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A single mother finds her inner woman once again
It was another lonely summer night, hot and humid. She sat in her living room, sweet tea in hand wearing nothing but shorts and a tank top. Since her divorce, this was her normal nightly routine. The baby was asleep and the house was painstakingly quiet. She mostly hated when the nights came but tonight was different. Her large picture windows were open and her white sheers were whipping in the wind. It looked like a scene from a beach house whose doors were always open to welcome in the breeze that smelled of the ocean spray. There was a low rumble of thunder in the distance and streak of lightning barely visible in her country home. She prayed for rain. The slow and steady kind that played a melody like little teardrops falling on her tin roof. Those night provided the perfect environment for the deep sleep she desperately needed.
The bed being empty had not been a problem to create her sleeping problem. Even when her ex-husband was in their bed, he was never present. He was there to touch but never there to hold. He was never there to comfort or offer constructive conversation. He would not talk but yell and belittle. He would more often than not crawl his vile body onto hers, finish his deed and then roll over and snore so loudly it gave her a headache. He did not even bother to clean himself off causing there to be a crusty layer of his secretions on the sheets in the morning. This disgusted her. She felt cheap and used. She never let him see her cry as she washed the sheets the next morning. He would come home and be gone again. This repeated for what felt like an eternity. With every change of the sheets, she lost part of her soul. Every tear that stained her shirt was a part of heart that broke. She felt like this was all she was good for.
She was lonely. She craved the attention and affection of someone who was very much a man. She did not know who this man was but dreaming never hurt anyone. In her mind, she crafted the perfect man. He was tall, dark and handsome. His hair was as black as coal and his eyes as blue as the clear summer sky when there was not a cloud in site. The way he walked had purpose. His confidence radiating from his body like steam from a hot bowl of grits. He was educated and challenged her intellectually. She needed a real conversation. A two year old, while precious, could only say so much. He had to be passionate. He needed to match her stroke for strode and stride for stride. He had to be willing to please and willing to let her occasionally take the reins.
Her womanhood started to tingle in a way that it had not in ages. What was her body telling her? She knew it had been a while since she had felt a release. It had been almost a year since she had felt the touch of a man and even then she rarely had been pushed to the point of orgasm. When was the last time she had an orgasm? “Oh, this is so sad,” she thought to herself. She had always been a sexually charged woman. She enjoyed the chase but she enjoyed being caught. She had always enjoyed the art of sex. It was never just about the orgasm but the way you reached it. Experimenting had always been her favorite thing. She loved to try new things. Lord how she loved to fuck outside. The risk of being caught while fucking like wild animals in the heat of nights like this one sent over the edge and caused her to cum like crazy. It would often run down her legs and soak whatever happened to be underneath her. “Those were the days,” she whispered to herself.
The more she thought the more flushed she became. She was getting very hot and bothered. It had been ages since she was this flustered. She was beginning to consider doing something about this. “It might help me sleep,” her inner sexual deviant pleaded with her trying to convince her to become a woman once more. What could it hurt? The baby was asleep after all and she was the only one home. She was already almost naked seeing as her shorts and tank top barely covered her sensual curves. Her now one track mind, caused her to drift to her bedroom leaving the windows wide open. As she made her way to her bedroom, she shed her two pieces of clothing leaving them in the hallway. Her queen size bed was huge for her petite but voluptuous body. She did not even bother to pull back the white duvet or remove the many pillows that covered the bed. All she could think about was reaching her climax. She was biting her lower lip in anticipation for what was to come. She started moving her hands down her body. Cupping her large soft breasts and the slightly pinching her pinky supple nipples. A harsh breathe came from deep within as her body awakened. As she glided her hands over her flat stomach she moaned with the faintest sound barely audible to anyone who might be outside her open windows. She touched her thighs with the softest touch and her lady bits were starting to moisten. She let her fingers graze the folds of velvet. A wave of sensation causing her body to quiver. It had been so long since she had felt anything in that region of her body. It took her breathe away. As she began to rub faster, her breath quickened and her fingers became wet with own fluids. She let her middle finger slip into her as she rubbed her clit the other hand. She found her natural rhythm, fast but steady. The more she played the wetter she got. Her mind drifted to that tall handsome man. She longed to fill his tongue pressed against her clit. Licking fast with pressure behind it. His fingers going in and out while he licked and sucked on her glorious pussy. Oh she longed for him to fuck her. To be between her legs, squeezing her tits as he pounded her fast and hard. She wanted him to turn her over and put her on all fours. She needed to feel him pound her from behind with his finger wrapped in her hair. The more she thought about this the closer she got to orgasm. Her mind kept drifting to this sexy stranger. The raw passion they shared in her mind caused her pussy to contract. She knew her release was near. She continued to finger her tight and moist womanhood. Her moans and cries getting louder and louder. Her body began to shake and with a rushing glory and loud scream she came so hard her bed was soaking wet. Tonight, she did not care who could hear or that her bed was wet. She slept for the first time in over a year and her windows would still be open in the morning.
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