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I hope you like this story guys, :D I'm not a native English speaker, so I might have committed some grammar mistakes and this is my first story, tell me in the comments what you think :P
I hope you like this story guys, I'm not a native English speaker, so I might have committed some grammar mistakes and this is my first story, tell me in the comments what you think

David awoke horrified as he saw cables around his body

"What the hell?" "Where am I?" he said to himself

He looked around and found out that he was in a big room with a lot of machines, he was also naked, full of sweat and the scent in the room was different from any other that he had smelled... He found it rather pleasant

Jamie was a good looking 18 year old boy, with a pale and skinny body, quite weak, long hair, his green eyes and pink lips were rather stunning. Though a lot of girls in high school wanted to have a relationship with him, he always said no, this is due to the fact that he was secretly gay

David tried to escape from the cables around his body, but he was strapped with a resilient material that wouldn't let him escape for anything in the world

"Oh, you've woken up" said a voice coming from a dark corner

"Who's that?" "Who are you?" said Jamie with a shaky tone

"I'm the doctor Alex, recognized scientific, my specialty is "Genetics" and experimentation on humans" said the doctor with a silly tone

David could see his smirking face staring at him.... "What do you want?" "How many days have I been here?"

The doctor replied "Don't worry, you just have here around 3 days I think and now you might be wondering how you ended up here" said the doctor with a mysterious voice
"Well, the government gives me a new specimen to experiment on every month and it turns out that you were chosen. Congratulations!" said the doctor with a humorous voice

David couldn't believe what he was hearing, what was this man going to do to him? he wondered himself

"Let's start with the procedure" said the doctor; the doctor turn on a giant projector like the ones of the cinema and David was able to see his naked body, and the doctor ran an animation of what was going to happen to his body and his plans"

"First, let me explain you why I'm doing this, I wanted a male specimen, because they are rather amusing than women and I'm bisexual, so you get the idea; right now plenty of fishes around the world are being fished and we're running out of them! that's awful, we need more fishes, and for that reason scientists from all over the world found a solution to this problem: We discovered that fishes love male cum for its proteins and energy and at the same time that gives them an urge to copulate and they give birth to many fishes, so we need a male to take care of this problem and you were the lucky boy" said Alex

David couldn't believe what he just heard, the idea of feeding thousands of fishes seemed impossible to him, he wanted to die

"You crazy fuck?" "That's impossible besides I can't breathe underwater" said David with a rude tone

"That won't be a problem, first we will modify genetically" Alex injected a serum in David's body and the boy fell to asleep in a matter of seconds

The doctor started working in the body modifications, "First, we need you to gain a little bit of muscular mass" David started gaining a little of muscular mass in his chest and buttocks, after that the doctor seemed happy with that amount of muscular mass

"You need to be more fertile and I'm going to have to increase your testicle sack" said the doctor, suddenly David woke up "What happened to me?" replied David

"It seems that I didn't put enough serum on you, never mind, actually I think you're going to enjoy this" said Alex with a cynical tone

"What I have right here in my hands; it's a worm that is going to go through your nostrils, after that it's going to travel through your bladder to your testicles, to make them more fertile and increase the production of sperm, also it increases the lust in the host"

"No, get that thing away from me!" "It's going to kill me!" said David with tears in his green eyes

The worm went directly to his nose and after that David could feel how the worm was traveling through his body, the worm was orange and quite gelatinous with smooth tendrils, it seemed more like a cockroach

"Don't worry David, this worm won't will you, consider it more like a friend, this worm is going to last around five years in your testicles, it will improve your reproductive system it will die sadly, but you'll have the stamina of a horse, that's for sure, you're going to ejaculate liters of semen and if you ever have children, they'll inherit your wonderful reproductive abilities. That's never going to happen though, you're a sexual slave right now" said Alex with a macabre laugh

The worm finally arrived to David's testicles, he could feel how his pale testicles started growing and at the same time, he could feel the worm moving around his testicles

"Oh, boy, that looks delicious" said Alex

David had an amazing urge to jerk off, the lust that invaded his body was rather incredible

"I'll help you, it seems that you need help right now" Alex touched David's penis and David instantly achieved a huge erection, his penis was dripping a lot of precum "You like that, don't you?; After edging many times David finally cum, He shot like 16 times, the doctor couldn't believe it, David's chest was flooded with so much semen, the doctor licked and surprisingly the semen tasted so good that the doctor collected it all

"Well done David" said Alex; David couldn't stop shaking his entire body and his penis was ready for more, he wanted to spread his marvelous seed everywhere, his seed was sweet and full of proteins, that's what the doctor said

David couldn't believe that for the rest of his life, he was going to feed fishes

"I'm going to need to add you more pubes" "You need a jungle to be exactly, you're not only going to be the provider of food, you're also going to provide a home to this animals" said Alex

"What?" "Are they going to me or something like that?" replied David with a creepy look

"No, many small fishes live in reefs, but they don't have many homes compared to other centuries" "They're going to live in your bush, copulate there, sleep etc."

"No, please stop!" "Don't do this to me" replied David with a sad face

"Too late boy, I can do with you whatever I want" said Alex

Suddenly a giant brown bush started growing in David's pubic area, he stared getting hairy everywhere except for his arms and face, Alex wanted him to keep his cute boy face

David was thinking "At least one day I'm going to die and all this hell that I'm about to live is going to disappear"

Alex suddenly said "You were the only candidate that we had for this; we don't want to lose you so..... Do you know about the Turritopsis dohrnii? It's an immortal jelly fish, the only way to finish with its immortality is killing it, but that's not going to happen in your case. I'm going to make you immortal and you're going to be able to regenerate, once you're about to die, you'll return at the age of 16 years old and the process is going to start again indefinitely "

David's eyes were full of tears, he couldn't believe this, it was a punishment for the rest of the eternity, until the end of the universe

"Don't worry, you're not going to suffer ever" said Alex

"I'm going to introduce a worm through your nose that is going to go directly to your brain; there it's going to grow and it's going to attach to your brain, disabling your speaking skill cortex, resonate skills, memories etc." "I think it's time to put you in the water"

David was connected to many tubes around his body, he was submerged at 40 meters below the sea along with a submarine that had attached his body, so he couldn't escape and a breather in his head

The water was so warm, The worm send a charge of lust to his brain and he instantly got an erection and cum like a horse, his DNA was everywhere, suddenly many fishes came around, they started eating his semen and some of them approached to David's penis to lick it, in an hour thousands of different fish were there waiting his turn for their ration of food

David was so horny that his testicles started moving, this was due to the worm that lived there, it was just the beginning; the worm wanted to cum more. Some clown fish approached to David's pubes, they established there a new home, they found it rather pleasant, his pubic hair would reach a height of nine centimeters, it was like a reef for them, After copulating for hours, they deposited around 1000 eggs inside David's belly button and after that they sealed it with a gelatinous material, the clown fishes had everything, food, home, a place for their children, it was the perfect host and home at the same time!

After ejaculating for 3 hours nonstop and feeding around 100 maritime animals, David felt super exhausted and fell asleep

After a while he woke up, he felt something caressing his penis, it was an Atretochoana! this animals is an amphibian which has the physical characteristics of a penis, this animal found David's penis like a couple, the animal started wrapping around David's penis, David felt so horny that started cumming again, the animal felt that David's penis had accepted him and the animal started ejaculating too, more animals in front of David started copulating, Alex's plan actually worked! David could save a millions species with his fabulous cum

One big octopus appeared in front of David, It was a female and it needed a place to lay her eggs, David seemed a perfect host for the task!

It introduce one of her tentacles inside David's anus and found David's prostate, it was quite warm, the octopus knew that this was the perfect place to lay her eggs,

The octopus lied her eggs inside David's anus, their asses were connected for a short time, David could feel how his ass got big, he cum again providing more food to many sea life!

After 3 months, David started feeling something in his belly button.... It was the clown fishes they were ready to born!, He saw how the clown fishes broke the sack that their parents had created to seal his belly button, these animals went directly to David's pubes, they were rather warm and he started feeling something else inside his anus, the octopuses were ready to born there, He had to push to expel them, his anus stayed quite big after that

David couldn't feel anymore, the worm in his head disabled all kind of feelings and emotions, he was there just to provide food to everyone

Governments around the world couldn't believe that Alex's plan worked so well, the sea life population increased to billions in just three months, they all agreed that David should stay there for the rest of his life and they even made a holiday in his name "The day of the Aquatic boy"

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-25 16:51:59
Total rubbish


2016-04-12 12:38:57
Must agree with the majority - what a pathetic effort at story-writing. Must be that time of the month when all the crappy stuff gets posted. To the "writer", please go and get another job, or better still, go back to school and learn how to write and get some emotional maturity.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-04-12 04:52:36
I can't believe someone is actually encouraging this person to write more. Obviously the one encouraging this is a masochist as this first chapter was painful enough to even try to finish reading it. Ignorance is never ending.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-04-10 05:40:01
Please keep it going. I'd like to see further modification for David. Perhaps he could grow breasts filled with cum circled with thick hair while more fish suckled on his elongated nipples.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-04-10 01:38:33
Damn this is so shit-tay it's not even funny!

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