she agreed. She asked what I was thinking about and I told her how I wish I was that toy and my tongue buried deep inside her licking her all over, and as I said that she made the toy go in and out faster. I asked her what she was thinking and she said actually, she was thinking of Karen next store, and her and Karen in a 69 eating each other while we two men watched. She was getting close now because her hips were coming off the bed, which made me want to cum. I let her know I was close and she raised her head to watch. I started shooting cum and I aimed my cock so it would hit on her which it did. I shot out 5 good size ropes that landed on her tits and belly. She started cumming then, and it was a hard orgasm for her. As she was coming down, I sat up and started licking the cum off of her and then kissed her, which set her off again. We laid there cuddling then. She said that was so awesome and wants to do that again. I said any time love. We showered then left for the day.
We had a great time exploring all these different shops down in Amish country. Ate lunch at this diner that had home made food, not some fast food joint, then came home about 6 that evening. We stopped at mom’s and had to show her all the stuff that Carol got, and she even got my mom this one thing for the new addition, which my mom loved. So now they were making plans to visit it together , and my dad said, oh great, a partner in crime to spend money, nice going son. Both women turned to him and said shut up, and laughed.

That night we watched TV and cuddled on the couch, naked of course, but just cuddled, then went to bed cuddling. In the morning we made love and she said she was going to meet Nancy for an hour or so. She really didn’t want to go, but they had this planned and she felt obligated to go. I said she should go and see what is up. She asked if I could be back by noon and I said sure. At noon I showed up and sure enough, Carol was home. She said Nancy was upset that Dave hadn’t called since Tuesday. Carol told her get used to that, because he is like that. She asked Carol how things were going with her and Me, and all she told her was great, but didn’t elaborate to anything. We went shopping and she bought 2 outfits, one she showed me which really accented her curves, then this one black number, but wouldn’t show me that one on how it looked on her. We went into this one store for men and she picked out a pair of slacks and a shirt, and a sport jacket for me. I knew this was going to happen. She had me try it on and said damn babe, you look hot. I said, if you say so, and chuckled. We then went to this one shop at the end of this strip mall, which was an adult store. She told me to go over by the toys and pick something out we both would like, while she browsed the clothing area. I saw her look at some panties and bras, and then some nylons. She was busy doing that and I found some butt plugs, and a vibrating cock ring that looked interesting. She was paying for things and then came by me. She saw what I had and said mmmmmm, those look like fun, and then picked up this small strap on dildo. The toy part was only 4 inches and about the width of a big thumb and it vibrated. I had no idea what she had in mind for that. We even got some edible lotion to use. We paid for the stuff and left, and went to dinner. I asked if we should stop at my place and show my mom these buys. She laughed and said I would think that would be a good idea. We did stop by to drop off the clothes and of course my mom liked the selection and we told her we were going to dinner and dancing tomorrow.

It was close to 8 by the time we got back to the apartment. We put the new stuff away and Carol said bring your bag in her, which had some underwear and a couple of shirts and shorts she suggested to bring. She opened a drawer on her dresser and said this is for you. I said are you sure? She said oh yes, I thought long and hard about it and I want you here. Maybe not full time, but I want you to know there is no one else for me. We kissed and then I stowed my clothes away, and we got naked. We went out on the balcony and sat outside and just talked, smoke gigs, and we each had a glass of wine. About 9am we heard voices on the balcony next door and it was Pete and Karen, they too were enjoying wine and cigs. Carol said hi to them and they said hi back and asked what we were doing. Carol laughed and said waiting for the show to begin across the yard there. Pete said so were they, and we all laughed. By about 9:45, there was no movement and Karen somehow stuck her head around the brick partition and said they were going in. She raised an eyebrow when she saw we were naked. She giggled and said we look comfy. Carol got up and went over by her and kissed her on the lips. Carol walked back to me and said that we were going in for the evening. When we went in,I asked what that was about, and she said she was just letting Karen know she is Bi and open for some play sometime. We went to bed a short time later, and made some very slow love and I fell asleep inside her. We also heard Pete and Karen fucking next door, but not like the other night.

The next day, we both had some errands to run and things to do, so I left around 10am, and said I will be back at 5 or so. I arrived back at 5 to pick her up. We had reservations at 6pm at this one restaurant that is quaint and hard to get reservations. When she opened the door, she stepped back and twirled. I was speechless. This dress was smoking hot. It was like a black silk, came down to her mid thigh, with a deep V in the front and hugged her body so nicely. The back was low cut that just ended above her ass and she looked absolutely beautiful. She also had on black nylons, which were thigh highs and 5 inch black pumps. And for the first time, she had on makeup. I have to tell you, I wanted to pick her up and take her to bed and fuck her silly. She looked at me and said what is wrong? I said not a damn thing gorgeous, you look so beautiful, I just couldn’t talk. She looked at me and said I look fantastic. I was wearing the dark grey pants, with this light pink shirt, a shirt I would have never picked out, but hey, just go with the flow and then the dark grey sports jackets. She whistled and said damn baby, you look sexy. But, she said, you have to wear one more thing. She took me back to the bedroom and handed me this, what was supposed to be underwear. It was a thong style underwear. Black silk. She said put them on and I proceeded to take my pants and boxers off and put them on. She came up and rubbed my cock through them and said damn baby, I really need this tonight. I said you better quit or I wont be able to walk with this on. I was starting to get hard and the end of my cock was peeking over the top of the thong. I put my pants back on, and we left, but not before a very long kiss, with plenty of tongue. She said she never went on a date like this and was super excited. I asked really? She said no. before what’s his name, I didn’t date, well except women, and that was different and when i was engaged, it was going out to some bar with friends, but never a date, date. I said get used to it. She kissed me again and said I love you.

Dinner was excellent and we sat and chatted about so many things. Getting to know one another better with each passing minute. We held hands as we left the restaurant and kissed by the car. She whispered in my ear that later we were going to make love to end the night, but fuck like to wild animals before hand. I told her I wanted to jump her bones right here in the back seat of my car. She laughed and said nice thought, but later lover.

We arrived at the club about 7:45 and the place wasn’t too crowded yet, but Carol said wait till later, it will be packed. I got us some drinks. She wanted gin and tonic and I opted for water, since I was driving. We danced a few dances and noticed many a man looking at her, which made me feel good. To me, she was the prettiest woman there and I didn’t notice any others. About an hour later, I went to refresh our drinks, and looked back and saw a guy talking to her. I saw Carol shake her head a few time No. the last time I could see she said to get lost. When I got back, I asked if he was bother ing her. She said he asked to dance but I told him no. Then he said that she needed a real man and not a boy. That kind of deflated me and had me wondering if she could start feeling that way. She then told me that she told him, that her so called boy, had more class in his pinky than the whole of him and then told him, that unless you can drive a 16 penny nail through a two by four with your small dick, then get lost, because that so called boy can. I laughed my ass off at that one. A slow song came on and we went out and danced. I held her close and she was surprised that I could dance so well. I said mom taught me. She was so close to me, her head laid on my shoulder and I could smell her perfume she was wearing. She rubbed against my cock which was getting hard, from just holding her. She purred a little and said oh honey, you make me feel so good. When the song ended, we were walking back to our table and ran into Pete and Karen. They said holy shit, we cant get away from you two and we all laughed. We asked them to join us and had a blast talking and dancing with them.

About an hour later, the girls excused themselves to use the ladies room. Pete looked at Carol as they walked away and said man, she is smoking hot tonight. He went on to say he had never seen her dressed up like this before, and the other night was a first for seeing her in a bikini. I said I was so lucky to have met her and for me it was love at first sight. He said that is how it was for him and Karen. I told him o thought Karen was a hottie too, which I really didn’t but I did find her attractive. Pete was basically dressed like me, slacks, a light blue shirt and a sport jacket, which we both had removed now, because it was getting warm in there. Karen had on a blue dress that hugged her body nicely, and from what I could see, she wasn’t wearing a bra. Pete then said, I guess my wife got her answer to the question she asked you the other day, when Carol kissed her last night. I just smiled and said yeah, she speaks little, but let’s actions speak for her. He asked if we ever swung with others. I said no, only because we just recently started dating. He nodded and said that’s cool. But then asked if we would be against it, and I said no, we already talked about it. But that Carol was used to 3somes and never did it with a couple yet. Pete said that was how they are too, but want to so bad, if we can find the right couple, and the guy who wont get stupid and jealous about it.

The girls came back about 15 minutes later from the ladies room. Pete and figured it was crowed in there. When we got up to let the girls in, Carol gave me a big kiss and said I truly love you, and I said well sweetie, I love you more. Pete and Karen were kissing too. We sat back down and Carol turned towards me and looked around then pulled her top down and her bra to reveal her one nipple. She said what do you see? I looked for few seconds and said wow, is that lip stick? She said oh yeah. A certain lady at this table kissed my nipple. So kissed hers too, then we made out a little in a stall. Then her hand went under the table and rubbed my cock, which was already getting hard again. She just went, mmmmmm, I think we’ll be needing this soon. She said I think we need to go with the flow the rest of the night, if you get my drift. I said I will follow your lead baby. She kissed me and said good, because I think we are going to know the neighbors a lot better tonight, if you want too. I asked if she wanted too, and she said yes. A slow song started and Pete asked if he could dance with Carol, and I said that is up to the lady, and she happily accepted and so I asked Karen and we headed off to the dance floor. Pete and Carol danced very close and as I watched them, I could feel my cock start to rise. Pete leaned into Carol and they kissed and his hands went to her ass. Karen was just as close to me and I am positive she could feel my hardness that was aching to get out of these constrained clothing. Karen gave me a kiss and said this is very exciting and asked if watching Pete and Carol was turning me on. I told her it was, and she agreed, it was getting her hot too. She started grinding her pelvis into me and said that feels real good and hopes she could see it later. I asked if she ever played with another couple, and she said no. The most they do is a 3some every so often with her best friend. I said lucky you. She said that when Carol kissed her last night, it may her head race about all the possibilities that it may lead too. She said her and Pete fucked like crazy after that. I laughed, and said oh yeah, we know. She said you guys were quiet last night. I said we were making love as we listened to you guys. I asked if she wanted to play tonight, and she said that they did, and she definitely wants to be with Carol first off. Then she dropped her hand from my shoulder and found my cock, and squeezed it, and told me she also wants to try this out. I told her if all agree, I don’t see why that couldn’t happen. She said that Carol told her to try my tongue out too, it was magical. I laughed but said I would be more than happy to oblige her in that department. We danced and stole glances at Carol and Pete who talking away and dancing real close. I suggested that after this dance we all head back home, and Karen agreed and said she is about to burst with excitement.

After the song ended, we all went back to the table and Karen suggested we take this party home, where we could be a bit more comfortable. Everyone agreed, finished their drinks and we left. Once Carol and I started driving, she was non stop talking about the bathroom break, her and Karen did. She said no one was in there and Karen grabbed her and planted a long passionate kiss on Carol lips, which she responded too and kissed her hard. She said that Karen lowered her top and bra and then sucked her nipples and then kissed her tit, leaving the lip stick mark I saw. She wanted to cum right then and almost did. Carol then did the same to Karen, leaving a lip stick mark on her breast too. Then they talked about what may happen later. Carol said that they been wanting to meet a couple to play with, as long as the woman was Bi, and they found attractive, and the couple found them attractive too. So Karen asked if she thought the two of us would like to play this evening and see how it goes? Carol said she thought it would be good with us, but needed to speak with me, to make sure. Karen said they already talked about this happening sometime soon. Carol asked when? And Karen said last night as we were fucking like crazy. Carol laughed and said we were talking about it too and were getting off listening to you two fucking, while we did a nice slow fuck ourselves.

Then she turned real serious and said you may be mad at me. I said I would hardly think so. She said that Karen pulled her into a stall and pulled out this small vial and a small spoon and took a snort of coke. She then gave me some and I took it. She said she hadn’t done this in like five years and knows the buzz you can receive from it and the prolonged sex drive you get from it. I looked at her and said Hun, you are a big girl and know what you can handle, and who am I to judge, plus I always wanted to try it at least once. She said then that she would get us some from Karen. She said it may give you a headache in the morning, but I guarantee that we’ll be fucking for hours, sorta like we do now anyways, but a lot more intense. She leaned over and kissed me and then started rubbing my cock. She goes damn baby you are so fucking hard. I chuckled and said I wonder why sexy. I told her I got hard watching her and Pete dance and that she looked so damn sexy tonight. She said she got wet dancing with him but really turned on when she saw Karen and I kissing.
We got back to the apartment in good time, and headed up to Pete and Karen’s apartment.

As we walked up the stairs, the girls were in front of us, they stopped and kissed very passionately. Then giggled and kept on walking. Pete told them we had a great view of their asses, and so they wiggled them, just to tease us. Both girls had a good buzz going and Karen was having a hard time getting the key into the security door that leads to our hallway. The apartment has a total of 6 units per floor, but on our side, it is only our two apartments, and then on the other side of the stairs is another security door that leads to the four apartments on that side, and we are on the 3rd floor, or top floor. These teo apartments are a little bigger than the other four.

Once inside the apartment, Pete went off to fix drinks. He got me a beer, since I didn’t have to drive anymore. The girls said they had to pee and off they went. Pete and I went out on the balcony and smoked a cig while we waited. We both immediately looked down at the house where the nudist live and saw them in bed, with the light on, just fucking away. We both laughed and Pete said he and Karen have fucked right in front of the door here so those two could see, and they do watch. I told her Carol has said on a few occasions she has watched them and stood naked by the door and used a toy on herself, and they like to watch as well. I asked Pete if he was ready to do this tonight, and he said yeah, and that they have been talking about it a long time. He had always hoped that Karen’s friend would find a man for herself then have a 4some, but she is to bitchy and picky when it comes to men, but enjoys the 3somes with Karen and himself. Pete did admit that he isn’t sure how he will feel, once he see’s me with Karen and fucking her. I told him that is cool, and if it does bother you, let’s just either call it an evening, with no hard feelings, or switch back to our own partners. He said that sounds like a plan, but he would like to fuck Carol. He said she looks so smoking hot tonight. I asked him when they decided to go dancing tonight? He said that Karen told him she wanted to this afternoon. I asked sis Karen and Carol talk today. He said he thought so, this afternoon. I laughed and said those two little minxes set this up for tonight. We both laughed. He said that since being married, he found it easier to just go with Karen’s ideas, and just keep her happy. I said I just go with the flow anyways and that Carol and I are just starting out as a couple, so we have lots to explore, not only this way, but in life in general.

We walked back into the living room and the girls finally showed up, giggling and holding hands. I asked what the heck happened to them. Karen said, oh nothing, but she had to show something to Carol. I said uh huh, I bet you did. Carol grabbed my hand and said follow me for a minute, and took me back to the bathroom. On the counter was two lines of white powder. She took this small straw and snorted one line, then handed the straw to me and told me how to do it, so I did. It kind of burned at first but otherwise no big deal. I asked her how long it last, and she said because it was a small line, a good hour, may be two, but you will feel on top of the world and feel like you can do anything, and trust me hun, my pussy is going to be sore from the hard pounding I will receive tonight. And it is not like you are intentionally hurting me, because you wont be, but it just intensifies the sex so much. She said she bought a little more too, in case we like it.

We walked back into the living room, and Pete and Karen were also indulging. The girls turned on some music, keeping it low, as not to disturb the downstairs neighbors, then started dancing together, which led to them starting to kiss. As they kissed, their hands roamed all over each other. Pete and I sat on the couch and watched. Before long, they started removing each other’s dresses, and then their bra’s. Karen had on a pair of light blue lacy bikini style panties, and white garter belt and nude color stockings. Carol had on black stocking thigh high, which was a new trend back then. She had on this silk black thong, and damn if she didn’t look sexy in it. Her bra was all lace too, and this little combo was bought yesterday. Karen’s breast were small, 34B with pink areolas, and her nipples were fairly good size and sticking way out. Carol’s nipples were big and hard too, and was a contrast with her dark areolas. The girls were rubbing their tits together and kissing now. Pete and I just watched, then the girls turned towards us and came to us. Carol started unbuttoning my shirt, and then my pants, as Karen was ding the same to Pete, Karen said no fair having you two dressed while we are almost naked. As I kicked my clothes off to the side, Karen said oh wow, nice undies, while looking at my g-string getup. Carol said she got them for me yesterday at the adult store. Karen looked at Pete and said we need to do some shopping, which Pete rolled his eyes, but chuckled too. Then the girl removed the last bit of clothing we had on, dropped to their knee’s, and took each of our cocks into their mouths. It was mostly a tease though, since they quit after a minute of sucking and licking the length of our shafts. Pete’s cock was about the same size as mine, both in length and width, to which Karen said, awesome, at least neither of us will get short changed.

Carol laughed and agreed, saying nothing better than I big cock to fill us up with. Carol and Karen faced each other, while on their knees, and started kissing again. Pete and I stood there stroking our cocks. Then Carol told Karen to sit on the couch and spread her legs. Carol crawled between her legs and removed Karens panties and showed us her blond bush, that was trimmed very nicely. Karen made a comment about my pubic area shaved , except for the small arrow. She asked if that was like a map, with directions to pleasure? Carol said oh yeah, and pleasure it gives, so just follow the arrow later and you will see. Karen asked Pete if her would shave for her too, and Pete said anything you want baby.

Pete and I sat down on either side of Karen, and watched as Carol wasted no time in burying her face into Karen’s wet pussy, and started licking her hard. Karen immediately started moaning. Pete and I both leaned over and started sucking on her nipples. Karen was in heaven and kept saying how great this feels and for carol to suck her clit. Carol was driving Karen wild with her eating abilities, and having us suck her nipples. She grabbed Pete and started kissing him telling him sexy she feels right now. Carol stopped for a second and Karen said, please don’t stop. But Carol asked if we needed condoms, before this went any further. Karen said she didn’t think so, unless we have had multiple partners lately. Carol and I both said no worries there. Karen goes good, no rubbers for us then, now please resume eating me.

As Carol went back to work on sucking her pussy and listening to Karen saying oh fuck over and over, I got off the couch, went behind Carol, laid on my back and scooted under Carol dripping pussy and went to work on Carol. Carol sunk her body down on to my mouth and rubbed my face with her soaking wet pussy. I was sucking her clit and tongue fucking her for a few minutes. Then I tapped Pete’s leg and motioned for him to come down with us. He got behind Carol, and straddled my body, and slowly sunk his cock inside Carol. Carol let out a loud moan, and said oh my fucking god. Karen was watching her husband fuck my girlfriend, while being eaten at the same time. As Pete fucked her, I could feel his balls hitting my chin. Then as they fucked, I would lick her clit and lick his shafted as it entered her. Pete said oh wow, this is so good, and Karen asked what? Pete said that he was feeling my tongue licking his cock while fucking this hot pussy. Karen said oh fuck, you know how much I want to see that baby. Karen started telling Carol to suck her clit, and as Carol did, Karen was pinching her nipples, and then came, yelling out Oh God, Oh Fuck Yessssssssssss. She must have cum for over a minute, and Carol licked every drop from her. Pete backed out of Carol and I got from under her. Pete was sitting next to Karen kissing her passionately. Karen said that this was the most intense feeling she has ever had.

Carol then was sitting back on her knees and I kissed her and could taste Karen’s cum all over her face. Then she reached forward and grabbed Pete’s cock and started stroking it, and then nd sort of waved it my way. I took the hint and we both descended on his cock. Carol licking one side, and me on the other. Neither of us was sure how he would react, but pleasantly surprised that all he did was moan and smile at us. Karen said OH My God, I have waited years to see this happen. I have seen it in porno’s but damn nothing beats live action, fuck, I may cum again. Carol and I both took turns in sucking him and licking him. Carol smiled at me saying how turned on she right now. Karen asked Carol to sit on the couch, and spread her legs, saying she was hungry for some pussy. Carol sat next to Pete, while I was still licking Pete’s cock, and spread her legs wide, with her knees pulled up, to give Carol full access to her dripping pussy. Karen rammed her tongue into Carol’s hot snatch and was going to town on her. Pete and Carol were kissing and Pete was playing with Carol’s tits. Carol was moaning a lot now, and saying oh fuck yeah, eat my cunt, lick it good. I stopped what I was doing and watched for a few moments, then moved behind Karen and started licking her twat and ass. Karen stopped a second and looked back at me and said, taste good huh? I said it taste marvelous, and she went back to eating Carol. Pete got off the couch and moved next to me and we took turns licking Karen. Both girls were moaning a great deal, until Karen said will one of you put your fat cock in me. Pete lined up his cock with her slit and shoved it in. Karen grunted and let out a loud moan. Pete fucked her for about a minute, then pulled out and signaled for me to take over. I got behind her and looked to Carol, and she smiled and nodded, the mouthed the words, I love you, which I did back. I slipped inside her, and it felt nice and tight. Karen said oh wow, double teaming me huh, well fuck me good babe. I fucked her hard for about a minute and then Pete took over again. This went on another 3 times like this, with us taking turns fucking her. Carol was on overload now and started cumming hard, yelling out oh fuckkkkkk, I am cumming.

Karen broke off from Carol’s pussy and laid on the floor and asked carol if she could fuck me. Carol said by all means, if you don’t mind Pete fucking me. Karen said please enjoy him. Carol got on the floor as well, and both girls spread their legs. Carol said come on guys, these pussy’s need your cocks now. Pete and I both got between these two gorgeous ladies and slipped inside. We all four moaned at the same time, and Karen and I started a nice slow fuck. Pete and Carol were going at it a little harder. Both the women had their legs wrapped around us and were moaning a great deal. I was would sneak a glance at Carol and Pete and get turned on by them fucking, and I saw Carol looking our way too, and tell me she loves me. After about 20 minutes of fucking, and the girls both cumming a few times, I heard Pete tell Carol he was going to cum. Karen told Pete to fill her up like he always did Karen. When Pete started to cum, I could feel my balls working on releasing my load of cum too, and told Karen I was going to cum. She said oh fuck, give me that hot cum deep in my cunt. Carol and Pete were cumming together, and then Karen and I started cumming too. I shot multiple ropes of cum in Karen, which she asked if I was ever going to finish. Carol laughed and said he’ll fill you up that it will be leaking all night out of you.

We all collapsed on the floor together and had to catch our breath. Karen stated she has wanted to do this with a couple for so long and thanked us for the opportunity. Pete said it was amazing, and that he didn’t know how he would react to another man being in Karen, but found it super erotic and a huge turn on. Carol and I reacted the same way and said that this was great. Carol said she hopes the four of us can repeat this sometime soon. Karen said our doors always open for you two and definitely wants to do this again. We were all sitting now talking and Carol invited them over for brunch tomorrow morning, and Pete gladly accepted. Karen reached her hand between Carol’s leg and scooped up some cum that was leaking out, and then licked her fingers clean. She said damn, I love tasting cum. We all laughed and then Carol and I gathered our clothes. I started putting on my thong, but Carol said why are doing that, we’ll just go next door naked, no one can see us, except these two, and I think they’ll be seeing us naked lots of time. Carol told Karen that if you ever just pop over, don’t be surprised at seeing her, or us naked. Because we shed clothes as soon as we get inside. Karen laughed and said they are like that too.

We got in Carol’s apartment, and raced to the bedroom. Carol stood with me and said thank you for the awesome time tonight. Not just the sex, but the whole night. You made me feel so alive and wanted. I told her she is so special to me, and that I loved her, and that she looked amazing tonight and I hope we can go out again like this, but not necessarily to hook up with the neighbors like this. She then copped to telling Karen about our plans, and Karen asked if they could maybe join us later there, but wasn’t sure if Pete would like that. But that they never mentioned anything about hooking up tonight like this. She asked me if I was tired, since it was 12:30 already, and I said no, not a bit. She asked if I wanted to try some more stuff and I said yes. She smiled and grabbed her purse and set up two more small lines. We did it and then jumped in bed. I got between her thighs and started licking her. She said you know that his cum there, and I said I know and went back to sucking her pussy. She came like two minutes later and told me to get up here and fuck her now. As I entered her, we could hear the headboard hitting the wall next door. Carol laughed and said good, this is a good sign no one got jealous. We started to fuck, and not easy, I was banging her pussy hard, and she was coaxing me on to do her harder. She then stop a minute. She reached over into her nightstand and brought out the butt plugs. She slowly put one in me and I put one in her and we resumed fucking. Unless you have tried this, it is hard to explain the pleasure it give. We were really fucking hard now. Carol was telling me to fuck her cunt hard. Another five minutes of this and I had to cum, and i told her so, she said when you do, pull out and shoot in all over me. She started cumming loudly then, and I pulled out at the last second and started shooting a huge load all over her belly, tits, and neck. She was amazed at all the cum that was on her. As my cumming stopped I slipped back into her. She just moaned and said good, I still need some more cock. I laughed a little and said you are insatiable my love. She said, only for you babe, only for you. We rolled over so she was on top now, and she leaned down so we could kiss and her cum covered body was now rubbing my cum into me, which she said feels real sexy now. We were kissing wildly now and could hear those two still going at it and heard Karen yell out she was cumming again. Carol giggled and said man, those two are just like us. As she is fucking me, she asked if I enjoyed fucking Carol. I said that I did, but that I love your pussy so much better. I asked if she liked Pete fucking her, and she said yeah, but he doesn’t keep a good pace up like i do, but she still enjoyed it. She said it was better for her having me next to her and watching me enjoy the night. She said if they would have suggested separate rooms for that, she would have said no thanks. I said the same thing. Karen is nice and all, and an extremely talented lover, but being alone with her would not really turn me on. I prefer how we did this tonight, then us coming back here alone and enjoying what we shared. Carol said that with each passing minute, she is falling deeper in love with me. I kissed her and told I am totally in love with her. Then she started riding me harder now. She said she wishes we could fuck all night like this. I told her I’ll do my best to help that along. Then she rolled off, and got on all fours, and wiggled her ass. She looked at me and said, take my ass baby, take it because no man ever has before. I got behind her, removed the plug, slipped my cock in her pussy to have juices on it, then slowly and gently pushed it in her ass. I heard her winch at first and she said it all good babe, just let me get accustom to the size. Once I was totally in her, she started rocking back and forth on my cock. I let her control the action, until she told me to start fucking harder. We fucked for the next ten minutes, with her rubbing her clit and I was pinching her nipples. Her ass was so tight around my cock, that I knew I would not last long. She started cumming again, but was keeping her moans confined to a pillow. I finally blew my load inside her ass. I stayed inside her a minute, catching my breath, then fell off to her one side on the bed. We laid there panting away, saying how great that felt. We both said at the same time we had to pee. I let her get up to go and she said come on. I looked at her puzzled, and she chuckled and said come on. She sat on the toilet, and spread her legs, and then directed me to squat down and aim my cock between her open legs and we pee’d together. She kissed me as we pee’d, then said only couples who love and trust each other can do this.

We went back to bed and just cuddled and talked about the whole night. We awoke about 8:30, but I had a screaming headache, and not the head I would want to ache. Carol was fine, for she was laying on her side, with her one arm holding her head up, and was smoking a cigarette. So I rolled to my side facing her, took a long drag, then said, morning beautiful. She smiled and said morning sweetie. I asked how long she has been awake, to which she said only about 15 minutes. She said she was fine, but I told her about my headache. She said take a couple of aspirin’s and a nice hot shower and i would feelbetter. We laid and talked for a bit and I asked what time out neighbors were going to come over? She said she would rap on the wall and let them know they had 30 minutes. She asked if I had any regrets about last night and I said absolutely none, and asked her the same, and she agreed with me. She let out a breath like whew. She said she was so afraid it would make me feel different about her and what had transpired. I told her look, we are still in our infant stage of a relationship, and part of that is exploring all we can together. If it was not something I can handle and also enjoyed, I would have told you right off the bat. She leaned in and kissed me. She then said, how did I get so lucky to find a guy like you? I said fate, my dear, for I feel the same about you. I said you may not be perfect in everything you do, as I am not either, but so far, I have found you are perfect for me as you are. She kissed me again and said I love you. She then asked if what happened last night was to happen again, would that be a good thing? I told her it would be because I trust her and found it absolutely sexy and a big turn on being with them. She agreed with me too, but she said we always end the evening making love, promise me that. I said I promise, for that was the best part of the night, that and waking next to her. Then she said come on, lets go shower.

After taking the aspirins’ and showering with a beautiful woman, which was sensual and loving, but no sex involved, we toweled off and put on robes. Carol went and rapped on the wall, and she got a return wrap from one of them. I helped Carol make omelets and bacon, and hashbrowns. The coffee was helping me immensely, my headache was fading away. I asked Carol what she wanted to do, and she said she open to anything. I said well it is my Sunday for the boat, so would boating interest you, and she said oh yes, that sounds wonderful. About 30 minutes later, there was a knock on the door, and since we didn’t buzz anyone up, we knew who it was, and Carol left them in. They too, were wearing robes. They said they weren’t sure the proper dress, or undress of this morning. We all laughed and Carol said she is usually naked when at home, but didn’t want to scare them off being naked. Karen then opened her robe to show she was naked. Carol and I laughed and said next time, we’ll all be naked, if you guys are fine with it.

We talked about a lot of things and come to find out, Karen and Carol went to the same high school, a few years apart, but knew many of the same people, or siblings of the people they knew. Pete and I found we liked doing many of the same things , and were very happy the girls also enjoyed sports. We all felt very comfortable together, but there was that huge elephant in the room, what took place last night. Carol asked their views on it, since they had time to reflect back. Karen spoke for both of them and said it was a fantastic time and one they would like to repeat sometime soon. Carol echoed the same sentiments too and said it is nice to find a couple you can trust like that and give in to desires without any drama or bullshit. We all made a packed that if this is to continue, we do it openly, with no sneaking around, no one on one’s, well except the girls can play alone, Pete and I didn’t mind that at all, and we confine this to just us four, that way we know everyone is clean and not bringing any deceases to the party. Carol and I were cleaning up and she whispered, how about we take them with us today. I said that sounds like a great idea, but if sex happens, it’s with our own partners today. She totally agreed and said she’d love to see them get it on next to us.

Carol turned and asked them if they had plans today. They said she stopping at her parents around noon, like always. I said, would you two like to come boating around 2pm today? They said that sounds great. They said they needed to shower and get ready then. Karen asked what to bring, and I said anything you want to drink, and snacks too for you two, not knowing what they like yet. But, I said, any happy stuff, like last night, or weed, we leave at home. Been boarded by the Coast Guard twice and I don’t need to be busted for that stuff. Pete said he agrees with that that and that they usually confine that stuff to home use, and only on rare occasions. As they were leaving, Karen gave me a kiss on the lips and said she had a great time with me last night. Carol kissed Pete as well and said the same thing. Karen walked up to Carol, untied her sash and then Carol’s, wrapped her arms around Carol and kissed her deeply. Then said she needed to feel her again, broke away and said we’ll see you later, and left. Carol was speechless, then said wow. I said you alright? Carol said she felt great. I said I think you made a friend for life honey, and she giggled and said, I think you are right.

We left around 12:30 and stopped by my parents and chatted with them for a while. Mom was fixing dinner, which is a Sunday tradition at our house and asked us to stay, but we begged off because we were meeting Carol’s neighbors at 2pm. Mom said well, once you get back, you can eat then, if you want. Carol said that sounds good. We got down to the boat about 1:30 and made the normal preparations and just about 2pm, Karen and Pete pulled in and off we went. Pete was wearing black trunks and a white polo shirt and flip flops. Karen had on a blue bikini top, that looked quite good on her and short blue jean cutoffs, which was over the other part of the bikini. Carol had on her yellow sun dress that was over her yellow bikini. Both of them loved the boat, and said this is going to be fun. I took them over by a few of the yacht clubs and all of the bigger boats. They were amazed by the size of some of them. Pete said you could party hard on those. We hit the lake and took off fast. The water was pretty calm. But had a few swells going, but nothing big. We drove along the lake shore for a while, then Carol said let’s go out far to where we can be by ourselves. It took a good half an hour to get way out, and by now, the girls were just wearing bikinis and us guys, just our trunks.

I let Pete drive it a while and the girls were trying to talk, but it is hard to do, sitting back by the motor. Pete was having a blast and told Karen they need to look into getting something like this. She readily agreed, and was having a good time too. We got out about 6 miles today, where no one was remotely near us and stopped the boat. Karen said she cant see land anymore, except for the big smoke stack from the power plant. Carol said, great isn’t it? Karen agreed and said she wanted to work on her tan. Carol stood up and took off her top and bottoms of her bikini, and Karen did likewise. Pete said, well when in rome, do as the romans do, and dropped his trunks, as did I. The girls saw that we were both semi-erect already and sais, don’t you two horndogs ever get enough of us? We both said No, and laughed. She said good, means we are doing our part in the relationship.

The girls got out the sun lotion and started putting it on Pete and I, Carol doing me, and Karen doing Pete. They paid special attention to our groin area, with both girls stroking our cocks until we were hard as rocks. I noticed that Pete was now shaved down there and Karen only had a landing strip above her pussy. I told Karen her new hairdo looked great. She said it feels good too, very smooth and lickable. I told her she was a tease, and we all laughed. The girls started putting lotion on each other then, and it was a sight to behold, for Carol was doing it very slowly and sensually. As she was doing it, she would kiss Karen’s nipples, and then when she rubbing her legs, she leaned in and kissed Karen’s pussy, which got Karen moaning . Karen looked at us and asked if we like the show, which we both said yes too. Karen said the rules for today are as such. Any sex going on today is with your spouse, then said oops, and significant other. We laughed at that. She said oh shit, sorry about that, but you two do act like a long time married couple and she said she could see us married one day. Carol said really? Karen said oh hell yes. You should have seen how you two looked at each other last night dancing and sitting together. You two are so in love it is sickening. Carol said we are, and looked at me and said, I love you baby, and I reached for her and said I love you too. Karen then had Carol lie down on the towels that were on the floor, and started doing her back, butt and legs, then had her turn over. Pete and I were amazed at how sensual this was getting. Karen leaned down and kissed Carol and the kiss lasted quite a while, then she rubbed lotion all over Carol’s tits and stomach, kissing and sucking each nipple in the process. Then she worked on her legs, avoiding her mound and pussy, until she got done with her legs. Then came back up and rubbed all over her pussy area, then slipped her finger inside Carol, which made her moan loud. Then Karen bent over and started licking her. As she did, she lifted her leg over Carol’s head and put her pussy right over Carol’s mouth and the two girls started eating one another. Pete said, hey, I thought you said spouses only. Karen said for fucking only baby, fucking only. I am not wasting a chance to eat my friend. They went at it a good 15 minutes, with both girls cumming twice. Then Karen got up and told me to sit on the bench there, and so I did. Karen then got on her knees in front of me, then told Pete to join her. They took my cock and both started licking it. Karen said she has wanted to do this with Pete for a very long time, and figured if I did it last night, I wouldn’t mind receiving it too. Carol got up and sat next to me and watched. She leaned her head onto my shoulder and told me this was so fucking hot to watch. I reached over and started fingering Carol as they took turns sucking my cock. When Pete was doing it, Karen was rubbing her pussy and saying this is the hottest thing she has ever done. I was getting close to cumming and told them, so they stopped, and Karen came up and kissed me, then Carol and said, she got me all warmed up for her. Karen then laid down on the towels, spread her legs and said, sweetie, come here and make love to me. So Pete wasted no time in getting between her legs. Pete rubbed his cock up and down her soaking snatch then eased into her, until his balls were against her ass. Carol now had her hand on my cock, while we watched them fuck. They were so into themselves that I don’t even think they remembered we were there with them. Karen was cumming quickly now, but Pete was still going strong. Carol kissed me and said make love to me baby, I need you inside me now. I stood up and let her lie on the cushioned bench and got between her legs and slowly slipped inside her. We started slow and easy, kissing the whole time and telling each other I love you over and over. Carol came hard within five minutes of starting, but wanted more. I was not even close to cumming since the blowjob. We switched positions so Carol was on top, and she started going to town. She was fucking me hard now, telling me I am the only man for her and to fill her with my love juice. Karen was now on top of Pete fucking him hard, telling him she wanted all of his cum. It did not take us to much longer for Pete and I to build up to cumming. Karen let loose a loud moan, then saying oh FUCK, I am cumming. Then Pete started cumming and let us know he was. Carol started really banging down on my cock, telling me to fill her cunt, give me your luscious cum my love. I couldn’t wait any longer and started shooting cum deep inside her. She started cumming then too, almost yelling that she was cumming too. We all laid there for like ten minutes, totally exhausted. We looked over at Pete and Karen and they were kissing passionately, and holding each other. Carol and I were just holding each other, watching them. Carol said now those two are in total sync and in love with each other and hopes we get like that too. I kissed her lips and said we are working on it babe, patients lover.

We all got up and sat around talking and drinking cold refreshments. Pete and I opted for cokes, while the girls were drinking wine coolers. Karen then said, a toast, to new friendship that she hopes last a lifetime. We all clinked glasses and Carol and I said the same back to them. It was now going on 4:30 and I asked if everyone was ready to head back in, and they said oh yes. It’s been a long weekend. We all got back on our suits and I fired up the boat and started heading back in. I asked Pete to drive for a bit and told Karen to go up with him. Carol and I sat on the bench seat together and snuggled. She said she had a wonderful time and did not expect to have sex again that day. I said I didn’t either, but it was amazing making love to her in front of others. We got back to the dock a little after five, covered the boat and they left. We stopped back at my parents so I could change, and we did grab a quick dinner, or risk the wrath of mom. Of course those two just jabbered away about the coming school year, which starts this coming Wednesday. As we were setting to leave, mom asked if I was coming home tonight, and I said I was, since I had work tomorrow and Carol had to get stuff ready for the school year. When we were leaving, mom came and gave Carol a big hug and a kiss on the cheek and said welcome to our family, you are always welcome here, even if it doesn’t work out for you two. She said you are so good for him, and I can see you two are falling in love already. Carol had a tear in her eye, and kissed her back and said thank you and trust me, I have no plans on letting him go, you raised a fine son.

As we pulled out, Carol asked if we could make a stop before heading home, and I said sure, whatever you want. Then she pulled out a box that was wrapped and said pull over a sec. She handed me this gift and I I asked what it for? She said, because I love you and just open it. She said she meant to give it to me this morning, but forgot with all the commotion going on. I opened it and then saw a pair of keys in it. She said that is to my place. I want you to have them and to use them anytime you want too. It doesn’t mean I want you to move in, at least not yet, that would really raise some eyebrows, but my place is yours, oh and feel free to come over anytime and do the cleaning and dishes too, then laughed. I said this is a big step for us. She agreed, but felt in her heart that we are going to be together a long time and wants me there as much as possible. We kissed and I told her I loved her. She said that she called her mom just before we left my parents, when I was changing and said now, lets go to my mom’s, she is dying to meet you.

We got to her mom’s in like 15 minutes, since she lived only two cities over from where I was. We entered her mom’s house, which was a nice little bungalow, in a nice neighborhood. Her mom was in the kitchen when we entered and came out to the living room and gave Carol a hug and a kiss, then I was introduced to her mom, Susan. She was really pleasant and said, so you are the man who stole my daughters heart. I grinned and said, yes, I guess I have. Now Susan, as I was to call her, is a widow. Carol’s dad died 5 years earlier from a heart attack; he was only in his early 50’s when it occurred. Susan was 48, 5’4, maybe 120 lbs at best, and very shapely, and was wearing a light blue sun dress and if I could stare hard enough, could have sworn she was naked under it. I could see where Carol got her looks from, for she was very attractive and even had the auburn hair like Carol. Of course, a mom being a mom, had to know all about me, and that was fine, so I told her everything she wanted to know. You know, what I did for a living, where I grew up, do I do drugs and drink. Had to lie a little there. As we were having small talk, sitting at the kitchen table, Carol’s little sister came into the room. Carol introduced me to Kim, who was 26, single and still living with her mom. She could be her sister’s double, except she has brunette hair, instead of auburn and is quite pretty. She was wearing a pink tube top and these pink cotton style shorts that just barely covered her ass, and hugged tightly to her body. Her ass was maybe a bit bigger than Carol’s, but still looked good. She was kind of quiet and shy around me, but basically asked the same questions as her mom.

Her mom asked what had done this weekend, and Carol told her about our date the night before, which impressed her mom, and then about our day boating. She neglected to tell her about our new found friendship with Pete and Karen, which is a good thing. When Kim heard we went boating, she lightly punched Carol and said, you could have called me and taken me too. She said all she did today was lay out by the pool, which I saw was in their backyard, and had an 8 foot privacy fence around it, which I thought was kind of odd, normally, they are 6 foot high. Carol said we would take her next time, if I was ok with that, and I said sure. Kim smiled, and said I am going to hold you to that sis. Kim asked how old I was. I looked at Carol, because I did not know what she had told her family. Carol saw my look and said, Tim is 22, like it was no big deal. Kim smiled and said to me, so you like older women then. I said I never gave the age a thought, but I really like your sister a lot.

Her mom then got up and went to the sink, because she was fixing dinner and asked if I wanted to join them. Carol spoke up and said we just got done eating at Tim’s, but promised to join them sometime soon for dinner. Then Susan asked Carol if she was going to join them at the campgrounds over the Labor Day weekend. Carol was real quiet then, as were the other two ladies, and it was like you could feel a bit of tension in the air. Carol finally spoke and said she did not know at this time, because she hasn’t discussed with me yet. Kin laughed, and said, you two sound like an old married couple already. Carol shot her a look, like open your mouth again andi will kill you. Kim just smiled at her, then looked at me and asked, what I was doing for that weekend. I said I didn’t have any plans as of yet, but wanted to be with carol, if she wants me around. Carol leaned over and kissed me and said, I think you know the answer to that. Well Susan spoke up and said, see, since the kids were small, and when their dad was alive, we always go to this one campground in Pennsylvania. We have a standing reservation for this one cabin there, which is close to the lake that is on the property and is very secluded and members only, and we haven’t miss in over 25 years, and the 3 of us still go to this day. I said ok, and looked at Carol. She had a look of fear on her face, like she cant believe her mom was telling me this stuff. Then Susan looked at us and said, I am very sure you two are sleeping together and I am happy that you are, and oh, not get pregnant right yet, and giggled. Carol, let out a sigh and said MOM! Susan just smiled and said the campground in question is for nudist. With that, all I could say if Oh. Kim just giggled at my response. Carol then said she wanted to tell me but wasn’t sure how I’d be about it, but the cats out of the bag now. I said Hun, so what. Susan said that they have been nudist for such a long time and it is just the lifestyle they choose and like. Susan then asked if I could handle being around 3 naked women for a weekend? I chuckled and said that I would be a fool to say no, but this is still up to your daughter and how much she wants to incorporate me into her family. Carol said that I was more than welcome to come with them, if I really wanted to be around this nutty family. This whole time I am thinking, shit, I’ll have a hard on the whole time. Susan must of sensed my nervousness because she said, look, you will see so many different people up there. Old, young, fat, skinny, some gorgeous, some are outright ugly, and then some that are just everyday folks, but all enjoy being free and not wearing clothes, but if you want to wear garments, you can, but we wont be. I said ok, I think I am good with that. Susan said that I should not worry about sporting a woody around them, because it is only natural for a first time person. But, it becomes so second nature, that you wont be affected by it after a short while. She said that her man friend will be there as well. She dint like to call him her boyfriend at that age. So you wont be the only man with us, and I am thinking thank god for that. I asked what type of lake it is. Susan said it is pretty big, that they allow speed boats on it, but only up to like 30 foot. I said that is fine, mine is 24 foot, so maybe I can get it for that weekend. Carol said it looks like we have plans for that weekend now. Carol got up and got us each a can of pepsi, and took me out back, by the pool. First thing she said is I apologize for not telling you that earlier. I said sweetie, it is no big deal and it would have come out eventually anyways. She said I was right and said the whole ride over to the house she was worried that they would be naked when we walked in. I laughed and said that would have been a great way to meet the boyfriend.

She said it is amazing how I can just go with the flow. She told me she hasn’t brought a guy around here since she was engaged to the asshole, and he never knew that they were nudists. She said she was always afraid he’d try and fuck her mom or sister. I told her that will never happen by me. What for, I have the best woman in the world, who I am growing deeply in love with. She said she is surprised at how quiet Kim is and not making some smart ass remarks. She said she has only brought home one guy since her breakup, and that didn’t last long anyways. She knew way back then when they first started dating it wouldn’t last because he was a ME person. She put her hands up to my face and kissed me and said she feels so secure with me and knew she had to let her family meet me. She laughed and said the last guy she brought here didn’t really talk at all with them and Kim said he was an asshole and a self-centered prick. I said oh wow, I hope she doesn’t think that way of me.

Carol laughed and said if she did, she would have started making smart ass remarks already. I asked if Kim had a boyfriend. Carol said no, just a fuck buddy, but she never brings him around here, and only twice to my place. I said, you know, it maybe hard for me to show that I am not in an excited state, if we are all naked. She said after about an hour, you really do get used to it, but if you stay hard, I may have to take you in the bedroom and fuck your brains out, just to get it out of your system. I said you’d have sex with me, while your mom is in another room? She said, oh hell yes. Kim and I always give mom and Bill some alone time, so they can enjoy each other. She said she will have to talk with Kim and see if she will sleep on the couch that weekend, since it is a two bedroom cabin, and our room has two double beds, but I don’t think I want my sister in the room with us, but if she is, we’ll still make love quietly.

Just then Kim came out, and said mom needed to speak with Carol, so Carol went inside and now I was alone with Kim. Kim looked me right in the eye and said look, Carol hasn’t dated a guy in ages, and yes I know she enjoys women as well, but I can see it in her eyes that she in madly in love with you. If you hurt her in any way, I will hunt you down and cut your fucking balls off. She asked if I loved her sister, and I said most definitely, and she said good, because she needs a good man in her life, but please don’t use her, or hurt her. I promised her I wouldn’t. I was hoping carol would come outside soon, because I was real nervous being with Kim. Kim could sense my uneasiness and said, so far so good, I kind of like you, so don’t fuck up and you’ll get to keep your balls. She then turned and went back inside.

Carol came out a minute later and asked what Kim had said. I said, oh nothing, just that if I ever hurt you, she would hunt me down and cut my balls off. Carol gasped, and said that little bitch. I said sweetie, it is ok, she loves you and doesn’t want you hurt. She kissed me and said, how come I am so lucky to have you? I said I am the lucky one to have found you, so it must be fate. She said let’s go in and chat with them a little more, then head back to my place. We went back inside and her mom had the table set for her and Kim and we chatted just a bit more, and then started saying our goodbye’s. Susan grabbed my arm and then hugged me and told me to take special care of Carol. Her and Kim is all she has in this world and she only wants the best for them, and she can see why Carol is so happy now and, if you cant tell, she is head over heels for you. I said I promise to always be good to her and I am also head over heels for Carol. She kissed my cheek and we left.

On the way back to Carol’s she asked what her mom said to me, and I said Hun, it was all good and those two women want nothing but the best for you. She said, I know that, but I hope she was nice. I laughed and said she didn’t want to cut my balls off at least. We got back to the apartment and it was around 8pm already, but it felt like we have been up 3 days straight. Carol said let’s go shower and we did. We didn’t waste to much time in there, just soaped each other up, and then kissed a lot, then dried off. Carol said come on, let’s make love. For the next half an hour, we made slow, passionate love together, no oral involved, we got straight to it. After we both came twice, we lay next to each other and talked. I asked her if she had any reservations about any of this? She said no, she said she has never been this sure about anything in her life, and that I complete her. I told her I keep waiting for the shoe to drop and when was she going to say this isn’t working for her. I told her I was over the moon about her and never want to let her go. She had a tear in her eye, and said that she was also waiting for me to say this is not what I want and walk away. I said, look, I may be young, but I know what I want in life, and I want you in it always. She said, oh baby, I do love you so. She laughed then and said I guess Kim wont get the chance to cut off your balls. I said I surely hope not. She said I kind of like them just as they are. Well, I said, if she cuts them off, you can put them in a jar and up on the mantle, which made us both laugh.

She said that Kim sometimes get a little jealous of her, but one day she’ll meet mister right and know what carol is feeling. I told her I think her mom and sister are really nice and hope they like me. Carol said that mom would not have invited you if she had any reservations. Then she said that she wishes I wasn’t going home tonight. I told her it will be hard to leave her but I had no clothes here for work. As we talked, she was caressing my cock, and I was lightly rubbing her breasts. I was getting hard again and she said shit, now look what we did. I said yeah I know, what should we do about that? She pushed me onto my back, straddled me, and guided my cock into her wet pussy. She looked down at me and smiled and said you sure you need to go home, and I said right now, no way, and grabbed her ass. She said you really do love that fat ass don’t you. I said more than you will know, and we started fucking. She started slow but didn’t like that so she started fucking me harder, telling me to pump that hard cock in her cunt. She said she loves it when we make love, but this is so special for her to just fuck me wildly. Come on baby she said, fuck your little slut woman. I rolled her over and started pounding in her. She was yelling now, that is it baby, give me my cock and take your pussy, fill me with your love juice. I put her legs up on my shoulders and banged her hard and we both started cumming, with Carol letting the whole block know she was cumming, and then I shot inside her. As we were cumming she aggressively started kissing me and telling me she loves me, to which I was saying it back. We were laying there, holding each other tight, panting away, then I slid down and licked her pussy and ate our cum from it. I came back up and kissed her again, so she could have a taste. We broke from the kiss and said I better get going so I can get a good nights sleep. I asked her if she wanted to see me tomorrow. She looked at me and said, silly, I want to see you every day, so never even ask the question. I got up and dressed and she followed me to the door and we kissed goodnight.

The next night I went over and we had dinner that she prepared for us and just hung out at the apartment, mostly sitting on the balcony and really getting to know one another. We did find that we do have many, many things in common, which is a good thing. She said she was still worried about my perception of her family, and I said rested her mind when I told her, it doesn’t bother me at all about their lifestyle, and what I know, is locked away and never to be divulged. We made plans to go see the Indians this coming Saturday evening, and go skeet shooting on Sunday, at my buddy’s aunt’s farm. We saw each other every evening and I spent the night with her on Tuesday, since I was off the next day, which was the start of the school year. She was so glad I was staying with her that night. She said the first day is always so stressful for her, and just having me to lean on was going to be a god send to her. We made love for almost an hour that night, and then again in the morning before she left for work. I even came back over later in the afternoon, and made us dinner, which surprised, and delighted her. After the ballgame, we walked up to the downtown area and I hailed a horse drawn carriage, for a ride around the city, which she thought was so romantic. In the carriage, she asked a question that totally scared the hell out of me. Carol asked if I ever wanted kids someday. My first response after a few seconds of silence, was that I did, but, if we could not, then that was the way it would be, and I’d be happy both ways. Then I looked at her and had to ask, are you pregnant? She giggled and said heavens no, I am on the pill, remember? I laughed but said, I would have been ok if you were, but scared to death. I think she asked because her biological clock is ticking now, but there is still plenty of time for that. That night the love making was extremely passionate though, so I believe my answer was a good one for her.
Part 4 to come.



Dudley DowrongReport 

2019-12-17 03:28:52
This "revised edition" is a great story but also one of Ur worst as far as tech issues.
Read some of the other stories first (like "Mother-in-law MILF", the reference to "Gym Teacher " makes more since (can't spell so don't write).Love the story & details of the action! Don't worry, excellent story there have posted some that are unreadable; yours's get better as I have read a lot in your list (Like a good Neighbor) Love i.t.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-13 15:10:56
This is an interesting read

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-28 02:31:18
Seriously? WTF? Who cares about a misspelled word? Enjoy the story. I guessed you missed a stroke because of spelling.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-03-30 17:23:57

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-03-20 19:45:28
apart from the last 4 comments that must have come from clones SPELLING! - Patience, not patients; Godsend not god send; cat's not cats; didn't not dint; etc. I shan't even start on the grammar!
Good story though!

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