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I become a dad and foil a kidnap plan.

I was up early the following morning, but Bianca and Sheena only wanted a light breakfast of fruit and yogurt. Mother and I had Cheerios with banana. Jack and Beth slept in, coming to the kitchen around noon. I went to the study to work; Bianca and Sheena went to the gym while the caterer removed everything from the back yard. I spent more than an hour on the phone with New York’s two senators. There was something I wanted to do for my wives and I needed to know if I’d run afoul of the EPA or federal regulations. They promised to get back to me within a week.

I worked all morning, spending a lot of time in video conferences. I recalled something Sheena had asked me a few weeks ago. “Why don’t you travel as much as you used to?”

“The two best reasons in the world—Sheena Philips, Bianca Philips.

“But, won’t your businesses suffer?”

“No, because I hire only the best people and they get a piece of the action, too. Take Jack, for example; he earns 150,000 pounds a year plus three percent of net sales. Last year that was ten million pounds.”

“Oh my God, that’s 300,000 pounds. Mum has really gotten a good deal for herself, hasn’t she?”

“Yes, I guess she has, just like someone else in her family.” I leaned forward to kiss Sheena’s pixie nose then pulled back with a smile. Sheena smiled at me then jumped into my lap to smother me with kisses.

“Oh…I see now what is going on behind my back.” It was Bianca speaking from the doorway. She sounded stern, but she was grinning ear to ear. I moved Sheena to one knee and opened my arms for Bianca a second later. She slipped into my lap and kissed me—all in a single smooth movement. We sat and kissed, alternating between Bianca and Sheena for almost an hour. A knock on the door frame jolted me back to the present. It was my mother inquiring about lunch. That was typical; she’d nag me about it, but she wouldn’t lift a finger to help.

We had an assembly line with Amanda loading the fresh deli rye on the paper plates, Bianca coating them with some butter I’d left out after breakfast, me thinly slicing six medium rare filets left over from yesterday’s party, Sheena placing the thin slices on the bread, Sid doing the actual slicing of the sandwiches, Beth taking orders for beer and soda—also leftovers—and Jack adding pickles and whatever salads each of us wanted.
We ate in the rec room while Beth opened all the baby clothes Sheena and Mother had bought.

We went outside once done to the pool to relax and enjoy the warm water. Somehow, I knew that Bianca and Sheena would do something crazy, just as they had on the island. They were naked in seconds, encouraging Beth and Amanda to join them. Beth was game, but Amanda reluctant—she was working, after all—until I told her to just go with it. Although in her mid-thirties, her body was rivaled only by Sheena’s. She was also an exercise nut, regularly running, doing karate and yoga, and even lifting weights to maintain her fitness. I knew there was nothing I could do about the women’s nudity, but I drew the line when they wanted me to join them. “You have an anatomical advantage over me, you know,” I told them. “You know how I react to your naked bodies.”

“We know, John,” Sheena whispered. “That’s more fun to play with than any of the pool toys.” I just shook my head in mock disgust and swatted her bare bottom. Neither Sheena nor Bianca had any tan lines. They were naked by the pool almost daily, much to Mother’s annoyance. More than once she had complained loudly only to have me remind her that SHE was a GUEST in MY home and could leave any time she wished.

We broke up the fun around five so I could drive everyone out to dinner—pizza in nearby Manhasset followed by a movie with popcorn and soda. I wasn’t at all surprised when Mother declined the invitation. “Really, John—pizza?” I loved my mother, but, at times, she could be a royal pain in the ass. I drove with Sid in the front seat opposite me. Amanda was behind me with Beth in the middle and Jack on the other side. Sheena and Bianca, the youngest by far, were in the rear seat. Sid, Amanda, and I were all armed for security purposes--our 9mm H&K’s hidden under our loose polo shirts. There were other security measures, but more about them later—much later in the story.

I had promised Bianca and Sheena a treat. People might think of pizza as being Italian, but it’s really Italian-American. We ordered three pies for the seven of us knowing how much Sheena and Bianca could eat. We arrived at the theater early, but still found three young couples seated in the back row—our favorite for security reasons—when we walked in. Sid convinced them to move, offering each fifty dollars if they would. Sid was on the aisle with Beth and Jack next, followed by Sheena, me, Bianca, and Amanda.

The movie was okay, I guess; I spent most of my time alternating kisses with either Bianca or Sheena as they tried to slip their hands up the legs of my shorts. Sheena, ever the imp, actually grabbed my naked cock once causing me to cry out and almost spill the huge tub of buttered popcorn onto the floor. It must have been a sight because Beth laughed like crazy and both of my wives giggled when there was nothing funny on the screen. We all laughed, holding hands on the way back to the SUV. Twenty minutes later we were safely back home.

We had an active social calendar over the rest of the summer—several Broadway musicals, another opera, charity events either at the Waldorf or the Metropolitan Museum of Art or MOMA--the Museum of Modern Art. By mid-August the novelty of my having two wives had completely worn off.

My attorney phoned just before Labor Day with an offer from the Morning Star that I accepted—an apology to me and my wives accompanied by a color photo on the top half of page three and a check for ten million dollars. The terms were supposed to be confidential, but I had them leaked to Marianne Robbins at the Daily News along with information that I would donate the entire amount to the New York SPCA, one of my favorite charities.

We continued to make love several times daily, except that Bianca was no longer able to have intercourse. Sheena and I usually brought her off with our mouths even though Sheena continued to steadfastly deny any lesbian tendencies. Of course, Bianca was more than happy to reciprocate even though she could only use her hands and mouth. Sheena was more than willing to handle all the fucking duties. I spent many mornings, afternoons, and evenings flat on my back with Sheena riding my cock and Bianca riding my tongue.

I sent Dan and Chad to Naples for Mamma Risolli in mid-September, roughly a month before Bianca was due. I wasn’t at all surprised when Dan phoned and said Bianca’s brother Dante wanted to come along. I knew that he and Stephanie had communicated almost daily since I had engineered their meeting at our wedding on the island. Bianca, Sheena, and I were at the General Aviation hub at JFK International when the Gulfstream taxied to a halt.

Bianca was so excited that she ran to the jet’s doorway as soon as the stairs were lowered. She hugged and kissed her brother and actually cried when she hugged her mother. We were in the Escalades en route home only a few minutes later. Mamma, Dante, and the pilots had to pass through immigration and customs, but in the General Aviation section of the airport this was more formality than requirement. Then, again, I was well known to the staff there.

I could hardly wait for the short trip to end. Mamma and Bianca talked non-stop mostly in Italian, while Dante spoke to me about driving to South Carolina so he could see Stephanie. I had known he was coming; Stephanie had phoned me only three days ago to tell me it was okay for him to visit. That’s pretty much what she’d told me—okay to visit—but reading between the lines I could hear her eagerness in virtually every word. Bianca had volunteered her BMW and I’d asked Alonzo to create a series of maps. In fact, after an hour’s discussion I decided that an escort to the Jersey Turnpike would probably be best. Travel through New York City was challenging enough for us natives. I shuddered at what might happen to a foreigner even though Dante was fluent in English. I was thankful that Italians drove on the right side of the road. What a job I’d had with Sheena even though she’d never driven in the UK. Over and over I’d had to indoctrinate her to keeping to the right.

Dante stayed with us for five days, chomping at the bit every second until I explained the facts of life to him about driving through the city. He left us at five on Sunday morning, crossing the Throgs Neck Bridge to the Cross Bronx Expressway straight onto the George Washington Bridge. I would never drive this way—it was too long—but it was the simplest route. Two of the gardeners drove ahead of him, parting company at the first rest area. The Turnpike and several other roads and bridges required tolls, but all my vehicles had EZ-Pass transponders which were both faster and cheaper. For Dante who was unfamiliar with our currency it would be a life-saver.

Mamma Risolli hadn’t taken long establishing herself in the house. She was given the same room that Beth and Jack had used over their visit in July. She did complain once about being so far from Bianca, but a word from her daughter ended that in a second. On the other hand she did enjoy shopping with Mother, Bianca, and Sheena for a formal affair at the Museum of Natural History.

This was more of a cocktail party than a dinner or dance, although there would be an auction later in the evening. We took a limo with Sid and Amanda as our security for an early dinner at Gallagher’s, a world-renowned chop house less than ten blocks south of the museum. Sheena and Bianca were accustomed to dining in Manhattan so the prices had no impact on them, but Mamma Risolli was astonished. I planned on $100-plus per person, at least, but I’d save on Mother’s dinner. She hated this event, claiming that the dinosaur skeletons freaked her out. Personally, that’s what made it one of my favorites.

Sheena obviously agreed. “Wow! Oh, John—I can’t believe how big that is.”

She was talking about the T-Rex, but I couldn’t resist teasing her. “I think I’ve heard that line before.”

Never one to be outdone, Sheena whispered, “You have, John, but yours is alive and a lot more fun.” She began to laugh and a second later Bianca joined her. Then she explained to her mother in Italian. It was the first time I’d ever seen Mamma embarrassed.

We enjoyed the “complimentary” cocktails, but mostly passed on the canapés after stuffing ourselves at Gallagher’s. Complimentary in this case meant that the tickets were only $500 per person and that entitled you to all the cheap wine and frozen canapés you could handle. All the same, I always attended this function because I loved the whole museum and always had, even as a child when my school class would come to spend the day at the Hayden Planetarium. I had often wondered whether my interest in computer science was somehow derived from my experiences here in this very building.

We chatted with friends a bit before I excused Sheena, Bianca, and her mom to check out the offerings for the auction later on. Sid and Amanda were with them every step of the way.

Before the evening was over Sheena had bought a lovely diamond and emerald bangle bracelet while Bianca bought a large black Tahitian pearl pendant. Mamma had gone a bit wild—diamond earrings and a diamond watch. All told I had spent almost $350,000—all tax deductible.

We relaxed at home for the next two weeks in anticipation of Bianca going into labor at any time. Like most first-time mothers I thought Bianca might be a bit late so I scheduled an important meeting for Tuesday of the first week. A helicopter picked me up in the back yard and flew me to LaGuardia where I boarded my private Gulfstream. Ninety minutes later I was in another limo en route to a meeting with two senators, two congressmen, and representatives of the EPA. I also had three engineers and two attorneys in my party.

Senators Keller and Conroy, both Democrats from New York, opened the meeting then I introduced myself and the members of my party. The beach and shallow area of Long Island Sound where we lived was extremely rocky and I’d wanted to clear both areas so we could swim in summer in relative safety. My team had come well prepared with reports on ecological impact on the shore and in the water, as well.

There were no endangered species or ecologically sensitive areas in question and we showed our plans to move the rocks and boulders to an area roughly a half-mile from shore to create a fish haven in twenty-five feet of water. With questions the meeting lasted almost three hours and we were assured of a preliminary response within a month. I thanked the EPA officials and my friends from Congress before rushing back to the plane. Bianca’s impending delivery gave me the excuse I needed to avoid yet another too-long and much too boring political luncheon. The chopper dropped me off in the back yard by five that afternoon. I had just enough time to shower and shave before joining my wives in the study for drinks before dinner. I refused to discuss the meeting in spite of Bianca and Sheena employing all their wiles before, during, and after dinner.

I’m sure you can imagine just how long my “holdout” lasted. They double teamed me in the shower and again once we were in bed. Bianca rubbed her wet pussy over my rock-hard cock while Sheena “massaged” my body with her breasts. “Enough! I give up!” I was gasping as I looked up into their grinning faces.
“It was going to be a surprise, but only if I could really make it happen.”

“John, there is nothing you cannot make happen.”

“That only goes to show how little you know about the federal government, Bianca. I want to clear the rocks from our beach and the water out to a depth of eight feet at low tide, making a safe and comfortable beach for us and our family. Some of the bigger rocks would have to be blasted. Then I’d have all of them transported about a half mile out by barge and dumped to make a reef where people could fish or spearfish. I have several senators working to help me, but we’re dealing with the Environmental Protection Agency and they’ve been known to stop a project to safeguard endangered fish, insects, or other animals or plants. Fortunately, there doesn’t appear to be anything like that here in Long Island Sound. That’s where I was earlier today—in a meeting in Washington—with the engineering company and the EPA staffers. They seemed impressed with the presentation, but they’ll have plenty of changes. It’s how they justify their jobs. I should know sometime in January. Now can I please go to sleep?”

They laughed like crazy; we never went directly to sleep. Even now with Bianca eight and a half months pregnant there were some things we did almost every night. No penetration for Bianca, but either Sheena or I ate her out at least once every day. Sheena always wanted to be fucked, but in the interest of sharing she often sat back while Bianca swallowed my cock whole. Tonight Sheena’s mouth attacked Bianca while I stood behind Sheena driving my cock into her depths and pinching her clit. We knew each other so well that all three orgasms occurred within seconds of each other. Bianca shifted her bulk across the bed while I took my familiar place in the middle. Sheena pulled the blanket over us as we kissed, told each other how much we loved each other, and fell immediately into a deep, deep sleep.


I was awakened the following morning when Bianca groaned in pain. Sheena and I were up in a flash, tending to Bianca. I dressed hurriedly as Sheena bolted for the door. “Sheena!” She stopped just short of grasping the door handle. “I think a robe would be in order, but please hurry.” She looked down at her naked body and turned the most delightful shade of red then ran into her closet, returning with an old terry-cloth robe. I was comforting Bianca as Sheena dashed out the door to find Mamma Risolli.

“What time was the contraction,” she asked as soon as she strode through the doorway. Oh shit—I had completely forgotten the protocol.

“I think it was ten minutes ago.”

“Close enough; please keep a record. Do you have a notebook?” I had a small note pad from my armoire seconds later, copying the approximate time with a pencil. Then I sat next to Bianca, supporting her and showing my love for her by holding her hand and kissing her cheek.

It was early—not even 5:00 a.m.—so I was amazed when Janet appeared with one of the maids carrying a tray with coffee and pastries. “Have something to eat, John,” she told me. “You could be here for hours.” I took my cues from my mother-in-law. Eating a small fruit Danish when she did proved a great idea. Even Bianca ate, but no coffee for her. Janet had brought a number of water bottles for her.

It was a funny sight—Bianca lying naked on the bed covered only by a sheet, me dressed in a tee and shorts, Sheena in her ratty robe, a remnant of her Edinburgh days. Mamma Risolli wore a robe and matching slippers and the staff rushing in and out fully dressed for their daily duties. Since the initial contractions were few and far between I suggested that everyone dress before meeting in the study where we’d all be more comfortable.

Twenty minutes later Bianca, Sheena, and I had showered and dressed. They waited while I shaved and then we walked carefully down the stairs. We phoned Dr. Perry when the contractions were thirty minutes apart. I was so nervous; I was reminded of waiting helplessly during their breast enhancement surgeries. Now, however, there was another life involved—that of my daughter.

I sat Bianca in the center of the large leather couch with Sheena on one side and me on the other. We sat there holding hands and encouraging her. Finally, around 10:30 we got the okay to proceed to the hospital. Sid drove and Amanda sat in the rear with my two loves. Champ drove the second car with both mothers.

We had been there for hours when Dr. Perry told us it had begun. Even I knew that; Bianca’s water had broken ten minutes earlier. I held Bianca’s hand and wiped her face with a small towel while Sheena gave her small sips of water or ice chips. I cried like a baby when I saw how she struggled through the pain—her hair hanging in sweaty strings--but four hours later we were thrilled when our little girl took her first breaths and exercised her lungs with a long blood-curdling scream. Her mother’s nipple silenced her in a flash.
Looking down at Bianca I realized how much I loved her and how much she loved me. A glance at Sheena told me her feelings exactly matched mine.

I held my pinky out to my baby’s hand and looked on in amazement as she gripped it tightly. We’d decided on a name months ago, but had refused to tell my meddling mother for no reason other than to remind her that we were actually in control. I wasn’t at all prejudiced when I looked down at Maria Sheena Philips, declaring her the most beautiful baby ever. I knew that Bianca and Sheena agreed.

Despite assurances from the hospital I insisted on armed security at the nursery and I didn’t want Maria’s name on her bassinette. My family and I were always targets. Kidnapping my infant daughter would likely kill poor Bianca—a risk I saw no reason to take. We’d take Maria home tomorrow morning. Until then she’d be closely guarded and protected. I could have used Sid and Amanda or Champ and Sheila, but they had enough to do at home. We left the hospital at eight that evening so Bianca could rest. I was relieved to see uniformed men from Pinkerton’s at her door and at the nursery before we left.

Sheena and I washed each other after a quick meal of soup and sandwich. I begged off on sex that night. I was physically and emotionally drained after Bianca’s ordeal. I was on my back with Sheena’s head on my right shoulder and I was almost asleep when she whispered, “I’m going off the pill effective immediately. It will take us a few months, but I’m so looking forward to having your baby, John. I love you so very much…more than anything in the world.” She reached up to kiss me and I was almost asleep when she whispered, “I miss Bianca.”

“So do I,” I whispered back, “but she’ll be here with us tomorrow. You and I will have to pitch in. Maria will only sleep about two hours at a time initially and Bianca will be weak. We’ll be doing plenty of diapers and bathing….”

“…and burping, and cleaning up when she spits up.” I kissed Sheena, pulled her even closer, and drifted away in seconds.


Sheena was up early as ever, dressing in her workout gear and tiptoeing down to the ballroom that had become her gym. There were more than a dozen pieces of professional exercise equipment that we moved into a large adjoining room whenever we needed the ballroom which, fortunately, wasn’t that often. She was back by seven, leaned over the bed to give me a sweaty and salty kiss before pulling me into the shower.
We walked together into the kitchen for breakfast. “Just a plain omelet and a few strips of bacon, Janet,” I told her.

“Nothing for me,” Sheena commented. “I’m too excited.”

Janet scowled. “Aren’t you going to be next? Don’t you build a house from the foundation up? I’ll give you Cheerios with banana and blueberries.” She pointed to a seat at the table; Sheena meekly sat while I joined her, taking position on the opposite side.

This was pretty much our routine every day, but the current of excitement ran through the room today unlike any day previously. Bianca was coming home this morning and she was bringing our daughter with her. There were huge smiles on everyone’s faces and I was reminded of a conversation I’d had with Alonzo a few days ago.

I had made it abundantly clear that I wanted no presents for the baby. I was a multi-billionaire; how could I possibly accept gifts from my staff? It just wouldn’t be right. “John, you have a lot to learn about people. Your socio-economic status means nothing here. The staff wants you to know how they feel about you and Bianca…and Sheena, too, for that matter.”

Alonzo continued before I could get a word in, “It helps a great deal that you chose two such wonderful women. They could have easily come in and acted like the queens of the manor—bossy…demanding…throwing their weight around, not that either of them has all that much, but you know what I mean.”

“Yes, unfortunately—like my mother tries from time to time until I remind her of her place.”

“Right, again—there isn’t a person on staff who doesn’t love and appreciate Bianca and Sheena so you’ll smile and thank everyone for their gifts. You can no more stop them than you can stop the sun from rising every morning.”

I knew he was right. In the household hierarchy Sheena was second only to me while Janet was just over half-way up the ladder yet it never occurred to Sheena or me for that matter to question or argue with the woman who was employed as our cook. We sat at the same table with three maids and two gardeners laughing and joking just as we did every morning.

Our breakfast was delivered moments later. Sheena’s cold cereal was delivered with a pitcher of two-percent milk and my omelet came with exactly four pieces of bacon—never three or five. Of course, I could have insisted on more, but that would be accompanied by a stinging lecture on the impact of saturated fats on the human body. Janet was a nutritionist first and a cook second. She knew she could always find another position although she would most certainly take a huge reduction in salary.

We finished, thanked Janet, and returned to our bathroom to clean up before the drive to the hospital. Alonzo met us at the entry hallway. “Who’s driving today?”

“Champ and Sheila,” was his prompt reply.

“And the car seat?”

Alonzo simply shook his head. “Installed and tested three times.” I nodded my satisfaction as he opened the door and led us to the Escalade. I sat in front with Sheena and Sheila in the center seat on either side of Maria’s car seat. Mamma Risolli and my mother took the second Escalade driven by Tony and accompanied by Mathilde, the maid.

Bianca was up and dressed and feeding Maria when we walked into the room. I was pleased to receive a report of a quiet night from the Pinkerton’s lead man. I checked Bianca and Maria out of the hospital, taking the utmost care to place Maria safely into her seat. I helped Bianca into her seat, buckling her in as Sheena climbed into the rear seat and Sheila took her station next to Maria.

The gate opened exactly on time when our mini-convoy approached. Champ stopped exactly in front of the entry’s steps. I was out in a flash to help Bianca from the SUV. Sheena helped hold her while I extricated Maria from her carrier. I was about to hand her over to her mother when Bianca told me, No, John! You carry her in.”

“Are you sure? I’m afraid I’ll trip and fall.”

“You won’t,” Sheena interrupted. “Bianca will be on one side and I’ll be on the other. After all, John—she is your daughter and this is your house.” They each took one of my arms and helped me up the steps to the front door which opened right on cue thanks to Alonzo’s quick action. Standing inside with broad smiles was my entire staff other than the electronic security team who would leave their stations only in the event of a fire.

Bianca led me to the head of the line and I stood silently as I listened to the “ooh’s” and “aah’s” and “Oh…she’s so beautiful.” On that I did agree, joking several times how thrilled I was that Maria took after her beautiful mother.

I could see that Bianca was weakening by the time we reached the end of the line so I excused us, handed Maria to Mamma Risolli, and assisted Bianca up the stairs where I helped her to undress while Sheena changed Maria’s wet diaper and brought her again to her mother for a meal. Watching my baby take her mother’s nipple as nature intended was awe inspiring.

Maria was almost asleep when Bianca lifted her to her shoulder. After a couple of light pats and a big burp, Sheena took and laid her gently into her bassinette that had been placed just outside my closet. Sheena and I were almost out the door when we heard Bianca whisper, “Won’t you lie with me and hold me while I rest?”

Sheena and I undressed quickly and I climbed in next to Bianca. I kissed her tenderly as her head found my shoulder. My arms were around my loves as Bianca closed her eyes and fell into a sound, but short-lived sleep.

I had just fallen asleep when I heard Maria crying. Sheena was up like a bolt of lightning, but I held her back. “My turn,” I whispered with a kiss. Later I’d realize there was never any reason to whisper on account of Maria. Only an earthquake would wake her and, even then, it would have to be a really big one.

I lifted her, taking care to keep my hand under her neck and seconds later I had her safely on the changing table. It came with a safety belt and I used it every time even though I never stepped away even for a second. Her body was wet so I stripped her clothes and dropped them onto the floor. Her disposable diaper went into the pail. I sang some little ditty while I powdered her butt and applied the new diaper. Sheena handed me a new “onesie” that I pulled onto her body, snapping it into place. She had stopped crying so I thought I might try rocking her on my shoulder.

I eased into the rocker that had been in my family for generations and now I knew why. No sooner had I begun to rock than Maria was asleep. I stayed like that with her for more than a half hour until she cried again. Sheena handed her off to Bianca for another meal. Then the cycle repeated itself. It would be several weeks before we all adjusted to Maria’s cycles. By then she was up to four hours of sleep which was a blessing.

Later the next morning Bianca asked why Sheena and I hadn’t made love. “We will, my darling, but tonight when everyone has settled down for the night. Do you know what time it is now?”

“I haven’t a clue. I’ve been so tired.”

“Well, it’s now 1:36 in the afternoon…not that the time ever stopped us before, but Sheena just went of birth control yesterday so we have plenty of time. Right now I think it’s more important that you rest and get your strength back.” I leaned down to kiss her, caress her head and face, and whisper, “I love you. Why don’t you sleep now?” I kissed her again and so did Sheena then we slipped out of the room and closed the door.

Once in the hall I pulled Sheena to me for a hug. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy! And knowing that you’re going to have one, too only makes it even more special.”

“I can’t wait to start practicing. I know it’s much too early for me to conceive, but can we practice today? You know how much I love having you in me.”

“We will…once we we’ve put Maria in for the night. I’ll want to involve Bianca—of course--but we’ll have to be careful with her. I think the decision of what we do will have to be hers. C’mon…I need to do some actual work.” I kissed Sheena again and held her hand as we walked down the grand staircase to my study.

I attended to work for most of the afternoon. I had noticed an increased reluctance to travel for business after marrying Bianca and Sheena. Even Sheena had commented. Now that I had Maria and would soon have another on the way I found I had lost all interest in visiting my factories or businesses. Even Alonzo had noticed. He had asked about preparing the Gulfstream when a manufacturing problem had occurred in Malaysia where I was expanding the factory. I pretended to consider it before declining. “What the hell do I pay these guys for if I have to fly out every time something happens? Get Manning on the phone. I want him in ten minutes!” Alonzo never asked me about flying to squelch an emergency again. I handled everything through video-phone conferencing instead. Manning did solve the problem once he was sure he had my full approval.

Bianca surprised me by insisting that she join us for dinner. We showered together; dried each other, and then I stepped aside while she and Sheena disappeared into their closet. I rarely took my eyes from my daughter as I dressed, tying my tie carefully and slipping into my loafers. Bianca and Sheena joined me once I was fully dressed wearing similar form-fitting gowns that reached to mid-thigh. Their jewelry was understated elegance. Bianca checked on Maria then placed her into her carrier as we walked down to the library for our traditional pre-dinner cocktails.

Mother was there awaiting us and Mamma Risolli was only a step or two behind. I made the drinks, as always, adding a kiss to Bianca’s—her first in nine months as our mothers took turns holding their granddaughter. We were there talking, joking, and enjoying each other’s company when Alonzo appeared to announce dinner.

Maria went back into her carrier as we strolled lightheartedly in to dinner. The carrier was placed between Bianca and me at the corner of the table as dinner was served. Mathilde served, gracefully gliding around the carrier through all five courses. Surprisingly, Maria had slept through the entire meal.

Over the next three weeks we fell into a routine made easier as Maria began to sleep for longer periods. Sheena and I made love every night and most mornings, too. We included Bianca whenever possible, either by eating her pussy or manipulating her clit to orgasm. Unfortunately, we had to stay away from her breasts and nipples. They were needed to feed our daughter.


It was the third Thursday of November. Maria was sleeping soundly in her bassinette while Bianca and Sheena had just fallen asleep after a prolonged session of steamy sex. I still couldn’t make love with Bianca, but she was becoming more and more actively involved every day. Unfortunately, no intercourse without doctor’s okay. I normally slept well after one of our sessions, especially one as strenuous as tonight’s in which I had fucked Sheena in two positions and eaten Bianca twice. I had suffered occasional insomnia before Sheena and Bianca and it appeared that I would suffer again tonight. Minute after minute…hour after hour I lay awake as my mind raced from one idea to another. I had just checked the clock for what seemed to be the hundredth time when I heard a noise I shouldn’t have heard. Our locked bedroom door was being opened. I could see the outline of a tall intruder in the dim light slowly and silently make his way past our bed toward Maria.

I’m always prepared for the worst…always. I pulled my arm over Sheena’s head and pressed the secret compartment in our ornate headboard. The door opened silently and I pulled my S&W 38 revolver from the compartment. I thumbed the safety off and leaned forward even as my left hand moved to the light switch built into the top of the headboard. I took aim quickly and carefully.

The intruder stopped for just a second when the lights went on, but that was all I needed. I put a bullet into his knee as I jumped from the bed. The explosion from the shot reverberated as the odor of cordite filled the room. Bianca and Sheena were awake in a flash as Maria screamed. I was out of the bed and on the intruder in a second. That’s when I first noticed the knife in his right hand and some tablets in a plastic bag in his left. My knee immobilized his knife and the butt of the pistol to his head rendered him unconscious for the moment.

As expected, Alonzo was there in less than ten seconds wearing an old pair of U.S. Marines gym shorts and a tee shirt brandishing his service weapon, a Colt .45 automatic. “There’s something in his left hand, Alonzo…poison, maybe? Take a look, will you? I think I have the knife neutralized for now.” He twisted the man’s left arm behind his back while I did the same with his right. We were joined by Champ and Sid, Amanda and Sheila less than thirty seconds later. All were armed to the teeth. Amanda carefully tightened a set of handcuffs around his wrists. Alonzo rolled him over and pulled the mask from his face. I couldn’t believe what I saw—Tony!

Tony had been one of my gardener/handymen for almost ten years. Champ and Sid pulled him up and started dragging him out. “Don’t worry, John—we’ll get to the bottom of this. I’ll give you a report in the morning. We’ll use the garage basement. It’s practically soundproof.” I thanked Alonzo and the others, reminding them to tell the rest of the staff to stand down. I helped Mamma Risolli out, reminding her that we were trying to sleep in spite of the disruption. I closed and locked the door, noticing the blood on the carpet when I turned back to my terrified wives and my bawling child.

A towel from the bathroom covered most of the blood stains. We’d get a new carpet tomorrow. Taking Maria from Bianca I placed her tiny head on my shoulder and sat back on the rocker. She quieted almost immediately, just as she always did when I rocked her. Turning my head to my wives I spoke quietly, “You saw how seriously I took your security on the island. I take it much more seriously here. Every one of my staff has an extensive military background, not that it did Tony much good. Alonzo was a Colonel in the Marines. Champ was a Sergeant-Major in the SAS. I’m sure you know about them, Sheena. Sid was a Chief Petty Officer in the SEALS. Sheila and Amanda were MP’s in the Army. Even Janet was in the French army, although she was more a cook than a fighter.”

I noticed Sheena looking at the headboard. “You had a gun in there all the time?”

“Yes—I never mentioned it because I’d never want you to get too curious. Neither of you has any experience with weapons and I’d like to keep it that way. Promise me that you’ll never touch this in the future.”

“What if someone gets in here and is trying to…you know…hurt one of us somehow?”

“You’re better off screaming. One of the maids is always close by. It’s more likely that you’d wind up being shot with your own gun. Just leave it alone. Okay?” I was relieved when they agreed. Bianca took our sleeping baby back to her bed and we climbed into the big bed together. I replaced the pistol, remembering to turn the safety back on, and we snuggled together under the blanket to sleep. It was 5:23 in the morning.

We slept in, rising when Maria awoke crying around ten. Sheena and I changed her diaper and clothes before handing her to Bianca. She was still nursing as we walked down the stairs to breakfast. Atmosphere in the kitchen was tense; everyone knew about Tony’s treachery and the threat to our safety. We ate in virtual silence until Alonzo made an appearance to the door. He said nothing; nothing was needed. I finished quickly then stood to join him. I was surprised when Bianca tried to join me.

“Where are you going? Stay here with Maria.”

“He was going to do something to my daughter. I’m going to find out what.”

“No…you’re not,” I said quietly. Taking Bianca aside I was practically whispering as I continued, “You need to trust me. There are some things you don’t want or need to know. Now…stay here.”

She was about to bare her Italian temper when she was interrupted by her Mamma. “BIANCA! Do what you are told. Some things are for men to handle and this is one of them. I’m sure John will tell you what he can.” Bianca was sulky, but she returned to her seat and allowed me to kiss her before joining Alonzo. A minute later we were in my study surrounded by the rest of my security team. They declined my invitation to sit.

“Okay…what do we know?”

“We broke him around eight this morning. Apparently, he had a new girlfriend, a real beauty from Malaysia. We found a lot of info in his apartment, but none of his compatriots. We think they split when he failed to show with Maria. It was a kidnapping attempt.” I looked at them, an unbelieving expression on my face.

Amanda took up the narrative now. “This group is protesting all the deforestation in Malaysia. The papers we found show they’re protesting your plant expansion there.”

“Are these people idiots? My contract with the Malaysian government requires me to replant trees in ten square miles of denuded forest. I insisted it be in the agreement instead of giving the money to the government where it would just disappear into the officials’ pockets. I’m clearing less than a square half mile while the area for the reforestation will be more than twenty times what I’m taking out. This whole thing makes no sense.”

“We’re not done yet, John.”

“Okay…what else, Champ?”

“Based on what we found and what we got from Tony if this failed they’re going to try for you and either Sheena or Bianca. Don’t go anywhere without us and we have to use one of the Escalade’s until this situation is resolved. We checked all the arms in the vehicles this morning. It would be a good idea for you to get in a little range time.”

“You’re right…I’ve allowed myself to get a little rusty although I did hit his knee. I’ve just been tied up with work and Bianca’s pregnancy. That’s no excuse. Their lives could depend on me.”

“Hopefully not,” Alonzo joked. “We’ve all seen you shoot. You were probably just lucky this morning.”

“Funny…ha ha. What happened to Tony?”

“Seems he expired around an hour ago; I called into Captain Muller and asked him to delay leaving for Providence until Kevin arrived with a package. I also suggested he round up a little chain. He can still make his scheduled arrival if he goes at top speed. I didn’t think you’d mind.”

“No, but I will have to tell Bianca and Sheena, too. How about replacing him?”

“I have a call into my pal, Col. Jenks. He knows someone whose wife wants him home where he’ll be safe and with his growing family. Apparently, she gave him a choice—the Corps or her. His tour is up next week and he’ll be looking for a good job; Jenks will have him phone me. He’s from upstate so moving shouldn’t be too much.”

“Kids in school?”

“No kids yet; I’ll keep you posted.” I nodded my approval and the meeting ended. As expected, Bianca and Sheena were seated on the couch in the hallway. I waved them in.

Bianca came right to me, looked into my eyes, and broke down. “I’m so sorry, John. I know I should trust you. After all, you were the one who saved Maria.”

I kissed her gently then told her to sit down. She and Sheena sat on the leather couch that overlooked the garden; I sat in one of the adjacent chairs. “It wasn’t a murder attempt. It was supposed to be a kidnapping, but that’s no better. Maria could still have been killed anyway. It seems that Tony had a new girlfriend from Malaysia.”

“Isn’t that where you’re putting up that new factory?”

“Yes, Sheena and that factory is part of it. Think ‘eco-terrorism.’ They want an end to the deforestation which is great, but that’s exactly what I’m doing so this doesn’t seem to make much sense. The bad news is that they’re going to try again—this time for me and at least one of you.

“So—here’s the deal. You only leave here with a full complement of security and you only take one of the Escalades. They’re armored vehicles. A typical Escalade weighs about 7,500 pounds. Ours are almost double that with armor plating on the doors, roof, and floor. The entire engine is also enclosed in armor plating. The windows are bullet-proof and the tires are run-flats, just like on the President’s car. Also, all three are equipped with a variety of weapons so we can fight back.”

“What about that bastard, Tony?”

“You don’t have to worry about him. He’s history.”

“Did you call the police?”

“No…we couldn’t do that and still get the information we needed.”

“But…we need to get our revenge on him for what he did.”

“Bianca, you’re going to keep after me on this until you have all the answers, aren’t you? Okay, I’ll tell you, but you’ll be sorry. Tony was taken to the storage area below the garages. He was tortured until he gave Alonzo and the others the information we needed. Sheila and Amanda went to his apartment and found evidence of his involvement in terrorism. They photographed everything and while they were doing that Tony’s body was transported into Brooklyn.

“One of the businesses I own is a fleet of tugboats that operate in the harbor and up and down the coast, pulling or pushing barges between ports. It’s extremely profitable. I have one going to Providence, Rhode Island this very minute. Tony will be chained to something heavy and dropped overboard in deep water. Tomorrow we’ll call the police and report him missing. The police will find the information on his terror activities and they’ll warn us, but we’ll be a step or two ahead of them. I’m sorry you had to hear that gruesome information, but you gave me no choice. I hope there is no next time, but if there is I strongly suggest you leave it to me and my team.”

“I can’t believe you had him killed, John.”

“I didn’t have him killed. He died. Had we phoned the police I guarantee he would have lawyered up and we’d have gotten the info from the police in about a week or so. There’s also a good chance his own people would have found a way to kill him. In the meantime you, Sheena, Maria, your mother and mine would all have been in extreme danger. Nobody invited him into our bedroom. I could just as easily have shot to kill. Think I’d be convicted of murder? Not a chance. All I care about is your safety. Okay, enough. I’m taking the day off. Next week we’ll look at getting a replacement. Alonzo is already working on it. I’ll just ask you one question—whose life was more important last night—Tony’s or Maria’s?”

Bianca came to me, tears in her eyes. We hugged as she whispered, “I’ll never question you again.”

“You can always ask anything you want, darling, but please take my advice when I tell you, ‘you don’t want to know.’ Now we have to deal with removing Sheena’s equipment from the ballroom.”

“Why, John? Why could we possibly need the ballroom?”

I couldn’t suppress a smile. “Serves me right for marrying two foreigners; what is the fourth Thursday in November?” They gave me blank stares in response. “It’s our Thanksgiving and I have traditionally invited all my staff and their families to the feast just like I did on the Fourth of July, our Independence Day. It will take us a few days to clear everything out, bring in the tables, and set up all the place settings. Janet will be as busy as a beaver for the next week making at least a dozen pies—apple, pumpkin, cherry, blueberry, and my favorite—chocolate cream.”

“What is that, John? I have never heard of it.”

“Well, Bianca…think of a pie crust filled with rich chocolate pudding and covered with about an inch of whipped cream, the real stuff. It’ll be the favorite, for sure. I only pray we’ll have enough so I can have thirds and another piece the following day.” I spent the next half hour explaining about the Pilgrims and the Native Americans—never “Indians”—and how there was supposedly a big celebration after the first harvest.

“Do you know what we’ll be eating?” Sheena and Bianca looked at each other hoping the other would or could answer. I just laughed. “Here’s a hint—Benjamin Franklin thought this should be our national bird.”

“Now, John—even I know you can’t eat those eagles. They’re protected.” I took one look at Sheena and fell onto the floor laughing.

“Here’s another hint—he didn’t win that argument.”


I finally relented after a few minutes of intentional delay. “Turkey! I’ve already ordered six twenty-five pounders complete with all the trimmings—stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, and a whole host of vegetables. Sorry, Sheena, my love, no salads, but we will have all kinds of yummy treats both before and after and on Friday I’ll make soup from the remaining meat. That night we’ll have turkey sandwiches and turkey soup. We’ll go out for dinner on Saturday and Sunday. By Monday morning you’ll think Janet is a goddess.”

Bianca looked at me. “I already think that, John. She’s a wonderful cook. I have to work out like Sheena or I’d be fat like a pig.”

“That I’d have to see. I’ve never known two women more dedicated to exercise than you two.”

“I have to admit, John…Sheena is mostly responsible. She encourages me and shows me the correct way to do things. It’s a lot more fun having someone to play with.”

“I agree completely.” Sheena and Bianca looked at me for a second before we all broke into uncontrolled laughter. They went in to the ballroom for their last use of the room until next Friday while I returned to my study.

Alonzo informed me that he had called Tony’s phone early this morning, leaving a message on his machine. “Kevin returned about fifteen minutes ago. No problems with the package. Captain Muller swapped assignments with one of the other captains. He’s taking three barges of concrete debris out to a new artificial reef by Cox’s Ledge. Tony will be dumped first and then five hundred tons of concrete will be dumped on top of him. I think we should phone the police late this afternoon. I’ll try his phone again several times this afternoon.

“I spoke to my pal Col. Jenks a few minutes ago. I’ll speak with Lance Corporal Eric Heyman on the phone this afternoon. He’s due to process out on Saturday. Can I have him and his wife flown here early next week?” I agreed immediately and returned to the spreadsheet I always received at this time of year from my accounting team. It looked like I’d had a better year than expected. For one thing the island resort had proved to be incredibly popular. I took a short break for a sandwich then called Bianca and Sheena to my study for a locked-door meeting.

“Every year at this time I receive a projection from my accountants detailing what my companies will make for the year. Do either of you know much about accounting or spreadsheets?”

“I’ve used some spreadsheets in my studies, John,” Sheena responded.

“Me, too, but I don’t know much about accounting.”

“Okay, Bianca—how about I just tell you what the projected profit will be and how much I think we should give away. Remember…I have a history of giving away roughly ninety-five percent of my new profit every year. At this point it looks like we’ll have a profit of just below six hundred million. We need to start with the employees—their annual bonuses. I think Alonzo should get a million.”

“That much? How much does he earn?”

“He gets two million a year and he’ll be due for a raise in another year. That might seem high, but keep in mind everything he does. Next will be the security team. They make a million each so I think a half million each should be good.” I continued down the entire list of staff. When they seemed amazed by what I paid the staff I reminded them that they were all an important part of my security team. After the staff we got down to the big business.

“One of my favorites is the Salvation Army. Their salaries are always very reasonable and almost all their money goes to needy causes. They’re number one on my list.”

“John, I have seen a lot of your TV while I’m on the treadmill and I’ve seen a lot about Paralyzed Veterans of America. Do you know anything about them?”

“Yes, Bianca, and everything I’ve heard has been good. I’ll add them to the list.” All told we spent almost three hours just identifying charities. Maria interrupted us twice and by four in the afternoon I’d had enough. Bianca and Sheena agreed and went up for a nap before dinner. I would have joined them, but Alonzo informed me that two patrolmen from the Nassau County Police were here about Tony.


Normally, there would be at least a 48-hour delay for a missing person report, but I was on a first-name basis with the Commissioner and the Chief. We sat around the couch and table. Alonzo explained that Tony was a gardener/driver/bodyguard and that he’d never failed to call in if sick. “Is that common, Mr. Philips…that your people have multiple duties like security?”

“Yes, that’s a requirement of the job. Every one of my staff is former military and licensed to carry a firearm although all of the weapons were bought by me. I only buy the best. I also pay for their use of the range over at Mitchel Field. We’re extremely concerned about Tony. He’s been one of my most reliable employees for years. Not only am I concerned about him, but he knows all of our security procedures here. If they fell into the wrong hands….” The police finished their report promising to get back to us in a few days, and left. I went upstairs for a quick nap with my wives.

I stopped, taking a deep breath at the top of the stairs. I hadn’t realized how tired I was. The insomnia followed by the stress of dealing with Tony had done me in. Turning down the hallway I saw the door was closed. Sheena and Bianca were resting. I opened the door slowly, cringing as the hinge squeaked. I’d have to have that fixed. Then, on second thought, maybe not; it was that squeaky hinge that had probably saved my daughter’s life.

My clothes found the floor and, clad only in my boxers, I leaned over the bassinette to kiss my baby girl. Then I tiptoed to the bed, trying to figure out how I could get in without disturbing my wives. “It took you long enough. You must be exhausted. I know Bianca and I are.”

“Damn, Sheena—you damn near scared the…. Well, you surprised me. Let me in there with you and Bianca.”

“Okay, but be careful. We had trouble getting Maria to sleep and I know she’s exhausted.” Sheena moved down the bed and I slid quietly into the center. Sheena laid her head on my shoulder and pulled the blanket over us. I fell asleep immediately.

Sometime during the nap either Bianca had awoken or she had moved from instinct in her sleep because her head was on my other shoulder when the phone rang. “Okay, Alonzo…I’ll tell him.” Sheena ended the call and climbed up my body to kiss me awake. “An hour until dinner and the police called, asking if they could come back this evening. Alonzo said they have some information about Tony.” She kissed me again, moving off only when Bianca replaced her. I led them into the shower and ten minutes later we were drying each other.

I dressed relatively casually in charcoal grey slacks and a navy blazer with a matching solid tie. I finished with charcoal socks and cordovan loafers. I had just fastened my watch to my wrist when Bianca appeared from the closet. “Help me with this, will you, John?” I took the gold chain from her fingers and carefully opened the lobster clasp and closed it around her slender neck with a kiss. Sheena joined us a moment later. We moved Maria into her carrier and walked down to the library for our cocktails. Mother and Mamma Risolli were there waiting for us with Alonzo serving as bartender—probably the world’s highest paid bartender after me.

We chatted about last evening’s events and how lucky we were that I had been awake. While they were talking I began to wonder how I could talk Bianca into convincing her mother to go home. She had come to supposedly help Bianca during her final weeks of pregnancy and with the baby once it was born. Looking back I couldn’t recall her having done anything other than take advantage of my hospitality.

Dinner was superb—roasted leg of lamb—one of my favorites. I excused myself when Alonzo reported that he had shown two detectives into the study. We joined them a minute later. “Any information about Tony,” I asked. “We’re really concerned.”

“Nothing about his whereabouts,” replied Det. Flynn, “but we did find some information we think you should know about. Ever hear of a group called….” He hesitated to check his notebook. “Well, translated from whatever they speak in Malaysia it comes to something like, ‘Confederation for the Forest.’ Do you do any business in Malaysia?”

“Yes, I have a factory there that makes pressure relief equipment. I’m expanding it as we speak. What does this group want? Any idea and what do they have to do with Tony?”

“We don’t have all the answers yet, especially in regard to your employee. Based on information we found in his apartment it would seem they are protesting the decimation of their forests. There were some files on his computer and some crumbled notes in the wastebasket. Maybe that’s why they have an interest in this man who works for you.”

I knew I had to be careful now. I couldn’t show that I knew any more than what we had already discussed. “Detective, I’m having a problem following this. I will admit that my company has taken down an area of about a half mile on a side, but I had a clause inserted in the contract making the firm responsible to replant trees in ten square miles of former forest. The government wanted me to give them money to pay for the trees, but I refused. Take a guess where that money would wind up. Their government is notoriously corrupt. I ought to know; I’ve paid plenty of bribes. It’s a way of life there. There were articles in all the newspapers and on their TV and radio about the cooperation with local botanists and how I was creating more than 200 jobs for people to plant the saplings. Anyone with ties to Malaysia would know that. I don’t understand Tony’s involvement or why this group would have anything to do with me.”

“We don’t know either, but we did find something else on his computer that you should know about. It would appear that they’re targeting you.”

“What do you mean…targeting me?”

“We found plans to either kidnap or kill you or someone in your household. That might explain his involvement with them. We also found signs that he was involved with a woman…probably a member of their group. It’s possible that they killed him if he refused to go along with their plans. We plan to continue our investigations, but suggest you be on alert.”

“I’ll be more than alert. I hope they do try for me. I have three Escalades that are armored and everyone in this household is licensed to carry a firearm. My bodyguards are licensed to carry pistols and rifles as am I. If they’re stupid enough to come after me they’ll get a really big surprise.”

“I’d like to suggest you stay at home and let us do our jobs.”

“I appreciate your thoughts, Detective, but I didn’t get where I am by running away from a challenge. I would never instigate anything, but my team and I will defend ourselves if necessary. That’s still legal, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is, but make sure they attack you first or you could be in a boatload of trouble.” I agreed and rose, indicating that the meeting was over. The detectives rose and we shook hands. Alonzo showed them to the door then returned to me.

“I think we should hit the range tomorrow morning then we need to set up a routine. I plan to leave here for the store every evening after dinner.”
“Setting a trap, John? Encouraging them to ambush us?”

“You’d better believe it. I’ll be damned if I’m going to let this hang over our heads any longer than absolutely necessary. My family will be a nervous wreck if this goes on and on. We’d be virtual prisoners in our own house. Let’s meet tomorrow morning with Champ, Sid, and the women. I think I’ll want one of them to impersonate Bianca. Okay, enough for tonight. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Alonzo left to make the arrangements for the meeting while I walked up the staircase to our room. Bianca was sitting on the side of the bed nursing my beautiful infant daughter. I kissed her quickly before kissing Maria’s forehead. “Would you burp and rock her, John? She’s been a little cranky since dinner. You know how much she loves to be rocked.” I removed my jacket, tie, and slacks--returning just as Maria was finishing up. She was on my shoulder, her head resting on one of the soft cloth diapers we always used for burping. Maria was sorely lacking in the social graces; she often spit up part of her meal, most frequently on her poor father’s shirts.

Tonight she was as good as gold. She burped immediately and was asleep in less than a minute. I stripped off my underwear and led my wives into the shower. I refused to discuss the “Tony situation” with them until we were finished making love. For some reason we never tired of showering together. We always had some little game to play. Tonight was my turn to be shaved and Sheena, especially, was very giddy, laughing and giggling every time she handled my balls, which was the entire duration of the shower.

“Mind telling me what’s so funny?”

“I’ve been off the pill for six weeks now and I’m entering my fertile period. I’m excited that I could get pregnant tonight. I’m sorry, but I can’t help myself.”

“No need to apologize, Sheena; we’re all human. I’m excited, too. In fact, I get excited every time I make love to you…Bianca, too.”

“I am also excited, John. Dr. Perry has told me that I can now experience intercourse, but I’m not going to do it while Sheena is fertile. You need to put all those little swimmers into her.” That was it; I’d heard enough. I turned the water off and pulled three towels from the warming rack. I dried Sheena as she dried Bianca and Bianca dried me. Hand-in-hand we returned to the bed. I dove head first into the center then turned to pull my lovers to me. There was plenty of laughing as we kissed and touched each other.

“This is a lot of fun, John, but I need you inside me. It’s extremely enjoyable, but we’re here to do a job, aren’t we?” I kissed Sheena and moved between her legs. She lifted them, placing her feet on my shoulders, as she gripped my cock. I was already hard from all of our fooling around in the shower and here in the bed and it didn’t take a genius to figure out how eager Sheena was. Her slit was wet, oozing her sweet nectar, as she ran my cock head up and down her slit. She reached up to kiss me, her tongue actively exploring my mouth as she pulled me into her depths.

As tight as Sheena was I moved easily into her in a single thrust. We moved only slightly as we adjusted to each other before initiating a slow rhythm punctuated by long deep thrusts as my cock brushed slightly against her cervix. I could feel her muscles pulsing around me, urging me on faster and harder. We’d been at it for several minutes and I could tell that rubbing her G-spot was taking its toll. Her body was shaking as mini-spasms radiated out from her core. She came violently when I reached down to strum her clit like a banjo. I followed her—long thick ropes of slick semen exploded into her cunt. I managed to cover her mouth with mine just before she screamed, a scream that would certainly have awakened Maria.

I rolled off Sheena even as she apologized for the scream. Lying between my women I told them of my plan. “I wish you wouldn’t, John.” Sheena was earnest in her pleas, but she wasn’t looking at the big picture.

“If we hide here all we’re doing is enabling this misguided group. They will be able to brag that they have intimidated me and my entire team. That might encourage others to do even worse things. No…this must be brought to a swift and final conclusion. We’ll be safe in the Escalades. When I say ‘we’ I’m not referring to either of you. I pay my bodyguards to take chances. You’ll stay here until we end this mess and by end I mean kill every last one of them. That’s why we’ll be setting them up to ambush us. In reality we’ll be ambushing them. We’ll wear body armor and we’ll be heavily armed. We’ll have an even bigger surprise. They’ll expect us to be passive and intimidated, but we’ll retaliate as soon as they open fire on us. We’ll begin planning tomorrow morning and, hopefully, we’ll start implementing tomorrow night.

“I’ll never allow anyone or anything to threaten my family. Speaking of family, Bianca…I thought your mother came here to help with the baby. I haven’t seen her do anything other than take advantage of my hospitality. I don’t mind for a reasonable period of time, but she’s been here for more than ten weeks.”

“I know, John. I spoke to her just yesterday, but she refuses to listen.”

“No problem; I’ll tell her tomorrow –she’s going home the day after Thanksgiving. I expect to have this terror mess cleared up by then. Okay…I love you two more than I can ever say. I want us to have a carefree life, not one where we hide in shadows for fear of our lives. Let’s go to sleep. I have a big day tomorrow.” I kissed Bianca then Sheena and relaxed, closing my eyes as my lovers snuggled in close.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-06 12:47:09
Horse shit

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-06 12:22:09
Thanks for another good story.

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