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this is the first time I have written a story some of the a were different ages so had to make a few changes to the ages which messed it up a little bit also constructive criticism and helpful advice would be appreciated for me to become a better writer if u do t like it don't comment no Bs about bad it is just stay quiet imma be blunt but other then that I hope u enjoy
Hi my name is Mondell, I’m 18 years old.

My life was pretty typical and normal and for some reason all of it changed at random one day. I was walking through the halls when one of the schools I go to, Go Hawks! But for some reason I got the weird feeling something bad was going to happen. I was called out of my class going to the office, I was curious at what I had did cause I hardly ever do anything wrong unless for the right reasons. I finally got to the office at the main building of the campus and was called into the principal’s office.

Mondell do you know why you’re here? He asked me very seriously. No sir I do not , what did I do wrong. Well, we receive reports that you were sexually harassing multiple girls the 2nd degree.

I said WHAT??!!!!! Who ever said that is so not telling the true , they are lying, I am innocent and, I demand to see who was…………..Modell mondell, i was only joking with you. Your reaction was simply priceless hahaha.

I was so irritated at that moment scared out of my mind and I give him this give me a break look. But soon I notice he got his laugher under control hoping to get to the real reason I was here and that it wasn’t for that petty joke. He finally said the reason I called you down here was to tell you, you are to have an escort home from this day forth till further notice. I was kind of confused for a second until I let him continue. You will also have a babysitter every chance you can when your parents are unavailable to keep you under surveillance. I looked around and began to laugh and I told him straight up. Sir you should know be by now, you know I don’t comply with any demand of an authoritive adult unless I have full knowledge of what the situation is.

I was one of the smart kids in school but played dumb to everyone because I like that look people get when they underestimate me. He gave in to my demands and finally told me the whole truth. You are a target of an undercover gorilla group that your father is currently investigating for the S.S(secret service). They caught on to his operation and are looking for different ways to apprehend him and close acquaintances by any means necessary. And with your hidden knowledge keep secret from the public you being influenced by their problematic ideas could result in a massive dispute. So, for your safety you will be heavily guarded 24 hours 7 days a week. Fine I said giving into his story. And the thing is I knew my dad worked for the federal government but, what I didn’t know was that he worked for the secret service. I finally ended the meeting with him and went back to class. He told me to meet the escort by that track and field fence under the stadium bleachers after practice

I eventually go about my day like usual a little paranoid and cautious after that story. I eventually made it through track practice somehow and I said ok so I wonder what this guy is like. I hope he’s not a prick. Is he cool? All these thoughts going through my head as I make my way towards the other side of the track towards the track and bleachers. But what I seen wasn’t a guy waiting from the distance I was standing at.

I was a girl a little older than me if not my age. This was suppose to be my over protective escort? I thought to my self just what am I suppose to gain from a chick keeping an eye on me, that's suppose to be the guy job. As I got closer and was able to see her up close I had to give her a bit of credit she was pretty freakin hot. I finally made it under the bleacher to where she was standing. I finally spoke and said hey are u waiting on someone?

Yea she said apparently I need some escort now as I have to walk with the person home everyday until my mom picks me up after work (Similar to my story huh). She eventually kept talking. I mean I'm old enough to walk home on my own and walk to school on my eye with out any supervision, why am I suppose to walk home with some stranger I don't even know. He's probably some creepy perv they found coincidently. In my head I'm thinkin (hurtful) but she spoke again. Thanks for listening I not to big on surprises and it really ticked me off that they didn't consult me.

I understand how u feel believe me but trust me they all have good intentions to keep you safe no doubt about it. Thanks I hope your right. I finally broke the ice and let the bomb drop. Oh by the way that creepy perv you think might show up from now on I guess that would be me then and I'm guessing your parents are in the government too am I correct.she was in a bit of shock after I told her. She eventually spoke and said yea Oh my god please tell me your joking. I'm soooooo sorry I had no idea i___ I cut her off right there and said don't worry about it a bunch of questions went through my head earlier and a bunch are still swarming right now so let's just make this work ok? She had the prettiest smile I had ever seen with her straight pearly white teeth. She was kind of Italian with hair longer than her shoulders but shorter than her mind back area she was about 2 feet shorter than me and had a really pretty voice her tits were around high B cups and had a ass to die for. Her eyes were a very rare and bright hazel and I enjoyed looking into them. I finally spoke after we began walking to our place so we receive the story but who's really protecting who here?

Well we can protect each other she said with the cutest giggle I've heard by, the way I'm 18 years old and I'm in 12th grade my name is Bailey Kennings. Bailey Kennings? That name sounds familiar. And then it finally clicked you mean the Bailey Kennings the super gorgeous transfer student I heard so much about that swept away some of the sophomore records on track and field this year? That's me lol. Though I wouldn't really call my self super gorgeous. Well I told her, I vouch for all men when I say you are definitely stunning. She started blushing. We eventually made it to my place and just hung out for a while. Said ok so if your my escort than who's this so called babysitter? As if hearing my question, right on Que. the doorbell rang. We looked at each other kind of curious and wondered who it was.

After about 2 minutes I finally spoke up. Who is it?! The voice sounded feminine, I hear her say it's the babysitter assigned to keep watch over the both of you. I walk torqued a the door look through the peep whole and see a extremely blonde standing at the door opened the door cautiously and said what's your name? She told me her name was Alexis Taylor and she was a junior at my high school. I let her in shortly after. Apparently she was 20.After a while I setting in I tell both of the girls I was going to take a shower. They say in sync ok. I go up to the bathroom and take me a shower for like 20-30 min after I finished I got out and dry off when I notice my cock was poking out quite a bit. I waited about 5 min and it settled down a bit I leave the bathroom only to find Bailey on the other side of the door I run right into her and fall. The bathroom was in front of the stairs on the opposite wall so falling towards her direction wasn't all that fun. At the last min I took hold of her and turned so she wouldn't get hurt. Thing is I wasn't to worried about pain just yet adrenaline was definitely in full motion but Alexis heard the commotion and comes rushing. Are you two ok she asked concerned Bailey said I'm fine but he was definitely hurt in his head from impact and protecting me.

But for some reason the injuries weren't my biggest problem. Last min I noticed falling down the stairs made my towel com lose and baileys hand was right on my shaft. Alexis noticed and started to blush and embarrassed said I'm going to get the first aid kit u get your stuff together. Bailey caught o to the hidden message and well was shocked I let her go and she apologized many times before going to get my towel for me. She hands me the towel and I once again tie it around my waist. Alexis comes back with bandages and disinfectant. I swear that shit burned worse than that of the carpet burn I got that shit hurt ( just realized my adrenaline wore off). I'm finally all patched up and let them know if they wanted to take a shower as well they were more than welcome to. They both excepted the offer and went in together. I went to my room dropped the towel on the floor and laid on bed thinking for a few like 7 mi in thought I hear the door creek and I jumped up and wondered who was there. Turns out it was Bailey I was going to cover my self up but it was in vain she seen it already and u was screwed.

She came in wearing nothing but a matching light green bra and panties. I asked her what's up Bailey she remained quiet for a bit I asked again saying "is everything alright" she looks up at me in this weird quiet shy girl look and moves from the doorway of my bedroom towards me finally she sits on my bed and sits there quiet for about 5 min. I was about to speak when she hugs me out of no where. She whispers into my ear saying : thank you. Your nicer than u seem and u saved me today guess u are pretty dependable. Just know I'll return the favor when u least expect it soon. After she said that out of nowhere she squeezes my Dick and kisses me on the cheek and leaves the room.

About an hr later u go down stairs and I didn't see anyone in sight I saw a note on the table that said her mom picked her up and she left for the day. I look around the house and walk into the family room and I see Alexis watching Tv in the family room. She was sitting on the couch, but i didn't say anything, I wanted to sneak up on her but wen I got in close I was in shock. She was watching porn, and masturbating on the couch. Oh wow she was into it she still hadn't noticed me yet. So being behind the couch I took out my 8 1/2 inch already erect dick and started to wank off. She sounded like she was reaching her climax and in the midst of me having a little pleasure session an idea swept through my head. I went upstairs grabbed my iPhone and started taking pics of her from a good angle where she couldn't see me. It was pretty dark but the tv had enough light to give me a perfect shot, or shots lol.

Now Normally I wouldn't blackmail but I'll use it as back up for when things get really good. I put my dick away and walk around the couch in nothing but my pajama pants (I don't wear underwear when I wear these). Hey Alexis I was wondering where Bailey went___ and and she gasp and jumped up I looked at her pretending to be shocked I asked her, "what are you doing?" Uh uhhhhh uhhhh was all she could muster out. Is he finally spoke umm would you mind keeping this secret I haven't done this in a while and I was really anxious since I thought I had time on my hands. Pleeeeeeaaaaaase don't tell your parents. What she didn't know is that her parents are in the same boat as me and Bailey and doesn't know she is stuck with us one way or another. I don't know I said faking a smug look, with all the hidden cameras around here I don't think I could help u there. Please she pleaded nervously quiet I'll do anything. It's true we have hidden cameras but I always hack them if I do something wrong but other wise nobody really uses them. I said well ok I guess I can do something about it she stood up naked, thank you I owe you one and how about I start by making u feel good too.

I looked at her really shocked I guessed she saw my hard on. Hear lay on the couch. I soon did as she said and laid back on the couch she went to her needs beside the couch right next to me. So what do u have in mind I said curiously. She tried pulling my pants down by hooking the waste band I slid my waste upward a little bit so it would be easier to slide them down. And my dick was a full attention. She immediately started sliding her hand up my shaft giving my a hand-job. He hands weren't that big since she was kind of short it didn't it around the girth of it yet. I was in heaven I eventually closed my eyes just enjoying the sensation when all of a sudden I feel the wet, warm, feeling come over my dick. He started to give me head oh my god I could have came right then and there. she used her tongue to tease me as she licked the tip of my dick. then she started going down deeper and deeper and eventually started to deep throat me like a pro I wonder if she's still a virgin because nothing can beat this at the moment. I was on the brink of Cumming I was at my limit.

Alexis I'm at my limit I'm going to cum! she didn't let up I blew right down her throat and it felt great, she swallowed every bit and didn't leave a drop. she finally came up and she started smiling. Ok? is this going to be a frequent thing now or a one time thing. I don't know we'll see where things takes us from here, because its not like I didn't enjoy it but at the same time some things are meant to be kept moderate.

A few days went since I started this new little routine I walk home with bailey meet up with Alexis at my place she stays a few hours and leaves but it doesn't seem like me and Alexis had any sexual contact. Since then just chilling has been our normal routine. One day during that week on Friday, she announced she couldn't make it today do to an emergency at home so me and bailey were on our own. As soon as we got ready to leave the school we got a call from my dad he told me bailey was staying the night since he was going on a business trip out of town with her dad. I was kinda shocked was just as shocked if not worse. He told me to walk her home and get her stuff and meet back at my house and hung up. It took a while for us to comprehend that it was always possible for that kind of situation to come up but just didn't think it would happen. Took us about 2 hours to walk from the school to her house get her stuff and back to my place (most of that time was spent at her place getting her clothes and stuff). We don't do anything but lounge around the house for a bit and then I hear a phone ring it was Bailey's she hung up the phone as soon as she pick it up and looked pretty happy about it. "What's the matter?" I said with a curious tone.

I have my two friends dropping by on Saturday. If u don't mind that is. Who are they? I asked a little paranoid. Just my Friends Angel and Elissa. I finally resented to those puppy dog eyes and gave her the ok she seemed pretty happy about it. She jump up gave me a big kiss on the cheat and said thank you, to be honest I really do t know what the big deal is about having friends over.

And then I remembered the kiss and got to thinking, but if I get more attention like that from now on hell they can stay here too. And then if finally hit me. The passed month or so of this buddy system has pretty much kept her away from hanging with her friends or interacting all that much so I can slightly understand. I say slightly cause I pretty much just stay to myself to avoid drama I'll talk occasionally for a minor conversation or projects and even there I'll hardly say much it yeah that's about it I just happen to be very observant and understanding in some cases. Bailey was really happy the rest of the week Thursday came around and she started getting things straightened up and cleaned up a little bit ( not that there was that much to clean anyway) she crashed on the couch and was out like a light I picked we up around 10:30 and carried her to the guest room where there's a queen size bed a 58 in HD flat screen a computer own bathroom etc seemed perfect for them my room was right next door so I could tell it will be noises when the day comes. I set her on the bed Lying on her back when I tried to leave I realize she had a tight grip on my hand and I almost thought she wasn't awake and suddenly the phone rang. My cell phone caller id had an unknown number and I answered it, turns out it was baileys dad.

Hey what's up Mr. Kennings? Mondell there's something u should know about her before u go to bed if she tends to fall asleep without taking her medicine then.....(wow I couldn't believe what he just told me) so she fell out without even taking her meds, I am in trouble.

She still had her grip on my hand and I tried to ease out of it and she rolled over. I used her other hand and pulled my hand down with hers into her short shorts waste band and on the from of her panties right over her crotch. In my one part of my head I'm thinking Mr.Kennings is way to laid back about these things and the other had said damn I'm screwed. She released one of her grips and moved it over she stomach and stopping moving. I could feel my dick getting hard so I tried to slowly ease out of her grip. I eventually got free like 20min later(not including what happened in the shorts). I went to my room and I hand one of those days where I was just so tired I didn't even bother receiving myself. It was around 2:30 in the morning and I felt something moving I my bed I slowly opened my eyes looked under my covers and realized Bailey was under my covers I tried to roll the other way but she just sleeps hard as hell, like, I've never seen a reckless sleeper this bad before. She crawled in front of me and into a spooning position my dick was more awake than I was at the moment. It started rubbing against her nice round bubble butt. Her ass felt so good but then she started moving it up and down. I had to remember what her dad said to get her out of it (Flash back: then she gets extremely reckless in her sleep she had did a tight grip hold on me and just continued to squeeze me hands but I know this little weak spot where she lets go if I pinch it just right with out waking her. Wow and he doesn't know this is how far she goes? She didn't squeeze my hand she stuck it in her shorts right on the crotch, and now this. So I finally gave and and let her be, I quit resisting. Ironic how she needs to be taken care of yet she the older one. I finally snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a warm sensation come over my dick. She had grabbed my shaft and began to suck on the tip. Oh fuck I thought why does she know this.

She was twirling her tongue around the tip of my penis while it was still in her mouth. I never imagined she was so good at this. I guess it's a good thing I set my phone and a 2 cameras to record in my room and re guest room in case she did something crazy in her sleep. I just didn't imagine this. I was close to cumming and she had quit teasing me and started giving me a full blown deep throat. I was at my limit and finally shot my load right down her throat when she pulled up about two steams of cum started rolling down her chin. My dick was still hard though she was about ready to take that next important step and I had to fight my conscience on this one and stop her cause she was ready for a ride of die moment. Or in this case Just ride. She began to back up into my still hard member. what I remembered was that her panties and shorts were still on so I thought I was safe until, she moved them to the side and her pussy was on display. I got worried and she continued. Bailey finally made contact with my dick touching the entrance of her vagina and out of no where she suddenly falls on top of me and settles down to sleep. I don't move her I don't touch her I just leave her be and eventually fall back to sleep myself. Who knew that the affects of reckless sleeping and sleepwalking could end up like that. And I drifted away into dreamland.

(End of part one.)

And then the next morning I woke up too.......


2016-09-27 20:40:05
My bad I know I forgot that and worked on it in the middle of class for a few days so it slipped my mind when I finally posted it

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-12 13:10:32
Please do it properly. Spell/grammar check your work. And use "...." when people are speaking.

Lubeck AustraliaReport 

2016-07-02 13:45:34
Keep writing please

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-07-01 04:00:31
One of the most pathetic attempts at writing that I have seen!

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