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The story of John's life from the depths of hell to the joys of pure submission.

I originally wrote this story for another site that will remain nameless here. Although you cannot read what came before I think I have given enough information to enable any reader to make sense of the story. There’s enough in what I’ve written to make what I believe is a good stand-alone story.


I rarely read cuckold stories. There’s something about them that makes me extremely uncomfortable, especially when the male is a totally accepting wimp, but I did find “A Willing Cuckold” on another site very interesting. The author wrote it in such a way that there were multiple plot developments possible. Husband John had a small penis and, although his wife was satisfied with his efforts in the bedroom, he tried to convince her to try a really big cock. I’m sure you can figure out what happened next. She loved the big dick and what she did to dominate her husband—humiliating him, controlling his orgasms, and denying him her pussy. I thought the story had a lot of potential.

Unfortunately, the author ended the story with the husband, John, realizing that he was indeed a cuckold in the service of his wife and her big-dicked lover which was hardly a surprise to anyone who read the story. John was conflicted by what was happening—incredibly excited as he watched his wife receive the sexual satisfaction he was unable to give her and masturbating repeatedly as he watched. So enraptured was he that he even performed several acts he would normally not ever consider—licking her lover’s semen from his wife’s body and cleaning the lover’s cock of her accumulated fluids. The following day he showed his further submission to his wife by preparing the lover with his mouth. However, once the sex was done he found himself revolted both by his wife fucking another and his inability to refrain from the perverted acts he had performed.

As the original story ends wife Julie extends her control over John, forbidding him from ever fucking her with his small penis again and even forbidding him from masturbating without her permission. Where does the story go from there? Who knows? I tried to email the author, but received no response which is not surprising considering his last submission was in December, 2009—more than six years ago. Here’s my vision of how the story might end. I hope you enjoy it. By the way, there are no wimps in my stories—a few occasionally misguided men perhaps, but no wimps. I began this as a story of a cheating wife, but it rather quickly evolved into the BDSM genre. It also became much longer than originally intended.

I’m sure that some of you will argue that I should have written this or that, or that you think John is a real wimp. My only response is that I can only write what comes into my head. What you see here is the story as I imagined and pieced it together. Senorlongo

A Willing Cuckold—My Conclusion

As turned on as John had been that night, that’s just how turned off he was the following morning. Now, in the light of day, he found the entire episode revolting and his participation even worse. Yet, he was tentative as he approached Julie at breakfast. “Julie, honey…can we talk for a minute?”

“Of course, darling; I think I know what you’re going to say. You were so ecstatic at seeing Mike fuck me last
night that you want me to do it again and again.”

“Um…that’s not what I was going to say. I did find it terribly exciting watching you, but now—this morning—I just feel terrible. I feel like throwing up. I thought we had agreed that this was going to be a one-time thing. Now you want to continue. You told me yesterday that you would stop if I wanted you to. I did everything you told me to last night, even some things I never thought I would ever do. It was exciting then, but it’s totally repugnant now. I want you to stop and I want to make love with you again.” It had been a struggle, but at last John had made his feelings known.

Julie placed her coffee cup on the table in front of her then turned slowly to face her husband. As much as she had enjoyed—had loved--the sensation of her cunt walls stretching around Mike’s huge phallus, she had loved the power and control over her husband even more. She knew that she’d never give that up. In fact, she already had plans to control him even more. She was sure that she could get Mike to help her.

She spoke calmly, but coldly. There was no love in her words or her tone of voice. “You opened the door, John. I was satisfied with what you gave me, but you wanted me to try a really big cock. Now that I’ve done as you wished I find that I love it. I need a real man to completely satisfy me and, unfortunately you’re not a real man in that department. I have no intention of stopping. In fact, I want Mike to do me even more often. I told him I wanted to see him three times this week…although that might change if he can fit me in even more often. Get used to it, John. I’ll be fucking Mike and you’ll be helping me.”

There was malice in her voice as she sneered, “Now clean up the dishes while I finish getting ready. Oh yeah, no jerking off without permission or I’ll really get pissed at you. Trust me on this—you don’t ever want that to happen.”

I sat there as she walked out and down the hallway. Where had this gone so wrong and why? This was the woman who sworn for years that she loved me more than life itself. I didn’t mind giving her the upper hand while we were making love, but now she was trying to control everything I did. I wasn’t happy, but what could I do? I rinsed the dishes and put them into the dishwasher. I had just finished wiping the table and the counter when Julie strolled back into the kitchen.

“I was just on the phone with Mike. He’s coming tonight at seven. Change the sheets before he gets here. Thanks honey!” She leaned forward to kiss me, but I turned my head at the last second. Her lips touched my cheek instead. “I hope you plan on growing up before tonight. I know how much you look forward to jerking that little thing.” Then she was out the door. I walked back to the bedroom where I stripped the bed and put on a new set of sheets. I was almost done when my phone buzzed with a text. It was from Julie—“Mike likes scotch. Buy a bottle. He likes Johnnie Walker Blue.” He would…but he’d never get it from me. I’d buy the cheapest shit I could find.

Julie always left for work before me and arrived home after me. She worked as an office manager with hours from 8:00 through 5:00. I thought it was a shitty job for a shitty company. I worked as an investment analyst, mostly making my own hours, for a major brokerage firm. I also earned more than five times Julie’s salary. My salary was greater than Julie’s, but my bonus had over the past three years completely dwarfed her earnings.

I had controlled the finances in our family ever since we’d married. Even Julie had agreed that she had no mind for money. Our bi-weekly checks were deposited directly into our joint account. She had a 401 (k) account through her company as did I, but I also had extensive investments in my name. That is, after all, what I do. I had a sour taste in my mouth as I left for work that morning and it wasn’t from licking Mike’s cum from Julie’s body although that didn’t help. I opened all of the car’s windows in the hope the fresh air would stop me from retching.

My work was fairly close by while Julie had to drive to the other side of town. I was home by 5:30 that evening with a bottle of Ardbeg, not Johnny Walker Blue as requested. It was on sale--$11.95. I would be damned if I’d spend more than a hundred bucks for someone who was going to fuck my wife. A few minutes later I started dinner—pork chops, baked potatoes and baby carrots, setting the table as I waited for Julie. Dinner was almost ready when she walked in the door. Her face was beaming, the only bright spot of this entire misadventure, but she scowled when she saw me. “I think you should be naked while you’re in the house. Take off your clothes now so you’ll be ready when Mike arrives.”

“Julie, you can see that I’m cooking. I don’t want to get burned when fat from the chops spatter. I’ll have plenty of time after dinner, believe me. Besides, I can always undress while you’re entertaining him.”

“I guess you don’t want to jerk off tonight. You’re not doing it without my permission and you’re only getting it if you follow my instructions to the letter like you did last night. Take off your clothes now.” She stood in the doorway with her arms folded across her chest—the chest I doubted I’d ever fondle again. I walked past her to the bedroom, returning a few minutes later totally naked. As I had predicted, grease spattered up from the broiler onto my abdomen burning my skin. I almost dropped the chops, but managed at the last second to save our dinner.

Julie ate with a smirk on her face and I was sure I knew why. “You need to relax, John, and go with the flow. You’re the one I love, not Mike. You’re the one I want to spend my life with, not Mike. What I’m doing with him is just sex—damned good sex, but just sex.”

“Yeah, but you’re giving him what should be mine. I’m the one who married you. I’m the one who pays the bills, but I don’t get the benefits.”

“I’m not forgetting about you or your needs, John. How many times did you cum last night? Three? Four? I already told you that I’d jerk you off or even give you a blowjob from time to time. That’s one thing I’m not giving to Mike. I’d never get that monster into my mouth, although you seemed to be able to handle it pretty easily. I’ll bet you’d enjoy swallowing his load, wouldn’t you?”

“You know I’m not gay. I only did that to please you and I’d prefer not to do it again.”

Julie laughed. “Yeah…right!” We finished the meal in silence with Julie leaving me to shower while I tackled the dishes. The doorbell rang at seven sharp. Julie called out from the bedroom telling me to get it. I did even though I was stark naked.

“Nice outfit, John. Damn, I can see you’re already excited. I don’t think I’d even be able to see it if it was soft. How about a scotch on the rocks, John? Did you get that Blue I told Julie I liked?”

“No,” I lied. “They didn’t have it so I got Ardbeg. I hope that’s okay.”

Mike scowled just as Julie walked in wearing the sexy black teddy I’d given her for Valentine’s Day. “What’s the matter, lover?”

“Your asshole husband got me some mystery shit for scotch. I wanted the Blue.”

“If you wanted the Blue so badly why didn’t you buy it yourself?”

“John! How dare you speak to our guest that way? Get his drink then join us in the bedroom. Sit in your chair and shut up. Oh, and don’t you dare touch that tiny dick of yours until I say you can. Get me a Chardonnay while you’re at it.”

They were already into it by the time I reached the bedroom. I handed the drinks to them then Julie pointed me to the chair, reminding me again to keep my hands off my dick. I was there for several minutes while Julie and Mike made out passionately.

“John, come over here and help Mike out of his clothes. Then you can get him ready like you did yesterday.” Part of me was revolted, but another part of me was terribly excited by the prospect of watching them fuck…watching the rapture on Julie’s face as she exploded in orgasm. I unbuttoned Mike’s shirt, blushing horribly in my humiliation. I had to kneel to remove his shoes and socks and was about to rise when Julie told me to stay on my knees. “Stay there and take out a REAL MAN’s cock. Feel how heavy it is. Tell me about it, John. Tell me all about Mike’s cock.”

“It’s big,” I gasped. “Much bigger than mine and it’s really heavy. I can feel the heat from it.”

“Put it into your mouth, John. Lick and suck it. Do it for me. Suck a REAL MAN’s cock. It’s as close as you’ll ever get to one.” I wanted desperately to cum, to be able to jerk my little dick so I did as Julie instructed even though was revolted by the whole idea. Using my tongue I licked his dick as it grew steadily in my hand and mouth. Finally, I took the huge purple head into my mouth, surprised when Mike began to fuck me with it, his hands holding my head still as he did.

He laughed as he pulled out. “Maybe one of these days I’ll give it all to you, John, but just now I want to fuck your gorgeous wife. Get back into your chair and stay there. Watch as I slide my big cock into your wife.”

“Yes, John—watch as a REAL MAN fucks your wife…doing what you can’t do…what you’ll never do again.” My face burned in shame and humiliation, but my cock was as big and as hard as it had ever been and it was still less than half of what Mike’s had been soft. I sat there mesmerized as Mike pushed into Julie for more than fifteen minutes giving her three massive orgasms until he pulled out and spurted six times onto Julie’s tits. That’s when she summoned me to her with instructions to clean Mike first then her. Cleaning Mike wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be; all I could do was taste Julie on his softening organ.

Once I was done with him Julie took my cock in her hand and jerked me twice. I was ashamed even more when I came explosively into her hand. She held it up. “Drink it John. Drink it all. Lick my hand clean then you can lick my body until all of Mike’s cum is where it belongs in your stomach. Tell me again how you find this so disgusting.” I drank my cum from her hand, disgusted at my weakness then I licked as she told me, beginning at her navel and moving up first to the right tit and then to her left, spend an inordinate time licking around her nipples and areolas. Julie and Mike laughed at my humiliation.

“That’s good, John. You’ve made me hot enough to take Mike again. Why don’t you get him hard again for me?” I looked into her eyes. I saw only hardness in her demand, not the love I had prayed for—the love she had promised me. She raised her hand, gripped my hair, and turned my head. Mike’s cock was just in front of my face. Julie pushed me to it and I opened my mouth obediently. Seconds later I was sucking actively. There was a part of me that wanted to kill this man, but there was another that wanted that huge organ in my mouth, licking and sucking and loving it. Why wasn’t I strong enough to resist?

“Thanks, buddy—I needed that so I could go again with your missus. She really is a hot lay. I guess telling you that comes as no surprise, but I wanted you to know. I plan on doing it as often as possible. She’s the best.”

“Thanks, lover; you’re pretty outstanding yourself. John, refresh our drinks, will you…please?” I rose from the bed to take the two empty glasses and walked out the door to the kitchen just as Mike took her. Then I realized that there was no more Chardonnay in the house. I returned to speak with Julie, but stopped when I heard them talking. I knew instantly that it was about me.

“Why don’t you dump that loser?”

“I can’t afford to. He makes more than five times what I make. Now that you’re out of a job we need him more than ever. Besides, I’m having so much fun bossing him around. I’m going to take him all the way. By the time I’m done he’ll be nothing more than my abject slave—my cum-swallowing cock sucking cuckold slave—supporting us while we fuck ourselves silly every night. He’ll do everything I say—all the housework, the laundry, the yard…everything…and I plan to deny him the orgasms he craves so much. I’ve been reading a lot online about female dominated relationships. He’s perfect to be my slave. I can’t wait to feel his tongue up my ass. I should have done this to him years ago. I thought I was in love with John, but not any more.

“He thinks I’m his loving wife. That’s a laugh. I used to love him, but how could any woman love what he is now? He’s useless in bed unless he licks me to an orgasm. I’m doing him a favor by controlling him. He’d probably jerk off twenty times a day if I didn’t. You saw him last night. He couldn’t keep his hand off of it—that pathetic little boy’s weenie.”

“I think I can help you with that. Why don’t I…?” I turned away knowing that my life and marriage had been destroyed. I returned a few minutes later with another glass of scotch for Mike and a glass of Pinot Grigio for Julie. She wasn’t happy to learn that we’d run out of Chardonnay.

Mike fucked Julie again that night and I was required to clean both of them again. I did it as they laughed over and over. Then Julie took my cock between her thumb and forefinger and jerked me off, making me cum in less than twenty seconds. I looked at her face as she laughed again holding her filthy hand out for me to clean. Mike left at 10:30 and Julie retired to the shower while I changed the sheets sodden with Julie’s ejaculate. Most of Mike’s was in my stomach. I was disgusted, both with the situation and with myself for not being stronger.

Mike fucked Julie four times that week and Wednesday morning Julie had told me he was staying over for the weekend. I was told to move my clothes and shaving gear to the spare room. I tried to argue, but got nowhere. “I’m getting tired of all your whining, John. How many times do I have to tell you this is the way things are going to be with us from now on? You need to get on board. Aren’t your sexual needs being addressed? You’ve never cum so often in all the time we’ve been married. Now…do as you’re told.” She crossed her arms again and smirked, thinking that I was powerless to resist.

In truth, I’d already begun planning my exit. My job requires that I take a mountain of data and boil it down to the essentials then make sense of what remains. That was how I’d earned millions for the firm and for our investors. Now the problem was somewhat more pressing. The problem was how to save my life.

I computed our earnings over the past five years—the time that Julie and I had lived together and combined our incomes. My earnings amounted to just over eighty-five percent of the total. That’s what I figured I was entitled to. I wasn’t planning to divorce Julie. Then she’d get fifty percent. No…I planned on just disappearing. It was enough to get me started somewhere else—another life in another place. Additionally, my grandfather had died what I was fourteen. Like Warren Buffett, I had invested the money I’d inherited carefully, making the first critical decisions leading to my personal wealth. That money was more than a million dollars before I had even met Julie. I was legally entitled to that, too.

All of my investments were in my name only. I knew it was a big mistake to put investments of any kind in both the husband’s and wife’s names because of the potential tax burden. Many people believe that each owns half, but the IRS takes a different view. Joint ownership of an investment account means a tax on the entire amount when one partner dies.

I began to liquidate my investments, holding the money in my brokerage account at the firm until I was ready to act and move it around the globe. The other thing I did was talk to mi amigo, Jaime in the mailroom. Jaime was born here in the U.S. and spoke perfect English, but many of the so-called “upper echelon” employees dumped on him for being a Mexican. They avoided the mailroom like the plague, but I considered Jaime to be a good friend, maybe even my best. We usually met for lunch on Friday’s, the only day I didn’t work through.

I went to see him Tuesday morning right after hearing that my loving wife planned to spend the week fucking her lover. Jaime was shocked to see me so early and more so when he saw the expression on my face. “Juan…amigo…what is wrong?”

“I made a big mistake, Jaime…a really big mistake.” I spent a few minutes explaining how I had encouraged Julie to take a lover who could give her what I couldn’t and how the situation had spiraled out of control. He listened without comment until I was done.

“Excuse me for saying this, my friend, but you gringos are fucked up. No Mexican would ever allow his woman to fuck another. I would cut my wife’s tits off if she even thought of it. What are you going to do? You know I will help you any way I can. Perhaps this person might have an accident…a really bad accident. That could be arranged very easily. You know I have contacts.”

I knew that Jaime had sources of income other than his job. He was known to supply drugs to some of the stockbrokers who had to endure much more stress than I ever could. He had told me that he had contacts with a Mexican crime syndicate several times. “No, that won’t help, but…thank you. If something happens to him she’ll just find someone else. I think I’m going to get a private investigator involved. There’s something about this guy that doesn’t feel right. He swore that he was only interested in occasional sex when Julie was doing research online. Now he’s moving in and, worse, he’s helping her to control and dominate me. What I’d like to do is disappear so she could never find me. Think that’s possible? I’ve read that a person can get a new identity if he has the right contacts.”

Jaime placed his hand on my shoulder. “You have come to the right place, my friend. Let me tell you about my Tio Pepe…my uncle. He is high up in the syndicate I’ve told you about. I will phone him tonight to see if he can help you. I’m sure he can. Can you get to Los Angeles without her knowing?

“Sure…I’ll take the bus. It’ll be slow, but I can pay cash and there’s almost no security. I’ve already started to sell my investments. If I wait until the last moment to send the money out of the country I’ll be gone before anyone knows or before the law comes looking for me. You know…the firm sends money overseas all the time. I’ll bet I can do it under the firm’s umbrella. It’ll work if I can get a new identity and can get out of the country.”

“I’ll speak with you tomorrow morning, amigo. Keep the accident in mind. Maybe she should have one.”

“I’ll have to think about that. Thanks, Jaime. I’d better get to work.” We shook hands and I took the elevator up to my office, working all morning and afternoon, but spending lunch divesting myself of more of my investments. I had more than one point nine million in my brokerage account by the end of the day.
I spoke to my boss the following morning to request some comp time that afternoon, telling him that I had some personal problems that I needed to resolve. I spent the afternoon interviewing several private investigators. I finally settled on a woman—Moira Kelly. I told her the truth—the whole truth, holding nothing back. “I know that she has some plans for me—plans to turn me into her slave, although I have no idea yet how she plans to do it. I guess that what I really need is information on her lover first…everything you can find out about him.”

“Will he be at your house tonight?”

“Yes, unfortunately; he usually arrives around seven. He’s supposed to spend the weekend which means they’ll spend the entire time together. I’ve already been told to move my clothes to the spare room.”

“I know this seems overwhelming, John, but I’ll be with you every step of the way. You’ll be able to get away to work every day other than the weekends so that’s when we’ll meet. I should have something in a few days once I get his photo and his license plate number. Then I’ll be able to check police and military records. This is actually a fairly standard investigation.”

I thanked her then gave her $2,500 cash for her retainer, promising more if needed. I returned to work, walking directly to the mailroom. Jaime was waiting there for me. “Sorry I couldn’t come down this morning. I needed to work so I could take the afternoon off. I’ve hired a private investigator to look into her lover. Any luck on your end?”

“Yes, my Tio Pepe will be happy to help you. He says it will cost $10,000, but he guarantees your complete satisfaction. He will arrange for some minor plastic surgery. I’m sure you know that the government uses face recognition programs in all of the airports and train stations so he’ll keep you away from them. None the less, you will be out of the country safely before you know it. Just let me know when you are leaving.” I thanked Jaime and left the building. I needed a little time to think so I went to the local park where I sat on a bench overlooking a large pond.

I had thought that I’d resign my position, but now knowing that I could get a new identity I thought it better to just disappear. I stayed there as long as possible before returning to what had once been my happy home. Knowing that Julie would expect me to be naked I removed my clothing, hanging my suit in the guest room closet before beginning tonight’s dinner.

Mike showed up at seven on the dot, exactly as expected. Julie was wearing a new baby doll outfit I’d never seen before. She must have bought it today just for him. That reminded me that I had to cancel our credit cards. Then, as I stifled a little chuckle, I decided not to. Let her charge to her heart’s content. I wished I could be here to see the expression on her face when she realized her meal ticket was gone and she’d have to pay all of the bills herself.

Tonight was a repeat of the earlier nights, except that Mike came in my mouth for the first time while he and Julie ridiculed and mocked me. I burned with shame, but there was nothing I could do. Mike was bigger and stronger than me. At 5’ 11” and 155 pounds I was hardly going to overwhelm someone who was four inches taller and fifty pounds heavier. I took the abuse instead, knowing that it would end soon. I was allowed to cum, spilling my load into Julie’s wine glass then drinking it. She banished me to the guest room, telling me that I’d never sleep with her again.

Friday was here before I knew it. I was surprised to find Julie’s and Mike’s cars in the driveway when I arrived home. I had to park in the street. Julie was on me as soon as I walked into the door. “Get those clothes off and into the bedroom in less than five minutes.” Her voice was as hard as nails and the expression on her face was a perfect match. Mike just smirked like the cat that had eaten the canary.

Julie was sitting on the bed when I trotted in, breathing heavily from rushing. “Stand here, John, at the foot of the bed and place your hands behind your back.” Mike gripped my arms as Julie strode behind me. I knew I was in trouble as soon as I heard the ratchet of the handcuffs. I was totally helpless less than ten seconds later. “I’ve told you and told you to stop your incessant whining. Now I’m going to stop it permanently. Move your ass into the bathroom and get into the shower.” She turned me and pushed me toward the open door.
I was standing in the stall when she produced a battery-powered trimmer from a brown paper bag. It was just like the one my barber uses. “A REAL MAN has pubic hair. You’re not a REAL MAN so you’re not entitled to have any. Same with body hair; REAL MEN have hair on their chests, but you’re not a REAL MAN.” I started to complain, but she gripped my balls and squeezed. “Shut your fucking mouth before these go, too.” I stood silently in pain while she trimmed every hair on my body other than those on my head from my body.

When she was done she stepped out and pulled a pair of rubber gloves over her hands. Next thing I knew she was applying a thick liquid over my body. Every square inch was covered, even my neck and face where my beard would normally grow. I became aware pretty soon that my skin was burning. After fifteen minutes Julie turned on the water—just the cold—and laughed again while all my body hair ran down the drain. I was mortified when I looked down to see my hairless body. Unfortunately, that was just the beginning of my ordeal.

Once I was dry Julie pushed me back to the bedroom. She and Mike laughed while they removed a stainless steel contraption from the bag. I was mystified as Julie placed the large ring around my cock and balls. When she pushed my cock into the caged cylinder I became worried. “What is this? What are you doing to me?”

“This is a cock cage, stupid. I’m taking full control of your orgasms. I’ll let you out so you can jerk off every now and then, but your days of jerking it four or five times a day are over.” She tightened the bolts and placed the wrench on a chain that went around her neck. I noticed another around Mike’s. I knew instinctively that she’d have total control of me by controlling my access to my cock.

“I’m not done with you yet. I’ve had to listen to your whiney complaints all week. Now you’re going to pay.” Mike grabbed me and manhandled me onto the bed. He held my head up while Julie forced a leather ball into my mouth and buckled the straps tightly around my head. I almost fainted when I saw what she pulled from the closet. It was a long flexible cane. She brought it down onto my butt without warning. I arched my back in response and screamed into the gag. She did it again and again. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! My ass felt like it was on fire. I bawled like a baby from the pain and humiliation.

“Are you ever going to whine to me again?” I shook my head as vigorously as I could. “Are you going to follow my orders from now on?” I nodded immediately. She hit me again anyway—just because she could. Finally, after—I didn’t know—thirty? Fifty? She stopped and sat beside me. “You know, don’t you, John that I only did that because I love you and I want our marriage to succeed. Our relationship is changing. I’m moving to the top and you’re going down. That’s the way it’s going to be. You just have to accept your new role. I’m afraid that I’m going to have to whip you again and again until you eventually figure it out. Do yourself a big favor and get on the wagon. Do everything I tell you when I tell you. Do you understand me?”

I couldn’t nod fast enough even though I knew what she’d told me was just so much bullshit. She hung the cane on a hook on the wall—a reminder, I guessed, of what she could do to me. She rubbed some lotion into my butt in what I thought was supposed to convince me of her sincerity and her love. Julie released my hands, telling me, “Mike wants Johnny Walker Blue. Get dressed and get some. While you’re there, make sure you get enough Chardonnay to get us through the weekend. I’ll whip you again if I have to send you out for more. Now get moving!” I jumped up and ran into the guest room. I was dressed in less than two minutes, literally running out the door while Julie and Mike laughed and ridiculed me. I knew then that I’d get out as soon as humanly possible.

I bought two bottles of the Johnny Walker Blue at almost $150 each. What did I care? I wouldn’t be around to pay for them. They’d be on Julie’s head as would the case of expensive Chardonnay—the most expensive I could find. I was back at the house carrying in their refreshments in less than thirty minutes. I could hear them in the bedroom as soon as I entered the house. Without waiting for orders I poured a glass of scotch over several ice cubes and filled a wine glass with the Chardonnay, still chilled from the store. I stripped off my clothes, placing them temporarily in a kitchen cabinet, and put the glasses onto a silver tray along with come chunks of cheddar and crackers.

I knocked on the door frame, requesting permission to enter. I knelt at my wife’s feet as I served the drinks and cheese platter. I was about to rise and leave when Julie pushed her foot into my face. “I love seeing you on your knees, darling. It’s where you’ll spend a lot of your time in the future. While you’re there why don’t you clean my feet. Take each of my toes into your mouth and suck them clean. Use your tongue to clean out any jam between my toes. Do a good job and I’ll give serious thought to letting you cum before the weekend is over. Of course, that will depend on your behavior toward Mike and me.” With that, she pushed her foot into my mouth. I knew that I had to play my role.

Her foot was disgusting. How she made her foot smell so badly or where she managed to get them so filthy was a mystery. I gritted my teeth and dug in, cleaning each toe lovingly and sucking the detritus that had accumulated in the spaces between. When that was done I carefully licked the sole from heel to toe until Julie switched feet. I knew she was satisfied when her foot on my face pushed me away. “Get out and make our dinner. You absolutely disgust me…and to think I was once in love with such a low creature as you. What on earth was I thinking?” She turned her attention from me to Mike’s big cock, stroking it and licking the head. She still refused to put it into her mouth.

I removed two thick ribeyes from the refrigerator and placed three potatoes into the oven to bake. That done I made a nice tossed salad using lettuce, fresh tomatoes, green pepper, and radishes I’d picked up that same afternoon at a nearby farm stand. Homemade Italian dressing finished the meal. Then I set the table: three places—how foolish of me—and used our best linen napkins and crystal. Almost an hour later I knocked at the bedroom door to let the lovers know that I would place the steaks on the grill momentarily. I requested permission to dress. Our grill is visible from the yards of four neighbors. For some reason Julie and Mike found this hilarious. I learned the reason why when they summoned me into the bedroom.

“I went shopping for you today, John. A REAL MAN wears boxers, or even briefs. Mike is a REAL MAN. You are not. You’ll never wear REAL MAN’s underwear again. Instead, you’ll wear women’s panties.” She reached into a bag and removed a pair of frilly pink bikini panties. She held them out for me to step into. My face was red and I cried with embarrassment as she pulled them up my legs. I looked down in amazement that she would humiliate me so badly. Had I even a shred of love remaining for her it died at that second. I knew then that I’d be gone in days instead of weeks as I had originally planned.

Things went steadily downhill from there. I was not allowed to eat at the table, nor was I allowed to eat while they ate. I was expected to serve them and even to cut their meat. I ate cold food from plates on the floor and I was allowed ginger ale instead of wine. Yes…you’re right—wine is for a REAL MAN!

I was whipped again that night and an additional three times over the weekend. I could barely stand by Sunday night and I certainly couldn’t sit. Julie was about to whip me again, but Mike told her not to. “I’m afraid you’ll kill him if you do it again. The last thing we need is for him to wind up in a hospital. I can think of something even worse.” Julie looked at him with a bemused expression as he called me to his cock. “Kneel here, John. Suck me off.”

I was terrified of another whipping so I willingly took his swelling cock into my mouth. He pushed it in until it was all the way into my throat. I thought I would suffocate, but at the last possible second he pulled out. A few seconds later he pushed back in and began to actively fuck my mouth. I barely moved. I couldn’t—that’s how much pain I was in. It seemed to go on forever, but eventually he came. Then Julie wouldn’t allow me to swallow it. Instead, I had to hold it on my tongue to show her. I was banished to the guest room as they mocked and ridiculed me even more. I retreated and closed the door. Once in the hallway I walked to the guest bathroom for a much needed shower. The hot water soothed the welted areas on my back and butt and thighs.

I had to sleep on my stomach because of the pain. I doubted I’d be able to sit for a week. Pissing was agony. I had to sit because of the cock cage. I knew that Julie had no intention to take it off. She’d made sure that I’d screw up, even when I hadn’t, just so she could beat me. Denying me was a foregone conclusion.

I was up early to make coffee and breakfast. I remained naked as I delivered a tray of coffee, real cream I’d been sent out for yesterday morning, and sugar. I knocked quietly at the door and waited almost ten minutes before the summons came. I knelt, praying that I wouldn’t be caned again. Surprisingly, Mike came to my rescue again, even telling me that I needed to dress and go to work. He didn’t have to say it twice.
I heard Julie speak as I scampered from the room. “Why did you do that, Mike? I just wanted to warm up that ass a bit as a reminder during the day.”

“I know, darling, but if you really hurt him he won’t be able to take care of us. You want to do the cooking or cleaning?”

I saw her kiss him as I turned the corner into what was now “my room.” I dressed hurriedly and scooted to the street where my car had been ticketed for being parked there overnight. Like I’d pay for it; I’d be gone long before the court date.

I was in the mailroom trying to explain to Jaime what had happened to me over the weekend. Finally, I broke down and pointed to the storeroom. I removed my jacket and tie, unbuttoned my shirt, and dropped my pants and pink panties. If Jaime was surprised to see them he was livid when he saw my back and butt. Then I turned around and showed him the cock cage. He bent down for a close look then stood and smiled. “We are going out for lunch today, my friend. I need to make a call to a friend who is a machinist. I’ll bet he can make a key for that bolt. I know we talked about it, but after what she’s done you can count on that bitch having several accidents. In fact…I just had a really good idea. I’ll tell you about it after you’re gone.”

I thanked Jaime as I dressed. I left once I was decent and was half-way to my office when my cell rang. It was Moira Kelly. “I have some important information for you. Can we meet today?” I never left the elevator, pressing the button for the basement garage once the door had opened. I was in my car on the way to Moira’s office less than five minutes later. I never bothered to tell my boss. I couldn’t see the point.

Moira welcomed me with a smile, asking me to sit. “I’d just as soon stand if you don’t mind.” Then I explained what had transpired over the weekend. I could see the shock on her face several times as I spoke.

“Well, I think I have good news for you. I got his photo Friday night and ran his license plate. You know him as Michael Brown, but his real name is Michael Bologna. He’s a convicted felon and there are two warrants for his arrest on the books in this state and three in other states.”

“Open warrants…now?”

“Yes, I’m quite sure the police will be interested. In addition to the warrants he jumped bail in Missouri. His M.O. is to seduce stupid married women and demean their husbands. Once he has the woman’s confidence he steals all of her jewelry and cash. He’s even been known to steal credit cards. Does your wife have much jewelry?”

“Yeah, she does—almost fifty thousand worth. Maybe I should wait until it’s been stolen. I could, but I won’t. I plan to get out as quickly as I can—tomorrow, sooner if I can get the police to act by then.” I thanked Moira sincerely and took two copies of her report when I left. I went straight to police headquarters where I asked to see a detective. When asked for a reason my reply was simple: “to get a dangerous felon off the streets.” Detective George Kline came out to speak with me about five minutes later.

“I know where one Michael Bologna can be found. I’m told that there are several warrants out on him at the present time.” He turned on his workstation and typed in a few commands. He returned his attention to me a few minutes later after showing me a mug shot on the screen. I confirmed his identity.

“There are two open warrants here in Illinois and three more in other states, all for grand theft and I see that he jumped bail in Missouri. What’s your source of information?”

“He’s seduced my wife and I’m sure she’ll be his next victim. Right now he’s living at my house.”

“We can pick him up right now. I just need a little time to get a few men together.”

I thought about it for maybe half a second before agreeing then led a small convoy to my house. Police officers covered the rear exits as I opened the front door to find Mike seated in the living room dressed only in my robe while sipping some of my Johnny Walker Blue even though it wasn’t yet noon. He must have realized what was up as soon as he saw the two detectives and one uniformed officer behind me. He rose and held his wrists behind his back. He was cuffed and gone less than two minutes later. I stopped them at the door and removed his copy of my cock cage key from his neck. He smirked as he turned out the door.

I phoned Jaime to tell him I was free and that I wanted to leave that afternoon, if possible. He asked me to stop by as soon as I could. I promised I would, but first I went to my home office and typed a letter to Julie. I left it, the cock cage, and my wedding ring on the table with a copy of the PI’s report. I left at 11:30 with my backpack and a change of clothes in a brown paper sack. I took one last look at the home I’d once loved then walked away, never looking back.

My first stop was the bank. I had almost $50,000 I had saved to buy a new luxury car for Julie in a special account. I closed it, taking twenty thousand in cash and the rest in a cashier’s check, thinking I’d later endorse it to Jaime to thank him for all of his help. My next stop was the office. I arrived just as all of the bigwigs were headed out for lunch. I walked into the CFO’s office and sat gingerly at his computer. I knew that he kept his password on a post-it under the keyboard. Using that, I transferred the money from my account to a numbered account in Switzerland. Three minutes later I moved it to Brazil, a bank in Rio de Janeiro, and five after that to a bank in the Cayman Islands. Finally, I moved the money to a bank in Mexico City. Once I was done I went downstairs to see my friend Jaime.

“I’m ready to go, Jaime. I want to give you this.” I showed him the check.

“Save it, John. You can get Tio Pepe to cash it for you, but I will take your car if you insist.” That was a great idea. It was completely paid for and I had the title in my glove box. I know that was stupid, but I always locked the car, even in my driveway. I went into the garage and returned five minutes later. Jaime was on his cell when I returned. I signed the title and made out a simple bill of sale, exchanging a year old Lexus for $300 even though no money would change hands.

“That was Tio Pepe on the phone, John. He has made arrangements for your transportation in a long haul truck. This way you can lie down the entire way. The truck will leave the depot at four this afternoon. Let’s get some lunch and then I’ll drop you near the depot.”

I let Jaime drive his new car to the fanciest restaurant in town. We had just ordered cocktails when he looked at me. I’d never seen Jaime so serious. “I’m going to miss you, John. You’re the best person in the entire firm. Truth is I think I’ll quit, too. I just can’t see me working there with all those assholes.” I had no answer and, truthfully, I couldn’t disagree either. Most of the firm were exactly as Jaime had described them—totally self-absorbed assholes.

We had a wonderful meal then I went into the men’s room where I changed my clothes, donning my polo and sweater over jeans and sneakers, and putting my suit into the sack. We dropped it into a collection bin for the Salvation Army on the way to the depot. Jaime showed me where to stand with the instruction that the driver would stop for me out of sight of the transport company’s prying eyes. I went to shake his hand, but he pulled me into a hug. “Buena suerte, mi amigo. Good luck, my friend.” Then my best friend in all the world turned and drove away.

I had to stand there for almost a half hour when I saw a big rig turn the corner. It glided to a stop and the door opened. I climbed in saying, “Thanks…I’m ….”

He stopped me immediately. “I don’t want to know who you are. I don’t want to know anything about you. I understand you’re injured so why don’t you climb into the berth, Mac. That’s what I plan on calling you…Mac. That okay?”

“Perfect, bud. You won’t mind if I treat to a few meals, will you?”

“Hell no; now get up there where you won’t be seen. Go to sleep if you want to. I’ve got a long night ahead of me.” He shifted into gear just as I lay down on the berth. It was more comfortable than I had thought. I fell to sleep almost immediately wondering what Julie would think when she returned home from work that afternoon. I was smiling when I closed my eyes.


Julie was grinning ear to ear when she strode into the house at 5:30. “John, you fucking idiot…where are you? Get your ass out here and kiss my feet. Where the hell are you? Mike? Mike?” By then she had reached the kitchen where she saw the open cock cage and John’s wedding ring lying on the top of a pile of papers. She picked up the letter cautiously and began to read. Her face went pale and her smile turned into a frown as she did.



I’m sure you realize by now that I have gone. I loved you more than anything right up until the past ten days when you betrayed everything I believed in. I knew that you were deserving of more pleasure than I could give you with my small cock even though I tried to see to your pleasure every time we made love. That’s why I suggested you find someone with a bigger dick. We discussed this several times once you agreed and you knew this was to be only the one time. Instead you pushed me away and took up with someone you knew nothing about just because his dick was bigger than mine.

I might have been able to live with that if you’d continued to make love with me, even if it had only been once or twice a week. Instead, you demeaned me in every perverted way you could think of. Worse, you tried to make me into some kind of slave. That was when I realized that any love you might have felt for me was dead. It was also the time that my love for you died, as well.

The man you know as Michael Brown is in reality Michael Bologna, a convicted felon who is wanted in Illinois, Kentucky, and Missouri for grand theft. He likes to seduce stupid married women then steals their jewelry and disappears. He also likes to tear down the husbands and destroy whatever relationship remained between the husband and wife. Nice guy!

I was at police headquarters this morning and brought the police here to arrest him. I’m sure he’d love a visit from you. Unfortunately, the County Jail doesn’t allow conjugal visits. Too bad!

I earned more than 85% of our total earnings so that’s what I’ve taken with me. I suggest you start to pay close attention to your expenses. You don’t earn enough to pay for the house, your car, and the utilities let alone food and other expenses so I suggest you try to sell the house and move into an apartment that you can afford.

Don’t try to find me. You won’t be able to. I’ll be under the radar so it would just be a waste of your money. Even if you found me I’d never come back to you. Why would I want to? You’ve destroyed us. You can get a divorce for abandonment after a year if you want. Me? I just don’t give a shit!


Julie sank into the chair and began to cry.


I woke up as we pulled into a truck stop. “Where are we?”

“Kansas…just west of Topeka. You hungry? I’m going to eat and get a room. You might want to do the same. Got enough cash?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Well, you’d better bring it with you. Crooks break into these cabs all the time.” I grabbed my backpack and climbed down. My legs were a bit unsteady when they hit the ground. I treated to dinner and then we retired to tiny rooms with single beds and basic bathrooms. It was clean and quiet—all that I needed.

Eight hours later my room phone rang—my driver telling me it was time for breakfast which I also bought and then we were on the road again. It was boring. That’s the plain and simple truth. We got onto I-40 and stayed there hour after hour, stopping one more time, until we reached Barstow, California—the end of the line for me. “You’re getting off here, Mac. Someone will come by to pick you up in a few minutes. Good luck to you.” I exited, voiced my thanks and he drove down the highway.

I was there less than fifteen minutes when a mid-sized sedan pulled to a stop next to me. The driver was obviously Mexican. He opened the door and greeted me in Spanish—“Welcome to California, John.” I got into the car. My injuries had partially healed by now so I was able to sit fairly comfortably. Several hours later we pulled into a long driveway in the hills just outside Los Angeles. I went into the house to meet Tio Pepe.

He was a short man like many Mexicans with Mayan heritage. Standing to greet me he had a big smile, his white teeth framed by dark skin and totally white hair and moustache. He asked for my driver’s license as well as all of my credit cards. I watched as he shredded them then I handed over my cell phone. I had turned it off when I left Jaime so it couldn’t be traced. He took my passport, telling me that I would need it in order to cross the border.

I had been there less than an hour when I was examined by a physician who described how he would modify my appearance—reshape my ears and eyes, broaden my nose and flatten my chin. “A simple procedure,” he said. I had it the following day right there in the house. My face was almost completely bandaged when Tio Pepe walked into my room. Without speaking he inserted a DVD into the player. “Do you know this movie, John?”

“The Magnificent Seven? Who doesn’t? It’s a classic with an incredible cast—Yul Brynner, Steve McQueen, James Coburn, Charles Bronson, Eli Wallach. They don’t make ‘em like that any more.”

“Do you know that many Irish have immigrated to Mexico over the past 150 years? That is how the Charles Bronson role had the name Bernardo O’Reilly. I thought about that as a name for you, but Bernardo is not often used now. Using it would only draw unwanted attention to you. Instead, your name will be Diego Luis Reilly. Now…I have a business proposition for you. You have been an analyst for a brokerage firm and you have made plenty of money doing it. I would like you to do the same for our syndicate. You will never touch any of our money. I doubt you’d be willing to do that under any circumstances. All we ask is for your recommendations for stocks and bonds for our investments.

“A few of our enterprises are illegal, but most are completely legitimate and, like any businessmen, we want our money to earn as much as possible. In return we will pay you $100,000 a year—a fortune in Mexico--and we’ll give you a beautiful villa overlooking the Pacific in Punta de Mita with a housekeeper/cook to see after your every need. All you need to do is the same job you’ve been doing all along.”

“You do realize that no one can see the future. I do make the occasional mistake.”

“We do not expect perfection, but we do expect a professional effort.” I rose and shook his hand. We had a deal. I only hoped I had not made one with the devil.

All told I stayed with Tio Pepe for an entire month. It had been two weeks after my surgery that I first saw my new face. It looked good and I could see a slight Mexican influence even though I retained my light brown hair and blue eyes in addition to my white skin. A few days later a photographer took my photo and the day before I left I received my Mexican passport and driver’s license.

“These look just like the real thing,” I told Tio when I first saw them.

“That is because they are. We have people in government who are more than willing to supplement their meager incomes to help us. Tomorrow you will be driven south to the border. You’ll walk across around nine in the evening. The border guards pay little attention after sunset. A driver will await you on the other side. He will see you to Punta de Mita, partly by air and partly by car. I wish you the best of luck, my friend. I am reassured to see that my nephew has such excellent judgment in people.” We shook hands and I returned to my room.

I bade good-bye to Tio Pepe early the following afternoon as I climbed into a car for the four-hour ride south toward the border. We ate dinner at a good seafood restaurant in Escondido and waited until nightfall. Then my driver drove us to the border crossing. I walked through using my original passport and completing an immigration form stating that I was entering the country for residential purposes. My contact was there waiting for me.

I was a bit concerned about being robbed and left for dead, but I really didn’t have all that much with me. Tio Pepe had cashed my bank check and had opened an account for me at a local branch of a national bank. I would be able to move the money to Mexico at any time although I thought I might want to keep it where it was in case I ever returned to the States. I was taken to the nearest airport and given a flight on Aero Mexico to Guadalajara. From there I was driven to my new home.

I stood outside for several minutes, unable to process its splendor. It was big—I’d been told more than 5,000 square feet with four bedrooms and five full baths. The walls were thick reinforced concrete, covered in some areas with real stone in contrast with the red clay tiles of the roof, and the rooms were huge with the main living area overlooking the beautiful freeform pool and hot tub, the sloping lawn, and the private beach on the Pacific. I was just walking around the pool when I heard a voice behind me. “Excuse me, Senor, but this is private property.”

I turned quickly then stood stock still as I saw the most beautiful young woman I’d ever encountered.
Apparently, she was just as shocked because she held her hands to her face as she apologized. “Excuse me, Senor Diego. I did not realize it was you. They sent your picture…your face. I did not realize how tall you were until I saw you just now.”

I couldn’t take my eyes from this woman’s face or body. She looked to be in her early twenties and was short, like many Mexicans—probably not more than five feet three inches. The ancestral Maya were a short people and a child’s diet in Mexico is nothing like what we have in the States. Her skin was dark, showing her heritage, and her straight hair was the most lustrous deep black I’d ever seen. It hung halfway down her back. Her face was perfect in my opinion—oval in shape with clear brown eyes, a straight narrow nose, and flawless skin. She smiled and my heart melted. Her body was incredible—just perfect for her small frame. If I had to guess I’d say 32B-23-33 with a flat abdomen and a small, but nicely rounded ass.

We stared at each other for what seemed an uncomfortably long time before she spoke again. “I apologize again, Senor Diego. I am Gabriella…your housekeeper. It is my job to see that your every need is seen to.”

“Thank you, but please just call me Diego. May I call you Gabriella?” She nodded with a slight smile as she led me into the house. She showed me from room to room. I was surprised to see a full array of clothing in my bedroom closets and dressers. Like the living area it overlooked the pool and the deep blue Pacific Ocean beyond.

I had stepped out onto its second floor balcony to look at the view, taking note of the large stone table and accompanying chairs. “Perhaps you would enjoy breakfast out here, Senor…I mean Diego.”

“That would be wonderful. Would you join me?” I chuckled when I saw her blush, her head down in embarrassment. “Come on. Why don’t you show me the rest of the house? Do you live here, as well?” She told me that she did and showed me her bedroom at the end of the hall. The furnishings were basic, but probably more than she’d had as a child.

Once back on the main floor she showed me to my study. There was a powerful new desktop with a high-speed internet connection. A laptop and printer, also top of the line, sat on a large desk. I checked the computers, pleased to find Microsoft Office installed. I’d used both Word and Excel virtually daily in my last job. Was that really a month ago?

Opening the desk drawer I found the list Tio Pepe had told me about. It was a list of companies for me to investigate. I knew then that I’d have to earn the syndicate’s trust. Nobody in their right mind would invest in some of these firms. Three were in bankruptcy and two hadn’t declared a dividend in almost twenty years. Several others had no real product. So far, during their infant years, they’d proved to be money pits—just deep holes into which one poured an infinite supply of money in the futile hope that some of it would be regurgitated back. Of the list of twenty only six were worth exploring.

I booted the desktop, typed in the password and immediately changed it, then opened Word to prepare a brief report, commenting that I knew about a number of the companies listed from my prior employment then I explained why I would not invest in them. I worked until 7:30 when Gabriella told me that dinner would be served in fifteen minutes. I closed the program and went to wash my hands and face. She held my chair for me; I thought that was both unnecessary and ridiculous. However, the food she served was excellent—a thick steak from Argentina, roasted potatoes, and sautéed vegetables. There was a small loaf of homemade maize bread and butter. I was halfway through when I asked what she would eat and when.

“I am only allowed to eat after my work is completed. There are basic Mexican foods in the kitchen for me.”

“Whose decision was this?”

“The man who hired me; I do not know his name.”

“Starting tomorrow you will eat with me—breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I hate dining alone. I will clear it with the man who sent me here. I’m sure it will be okay. Now, please sit and tell me about yourself.”

She did. Gabriella was the child of devout Catholics. She was the youngest of six children and it was her parents’ fondest hope that she become a Sister of the Poor, dedicating her life to the Lord’s service. She had attended a church school through eighth grade when she was seduced and essentially raped by the parish priest and had become pregnant. Her family was shamed and, absurdly, she was blamed. Gabriella told me that she had been sent away to a distant aunt, never to return to her parents’ village. She had miscarried in her sixth month and sought employment as a maid in a large hotel near her aunt’s home. She found the work boring, but it paid reasonably well. Then one day she met a young man named Jaime. I knew it was my friend. They spoke and the following day another man appeared at her aunt’s home, gave the aunt some money, and drove her here to the house I now occupied. She had worked here for several weeks before my arrival earlier today.

I was understandably exhausted from my long arduous day, not having really slept in more than thirty hours. I excused myself and walked upstairs to my room. My clothes fell to the floor as I entered the attached bathroom for a long hot shower. Once out and dry I realized that I had no idea what clothes I had and I was too tired to look tonight. I went to bed naked.

I was almost asleep when I heard the knob turn and the door open. I sat up suddenly, concerned about this intrusion. “It is only me, Diego.” Gabriella sat on the edge of the bed and spoke quietly. “Your friend, Jaime, told me a great deal about you. He told me that your wife mistreated you and beat you with a…stick?”

“Close enough,” I replied, “It’s called a cane.”

“Well… he told me that you had many marks on your body. I have here an unguent—a cream from a local doctor—that will help. He is a very good doctor. I will put it on you and rub it in. You do not have to be bashful. Seeing to your needs is my job.”

I thought for a moment then turned over and let the blanket fall to my ankles. Even in the moonlight Gabriella could see the welts, scars, and scabs that ran from my shoulders to my knees. There was barely a square inch that was not discolored. In many places the welts had caused raised areas that even I could feel. I heard her gasp as she had her first look at my body.

Gabriella’s hands warmed the cream then she tried to apply it, but her clothing was clearly in the way. She stood to the side of the bed and dropped her garments to the floor. After straddling my body she began again. The sensation of her hands on my back was heavenly as she rubbed the medicine into my sore skin and muscles. She was done in about ten minutes. “Let’s wait a few minutes until it is absorbed and then I can rub some into your front.”

I couldn’t suppress a giggle. “I think that might be a bit embarrassing. You have an incredible effect on me.”

“That is good. Your friend told me that your wife abused you because your penis was small. I think I would like and enjoy that. When the priest raped me he ripped my vagina and caused me to bleed badly. I know about the membrane, but this was worse. I am very small and tight there. Do not be afraid.” I rolled over, expecting the worst. My penis is barely five inches long and not all that thick, either.

Gabriella pushed against me, her lips lightly pressing into mine. “I haven’t been with a man since that horrible day ten years ago. I want to be with you, Diego. I can already see that you are a kind gentle man.” She kissed me again and I responded, taking her into my arms. Our tongues dueled for several minutes as we swapped spit until our faces were covered. Her pussy ground against my thigh and then—the moment of truth. She reached for my cock.

Her hand gripped me tightly, stroking me slowly. I hadn’t had sex, not even masturbation, for the past month so she was having one hell of an effect on me. “Gabriella, I haven’t been able to…for more than a month. If you keep that up….”

“Will you be able to do it later? After you recover?”

“For a woman with no experience you seem to be very knowledgeable.”

She giggled. “Guess.”

“Um…online porn?”

“Si! There was not much to do before you came today. I used your laptop then I went to my room and …well, if I still went to Mass I would have spent much time in confession.” She stopped stroking, kissed me briefly, and bent over my cock. A second later it disappeared completely into her mouth.

I couldn’t help myself. “Gabriella,” I yelled in warning, but she was not to be deterred. I came in seven vicious eruptions. She tried—God bless her—but semen oozed from the corners of her mouth, falling onto her breasts until she scooped it up with her fingers and licked them off.

“I’ve always wondered what it tastes like. It’s a bit salty, but not bad, at all. I’d like to do it again.”

Groaning, I replied, “That’s a wonderful idea. I’d like you to do it, too. Maybe next time I can do you.” I pulled her to me, allowing her head to rest on my chest. I was almost asleep less than a minute later. I felt her try to rise, but I whispered, “Please stay. I like sleeping like this.” Then I was dead to the world, awakening only when daylight filtered into the room through the glass door to the balcony. Looking up I saw Gabriella was also awake.

After a quick kiss I pushed her up and followed her into the bathroom. I shaved while she used the toilet then I pissed while she made the shower ready. Finally, we stood together under the hot water. “I hope you realize, Diego that I will have to spend hours drying my hair.” I simply laughed as I took her into my arms. She stopped me and turned me around. “Madre de Dios! I could not see clearly last night. How could any human being do that to another? When did she do this to you?”

“It was more than a month ago. Just imagine what it was like when she did it. Her lover was much bigger than me…stronger, too. They always handcuffed me either behind my back or to the headboard of the bed. I was gagged, too or else I would have screamed so loudly that the neighbors would have called the police.”

We talked and occasionally actually washed each other until I turned the water off and stepped out. I surprised Gabriella by drying her body then mine before leading her back to the bed. “I think I owe you something…something I couldn’t do last night.” My cock may be small, but I made up for it in orgasm control. I had often fucked Julie for twenty minutes or more before cumming into her tight pussy. Now I’d use those skills for Gabriella.

I placed her gently onto the bed. “I promise that I will be gentle and careful with you, but you must tell me if I hurt you or do something you don’t like.” Then I shut up and kissed her, my hands roaming over her back and butt. Her hands gripped my head, her fingers enmeshed in my hair, as her lips pressed into mine. The sensation of her silky smooth skin against mine was incredible. I hardened in like a millisecond.

After a minute or so my fingers found her breasts. They weren’t huge, but they fit her body beautifully. Her sensitive nipples were as hard as pebbles when I rolled them between my fingers and I heard a long guttural moan escape her mouth. I massaged her breasts for several minutes until she began to actively hump my thigh. It became wet with her juice almost immediately.

My left arm snaked around her so I could continue to worry her nipples while my right moved south to her abdomen. She had a delightful three-inch space between her slender shapely legs, just enough to accommodate my hand. Her pubic hair was trimmed neatly to about a half-inch. As promised, I was gentle, rubbing her labia carefully and lightly until she pushed her hips forward, telling me she wanted it harder.
I complied with her wishes and in less than a minute my finger vigorously fucked her tight tunnel as my new lover went wild in her lust. “Please, Diego…do it. I want you in me…please!” Moving between her legs I positioned my cock at her slit. Up and down a few times and it was dripping with her lubricant. I tried to push in slowly, but Gabriella wrapped her legs around my waist to pull me deeply within her. Even with my small penis I knew I was well into her tiny body.

We moved together like the parts of an expensive watch instead of two people who had never met until yesterday afternoon. Having cum explosively last night I knew that I could last long enough to satisfy Gabriella two or even three times before I felt the irresistible urge. Sure enough, she experienced her first powerful orgasm about ten minutes into our love making, her second roughly eight minutes later and her final, the one that started me over the edge, only five minutes after that. I started to pull out, but she held me tightly, whispering, “Is okay, Diego. I want to feel it inside me. I am safe.” I let go then, feeling as though I had been turned inside-out.

Gabriella smothered me with kisses as we recovered from our ordeal and, believe me, I felt as though I had just run a marathon. “Let’s take a nap,” I suggested.

“I am sorry, Diego, but one of us must go to work. You need your breakfast.”

“No, Gabby—we need our breakfast. Please bring enough up to the balcony for both of us. I’ll take care of it right now.” She kissed me again and pushed me up. I took the hint and climbed off her. I patted her ass as she walked by. Checking the time I decided I needed to wait before phoning Tio Pepe. I knew we were two hours ahead of California. I also knew that he’d not appreciate being awakened at six a.m.

Gabby brought me a yummy omelet and six slices of thick-cut bacon. She also brought juice and fresh fruit. I wasn’t pleased to see that she ate only a few tortillas, but I let it go until I’d had the chance to confirm my wishes with Tio Pepe. After breakfast I dressed and tried unsuccessfully to help her make the bed. “You will get me fired. How will that look? Go outside and meet Ernesto and Julio.”

Ernesto was the gardener, a man in his sixties who, I was sure, spoke only Mexican Spanish. Julio was his son, a man in his twenties, so I was sure that he spoke passable English. Mexico, despite its corrupt government understood the importance of maintaining excellent relations with the U.S. A concierge at a hotel in Cancun explained it to me several years ago. “When you have a sniffle in the States we in Mexico have pneumonia. Our economy is tied almost totally to the United States. All of our children learn English in what you call elementary school.” He was right, too. Virtually everyone I’d met in Mexico spoke decent English.

The men were hard at work in the back yard when I joined them. They insisted on calling me “Senor Diego” despite my best efforts to dissuade them. I spoke to Ernesto in Spanish having studied it from junior high through senior year in college thinking that it might help me in my career in finance. Then I became an analyst who sat secluded in a quiet office away from the hubbub created by the sales personnel in their cubicles.

I phoned Tio Pepe at 11:30 a.m. local time—9:30 Pacific Time. He agreed immediately with my request, telling me that I was the boss as long as I lived there. Then I shared my thoughts on the list I had been left, saying that I’d email a full report within a week’s time. I did exactly that, keeping a hard copy and an Excel worksheet for possible future reference.

I took things slowly with Gabriella, preferring that she come to me at her pace instead of me pushing or rushing her. She began taking all her meals with me, even eating what I ate. We held each other and kissed every day, making sweet love probably three or four times a week until she decided to make it official by moving all of her meager possessions into what had been my room, but was now ours.

We were in post-coital bliss one evening when she told me, “I love your penis, Diego. It fits into me so nicely. I can take all of it into my mouth without choking and it fits my pussy perfectly.” I had a feeling this woman was made for me, but what to do? Legally, I was still married to Julie even though I had a new identity. Then my problem was solved for me courtesy of my friend Jaime.

Gabby called me to the door to sign for a package. It was a Fed-Ex envelope, but I saw that the messenger was from a local company. I retired to my desk to open it, finding a DVD and a short note from Jaime. “Be sure to watch this when you are alone. It is for your eyes and ears only.” A few minutes later I had locked the door and taken my headphones from the drawer. Then I sat back and ran the DVD through my laptop.

Jaime’s face and voice appeared first: “Hello, my friend. I have so much news for you and all of it is good. Your bitch wife asked me to her house last week. She gave me some sob story about how much she missed you. We were in your living room and she was drinking wine when I asked for a glass of water. I couldn’t believe how stupid she was trying to pump me for information about you. I added a little something special to her wine and an hour later…. Well, see for yourself.” I did, watching for more than ten minutes while Julie was gangbanged by roughly a dozen burly Mexicans. The scene was obviously edited many times and had taken much longer judging from Julie’s appearance when they were done. Virtually every part of her body was covered in semen. Near the end of the scene Jaime zoomed in on Julie’s hands. I could see two guys wearing examination gloves getting Julie’s fingerprints on a number of small plastic envelopes. I learned what that was all about a few minutes later when a news report filled the screen. I recognized the reporter from a Chicago station.

“Police this morning responded to an anonymous tip that a woman driving a green SUV with a broken right taillight had been trying to sell drugs in the south side area. The woman, identified as Julie Lynn Flint, 27, from Chicago was stopped in what appeared to be a routine traffic stop. Officers had a drug sniffing dog with them and found more than seventy small plastic bags of what has been identified as high quality heroin in the SUV’s rear compartment. Sources at the city police have told me that Mrs. Flint has denied knowledge of the drugs even though her fingerprints have been found on many of the bags. This reporter has also been told that her husband, John Flint, walked away from his marriage roughly two months ago. Bail will be set at arraignment tomorrow morning.”

There was no way I could stifle the laughter. I could see how the whole thing was a set-up, but this DVD would be broken into pieces within the next few minutes and it was probably the only proof of Julie’s innocence. I sat back as the DVD continued with Jaime speaking to me.

“You remember I told you that she needed an accident to repay her for what she did to you. I knew you’d never agree to having her hurt or killed so I came up with this idea instead. She’ll suffer plenty in the joint.” Jaime was laughing as he told me this and then the screen went dark. I removed the DVD, wedged it into the desk drawer and placed all of my weight onto the exposed portion. It cracked almost immediately. I repeated until the disc was in a dozen pieces then I closed my eyes to plan.

When I left Julie I had no thoughts of ever marrying again, however meeting Gabriella had changed all of that. We hadn’t been together long enough to really know if our feelings would grow into mutual love, but I wanted to be prepared if it did. That meant that I’d have to return to Illinois for a brief time. I phoned Tio Pepe to tell him of my plans Using my original United States passport, I crossed the border into Laredo, Texas only a few days later, changing immediately from Diego Luis Reilly to John Michael Flint hopefully for the very last time. From there I flew to Chicago where Jaime met me at the airport.

We embraced warmly then walked to his car in the short-term lot. Jaime had quit the brokerage firm, telling me that the only people left there were all assholes. “You should have heard how they talked to me—like I was some wetback just finished picking lettuce.” We shared a laugh as he drove my former Lexus to a lawyer’s office. Two hours later he drove me to the county jail. I had to wait for the start of visiting hours and there was a long line. Other than my passport I placed all my belongings—wallet, money, change, watch and jewelry—into a locker. Forty minutes later I entered the large visiting room where I sat awaiting my soon-to-be ex-wife.

She looked like shit when she walked in, obviously confused until she saw me sitting at the table. She took the seat opposite me. “Thank God you’re here, John. You have to get me out. Please.”

“You’ve got to be kidding, Julie. You have a lot of nerve even asking me for help after what you did to me. Now, listen carefully. I saw a lawyer this afternoon, but not to get you out on bail. I saw him about getting a divorce. He’ll come to see you tomorrow. If you sign the papers as he’s prepared them I’ll give you all the furnishings in the house, your jewelry, and a bonus of three hundred thousand. Don’t sign and the money goes bye-bye. He’ll make arrangements to sell the house and set the money into an account for you once you are released. Think hard about it. The money will make a big difference in your life, especially if it’s managed properly. I’m willing to pay for these services even though it could be ten years or longer. That’s just a statement about how much I want you out of my life.” I’d said what I wanted to so I rose and walked out, leaving Julie in tears.

She must have taken me seriously. The lawyer phoned me the following evening to tell me that she had signed. I arranged a transfer from my Mexico City bank for the $300K and the management and storage fees. I spent the next day talking with Jaime about my new life. His sly smile when I mentioned Gabriella told me plenty. “Lots of guys around here wouldn’t see past her skin color or her Mexican heritage, but I know you are color blind and are the most unprejudiced person I’ve ever met. One of my uncle’s compadres first found her working as a maid. He wanted her for himself, but I was able to convince Tio Pepe that she might be right for you. I had to work fast to scoop her up for you.” Then he broke into wild laughter as he continued, “I’m glad to learn that she is seeing to ALL of your needs.” My face was red, but I joined in the laughter. I left Chicago that evening and was in Punta de Mita before noon the following day.

My work rarely took more than five or six hours a day and I was able, thanks to my computer, to work whenever I wanted to—evenings or weekends, as well as the normal work day. Gabby was an extremely efficient worker and I was basically a neat freak so we had hours to spend together every single day. Most afternoons we spent at the pool, especially if we knew that Ernesto and Julio had finished their work on the two days they worked there every week. Because of the heat they began early—as soon as the sun was
up—and ended in time for siesta.

Gabby was shy at first, insisting on a demure one-piece bathing suit, but over a period of several weeks I was able to convince her that the only one-piece she needed was a bikini bottom. Rubbing sunscreen into her luscious breasts was the highlight of any day. We swam in the pool and relaxed in the hot tub virtually every afternoon. We’d been together for two months when she playfully stripped my trunks from my body, throwing them onto the pool deck. Her hands were on my hard cock when I turned the tables on her. It was the day of our first love-making session in the spa. I sat on the bench, my body surrounded by fountains of bubbles while once timid Gabby rode my pole like a mad woman. I kissed her just before her orgasm struck, silencing her scream. She collapsed into my arms as our kiss lingered. Her whisper was so faint I barely heard it. I asked her to repeat, so she did—“I love you, Diego.” I pulled her to me, crushing her in my arms.

It was several days later that I told her we were going out for dinner. “I’ve made reservations at The Four Seasons.”

“I can’t, Diego. I have nothing to wear.” Having been married for what turned out to be too many years, I’d heard that before. When I looked at her clothes I had to agree. Gabby didn’t have even a single dressy outfit in her closet. All of her clothing had been designed for work.

“Not a problem, senorita; I’ll take you shopping before. I know there are several boutiques at the hotel.” She tried to protest, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. I had a special woman and I wanted to show her off.
We left the villa at 4:30 for the short trip to The Four Seasons. I wore an off-white linen suit with a violet silk shirt. Soft cordovan loafers completed my outfit. We drove in my new Toyota Corolla, bought only a week after I’d arrived from a dealer in nearby Puerto Vallarta. My agreement with Tio Pepe called for $8,300 US to be deposited into my Banamex account on the last day of each month and an extra $100 every third month, totaling $25,000 every quarter. Other than the car, I hadn’t spent a peso. All of my expenses at the villa were covered by my employer. I knew that Gabby would balk when she saw the prices, but that wasn’t going to stop me. Gabriella needed clothes and I was going to buy them. I hadn’t told her yet, but I had an ulterior motive.

I left the car with the valet and led my maid into the fabulous hotel. Some of the people there gave us strange looks, but I ignored them, leading Gabby by the hand into their most exclusive boutique where I turned her over to the sales staff with the instruction that I wanted her to get a complete new wardrobe. I sat in a cushioned wicker chair just in front of the changing rooms where I could check on all of our purchases. We left the store two hours later with Gabby dressed beautifully in a gaily flowered sun dress and sandals with three-inch heels. She had decent quality costume jewelry on her wrist and around her neck and she looked even more enchanting than ever.

Heads turned when we walked hand-in-hand into the restaurant. I had reserved a table on the patio overlooking the ocean. There was a light breeze as we enjoyed a good bottle of wine followed by a delicious seafood dinner. The bell staff deposited Gabby’s purchases into the car’s trunk once we were ready to leave.
I was helping her put the clothes into the closet when she turned and gripped me in a powerful hug. Her head was down, but I could feel her crying into my chest. “What’s wrong, Gabby?”

“Why did you do this? Are you going to leave me?”

I gripped her head in my hands as I moved down to kiss her. “Don’t you realize that I’m totally in love with you? I’m never leaving you if I have anything to say about it. Gabby….” I hesitated for a few seconds as I knelt before the woman I loved. “Gabby, I want you to marry me, but before I ask you I need to tell you the complete truth about me.” I sat her on the bed and told her about my family and how I had married Julie, about our abortive attempt at cuckolding, the beatings, about sucking Mike’s cock, licking his cum off my wife’s body—everything. “It was supposed to be a one-time thing, but you’ve seen what happened. I’ll never think about doing anything like that again. I can’t imagine sharing you. That’s how much I love you. I thought I loved Julie, but now I see clearly that a lot was lacking in our relationship. Now that I’ve told you everything…will you marry me?”

I was shocked when she said, “No, Diego. I knew most of what you just told me, Diego so that is not a problem for me. What bothers me is that I am a poor Mexican peon and you are a rich Norte Americano. We come from different worlds. You will be ashamed of me. It is only a matter of time.”

I was on both knees now, crying as I begged her to reconsider. “Oh, Gabby—that will never happen. I hope to spend the rest of my life here…here with you, but even if we have to leave I’d never be ashamed of you. You are a beautiful and intelligent woman. You have survived in situations that would have destroyed a lesser person. Yes, you have limited experiences, but that is not your fault. You can and will learn. You can and will adapt to whatever we do and wherever we go. Most importantly, we’ll do it together.”

“There is one other thing. After my miscarriage the doctor told me that I might not be able to have any more children.” Her last words caused her to break down. She cried again, bawling into my chest. I didn’t say a word. I held her, giving her my support through my strength—my belief in her and us. We cried together, her in her grief for her unborn children, me in fear of losing the woman I loved more than life itself.

Finally, after more than ten minutes, she spoke again. “I’m so sorry, Diego. You deserve better than me.”

Holding her head gently with my hands I kissed her. “I don’t mean to disagree, but there is no one better than you. Yes…I would like to have children with you, but that’s why you take vows for better or worse. If it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen. I’d still have you and that would be more than enough for me. Please, Gabby…please--tell me that you’ll be with me forever.”

She looked up then, her brilliant brown eyes smiling as she whispered, “Si, Diego. Yes, I will marry you.” She moved into my arms again, pressed her sweet plump lips into mine and pushed me back onto the bed. She never broke the kiss as she proceeded to unbutton my shirt and unbuckle my belt. Somehow, less than a minute later I was totally naked then I watched in amazement as Gabby removed her dress to expose matching pink bra and panties that were more lace than cloth. She dropped the bra than led my mouth to her nipple. I suckled like an infant while Gabby shucked her skimpy panties down her legs.

I doubted that I’d ever been harder than I was in that instant. My cock was so filled with blood that it actually hurt. Luckily, Gabby had the solution. She sat on my cock, trapping it between her slit and my abdomen. Her rotating hips ground into me until she oozed juice and my pre-cum coated the bulbous head of my cock. I looked up, taking note of her incredible beauty for about the thousandth time as she descended down my
organ. “I love you, Gabby and I always will.”

We made the most unbelievable love over and over that night, falling asleep only when we were too tired to continue. Then we woke up and went at it again. That’s the way the night went; love—sleep—love—sleep—love--and, finally--sleep. We were covered in sexual secretions when we woke at three the following afternoon. We kissed first then the call of nature demanded our immediate attention. I gave Gabby our bathroom while I found another just down the hall. We rendezvoused a few minutes later in the shower where she insisted on washing me. My back was turned as she caressed the scars on my back and butt.

I was in my study trying to work when she walked in wearing her usual outfit of loose top and short shorts to sit on the couch. “Will you come over here, Diego? I have a lot to say to you.” I rose from the chair, intending to join her on the couch, but she pointed to a spot on the floor between her legs. “Please sit here, Diego. I think you’ll understand why I want you here in just a minute or two.”

I had just complied when she continued. “You know that I had only finished eighth grade when I became pregnant. I never finished school, but I am what is commonly known as a voracious reader. I have read thousands of books in the last ten years. Once I knew your story I read more than ten books on psychology and human sexuality in an attempt to understand you better. I also consulted with my aunt who is a psychology professor at a university in Mexico City. She was a big help and the first to diagnose you.

“I would have to be in a coma not to have noticed during our time together that you are not sleeping well. You have many nightmares and often thrash around in your sleep. I believe I know why. Listening to you tell your story last night only reinforced my thinking. You have been running away from who and what you are. That isn’t working, is it? I think you have to embrace what you are and stop running away.

“You are submissive, Diego. Please, don’t be insulted. There is nothing wrong with submissiveness. It’s not as though you were a murderer or drug dealer. My aunt thinks you had a very strong and demanding mother. Most men would have either walked out as soon as your wife told you to eat her lover’s cum or taken some action to hurt or kill both of them. Instead, you allowed yourself to be her willing cuckold—masturbating repeatedly even as you licked her body clean and sucked on his cock. You have to acknowledge who and what you are. Once you do I think you will finally find the peace you are lacking now.”

She pulled a plastic bag from the back of the couch. I was shocked at what she pulled from the bag—so shocked that I began to tremble. “Please relax, Diego and listen to what I am saying. I want you to become my slave. In most ways that is exactly what you will be, but I make three sacred promises to you now—promises I will never break. One—I will never introduce another man or woman into our relationship. You were made for my body. We are a perfect fit. Anyone bigger—longer or thicker—would hurt me too much. There will never be another for me; you will be stuck with me for life. Two—I will have to punish you, especially during your training period, but I will never use anything that will permanently mark or scar you. I have here a paddle to use for now, but only when absolutely necessary to promote the behaviors that I want from you. I will never harm or injure you, but I will have to hurt you badly on occasion. Three—I will never humiliate you in the way your ex-wife did. Our relationship will be strictly between us. No other person will know from anything I say or do, nor will it be from anything I require you to do.

“I believe this is what you want and need, Diego, but the decision must be yours. I believe it will cement our relationship—make it so strong it will be impossible to break. Think very carefully. I am going out to the kitchen now. If this is what you want, remove your clothes, put on and lock the cock cage, and come to the living room where you will sit again on the floor between my legs. If you decide it is not what you need then join me on the couch fully clothed. Either way I will still love you and I will still marry you.” She leaned forward, took my head into her hands, and kissed me deeply.

“By the way…I don’t intend to keep you in that for very long. It is mostly to serve as a reminder of our new relationship. I plan to remove it every night to make love with you and once I think you are fully trained I will probably never use it again.” After another quick peck she rose and left the room.

I was shocked. This was something I had never considered and a side of Gabriella I had never seen. It was true about the nightmares. I’d had them almost every night and they were accompanied by the wildest thrashing of my arms and legs—a physical manifestation of the fear and anguish I was experiencing in my dreams. Gabby had been forced to shake and awaken me almost every night. I had initially thought that leaving Julie behind would be the end to all of my problems, but, apparently, that wasn’t true. I had just escaped one nightmare experience. Did I want to risk another? Was what Gabby had told me true? Was I really submissive?

I was in the study for more than an hour thinking about my future, trying to analyze my situation from every possible angle. I thought that I had just been sitting quietly on the floor, but when I looked down I realized that I had somehow completely disrobed during that time and that my cock was rock-hard. I remembered reading several times that a man’s cock would always reveal his true feelings even if he actively denied them. I was clearly excited about the prospect of becoming Gabby’s slave. All I had to do was act on my feelings and place my trust in her.

I placed the stainless steel ring which was more a rectangle than a circle around my balls and cock. It was a very tight fit. I could only get one ball through at a time. The sides of the section with the tube were supposed to fit into grooves in the sides of the rectangle. The tube—really a cage of stainless steel rods-- was only about two inches long and there was no way I could get my penis into it while I was erect. Of course, I could just jerk off, but I didn’t think that was right unless I had Gabby’s permission. Holding the tube, bolt, and wrench in my hand I walked slowly out to the living room.

I fell between her legs, kneeling as instructed. “I couldn’t get it on,” I told her.

Gabby chuckled. “I should have thought of that. Stay where you are and we’ll take care of it.” She walked out to the kitchen, returning a minute later with an empty wine glass. “Hold this in your left hand and jerk off with your right. I want all of your semen in the glass then we’ll work on where to put it. I think you can already guess.” I smiled as I took the glass and began to stroke my cock. I was stimulated to an incredibly high degree and my balls ached to cum in spite of last night’s multiple orgasms. I came extremely hard with fewer than ten strokes of my cock. Semen exploded from me, coating the bowl of the stemware until I was done. Even then I pulled the last drops out, running the glass under my dripping urethra.

“Well done, darling. Now wait here while I get you cleaned up.” She walked into the kitchen, returning a minute later with a moist dishrag. She wiped me carefully then pointed to the cage. I pushed my soft cock in—my shaft bulging between the bars of its prison--slid the tube section into the ring’s grooves and screwed the bolt into the hole. Once it was tightened by the wrench there was no way for me to escape without Gabby’s permission. I held the wrench out for her.

She took it after returning the rag to the sink and I noticed immediately that she was naked from the waist down. “I turned you around while I washed myself this morning because I didn’t want you to see that I didn’t wash my pussy. That will be your job every time we make love from now on. You have eaten your semen before and you will eat it every time you ejaculate, either inside my pussy or mouth or when I tell you to masturbate as I did just now.” She dipped her fingers into the glass, coated them with the viscous white fluid and moved them to my mouth. I realized then that Gabby had told me the truth. I was submissive. I opened my mouth willingly to taste my salty seminal fluid and sperm. I licked her fingers clean repeatedly until the glass was empty. Then she pointed me to her cunt.

“Begin with my thighs. Lick them clean then move to my labia and finally suck all of your fluids from my cunt.” I attacked her with an energy I hadn’t known in years. I was startled when I sucked three big globules of semen from her tunnel. Twenty minutes later she told me to finish the job. I sucked her clit between my teeth, bringing her to an explosive orgasm. “I hope you enjoyed that. You will be doing it several times every day. Think of it as exercise for your tongue.” I merely smiled in response.

“My aunt and several other psychologists have told me that I must exercise my authority over you early and often. You must learn that I can and will exert my power over you. Get up and lean over the back of the chair.” I jumped to my feet, but hesitated when I saw the big paddle. “That is exactly why you need to be trained, Diego. You must learn to respond to my orders immediately; now…over the chair with you.” I wasn’t there more than a second when she began. I howled after the first blow until she threatened to gag me. All told she gave me twenty—ten on each cheek. For such a small woman she really packed a wallop. I could barely move when she was done. My ass burned like never before. Even Julie’s caning hadn’t hurt like this.

She pulled me back to the couch to lie across her legs while she applied the same unguent that she’d used on me earlier. “I am really sorry that I had to do that, Diego. Unfortunately, I foresee many more beatings for you in the near future.” Then she put me to work.

That was the pattern she followed over the next month. I worked my butt off. I began at 6:00 every morning by serving her breakfast on the patio just as she had served me for months. Then I was given some menial cleaning chores during the morning hours. I always wore the same outfit—my cock cage and nothing else. After lunch, also prepared by me, I went to work in my study until it was time to prepare dinner. This was the area that had me over the chair more than all the others combined. Other than grilling or using the broiler, I couldn’t cook for shit. Even after several lessons I was still hopeless. “I would continue beating you except I want to use it to improve your behavior. In this area that is not possible.” I hung my head in shame. Failing to please my mistress hurt me more than any beating.

I learned to provide personal services to my new mistress, too. I shaved her legs and armpits in the shower and one day, after Gabriella noticed that my body hair was growing back I also shaved my entire pubic area, even around my asshole. The following evening she had me shave her pubic area so we were both totally naked there. I also gave her manicures and pedicures only to remove my handiwork so I could practice again and again. I was required to call her “Gabriella” instead of “Gabby” and she was strict about that, too. Fact is--she was strict about everything.

I was usually exhausted when we retired at night, but Gabriella always unlocked me and made incredible love to me, although always with me on the bottom so she could slide up to my mouth once we were done. I also ate her to several orgasms every day on demand. My tongue strengthened from its frequent use. The one thing I hated was when Gabriella decided to piss into my mouth. She had spent more than a half hour on the phone that morning with her aunt who was guiding her efforts. That night she instructed me to kneel in the shower and open my mouth. Seconds later her cunt was sealed onto my lips. “I think you know what is coming. I expect you to do your best to swallow.” Her flow began and I gagged. I’d had no idea what to expect and the horrible acrid taste surprised me. All the same I think I managed to swallow almost half of it. I was relieved when she told me to rinse my mouth with the shower water.

I was doing much better a month later, even anticipating her wishes. However, I was surprised when she told me to dress and drive her into the village. I waited in the car when she walked into the medical clinic. She came out an hour later with a bandage on her shoulder. “Drive to the Village Hall.” I did and she led me into the building. She completed several forms then told me to pay the clerk 600 pesos. Twenty minutes later we were submissive slave husband and mistress wife. Gabriella reached up to kiss me and we drove back to the villa. I still wasn’t completely trained, but I thought that she was mostly satisfied with my progress.

There had been one other major change in my life—I was able to sleep, at last. Gabriella had been right, as usual. I needed to confront my demons, not run from them. Other than drinking her piss I was entirely satisfied with my life.

Gabriella, however, was apparently not so satisfied. I had just finished serving her breakfast on the balcony and was now thoroughly cleaning the kitchen floor, scrubbing the tiles with a stiff brush and wiping with a rag as I went. That was how Gabriella wanted the job done. I had just about finished when I heard the doorbell ring. I was shocked; nobody ever called on me. Gabriella walked in and told me to answer it. I hesitated for a second because I was stark naked other than the cock cage locked securely onto my body. Gabriella tapped her foot in warning and I ran to the door.

I had stepped aside after opening it, revealing a 40-ish woman—Mexican by her thick black hair and dark brown skin. She exuded authority as she stood there and spoke. “Well, well…we meet at last, Diego.”

I was sure that my confusion was evident on my face until Gabriella stepped forward to hug and kiss the woman. She faced me and explained, “I told you that only you and I would know about your status as my slave, but this is my aunt, my Tia Maria—the university psychology professor who knew about you even before you came here. She has been helping me every day.”

“Yes, indeed, and now Gabriella needs my help even more than before. Let us go into the living room and I will explain.” She handed me her suitcase, but rolled a small carry-on with her. I set the suitcase into the hall and sat in my usual place—on the floor between Gabriella’s legs. She was on the couch; her aunt was in a nearby arm chair. “Diego,” she said, “Gabriella has carried your training so far, but now I am taking over. She needs to push you farther, but finds she cannot. She doesn’t want to hurt you. I have no such constraints. Come here and stand in front of me.”

I rose immediately and took the two steps to her chair. “Give me your hands.” A second later she dug into her case and began to lock strong leather wrist cuffs onto my wrists. “Gabriella, come over here so you can see exactly what I am doing.” She turned me around, pulled my hands together and clipped the restraints together. “Notice that I placed the clips facing up. There is no way he can remove the clip this way.” She turned me around again, placing cuffs onto my ankles. Next an expandable rod was attached to one ankle and she pushed my other away until they were about three feet apart. I felt I was really stuck when she attached the second clip. I was wrong; it was about to get much worse for me.

I noticed a small screw eye at the middle of the spreader bar when Gabriella’s aunt attached yet another spreader bar. She put her weight on the clip between my wrists and forced me back farther than I thought possible then attached the bar to the clip between my wrists. I must have been bent backward thirty degrees or more. Now I was in a dire predicament.

“Gabriella, do you have any idea why I sent you this particular cock cage? Take a look at his testicles. See how they stick out so nicely with the skin stretched tightly around each one? They are in perfect punishment position. It would be hard to miss them now.” She demonstrated by flicking one ball with her fingernail. I groaned from the incredible pain such a simple action could produce.

“I promised Diego that I wouldn’t injure him, Tia.”

“Mistresses don’t make promises to their slaves, my dear. Even if they do, a mistress can always break any promise without consequence.”

“Perhaps, Tia, but I made this promise before Diego agreed to be my slave.”

“All the more reason to strike his balls; they are extremely sensitive. Any kind of blow will be very painful, but they are also very resilient. It is almost impossible to damage them even if they swell to five times their normal size. I should know; I’ve done it to your Uncle Jorge hundreds of times. Here…let me show you, but first I think you’d better gag your slave. I’m sure he will scream like a baby.”

Gabby placed the leather ball into my mouth and tightened the straps. “It is for your own good, Diego. Tia is here to help us.” She kissed my cheek, ignoring my pleading eyes.

“One more thing before we start, slave; I will add a stroke for every time you fall. The good thing about this position, my dear niece, is that his initial impulse will be to curl forward into a fetal position, but he can’t. No matter what he tries, his balls will remain completely vulnerable.” She flicked my balls again as she reached into the case for a twelve-inch wooden rule, the kind students often use in school. I couldn’t believe that my loving wife would subject me to this kind of cruelty.

I learned otherwise when her aunt took the first swing. Had it landed on my thigh I would have barely noticed. Unfortunately, it was smack in the middle of my left ball. My body thrashed in response as I screamed at the top of my lungs into the gag. It was barely audible. Her aunt had taken the first, but now Gabriella took over, striking first one ball then the other until I fainted from the pain.

I woke with my head in Gabriella’s lap and an ice pack on both my forehead and my balls. A minute later she helped me to my feet telling me, “You had three more to go, but now you have four.” She spread them out so I didn’t faint, but the pain was the worst I’d ever experienced. I was bawling like a little girl as I was given five minutes to rest then I was put back to work adoring my wife/mistress’s feet. Sitting on the floor, I was forced to ignore the pain still coursing through my body while I kissed, sucked, and licked her feet. Once done, I was told to do her aunt’s. I would do anything to avoid another beating. I had just finished when Tia complained that she needed to use the toilet. A second later I had sealed my lips to her hairy cunt. She pissed and I cleaned her, continuing as directed to give her three screaming orgasms. She had just pushed my head away when Gabriella insisted on equal time. I didn’t mind. I loved eating her cunt and I did it every single day, even during her period. After three orgasms she told me to lick her asshole. I teased her puckered sphincter with the tip of my tongue as her aunt looked on with interest.

“Go ahead, slave…push that tongue in all the way. Gabriella will just love it. She’ll want it every day just like I do. Her uncle eats my ass two or three times a day.” I pushed as hard as I could, surprised when her impenetrable sphincter gave way. The taste wasn’t as bad as I’d thought it would be, but it was still disgusting. Of course, Tia had me do it to her once Gabriella had another orgasm, this time just from my tongue in her ass. My tongue was exhausted and my jaws ached by the time I staggered into the kitchen to prepare lunch.

The rest of the day and the rest of the weekend were just as bad. No—actually they were worse. I was instructed to give each woman a pedicure and Tia Maria intentionally moved her foot four times, getting polish onto her skin—a mortal sin, apparently. My balls were beaten again and again and again until I could barely walk. Then they switched targets—paddling and strapping my ass until I could no longer sit without pain. I had been looking forward to sleeping with my mistress, but, instead, I spent the night on the hard floor of the guest room with my hands and feet tied tightly behind my body. Tia Maria whispered before going to bed, “You’ll fear me by the time this weekend is over and you’ll fear Gabriella, too. Pain should be a slave’s constant companion.” In that case she could go home now. I already feared her. She terrified me. She’d reached her goal—I was in constant pain and had been almost since she had arrived.

I worked cleaning and providing personal services—manicures, pedicures, foot adoration, massages, drinking their piss, licking to more orgasms than I could count and tonguing their assholes probably a dozen times until all I could taste was their asses--all weekend long as my balls suffered slap after slap from that damned rule.

By Sunday morning Tia had agreed that my balls had enough. Instead, I was paddled and strapped. My poor balls were swollen to three times their normal size by the time Tia Maria went home on Sunday afternoon and my ass had been striped until blisters covered my cheeks and thighs.

I had been reduced to a cipher. I was nothing but putty in my mistress’s hands. I might have questioned the wisdom of this had I been capable of even a single independent thought, but I wasn’t. I had only one thought—to serve and please my mistress. Everything else had been driven from my mind. I had begun the weekend as submissive—just one of my many characteristics. However, I was A SUBMISSIVE by the time it ended. Submissiveness—the overwhelming psychological need to please my mistress—was who and what I was.

Gabriella led me to what had been our bed and lay me in the middle. I was surprised to see her remove the wrench for the cock cage from her neck. “I’m sorry you had to endure that, Diego, but I think it will be for the best. I needed Tia’s help to get you where you need to be—a place that will be good for both of us. I’m getting some ice for your scrotum then I’m going to remove this cage from your body. I know it will hurt like hell, but it has to come off. Even Tia Maria agrees.”

The ice numbed my balls, but not enough. Normally, I could only get one testicle through the ring at a time. Now, swollen as they were it was going to be a struggle, even with my penis already pulled out. I pulled one to the side, simpering in horrible pain as Gabriella used both hands to push the other through the small space. I screamed then fainted before she was even halfway done. That proved to be a blessing. Unconscious, I could feel no pain. She finished the job before rousing me. I stayed in bed for the next two days until I was physically able to perform my chores and attend to my mistress. I wasn’t yet able to concentrate on my analyst’s work.

I learned over the next three weeks why Gabriella had broken me so badly. I was like a drunk who has to hit rock bottom before being able to move back up. She molded me into the slave and the husband she wanted me to be. My balls were swollen for more than a week and too tender to touch for a week beyond that. I didn’t care. All of my thoughts dealt with serving and pleasing my mistress. During that period I began to have, through Gabriella’s encouragement, some thoughts about myself, although the idea of self-gratification was outside the range of my consciousness. Only two months later did things return to normal, not the old normal--our new normal.

I was allowed to call my mistress Gabby again and I was able to work, too. I had no idea what she told Tio Pepe, but I hadn’t done any real work to earn my salary in about three months. I busted my ass to make up for lost time, reviewing several companies that were about to go public. Those were easy. I gave the same advice I always gave—wait for three months after the date of the IPO for the furor to die out. By then the price will be down at least thirty percent from the price on offering day. My email that week was twenty-seven pages long, covering seventeen corporations in the U.S. and Europe.

My balls were no longer struck, however I was paddled or strapped every morning and every evening. Twenty blows were considered a warm-up so I rarely received fewer than forty and more if I had made a mistake during the day. After the evening discipline Gabby removed my cock cage for sex.

She never allowed me to initiate sex, but I didn’t have to. She made love to me every single night and I was allowed total access to her sumptuous body. I also ate her to numerous orgasms every single day on demand. Pushing my tongue into her ass became our norm. I learned to relish it as much as tasting her delicious cunt. It never occurred to me to ask for or demand sex. It wasn’t my place. My place was to serve her in any way she wished and to the very best of my ability. Making love was just one of those ways. Of course, I ate and swallowed my semen every time I came. Our relationship had never been stronger. I felt the weight of the heavy chain tying us together and I had never loved my wife as much as I did now.

My submissive training had enabled me to read Gabriella’s moods. That knowledge enabled me to serve her more effectively. I was certain that she was concerned about something, but I couldn’t ask her about it. I was her slave, after all. When she told me to drive her to the village medical clinic I was relieved, but, once again, I was directed to wait in the car. An hour later I drove her to the pharmacy where I waited again.

The time was just after noon when I drove her home. “I’ll need you to take my urine when we get there, Diego…then maybe two or three orgasms. After that you can make our lunch.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“You just earned yourself a paddling. What are you supposed to call me?”

“Gabby or Gabriella; I’m sorry.”

“You will be,” she said with a wry smile on her face as her hand found the steel in my crotch.
We remained silent until I pulled my Toyota into the villa’s cobblestoned courtyard. There were two cars there—both adorned with the badge of the Mexican Federal Police. “You need to take the lead here, Diego. I’m only supposed to be the housekeeper.” I exited the car then walked around to open and hold the door for my mistress as I’d been taught what seemed to be a lifetime ago.

We walked to the front entrance where four men, two in Federal Police uniforms and two in plainclothes I later learned were from the D.E.A. awaited. “Are you Diego Luis Reilly?”

I couldn’t suppress a smile. “Yes…and no; please come in and I’ll gladly explain.” I continued once we were in the living room after asking if I could provide some refreshment. The D.E.A. agents declined, but the Federal Police officers accepted coffee which I made fresh. Gabby “asked” for bottled water which I served in a stemmed goblet with several ice cubes. I was seated when I began my tale.

“My name is John Michael Flint. I was in an abusive marriage and I wanted out. I had been whipped five times over a single weekend by my wife and her lover who was much bigger and stronger than me. I didn’t want a divorce because I didn’t want her to profit from her adultery. My plan was to simply disappear and I had help from a friend at work—Jaime Rosenthal.”


“Yeah…Mexican mother, Jewish father; he referred me to someone he called Tio Pepe who suggested that I assume the name Diego Luis Reilly. I planned to hide out here forever. But, things don’t always go as planned. You see, I had a beautiful young housekeeper and I fell madly in love with her. At the same time I received a DVD from Jaime. It showed my former spouse in a gangbang with about a dozen men and later there was a news clip stating that she’d been arrested for possession with intent to sell…heroin, I think.

“I decided to return to Illinois to divorce her so I’d be free to marry Gabriella. I was able to do that quickly by offering my ex three hundred thousand dollars. I gladly spent that money just to be rid of her. Once the divorce was finalized I asked Gabriella to marry me and she did. I have the marriage certificate in my desk if you wish to see it.”

One of the D.E.A. agents spoke then. “You telling me that you got to live here for nothing?”

“No…Tio Pepe hired me to analyze companies for potential investments for what he called a group of businessmen. That’s what I’ve been doing for the past ten months. In return they paid me a hundred thousand U.S. per annum plus the expenses associated with living here—Gabby’s salary, pool and yard maintenance, utilities, and food. I believe there’s a charge account at several markets in the area. If you’ll come with me to my office I can show you the emails I sent to Tio Pepe. That’s the only name I have for him. I don’t even know if that’s his real name. I never had any need to know.”

I rose and the officers followed me to the study. There in my desk were chronological files of the emails I’d sent to Tio Pepe. They exactly matched the records on the computer.

“Are you trying to tell us that you had no idea you were working for a major drug syndicate?”

“That’s right. My only contact was Tio Pepe. All I ever did was research potential investment opportunities, the same work I did in Chicago. I never followed up to see if they actually made any investments, but, that’s also what happened in Chicago.”

“Senor, I have bad news for you. You have been employed by one of this country’s biggest and most notorious drug cartels. Your ‘Tio Pepe’ has been arrested by your Drug Enforcement Agency as have more than twenty of his co-conspirators, including your friend, Jaime. This villa and all of their other properties and bank accounts are confiscated by the Mexican government.”

“Very well,” I replied. “How soon do we have to leave?”

“A week, at the most, Senor.”

“Everything here belongs to the owner other than our clothes and some jewelry I bought for my wife. Would you like me to empty and clean the refrigerator? I’m sure the yard workers will be glad for the food.” They agreed and left.

I rushed to my wife’s feet as soon as the door was closed. She spread her legs to piss into my mouth, something I’d done for her more than five hundred times. I was cleaning her cunt and bringing her to her first orgasm of the day. “This is probably for the best, Diego. I want better medical treatment than is available here. Our child deserves to have every opportunity and even the richest in Mexico do not have the opportunities in los Estados Unidos—the United States.

“There will be some major changes in our lives. You will have to find a job which means you will work even harder for me. I foresee a life with very little free time for you. I will still paddle you regularly, but probably only on Friday nights and Saturdays. I cannot afford for you to go to work unable to sit. Let’s hope you will be on your best behavior. You may eat my cunt now. When I’ve had two orgasms you will shift to my asshole. Then I’ll be ready for lunch.”

I was really into her cunt when she spoke again. “Did you hear what I just told you? Stop for a second and tell me.”

“I’ll need a job and I’ll have little if any free time. That doesn’t bother me. I’d spend a hundred hours a day serving you if I could.”

“No…something I said just before that.”

“Um…better medical care--oh, Gabby…are you ill?”

“Come here and kiss me, you fool. I’m not ill. I’m pregnant!”

I sat there for almost a minute, my mouth agape until I realized exactly what she had said. Then I smiled, knelt and kissed her feet repeatedly.

“Not my feet, stupid. Kiss my mouth and use plenty of tongue. I think we’re going to skip lunch and go straight to siesta although I doubt we’ll sleep much.” She had barely finished when I leaned forward and we kissed. It went on and on until she broke it, pulling me up as she stood. “Take me in your arms, darling, and carry me to our bed. I’m so happy.”

I swept her up, protecting the best, most valuable thing I’d ever held in my caress. Once in the room I laid her gently onto the bed and slowly undressed her, taking the time to kiss every part of her body as it was exposed. I was about to remove my shirt when Gabby told me that she wanted to do it. As I had done, she kissed my body, even biting my tiny nipples and pushing her tongue into my navel. I couldn’t believe my eyes when she removed my cock cage and took my rapidly swelling organ into her mouth.

She sucked me for about a minute before jumping onto the bed and inviting me to join her. “Take me, Diego. Take me and fuck me. Do it!” I climbed quickly between her legs as she grasped my hard cock and pulled it to her. I wasn’t surprised to find her oozing delicious nectar. I would have licked her then if she hadn’t demanded a hard fucking. I lined up and pressed forward. Making love to my wife was the high point of my day and it was something she rarely denied me. I enjoyed pleasing her in many ways, but pleasing her sexually was the best. It was certainly my favorite and I knew it was hers, too.

I was a bit tentative, not wanting to hurt her or the baby. Gabby must have read my mind. “Don’t worry. You’re not going to hurt me and the baby is so small you’ll never find it. I love you, Diego. I know how much you love me, too. You show it to me every single day. Now…show it to me now. Fuck me!”

I always did what she told me to do. I fucked her as hard as I could. She met my every thrust with one of her own. Her heels dug into my back as she pulled me into her depths. I had never fucked harder than I did then. Normally, I would have cum quickly, but somewhere in my submissive brain I knew I shouldn’t until Gabby was completely satisfied. Only after she’d had two orgasms did I think of my satisfaction. Again, she read my mind. “Cum, Diego. I want you to flood me.” That was all I needed. My balls contracted forcefully as hot slick semen erupted from my cock. It was the longest and best orgasm I’d ever experienced. I collapsed onto Gabby and stayed there until I realized what I had done. She held me to her and pulled my mouth to her nipple.

I suckled gently as we rested. Eventually, Gabby pushed me off and climbed onto my head. I cleaned her pussy and licked out her tunnel, swallowing most, if not all, of my load. I’d done it so many times by now it was automatic.

Gabby climbed down to rest her head on my chest in what had become our sleeping position. “Don’t fall asleep, Diego. We need to talk—not a mistress/slave talk--a husband/wife talk. That means I expect you to participate. We have to go to the States. How should we do that?”

“One of two ways—either drive or fly. Driving will take longer, but we will have the car to use when we get wherever we go.”

“Okay, where should we go? Obviously, we need to go where you can find work. How will you do that?”

“I got my last job through an executive recruiter. I had a good reputation as an analyst. I could try to phone him. He’s only a bit older than I am so I’m sure he is still working. He will find openings. That’s how he earns a living. The company that hires me will pay his fee.”

“What will you tell them about how you left your last job? It was kind of sudden wasn’t it?”

“I think the truth, or most of it, will be best. I’ll skip the part about encouraging Julie to take a lover, but the rest of the story will be understandable, especially if you take some photos of my back and thighs. There are plenty of scars there from the beatings she gave me.”

Gabby giggled. “What about the ones I’ve given you?”

“You did and do that because you love me and because I need it. Julie did it for the fun of beating me…to destroy me. You only beat my butt to help me.”

“I’ve also beaten your balls.”

“Yes, but only to help me become a better slave for you. It hurt like crazy, but it worked…at least, I think it worked.”

She moved up to kiss me. “It did. I needed to get you over the hump and that did the job.” She kissed me again then sat up next to me. “You’ve never asked me much about my life, Diego even though you’ve told me almost everything about yours. There are a few things I want you to know. My parents never talked about Tia Maria when I was a child. I didn’t even know that she existed until the rape. She was the only one in my family who was willing to help me.

“I was in her house less than one day when I learned why she was an outcast. Even at thirteen I could easily tell that she was an extremely dominant woman and her husband was her slave. She believes strongly in the value of corporal punishment, as you know. She paddles and canes Jorge every morning and every night. There are times I think she is sadistic. After I miscarried she taught me to dominate men. I knew all about you before accepting the position here. Tia told me everything I would have to do to capture you, but I did not know then that I would fall deeply in love with you.

“Here we live in seclusion. I could keep you naked and caged for the rest of our lives, but that is going to change. You will have to be dressed all of the time, especially when our child is born and I do not think you should go to work with your penis in prison. We will also have to socialize with neighbors and possibly with your coworkers. We will also dine in restaurants so I think we need to practice so you will know how to behave. Yes, I know you’ve done all of this in the past, but that was before you became totally submissive to me. I am sure others will see you as my extremely considerate husband so we need to practice that, too.

“Do you remember driving me to the clinic…the time I returned with the bandage on my shoulder? I had a contraceptive implant removed that day. Apparently, you did not lick up all of your semen. I think you need to be punished for that, don’t you? We can begin practicing this evening—no cooking for you tonight or for the rest of our stay here. Now I think you should call that person you spoke about.”

I found his card in the file where I had my resume. I left a message asking for a call back then I updated my resume, listing my most recent employment as “Chief Investment Consultant for Private Syndicate.” I’m a good typist so I had it done in less than an hour and had printed several copies when Gabby walked in. I dropped to my knees and kissed her feet as I almost always did. She smiled and spread her legs. I knew immediately what she wanted.

I sealed my lips to her cunt and prepared myself to receive her piss. “You know, Diego, that pregnant women have a lot of pressure on their bladders. I think you can expect to do this often. While you’re there….” I remained between those silken thighs for the better part of an hour. She was a wreck by the time she told me she’d had enough. She rose and pulled me to the shower where I washed her as I always did, shaving her legs, underarms, and pubic area. I washed myself last then jumped out quickly so I could dry her before she felt a chill.

I had just finished with her when my cell rang. My contact was surprised to hear from me; he was upset about how I had left my last position suddenly and without notice. I spent ten minutes explaining what had happened, promising to send him some photos of my back and thighs. Gabby took them once I had ended the call and I faxed them with my resume to Houston where he was based. He phoned back just before we were to go out for dinner. He’d get back to me in a few days.

I was glad we’d been given a full week to vacate the villa. There was so much to do. The Federal Police had seized the desktop and laptop so I needed a new laptop, at least. Second, we were just returning from dinner that day when I realized that we had no suitcases. Luckily, one can always find cheap knock-offs in Mexico. Gabriella reminded me with a sly smile that she did have her aunt’s carry-on. Had our relationship been different I might have commented. It wasn’t, so I didn’t.

I saw Julio the following morning and went out to see him, remembering at the last minute to don a pair of shorts. He listened carefully then explained to his father and they came into the kitchen to see what we had. They took all the boxes and cans of food that we had and returned later in the day with several coolers for the meats and dairy items that needed to be refrigerated. Meanwhile I had packed all of Gabby’s clothes and most of mine. I tried to fit everything into the Corolla, taking several tries to find the most effective system.

Once I had cleaned the entire villa we were ready to leave. I phoned the recruiter to tell him we were going to drive to the border and that we might have trouble connecting due to spotty cell coverage in Mexico. We left at 6:00 a.m. the following morning, taking a few minutes to gaze on the only home we’d known as a couple—the place where I’d asked Gabriella to marry me and the place where I’d submitted completely to her authority. She took me by the hand and led me to the car. I drove away as we looked to our future.

The distance between Punta de Mita and Houston was roughly 1170 miles. In the States that would take about two days driving. In Mexico there was no real way of knowing. The roads were sometimes excellent and sometimes poor. Accidents or breakdowns could tie up traffic for hours. Fortunately, I enjoy driving. Gabby didn’t have a license so it was all on me. I pulled in to the recruiter’s office at 5:15 p.m. on the third day. David was still in the office. I’d called earlier that morning once we’d cleared the border.

I introduced him to Gabby and we discussed the three openings he had found—Los Angeles, Washington, and Greenwich, Connecticut—all senior analyst positions with major brokerage firms. “I have to tell you, John they were reluctant until I faxed the photos of your back and legs.” We spent an hour with him laying out my strategy for the interviews.

Even though it was a good opportunity, I scheduled the L.A. interview last. I hated the city—the smog and the traffic and the crowds—and I thought that Gabby would be lost there even after she learned to drive. I did interview in Greenwich and Washington—actually Arlington--liking both, but preferring Arlington. The firm was smaller, an independent, but still a major force in the industry. They had invited us to dinner and we were welcomed at the restaurant entrance by the CEO and his wife, Vivian. They couldn’t have been friendlier and they accepted Gabby immediately.

Their offer was delivered both orally and in writing over coffee. The salary and benefits were outstanding. Even better, I’d be a Senior Vice President with thirteen analysts and three secretaries under me. Naturally, I told them that I needed to discuss it with my wife. We talked as equals for the only the second time since before our wedding. Gabby understood that I had to be happy in the job. I wanted her to be accepted by the wives and it seemed that she was. We called to accept the following morning right after taking my wife’s piss and giving her three sensational orgasms—one by ramming my tongue deep into her gorgeous ass.

After some searching we found a house we liked in northern Virginia. It was a foreclosure in which the buyer had gone bankrupt and bailed out on the bank. We paid $850,000 on a house originally listed at $1,400,000. I put half down, mortgaging the rest. A furnished townhouse was rented until the closing.

I reported to work the following Monday morning where I met my staff and began to build positive relationships. On Wednesday morning the CEO invited us to a party at his home on Saturday afternoon. “Vivian has already phoned Gabriella with the invitation. I understand she accepted for both of you.” I smiled inwardly—if he only knew.

Vivian met us at their front door at one on the dot. Gabby had volunteered to bring chips and salsa. I saw a disaster in the making so I had to speak up even if I took a beating as a result. “Please remember we’re not in Mexico now. Your salsa can burn its way through asphalt.”

I thought I was dead from the look she gave me, but then she smiled. “I guess you think I should tone it down a notch.”

I smiled weakly knowing that she could bend me around her little finger far enough to break my back. “Would you consider three or four notches?” She smiled back and led me to the bedroom. Dinner was very late that night. My tongue was exhausted and my cock wasn’t much better.

We had a great time at the party and I was sure all the wives would describe me as Gabby’s extremely considerate husband. I waited on her hand and foot, making sure she was comfortable and always had a cold drink in her hand. In fact, that’s exactly what Gabby told me when I got home Monday afternoon. She’d had phone calls from four of the five women present and all had said the same thing. Even better, Gabby was invited to lunch on Thursday where I was once again the subject of their attention.

Three weeks later I was settled into my job and I loved it. My staff was great and I got along well with the other executives even though two of the five, including the CEO, were blatant womanizers. I prayed that the women had found something else to talk about, but they hadn’t. Gabby had met with them at least once a week for what she called lunch, but really was an entire afternoon of socializing, and every time she told me about their meeting I felt they were zeroing in on me. She broke the bad news to me on Thursday night.

“You know how much the wives are impressed with you, Diego. They seem to sense that there’s something different and special about our relationship. They’ve been asking me about it every week. I’m having them here tomorrow for lunch and I’ve decided that I’m going to tell them the truth.”

“That will destroy me, Gabby. I’ll be fired, for sure. You promised me that our relationship would remain strictly between the two of us.”

She became angry. “I don’t need you to tell me what I promised. I do know what I’m doing. By the time I’m done they’ll think you’re a god. I’m having Tia talk to the group right after lunch.”

“Great! Your aunt hates me. She’d beat me within an inch of my life if she could.”

“That is not true.”

“Gabby, I beg you not to do this.”

“Are you ashamed of our relationship?”

“No, you know I’m not, but I can’t be held responsible for what other people think. The people I work with are very conservative. They’ll think I’m a pervert. I’ll be fired first thing Monday morning, if not sooner.” She refused to listen. It was the first night that I failed to give her my best effort. We made love, but my heart wasn’t in it. Later, I cleaned her pussy, but even after an hour I’d only given her a single orgasm.

I slept poorly that night for the first time since submitting to Gabby—no nightmares, but plenty of restless movement. I tried to quiet down when Gabby complained, but I still didn’t sleep more than three hours that night.

I was tired and irritable the following morning and I had to work extra hard not to take my anguish out on my staff. Gabby phoned me just before her luncheon to tell me to leave work at 3:30 so I’d be home by four. I felt like disappearing again, but I wouldn’t. I couldn’t do that to Gabby no matter what she did to me.


I knew that Diego was upset. I had promised him, but times and circumstances change. I felt that I knew these women well enough that I could predict their feelings. There was something else—something I hadn’t shared with Diego. I knew exactly what Tia Maria would tell them.

My guests arrived by one and we enjoyed our luncheon immensely. Everyone was a bit tense knowing that I was about to share the secrets of my success with Diego. We sat around the living room. It was small enough that I didn’t have to raise my voice. “I guess you’re all really curious about Diego and me.”

“Why do you call him Diego? I thought his name was John.”

“When I first met him he was hiding out in Punta de Mita because of his abusive wife under the name Diego Luis Reilly. She cheated on him and one Friday when he went home he was overpowered by the boyfriend. His wife put handcuffs on him, cut his suit and clothes from his body, and used a depilatory to remove all the hair on his body from the neck down. She gagged him, threw him onto the bed and beat him mercilessly with a cane. Do you know what that is?” They all nodded so I continued. “They forced Diego into perverted acts—licking the lover’s semen from her body and even sucking his cock. He would have done anything to avoid another beating, but she beat him anyway. I saw him naked a month later. His body was so badly scarred even then. I couldn’t believe that any human being could be so cruel as to do that to another.” I continued for a few minutes until the phone rang. It was Tia Maria.

She explained that Diego’s mother was his primary caregiver and that she had been extremely demanding. He was always trying, often unsuccessfully, to please her. This had led to his submissive behavior. Tia went on to explain how emotionally unhappy Diego had been and how he had found himself through submission to me. There were plenty of questions, even when Tia asked about their sex lives. “How many orgasms have you had in the last month?”

“You mean with my husband,” Joyce joked.

“Of course--I’ll bet that none of you had more than three.” There was silence in the room so Tia continued. “Gabriella, how many have you had? I know very well they were all with Diego.”

“I don’t know exactly, Tia—probably an average of seven a day…so maybe 200…maybe more.”

“I also have a submissive husband and even though I am almost twenty years older than Gabriella I have had more than 150. That is one of the benefits of a submissive mate. Now…I want to ask you…what kind of man becomes totally submissive to his wife? If you read the trash on the internet you would answer ‘a wimp.’ However, just the opposite is true. My husband is a federal prosecutor. He has sent dozens of drug lords to prison and they’ve tried to kill him seven times. I thought he was the strongest and bravest man I’d ever met until I met Diego. A man who gives total control of his life to his mate is powerful emotionally. More than that, what does it say about the depth of his love? How many of you have that kind of love? Not many, I’ll bet.” I said goodbye to my aunt and returned my attention to the group.

“You don’t really get off seven times a day, do you, Gabby?”

“Okay, let me describe a typical day for you. We wake up at six and, like every other woman I really have to go. All I do is move my legs to the floor and spread them. I give my urine to Diego. It sounds disgusting, but it is clean. Urine is almost always sterile. I do it to remind Diego of his submission to me and my control over him. He always cleans me after with his tongue and he tends to get a little carried away. He usually gives me two or three then we shower and he washes me. Then he towels me dry and we dress. In Mexico I always kept him naked because I just love his body. He repeats when he comes home from work so now I’m up to between four and six. He usually cooks dinner unless we’re having a roast then I cook. I’ve been helping with dinner—potatoes and vegetables if he’s grilling. After dinner he cleans the house until I decide it’s time for bed. He usually takes my urine again then washes me and we go to bed where we make love. Diego’s submissive mind won’t allow him to cum until I have at least two then I always make him clean my pussy with his tongue and he gets carried away again if I let him which is almost every night. How many is that? Anyway, we always fall sound asleep immediately.

“Except last night; Diego is very concerned about what you will think about him. He will be home soon and I will show you his submissiveness, BUT…. No laughing at his cock; it is small, but so am I. We fit together perfectly. I can take him into my mouth without choking and anything bigger in my pussy would rip me apart.”

“I don’t think any of us will laugh, Gabby,” Vivian commented. “We were jealous of your relationship before this luncheon. Now I’m drowning with envy and I’m sure the other gals agree.”


I did as I had been told, leaving work at 3:30 on the dot. Friday was usually a slow day and many of the executives left early to get a head start on the weekend. This was my first time. I just didn’t feel right taking advantage when I was so new to the job.

Driving home was a nightmare. My body was trembling in fear and I was afraid some cop would think I was drunk. I expected to see a lot of cars parked either in our driveway or in the road just in front of the townhouse so I thought I was off the hook when I saw none.

When I walked in and saw the women sitting around the living room my entire body began to shake. I would have preferred to face a tiger head-on to standing there facing these women. My briefcase fell to the floor and I was sure that my face turned ghostly white. The room was deathly silent until Vivian stood and walked to me. “Hello, Diego. Can we call you Diego?” I nodded dumbly in response as my gaze continued to pan the room. I was surprised—no, actually astonished—when I failed to see disgust or revulsion on any of their faces. “We’ve had the most informative discussion with Gabriella and her aunt. I think we were all a bit jealous of the way you treat her beforehand, but now we’re thinking we’d kill to have a husband like you. I am absolutely awestruck by you. Gabby’s aunt says you are the bravest and strongest man she’s ever met and I agree completely. What you’ve done…well, let me tell you none of our husbands would have had the balls to do it. Your total submission to Gabby is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard of and I know that I speak for all of us. I would give anything to experience that kind of love.

“Gabby has told us you are worried about your job.” She stopped for a second to stroke my cheek before going on. “I assure you…you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Our husbands will never hear about what’s happened this afternoon and you should also know that while George is CEO, I own the company. My father started it. I plan to tell George to give you a raise.” She stepped forward to embrace me and kiss my cheek.

Gabby spoke once Vivian stepped away. “Diego, go into the bedroom and remove your clothes. You may wear the running shorts I placed on the bed…for now. I want you back here in five minutes or less. Bring Tia’s carry-on and the two implements from my closet. You know the ones.” She waved me away with a motion of her hand. I grabbed my briefcase and ran down the hall.

“I’m going to act as though none of you were here. When Diego returns I will open my legs and pull up my skirt. I rarely wear underwear; it only gets in the way. I won’t have to say a word. Diego will scramble between my legs to take my urine. He’s told me many times how vile it tastes, but it’s one of the many ways he shows his devotion to me. He will lick my pussy until I have an orgasm. Then it will be time for discipline.

“I paddled him every morning and every evening when we were in Mexico. I can’t do that now because he has to work and he has to be able to sit down. I originally planned to have him clean the house every night, but I can see how tired he is after a long day at work. I’ll need to find a cleaning service.”

Joyce was laughing as she spoke in response. “I have a feeling that he’ll be between those legs of yours even more often. Viv and I can help you with a cleaner. We both use the same company and we think they’re great. I can call them now if you wish.”

“Thanks, Joyce—I appreciate your help. One other thing—you will see the terrible scars on Diego’s back, butt, and thighs. He has some on the front of his body, but they’re not so bad. I’m responsible for some of the marks on his butt, but I paddle him because I love him and because he needs it to improve. His ex only wanted to destroy him.”

I ran back into the room carrying Tia’s case and the cane and paddle. Gabby opened her legs and I knew instantly what she wanted. I dove between her legs and sealed my mouth to her cunt. Her flow was more a river than a stream, but I was able to handle it easily after months and months of practice. I continued at her cunt, licking and gently biting. She must have been hot because she came really quickly.

“That’s enough, Darling. Please stand and remove your shorts while I open Tia’s case. Our friends want to see a few things.” I jumped to my feet, dropping my shorts immediately. Several of the women gasped as they saw the marks on my body for the first time.

Gabby pulled the wrist cuffs from the case and handed them to me. I locked them into place as Gabby showed her friends how to clip them together. “Which way are the clips facing, Diego?

“Up so I can’t get to them, but I would never unclip them without permission.”

“This is only a demonstration, Diego so I’m unclipping your hands now.” I kept them where they were, not moving my hands until I had permission. Gabby tiptoed up to kiss my cheek. “Good boy; now I want you to put this on.” She held Tia’s cock cage in front of me.

“This is a cock cage. It can be used to enforce chastity or to punish. I used it with Diego as a constant reminder of his submission. He may be a natural submissive, but he still needs training and conditioning.” Gabby took the wrench from me and led me in front of each woman. “This cage is stainless steel which cannot be hack-sawed and these grooves in the side of the ring mean that the tube cannot be lifted up to release the testicles. You can see the fit is really tight. Tia showed me how to strike these beauties with a rule. I hated doing it to Diego, but he needed a big push to get to where he is today. He was submissive before the torture, but he was a total submissive after.”

“Can we touch, Gabby?”

“Sure, but please do not hurt Diego in any way. He is very vulnerable now.” She led me from woman to woman. They examined the cock cage closely. I was surprised at their interest until Vivian asked how she could get one. I’d learned early on that her husband George liked to brag about his sexual conquests. I was in another world until Gabby told me it was time to receive discipline. She removed the cage as I moved to bend at the waist and place my hands on the arm of the couch.

“I have here a paddle and a cane. I usually give him twenty with the paddle as a warm-up to be followed by whatever discipline I feel is appropriate. I use the cane only if he has done something really bad which is the exception. This will hurt—cause him pain—but will not really injure him.”

She picked up the paddle for my warm-up, alternating cheeks for the twenty. Gabby spent a minute to rub my cheeks which was unusual. Then she proceeded with my discipline, commenting on all of my failings during the week. She stopped after thirty then pulled me into her arms. “Come and lie across my lap, Diego. You’ve been very brave.” She rubbed a soothing salve into my ass which was a deep red by now.

“I don’t know about you,” Vivian said, “but I don’t feel much like cooking tonight. Why don’t I get a reservation for Paulo’s…my treat.” She placed the call on her cell, getting a reservation for the high-end restaurant for 8:30.

Everyone rose and I was surprised when each of the women hugged and kissed Gabby and then me. Vivian was the last. After kissing my cheek she turned to Gabby. “You are probably the luckiest woman on earth to have Diego. Diego, you are a wonderful dear sweet man and you are just as lucky as she is.”

“I’m even luckier than you think, Vivian. I was a poor Mexican peon with almost no prospects because I was forced to quit school at thirteen when I was raped. What is the saying, about grabbing the golden ring? I have it with both hands. Thank you for coming, Vivian and thank you even more for your understanding.”

Gabby led me to the bedroom where she pushed me back onto the bed. “I think I’m going to punish you for doubting me, but I do understand why you were concerned. On the other hand, you were so good with the women that I’m giving you a reward before we shower.” She leaned down to kiss me then took my cock into her mouth. She teased me with her tongue for several minutes, making me a sweaty mess both physically and emotionally before she took me completely into her mouth.

Her hands fondled my balls as she bobbed up and down my hard organ. Her eyes found mine and I could see her total love in them. I knew then that she’d never knowingly put me in danger. She smiled even with my cock in her mouth. Moving up onto her knees I saw her plunge two fingers into her pussy. I was a bit confused for a second or two until she removed them and pressed them into my asshole. The sensation of being invaded threw me over the edge. I didn’t have even a second to warn her. I came, five strong jets of hot slick semen pouring into her mouth and throat. She finished by lovingly licking my organ clean.

I knew what was coming when she climbed up my body. My mouth opened obediently as Gabby opened hers above me. It was several seconds before I realized what was happening. Gabby’s mouth was open and she was grinning. Her mouth was empty. “I’d almost forgotten how great you taste. I may have to do that again. Let’s get into the shower. I need to have my legs and pits shaved then you can do my pussy and your pubic hair, too.”

Gabby was up and I was about to follow when the phone rang. I took it, listened for a second then handed the instrument to Gabby. “Hello…oh, hi Vivian. Sure, we can be there by eight. Okay…see you soon.” She ended the call and handed the phone back to me. “Drinks before dinner at eight; let’s get moving. You can shave me when we get home.”

I washed her with the utmost care, just as always. Then I dried her, ignoring the cooling water on my body until Gabby shook her head and pulled the towel from my grasp. “Really, Diego…you need to take better care of yourself. You are going to be a father, you know.” I stood there shamefaced as my mistress actually dried me. She moved up to kiss me then suggested we dress.

I knew that some mistresses would pick everything their slave would wear, but Gabby was just as new at this as I was and she was also out of her element here in Virginia. “Vivian wanted me to tell you…now what is the term? Golf shirt and slacks? Is that right, Diego?”

“Yes, that refers to a kind of casual shirt. I’ll show you when I dress. May I help you?” She gave me a look as though that was the stupidest question ever asked. Of course, I was going to help her just as I did every day. She selected a coral pink top with baby pearls around the neck and running down a deep slit that exposed the sides of her breasts. I’d thought it was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen when I bought it for her. There’d be no bra tonight and no underwear, either. She didn’t have to tell me; she never allowed me to wear any.

I knelt before her to pull the skintight Capri’s up her slender legs and hips. She tousled my hair as she saw my desire. “Okay, you can give it one kiss, but no more until we get home.” I leaned forward to plant the longest and sweetest kiss onto her sweet pussy, savoring the light musky flavor on my lips. I thought I might leave it there so I could taste her for as long as possible. Seeing what I was doing she laughed. “Okay…one more kiss, but make it a short one.” I knew better than to take liberties so I spent only a second kissing her slit.

Gabby excused me as she selected her earrings and a pendant to compliment her outfit. I walked to my closet to pick out a deep purple shirt with thin horizontal black and white stripes by Greg Norman and light tan linen slacks. I helped Gabby into her heeled sandals then I finished with a pair of boat shoes. We were out the door a few minutes later.

Gabby would have liked driving, but she was still a rank amateur and driving at night in our area can be confusing. There are few streetlights and if you miss a turn you could drive for miles before realizing it. After holding her door I slid behind the wheel of my Corolla. I’d kept my old car while Gabby bought a new Camry to drive. Her car was always garaged. Mine was either in the driveway or the street.

We’d never been to Paulo’s which sounds like Italian, but is really French. I’d heard some of the people at work raving about it. I parked in the street, opened the door for Gabby and helped her out just as Joyce and Larry walked up the sidewalk. Larry was Senior Vice President for Sales—a job I’d never want. There was a tremendous amount of stress, but he apparently handled it well. He was likeable and pleasant to everyone. Joyce and Gabby acted as though they hadn’t spoken for weeks instead of earlier this afternoon. Larry and I lagged behind, talking shop for a few minutes. He wanted my advice on a company that was moving into the area. Would it be a good investment for our customers? How much risk was involved? I told him I’d look into it first thing Monday morning knowing that my weekend would be consumed by chores and cleaning.

Gabby returned to me, holding my hand tightly once we were in the restaurant’s lounge. I found Gabby and Joyce a seat at a large table in the rear, holding the chairs for both of them before taking her order and going to the bar with Larry. Gabby pulled me down for a kiss when I delivered her ginger ale. Joyce looked at it then asked if Gabby drank. “I just realized that I’ve never seen you drink alcohol.”

“I’m Mexican; I love wine and tequila, but I’m pregnant so….”

“Oh my God…all this time we’ve known you and you never said a word. Wait until the others hear. When are you due?”

“Not for another five and a half months so we should be in the house long before the baby is born.”

“I must say, Gabriella,” Larry added, “that you speak excellent English.”

Now I had to laugh. “It’s only the United States that thinks speaking a foreign language is unimportant. In Mexico all students are required to learn English. I think they start early in elementary school.”

“That’s true, Diego. I started in third grade and I was lucky enough to live with Tia Maria for almost ten years. She is fluent and she has very little accent so we practiced every day, especially your idiomatic expressions.”

We made small talk for a while, talking about sports, especially baseball. Most Mexicans love the game and Gabby was no exception. We had cable in the townhouse and she had insisted on the MLB package. One night when my Cubs beat the Nationals I’d had to do penance between her thighs for two hours the following morning. I loved every second. Punish me like that every day…please!

I got up to greet our hosts and we chatted briefly before Vivian joined Joyce and Gabby at our table. I gladly gave Vivian my seat. The three women were actively in conversation while we brought a second round of drinks from the bar. I knew this would be my last. I hated reading about people who drove drunk and I wasn’t about to take unnecessary chances with Gabby or our unborn child.

We left the bar ten minutes later, sitting at a table in a private room with George and Vivian and Joyce and Larry. Gabby insisted that she sit between the two women so I was stuck with George and Larry. Dinner was great—even better than I had hoped. We left around eleven. Gabby told me about the discussions once we were in the car. “Vivian knows that George has been cheating on her. She wants a cock cage like yours so I’ll phone Tia tomorrow morning to get one. It seems he isn’t much bigger than you. Vivian also believes that he married her so he could move up the company. I think that’s terrible.”

“How will she get it on him?”

“She’s not sure. She hasn’t had sex with him since she learned that he was cheating. Maybe she’ll have an opportunity to drug him. Apparently, he drinks a lot at home…martinis.”

“I have the feeling it’ll be the most expensive martini he’ll ever have. I like George. He’s a good CEO, but he brags non-stop about all the women he’s fucked. That’s what he says—fucked--I doubt he has any respect for women at all. Did you see him eying you up all night? Doing that right in front of me and worse, Vivian, is just so wrong.”

“Yes, I saw him, Diego and I agree. It’s wrong and sad. Vivian is a wonderful woman. Joyce and Larry will come for a visit tomorrow afternoon. She asked for my permission to tell him about us. It seems that Larry has submissive fantasies. He’s been trying to get Joyce to act of them for a long time.”

“I guess that my colleagues aren’t as conservative as I thought they were. What do you want me to do? I like Larry. He respects women and I don’t think he’d ever cheat on Joyce.”

“I’d like to give him a demo like I did today, but in much greater detail. I also want you to answer any questions he might have…Joyce too. Now we have to deal with your punishment. When you agreed to be my slave I also made an agreement. It wasn’t verbal, but my commitment to you is every bit as strong as yours to me. I agreed to love you and be responsible for you—your health, your well-being, everything about you. I’ve spent hours with those women so I knew how they would react. Also Tia and I had discussed what she would say to them before I had agreed to share our information. I should give you ten strokes with the cane.” I cringed when she said ‘ten.’ “But, your behavior with the women this afternoon means I’m giving you a credit. I think five…or maybe three…or perhaps one. We’ll see when we get home.”

She had me bend over, my hands against the footboard of the bed. There were no preliminaries. She gave me the full five, but immediately after she took me into her arms to wipe away my tears with her kisses. I fell to the floor, kissing her feet in total submission. This woman was my life. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for her and I’d never doubt her love for me again.

She wanted a relaxing bath so I filled the tub, adding bubbles and bath oil. Then kneeling outside the tub I shaved her legs and underarms, saving her pussy for once she was out of the tub. She was giggling when she pointed me to kneel in the hot water between her legs. She splashed my abdomen several times before adding the shaving soap and carefully removing any offensive hair from the area.

“Dry yourself first, Diego. From now on you will exit the shower first and dry off then you can attend to my needs.”

I was wiping my hair with the thick towel when I realized that I hadn’t done any of my cleaning chores. “I’ll get up extra early tomorrow so I can catch up on my cleaning chores. I didn’t get anything done today.”

“You’ll do nothing of the sort. I have seen how tired you’ve been over the past few weeks. I’ve given you too much to do. We have an appointment at eleven tomorrow morning with the company Vivian and Joyce use. You’ll just have to spend more time between my legs or serving me in some other way.” She held my hand as she led me to bed. There was no question that I’d give her my very best tonight.

Gabby told me to fuck her hard and I did, bringing her to two intense orgasms before I shot into her tight wet pussy. I cleaned her with my tongue just as I did every night before giving her another two with my tongue. “Well done, my love; you’ve worn me out.” She moved a bit to my left as I lay my head on the pillow. Her head was on my chest and her oozing pussy was in its familiar place on my thigh. I had no trouble falling asleep. I felt as though I was in Heaven. I’d never doubt my wonderful wife again.

We slept late, which for us was 7:30. I had just taken her urine and gotten her off twice when I followed her to the shower. I had just stepped in when the phone rang. I ran to it and answered. It was Vivian and it was obvious that she was crying. “I’m so sorry for calling at this hour, but can I come over, please? I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important. I need your help.”

“Of course, Vivian; how long until you get here?”

“I’m sorry again, but I’m in the driveway.”

Gabby just pointed, telling me to open the door. “Don’t worry, she saw you naked yesterday.”

Vivian was at the door when I opened it. She had obviously been crying for quite a while. Her eyes were red and puffy. She was still wearing the same clothes she had worn last night. I helped her in, unconcerned about my nudity. Gabby joined us a minute later when she handed me the same running shorts I’d worn yesterday as she went to comfort her friend.

“Would you like coffee or tea, Vivian? I was just about to brew a pot when you phoned.”

“I’d love a cup of tea if it’s not too much trouble.” I was off to the kitchen a second later, bringing both on a tray less than five minutes later. Vivian took milk and sugar; Gabby and I took our coffee black.

“I hate to be such a bother, but George….”

“Why don’t you start at the beginning, Vivian?” Gabby was rubbing her shoulders and back as she spoke.

“It all began when I got home yesterday afternoon and told George that we were taking everyone out to dinner. He ranted like a madman, telling me that he’d had plans. He had calmed down by the time we reached the restaurant, but there was a strange car in our driveway when we returned home. He pulled into the garage then walked to the car as I lagged behind. I was shocked when this young bimbo with the biggest tits stepped out of the car and kissed George in our driveway.”

“’This is what happens when you upset my plans. Like these tits? You should…you paid for them. We’re going to the bedroom. You can sleep in one of the guest rooms or on the couch or wherever you like. I really don’t give a damn.’ That’s exactly what he said—word for word. I left then and drove for hours. I couldn’t believe how brazen he had been.”

Gabby gave me a look that told me she couldn’t believe the man’s arrogance. She was holding the sobbing Vivian when she told me to make breakfast—western omelets with bacon and sausage. She continued once I was in the kitchen. “I’ll phone my aunt Maria once we’re done. They are an hour behind us. I’m sure she’ll have some good advice for you.”

I was so accustomed to cooking that I had everything whipped up in fifteen minutes when I invited them to join me. “Diego, I’ve invited Vivian to stay with us until we know what Tia suggests and it can be implemented. Thank you for the breakfast, Darling.”

We ate, making only light conversation. George must be an idiot. He had to know that this would get around the company like wildfire. The office was going to be a mess next week. We finished eating and I tackled the dishes. Ten minutes later I served another round of coffee and tea, sitting between Gabby’s legs as she phoned her aunt. "Hola, Tia! How are you this fine morning?"

(Jorge and I are well, niece. I’m a bit surprised to hear from you so early. Is everything okay with you and Diego?)

“Tia, I am putting you on speaker. Our friend Vivian is with us.” She went on to repeat what Vivian had told us. “She was thinking about getting him a cock cage like the one Diego has. What do you think?”

(What do you want to do, Vivian? This is a terrible despicable act on his part. Do you plan to divorce him?)

“I’d like for him to suffer the same humiliation I’ve had for the past two years…worse, if possible.”

Tia laughed before responding. (You have come to the right place, my dear. I can get you a cock cage that is primarily used for punishment. It will be a bit bigger than the one Gabriella uses on Diego because you will want to encourage some growth of his penis. The interior is covered with knife-sharp stainless steel points that will cause the most exquisite pain whenever he is aroused.)

“Sounds good to me, Maria, but how will I get it on him?”
(I will send you everything you will need. It will be delivered to Gabriella by Federal Express within the week. There will be two packets of desiccant inside. They are marked—‘drying agent, do not eat.’ They will contain an extremely powerful sedative. Does he drink at home?)

“Yes, he loves martinis.”

(Perfect…go home and make nice with him. Make a pitcher of martinis for him every night. Once Gabriella has the equipment you can drug his drink then you will be able to do anything you want with him. I suggest you cane him viciously when you first lock him up. Use your imagination. You can make him your maid and have him clean your house every day. You could also have him serve at a party, especially if your guests know him. Since he likes to spend your money buying tits, you might want to get some for him, turning him into a horny she-male who gets no relief…ever. I suggest you get a safe deposit box and keep the key to the cage in there where he can never get to it. If you want him to be in chastity forever I suggest you use super glue on the threads. Once the bolt is tightened it will never come off.

(I assume you will want him to live a long and productive, but miserable life so at least once a month you should milk his prostate. He will release all of his pent up semen, but he will not enjoy any pleasure associated with an orgasm. I know that Diego eats all of his as does Jorge, so your husband can do the same. Imagine his humiliation if he had to do that in front of his former friends. I’m getting wet just thinking about that.)

We all laughed and we laughed even harder when Vivian said that she was, too. We rung off and I went to set up the guest room. We had three bedrooms and one was set up as an office, another we used for storage. The other had a double bed, dresser, and small flat screen TV. I made the bed and put fresh towels into the guest bathroom. I returned to the living room when Gabby called me. “Vivian asked where the toilet was. I suggested that you attend to her needs instead. Please treat her as you would me.”

I kneeled in front of Vivian and helped her to stand before easing her skirt down her long legs. She was wearing stockings, but they were the worse for wear so I removed them, as well. Once her panties were down I sealed my lips to her cunt. She had pubic hair, but it was neatly trimmed. She pissed steadily for several minutes while talking continually with Gabby. Once the flow had stopped I proceeded to clean her cunt and continued when she began to moan. Before long she was bucking into my mouth, humping wildly as her first orgasm claimed reign of her body. She was panting, her chest heaving with her deep breaths as I continued to lick and kiss her sex.

It wasn’t long before her body prepared for another. This time she begged me to pinch her nipples as she removed her blouse and bra. I was happy to oblige. Her second hit like a freight train. Her convulsions lifted her from the couch over and over for almost a minute. “Thank you, Diego and thank you, Gabby; that was wonderful. I haven’t had an orgasm like that in years.”

I looked to Gabby for permission. She gave it with an imperceptible nod. “Once you have George under your control there’s nothing to stop you from having a string of lovers. You’re a beautiful woman, Vivian. I’m sure that are plenty of men would be thrilled to be with you.”

“Unfortunately, you won’t be one of them. Gabby, I liked what your aunt suggested doing with my wayward husband. That would mean I’d need a new CEO. Would you be interested, Diego?”

“I’m flattered at the suggestion, but I wouldn’t be the best choice. I haven’t worked there long enough. Mark is CFO, but he’s more at home with numbers than he is with people. Steve is as big a womanizer as George is. The only difference is that he doesn’t brag about it in public. He saves his comments for the men’s room. Mike is a nice guy, but he’s too nice. People tend to walk all over him. That leaves Larry. He’s an excellent leader and he’s true to his marriage vows.” I looked directly at Gabby as I continued, “That reminds me—Larry and Joyce are coming over this afternoon.”

“Oh, thank you, Diego. Vivian, they are coming, but for an extremely private conversation. As much as Joyce likes you I think it would be best if you went shopping until they’re gone. Joyce will tell you if she wants you to know about it.” Vivian agreed. She needed clothing if she was going to stay with us and she had no intention of returning home to get some while her husband and his whore were there.

Blue Ribbon Cleaners showed up at eleven sharp and discussed services and prices with Gabriella until an agreement was reached. I began to prepare lunch once they had gone. I grilled handmade cheeseburgers that I served with potato salad and iced tea. Vivian thanked us then drove away as I began to clean up the dishes and wipe down all the surfaces. The dishes went into the dishwasher. Everything was spotless when I was done. Gabby was really strict on cleanliness. I’d been paddled and even caned too many times because I hadn’t met her high standard. There are plenty of insects in Mexico and she didn’t want them inside her home.

She allowed me to sit between her legs with my head on her thigh. I loved sitting here even though I couldn’t see the TV. I could kiss her soft silken skin, and sniff, but not touch her pussy without permission. There were times I was sure she could read my mind, so great was my desire to serve and please her. I jumped up at the sound of the bell, noting that the clock had just struck 2:00.

Joyce walked in confidently, stopping to hug and kiss me. Larry looked confused and hesitant. For one thing, he was kind of surprised at my dress—nothing more than a white T-shirt and the running shorts. Joyce greeted Gabby as did Larry then I asked if they would like something to drink. Larry asked for a beer; Joyce for white wine. Gabby had ginger ale and suggested that I have a gin and tonic. I knew then that she’d given me permission to drink, something I rarely did at home.

I had just served the drinks when Larry spoke. “I don’t know what’s going on here. Joyce told me I had to come, but wouldn’t tell me why. I’m always happy to see you John…you too, Gabriella, but we just saw each other last night.”

“Diego, I think you should take the lead,” Gabby suggested.

I nodded in response as she ran her fingers through my hair. I was, as always seated on the floor between her legs. “Well…to begin with I learned from Gabby last night that you’ve had a long history of submissive feelings.” Larry’s head jerked back at that and he looked accusingly at his wife. “You have nothing to be concerned about, Larry. You see, I was ‘outed’ yesterday afternoon. All of the wives know everything about me.” I hesitated for a few seconds before continuing. “I’m Gabriella’s slave. I have submitted completely to her.”

I began at the obvious place—the beginning—way back when I was married to Julie. I didn’t mention encouraging her to fuck someone with a big cock, but I did tell about my capture, the depilatory, the cock cage, and the beatings. Then I explained how I managed to escape after being forced to suck cock and eat her lover’s semen from her body. I described my journey to Los Angeles and Punta de Mita and meeting Gabriella for the first time. “I thought then that she was the most beautiful and sexiest woman I’d ever met and I still feel that way. If anything, my feelings for her are stronger now than they were then.”

I continued the story with our “courtship” and my proposal, even the part where Gabby refused me. I described in the most embarrassing detail how I cried and begged her to become my wife and then I got down to the nitty-gritty. “I was working on my computer when Gabby sat on the couch. She told me that she had something important to discuss with me and suggested that I sit where I am now—on the floor between her legs. She explained how all of the things I had done with my wife and her lover indicated that I was submissive. It was my unfulfilled submission, she said, the reason why I was experiencing nightmares and thrashing wildly in my sleep. Even though she thought becoming her slave would be best for me she also told me that the decision had to be mine. Either way she would marry me and love me just as much.

“If I chose slavery I was to strip and kneel between her feet in the living room with a cock cage on my organ. If not, I was to sit next to her on the couch fully dressed. I debated with myself for almost an hour and I was amazed to find that somehow I was naked. I have no memory of undressing. My cock was also as hard as a rock which should tell you something.

“Now, Joyce has told Gabby that you’ve asked her to dominate you for a long time. It would seem that she is willing to do it now if you are still interested.”

“Yes, Larry I am. I was hesitant before because I had no idea how it might work out. Yesterday I sat here fascinated at what Gabby and her aunt told us about Diego. I think that two things stand out. First, she described Diego as the strongest and bravest man she’s ever known. I always thought you’d be a wimp if you submitted to me and I’d never want that. I see now how strong a person has to be to give up total control to another. Second, was the depth of the love that Diego and Gabby have for each other. So, there you have it. It has to be your decision. We need to go home now. We’ve imposed on Gabby and Diego enough. I’ll drive so you can think. Take your time. Strip and sit between my legs like Diego did for Gabby or just come and sit with me. I’ll love you either way, but this is your only chance to realize your fantasies of submission.”
Joyce stood to hug and kiss us good-bye, but Larry was glassy-eyed and in a fog as Joyce led him out of the house.

“What do you think, Diego? Will he do it?”

“I think he will. He looks like I felt when you asked me to decide.”

We spent the rest of the weekend seeing to Vivian. Gabby suggested that she remain in the house the entire time for her protection. That turned out to be a good suggestion because George was a raving maniac in the office Monday morning.

He came storming into my office demanding to know if I’d seen Vivian over the weekend. “No, George; the last time I saw her was Friday night at Paulo’s. Why? Is something wrong? Is she okay?”

“Just mind your own business, but let me know immediately if you hear from her.” He stormed out before I could respond.

I had just turned my computer on to investigate the company Larry had asked about Friday night when he walked into my office. I was a little surprised when he closed and locked the door, but on reflection, maybe not.

“Damn, John—how long does it take to get used to this thing, anyway?” He was holding his crotch so I assumed he was referring to the cock cage Gabby had lent to Joyce—cock cage, wrist and ankle restraints, and paddle. New ones were already on their way from Tia Maria.

“Gabby only used it on me during the day and I was always naked in our villa. She removed it every night so we could make love. Essentially, it was a reminder of my new status as her slave. Reminders like that are helpful and a lot less painful than being paddled or caned.” He rubbed his backside. I could see it was tender and sore. “I can relate; Gabby caned me five times because I didn’t trust her when she told the wives about me. That will never happen again. I assume you’ll have other questions so I’ll ask my mistress for permission to answer. I suggest you do the same.”

“Even here?”

“Especially here; it’s easy to submit and obey when your mistress is there to control you. It will be here that temptation will be the greatest. You need to trust me…honesty with your mistress is always the best course to follow even when what you tell her results in a punishment. I’d rather be caned than lie to my mistress.”

Larry nodded silently then he left and I went to work although I will admit to being more than a little distracted. Larry as Joyce’s slave was one thing, but the idea of George being broken by the cane was something else. He would certainly deserve being locked away for the rest of his life if it happened. The more I knew of him the more I realized what a pig he really was.

The package from Tia Maria was delivered on Wednesday afternoon. It was five feet long by two wide and almost a foot deep. It was a BDSM store in a single box. There was a note for Vivian and another for Joyce with instructions and Tia Maria’s private phone number should they need advice. I had no idea how she managed to get it to us so quickly. Vivian sent George a text message Thursday morning: “Coming home this afternoon. Will have pitcher of martinis ready for you and will wear that flimsy black baby doll outfit you like so much. V.”

I agreed to leave work at five on the dot that afternoon so I could get home and prepare myself to help Vivian manage George’s unconscious body. He was heavy and Vivian would never be able to move him by herself. I was home at 5:30 and changed into jeans and a t-shirt. Gabby and I drove straight to Vivian’s and parked around the corner. George drove right past us, not recognizing us in Gabby’s car. We listened in to their conversation on my cell. Vivian’s phone was on an end table in their living room. We heard everything—every revolting word from George’s mouth. He really was such a disgusting pig.

“I knew you’d come crawling back, you dumb bitch. You just had to learn your place. Too bad your tits aren’t as big as Gloria’s. She’ll be over later so she can give you blowjob lessons. Plan to sleep in the guest room at least through Sunday night.”

“You are right, George. I have definitely learned my place. Let me get your martinis now. I have the pitcher in the refrigerator for you. Perhaps you’d like me to rub your feet.”

“Ha ha ha! You really have learned your place, haven’t you? If you’re a really good bitch I’ll let you clean my cock and Gloria’s cunt after we’ve fucked.” I looked at Gabby then, sure that she had the same expression of utter disgust on her face that I had on mine. She reached across the console to hold my hand. Her strength was reassuring.

We heard Vivian pour George’s first martini then sit by his feet and remove his shoes. “Shall I remove your socks, too?”

“Of course, you stupid bitch; do you think I want your slobbering tongue on my socks? Get that ugly head down there and lick my feet clean. Say…this is a really good martini. You put something special in them for me?”

“No, just a special brand of gin; it should be for what it cost. May I pour you another?”

“Sure, just keep my glass filled. Man…this is the life.” We heard what we thought was the sound of George chugging his drink. A minute later we heard Vivian tell us he was out cold. Gabby drove into the driveway where I opened the door for her. Vivian was at the door waiting for us. I ignored her body, clearly visible through the almost transparent cloth of her baby doll.

“That fat fuck—two drinks and he’s out cold. Remind me to send Tia Maria flowers as a thank you. Diego, do you think we should get his clothes off first?”

“Will he be wearing them again?”

“Absolutely not; he just worked his last day at the firm. From now on he’ll be here, working under my whip.” I gave Gabby a look that said Vivian was becoming scary. I was afraid that George had driven her around the bend. I moved the table away from the couch, pulled George forward and ducked under his arm. A second later I had him in a fireman’s carry on the way to the bedroom where I dumped him unceremoniously onto the bed.

Gabby handed me a pair of shears and I began to cut his pants from his body. I pulled them off, taking the time to carefully remove his wallet and keys from his pockets. His suit jacket, shirt, tie, and undershirt swiftly followed. Vivian and Gabby had already secured the ankle cuffs to his body and moved now to handle his wrists. I worked a vinyl sheet under George’s inert body as Gabby handed me a pair of rubber gloves and a liter bottle of heavy duty depilatory that I used on George’s pubic region, scrotum, and asshole. We joked for the fifteen minutes the thick gel took to completely dissolve his hair. I wiped him clean with a rag that I threw into a waste basket. Now he was ready for the cock cage.

The one Tia had sent was a monster. Instead of two pieces—ring and tube—this one was hinged along the top and locked on both sides at the bottom. The space for his balls was exceedingly small, but the tube, really a grid of stainless rods featured roughly forty sharp spikes on the inside to torment his cock whenever it became hard. After trying to force his cock into the tube I realized we’d need a different approach.

I asked Vivian if she had some string or even some strong thread. She produced some from her sewing basket a minute later. I tied a loop into one end and tightened it under his helmet then I threaded the string into the tube and pulled George’s cock into it. The spikes were so sharp that they cut him in several places even though he was as soft as could be. The wrench was an irregular shape that I doubted could be duplicated unless some machinist spent days creating it.

After several long discussions with Tia, Vivian had decided not to glue the threads permanently. “Taking away his hope of escape--or even just an orgasm--will change his thinking completely. He could even kill you. Better, I think, to allow him that hope even if it never comes true.” I flipped him over and we secured him to the bedposts. Reaching between his legs I inserted a long catheter. George could be here for a very long time.

I had thought that the cock cage I had worn was tight--bringing my balls forward for torture, but this one was extreme. There wasn’t even a quarter inch space separating the two parts of the cage. George’s scrotum was stretched through that tiny space. I had a feeling that his balls would be tortured often.

Gabby and I left. Whatever happened with George now was on Vivian. I wondered what would happen when George’s bimbo showed up. She might get laid tonight, but it wouldn’t be George’s cock that would do it. We were almost out the door when Vivian gave Gabby the only wrench for safekeeping.

Larry locked the door to my office again the following Monday morning. “Joyce told me I could speak to you about…you know.” I merely nodded. Gabriella had also given me permission. “Does Gabriella make you drink her piss? Joyce made me do it this morning. God, the taste is terrible. I could barely keep it down.”

“You’ll get used to it. Try sticking your tongue into her pussy. That way you won’t taste anywhere as much. I do it willingly because it’s just one more way to please her—to show how much I love her--besides once I clean her with my tongue she gets so hot she won’t let me stop until she’s had two, maybe three orgasms. I used to do it probably four or five times a day when we lived in Mexico, but now I have to work. Other than that, how are you holding up?”

“I honestly don’t know. I asked Joyce if we could have a week as a trial period, but she said that would be too much like a game so I’m in for at least a month. One thing I’ve learned…there’s a big difference between fantasy and reality. I actually thought I’d enjoy being paddled or caned.

“By the way, have you seen George this morning? It’s awfully quiet around here.”

I had been given permission by Vivian to discuss George’s situation without going into specifics. “I understand he won’t be in.”

“Not coming in? For how long?”

“For forever; I believe he’s going to retire.”

“Really? Where are you getting this from?” I raised my eyebrows as though the answer should be obvious. “Oh…Vivian. Joyce told me she and Gabriella had become close. Any idea who’s taking over as CEO?”

“Yeah, but you can’t say anything until it’s official. Vivian does own the company. She asked me, but I turned it down. I’m too new around here. I recommended you.”

“Me? CEO?”

“See anyone around here who would be better? I don’t.” Larry smiled, shook my hand, and turned to leave. He was just about to walk out when I added, “Oh…that company you wanted me to check out? Don’t recommend that any of our clients buy. They’re under investigation by the SEC and the FBI. I can’t get into particulars, but they’re in big trouble. Don’t be surprised if their proposed move doesn’t pan out.” He nodded his thanks and was gone.


I’d like to tell you that everything went well after that. There were some positives—Larry did become CEO and he did a great job. He never did make the entire month of his trial period as a submissive. “I’m obviously not the man you are,” was how he explained it, but I also learned that Joyce wasn’t up to being a dominant, either. Some people are better off in vanilla relationships. Vivian was extremely grateful to Gabby and to me; I made a fortune while I worked there—more than a million dollars every year. Gabby had an uneventful pregnancy, thankfully, before giving birth in early December to a beautiful girl she named Maria Rosa. I was with her the entire time and I admit to being amazed at the process of giving birth. It explains very clearly how much stronger women are than men. We never used contraception of any kind, but Gabby never became pregnant again. We thought of Maria as a gift from God.

Then there were the negatives. Neither Gabby nor I could have predicted the direction Vivian took. George’s rampant philandering, his insults, and his brazenness pushed her beyond what any reasonable person would consider sane. Within a month of George’s capture she became a total whore, spreading her legs for anyone who bought her a drink and for a lot of men who didn’t. Gabby knew of one week in which she’d had six different partners. I knew of at least two times that she contracted an STD. She caned George more than four hundred times that first fateful weekend then phoned Gabby and me for help late Sunday afternoon. His back, butt, and thighs looked like hamburger. I had been a volunteer fireman in Illinois so I had to learn CPR and first aid. I worked for more than two hours treating the hundreds of welts and cuts on his back and butt while George was barely conscious.

Vivian must have done a lot of research online about forced feminization because she turned George into Yvette, a meek she-male, complete with a huge set of tits. Gabby and I were invited to her house one Saturday evening just before Maria’s second birthday. We hadn’t seen Vivian for more than six months, hearing from several people that she had been out of the country. I had rung the bell and the door opened. What we saw was a cliché of every cheesy BDSM story online. We gasped at the sight. George/Yvette was dressed in a French maid’s outfit that was better suited for porn than actual housework, her ankles hobbled on a short chain, her feet locked into five-inch patent leather heels. Her brown hair hung past her shoulders. The top of her outfit was open to the waist to expose what Vivian later explained to us were her $50,000 HH tits. George must have weighed 220 pounds; Yvette looked as though she’d have trouble pushing 140. There had obviously been a lot of work on his/her face with her face sculpted, nose made thinner and straighter, and lips plumper, Adam’s apple removed. She looked like a big-titted whore.

Gabby took one look at me and gripped my arm tightly. I could tell she was doing all she could not to throw up. Unfortunately, the evening went straight downhill from there.

We had just been served drinks and a bowl of chips and salsa by Yvette who walked with tiny mincing steps thanks to her hobble. Yvette then brought out a large silver tray with a raised edge all around. Vivian had her get down on all fours right in front of us—no easy feat in those heels and with that hobbling chain. Vivian then produced what we later learned was a prostate massager. We sat shocked as we watched Vivian shove it up her ass to be followed by Yvette being milked. A steady stream of semen ran from her cock still imprisoned in its cage. There must have been months between milkings because he/she almost filled the entire tray. I’ve eaten my own cum probably a thousand times, but I was red-faced watching my former boss lap his up like a dog.

She explained a lot while she was milking him. “I know that everyone thinks we were out of the country. In reality we were in Puerto Rico where their economy is in the toilet. Atta, girl, Yvette; you’re doing beautifully. This is going to be a really big one. Anyway, back to my story—it’s amazing what a couple of million can do with the right doctors. I found a female plastic surgeon and a female psychiatrist who were really pissed off at the male establishment that had short circuited their careers. George went into their clinic eight months ago. He was restrained the entire time until just about three weeks ago. First the psychiatrist would torture his balls then she’d jerk him off. That went on maybe four or five times a day for months. It’s amazing how easy he was to condition. Even after her surgery she was tortured and pleasured until she couldn’t tell the difference between the two. One thing George always criticized was the size of my breasts. He always wanted bigger and bigger. Now he has a beautiful pair of HH udders that cost me $50,000 and they’re worth every penny. Just watch this.”

Once he had finished cleaning the tray Vivian announced that she merited a reward. “How many do you think, Yvette?

“Could I have ten…please, Mistress?” Her voice was high-pitched like a woman’s.

“I was thinking more like fifteen. Wouldn’t you like that? But first, a little bonus for you.” Gabby and I were mystified by this discussion and disgusted once we saw the nature of Yvette’s reward. Her wrists were clipped together behind her back and then joined to the hobble by another short chain so her back was arched severely. She was kneeling sideways in front of Vivian when we first saw the vicious alligator clips that Vivian attached to each of Yvette’s nipples then she showed us the long flexible cane. It looked like the one Tia Maria had sent to Gabby, except that it was stained in several places by blood.

“Who would have thought it? My big masculine husband—the big ladies man who fucked anything with two legs-- reduced to a masochistic wimp of a she-male. Watch her face as I strike her. She’ll be in slave heaven.” She brought the cane down hard onto Yvette’s balls. I noticed for the first time how badly bruised and swollen they were. Yvette may have loved having her balls beaten, but she cried and begged for mercy, receiving none. We left early, using our daughter as an excuse.

We never went back to Vivian’s house and two months later, thanks to David, I had a better job in Jacksonville, Florida with one of those firms that are considered too big to fail. I had outfoxed all the big boys twice over the past fourteen months, once buying when they stayed neutral and seven months later selling when they were all buying. We all had access to the same information, but our interpretations and conclusions were obviously very different. I had laughed as our clients made millions at their expense. Apparently my new firm was impressed. I got a fifty percent boost in salary to supervise twenty-three analysts and my bonus was phenomenal. My previous earnings were miniscule in comparison. Even though we socialized with the top executives the subject of my relationship with Gabby was never an issue even though I was even more “considerate” of my wife than I’d been in Virginia.


As the years passed the paddling and caning of my butt were severely curtailed. Of course, over time I became more and more submissive to Gabriella. I responded immediately to her commands, never questioning or challenging her. Spending so much time between her legs enabled me to anticipate her every whim. Our growing daughter meant that many of our activities occurred only behind locked doors. I also learned something about my mistress/wife during a vacation spent visiting Tia Maria and her husband when Maria was almost six months old.

We followed Tia’s house rules while there, meaning I was naked and caged while in the house and paddled every morning and every evening. The rest of the time I was occupied doing household chores or seeing to my wife/mistress’s or our infant daughter’s needs. One morning I was cleaning the guest bath—third time in four days—and I overheard Gabriella and her aunt talking in the kitchen. “I hate beating Diego, Tia. I know we had to break him, but I was on the verge of tears every time we beat his balls.”

“I am the same way with Jorge, Gabriella, but we must remember that we have to be strong for our men. They are strong in some physical respects, but emotionally they are extremely weak. They need our strength and support and one of the ways we show it is though the application of corporal punishment.”

“Maybe, Tia…but I don’t like it. I love Diego with all my heart. He is perfect for me in so many ways. I hate hurting him for no reason.”

“You do know that you still have to take the final step.”

“Yes. That is one of the reasons we are visiting you. When would be a good time?”

“Tonight…after Maria is put to bed; Jorge has to work so Diego can have our full attention.”

The conversation ended then and I was actively at work a few minutes later when they came to inspect my efforts. Later that night after I put our daughter into her crib I knew that I still had to face one more ordeal.

“Go into the bathroom and kneel on the bath mat,” Gabriella told me. Once there I felt something cold applied to my anus. “You need to relax, Diego. This will not hurt.” I felt the long thin probe enter my ass and seconds later I felt the warm water enter my bowel. “I will not make you hold it, Diego. It is only two quarts of soapy water. Once the bag is empty you may sit on the toilet and expel. Then we will shower.”

The shower was much shorter than I would have liked. Once I had dried my mistress Tia led me to the bed. “Get onto your hands and knees, Diego, and rest your head on the bed. I’m sure you know what is going to happen. Do not resist. That will only hurt you. Relax and take slow deep breaths.” That’s what I was doing when Gabriella removed my cage. Tia was lubing my asshole with her fingers while rubbing my back and keeping me calm. Suddenly her fingers were out and I felt pressure forcing me open. Oh God, it hurt! How could any man want to do this to his wife? I screamed from the pain and bawled like a baby.
Then the pain faded and I realized that Gabby had gained complete entry. I could feel her abdomen against my cheeks every time she thrust forward. She was fucking me forcefully when she reached around my leg. I hadn’t realized how hard my cock was, nor did I realize how much pre-cum had oozed onto the sheets.

Gabby began jerking me off as her breathing became shallow and ragged. Tia held a small goblet under my cock. It erupted violently as Gabby drove her hips one final time. We came together as we had many times before. I was physically and emotionally exhausted by the totally humiliating experience. Gabby lay spent on my back. She reached forward to stroke my cheek. “I own all of you now, Diego—your mind, your heart, your body, and your soul. I own every part of you and I love you even more for giving yourself to me. There will be some changes to our relationship now, but I will explain them to you as they occur.” She pulled back and I had a feeling of emptiness. Tia wiped my butt with a warm cloth then she and Gabby placed me carefully into the bed. She sat next to me, feeding my semen to me on her fingers until the goblet was empty. Finally, she turned off the lamp and joined me in deep sleep. The next morning things were back to normal except that I could barely walk. She took me three more times during our visit--I thought to appease her sadistic aunt. After that she never did it again, knowing that I hated it and how much it hurt me.

Maria took after her mother in many ways although she grew to be taller and bustier as an adult. We never made any secret of our relationship although Gabby made it clear that while I was HER slave, I was still Maria’s father. Only once did she challenge that, refusing to make her bed and clean her room when she was eight. Gabby returned home from a dentist’s appointment to find me sitting and frowning on the couch.

“What’s wrong, Diego?”

“Take a look at Maria’s room. She thought that playing with Amber was more important.” Gabby walked into our daughter’s room then spun around and stomped out of the house. She returned a few minutes later pulling Maria by her ear. It was the only time since we’d met that I had seen her angry and, boy, was she ever! She lit into Maria for several minutes then told her to get over my lap.

“Pull down her shorts and panties. Give her ten good ones, Diego. If they’re not hard enough I’ll make it up to you with the cane.” It was the only time that I had ever spanked my daughter. We were both crying when I was done, but she came into my welcoming arms telling me over and over how sorry she was.

I did hear from Larry several times, mostly idle chat about the company and the other executives and their wives. But, about three years after I’d left I received a call I’d hoped I’d never get. “It’s Vivian, John; she’s been arrested for manslaughter. I think she’s insane—really, I do. She had apparently fucked George, although I understand that she called him ‘Yvette,’ up the ass many times, but the last time she used a dildo that was so big it ripped him open. He was unresponsive when she was done—had an orgasm, apparently—so she caned him about twenty times. Only when she rolled him over and the blood poured from his anus did she think to phone for help. From what I’ve been told he had bled out by the time the EMT’s reached him. There was evidence of extreme torture on his body…even worse than yours. She’s being charged with new crimes almost every day and the judge has refused bail, citing her wealth as a flight risk.” I told Gabby that evening when I got home. Unfortunately, neither of us was very surprised by the news. George had been a serial cheat and bragging as he did showed him to be a callous pig, but nobody deserves the kind of treatment he received.

Even as my wife’s slave I had always managed our money. It only made sense. I’d had a world of experience while Gabby had none. That’s why I was shocked when she told me she needed $850,000. She must have seen the expression on my face because she laughed then sat in my lap to kiss me. “I know you would give me every penny we own and never question my motives, but I will tell you why I want it. It seems this beautiful villa in Punta de Mita has come onto the market. I thought it might be a great vacation home for us and it will still be there when you’re retired—retired from working, that is. You’ll be my slave forever.” She got the money, of course. I never could deny her anything nor would I. I was her slave, after all, and she was my incredible mistress. She was right, too. I’d love and serve her until the end of time.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-02 04:20:18
Truly amazing story. As a natural submissive in almost every way, especially sexually, I understand the mindset. Just "wish" my wife would take that kind of control. Except for the beating. Everything else I would do.Including the cuckolding with her lover if she would take one. I am boyish in the male Dept. , also, 4 3/4 inches. I look better in panties than male underwear. Keep up the great writing.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-13 18:04:40
Was a good one but I do agree with a reader abt it being uncomfortable .giving away too much control to any partner is not good.many people hv suffered coz of this .....

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-27 23:01:52
...You know, reading stories like this always makes me uncomfortable. Especially the parts where the women insist that everything they do is for the man's own good and ignore hus feelings completely, and when they don't even bother to set up a safe word.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-27 00:48:27
Well written as usual Señor, but I must admit I don't understand any of the submissive, slavery thing as a way of life. Jimbob53

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-26 19:45:45
I enjoyed the story but bad things happen when men let women take control.

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