Bob and Alisha went home, both really excited and talking a mile a minute on the short drive. When they arrived at the house, Anne had arrived home, so they thought they had might as well, tell her now. Anne had always knew that Alisha would eventually go to the ranch and leave the practice. She had prepared herself for this day so it wasn’t any big deal to her.
Bob and Alisha went home, both really excited and talking a mile a minute on the short drive. When they arrived at the house, Anne had arrived home, so they thought they had might as well, tell her now. Anne had always knew that Alisha would eventually go to the ranch and leave the practice. She had prepared herself for this day so it wasn’t any big deal to her. She told Alisha that since she had expertise with a few “special” patients, she would hope that Alisha would come help her when the need arises. Of course, Alisha agreed to do this for her Mom. Anne told her that she had her eye on another psychologist that she could hire to pick up when Alisha decided to leave. Everything was going Alisha’s way. She would receive her PhD after the first of the year and also close the deal on the Marrs Ranch. She told her Mom that she would plan toward leaving the practice at the end of January, that would give everyone two months to get all their affairs in order. While they were talking, Alisha’s phone rang, it is Jason. Alisha really didn’t know if she wanted to talk to him or not, she was still pissed at him for not coming back down on Saturday. After the initial “new” wore off, she wasn’t sure she really wanted to continue with him anyway. She had passed on him once, maybe that was a sign to her to just let it go and move on. Thanksgiving was approaching and she though she would devote her time to her family and her careers. She was invited to a party next week that she was looking forward to going to. Perhaps she would meet her Prince Charming there, he he he. No, she really didn’t think that Jason was the one. She had gotten what she wanted from him, now it was time to move on. She would deal with Jason tomorrow.
As they ate dinner, Bob and Alisha talked about the new era the ranch was about to enter. They decided they needed to hire a Ranch Manager to take care of the day to day operations, while they took care of implementing the new things they were planning. Alisha told Bob that she had been watching Justin and how he took care of business. She told Bob that she had found out he had a Masters Degree in Animal Husbandry. She thought they should talk to him about the position and see if he would be interested. They decided to talk to him on Monday and see what he thought about it. Cody was more than happy to hear their decision. She had been seeing Justin for the last couple of weeks and was really starting to fall for him. It was highly unlike her to fall for anyone, she, like Alisha , was in the habit of using men for her own pleasure. Of course, she had been receiving a lot of pleasure from Justin, but, she was just starting to have real feelings for him.
Monday morning came, a beautiful November day was beginning. The forecast called for a winter storm to arrive late in the week. It was the first of the season, winter was arriving. The ranch was prepared so no one on the ranch was worried. Alisha and Bob sat eating breakfast and discussing what they wanted to say to Justin. Anne told Alisha that she would start phasing Alisha out of the practice so she could devote more of her time to the ranch. Alisha saw Justin’s truck arrive down at the barn. She got up and phoned the barn. When Justin answered, she told him that she and Bob wanted to talk to him, so, he should come to the office in about a half hour. He was puzzled, but agreed. When Alisha and Bob got to the office, Justin followed them in. After the usual morning pleasantries, Bob told Justin to sit down, that he and Alisha had something they wanted to discuss with him. After about an hour of explaining what was going on, they asked him what he thought. He said he would like a little time to think about it and that he would give them an answer in a couple of days. They agreed and Justin went on about his work day.
Justin was a real cowboy. He had been raised on a ranch in Kansas. He had 4 brothers that worked the ranch with his Dad. He knew the ranch wasn’t big enough to support 5 families, so he decided to go out in the world and make something happen for himself. He had worked at some really large ranches and had a lot of experience. What Bob and Alisha had laid out for him, interested him. He could see the advantage they would have in the market place after these changes were implemented. Plus, he really liked Cody and hoped that they might get get to know each other much better. He knew that she was a great lay…..she did things to him he had only dreamed of and never experienced before. He thought she liked him too, so he thought staying here might be just what he needed to do. What Bob and Alisha had offered him was one hell of a deal and he knew that he would probably accept their offer. However, he did want to fully consider it. They want him to sign a five year contract, so, he should be prepared to stay if he accepts it.
Alisha’s phone rang. She could see it was Jason calling again. She decided to answer it and see what he had to say. When she answered, he sounded upset and his attitude did little more than continue to piss Alisha off. She listened to him rant and rave about her not answering her phone till finally she butted in. “Jason, we had a good time the other night, but, the more I think about it, I don’t think that we will ever have more than that. You didn’t come back as you said you would, so, it kind of seemed to me that you really didn’t want anything to do with me.” He tried to talk sense to her about it, but, her mind was made up, so, she cut him short and told him not to bother her any more. He didn’t understand how she could shut him off that easily. He just knew that he had to get back down there and talk to her before she had much more time to think about it. “I’ll be there on Thursday, we need to talk. Alisha listened and told him that he was wasting his time, she didn’t want anything more from him and really didn’t want to see him. Jason was pissed now, he realized that he had been used and it really didn’t set well with him. He was going down there and talk to her face to face, whether she wanted to or not. Alisha hung up. Her mind was made up……..he was not for her.
Alisha went out to the corrals to see Jack. He was standing at the fence looking lonesome. Justin was at the barn and saw her talking to Jack, so he went over to talk to her. He told her that he was glad that he was able to talk to her alone, away from her dad. He wanted to know if she thought they could work together, having the history they had. She grinned and told him that the problem wouldn’t be her but Cody. She wanted to know if he could handle Cody. He looked at her puzzled and said, “What are you talking about?” Alisha laughed and told him that she and Cody talk and she knew that he was fucking Cody. He had been caught, not knowing how good the two girls got along. “Heck Justin, maybe you’d like to try us both on at the same time one of these nights.” she said to him. Justin was completely caught by surprise, what could he say. He shook his head and looked her up and down, “Alisha, I’d love to fuck both of you at the same time, that would definitely be heaven.” She was still grinning and giggling, “You just might get the chance sometime, Justin.” She told Justin that she thought he would be great at the job and she wanted him to take it. “Justin, I can separate work and pleasure. There may be times we fuck, it won’t be on the job, though, and the next day, things will be like we didn’t, can you handle that?” He said he could so she told him again she wanted him to take the job. He told her he would do it and laughed as he told her he liked the perks.
Alisha went up to the house, Cody was coming downstairs as Alisha came in. “Cody, I have to tell you something. A few weeks ago I fucked Justin up at the lake. That was before you knew him. I just wanted you to know that, cause I’ve just hired him as Ranch Manager and we’ll be working around each other a lot. I don’t have any designs on him as a boyfriend, but I might like to share him with you sometime, if that’s ok. Cody just laughed, “Hell Sis, I was going to ask you if you wanted to do a threesome with him, shit this is going to be fun.” They both agreed that it didn’t make any difference to either of them if the other one fucked Justin, it was open season on him………..that lucky bastard…….
Alisha spent the rest of the day on the phone arranging to buy more stock. She would have to almost double the current herd, then she had to talk to Bio-Gen and work out the logistics for the artificial insemination she wanted to use on the cows. So much to do and really not a lot of time to get it done. She knows she can handle it…………..
When she got home that evening, she got there just in time to sit down and eat dinner. Everyone was in a good mood, a lot of positive things were happening. Cody had a date, Anne and Bob were going to a movie and Alisha, well, she had absolutely nothing to do…………and she liked the idea of being home alone and maybe just watching tv or reading. She had a little homework to do, but that wouldn’t take very long. She thought back to the other evening with the black guy. Damn, she couldn’t get the size of his cock out of her mind………and she couldn’t believe she took it all. She had never had a cock rub her clit like that one did, while stimulating her g-spot……..that thing was huge. She wondered if she would ever have a chance to take that cock again. Oh well, there are more big fish in the sea. She wasn’t looking forward to Jason coming. She would just have to stick to her guns and ignore him. Anne asked Cody who she was going out with tonight. Cody told her that Michael had asked her out and they were going to a play at Adams State. She had no sooner stopped talking and Michael was driving up. She was on her feet and out the door in a flash. She told her Mom and Dad she would do the dishes, they should be on their way so they weren’t late. Within a few minutes, they were gone. Alisha finished the dishes and went up and took a shower and put on her flannel pajamas and came back down to watch some tv. She found a good movie and curled up on the couch with a blanket and settled in to watch it. It was nice to be here alone for a change. She had just relaxed and started getting into the movie when someone rang the door bell. She got up and went out and found that it was Justin. He told her that he had found another calf killed, and it was a big cat that did it. She asked Justin to come in and asked him if he wanted a cup of coffee or something stronger. He told her coffee was fine. They sat at the kitchen bar and talked about the kill. Alisha had seen this before. She told Justin to tell all the guys to arm themselves while they were out on the ranch. If they got a shot at this killer, they should take the shot. Justin apologized for disturbing her, but he wanted to let Alisha and Bob know about what he had found as soon as possible. Alisha didn’t mind Justin stopping by, matter of fact, when she found it was him the first thought on her mind was fucking him again. Their conversation drifted and soon they were laughing and talking about a lot of unrelated things. Alisha got up and walked around the bar to where Justin was sitting. She pushed up close to him and kissed him. “Justin, it’s a lot more comfortable here than it was up at the lake, want to fuck me?” He asked where Bob was and Alisha told him that Bob and Anne were at a movie and wouldn’t be back for a couple of hours and Cody was out on a date. Justin didn’t waste any time, he kissed her and slid his hand up under her pajama top. His hands felt good on her breasts. They were warm and knew just how to touch a woman. He was kissing her on her neck as he slid his right hand down her side and into her pajama bottom, to her hot cunt. His finger slid down her slit, across her clit and into her wet pussy. She could feel herself getting wetter and the waves of pleasure were flowing all over her. Justin grasped her by the hips, picked her up and sat her on the kitchen bar. He pulled her flannel bottoms off, spread her legs with his hands and buried his tongue in her pussy. It felt so damn good, she yelled with pleasure as he continued to suck on her clit and assault her pussy with his tongue. He lubed up his index finger with her juice and slid it into her ass hole about two inches. His mouth worked her over and all of a sudden she felt herself cumming. She had leaned back on her hands and was totally enjoying what he was doing to her. After she came, she was grinning as she got down off the bar and led Justin to the living room where she removed her top and removed his jeans as he was taking off his shirt. She pulled his underwear down and took hold of his hard cock and began to suck it. It felt good to slide it down her throat and it really felt good when she felt him shoot his load into her mouth. He was cumming so quickly, it surprised her and she didn’t catch all of it in her mouth. It tasted good and was hot………..felt good going down her throat. She swallowed all of it and told him, “Man, that was fast.” He looked down at her and apologized for going off so quickly. She went up to him and kissed him, straddling his cock and sliding down on it. She began moving up and down on it, looking him in the eyes and said, “That’s all right darlin’, this is what we’re here for, the fuckin’ “. She was moving up and down on his hard cock enjoying every inch of it. Justin was feeling great too. He was holding her tits in his hands and squeezing them gently. Alisha was getting close to an orgasm. She sat down all the way on his cock and could feel it throbbing inside her, his balls were on her ass. She fucked Jason this way for at least an hour when she started cumming. The contractions of her pussy on his cock pushed him over the edge. He could feel the big load of cum traveling up his cock then exploding inside Alisha. It was a huge orgasm, cum was running out of her and down over his balls. She felt each pulse and each squirt of semen inside her vagina. When they both regained their senses, they looked at each other and kissed a long, wet kiss. Alisha got up off of Justin and told him they needed to end this, Bob and Anne should be home soon and he should go. He agreed. He really didn’t want Bob to catch him screwing his daughter, it might be a sticky situation and right now, he didn’t need that. He put on his clothes, kissed Alisha and left. Alisha put her pajamas back on and cleaned up the cum on the couch that had run out of her. She went upstairs and douched, otherwise Justin’s cum would continue to ooze out all night. Damn that was a good fuck, it really hit the spot and she didn’t have to entertain a man all night. She went back downstairs and popped some popcorn and went back to the tv. In about half an hour, Bob and Anne came in and joined her. She told Bob that Justin had came by and what he had reported to her. Bob was pissed. We need to go get that cat before he eats us out of house and home. Alisha told Bob that she told Justin to tell the guys to start carrying guns out on the ranch. She also told Bob that Justin had accepted the job offer they had given him. Bob was sincerely glad that he was going to take the position, he was sure that Justin would be a good fit. It was starting to snow lightly outside. Alisha told Bob that they should take her truck and go out and look for that mountain lion in the morning at first light. Bob thought that would be a good idea. “Lets take some traps and bait out to where that last kill was, he will probably come back to eat on it again…..we just might get lucky” They decided they would get up at 5 and head out. They all went to bed to get a little rest. It had been an eventful evening and she was tired.
As Alisha lay in bed trying to go to sleep, she remembered back many years when she was in college in Austin, Texas. She and a friend were out drinking in a bar one evening. She met a tall handsome cowboy in a little bar named Texas. It was a great place, many neon signs, country music and just a great atmosphere. She and the cowboy, Nate, had hit it off well and he asked her to come over to his place. She agreed and they left the bar. Alisha told him she would follow him, she didn’t want to be without a vehicle, just in case it didn’t go well He had a beautiful home in one of the nicer parts of Austin. They went inside and his big German Shepherd dog met them in the foyer. Nate told her that the dogs name was Jinx. He was a very friendly dog, matter of fact, the first thing Jinx did was stick his nose in her crotch and begin sniffing. Nate corrected Jinx. The dog went out of the foyer and to his pillow in the living room. Nate invited her to the bar in his living room. They talked and had a few drinks…..after a little while she got up and went to the couch and sat down. She liked Nate and she knew that this was going to be a good evening. Nate soon joined her, ha put his hand on her knee and kissed her very passionately. Well, one thing led to another and soon they were both naked making out like crazy. Alisha had had enough to drink and was feeling no pain. She got off the couch and onto her knees between his legs. She began to suck his cock and could taste small amounts of cum in her mouth as he oozed a little out as she sucked him. She was really getting into it, Nate had his hands on each side of her head guiding her head on off his cock……..she was loving every bit of it. She looked up at Nate, holding his cock and balls in her hands, and told him, “I want your cum in my mouth,” then went back down on him. It didn’t take long and he was spewing sperm into her mouth and onto her face. Alisha loved it, she loved the taste of cum and wanted every drop. All of a sudden, she felt something behind her, it was Jinx and he was licking her pussy. Nate had grasped her by the hair and was holding her down. She looked at Nate with a puzzled look on her face, then Jinx mounted her and began humping. Nate grinned at her and told her not to resist, just enjoy. She didn’t know what to do. Jinx had wrapped his front legs around her and she could feel his cock probing, trying to find her hole. He was humping her hard, then she felt it, his cock entered her pussy and he pushed it in all the way. She couldn’t believe that she was getting fucked by a dog and that Nate was holding her down letting him do it to her. The dog’s cock was huge, as big as a mans, she thought. Jinx continued humping her, driving his cock deep inside her, strangely, she was beginning to enjoy it and opened her legs wider to let him penetrate deeper. Nate’s cock was in her face, she was feeling so turned on, she started sucking his cock again while Jinx plowed her pussy. She felt something strange, Jinx had stopped humping and was standing still. There was something huge inside her. She could feel Jinx’s dick inside her, but there was something more that she couldn’t explain. Jinx’s head was over her shoulder, his tongue was hanging out as he panted heavily. Nate said to her, “Alisha, don’t try to pull away from him, he’s knotted you. A big knot has formed at the base of his cock, inside you, and it won’t go down till he’s finished cumming and it’s so big you can’t pull off of it till he’s finished.” She could feel Jinx’s cock pulsing and could feel super hot cum filling her. She went back to sucking Nate’s cock, and much to her surprise, actually enjoying the whole experience. It must have taken 15 minutes before the knot went down and Jinx’s dick came out of her pussy. When it did a huge gush of dog cum squirted out of her, at the same time, Nate shot a warm load of cum in her mouth. She raised up on her knees, she could feel Jinx’s cum running out of her. Nate was smiling, “Did you like it?” he asked. Alisha couldn’t believe herself when she said, “Yes I did.” Nate helped her to her feet and kissed her again. She could feel his hard cock between them. He led her to the side of the couch and bent her over the tall back. He slipped his cock inside her and began fucking her slow and easy. She was feeling really good and began to cum about a minute after Nate penetrated her. She noticed that Jinx was sitting a short distance away watching them. She could see his red dick sticking out of it’s sheath. She couldn’t believe how big of a cock Jinx had, heck it had to be 7 inches long. Alisha was lost in the moment when she felt Nate cumming. This had all been too strange. When Nate pulled out of her, he asked her if she wanted some more…………..from Jinx. She was still feeling light headed from the tequila and said,
“Why not!” He led her out into the middle of the room and told her to get down on all fours and crawl around, keeping her pussy away from Jinx. She did as she was told, Jinx knew what he wanted and was trying to get around behind her. Nate told her, “He will catch you, when he does, just relax and be still.” Nate was right, in a few minutes, Jinx got behind her and mounted her. He was humping away, she could feel his cock poking all around her hole till all at once, he found the mark and drove it home. He was humping her wildly, his cock plunging deep in and out of her, then she felt the knot begin to grow bigger and bigger until it wouldn’t come out and Jinx quit humping. She had climaxed twice before she got knotted. Jinx just lay there on her back, panting and cumming. She looked back between her legs and could see a stream of cum running out of her and onto the floor. Jinx crawled off of her, but couldn’t walk away, his knot was holding him inside her as he continued to cum. There they stood, ass to ass with his cock still inside her. Again, after about 15 minutes, the knot went away and he pulled out, Jinx’s cum squirting out of her. Damn, that dog had to have put a gallon of cum in her and it was so very hot, hotter than a mans. Nate helped her to her feet, cum running down the inside of both her legs. “Do you have somewhere I can clean up?” she asked. “Sure,” he said, “come with me.” He led her back through the house to a bathroom with a huge walk in shower. He went to a cupboard and pulled out a douche bag and handed it to her. “Here, you might need this. Jinx shoots a lot of cum, it will be running out of you for hours if you don’t douche, plus, I might want to eat you in a little while.” Alisha smiled, showered and douched.
She remembered every moment of that night. It was so perverted, but she had enjoyed every moment of it. She had always wanted to take on a big dog again, but had never had the nerve or the chance. She drifted off to sleep and the perverted dreams her subconscious mind yearned for.
The next morning Alisha awoke early, a while before sunrise. She got out of bed and went to the kitchen, the coffee maker had started at 4 and the morning “nectar of the gods” was ready. She poured a large cup, doctored it up and went back up to her room. She pulled the curtains to the side and stood sipping her coffee, watching the blood red color of morning appear behind the Sangre de Cristo mountains. She thought about the experience with the dog again. What a perverted thing, she thought. Then her mind wandered to her last year at UT. She had been living with Kurt Cramer for over a year. He was a great guy and had graduated from UT over a year ago. He was a petroleum engineer and worked for an oil company located in Austin. They were really close and she thought they were close to being married. She recalled the events of one evening, in particular, with vivid accuracy……………
I was going to meet my boyfriend Kurt's best friend and fraternity brother for the first time. Kurt had wanted me to look amazing he had said. He had told me that all through college they had had a rivalry. So for fun I let him pick out my outfit.
I walked into the bedroom from the bathroom after having taken a shower and blow drying my hair, and smiled when I saw he had picked out my clingy black skirt that really hugged my hips, and showed a lot of my long legs. He had also picked out a red corset style top that I had never seen before. Next to the clothes I saw a white box with a red ribbon.
He was sitting at my vanity with a big smile on his face, "I bought you something that I would like for you to wear tonight."
I opened the box to find a red lace garter belt with a matching pair of crotch-less lacey panties and a matching bra.
He was behind me and removed my robe. It dropped to the floor, and I felt his rough hands against my skin as he moved my long brunette hair to one side. He kissed the spot on my neck where it meets my shoulders.
"Can I put it on you?" he asked and nibbled my earlobe.
I let out a long sigh feeling warmth between my legs, and nodded.
He grabbed the panties and held them at my feet. I stepped into them, and he slid them ever so carefully up my legs. He kissed my inner thighs, and I let out a whimper. He looked up at me and smiled. The garter belt followed, and this time he kissed my stomach.
My skirt was slid up next. He turned me around to zipper me, and bit each of my ass cheeks so lightly. It tickled so I giggled. He spanked my ass in response.
He didn't put the bra on, because the corset top had a built in bustier. He kissed my shoulders as he fastened the clasps in the back. He turned me around again, and reached into the top of the corset. He positioned my breasts so that they pushed up nice and high, and made my D-cups look more like E's!
We were facing each other then, and our eyes were locked. I had never realized that getting dressed would be as much of a turn on as getting undressed. He kissed me long and hard then, and I wanted to claw his clothes off and fuck him right then and there.
He pushed me back down on the bed. Then turned to the dresser, and pulled out a pair of nude thigh high stockings. He knelt before me, and slowly rolled each one up my legs. He ran his hands up my right leg after the stocking was on and attached it to the garter belt, and did the same with the left. He had picked out three inch black heels for me to wear. Smiling, I stepped into them.
I felt like a pampered princess at that point. He stood before me, and pushed me back onto the bed. He lay on top of me, and we kissed. His hands roved my body, and I began to pull his shirt out of his pants. I wanted him so bad at that point.
He pushed himself off the bed, "We're going to be late."
We met his friend at a very fancy uptown restaurant. Kurt's friend was very tall, and had shoulder length brown hair. He was introduced to me as Greg.
Greg's brown eyes never left my breasts, especially when we shook hands, and they jiggled a little. I looked to Kurt, and saw the proud expression on his face.
Kurt had graduated the year before, and Greg was a senior that year. After they went over polite conversation about what each other had been up to they spent most of the evening talking about the fraternity and the new pledges.
By dessert I was feeling a little bit alienated, seeing as I hadn't said much since the salad was brought to the table. However, I had enjoyed three, or maybe five, glasses of red wine.
Before I knew it, Kurt was closing the door to the car after I had climbed in. Dinner was over and I was a bit tipsy. I watched out the window as he spoke to Greg.
I was a little annoyed that I had been ignored most of the evening. I had decided that I was going to tell Kurt how annoyed I was when he got back in the car.
Just as I was about to open my mouth after he climbed into the car. He placed his hand on my thigh and kissed my forehead.
"Would you mind if we went back to the frat house. You can see where I used to live."
I crossed my arms over my chest, "Actually I would mind! First of all your little friend's eyes NEVER left my tits, and second of all you two didn't acknowledge me all night!"
He squeezed my thigh, "I'm sorry baby, but you have no idea how happy that made me!"
I looked at him with my mouth agape.
"You are just that hot! Please, just one more thing for me. I promise I'll pay more attention to you."
He slid his hand up my thigh, and touched my naked pussy.
I smiled and kissed his lips.
"Alright, but you're going to pay dearly for this when we get home."
He smiled and started the car. "I can't wait!"
We pulled up to a run down row house with three Greek letters on the front of it. The steps to the front door were painted the fraternity colors, and also had the letters on them.
As we walked up the steps to the door, Greg stood at the top with a big grin on his face. I felt his eyes go up and down my body as I climbed the steps.
It wasn't that he was an unattractive man, I just didn't like the way he looked at me.
As I passed him through the door I felt his hand squeeze my ass. I turned sharply to glare at him. He just smiled in return.
Kurt had entered before me, and tugged my hand forward. I decided that since I was only going to be in this house for a short period of time I would let that slide.
Greg had disappeared within the house as Kurt gave me the whole tour of the house. Kurt told me tales of his years there with each room. He told me of who lived where when he was there, and a little story of each person. I had never realized how much fun he had had while in college.
The last room he showed me was the biggest bedroom I had seen by far. There was a giant king size bed in the middle, and dark curtains on the windows. It was also the cleanest.
Most of the rooms were littered with empty beer cans and bottles, crumpled papers, dirty clothes, and posters with half naked women on them. This room was painted a light green, and the only furniture was the bed, a stereo, and a few mirrors on the walls, and one on the ceiling.
Kurt walked past me and sat on the edge of the bed. I stood in the doorway.
"What was this room for?"
It must have been the entire third floor of the house.
He smiled at me, "It's the honeymoon suite my dear."
I looked behind me. There was no one there, and I remembered that we hadn't come across many of the houses residents during the tour. However, I had heard the door open a few times.
I looked back at Kurt and smiled, "What about Greg?"
He shrugged, "He'll probably figure it out, but I'm sure he's got himself busy playing some video game with the guys."
I closed the door behind me. I figured that since he had so many memories from his college years there, I might as well give him one as well.
I walked over to the stereo and flipped the stations until I found a beat I liked. I turned to see his eyes were on me. I began to sway with the music as I walked towards him. I ran my hands over my breasts and gave them a squeeze when I faced him, with my back to the door.
I slid my skirt around so that the zipper was in the front, and slid the zipper down slowly. I turned facing the door, and slid the skirt down, bending over. I felt his hands on my ass cheeks, and remained there for a moment.
I stood up, and he put his hands back down at his sides. I sat on his lap and grinded my ass into his crotch. I felt that he had a semi, and reached behind for his hands. I put them over my tits. He pulled down the cloth covering them, and tweaked my nipples as I ground into him.
He was nuzzling my neck and biting my shoulders. I stood up and faced him. I bent down, and put his face in my breasts for a moment. Then I backed up and continued to move with the music.
Kurt stood up and I went over to him. He put his hands on my hips and the two of us moved together to the music. His hands went to my ass squeezing it, and slapping it playfully.
I knelt down before him, and unzipped his fly. I was delighted to see that his cock was outside the slit in his briefs as it sprung out free from the pants. I let his pants fall to his ankles as I began to kiss and lick the head of his hard cock. I heard him groan slightly as I flicked my tongue against the shaft of his cock.
I slid my fingers under the band of his briefs and slid them down his legs. He stepped out of them, and took the head of his cock in my mouth. I sucked on it as if it were a lollipop.
I looked up and saw that he was watching me. I winked at him, and he took off his shirt himself. I reached around and squeezed his ass as I took more of his cock into my mouth. I saw his fists ball up on either side of my head. I closed my eyes and took him all the way into my mouth, and dipped his seven inch cock down my throat.
I felt his hand on the back of my head, and it grabbed a fist full of my hair. He groaned as I began to pump his cock in and out of my mouth. He pulled my head back by my hair, and I opened my eyes to look up at him.
"Can I lay down on the bed?" he asked.
I nodded, and he flopped down onto his back. He curled a finger at me, and I crawled onto the bed. I was now on all fours with my ass sticking up in the air and I licked him again.
This time I cupped his balls as I took him deep into my mouth again. I had established a rhythm quickly. Turning my head slightly as I went down, and twisting my hand as my head went up. I never heard the door open, as all I could hear were his groans of delight.
I jumped when I felt the hand on my ass.
"What the-"
I turned and saw Greg naked behind me. His semi erect cock was in one of his hands, and his other was cupping my ass.
I looked up to Kurt with a pleading expression. The answer I got was his hand on my head shoving my head down on his cock. I tried to protest, but he pushed my head down so that his cock was down my throat. He grabbed my hair, and began to pull my head up and down on his cock.
I felt Greg's large hands on my moist pussy lips rubbing them, and then spreading them. I wanted to tell him to stop, but something about it was a turn on. I didn't know if it was that Gregg was playing with me, or if it was Kurt pulling head down onto his cock.
I heard Kurt groan and grunt like he never had before.
I couldn't help but moan when I felt Greg's tongue licking my lips. One of his fingers began to wiggle its way inside me, and I sucked harder on Kurt's cock. Kurt's hand wasn't on my head anymore; he was now clawing at the bed sheet. His face was twisted in ecstasy as I took him deeper in my throat than I had ever before.
I gagged slightly. I felt a small orgasm building as Greg rubbed my clit with one of his fingers, and stuck his tongue into my pussy. I groaned and moaned onto Kurt's cock.
Kurt suddenly pulled my head up and stood up next to the bed. I looked up at him unsure what to do as Greg continued to lick my pussy. He reached over and tapped Greg. Greg stopped, and quickly took Kurt's spot on the bed.
I looked from Kurt to Gregg unsure what to do. What had I gotten myself into? I looked down at the cock in front of me, and felt Kurt's hand on my head again. He pushed my head down so that my lips were against the head of Greg's cock.
No words were spoken, and I took it into my mouth. As I sucked on the head it began to grow. Greg's cock was longer than Kurt's, but not as thick, and was much veinier.
I ran my tongue up and down the veins. Greg grabbed two fists-full of my hair and pulled my head down on his cock. He had control of how much went into my mouth. At first he started slow.
I felt two of Kurt's fingers inside me. He wiggled them around and I moaned on the cock in my mouth. I couldn't believe how it some how grew another half inch. Greg pulled my head down harder and I gagged on his long cock.
Kurt was pushing his fingers deep in me to match Greg's pulling my head down. Another orgasm built up in me, and my body shook as I came on Kurt's fingers, and choked on Greg's cock.
Then I gasped when Kurt slammed his cock into me. He pulled my hips back, and thrust his cock inside. Soon Greg was groaning as every time Kurt thrusts forward I took Greg's cock more into my throat.
I felt like a pig on a rotisserie, and had never felt so good in my life. My body shook quickly as I came again.
I felt something cool being poured between my ass cheeks. I couldn't look back because Greg had pulled at my head and hair again. His cock was pulsing in my mouth, but I could tell he was holding back on his orgasm.
I felt a finger slide itself into my ass, and then a squirt of cum went down my throat. I gagged at first, but then swallowed as much as I could, but most of it dribbled out of my mouth.
Greg let go of my head, and turned to see that the finger working its way into my asshole did not belong to Kurt. A Rastafarian-looking black man with long dreds was poking his fingers into my ass.
I had never met him before, but he was very well built, and very naked. His cock hung limp between his legs. He squirted more cool liquid onto my asshole, and pushed two fingers into my ass. I groaned, and came again.
When I turned back to the bed in front of me I saw that there was a naked skinny redhead in front of me. I took his limp cock into my mouth, and quickly sucked him to life.
He was much smaller than Gregg. And I could take all of him into my mouth without gagging. I heard some more voices in the room, but didn't care. Someone was now smacking my ass as Kurt's cock grew inside me. I felt him squirt deep in me, and then he slurped out.
To my surprise he was replaced by a thicker shorter cock. I had no idea who was fucking me now. The cock in my pussy was being pumped in and out roughly. The cock would be thrust in and the two fingers in my ass would slide out. When the cock slid back, the fingers would be pushed deep in. I had experience with anal sex, and rather enjoyed it.
I saw a cock being jerked to life out of the corner left eye, and felt someone to my right pull at my nipples. I knew my ass cheeks had to be red by now because of all the spankings I was getting.
I felt another finger in my ass stretching it and squealed on the cock that was now thrusting into my mouth. The red head was pushing my head down, and fucking my mouth. I couldn't concentrate on sucking his cock anymore. I was enjoying the anal pleasure, and the rough fucking I was getting.
The red head got up, and someone else took his place. I wasn't paying attention then. I screamed as an orgasm rolled through my body and I shook. The cock inside me exploded. I heard the man behind me squeal, and he slurped out of me.
I felt a smaller cock take his place, and assumed it was the red head attempting to fuck me. I felt cum, mine and the others, dripping out and down my legs. I groaned into the new cock in mouth.
The red head came quickly, and he pulled out squirting his load into my asshole. The fingers in my ass slid out. The man before me climbed off the bed. I turned to see seven men in the room.
Kurt and Greg were idling stroking their cocks; the red head had taken a seat on the floor with a content look on his face; Rasta-man was licking his lips, I saw that it was his fingers slick with lube; the man who's cock I had just been sucking pulled me off the bed; one of the others knelt before me, and began to suck on my clit; the other twisted and pulled on my nipples.
My knees began to tremble, and I was led back to the bed. I straddled the last cock that was in my mouth. He was thrusting inside me and I squealed. The man who had sucked my clit stood on the bed, and pulled my head to his cock. I took him eagerly into my mouth, and sucked on him with a new fever.
I grunted and groaned as the man pushed deep up into my womb. The other pulled my head closer to his body so that his cock was balls deep in my mouth. He pulled my head back and sprayed cum all over my face. It got up my nose, and in my hair. He let me go, and I felt another hand push me back down.
I screamed as the cock drove deep into my pussy. I felt four fingers pushing against my anus. It was the cock that I had yet to experience that was now being pushed into my well stretched ass. He slid the head inside me slowly, and I gasped. The man beneath me had stopped thrusting.
The cock in my ass was the biggest one I had had that night. It was worked in slowly. By the time it was balls deep I was crying. He pulled out slowly, and the cock in my pussy thrust inside hard. I thought it was almost out, when the cock in my ass was forced in hard. I cried out loud, and the two cocks began alternating.
The man on the bottom came quickly after that. Kurt replaced him, and began fucking me with new stamina. I was so weak from all the orgasms I had had that day that I couldn't stop shaking.
The cock in my ass soon squirted, and cum dripped down mixing with the cum on my thighs. I was so stretched that Greg's cock slid quickly up my ass in its place. He began fucking my ass hard.
He and Kurt were thrusting inside me at the same time, I could barely stand it. I couldn't believe that I could cum again. This time there were fireworks and I passed out.
I awoke the next morning in the bed with Kurt. My hair was plastered to my head with dry cum. The room smelled of sweat and sex. Kurt was already awake watching me sleep. He kissed my forehead and said, "Thank you."
I just lay there, still exhausted from the hard fucking I had gone through. I looked at Kurt and asked him why he did this to me.
He just smiled at me and told me that all the fraternity brothers bring their girlfriends here before they ask them to marry them.
I looked at Kurt, puzzled at how he could put the woman he was going to ask to marry him through something like that. He was still smiling as he rolled over on top of me and pushed his hard cock deep into my pussy. I was pissed as he continued to thrust in and out of me. In a short while I felt his cock swell and a load of hot cum sprayed all over the inside of my vagina.
He crawled off of me, stood at the edge of the bed and asked, “Alisha, will you marry me?”
I couldn’t believe his nerve, he lured me to this place only to be screwed by, I don’t know how many of his fraternity brothers, and I don’t know how many times. Then he asks me to marry him? I got up off the bed, gobs of co-mingled cum running out of me and down my legs. I gathered my clothes and put them on. I turned and said, “Kurt, go fuck yourself and all your fucking frat brats, we’re done.”
I opened the door to the room and stormed out. I started seeing the faces of the men that had fucked me last night, standing around the house as I went down the stairs and out the front door. Greg was sitting on the front steps.
“Good morning, Alisha, you don’t have to leave so soon, we can have more fun if you want to, you’re damn good and I’d like to do one more round with you.” He was laughing as I went down the front walk.
I turned, flipped him off and told him to go fuck himself also.
I went to the apartment and showered, totally cleaning myself up. I called the building super and had him change the locks, then I began packing Kurt’s things up and stacking them in the hallway. I was so mad and felt so betrayed……………..
The sun had started peeking above the mountains as Alisha continued to sip on her coffee and think about that betrayal. It still hurt that he had done that to her. Hell, all he had to say to her was, it’s over. She grinned and thought, it’s just another of life’s experiences that makes me strong today. She wondered where Kurt was today and what he was doing. She had mistakenly loved a frat brat that had no consideration for her. Oh well………
She finished her coffee and went to the shower, got dressed and went downstairs to have breakfast and face the day. She had a lot to get done and was looking forward to the day and it’s challenges. She had to go to the Coop and get a pallet of feed. She knew she would see Fred while she was there. She thought back to that Saturday afternoon over at his house. She had really enjoyed that, he was such a good lover and she loved his cock……it was just the right size for her. Before she left, she and Bob talked a little about the purchase of the Marrs Ranch and what she needed to get done before it could happen. She told her Dad that she had signed the contract, now all she had to do, to finish, was to get the divorce settlement. She also had ordered a survey of the ranch boundaries. There had been some talk about a boundary discrepancy along the Rio Grande Forest boundary and she wanted it cleared up. She had also ordered an appraisal of the property, just for her records.
Bob grinned, “I’ve raised a smart gal, looks like you have all the bases covered. Alisha thanked him for his confidence in her. “Also, Dad, I have a meeting with the Forest Service this afternoon. Two grazing permits, that border ours, are available. They consist of 5000 acres of prime grazing. I’m going to try to get them for us, do you want to come along?” He told her that he thought she could handle it, he had a meeting with Bob Bradley this afternoon. Bradley had called him yesterday and told him about a rustling problem he was having and wanted to talk to Bob about it. Bob thought it was important that he meet with Bradley as their ranches were adjacent to each other and the problem could cross over to the Singletree. Alisha asked him to keep her informed and she would take care of negotiating the Forest Lease.
Only problem I've noticed is that you said in the previous chapter that Alisha had never ever been double penetrated yet clearly in this chapter it says that she had been, not a huge deal but you want to try to stay consistent with these details
Only problem I've noticed is that you said in the previous chapter that Alisha had never ever been double penetrated yet clearly in this chapter it says that she had been, not a huge deal but you want to try to stay consistent with these details
Incredibly hot story and well-written, but two of the paragraphs were huge blocks of text. You could try cutting them into smaller blocks next time. Thanks for the story, glyn.
If you had read the first installment you would have found that Chapter two is included there and labeled as such. Open your eyes and don't threaten me jerk.
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