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An unlucky girl spots something in the dark of night. Her fears become a reality as the nightmarish thing shows how real it is.
It’s a warm summer evening. The sky is clear and the full moon shines brightly, leaving everything in a milky glow. Melany sits in her room. She leans out of her window to cool off, it doesn't help much. She hates the summer, it’s always too hot. She gets sweaty and stinky and when the night does come to cool everything, even just by a little, the mosquitoes come out. And to top it all off, wearing lithe clothes to try and get rid of the heat guarantees that every boy in town bothers her whenever she goes out. She sighs. If only it were almost winter again. Everything beautifully covered in the white snow, drinking coco, movie marathons with her friends. Oh well, not until another few months. At least she can see the moon now that the clouds are gone. That’s the only good thing about the summer. With the little rain they get, the moon is visible and bright almost every evening. Its cool light makes everything seem so peaceful and the heat almost bearable. The wolves sing their ode to it, as does she, silently.

This evening, she can hear the howling again. She closes her eyes, drinking in the sounds of the night and the cool breeze that gently blows along her cheeks. Suddenly, she hears a howl so loud it drowns out everything else. Startled, she realizes it’s coming from close by, in fact, it seems to be coming from just behind the far hedge of their backyard. A wolf, here? She never heard of wolves coming this close to town. She sees something sticking out behind the hedge, she squints her eyes and it looks… Like a head, a wolf’s head. How can that be? The hedge is at least 6 foot tall. Then, the head sharply turns, its eye looking straight into hers. She suppresses a scream and drops down beneath her window sill. Her heart races as she props her back up against the wall, her hand over her mouth. She hears a growl and then silence.

She sits there for a moment with her eyes closed. Her parents aren't home, should she call them? And then what, tell them she’s afraid because she saw a wolf? It’s probably long gone by now. Then, as she slowly gets up, she hears the house creak. Her heart jumps at that, but she manages to convince herself it’s just the house settling. As she peeks over the windowsill, looking for a sign of the wolf, suddenly a claw bigger than her head reaches up out of the night sky and latches onto the window frame. This time, she can’t suppress the scream. She scrambles up onto her feet while she sees the claw being quickly followed by the wolf head she saw a minute ago. By that point she’s turned around and running for the door, her heart pounding in a chest. Her hand is just an inch away from the handle, when she feels the claw grab her ankle and tug her back. Her leg feels like it almost got torn off by the force behind it. Screaming, she grabs tufts full of carpet, trying to crawl away while her loose leg kicks wildly. She hears a growl and an ear-shattering bark. The unexpected noise paralyzing her for a moment. She looks behind herself and there, she sees something she’s never seen before in her life. A gigantic, muscled, wolf-like creature, standing on two legs. His forelimbs look nothing like a wolf’s though. They look more like arms, with sharp clawed hands. Once again, her screaming picks up. The creature grabs both her legs in one claw, drags her off the floor and swings her over its shoulder. It jumps back out through the window, landing with an audible ‘thud’. He takes off in a sprint, with three claws to the ground and the other firmly coiled around the girl’s waist.

In fear and in panic, Melany screams her lungs out, as she tries to pound and kick the huge form under her with all her might. But the creature looks unfazed as the impacts get absorbed by its thick, matted fur. Desperate to get free, Melany puts all her strength in a hit that must hurt even a thing of this size. Bending her leg and pressing it into the fur of the creature’s chest, she quickly extends it, hitting the creature under his jaw with all the force she can muster. A sick cracking sound gets quickly followed by a high pitched whine as the blow takes the creature by surprise. As Melany feels a flicker of hope, the creature hurls her off of its shoulder. With her legs tightly gripped by its claw, the creature swings her through the air, slamming her onto the ground and knocking the wind out of her. As pain shoots through her body, she desperately tries to catch her breath, but no air seems to fill her lungs for a few moments. While she lays heaving on the ground, the creature’s head fills her vision. Her head fills with dread and horror when she hears a low, grumbling voice from its maw say:

“If you don’t fucking keep still and stay quiet, I will crush your pretty little head with my teeth where I stand.”

All Melany can do is stare at its face in utter shock. She’s not even aware of her still laboured breathing as her mind tries to come to grips with the fact that this… This thing just spoke. Since her mind is still reeling in panic, horror and surprise, she only vaguely recalls the concept she’s heard and seen many a times in books and movies. A werewolf… Is that what this thing is? Has she come into contact with an actual, real life werewolf? Before her thoughts can dwell any further, the gravelly voice once again booms in her ears,

“Do you understand? Not a move… Not a noise… Or I will crack open your skull before you can even utter a scream.”

Fear blocks out all thought and other emotion as Melany nods, shaking from head to toe. The brute swings her over its shoulder again, darting its eyes around. They’re still in the suburbs, although the roads and alleys come to a stop not far from here, giving way to a mostly untraveled thick of woods, which slowly lead up to the wooded hills surround this side of the town. Confident that it hasn’t been spotted, the beast trots up to a full sprint again, soon leaving the houses and the town behind as they disappear into the woods.

The terrain slowly changes as it rushes by. What little walking paths there are disappear as the underbrush gets thicker and the slopes in the terrain get steeper and more irregular. It seems like ages of blurry greens and browns to Melany before the air rushing around her body gradually comes to a stand-still and the world around her clears up once again. Carefully twisting her head, she looks at her surroundings. They’ve come to a stop in a small clearing near a sheer cliff side. Lifting herself up slightly, she can see the outlines of a cave into the cliff, which they now slowly approach. Shifting her weight on the creature’s shoulder to look back, a deep, menacing growl comes from the monstrous form under her. She quickly lays flat over his shoulder again, onto his back, his warning still clear in her mind. She looks up at the moon in the distance, feeling her hope ebb away as it disappears behind the rim of the cave.

They walk for a little while as the cave winds into the hillside. As her eyes adjust to the darkness, she can see little tangents and rooms off to the side, littered with rocks or perhaps other things. She hopes they’re just rocks. After a minute or so, they enter a relatively large tangent room. A strong, earthy smell hits her as they enter. She realizes it is the same smell as the rugged fur currently under her head. This must be where it stays. After what’s felt like hours of traveling through the forest, the beast finally lets her down from his shoulder. Keeping his claw firmly gripped around her waist, he holds her against one of the walls of the chamber, bending down to grab something underneath her.

Letting her eyes dart around, she can see a huge pile of furs and hides against the back wall, a little further off besides that she sees a small pile of bits and pieces of meat and bone. She starts to feel sick as she sees the little parts of still recognizable pieces of deer and other woodland animals sticking out of it. Closing her eyes, trying to rid herself of the image, she suddenly feels something cold around her ankle, followed by a ‘click’. As she looks down, she can see what the creature has been up to. A rusty iron manacle is locked around her ankle. The chain connected to it runs a few feet before being trapped under a huge rock. He drops her down to her feet onto the cold cave floor. As the girl looks at the creature with dread and confusion, he chuckles.

“I can see you’re confused. You must be wondering why I brought you here… Well, I might as well go ahead and show you.”

Using his claw to spin her around, he pushes her down onto her hands and knees before him. Wearing only a nighty and panties, Melany’s face flushes as she suddenly realizes how exposed she is. She gives out a little yelp as the creature grabs her arms out from under her and puts them on her back, her hands touching her elbows. He curls one of his massive claws around both her forearms, suspending her upper body by her arms.

“Remember,” He says, “one wrong move…”

As his other claw lifts up her nighty, Melany starts shaking, tears welling up in her eyes as she realizes what is about to happen. In a swift motion, the second claw slices and rips the thin fabric to pieces, exposing Melany’s skin to the cool cave air. She shrieks as it gets torn off and then starts to sob softly.

“P-please…” She utters, “Not this… Please…”

She feels breathing on her neck as the creature leans over her and growls in her ear:

“Would you rather end up as my dinner tonight, little one?”

She slowly shakes her head, as tremors of fear ripple through her body, while a tear streaks over her face.

“That’s what I thought,” the growl concludes.

The claw now arcs into her panties. As it gets ripped off in the same unceremonious manner, she is now completely exposed to the monster looming over her. Her breathing and heart quicken as she feels his weight shift above her, the breath on her neck pulling back. To her surprise, instead of finding something hard getting pressed against her, she feels a soft, wet mass getting against her lips. A moan escapes her as the writhing wet mass presses and moves over her lips. Twisting her head back she sees the creature’s maw is lowered behind her, his nose resting over her cheeks. She can’t believe it, that beast is licking her. That whole thing is his tongue? She shudders to think how big his other parts would have to be. But those thoughts quickly drown away, since the forceful licking intensifies, coaxing more moans out of her. Although against her will, she can’t help but enjoy the way that wet, warm feeling encases her entire sex, pressing against all the sensitive spots. For a few moments, Melany starts to forget where she is and just moans in bliss. But it’s not long before the pleasuring feeling retreats and the creature rears its head back up and speaks.

“That should do it… Now you’re all ready.”

Confused for a moment as she comes down from her rush, Melany quickly finds out what he is talking about, as she feels his hard member press up against her lips. A tremble runs through her body as she instinctively tries to pull away, shrieking a bit. The beast just chuckles.

“You have no place to go…”

With a great force, the wolf pushes the head of its member past her lips. Melany screams out at the invading force, but it’s no use. The thick wolf cock slowly but surely pushes further and further up into her depths as she hears groaning and panting noises above her. She wriggles around in panic as she screams, trying desperately to hold off the pulsating slickness that’s stretching her out beyond what she ever thought possible. The wriggling and tightening around his cock just entices the beast even more, whose moaning becomes thick and wet with lust.

Gripping her tightly, he starts to rock his hips back and forth, enjoying the tightness and wetness of his new prey. As he pleasures himself slowly and steadily, he buries himself deeper and deeper, until his knot stops him from going any further. Sobbing and screaming as she gets stuffed, Melany gets another shock as she feels this thickness propped up against her lips. But her thoughts have no time to linger as the wolf now picks up its pace, starting to pound into her harder, his knot slamming wetly against her lips and ass. As his member stabs into her deepest depths, Melany’s screams slowly take on a different tone. Big as the creature’s member is, it’s not actually hurting her. Yes, the pressure is terrific, but there’s no actual pain. As he pounds into her, more and more moans break through her screams. And if at first she was paralyzed by panic and fear, all those feelings now slowly get swallowed up by the immense feeling of pleasure building up inside of her.

The shift in tone of the petite form writhing beneath him coaxes the wolf to give even more. His mind now completely consumed with lust, the sweet syrupy moans now reaching his ears only spur him on. Putting her chest down into the dirt for a better angle, he starts to pound into the silkiness surrounding his cock even harder, as he does, the knot hammers even quicker against the wet lips below. Getting fucked even harder, Melany’s pleasure intensifies, her muscles now eagerly gripping at the thick form inside of her, as if it pull even more of it in. Her mind washing over with feelings of pure bliss, she’s not even aware of how her loud moaning fills the room.

Feeling the inviting gripping on his pulsing member, the wolf makes one big forceful push, eager to get all of him inside after all. Melany screams out a long, wet scream as the knot gets forced in, stretching her even wider. The feeling of this big push sends her reeling over the edge and the biggest orgasm she’s ever felt erupts inside of her as the knot gets pounded into her. At the same time, feeling the heavy contractions of orgasm massage his cock, the pounding creature lets loose his own orgasm. Streams of cum shoot up into the girl’s belly. Trapped in by the knot, the thick spurts cause her belly to extend a bit as it swirls around inside, getting rocked by the powerful pulses of the girl’s orgasm.

Letting go of her arms, they both slowly come down from their rush, sweaty and panting loudly. As his cock starts to get soft and his knot small enough, he pulls out, with a few spurts of cum following, which splatter onto the floor. Melany lets out a couple moans as the cum comes out of her and then falls on her side, looking up at the beast still looming over her.

Without as much as a word, the beast staggers off to his make-shift bed of furs. He pulls out two of the softer, cleaner ones and comes back to the corner where Melany lays exhausted. He picks her up gently, places one of the furs under her and drapes the other one over her. She blushes slightly, looking into his eyes.

“Thank you…”

He looks at her for a second but then staggers back to his furs and falls down onto it, sleeping within seconds. Pulling the soft fur over herself, Melany tries to come to grips with what exactly happened this evening. But it isn’t long before her eyes also draw shut and she drifts off into sleep.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-09-11 13:45:26
so hot! I wish a werewolf would knot my holes and fill me with his beast cum...


2016-05-30 22:09:11
Hey guys. Thanks so much for the positive comments! This is the first time I ever wrote something and put it online. I'm glad to see so many people like it. I left the ending open as I wasn't sure I wanted to write more, but wanted to keep the possibility open. I can't promise anything but I'll look in to writing more. Perhaps till next time!

Norton XReport 

2016-05-21 20:19:39
Awesome non-consensual supernatural tale! Very well-written. All boxes checked. Excellent stuff, MT!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-16 14:12:25
Still A better love story than Twilight

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-15 16:12:55
I really enjoyed reading this story. I'd love to see a second chapter

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