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its been over a year since i started this story and i want to say thank you all. im taking a month long hiatus from writing due to school and work but i will be back. i love you all for the support and the vibes. i truly have an amazing audience who i will always respect and cherish. i will be back. their will be sex and we will see our hero again some day soon.
When I woke up In my room in my boxers and the lights off. I didn’t see any one and it was the same night. Damn I was still dizzy. I saw a bright light. "Hey lil bro." "Jean.." I covered my body and blushed. "Awwww embarresed are we? Well from what ive learned you havent had blood in a consistent manner. Think of this as your bodys way of warning you." "How did you?" "Well when you die you learn a lot and ive watched you for a while." I heard foot steps and jean kissed me on the cheek. Then vanished. I laid down and covered my head up. I heard my door open slowly and light poured in. "Sam…sammy…." it was lauren. I felt her sit on my bed and rub my leg. "Sam I want to say im sorry. And I love you I don’t want to make you choose but I want you to be happy and it seems lately you have these moments of happiness then its all horrid and terrible. Youre gonna be gone for so long and idk what were gonna do with out you and I want you to know that we will wait for you. I know what jessica told you. About us. Our plan. Its not true all we want is a safe place for vampires to co exsist with the world." she tightened her grip on my leg. "But I will say this. I may love you but I don’t want you dying out there youre too important to everything. And to me baby. Youll see soon. Trust me sam its going to be your world and youll have it all. We will have this world and youll cooperate trust me. Unfortunatley that little fling of yours got in the way and she was delt with. Watching you suffer is hard for us sam but to make an omlet you gotta break a few eggs. In this case ruling the world and doing what it takes to keep you close." I flipped out and charged her with all my strength putting a hard blow into her ribs. "Ow baby that hurts oh please stop!" she grabbed my arm and smiled at me. "My turn." I felt the hit to my stomach and I immediately threw up. "Oh sammy you don’t look so hot. Maybe its something defective in that head, that caring stupid selfless head." She punched me in the temple and I felt my brain rattle or what I thought was my brain rattling. "Fuck you." I spit blood in her face and she scoffed. "I like you sam so heres the deal. You me hard as you can but if you wast i-" I kicked her as hard as I could and I felt my leg fracture. "Well what a let down. Great lay but fighting. Youre really a letdown sam." I laid there limp bloodied and crying when I felt her place me in my bed. She was stroking my hair and singing to me like nothing had happened.

"Happy birth day sam. I hope you know we love you." "Please don’t. I don’t wa-" She leaned in and kissed me. "Now forget all this happened and go to sleep. You fell and got hurt." I saw her flash me those eyes and then I just blacked out. "God damn it sam youre such a kid. Youll see soon. Youre stuck here now. Get comfy." she left and walked downstairs. "Hes out. But he put up a good fight." "Shouldn’t have told him. Did you wipe his mind?" "All done and I honestly think the kids a joke hes a scrub vampire. You may have been wrong lexi." "Im never wrong lets just give him the gift already! That would be a cure all for this issue." "He cant handle it yet lets see what this basic training stent does to him. Now someone please make sure he gets up." emily was flipping through a magazine but her mind was racing. She knew my power. She knew what I could do if given the chance. She knew I was more powerfull than anything shed seen.

"Hes nothing to fear. Like I said we have him under our thumb. Now then lets get some rest." I woke up in the middle of the night around four am and looked around. I felt shooting pain all over my body and almost screamed. What happened to me why was I in so much pain? I only remember collapsing and then that’s it nothing else. I slowly got up and tried standing. That’s when I screamed. "What the fuck!!?" I could feel it heal but damn it was snapped like almost in half. I heard the girls bust in "Shit are you ok!?" "What the fuck happened to me?" "Well lexi and emily said you collapsed down the stairs. And then when we saw your leg we set it and let you sleep." I sat up holding my leg and feeling the spot where it felt broken. "Damn I guess I havent been feeding enough." I stood up akwardly and walked around. "Hmmmm feels better." I jumped into my bed and laid back down. "We leave in like two hours. Im so awake though." I felt lauren and lexi crawl into bed with me and samantha made a gagging motion and left. "Well we can help you sleep. Just lay down silly and close hose those eyes." I laid there for five minutes and started moving around. "Saaam be still. Please." "I cant. Im too restless." I felt lauren get up and walk out. "I need my beauty sleep. Im out night yall." I sighed and felt lexi grab my hand and get up. "Cmon lets go for a walk we need to talk." I slipped my sneakers on and she took me to her room to put her shoes on. "Theres a garden in the back yard and well talk there ok?" "Yeah sure." we made our way down satirs and left the house. Lexi and I made small talk until we got to the garden and she sat on a banch and I sat down beside her. "Whats wro-" "Sam im so sorry I wanted to tell you. I wanted to but if I did..they would kill me." she was in my arms crying her eyes out now and I was so confused. "Sam you know how I told you that youd be a king? Well this plan has been in motion for years. Youre so powerful and the worst part is we are evil were horrible vile creatures."

"What do you mean?" "We want to literally rule this world. We want all of humanity either turned or gone. And I cant march on with that mission and I cant let you do this I wont let you. Sam you have to run away from here!" "Come with me. I know we can take off and id keep you safe. I promise." "You couldn’t keep her safe boy. I can tell you that much." emily was advancing towards us with a menacing look. "You love him so much then free him. Kill him and save him the heart ache." I felt lexi grab my shoulders and lift me up. "Run now." she pushed me and I practicaly flew into the house and found my keys. "Going some where sam. I saw lauren standing there grinning. "Well im going to hell. I guess ill see you there." I was faster than she was when I wanted to be and I bolted back to the garden to see lexi lying on the ground. I was enraged and glared at emily. "SAM JUST RUN!!" "I will stop you I hope you know that." "You will try sam but like protecting your sister you will fail." I bolted for my car and hoped in and shot out of there. "God damn it! Fuck me!" I was scared out of my mind. I called litennant mcdowell. "What minshew its early." "Dude you gotta listen to me my family the smiths. They have some kind of plan to rule the world. I don’t know what is but they could do it. Listen I want you to meet me in newyork. Asap." "Woah slow down man lets ju-" I hung up the phone and kept driving. While I was driving emily had locked lauren in the basement and was on the phone with one of her associates. "Is my force ready?" "yes milady all 1,000,000 of them and more to come." "Good we will announce our presence tommorow at midnight." "Mom should we be worried?" she shook her head and laughed. "He cant possibly be any threat. Plus we have all the trump cards he will have to fold." I was driving up the high way and had withdrew all the money I had from my bank account and was booking it to new york. I got a call from an unknow numbe and I picked it up. "What?" I was super hostile and I had good reason. "Sam it’s the twelve and we have some news. Were picking you up and youll be safely escorted out of the state to an undiscosed location. Were coming to you." the phone went dead and I stopped right where I was and stopped. I grabbed my phone and my other belongings. I looked around to see an empty city street. I didn’t notice the cars pull up behind me and I was grabbed. When I was in the vehicle I saw my gtr being driven behind us. "Sam so good to see you again. Tea?" I shook my head and noticed I was in the car with some of the twelve and some mean looking armed guards.

"You were informing mcdowell of your familys plans. Please do continue." "Well basically they plan to rule the world and theres so much I feel like I know but I cant remember." "Its fine sam lets get you out of here." we drove to an airport and I was surrounded by armed personnel and other people. "Where are we going?" "Some where secret we will tell you later. Get on the plane." I was hustled onto the large military cargo plane and I took a seat. We took off and I was told where we were going and I was going to have my team assembled asap as well as the other leaders of every other race. We flew for a rough hour before I got up and sat beside the blue haired doctor. "Hello. I don’t think I caught your name or at least I don’t remember it." "Just call me jazz and youre still reckless." she had her face in a clip board. I sat there holding my phone and then I got a gut feeling about something but I couldn’t place it. I wound up dozing off and when I was awoken we were somewhere in california close to LA. We got off the plane and I was loaded into a car. "So where to now?" "We built a military based compound or two to house high value personel and were moving you into this one." I saw my car parked out front. "We will call you tonight." I walked into the house and it was massive.
I walked up to my bed room and I saw a large empty coset with a note in it. "Get what you want. Youll be here a while." I grabbed the debit card on the bed and saw a fully stocked bathroom and it had tv and wifi. I walked down stairs and started to delete everything off my phone. When I noticed a new phone sitting on the counter. Brand new iphone5s. I was in all honestly beat down. I wanted to cry and drink my self away so I got my phone and drove to the nearest store and walked in. I grabbed some vodka, fireball, whiskey, beer and a fuck ton of other drinks. I walked up to the cashier and flashed him my eyes. "Im legal and these are on the house." he nodded but I was stopped by two blonde girls out in front of the store. "Uhm hey are you throwing a party or something?" "I uhm.. Not really its just for my house. Its been a hard week." "You cant drink that much silly! Cmon weve got some friends who wanna party and we got some friends of friends." I thought about it and to think of it I didn’t have cameras yet just a hardcore bunker under the house.

"Well I guess…how many people we talking about?" "Maybe 20 tops. By the way were twins. Im amanda and that’s my older sister jenny." I shook bi=oth there hands and smiled. "Yall just ride with me and tell these people where were at. Ok?" they nodded and followed me to my car. "Which ones yours?" "The blue one." I auto started it and opened the door for them. "Woah this is one cool ass car!" I laughed and started driving. "so whats your name short stack?" "Sam." "Where ya from sam?" "Parts far from here with mountains and fields of cotton." they honed in on my southern drawl and giggled. "Hillbilly! Youre from the south! Oh my god how fucking cute!" I started blushing and when we got to my place I heard them gasp. "This is yours?" "Yes it is." when we got inside they started texting there friends the adress. I put the booze in the fridge and fell into a chair. "God damn what a week its been. "So sam we know what you are." I looked at the both of them and cocked an eyebrow. "Scuse me miss?" amanda and jenny walked over to me and smiled. "We are what youd call werewolves. Can you smell it?" I did smell it. It was a wild smell. "Yeah I kinda do." the both had yellow eyes and were roughly my height vety athletic and had tits that were Ds and great asses. "Yes im a vampire I eat raw meat and drink blood. What of it?"

"Hey amanda my fiance is here I think the party is a bust. Whats your plan?" "Imma stay here with this lice of douthern heaven." she winked at me and her sister left. "Well I guess were stuck here hahaha." I heard the thunder clap out side the house and I gulped. Storms didn’t vibe with me. I grabbed some vodka and poured us each a glass. "For you." "Why thank you! What a gentle man." she sat on my knee and smiled at me. "So what are you running from sam? You seem like you have it all but whats chasing you?" "People who want me dead. A lot of people. People who I loved and people who used to love me." she pouted at me. "Well mister cheer up! If they cared about you why would they want to hurt you. I can feel it. The pain and anguish…im just like you. Ive been fucked over so much I just don’t even care any more." we talked about each other for hours and by this time we were shit faced. "Girl ya know what lets uh lets go lay down im fucking wasted and so are you!" I started giggling. "Ok big boy. You trying to sleep with me on the first night here?" I was a little shocked. "N-no im just drunk and i-" She cut me off with a kiss. "I like you sober or drunk just shut up and come lay down with me." she walked upstairs and got in the bed. "I just wanted to.. Oh wow." she looked at me funny and laughed. "What cat got your tongue? Or better yet do i?" she walked up to me and grabbed my hair, pulling me into the bed. "Lose the jeans mister theyre scratching me." she un buttined mt jeans and gaped. "Damn baby that things huge!" she pulled my cock out. "Oh smon now im too drunk to fuck.." "Well let me suck it then silly!" I stared at her and giggled. "Hold up I feel my phone going off." "Yeeeees?" "Sam how are you finding your new home? Is it pleasing?" "Well yes it is im just about to get into bed." "Well we will leave you to it sleep well." the line went dead and I laid down.

"No funny buisness tonight ok? Im give out and I want some sleep." Amanda smiled at me and covered up "Sure thing bat boy." she cuddled up to me and soon we were both asleep. I woke up and she was gone. "Well another big empty house. Greeeat." I walked down to the kitchen and turned on the tv nothing great so I went shopping. "Lets see some boots and a hat would be nice right about now." I got showered dressed and headed out. I drove into LA and looked around for a boots store. I saw one up the road and stoped. When I walked in I was impressed "What can I do for ya hun?" I looked at the boots selection and rubbed my head. "Well I need a pair of tens, blue and gold hightop brown leather." "Hmmmm a ten eh handsom?" "Whaaa-" I turned around to see a tall red headed woman in jeans and a too tight flannel shirt. Her eyes were as blue as the sea and she knew what effect she had on me. "Me handsome nooo im just a simple man from the south!" I said nervously. "The south huh? Well why don’t you sit down and let me gear you up, cowboy." she winked at me and walked into the back. "Please god I may be a immortal critter but please not today?" she brought out some long sleeve shirts jeans flannel shirts and a nice carhart jacket. "Cmon stud lets get you fixed up. Wait! The boots. Cmon follow me!" she grabbed my hand and brought me into the back. "Sit here." I sat down and she grabbed a box. "Ya know these are my last pair and they are on back order so ill cut you a deal." "Uhm I uh yea sure?" she licked her lips and sat on my lap. And I cursed under my breath. "This is a thing now?" "Mmmm some ones a little excited." she stood up and pushed me back. "All you have to do is make me cum, and the boots are on the house." "I uhm I.." she put a finger over my lips and smiled. "Make. Me cum. Simple as that." she slid her jeans off and laid down on the floor. Within an instant I had my cock buried in her pussy. "OH MY FUCK!" I started fucking her like a wild animal. "Shit I cant even breathe! Cmon fuck me harder!" I kept fucking her bitting her nipples and pulling her hair while I got scratches all over my body. "God damn baby you can take me on. Im impre-" I had plunged my cock deeper than before and I felt her cum. Her whole body went stiff and she let out the loudest moan ive ever heard. "GODDAMN IT FUUUUUUCK!!!!" she started to shiver and kept moaning. "Well looks like I win!" she slowly got up and laughed. "Well heres my number. You fuck me like that again I might hire you. The whole purchase is free on me but you owe me cowboy. By the way im allison." "Sam and it was a pleasure beating you at uh sex hahaha." she winked at me and I grabbed my clothes and loaded them into my car. "Where to
next I wonder?" I walked into a games store and bought an XBOX with some games and went on my way.

I got home around two is and laid back with some blood and hennesey. I just sat there and started thinking about her. Lexi. How much I worried about her how much I loved her. I started drinking heavier than usual and around six I was wasted. I texted amanda and we talked for a few hours until about ten rolled around and I started watching tv. All of a sudden a messeage came onto screen. "Hello all who are watching, I am emily." I saw emily come onto the screen and I was in complete terror. "I am emily smith. We are a new order come to light. We are infiltrating every aspect of government you know and you can either join us or die. We will take this world back for those who roam the night." I scrambled for the bunker and dropped inside. I grabbed an assault rifle and a pistol. I locked my whole house down and waited. My phone went off and I picked it. "Yes?" "Are you ok sam?" "I am are the eleven others accounted for?" "Yes were fine. I guess you were telling the truth." "Yeah I was. So whats our next move?" "We wait and recall our forv=ces. We need a meeting of the races. We will call you." I got out of the bunker and looked around. I was clear but then I heard a knock on my door. I stumbled over to the door and opened it. Amanda walked in and sat down on my couch. No hello no whats up just walked right in. "Uhm may I help you?" "Shut up im thinking." "Uhm ok I may be drunk but I have the right to ask why you just walked up in here an-" I was cut off by her walking to me and kissing me. "Shut up and help me. That broadcast. I know you know them I can smell the fear on you. So what arent you telling me sam? I know its been a short while but I care about you and I want to know whats going on."

I sat down in my big chair and sighed. "You want the story? Well here it is. About a year ago I should have died. I was cut to shreds and a vampire named alexis smith. She had two sisters and a mother who took me in like a son and a brother but it was all a ruse. I fell into my emotions and I grew weak. I still am. I found out how evil they really were about a week ago when the only girl I truly cared about told me that im a puppet king. They want the world as in all of it. And they will have it if I don’t do whats right. Lexi still loves me but knowing emily shes already killed her and all my friends family and anyone who I made contact with. So there that’s why im here. Im on a mission and I do not care what anyone says its my fault. I should have known!" I threw a glass of vodka against the wall and started sobbing. "Im so useless. I sit here in this big house living a lie and living it in sorrow regret and empty glasses." "Sam if you want to my father could help you. Hes going to this big meeting and he wanted anyone who could help to help." she leaned into me and kissed me. "I want you to be ok and I may be too caring but I want to help you." we kept kissing until we hit the floor. She was taking her top off and I started kissing down her body. I unbuttoned her shorts and started eating her out. I felt her legs squeeze my head. "Mmmm that’s iiiit. Come up and I want you to fuck me." She didn’t have to tell me twice. I slowly slid my cock into her and she screamed out grabbing my arms. I felt her hot breath on my neck and her nails go into my arms. This only pushed me to go harder. I was fucking her as hard as I could. "God I want it harder!" I grabbed her throat and pinned her down and rammed my cock into her as hard as I could. "I will break that pussy and I will make you fucking cum!" I started fucking her even harder rubbing her clit. "God damn it im gonna cum! Fuck!!" she came all over my cock and pushed me down. "Some one didn’t get to bust did they huh?" I shook my head and she licked her lips. She bit my hip and grabbed my cock and squeezed. "Ahhh fucccck!" she started jerking my cock harder than any machine or woman could. "What a filthy cock. What a filthy boy too. I bet youre begging for it on the inside arent you sammy boy?" "Please fuck let me cum ill do anything I swear! Please I ju-" she let my cock go and I started spewing cum. I laid there shaking. "How cute you cant even stand up can you?" she planted her foot on my chest and smiled. I like my new pet bat." she walked to the bar and grabbed a bottle of wine. "cmon get up now and get dressed." I slowly got dressed and sat down next to her and she curled up against me. "That wasn’t bad now was it?" "No but now im all give out." she laughed and looked up at me. "So what will you do now?" "Well I wil fight. And I will do what it takes to make this all ok again."

I got a text message from a blocked number and it said to meet at the gates of edwards AFB in five hours and bring two fire arms.. "Well ive got a date." "What??" "I gotta go to edwards air base in five hours. Im guessing this is our next move." I lead her down to the bunker and grabbed a M4A1 carbine, glock17, bag of ammo and finally stripped down and put on a black tee dark green marpat pants and a bullet proof vest. "Grab my black nike cap from my car would you?" "She walked out and came back with it in hand. "What about shoes big boy?" "Hmmm lets see. Size ten combat boots. Where would they be?" I found a locker and found some, laced them up and grabbed the backpack of ammo/supplies. "Damn. I look so dumb. But better safe than sorry." "I think you look amazing. I gotta head home though let me know what happens ok?" she leaned in and gave me a hug. "I will. Im going to stop them before this gets out of hand." she walked up the stairs and I heard her car leave. "Its game time. I gotta get ready. I could die today. I know this. Its gonna on e to do this." I got a phone call on the bunker phone which was weird. "Hello?" "Minshew its mcdowell. Were coming to you we wil arrive in ten be armed and ready. I hate to say it but youre being thrown into a war son so be ready." I walked up to my door and waited. I texted amanda the current situiation and some minor details. I saw a line of black SUVs pull up and I walked out but was immeadiatley swarmed by armed personel. "Samuel minshew?" "Yes sir." "ID Please." I handed the man my iD and he looked it over and pocketed it. "Come with us." I walked to the suv and was loaded in. "Armed and dangerous arent we sam?" "Yes sir officer mcdowell. I grabbed the two best guns I could and around 200 rounds for each." "Well heres what happened. The smiths have amassed an army and its growing. They started in russia and moved into germany. Russias dark as is west germany. Fighting has broken out in the UK and the lower parts of ukraine. The odd thing is, is that they seem to die when given enough bullets but a head shot usually does them in. these are from what we can tell hastily created vampires with minor regenative abilities." "How big is the body count?" "Small but most turn into these vampire knock offs and attck anyone they see. Ive got wind that DC is locked down and were ammasing any and all forces of every branch. Mostly army and marines. Special forces are tasked as the new elite operators and youll be joining them. We have your team from newyork assembled. Most of the other vampires have either fled or joined emily. But there are some loyalists who are converging here." the rest of the ride was silent. I loaded my weapons and the magazines full of ammo. "Here. Take this it’s a medium range scope." a uniformed man handed me a small optic piece for my m4 and I attatched it. When we arrived I saw thousands of people both military and civilian. I was escorted into a room with a projector and stood on a stage. "Explain the plan of the house to these men here. Details. Number of guards what all you know son."

I cleared my throat. "I am samuel minshew and im a vampire. I don’t know what all you know but heres the dance boys. This house is located in morgan county alabama and is a monstrous mansion roughly 7000 plus square feet and over 30 personel who work 24/7. most of them are armed and dangerous. I would know. This place was my home." I paused and looked over the crowd. "the best point of entry would be through the back door here." I pointed to the picture on the projector. "Flashbangs and smoke would be best to create maximum shock to the inhabitants. The four people we are after are emily smith and her three daughters, alexis lauren and samantha. If they are in the building I want every round on those targets. If not we collect intel and exfil. Any question?" I saw a woman raise her hand. "Yes maam?" "Whose leading this operation Mr.tactical." "He will." a large grey headed colonel stepped into the room. "He has the most intel and knowledge of this place so he will be leading this assault. As for civilians we tell it like it is. You have the floor son." "Thank you sir. Any way I have my own personal team but they will be distributed among you and they have training rest assured. But they will know how to fight these monsters so listen closely." I stepped down and walked out to the humvee waiting for me. A tall redhaired woman was standing in front of me. "Sir ill be your right hand on this operation. Captain veronica simmons, united states marine corps." she extended a hand. "Pleasure to meet you captain. Samuel minshew. Professional vampire." we climbed into the humvee and it was a mix of army rangers seals marines and some pararescue personell. "Sitrep?" "Sir all personel accounted for. Were rolling." we drove to the tarmac and were unloaded to a AC-130 and climbed in. "Were jumping out?" "Yes sir. Its simple run at the green light after the man infront of you is out. Then youll hear a ring when you need to pull that shoot. ALL LOADED, READY FOR TAKE OFF PILOT!" the door closed and I felt us climb up and I heard veronica over my headset. "This is your team. It’s a ten man squad. You have two medics, sanders and leech. Your breach man is me and youre point man sir. That’s johnson, wilson, blackson, couch, collins and our sniper, wilcox." I only saw name strips on the vests of the people. They had their faces covered and wore helmets. We were roughly two hours out and I remember feeling my fears come back inside me. I grabbed my hat and night vision goggles and got ready. I knew how to shoot. My dad showed me how from the time I could remember until the day I left. I broke radio silence. "Who here is scared?" no one answered. And I said it again. "WHO IS SCARED OUT OF ALL OF YOU!?" I saw them all raise their hands. "Fear not. Please, if anything be angry. A threat of unholy magnitude has fallen upon the world and we answered the call. Leave no man behind. Leave nothing but doubt on this plane. Understand?" "Yes sir." I nodded. We got to the five minute mark and we all stood up and got our chutes on.

"First man ready!?" I saw the light turn green and they jumped. "Second man ready!?" green light. Then I was up. "Don’t be afraid son you got it!" "Third man ready!?" I nodded and I jumped at the green light. I fell for what seemed like forever. I could see my teams IR beacons. I heard my alarm go off and I pulled my chute. I saw the streets were deserted. All the house lights were off and it was a ghost town. When we landed I linked up with my team and started showing them where we were and how to get there. "We have a one mile hike before we get to the house and were gona need bolt cutters. Its heavily gated at the entrances." we marched up along the road until I saw the street where the house was on. "Ok were gonna move low and be quiet. Follow me and keep your heads down." I opened up comms with our sniper. "You in position over watch?" "Yes sir I count 45 hostiles. Its standing room only. Two guards at the gates. Ill wait for your fire command." "Good. Stay frosty." we moved up the street and saw the house. We moved to the back about a hundred or so yards from the gate. "Drop'em." I didn’t hear the shots but I heard the crack to the skulls of the men. I ran up and made sure they were dead. I motioned them to move up. "Breach man up." we busted the door down and flooded the room with flashbangs. I moved in and popped two of the guards but soon I heard shouting and we moved through downstairs while johnson and wilcox handled our backside. When we got upstairs we cleared out the girls rooms first and I stopped the team. "This rooms mine." I opened the door and saw my bed was ripped to shreds and they had clearly vandalized it. I walked out and asked if the house was clear. "We got a fucked door!" I jumped down the bannister and breached the door. "Where is she. I know shes here." I ran down a flight of stairs and saw a room with several screens. "Come out. Now. I know youre here." I heard heels clicking. Lauren apeared out of the darkness and looked at me. "Who are you. I feel like I know you but you are cold." I took my goggles and facesheild off. I saw her eyes widen and she started cackling. "This is fucking rich! They sent you? Sam my god you know you cant stop this!" "Sir are you-" I held up my hand. "Go back. She will kill us all I don’t want you all in here for this." "But sir!" "Captain if you don’t leave I will make you!" I dropped my rifle and took my hat off. "You and I never got to dance on even terms. Lets fix that." I watched her circle me. "Youll die here sam. Youll never save her. I will make sure of that." she came at me from the left and I caught her fist and snapped her wrist back, then flew in under her and slammed her to the ground. "I don’t want to kill you god damn it but I will! I promised my self I would stop you!" I pulled my knife out and drove it into her throat. "Silly boy." she grabbed my hands and crushed the left one. I jumped off her and charged her punching her kicking her but it was no good. I got slammed into a wall and I started seeing black. She had broken most of my fingers and one arm. "NOW!" I heard someone say and my whole team rushed her and contained her. "Get off me god damn filth!" I walked over to her and pulled out a mercury bullet. I loaded it into my glock and aimed for her head. "Ill see you in hell lauren." I fired and she dropped dead. I looked at her wound and it wasn’t healing. I doubled over and vomited. "Sir are you ok?" I stood up and started walking upstairs. "Collect those computers and anything else you can. Meet me outside in ten." I got outside and started shaing. I still wasn’t strong enough. Before I knew it we had regrouped and I signaled the demo of the house. "big bird you have the green light. We are out and on the move. Bring the pain." we stood away from he house about a quarter mile and watched the AC-130 blow the house to bits. We were extracted by a chopper and taken back to eglin AFB in florida then we would be taken back to cali.

When we stepped off the chopper I walked into the main quarters and found a chair. I was shaking. Then I remembered why I was here. I was going to finish this fight. I gotup and composed myself. My team walked in. "Sir we have the intel. Were being debriefed now." I walked with them to the debreifing room and took a seat. "Good work today. We recovered several key pieces of intel, you have sam here to than for that. Now what we know so far is that they have total control over moscow but thankfully their nuclear codes went down with the kremlin. As for china, well we have formed a temporary truce and an aid program. This is more or less the new allies. Britain france canada china japan the koreas whats left of germany mexico and the rest of south america. Our current troop count is over two billion. This is the largest army ever amassed in the history of history. We have named this military operation global freedom. Now then sam you’ve promoted to captain. You will co-captain with officer simmons here." I looked over at her and I caught her checking me out pretty hard but she didn’t know I caught her. "Eyes up here people! Now then the countires that fell are russia ukraine switzerland vietnam africa iraq syria and basically the whole middle east. Youll have your orders tommorow at 0600. you may leave." we got up and I seperated from the group heading into the lounge area. I was stopped by a veronica. "Sam wait." "Sup?" "Are you ok? Ever since the fight you havent spoken or even given a single command." "Im fine just know that I blew one of the only people I ever loved brains onto the floor. So coping with this is very difficult." she put her arm around me. "Lets take a little stroll."

We walked for several minutes until we got to a patch of grass and she laid down. "Lay down we need this talk." I laid back and stared at the stary sky. "Sam when I was 12 years old my family tried to sell me off as a tool for older men and some women. And they did. When I was 15 I found my dads gun and hid it away in my bed for that one night when he would try something. One night I heard him and my mother talking to someone and I heard footsteps come up to my room and open my door. He was breathing heavily and talking to himself. When he undid those pants I took my shot and hit him center mass. I ran out of my house and went to the police and told them. They brought my folks in and found texts, bank statements and many things crucifing them. Two years later I went into the marines to pay for college and became an officer." I was awe struck. "so sam no matter what the past is let it go and kill the bad memories or whats causing them. Weather its an old photo or a girls name in your head erase them. I don’t talk to them any more and move across the country. You have to forget that you loved these monsters because they never loved you. If they did they wouldn’t do this to you." she caressed my cheek and I started tearing up. "But that whole year.." "Forget it. You’ve turned a new page and its time to man it the fuck up and forget it." I just stared at her she was the most perfect girl I had seen and even though I had feelings for lexi, she was in on this scheme so I said fuck it and kissed veronica. I could see the shock in her eyes then they rolled back into her head. I slowly backed off and she smirked. Did I say stop captain?" "You don’t ou-" she planted another one on me. I got on top of her and kissed her neck. "Jesus fuck sam smon with it already!" I oulled her pants down and dove between her legs. "Woah you do tha- Fuuuuuck..thats how you eat pussy!" I bit her clit and stuck my tongue deep inside her. "Fuck yesssss! Come up here I need you inside me now!" I got up and slipped my vest shirt and pants off. "You sure about this?" "Look I can read you like a book. After all this I wouldn’t mind being your co captain for the civilian life now shut up and fuck me!" I slammed my cock deep inside her. "Damn that’s tight I can barely move." she garbbed my hair and moaned into my ear. "bet you cant keep it up against this." I grabbed her shoulders and slammed into her as hard as I could. "Im gonna fuck you so hard youll pass out!" "Try me mother fucker!" I pulled out bent her over and slammed her from behind, pulling her hair. "Fuck yes that’s it! Im getting close!" I kept going faster and harder then I picked her up. She almost yelled but she stopped after I got deeper in. "Kinky little fucker arent you?" I did this for what seemed like an eternity then she got free from my hold and took me down to the ground. "I wanna ride your fucking face." she lowered herself over my face and pulled my head up. "God I could do this all day! I want you to make me cum sam!" I spread her ass cheeks and slipped my tongue inside her again and I could feel her walls gripping my tongue. "Fuck fuck fuuuuck!" she sunk down and coated my face with cum. "Oh god I cant walk. Holy shit…can you carry me back to the tents? Pretty please?" I looked at her eyes and they were a dark brown. God she was hot. "Yes maam I can." she smiled at me and I helped her get dressed. When we arrived it was late and we finally evaded the guards and slipped into our tents. I fell into a bunk and passed out. I woke up at 0700 and headed to the showers. "MORNING LADIES!" a tall marine exclaimed. "this is the head! You will respect my head or I will have you clean it with a toothbrush. You are now free to shower shit piss or do what you need to do! We leave at 0750!" he walked out and I grabbed a towel and some soap. I washed up and grabbed my gear.

I went back to my bunk and grabbed my guns and loaded up. Veronica was waiting for me at the entrance of my tent. "Mmmm a clean soldier is a sexy one." "Oh cmon now!" I started blushing. "How adorable you cant blush in war." she busted out laughing. Our fire team is waiting sam lets see whats up." as we walked she would check me out and I could feel her eyes on me. It was kinda hot really. "Morning captains! Lets get this show on the road!" the man at the board pulled up a powerpoint. He explained that my team was heading to a global rally point in germany to hold off the enmy advance and make a push for russia then free the smaller countries. "Sir request to have my squad merged with this one?" "Denied minshew. They are already in the east. Youll link up with british SAS and a mix of other specialists. Move out." I assembled my team and started to our flight. "Johnson are we locked in and ready to go?" "Sir yes sir. All here sir." "Good." we strapped in and took off. I couldn’t relax the whole way there. When I arrived in germany me and my team were seperated by a high ranking officer. I was lead to a room with a scale, table and one chair. "185 pounds snd five foot eleven." I was that heavy now? And that tall? "Bring him up to speed." "You are now a key piece of winning this war son. Meet the new suit youll be outfitted with." I saw a pannel in the wall come out and I stared at it. "Looks like a halo ODST suit to me sir." "Well that’s the design basis yes but its all around protective built in thermal, IR, and nightvision. Hits so tough it can stop a round from a 30mm cannon. You’ve grown into this form well and its made you the best man to wear the suit. It will also enhance your speed and agilyty." "Where was this developed?" "china built it based off human growth and augmentation. But it already works for you seeing as youre built to be a better human basiclly." "Whats the catch?" "Just don’t break it son. Now slide this uni on and we will suit you up." I got changed and I was slowly assembled into a machine. I was walked through the suit and its comms systems. "Now then you weigh 265lbs in the suit but move at double the speed if you were out of the suit." I was discharged and I put the helmet on. I was turning heads from everyone. I found my team and took off my helmet. "Oh they cut that mop off finally!" "Can it wilcox or ill drink you." "Whats with the suit sir?" "Ive gone from vampire to lab rat men. Im sorta feeling like its an upgrade." I got a pat on the chest from veronica. "I think it looks good on you captain." we walked to HQ and were briefed on where to go and were dismissed. "Alright get in those humvees lets go!" I was about to put my helmet on when veronica kissed me and smiled. "Lets go get'em killer." I climbed into a humvee and we headed out to the foreward operating base in berlin. When we got there I could hear gunfire and shouting. "OUT OUT OUT!" we deployed and linked up with a major in charge. "Order sir?" "Head too the front and help our boys kill those things." we ran about 700 yards to see gun emplacements mortars and bodies everywhere. I heard a bullet fly past me and I took cover with my team. I put my head up and nailed six guys before reloading.

"We need some air support! God damn it!" I grabbed a young man and told him to radio for an A-10. I moved my team up to a small house and grabbed collins's lmg and put it at a window. "Mow them the fuck down!" "We need to get some high ground!" I radioed all comms. "This is fire team omega you have us sir." I saw a team of men and women approach the house. "Cover those soldiers!" *BOOM* I saw a tank roll through and start lighting up the battlefield. "Cover that tank now!" "Captain! Omega reporting." "We need to get that ridgeline! Take my sniper and get up that hill goddamnit!" I took a round to my chest but it flattened against my suit and fell. "Veronica I need you to swing to the left side of the house and take johnson, wilson. Get there two days ago marine!" I lit up a group of vamps and pulled my glock. They were advancing on the house and that tank could only do so much then a call came across the comms. "ALL UNITS WE HAVE AIR SUPPORT EVAC NOW!" I saw team omega and wilcox head for the FOB and I grabbed the rest of my team. We hit the dirt when we heard the jet scream in and let its 30mm cannon rip and its bombs fall. "WOOOO YEAH BABY! This is captain minshew. All teams move up and take back berlin!" I felt veronica hug me. "Lets go sir. Don’t just stand there." I double timed it to the fron of the soldiers. I lit up my thermal visor and saw a MG nest. "LMG GET TO COVER!" I took four rounds before I got behind a truck. I saw a korean man jump into fire and let a RPG fly into the building. "Some one get a medic!" I secured him and the medic soon arrived and waived me off. I moved upp and we got to berlins center and engaged the enmy. By noon we had them either all dead or captured. I found a bench and sat down holding my helmet in my hands. "What a day." "Captain minshew?" "Yes." "You havent forgoten the old team have you?" I looked up to see harper denzel carson, but no khan. "Guys holy fuck! Wheres khan?" "Khans head of cyber warfare and intel now. "Ill be damned. Well let me introduce you guys to my new squad. Veronica!" I saw her run over and salute me. "At ease. These are the OG storm troopers. My original team. Guys this is veronica, we co lead a mix match fireteam." my whole team walked up and introduced them selves. "Sams a natural leader and sam were sorry to hear about you mom emily. She deserves the ass whipping our beloved core will hand her!" harper laughed after she said that.

"Were close to reclaiming the eastern part of germany. Then onto the other fronts. Russia is the end goal." "So ive heard. What if shes not there?" "Then it’s a man hunt." "Well lets get some chow." I heard my comms open up. "Sam its jazz. Theres a blood bank set up in town." she cut off and I took off and grabbed several packets for me and some for my old team. "I come bearing gifts!" I dropped them some blood and saw veronica had picked up some MRE's "So sam I saw how veronica looked at you. Wanna tell me what that’s about?" "Wilcox I swear to god ill eat you." "Yes siiiir. Please eat me. This woman has needs too." I almost spewed blood everywhere. "Soldier I will have your ass for that one." I threw a shell casing at her and she laughed. "No seriously. Are yall a thing?" "Well I mean its top secret and you aint got the clearance corporal." she pouted and asked veronica the same thing and I threw my helmet on to hide my red cheeks. "Well ya see we kinda re kind not but look! Hes hiding his cute widdle face!" "Wow boss! What a catch!" "Denzel I will break you. Do not test me son." I took my helmet off. "I don’t belive him. Hes a great leader but bet, bet he didn’t snag that." "Ok then carson." I stood up and hoisted veronica up and close to me kissing her. I saw her eyes close and I heard everyone gasp. "Well I stand corrected." we heard explosion and gunfire. "Breaks over ladies." I slid my helmet on and the Hud came up. I got a beat on the enemy and lead both teams to the fight. Veronica was barking orders at some grunts and they move the 50cal to where she was pointing. "Command to all units this is colonel james blackmon. Were going to take back the motherland for the german people and the free fucking world. Have a nice day!" we pushed up and met heavy resistance. We finally broke them and drove them off. "This is captain veronica simmons. We make camp here tonigh in berlin. All teams meet at the city center at 0700." "Captains meeting follow me." she grabbed my arm and took me into an abandoned buliding. "Take that helmet off silly." I took my helmt off and she wiped dirt off my face. "how do you get that suit off? I un did the chest shoulders knees and torso. "Wow cute onsie!" "It’s a unitard built for combat! And I think it makes me look good." "Well its late. And cold." I grabbed a huge blanket from the closet and covered her up. I got first watch. Get some rest ok?" "Yes sir." I watched the square intensly. It rolled around to ten at night and I crawled over to veronica and shook her. "Hey time to get up. Your watch." before she could open her eyes someone screamed. "CONTACTS!!" we both leaped up and I got suited up. "Sitrep now!" I saw several fast moving targets and jumped down to the square. I counted six in total. I rounded everyone up and we disposed of them, then we marched on.

We fought for two more years and eventually me and veronica started getting closer falling for each other more and more everyday. Even in war there is some good that can come from it. Eventually more and more suits of armour started showing up on the battle field like myself they were other vampires or non humans. The world goverments got on board with each other and eventually formed ANDF, or allied nations defence force. This consisted of the USA, canada china the uk mexico and basically everyone except the middle east russia and a few other countries that had no alligence or had no want for this war. As we progressed on the fighting got intense and streched across the world. DC had fallen but the main core of command had been saved. Most major cities had been attacked but what I asked myself every so often was will this war end and can I really end it? Whatwould I do when I saw lexi? Would she be against me? I was starting to panick and I must have started breathing heavy. "Major! Hey major!" I hand gripped my shoulder and shook me. "Wilcox what god damn it?" "Youre freaking out sir. You sure youre op-ready?" "Yeah im good." we all looked at the white board and a larger british man walked up and cleared his throat. "Oi! You two in the back! Listen up! So heres the deal gents. Were 340 miles out of moscow. We suspect the majority of the enemy forces are here consisting of mercenaries, Ex Alqueida, some russian militants and of course the usual vamps. We count over 1.6 million troops in total but were going to fix that with the biggest air strike in military history. Were having a ground team knock out the AA platforms and SAM sites. We will strike in 36 hours and I want fireteams Arizona, omega, viper, cobra, and the storm troopers. With third battalion to back them up. Understood?" SIR, YES SIR!" we all filed out and veronica was waiting for us. "Hello major." she winked at me and I smiled. "Captain, weve got our orders. We move in 36." the fire teams and third battalion met in the mess hall and we talked the plans over. As we discussed things a felt veronica grab my inner thigh. "Not now captain please?" "Too bad major. Your being to up tight lately. You need to…..relaaaaax" she grabbed my cock and squeezed. I almosted spit my water out. "Enough captain. We have a job to do. Fire team arizona on me." we walked out side to see a large amount of motion going to the landing strip. "Major. Youre needed at the tarmac!" I followed the piolot to the run way and immediately drew my weapon. "Samuel. What a pleasure." Emily was standing right in front of me. "Why shouldn’t I put one in your dome piece you monster?" "Hm, finally you have them." "Have what?" "The eyes of a killer my love. Don’t you want to talk? We can agree to terms to end this war because we outnumber you 5 to 1." "Captain!" veronica ran up to me and looked at emily. "Whos this sir?" "Find us a meeting room. Call commander billings tell him whose here." "Follow us, scum." we walked to the command post and I sat her down across from me. "Should I stay sir?" "No captain. She would kill you if given the chance and I wont risk that now, leave us and seal this place up."

"So sam how have you been?" "Tired." "Well I could see why. You have a ressume a mile long. Ten engagements won none lost. No retreats and you led the assault on turkey." "Wheres the others?" "Lauren is dead. She was found out and the house was-" "Destroyed yes I know. I killed her and ordered the air strike. I killed you oldest and there isnt a thing you can do." she looked at me with anger. "How could you? She was a sister to you! Why must you fight us like this!?" I leaned back and chuckled. "Because you wanted to take over the world with the genocide of the humans and the forced internment of other species." I heard a door open and I saw samantha and lexi walk in. I pulled my gun on them. "Stay right there." "Sam cmon now. You wouldn’t shoot me would you?" I sat down and sighed. "What do you want?" "We want you and your whole army to stand down and let us do what we want." "These arent terms these are demands." "Well yes, so to speak." I walked tpo the door and opened it. "Get out you vile animals. Before I kill you all." I followed them to the tarmac. They stooped at the edge of the tarmac and emily stepped to me and whispered." You cant win sam. No matter what you throw at us. This is only the beginning and this war will go on till we take back whats ours." she left and just vanished. Like that. I walked away and grabbed my gear. "Sam where are you going?" "Veronica im finishing this and I will not be stopped. Tell them im going and they can catch up." I signaled for a quad and grabbed some ammo. "You arent leaving with out me sam! I wont let you!"I kissed her and started crying. "They took it all from me and I must have my revenge. Blood will have blood." I walked into the command post and suited myself up. "Welcome back sir." "Mark. Hows my favorite AI doing?" "Good sir. But youre heart beat is increasing. Are you ok?" "Fine. Were leaving." I walked outside to find my whole team standing there geared up. "Fireteam arizona reporting sir!" "Arizona stand down. This isnt youre fight." "Sir its yours but we cant let you go into the fray alone." "Wilcox I said stand down. That is an order." "I cant let you do that sir. You know we cant."

I sighed and ordered another quad to the front gate. "Lets go. We have a job to do." we got in got some extra gear and ammo then left.
I sat in the back of the quad watching the cityscape pass by, thinking about what I was going to do when I had to finish it. "Sir! The general is on the radio he wants to speak to you!" I put my helmet on and sighed. "General." "Son its time to stand down. You need to wait for the rest of the-" "The rest of the strike team will die if the come marching into moscow. Send the airstrikes and missles now and clear us a path but this is my fight now general. We have won the battle but I will win us the war." "Finish it major. That’s an order." The radio went dead and we drove on till we reached the edge of moscow and then all hell broke loose. We came under direct fire. "Arizona move to the structure there!" we moved up to the building and took up cover. "Collins I need an ETA on those air strikes!" I popped up and shot two men. "40 minutes sir! Were gonna have to hold out!" I looked down and sighed. "lets get it then!" we all opened fire on them and I could see the horde of gunslingers coming our way. I started running out of ammo and grabbed my pistol and kept shooting. "Im out sir! Were all out!" "ETA!?" "Thirty seconds!" I heard this roar in the distance and I could see lights in the sky, hundreds of them. "My brothers, sisters. I love you. You are the best, no the greatest people I have ever met and id like you to witness this before our undecided future dawns on us." I pulled out a little white box and looked at veronica and started crying. "Veronica simmons will you make me the happiest man on the earth and marry me?" Right as she gasped I felt the bombs fall and we were all thrown to the floor.

I grabbed the box and closed my eyes for what I thought was eternity. When I opened them up everyones was fine and we got up. "Lets move!" we got out grabbed some weapons and ammo and walked into moscow. Fire, bodies…blood. It was a wreck. We saw the capitol building and ran to it, going through guards and civilians, trying to find the reason we were here. When we got inside we saw an elevator and I busted the door open to reveal an empty shaft. "Repel down." I jumped and grabbed a cable. I couldn’t see the bottom nt I just started sliding. When I got to the bottom I yelled up for the rest to follow and waited a few minutes for them to catch up. "All here?" "Yes sir." I found the access hatch and climbed down. We found ourselves in a huge command room with screens lit everywhere. "Knock knock. Anyone home?!" "Hello dear. Looks like youre friends are closing in and are about to finish this." "They will find you body here. A monument to all your sins." she appeared out of the shadows and had lexi at gun point. "I will kill her if you step any closer."

I had to let go of my past and leave it all behind for good, because if I didn’t I would be haunted forever by these people. I walked closer loading mercury rounds into my pistol and pulling the slide back. "I don’t care anymore. Im done caring about you people, no you monsters!" I pulled my gun to the right of emily and fired twice, parallening my shots and hit samantha in the head. "I knew she would run so I just put two bullets in her way." I aimed at lexi and eyed her. "Sam please don’t! I love you I tri-" emily shot her and dropped her weapon. I saw her body contort and she screamed as she transformed. "GET READY LADIES!" she came at us with claws sharp as blades and wings like a hurricane. We shot at her and hit her. I saw her grab wilcox and collins and throw them into a pillar. I grabbed her and tried to pull her down but she punched mye and broke my visor. I laid there watching her throw my team around like rag dolls, and when she grabbed veronica I started to get up and grabbed up my pistol and aimed at he rand started shooting her back. "AHHHG YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" she threw veronica and grabbed me up. "Who do you think you are!? Youre my blood! My object! You are mine!!!" Why do you resist!? WE MADE YOU AND WE CAN KILL YOU!!" "You never owned me. I know you killed jessica. And I know youre evil. Im not evil and im not some pawn." I shoved the gun into her mouth and pulled the trigger until I ran out of bullets. She dropped me trying to scream and yell, as she did I ran to her and head butted her, threw punches, broke bones, pulled things out of sockets until she was limp on the ground. I couldn’t speak or see really well but I found her head and spit on her before, CRUNCH, I stomped her skull in. I walked over to my team and fell beside them and grabbed veronicas hand. "Time to let them know where we are…" I said in a raspy voice. I activated my SOS beacon and passed out.

"Major…Major minshew?" I woke up in an operating room. "Where am i?" I could barely speak or see straight. "Youre sedated son and youre pretty banged up. "And my team? What happened?" the woman looked down at a list and grabbed my hand. "Couch, blackson, wilcox. KIA. Johnson wilson collins simmons and you all made it out." I started begging to see my team threatening to get up and go through everyone to see them. I was sat into a wheel chair and taken to the recovery room. "Here you go sir." I wheeled my self over to johnson who was looking at the ceiling. "johnson." he looked over at me and I could see the tears in his eyes. "Hey don’t cry brother." he jumped up and ran to me hugged me. "God damn it we thought you died sir!" "Hes alive!?" wilson and collins ran over to me and were in disbelief. " You flat lined on the way here! How?" "You cant kill me that easily. Wheres veronica?" "Sir shes asleep. I think we should let her rest." "Is she ok? How is she?" "Shes fine just a broken arm and leg." I wheeled myself over to her and held her hand. "You know. These three years with you…god they have been amazing honey. I know our love came through odd circumstances and it was forged in the fires of war so if we can do this we can do anything. I love you. I love you enough to buy a ring and ask you to marry me in the middle of a warzone. I know you and I arent the same but neither are the last two pieces in the puzzle arent they?" I gripped her hand and started tearing up. I knew I found a woman who I would love forever. She stirred and smiled. "You talk a whole lot for someone who died baby. But that’s why I love you." I leaned over and kissed her. "And to answer your question. Yes I will marry you." I yelled and started laughing hysterically. "Did you get that on video?!" "Hell yeah! That’s my girl! Go cap!" "God baby I love you so much!" I kissed her over and over again.

I soon learned my parents, friends and most of my family werealive and I paid them all a visit explaining to my mother and father how I lived and what I went through and that I was getting married soon. Mom broke into tears and dad was so proud of me. My best men were invited to the wedding and to come whenever they could. I flew them all out to my place to meet veronica and I could tell they were more than proud of who I had become. I saw dad cry and tell me jean would have been so proud of her little brother. A month went by and veronica had moved in with me at my home in California, we planned the wedding and I was asked to be the new chancellor for the twelve, which I said yes to, I was televised as a war hero and everything was good. It was the night before the wedding. No parties. No hooker. No drugs. Just me my team my closest friends and some good friends I had made while in the service at my house watching some NFL and drinking. "So minshew hows it feel to have your boys in her purse?" "Well considering its more pussy than I can handle and shes the love of my life…pretty good brother." I finally finished my drink and headed to bed after everyone else was out. When I got up everyone was getting prepared for the limo ride to the vineyard and we all scrambled. "Is everone ok and set?" "Yeah man lets get it on!!!!! Our brothers getting hitched as fuck and were next in line boys!" we all yelled and filled into the limo.when we pulled up my mom was waiting for me. "You ready bubby?" "Mom im nervous. I love her an-" "That’s all you need to know ok? Shes perfect for you." she took my arm and we walked down and I was stood their waiting. When she finally appeared I could tell I started crying. She got up to me and started smiling. "Why the dears big guy?" "Well its all this damn pollen hun. As in, im just staring at the most amazing woman ever." we got through the majority of the ceremony until the I dos. "Veronica simmons do you take this man to be your husband through sickness and health?" "I do." "And sam minshew do you take this woman to be your wife through sickness and in health?" I started crying and smiled. "I do." "You may now kiss the bride." I leaned in and kissed her as passionately as I could which seemed to elicit a cat call from the audience and several hoo rahs. We got down to the dancing and of course I heard dixie land delight come on. "TAYLOR ROBBY AARON! HIT THOSE EXTRA VOCALS!!" we all sang horribly but we enjoyed it. Veronica cut in and started to dance with me."Hey babe you know whats awsome?" "What mrs.minshew?" " Your ass is all mine tooooonight." I smirked. "Good. I wouldn’t want it any other way." "Move over newly weds moms gotta dance with her little man!" "Mooooom!" "Oh hush you look so handsome. I love you sam. You are so special and I don’t mean what you’ve done but the fact that you lived through it. You’ve grown so much! You mother is so proud. And so is dad." I picked her up and spun her around. "MOM I HAVE FUCKING MISSED YOU! GAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" I finally put her down and walked over to dad with veronica in tow. "Deddy. Im so glad I did what I did. I missed you so much." I stuck my hand out. "No youre a man now but that don’t mean you get out of this." he wrapped me up in a bear hug and ruffled my hair. "Boy im proud of you. I knew I would be. Just keep the grandkids away for a bit!" we laughed and as the night wound down me and veronica made our way to the limo. I turned around and whistled to the crowd, waving goodbye before I left for my honeymoon. Taylor robby and aaron ran up to me and stood beside me when a cameraman came up and snapped a few pictures. "Good luck brother. Have a good time!" "You know I will! Love you guys."

Veronica and I got into the limo and we drove off to my house to stay the night before we leave to where ever we want tomorrow. Veronica dropped her dress and grinned at me. "Come get it mister. I pounced on her and kissed her aggressively. I finally got both of us undressed and started fucking her with all of the passion I had in my body mind heart and soul. This wasn’t just sex for us. This was making love. No regrets nor hidden agendas. Just two people in a bond physically and emotionally. "Sam oh god I love you. Don’t stop. I want you forever and an eternity." "Veronica you can have me here or anywhere for as long as this universe exi-" she cut me off with a deep kiss. "Shut up and finish it baby." I cant tell you how long we made love but I can tell you I knew it was right, for once. We fucked all night and into the wee hours of the morning until I had came so much I fell off of the bed and veronica was curled up by me shaking.

When I woke up veronica was in the shower so I got up, went into the bunker and rang up the new council of twelve. We had a rough hour conversation about what to do now and certain protocol. I walked back up and saw veronica standing there smiling. "Already working honey?" "Well im a busy man boo. You know that." I gave her a peck on the nose and went to shower. When I got out and got changed veronica walked over and told me that we were going shopping for the house and booking plane tickets for the keys. I honestly was happy now. My past was burned to ashes and now I could focus on the beautiful future I had.

One year later.

"Arent they precious?" "God we made some great kids." me and veronica had two kids. A boy named Trajan mark minshew and octavia jean minshew. I also learned that veronica received a blood transfusion from me thus turning her. It made me happy I was gonna get to spend literal forever with them.

A few years later when trajan was around ten I started to train him to be a warrior and a southern gentleman. Like his old man. I was in my thirties and veronica was as well. Octavia was a political freak and never wanted to watch cartoon or girly movies. It was all cnn fox msnbc cspan ect. Veronica was leading a huge security company and I had been promoted to secretary of state. I also lead the twelve. Things were smooth with the humans now and the rate of cross marriages was way up by now. This is where everything closes out. With me being happy and feeling whole again. But who knows whats next for me right?

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-17 15:00:02
It wasn't a complaint, just a detail :D

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-12 14:37:29
A great series and a very enjoyable read. I want yo personally thank you for being one of the few writers who complete their series story(
10-20%) This is my biggest complaint about this site and others is that 80-90% of writers do not finish their series stories. To the 1st complaint, you can if Veronica had twins. I hope you keep writing because you are very enjoyable to read. Retired Army NCO


2016-05-12 07:23:30
hey guys. im looking for a new story to write and i need an idea. male perspective. maybe something fantasy? you decide.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-06 13:50:14
Lol you can when they are twins ;p and this was awesome, lots of spelling mistakes and errors but i can live with that. Awesome work, you can only get better 434 pelican, i have been waiting for quite awhile for you to finish this. Thank you :)

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-06 07:54:36
Great story. Love mixed with military.
Downside is the grammar, try using more dots and commas to make it easier to read.
And just a detail: you cant get 2 kids in a year :D

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