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Leave a like or a dislike, and comment giving me idea or constructive critisism. I need it! Thanks! | Matt tries to fight the temptations he's feeling towards his step sisters...
Chapter 2: The Sole Purpose
It had been about a year since Katie, Jax, and I... saw each other. Katie and I were 18, and Jax was 17. I was surprised at how fast we'd gotten over it. It was actually hard for me to remember just what they... looked like. I was glad, too. I didn't want to remember. I wanted to remember the good times we shared... the old days.

The girls hadn't spoken about what happened between us at all in the past year. At least, not to me. I was sure they'd spoken about it in private, but who am I to stop them. If they don't bring it up, there's no point in me doing so, right?

It was early July, the 3rd to be exact. We were at a market, buying hot dogs, hamburgers, and fireworks for the next day's celebrations. The Fourth of July was one of my favorite holidays. Sit around with the family and set off fireworks. What can be more fun than that?

I was standing with my father, looking for cheap package of buns, when a set of hands appeared over my eyes. "Wow, I wonder who this could possibly be..." I turned around, and, to my big surprise, Jax was standing behind me. She smiled that innocent smile of hers and I laughed. The events of the previous year didn't even enter my head anymore.

"Whatcha guys doing over here?" She said, crossing her arms.

My dad, his hand on his chin, swiveled on his heel to look at Jax. "Looking for the cheapest package of buns we can get." He said, before swiveling back to the racks.

I looked to Jax. She raised her eyebrows. "Well, Matt, if you need a cheap pair of buns, I got some over here," she said, smiling and winking, before walking away back to Katie and our mom. I was about to follow her, to compare the prices, when I stopped. "Pair of buns?" Did she mean... An image of Jax's tits flashed in my head. "Fuck," I muttered. Of course that's not what Jax meant... right?

I snapped back to reality when my dad pulled a package from the shelves. "Here we go! Good quality, low price." He said, tossing the package in the cart. I felt a buzz in my pocket. I pull out my phone to see I got a text from my friend Daniel:

"I see you...?" I look up and around, finally seeing him. He was being the creep he normally was, peeking around a distant aisle. When he noticed I saw him he winked at me. I started to walk to him when someone jumped in front of me. It was Katie, who was grabbing my arm. She yanked me into an aisle, and held onto my shoulders. "Matt." She said, in an ominous voice.

"What, Katie?" I said, knowing what she was about to say was unimportant. She always spoke in this voice when she was trying to make something sound important.

"I... found... the fireworks!" She said, before smiling and pointing.

I laughed. "What are you, five?" She laughed and shoved me back out of the aisle, where Daniel was waiting.

"Lucky bastard." He said, leaning on the shelf.

"Why's that?" I said, crossing my arms. I had a pretty good feeling that I knew why.

"Really, Matt? You take for granted what you have. Look at that." he said, pointing at Katie. "That's why you're lucky."

I laughed. "Yeah, I'm glad she's my sister." I glanced over at Jax, who was with my father. "Jax too."

Daniel leaned back. "Oh, yeah, can't forget about Jacque." He said. "Speaking of Jacque... you wouldn't happen to know if she's single, do you?"

I scoffed. "No offense, man, but you think she'd date you?"

Daniel smirked and shoved my shoulder. "Nice, bro. Thanks a lot." He started backing up. "Hey, man, I'll see you tomorrow."

I waved goodbye. "See ya, man!" I turned and started walking back to my family. I saw Ben standing with Jax, looking at the chips. I walked up to them, putting my hand on Ben's shoulder. The two of them look over at me. "Find anything?"

Ben raises his eyebrows. "I'm assuming we're just going to get barbecue... again." He sighed, looking back to the rows of potato chips."

Jax was still looking at me. "Find those buns I was talking about?" She raised an eyebrow.

I squinted cautiously. "No, but we found some other ones... why?"

She shrugged. "No reason. Just curious." She walked away to find our parents, presumably.

I turned when I heard Ben laugh. "There's no bother guessing with her, Matt. She's a closed book."

I chuckled. "Oh, I know, Ben." I walk away in Jax's direction. "You have no idea."
Finally. The day I'd been waiting for. July 4th. We had invited most of our immediate neighbors and close by family for the party. We had a fairly large backyard, so we could easily house the amount that were attending. Our parents told us to get things ready for the party. Jax and I were in charge of cleaning the area around the pool. I picked up one of Ben's pool balls and threw it in the bin next to the pool. Jax strolled past me. "Really think you should have bought those other buns yesterday... heard that brand holds hot dogs better..." She added before heading over to fix a chair. I stopped walking. Jax...

I realized, against my better judgement, that I was getting hard. Chances are, she was just talking about hot dog buns, and didn't even realize how crazy of an innuendo this was. That, or...

I shook my head back to reality. Jax was back over by the porch, helping my dad with the grill. I shook my head and headed inside. I needed a break.

I saw Katie on the couch, so I walked up and sat next to her.

She looked up from her phone when I sat down. "Hey!" She said, leaning her head on my shoulder for a second as a greeting, before lifting her head back up. We chatted for a few minutes, waiting for the first of the guests to arrive. Tonight would be busy.

When the doorbell finally rang, Katie jumped up. "I'll get it!"

Katie loved answering the door for guests. Chances are, the guests also loved Katie answering the door. If Katie answers the door, you're getting a hug. And she gives good hugs. I stood up, trying to identify the guest from their voice. It was my Uncle Ricky, with his wife and kids. You wouldn't be interested in those kids, though. They were much younger and far more annoying than my sisters. I stood near the entrance to the kitchen and greeted my family members as they filed into the house. My uncle patted me on the shoulder. "Hey, Matt. What's up?" He said, not specifically looking for an answer. He suddenly waved passed me. "Well, hello, Jacqueline!"

Aware now that Jax was behind me, I decided to slip past everyone and head back outside. I didn't want to be near Jax at the moment... she was acting strange. Almost as if she were going back on her promise to never talk to me about her feelings towards me. I walked up to my dad. "Hey, Dad, Uncle Ricky is here."

"Oh, that's good." He said, not looking away from the burgers. "Just in time, too. Watch this for me?" He said, stepping past me to greet his brother. I stood by the grill and flipped a burger or two, just glad to be away from Jax for a minute. I felt a tap on my shoulder. My anxiety quickly shrank when I saw it was only Katie, and not Jax.

"Nice burgers ya got there." She sat, rocking back and forth on her heels. I couldn't help but notice she was barefoot; finding a Floridian girl in the summer being barefoot is about as surprising as finding a dog with a tail. Her long toes were scrunching in the grass, and I had to look away before getting a boner. Luckily, Katie didn't seem to notice.

"Yeah, they look good..." I said, hiding my anger. Thanks a lot, Jax. Now I have to get over these urges again. Fuck.

Katie sighed and spun around in the lawn, her black hair flying through the air. "We're gonna have so much fun tonight, Matt. You don't even know!" She said, continuing to spin.

I had to push aside the thought that came to my mind: What kind of fun?

I realized I needed to avoid Katie too, now. Great. My dad returned with my uncle, and I took that as my cue to walk away. I went over to one of the pool chairs and sat down. Sadly, Katie had followed me, so I was stuck in my own awkward imagination again.

Katie plopped down on the chair next to me. She swung her legs up over the arm, her feet almost touching my arm. I shifted as to not be near them. Katie looked at me with her piercing blue eyes. "So, what's up?"

Sadly, my penis. "Nothing really... really excited for tonight, though!" I said, trying to just have a conversation.

A smile spread across her face. "Me too! I love fireworks." She said, kicking her legs. Her feet repeatedly popped up into view, making me look away. As I turned my head, I noticed that Jax was coming. Fucking really?

"Hey, Jax." I said, looking her in the eyes, and not at her probable bare feet.

"Hey, guys." She said, sitting down on a chair directly across from me. She stuck her legs up in the air, and presented her feet to me. "Hey, Matt, are my feet dirty? Don't want to look stupid in front of the family."

My eyes were forced to lock onto her feet. Jax's soles looked like they were so soft. They were light brown from the dirt. "Yeah, they are a little."

"Aw, shit, alright." She got up, grabbing a towel from the bar, and walking to the pool. I watched her sit on the edge and dip her legs in. I forced myself to look back to Katie, who was looking at me expectantly. We talked for a while, about how we never wanted summer to end, about how we couldn't wait for the fireworks.

But all I could think about was how I was getting boners from my siblings feet, again.
It was much later now, and the sun was almost down. We'd all eaten our dinner, and were nestling up together outside, getting ready for the firework display. I sat with Daniel and Katie, Jax close by chatting with Ben.

Daniel was blabbering on to me about some girl he'd been wanting to bang, but I cut him off. I noticed Katie looking at her phone, stifling laughter. "Dan, let's not talk about this. It's kinda weird with Ben so close by..." I said, motioned towards Jax and my brother.

"Oh, c'mon, Matt. He's sixteen now, right? He's heard - and seen - much worse." Daniel laughed.

Katie suddenly looked up and cleared her throat. She looked over at my brother. "Hey Ben?"

Ben looked over Jax's shoulder. "Yeah, Katie?"

Katie flashed one of those award winning smiles. "I just wanted to say that you're growing up to be a handsome young man. Do you have a girlfriend yet?"

Ben frowned, sighed, and stood up. "Well, see ya guys." He strode off to find somewhere else to go.

Katie smirked. "You're welcome." She said, looking back at her phone.

Daniel stared at Katie, then glanced to me, raising his eyebrows repeatedly. I smirked, and shook my head.

Daniel rolled his eyes. "Anyways," he said, getting back to his original conversation, "this girl Vicky, right?"

I tried to pay attention to his story, but all I could focus on was Katie's feet. Her legs were crossed, and she was bouncing her hanging foot. I could feel the blood flowing to my cock...

I jumped when I heard an explosion. Katie's feet and everything around them flashed green, and then returned to normal colors. Everyone in the yard had started cheering. I looked up into the sky to see a thick cloud of smoke drifting of in the direction of the light breeze. The fireworks had started.

Daniel ran off to get a drink. I moved to the bench Katie was sitting on, so we could sit and chat, and so I couldn't look at her feet anymore. We sat laughing and talking, watching the blues and reds and greens explode in the air above our house. I was leaning forward, my elbows on my knees, my hands wrapped together in a fist under my chin. I looked around and noticed now that Katie, Jax, and I were the only ones on this side of the yard. I frowned; maybe everyone moved to get a better view. I shrugged to myself, thinking the view was fine from here.

Katie and I continued to chat, but she didn't seem quite there, like she was distant. I ignored it, and continued watching the sky. At some point, Jax stood up and walked past me. "Hey, save my seat, I'm going to get a drink."

I nodded, and looked back to the fireworks. I felt Katie rustling to my side, probably getting herself comfortable. Suddenly, a large explosion went off, and the sky was filled with red, white, and blue.

I laughed, and turned to Katie. "Wow, look at that one!"

But she hadn't seen it. She wasn't looking at the fireworks. She was looking at me. "Katie, what's wrong?"

She stared into my eyes. "I... I..." Another firework exploded, drawing my gaze for a second.

I slowly nodded. "You what?"

She reached her hand out and touched my arm. "I... I still love you..."

I was completely taken aback. The side of Katie's face exploded in a flash of blue, but I barely noticed. I couldn't tell if I was breathing or not. We hadn't talked about this for months, almost a year. Things had gone somewhat back to normal. But it had all been an illusion.

I jumped back to reality suddenly, when I noticed Katie was directly in front of me. Before I could react, it happened. She planted her lips onto mine.

Now, Katie had kissed me before. Kissed me on the cheek when she won a track tournament, or kissed me goodnight when we younger, but this was different. Entirely different. The moment our lips met, a wave of fear washed over my body. What we were doing was wrong, but I didn't know how to stop it. I felt Katie wrap her arms around my neck and hug me as she kissed me. It probably only lasted a few seconds, but it felt like it had been minutes. She was the one that pulled away, a look of fear, embarrassment, and lust in her eyes. I subconsciously licked my lips, noticing that Katie's lips had tasted sweet, most likely some kind of edible lipstick. It hit me she had planned on doing this; why would she wear sweet, edible lipstick, if she hadn't planned on kissing someone?

Katie stared into my eyes, and I stared into hers. She sat there, anxiously waiting for my reaction. "Katie..." I said, cautiously. I didn't have any words.

She pushed her lips together, and looked up at the sky. Not knowing what else to do, I looked up as well.
Later that night, after everyone had gone home, I sat in the house. Literally, just sat in the house, thinking of what had happened. Katie kissed me. On the lips, no less. She said she still loved me. My heart was beating very quickly. What was I going to do? Would I ask her about it, or wait it out and hope she just leaves it alone? I recalled the moment of impact. Did I... did I kiss back? I couldn't remember. If I had, it had just been an instinctual thing. In the moment, have you. I kept reassuring myself, when I heard soft footsteps. Light, quiet footsteps, of a girl with no shoes on...

I started to panic. What the fuck do I do?! I contemplated hiding behind the couch when Jax came around the corner, her bare feet lighting thumping on the carpet. Oh, thank Christ.

Jax smiled. "Oh, hey Matt. Some show, huh?"

I slowly nodded. "Yeah... it was... really cool."

She squinted her eyes suspiciously and nodded her head. "Yeah... so, what do you plan on doing the rest of the night?"

I stayed silent for a few seconds. Finally acknowledging the question, I shook my head slowly. "Oh, uh, no... I don't know."

Jax scrunched her mouth and moved it to the side, tilting her head; a look that showed she was thinking, or concerned. She crossed her arms, slowly walking up to me. "Matt, what's wrong?"

Fuck. I shook my head, normally now. "Nothing's wrong."

She shook her head, sitting up next to me. "Matt, it's okay. You can tell me anything." She said, rubbing my arm.

I felt a shock course through my arm wherever she touched me. This had to stop. "I know, Jax, I know. I appreciate that. But really, don't worry about me. I'm just fine." I said, laughing for effect.

She slowly nodded, still rubbing my arm. She shrugged. "Alright, if you say so. But if something does end up coming up," she said, pointing her thumbs to herself, "this is the gal to come to."

I smiled. "Gotcha. I'll keep that in mind." I said, noting that what she had just said could also be taken as a sexual innuendo. Still, a strange coincidence. Of course, it may not even be a coincidence. I mean, Katie kissing me was no coincidence, so what makes me think Jax's double-meaning-phrases were too?

I shook my head as Jax walked away. That was fucking close. I was about to finally relax on the couch until I realized Katie was standing in the doorway of the living room.

I stared at her awkwardly and she stared at me. Before I could speak, she came up to me and sat down. "Katie..." I said again, just as cautious as before.

She didn't listen, and hugged me. "I'm sorry, Matt. I couldn't control myself." She said, not letting go of me.

I didn't know what to say. I don't think I could say anything. I noticed then that she was crying. Like it had hit me a year prior, when Katie had apologized to me, I realized I had been harsh this whole time. The realization occurred that it wasn't even that weird, when you thought about it. We had grown up together, as siblings, yes, technically, but more as friends who called each other siblings. You see movies, TV shows, even real life stories about how childhood friends developed feelings for each other. What's to stop that from happening between step siblings?

But even though it wasn't technically wrong, it would still totally be wrong. For one, everyone at my school would inevitably find out. I could see us being called names, and losing our friends. Another thing would be the whole "explaining it to the family" thing. That would suck.

That is, assuming, that I loved her back. That isn't what would happen for a sexual relationship. For a moment, I felt weird even thinking of that, but I couldn't deny it; it would be much easier for us to hide a purely sexual relationship than an actual relationship. That much was true.

I decided to focus more on the present than the future. She was crying. It was an awkward situation, but I couldn't be a little bitch. I had to man up. For Katie.

"Katie... it's okay." I said, patting her back softly.

She leaned back and wiped her eyes. "No, it isn't. I just... I couldn't help myself. Something took over me. I just..." She closed her eyes. "I love you, Matt."

I sighed. "I know, Katie. And I love you too. It's just... I don't think that sort of thing would work out." She slowly nodded. Okay, good so far... "I mean, you know, a relationship would be hard for two people like... us. Like, I plan to get married one day. Weddings should look like two families coming together for a connection. It shouldn't look like a family reunion..."

The truth looked like it stung her, but she kept going. "Well... we don't have to get married... I just... I want to have you... and you could have me." She said nervously, her words sitting in limbo. I could tell she was ditching all boundaries and going in for the kill. She was going all in; she'd either leave broke, or walk out with my cock on a leash.

I didn't know what would happen.

"Katie... You're beautiful, you're funny, you're smart. Any guy would be lucky to have you. It's just... it would feel weird. And the risk..." I said, before she cut me off.

"I don't care about risks, Matt. I'd risk everything I have to be with you..." Her voice started cracking again.

My heart was breaking. I had had a few girlfriends in my past, but Katie loved me more than any of them combined. I was lucky to have someone like that.

Too bad she was my step sister.

"Katie, you're making this really hard for me..." I started. Katie wasn't listening.

"You know Jax still loves you too, right?" She said, sniffling her nose.

I sighed. "Yeah, I'd figured that much."

Katie nodded. "No matter what you do or say, we're going to love you. It's just going to be that way. It's up to you to do what you want with that. We don't care, you know we don't. We'd go on the news right now and be interviewed just so we could be with you." She said, putting her hand on my arm.

I slowly shook my head. "Well, even if I did do... anything... I could only do it with one of you."

She shrugged. "Not necessarily..."

I couldn't believe I was having this conversation. I could already guess what she'd meant, but I asked anyways. "Katie, what do you mean by that?"

She bit her lower lip in anxiety. She wanted to say something but couldn't. I was about to speak when she blurted out what was on her mind. "Jax and I want to have sex with you."

I gasped, taken aback. "Katie... what...?"

She closed her eyes. "It's true. It's really true..."

I shook my head. "I... I don't even know what to say..." Katie just sat in silence, slowly rubbing my arm. "I think... I'm going to go to bed now."

Katie quickly nodded. "Yeah, sure. Go ahead." She watched me stand up. "... I'm sorry, Matt."

I nodded. "That's... okay..." I said, barely paying attention. I walked down the hallway, my head in my hands. What the actual fuck was going on? I pushed open my door and stepped in my room. Closing the door behind me, I kicked off my shoes and flopped on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I laid there for a while, just waiting for something good to happen.

It didn't.

At some point I heard muffled shouting coming from Jax's room across the hall. It sounded faintly like Katie was in there. I froze up, still in the same position on my bed. Did she tell Jax that she told me about this whole sex thing?

I heard Jax's door open and semi-loudly close. I heard the hallway creek as she crossed it, almost definitely coming to my room. Without moving my body, I looked at the door as it opened. Jax stepped in, shutting the door behind her. She looked angry. "What the fuck, Matt?"

I panicked. "Jax, I--"

"You kissed Katie?" Jax whispered loudly, hoping not to wake our parents. I slightly relaxed; she didn't know that I knew that she wanted to fuck me.

"To be fair, Jax, she kissed me." I said.

She scoffed. "You think I care?"

I sighed, rubbing my face with my hands. I stopped when I felt fabric brush my legs. I sat up on my elbows to see Jax was on top of me, her crotch on mine. She slowly bent forward, wrapping hear arms around my neck. She smirked at me, her blonde hair falling in her face. "It's only fair, right?"

Before I could say anything in protest, Jax planted her lips on mine. I'm not too sure how to describe it, but we'll just say Jax is a more... active kisser than her sister. Her green eyes were closed; I only knew that because mine were wide open. I felt her tongue push its way into my mouth. She was making out with me. Well, it was more like she was kissing a dead fish. After what felt like an eternity, she pulled back, brushing her hair over her ear. She smirked again. "Now we're even." She pushed against me to sit up. I saw her almost too obviously spin around on her way to the door, showing off her "buns."

She twisted the doorknob and pulled it open. Right before she stepped out of the room, she turned her head ninety degrees, so it wasn't fully facing me. "And Katie wasn't lying, by the way." I saw the right side of her face as she smiled, and walked out of the door.

I felt paralyzed. I didn't know what to do. I felt a stinging in my hand, and looked down to see I was clenching my fists so hard I was digging my nail into the flesh of my hand. I relaxed my hands, but the main pain in my body remained. It was at that moment that I realized my life would probably never be the same again.

And it turned out, it wouldn't be.
The next morning, I woke up, realizing I'd fallen asleep in that same position. I stood up, still in yesterday's clothes. Changing my shirt, I recalled what had happened the night before. I hoped it had been a dream. I threw on a pair of gym shorts, and stepped out of my door. Jax's room was open, but I managed to slip away without being seen. Unfortunately, she was already in the kitchen with my dad. My dad looked up when I walked in, saying good morning. "Hey, son, how was your night last night?" He said, turning the page in his newspaper. I saw Jax smirk and glance over at me from behind him.

"It was awesome." I said, seeing Jax giggle to herself. I chewed on my lip as I went to the fridge, taking out the orange juice. Half of my brain was asking questions that needed to be answered, like What are you going to do? and Why are they doing this? The other half of my brain was asking questions like Are you gay? and Why don't you want to fuck those beauties? I tried to shake my head, to clear those strange thoughts, but they wouldn't leave. They actually seemed to be becoming larger. Maybe... maybe it wasn't so bad?

No. It was... was it? I needed to clear my head, so I stepped outside. Katie was sitting by the pool, her legs out. She was sunbathing, and I had a perfect view of her soles. Before she could see me, I walked back inside, passing Jax.

"Hey there, Matt. What do you have planned for today?" She said, winking.

It was too much to handle, so I returned to my room for the next few hours.
I was busy on my computer when I heard a knock on my door.

"C'mon, Matt, it's time for dinner." Jill. I glanced at the clock. 8:53 PM.

Holy shit, what did I do today? I walked out of my room and passed through the living room. Katie was on the couch, wearing knee high black socks. She apologetically smiled at me, which I pretended I hadn't seen, and kept walking. I walked into the kitchen to see my dad, Ben, and Jax already at the table, eating their dinner. Fish and potatoes. Jill was an amazing cook, too, so we always had something new and delicious to eat.

I grabbed a plate and took some food. I sat down at that table, as far away from Jax as I could, and started to eat. After a minute or so, Katie walked in, her black socks contrasting perfectly with her white skin. I forced myself to not look at the outline of her toes in the socks, and continued eating my dinner. Katie sat down across from me. I could feel her eyes on me as I ate, trying to avoid all conversation.

Luckily, Jill and my dad started talking, which pulled attention from me. As I absently listened and ate, I noticed Katie was fidgeting in her seat. I heard a soft scraping under the table. I ignored it, and turned to Ben, who was on the end of the table. "So, what'd you do today?"

Ben started rambling on about whatever he'd done that day. I had asked mainly so that I looked busy, in case anyone tried to talk to me. Out of nowhere, I felt something soft hit my leg. Looking under the table, I noticed a bunched up piece of black fabric. As I stared at it, another one flew towards me. Confused, I looked further under the table. My eyes widened when I saw Katie's bare feet under the table. She'd taken off her socks and thrown them at me? Strange.

I decided to listen to Ben again. I was only listening for a few seconds when a shock went through my body. Something cold was touching my leg. I slowly turned my head in Katie's direction. She wasn't looking at me, but at her food. I turned back to Ben to "listen" to his story. The cold thing rubbed my leg, slowly getting higher. It soon reached my knee and moved over my gym shorts. Within seconds, I saw that it was a foot: Katie's, to be exact. It was then that she gave a quick glance up, smirking while chewing, before looking back at her food. Katie rubbed her foot around my lap. I was confused to what she was doing, worried that this would soon give me an erection.

It suddenly hit me that maybe that was what she wanted. How the fuck did she know about my foot fetish? Did somebody tell her? No, nobody knew except one of my ex-girlfriends. Had she seen me looking at her feet, or Jax's feet, or anybody's feet?

I hadn't even realized I'd gotten a boner. Katie did notice, however. Slowly, she edged her foot up to my crotch, until it finally was pushing against my cock. I couldn't move, or do anything to stop it; if I did, Ben would surely notice. I'd have to get up and show my family my boner in my gym shorts. So I had to sit there.

No matter how wrong it felt, I couldn't deny that it felt good, even though the thought disgusted me. She slowly rubbed my crotch with her foot. My breath slowly increased. This was the first time that someone other than myself had touched me sexually since I was sixteen, and I had only done a few minor things with my ex. As Ben rambled on, I realized he wasn't even looking at me anymore as he spoke. I took the second to try to stop what was happening. But when I looked down, something happened. I saw Katie's long toes, each nail painted black, pushing against my cock behind my shorts. Slowly, Katie spread her big and "index" toes, and pushed on my cock. My cock slipped between her toes and she continued stroking. The only thing stopping me from having my cock rubbed in between her cute toes was a thin pair of gym shorts...

I realized I'd thought of them as "cute." A darkness in me was growing. I felt like she needed to stop, but I didn't want to do anything to stop her. I just watched her stroke my dick with her toes. I hadn't fapped in a few days, so this was very pleasurable for me. Before I even realized it, I was lightly thrusting my hips, as if I was humping he space between her toes. I was breathing quite heavily, yet softly. After a minute or so, I could feel the pleasure growing. My brain told me to stop, but my body kept going. I felt my balls start to tighten, the burn signifying an oncoming ejaculation was growing. I felt precum leaking out of my dick, and Katie did too. My body thrusted a little faster, begging for the best orgasm I'd ever had.

Suddenly, her foot was gone. I was confused. As the residual pleasure left, my common sense returned; what was I doing? I looked up, and noticed Katie was nervously eating her food. It looked a bit to my right and saw Ben looking at me expectantly. "... What...?"

He sighed. "I said, are you even listening to me?" He said, chewing his fish.

I shrugged. "No, I wasn't, sorry, I kind of... zoned out there." I said, making a glance at Katie.

Ben seemed to catch it, but was oblivious to what it meant. He shrugged. "Whatever, you asked."

I nodded, barely listening. What the fuck just happened?

Slowly, my family filed out. First my parents, and then Ben. It was just Katie, Jax, and I. I didn't even care anymore. I blurted out my thoughts. "What the fuck was that Katie?"

That made both Katie and Jax look up. "Did you like it?" Katie said, expecting some kind of approval.

I slowly nodded. "Yeah, but that isn't the point."

Katie laughed, looking to her sister. "I told you he would."

Jax dropped her mouth open. "You did it?!"

Katie smirked. "I did."

My jaw fell open now. "You knew?" I said to Jax.

Jax nodded. "Oh, I knew." She shook her head. "How did you like that?"

I slowly started to feel a wave of embarrassment. Was she making fun of me for my fetish? "I mean... anything is pleasurable if you rub it against a guy for long enough." I said, instantly regretting joining the sex conversation.

Jax raised an eyebrow. "Really...?" She said questioningly.

Katie spoke now. "I told her you'd like it."

I decided to question them now. "Why did you decide to use your... feet like that?" I said, shifting in my chair.

Katie shrugged. "Jax and I were watching a movie and a girl in it did that. We then argued whether a guy would enjoy it or not, and I obviously won." She smirked again, getting a look of annoyance from Jax.

Jax shrugged, adding, "She did it because it's her sole purpose in life!" She fell back in her chair, laughing at her own pun.

I felt a wave of relief pass over me. They didn't know about my fetish. I was safe.

Katie laughed to herself. "I'm sorry I had to put you through that, by the way... I know my feet are gross." She laughed, wiggling her toes.

I shook my head without thinking. "No, I think they're cute." I felt my face get hot. What the fuck was I doing?

Katie's eyes lit up. "... Really?" She said, looking at her feet. She got a look of subtle jealousy from Jax, who got up and walked away. Without answering, I stood up and walked out myself. I had to get to my room before saying anything else stupid. My split mind started battling again. One side fought for the side of common sense and told me I had to end this with them now. The other side was urging me to fap while thinking about what happened. Or better yet, beg Katie to finish the job she started.

I walked into my room and closed the door. I looked at the clock, to see it was almost 10:30. Deciding to just go to bed early, I took my pants off and hopped into bed. Throwing the covers over myself, I was glad that I was actually getting a good nights sleep for once. I rolled over onto my side, and closed my eyes. I had to fight against my imagination for a while, but I eventually drifted off to sleep.
I awoke in the middle of the night, probably around two in the morning or so. I heard my door slowly creak open and then slowly close. My light flicked on. My eyes slowly adjusted to the sudden light, but eventually, they made out the shape of Jax. She was standing there in her pajamas, a short pair of shorts, and a T-shirt that was a bit too big for her. She stood near my door, her arms crossed.

"Jax, what are you doing?" I said, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. She clicked her tongue disapprovingly at me.

"Oh, Matty, Matty, Matty..." She said, pacing my room. I didn't like where this was going. She stopped pacing, and looked at me from across the room. "What happened tonight, it was completely unfair." She smirked, walking slowly to my door. I nervously swallowed as she locked my door.

She smiled slowly making her way to my bed. "C'mon, Matty... you know it was unfair... she got to have all of that fun with that big cock of yours..." She said in her baby voice, toying with her shirt. I could feel a regretful boner growing in my boxers. "My big sister is so spoiled... she always gets what she wants..." She quickly lifted her shirt, revealing her bare breasts. I couldn't look away. In the year since I had seen them, they had grown slightly bigger, and looked just as disappointingly beautiful. She pulled down her shorts, revealing a small, black pair of panties. She got on her hands and knees and started crawling to me on the bed. As she moved, she pulled the covers off of me. "Now, Matty, here's the thing... I never get what I want..." She said, reaching me. She moved her left arm to the other side of me, and started crawling up me. She stopped when her face reached mine. "How about I finally get what I want, huh, Matty?" She leaned into my ear. "It's only fair, right?" She whispered, leaning back and looking into my eyes, smiling.

We stared at each other for a few seconds.
In World War II, we fought a variety of enemies, the largest being Hitler and his Nazi party. One of the others, though, was Japan. Japan lived on through the war, thinking they were tough and powerful, thought they could win it all.

And out of nowhere, we dropped two nukes on their heads, killing so many of their people. The Japanese government was forced to surrender and give in to the United States and its terms.

That's what seemed to be happening in my head. The good, light side of my brain was pushing the dark side to the ground. It thought it could win. But the dark side stood up, tall, and like the United States, dropped a metaphorical bomb on the light side.

And like the United States, it would win this war.
I don't know what it was. It may have been the way I felt seeing her beautiful green eyes staring into mine, or the way her gorgeous blonde hair fell down onto me, or the way her breath smelled like mints, or the way her pussy was pushing against my cock, but I did the unthinkable.

Surprising myself and even Jax, I leapt up and kissed her. I couldn't control it. I felt guilt be released by the light side of my brain, but it was stomped on my the dark side. It wanted me to enjoy this. Jax's eyes remained open for a second, until she squeezed them shut and kissed me back. I could feel her tongue push into my mouth, as it had the night before, and felt her lightly grind on my erection. Unable to stop myself, I reached behind her, rubbing her back, moving my hands down to her ass. I squeezed her ass cheeks, feeling them fit perfectly in my palms, as if they'd been made for me. She pulled back, breathing heavily. It looked as if she would start crying. "Fucking finally." She said, before hugging me.

I had never seen Jax show this much love to anything ever, so just seeing it now made this taboo adventure even more exciting. The light side of my brain attempted again to overthrow the dark side, but it just had the second nuke dropped down from above.

She pecked me on the lips once more, smiling, before slowly scooting down the bed. I watched in pure lust as she grabbed the edge of my boxers and pulled down. My boner popped out of its cage, springing up into her face. Her eyes were now filled with lust. "I've been waiting for this for so long..." She said, wrapping her hand around my cock.

I immediately exhaled, clenching my fist. Just seeing her wrap her hand around me sent a wave of pleasure through my body. She smirked. "I see you liked that."

My head fell back, and I looked at the ceiling for a second. I searched for the "I have to stop this," in my head, but it didn't appear. I was in the dark side now. Another wave of pleasure shot through me as a warmth wrapped around my cock. I shot my head up to see Jax had placed her mouth around my cock, and was about halfway down the shaft. I watched in amazement as she took all seven inches of me down to the pubes, and then back up. I didn't think it could get hotter until she made eye contact. That's the one thing some people didn't understand until it happened. Blowjobs aren't remotely close to being good until the girl makes eye contact and maintains it. Especially if they were as beautiful a shade of green as Jax's. She slowly started bobbing up and down on my cock. I couldn't take it. I knew I was going to cum soon. This felt amazing. I realized something I hadn't realized in the moment; this was my first blowjob. My ex had given me a handjob, but that was it. I watched Jax suck my dick for another minute or so until I felt the orgasm nearing. I wasn't surprised that I wasn't lasting very long, after Katie had left me hanging.

"Jax... I'm going to cum soon..." I said, sitting up on my elbows.

A look of excitement came to Jax's face. She pulled my cock out of her mouth and started stroking quickly. I felt the burning in my balls again, but this time it was brought all the way to the end. I shot a string of cum out of my cock. It landed in Jax's mouth. My second and third squirts were each smaller, but they hit her on her face, around her mouth and nose. She stuck my head in her mouth, sucking the remaining semen out. It was a sight to see; my step sister, naked, my cock in her mouth, my jizz covering her face, her beautiful eyes looking up at me as it all happened. She leaned back smiling. "That tasted so much better than I ever imagined it would!" She said, wiping her face clean with her hand and shoving my cum in her mouth.

I smiled, in lust and in happiness. I didn't know why, but I wasn't even thinking about this being wrong anymore. It just felt too right to be wrong.

She giggled, and jumped up next to me. She put her arm over my chest and stuck her head in my shoulder. Her hair smelled like vanilla, which was, in my opinion, the best scented shampoo out there. She was drawing a circle repeatedly on my chest with her finger.

"See what you've been missing?" She said, pivoting her head on my chest so she was looking at me.

I smiled again, realizing I had missed out on this. I thought about Katie. What would I do with her? I couldn't just ignore her. It wouldn't... be fair.

Jax looked down at my cock, noticing it was getting hard again already. She lightly stroked it, sending more pleasure through me. "Go to sleep, little guy - or should I say big guy? I'm done with you for now." She leaned over and kissed it. I was resisting the urge to beg her to pleasure me again. She got up, and threw on her shirt. Sliding her shorts up her long, soccer-toned legs, she smiled at me. She unlocked my door and stepped outside. She turned around, putting her hand on my light switch.

"Night, Matty." She smirked, flicking off my light, and leaving me again in the dark. But I was fine, because the dark was my home now.

[To Be Continued...]

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-10 05:07:39
Story is great. :)

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-24 08:00:07
Part 3??


2016-05-24 00:48:52
look forward to seeing more

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-23 04:03:12
I just want to say I'm soooooooooo glad that someone is writing decent foot fetish sex stories. I read a few others on here but yours are the best! Both your stories are great and I can't wait for the next additions. I am hoping for a stockings scene at some point, in either one, but if that's not your thing it's cool. Also, your writing is terrific as far as this site is concerned.

Looking forward for more great scenes!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-22 16:32:33
So what about the third part?? You promised it is to be continued...

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