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"As the saga between Trump and his mystery 'woman' continues we learn more about the woman behind the Oakleys..."
"You remind me of Cooky" Manning said, "Who's Cooky?" Replied Trump. "He is me ex but he shouldn't be playing one day cricket for England" said Manning with a groan as she swigged from her hip flask. As she gleefully swigged from the flask she was reminded of how she came to be strewn across the chair of the most powerful man in the world.

Her mind wandered back to the days when her and 'Cooky' would happily play around Essex Cricket Club. Her bowling and him practising his cover drives. Cooky had moved down after finishing at Bedford School. He was a bright young man and Manning knew he was destined for greatness. Often she would tell him how his batting resembled that of Bradman or Sobers. She knew teasing him would make him horny and she could cop a grope of his cock after nets. One summers afternoon, amidst the start of the first ever T20 season, Manning went down to Chelmsford to watch her beloved Essex Eagles in the T20 cup. Cooky was just making his breakthrough into the Essex team but wasn't near the T20 squad and Manning bumped into him wandering round the outfield. Manning hadn't seen him in ages and he looked well for all the batting practise he had done. Cooky had short black hair and had a fine muscular physique. Manning strolled around in her now infamous tracksuit bottoms and top. "Here Cooky" she called out "fancy a net I've just pinged Nasser Cobain on helmet"

Cooky could never resist Manning and agreed, he donned his pads and helmet picked up his bat and made his way towards the set of stumps at the end of the net. Manning took a number of steps back and began to charge in. She bowled three at half pace, purposely so that Cooky would think she had lost her abilities, then she ran in at full pelt. Pitching it half way down it reared up sharply and pinged Cooky right on the badge of his helmet knocking Cooky to the floor. "Hahaha" laughed Manning "told you I pinged Nasser Cobain on helmet only the other day now I've pinged you on helmet!" "That's enough for today" Cooky called as he got up gingerly, "time for you to give me something special in return I think". Manning knew exactly what he wanted. Cooky wasn't gay but he enjoyed sucking Manning and had done so regularly before Manning went off to university, but what he really loved was Manning sliding into his tight anus.

They took a walk together round the back of the main Pavillion, the crowd were engrossed in the game. Essex were 75-0 off 13 chasing a mammoth 170 but a young Ravi Bopara was at crease and the crowd loved it when Ravi was going well. Cooky kissed Manning turned around and cooly whispered "into me like before". Manning knew what he meant, she pulled her tracksuit bottoms down and slid out her massive cock. "Let me tell you a story about a Northern Irish bouncer I met once, he was cutting about a nightclub spouting off about his, 'huge cock'."
Cooky cut her off before Manning could continue, "Yeah, I know Alexei, he got his dick out, you got your dick out and yours was bigger."
His exasperation grew at a story he'd heard a thousand times last summer. "Don't forget the fat G I won off the back of it Cooky," Manning persisted. "How could I?" Cook's tone became sarcastic and Manning sensed the frustration in his voice. "Alright sweetheart, you'll get your cock and balls soon enough." "Hurry up then, we haven't got all night," Cooky hastened Manning towards him.

Manning obliged sliding her hard cock to the rim of Cooky's anus. Gently sliding the tip in as Cooky moaned in enjoyment. "Deeper Alexei you know how much I've missed you". "Alright Cooky for old times sake" Manning snorted and spat on her fingers and rubbing it on Cookys arsehole. "Have that ya bastard" Manning wheezed in delight. She slid her whole length into Cooky over and over again. There was no time for the sensual touching like the first time they had fucked. Manning had quickly understood the need to be quick, there was a large crowd and Cooky could not afford to be caught with Mannings cock up his arse. She was incredibly turned on by the situation the thought of getting caught that after nine or ten thrusts she felt her cock begin to swell further, she knew that her load was about to blow "Where do you want me Cooky" asked Manning. "Where else? In my mouth of course like before!" Replied Cooky with an eagerness about him. Manning pulled out and Cooky spun round quicker than Ravi was turning for another quick single in the middle. Cooky then devoured Mannings cock more greedily than she had felt him do before as she exploded deep to the back of his throat."Howzat" she cried as she lifted her finger to the air. He gagged as the river of semen flowed down his throat but he devoured all of it save a splash that trickled out of the corner of his mouth and landed on the Essex crest on his shirt. "Loved that Cooky" chuckled Manning "you best get some rest lad or else you won't be playing one day cricket this year". Cooky stood up and they walked back to the crowds together "walking like John Wayne there Cooky hahaha" Manning chortled. "This no" Cooky replied " tried to take a cheeky single in the 2nd XI match down at Canterbury last week, Foster still quicker than me thought I could keep up!". "Ha" Manning replied "you sure it wasn't that you just took my length?". The jovial chit chat continued as they made their way back to the game, just as Bopara smashed a six in their direction. Manning pushing Cooky and two young boys to one side took a full length diving catch. A few disbelieving spectators looked on as Manning picked herself off the floor and dusted herself down, "Shot Ravi," one of them offered. "The muggy cunt top edged it, lucky we're at home on a ground the size of a postage stamp or else he'd be back in the hutch." Manning countered. Manning smirked to herself as she sparked up, drawing a deep drag from yet another B&H Gold. A young steward bedecked in a needlessly lairy hi-viz jacket chimed in, telling Manning that there was no smoking in the stadium. Alexei eyed the young stud up and down before leaning in and quietly offering him a wager, "hey kidda how about this, if you've got a bigger old boy than me I'll put it out." Manning seductively blew smoke at the befuddled twenty-something who, being a local lad, had heard the stories of this Alexei Manning. He turned a blackcurrant shade of purple and completely clammed up. Manning knew the battle was won and let out a chuckle before slapping the youngster on the arse and adding, "shame son we could of had a lot of fun together." She strode off, slipped her Oakleys off the top of her head and over her eyes and grinned to herself... She knew, this was home.

Those lazy summers were what Manning lived for full of cricket, booze, sex, friends especially the Lads. She loved being at University, she had a good group of friends but nothing beat fucking Cooky behind the pavilion, that was about bant for her. This was now a distant memory she had done a lot in the last few years to get herself to this point and now she had just had her huge cock sucked by the most powerful man in the world. She could have whatever she wanted, as her mind wandered back to the cabin. Trump had tidied himself up and was once again looking pristine in his designer suit. He had poured him self a large glass of what looked like scotch and was about to light a cigar. "How did you like that big lad?" Queried Manning with a voice of authority like she knew how much Trump had enjoyed it. "Alexei, I've done everything in my time, I've snorted cocaine off hookers tits, drunk champagne poured from a bottle inserted into a girls vagina, fucked more girls than you can ever imagine. But nothing compares to what I have just experienced with you!" Trump said with an innocence. "Thought so, told you it would be the best you'd ever had, runs in the family see. My sister once sucked off O'Brien, he told everyone it was the best BJ he'd ever had, without question. He hunted around for years afterwards but never found anything that compared. Let that be a lesson for you." Trump was puzzled by the story, which lacked any context, but he allowed Manning her moment as he was becoming more and more fascinated by the specimen in his midst.

They talked, drank and smoked for much of the next few hours. Manning questioning Trump on his views about sex, drugs and Mexicans. Manning thought she would hold off on a few of her stories, she had plenty of time to tell them when she was on Trumps arm. It was at this point that Manning knew it was her destiny to be First Lady of the United States under her influence she could have whatever she wanted any man or woman would be hers. Money would be no object. She felt a rush, something that she had only previously felt whilst having her cock slid into a wet hole. Manning sauntered over to the large leather sofa and beckoned Trump over. She curled up and allowed Trump to lay his head in her lap, her cock twitched as he lay on top of it. Her horniness rose but she knew that it was not the time for sex, she had to now seduce Trump further. They kissed deeply, Manning running her tongue over every part of Trumps mouth, a kiss like Trump had never felt before. Manning touched his face and kissed deeper loving the taste of scotch mixed with cigar, how she'd love her cock sucked again right now. If she was lucky one of the girls might be up when she got back to the hotel, she might get something or else she would wank in the bathroom. She had masturbated hundreds of not thousands of times in hotel bathrooms. She was actually quite turned on at the thought of it. So turned on in fact she whispered in Trumps ear " fella, here's something to keep you going until the second innings" she unzipped his trousers and slid out Trumps cock, which grew as she held in. Gently at first she began to slide her hand up and down his cock. "Wank me off Alexei, just wank me off" groaned Trump in delight. She varied her tempo, building Trump up and then easing off to prolong the experience, she felt Trump tense up on more than one occasion and then slowed right down to make sure he didn't cum. "Just teasing you old time, don't wanna make a mess on these trousers do we" Manning said with a glint in her eye. She began stroking again sliding up and down his hard shaft, Trump was urging her on now "I want to be in you again" Trump called out. But Manning had other ideas, "not tonight pal," she announced as she polished off the remaining WKDs before flashing a mischievous look at a stunned Trump. "There's plenty more where that came from you murky old fuck." With that she slipped her Oakleys back on, bowled over to the door and made her way back into the Washington night.

Trump was left feeling more infatuated than before. This woman was driving him crazy.

Fisher KingReport 

2020-11-07 18:33:55
4 years of using your tears as lube Capone

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-04-21 18:28:41
fuck Trump

Fisher KingReport 

2016-04-18 18:37:25
Part four is waiting moderation - thanks for these positive comments. Hope people are starting to warm to Alexei she has a lot more to give in the coming stories

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-04-16 07:04:45
I'm actually enjoying the quality of writing in this story. As the other comment suggested it is fantastic parody but it is really well written too... Keep up the good work Fisher King, I look forward to part 4!!

Fisher KingReport 

2016-04-15 11:37:08
Thanks for the positive feedback. Chapter four is currently in production, Manning has lots of fun with her team mates

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