I shouldered my duffel and exited the plane into the crowded, bustling airport. I followed the signs to baggage claim, weaving in and out of the throng. Finally, I reached it and, above the crowd, spotted my dad.
“Jackson! Jacky boy,” he called, waving and smiling emphatically as he started toward me.
“Hi Dad,” I greeted, smiling and grabbing him in a hug.
“Jacky boy,” he said, hugging me back tightly. “I've missed you son,” he said, holding me out at arm’s length. Tears welled up in his eyes, quickly mirrored in mine as we saw each other for the first time in five years.
After another long embrace, we collected my bags, went to the car and started for home.
We chatted for a while, catching up with each other. He told me about things at his store, gossip about people in town and the ‘67 Camaro he bought. I told him a little about where I had been. Things I had seen.
We fell into a companionable silence, listening to the radio and looking at the scenery.
“Rachel and Alexis are excited you are coming home,” he said, referring to my stepmother and stepsister.
My dad had met and married Rachel and it was easy to see why. Twelve years younger than my dad, she proved to be a sweet and nurturing woman, who was also voluptuous and sexy. I had found myself looking down her low cut shirts at her massive tits or, at her big, round ass in her tight jeans many times.
Alexis, on the other hand, was seven years younger than me. She was a short, chubby girl with acne, frizzy hair and thick glasses that made her eyes look like eggs. She was a shy girl who dressed in baggy, unfashionable clothes. However, she was intelligent and could be funny when she relaxed.
They had moved in shortly before I had left for a college halfway across the country. I had come home briefly for holidays but, not very often or for long. After college, I had embarked on my career path, traveling the world.
“It will be nice to get to know them better,” I said honestly.
“I have no doubt,” My dad smiled pleased, reaching over and giving my shoulder a squeeze.
A little more than two hours after leaving the airport, we turned into the driveway of the big, two story farm house I called home.
“The place looks great Dad,” I said, taking note of the “woman's touches” in evidence.
“Yeah, Rachel spruced it up good,” he said with quiet pride. He pulled up by the porch and parked. We climbed out of the car, stretching our cramped muscles.
Rachel, having heard the car, stepped out on the porch.
“Jackson! You made it,” she cried, waving and bouncing excitedly.
“Hi Rachel,” I returned, smiling at the warm greeting and watching her tits bounce in the front of her flowered dress.
She hurried down the steps and around the car, arms wide. I hugged her and let her kiss me on each cheek.
“Come inside,” she said, taking my arm and dragging me. “Alexis and I are making a big dinner for us tonight.”
Rachel chattered as we walked up the steps, across the porch and into the kitchen. The air was permeated with mouth watering smells.
“Alexis, Jackson is home,” She called up the stairs, seating me on a stool.
She went to the oven, talking excitedly. Footsteps descended the stairs behind me.
“Welcome home Jackson,” Alexis said quietly behind me. I turned, expecting to see the chubby, pimple faced girl I remembered. Instead, I was looking at a beautiful twenty year old woman.
Her blue-grey eyes, beautiful without her glasses, looked out of a smooth, pretty face. Rich brown curls fell to either side looking thick and soft. She had lost weight and gotten taller, transforming from a chubby girl into a curvy woman. She displayed her curves in tight, low rise jeans and a form fitting, low cut t-shirt.
“You look great,” I exclaimed, hoping it sounded more “brotherly” than it felt. In truth great wasn't the word I wanted, hot, sexy, fuckable, those would have been closer.
“Thanks,” she said, blushing cutely and opening her arms for a hug. “Welcome home,” she said as I embraced her, trying not to enjoy the feeling of her in my arms or the press of her breasts against me.
“Here you go Jacky boy,” my dad said, coming in the door with my bags and dropping them on the floor.
“Thanks Dad,” I said, embarrassed that I hadn't even seen him go back out. “No problem son. Your old room is still yours if you want to unpack and freshen up.”
“That sounds great,” I said, gathering bags.
“I'll help you with those,” Alexis volunteered, grabbing the last two.
“Good idea,” Rachel said. “You two need to get better acquainted.”
“Thanks Lex,” I said and started up the stairs to my room.
“Where do you want these,” Alexis asked, following me in.
“Anywhere is fine,” I answered, dropping my load on the bed. She followed suit and I thanked her again.
“No biggy,” she said dismissively.
“So, how is college,” I asked, checking her out from the corner of my eye.
“It's okay,” she answered, turning to face me directly. “What is it like to see the world,” she asked with real interest.
“It's a beautifully scary adventure,” I answered, turning toward her and struggling to not look at her lustfully. “You meet all kinds of people. You see all our differences and realize that we are all the same. You see things and do things you never imagined.”
“That sounds amazing,” she said sincerely. “Will you tell me all about it sometime?”
“Of course,” I agreed, surprised to find that I wanted to. I realized suddenly how I was looking at her and averted my eyes, looking down at my bag and opening it instead.
“I'll look forward to it,” she said. “Well, I'll leave you alone. Welcome home Jackson,” she said, turning for the door.
“Hey,” I said, turning her back toward me. “Thanks and, you really do look great.”
She giggled and turned quickly but, not before I saw the blush in her cheeks. I watched her walk out, closing the door behind her. A second later, I heard her close her bedroom door.
I began chastising myself immediately. I told myself I had to stop. That she was my stepsister. I told myself everything I could think of while I gathered my things and went for a shower. I continued in the shower and while I dressed. It did no good.
We sat around the table at dinner, talking and laughing as we caught up. I heard all the gossip and told a few stories of my travels. I even enjoyed marginal success in not looking at my stepmother or stepsister inappropriately.
After dinner, Dad took me out to the barn to show off the camaro. It was a great car and I oohed and ahhed appropriately.
We stood in the barn, talking like old times. The sun sank as we chatted.
“Getting late son,” my dad said as the stars came out. “I got an early day coming. Try not to be up too late.”
We hugged again and bid each other good night. He went in to bed and I followed soon after.
I sat on my bed reading for a while but, couldn't shake my restlessness. I got up and started unpacking.
A little after midnight, I heard Alexis’ door open and close softly. A few seconds later, she knocked lightly on my door.
“What's up Lex,” I asked, opening the door.
“Saw you were awake and thought you might like some company,” she replied hopefully.
.”Come on in,” I said, opening the door wider and bidding her in. “I'm just putting things away. Make yourself comfortable,” I said, closing the door.
“These are really cool,” she said, walking toward my collection of ancient dragon carvings. “Where did they come from?”
“From all over,” I replied, watching her. She had changed into a pink tank top that showed far more cleavage and black yoga shorts that barely covered the ass they clung to. Looking at her made me nervous and excited. “Cultures all over the world worshipped and feared the dragon once. Some still do,” I explained.
“I like them,” she said, giving them another look before walking over and sitting on my bed. “Can I look through this,” she asked, holding my camera.
“Sure,” I replied, continuing to look at her as I put things away.
“Where did you take these,” she asked.
“Peru,” I answered.
“They are beautiful,” she said. “Will you sit with me and tell me about them? Please,” she asked sweetly, sliding to the middle of my bed and tapping the spot beside her.
I smiled and sat beside her. She leaned close, scrolling and asking questions. I answered as my heart raced and my head swam. I kept catching myself looking at her and dragging my eyes away.
“Did you meet a lot of beautiful women,” she asked suddenly, lowering the camera.
“Everywhere I went,” I answered, my throat going dry.
“Do you think I'm beautiful,” she asked shyly.
“Very,” I answered without thought. I caught my gaze and looked away again.
“Jackson,” she said softly, pulling my attention back to her. “You don't have to look away. You can look at me if you. I like it when you do,” she said, looking into my eyes.
“But, you are my stepsister,” I said, meeting her gaze. “I shouldn't look at you that way.”
“I'm not your real sister,” she replied softly, leaning closer as she spoke. “We are adults. We can decide how to look at each other right? Besides, I won't tell, it will be our secret if we look at each other or anything else.” I leaned in and kissed her.
She returned the kiss, matching my passion and desire with her own. My lips pressed on her’s, they pressed back. My tongue touched her lips, her tongue rushed to meet it.
My hands found her breasts, cupping them through her clothes as we breathed each other's breaths. She arched her back, urging the touch.
Alexis swung her leg up and straddled my hips without breaking contact. She grabbed my hands, urging me to squeeze her tits and sucked my tongue into her mouth. She lowered herself onto my throbbing cock and began rocking her hips.
I slid my hands up her shirt and under her bra, grabbing her big, warm, firm breasts. I squeezed them and caressed her hard nipples. She ground into my cock harder.
She began to moan softly into my mouth. I lifted her shirt and bra, broke the kiss and lowered my face to her tits.
I ran my tongue over her perky tits, teasing her hard, pink nipples. She moaned again as I sucked them up between my lips one after the other.
She grabbed my face in both hands, pulling my head up. She kissed me as I lifted my face, moaning into my mouth. Her body convulsed as an orgasm pulsed through her.
Her moaning and grinding ceased as her orgasm dissipated. She kissed me firmly and rolled off my lap and onto her feet beside the bed.
“That was amazing,” she said, adjusting her bra and shirt. She leaned down, kissing me quickly before turning for the door. “Until next time. Goodnight Jackson,” she said leaving.
I sat on my bed horny, confused and excited. My mind simultaneously wished for more and told me it shouldn't have happened.
I lay awake late that night, arguing with myself. Frustrated with my thoughts, I let my cock win. I let my hands and tongue replay her taste and feel and saw her in my mind. I stroked my cock, cumming to thoughts of my stepsister.
Things weren't any clearer the next morning. Every time I saw Alexis, I thought of the night before and what else I wanted.
Alexis seemed to know how I felt. She made sure I noticed her in her cutoff shorts and White tank top. Every chance she could, she would bend over or lean forward. She made sure to brush me whenever we passed.
That afternoon, I borrowed the car and went to the store to see my dad and clear my head. It didn't work.
I faked my way through dinner and managed enough thought to help Dad work on his car.
I lay in bed that night, simultaneously hoping to hear a knock and hoping I wouldn't. I tried reading, writing and listening to music. Nothing I did could distract me.
Around one in the morning, I got up and went to my stepsister's room to clear things up.
I saw light under her door as I crossed the hall and knocked lightly.
“It's open,” I heard Alexis call. I opened the door and entered her dimly lit room.
“Alexis, we need to talk,” I said, closing the door and pausing as my eyes adjusted.
“About what,” she asked, feigning innocence.
“About last night,” I said, seeing her clearly as my eyes adjusted.
She lay on her stomach with her head toward the door. Her legs were bent, bringing her crossed ankles above a firm, round ass clad in black lace panties. She propped up higher on her elbows, giving me a look at her firm, perky tits and the bra that matched her panties.
“Didn't you like last night,” she asked teasingly, twirling a lock of hair in her fingers.
“Not as much as you did,” I replied. Any thought of ending things flew from my mind as my cock stiffened. I started toward the bed.
“I was starting to think you weren't going to come see me,” she said, rolling to her back and spinning around. “Do you like how I look,” she asked, laying back against the headboard and gesturing over herself.
“You look very sexy,” I replied, getting on the bed beside her.
“I hoped you would think so,” she said breathlessly as our lips met.
We kissed each other fiercely. Our lips and tongues dancing together. I touched the bare skin of her thighs, her back and her stomach. My fingers trailed along the edges of her bra and panties, teasing us both.
I moved my hand between her legs and slid it up to her panties. I traced a finger on the material above her pussy then, pressed. She drew in a sharp breath, letting it out in a sigh. I felt the material dampen and my cock jumped.
Alexis put her hand on my bulge and began to rub. She pressed and so did I. We sighed together as we kissed.
I slipped my hand down her panties, taking my time. I felt no hair and grew more excited to see. I slid my finger between her lips and into her warm, slippery wetness.
I rubbed her gently, unhooking her bra with me free hand. She moaned into my mouth, pulled off my shirt and unzipped my pants. She slipped off her bra and pulled out my cock, stroking it as we kissed again.
I lay her back and started kissing down her body. I kissed from her neck to her nipples, pausing to lick and suck them before continuing down her stomach.
I pulled her panties off and crawled between her legs. I looked at her pretty, bald pussy for a moment before slipping my tongue between her lips.
I licked deeper and deeper, savoring the taste of her arousal. She moaned as I licked her little pink clit and pushed my tongue into her hole.
I pulled back and slid my jeans off. I kissed her pussy gently and climbed upward.
“Jackson, we can't,” she said, feeling my cock touch her pussy.
“Yes we can,” I replied, kissing her. She kissed me back, licking her taste off my lips.
“We shouldn't,” she moaned, kissing me harder.
“We are going to,” I stated, pushing harder against her. The thought that I was going to fuck my sister rose in my mind. The naughtiness of the words made me hornier.
“Jackson no,” her mouth said while she moved her hips, letting my cock slip into her pussy.
I thrust into her slow, savoring the feel of her tight, wet pussy. She moaned, urging me on with her pleasure. Her hips rocked, pulling me deeper.
“You feel so good,” she said as my cock touched bottom.
I began thrusting longer and harder, pulling all the way back and slamming it in. Her tits bounced and she moaned with every thrust. I began to fuck her faster and harder as my mind repeated “I'm fucking my sister” over and over.
“Fuck yes Jackson, fuck me,” she cried softly. “Do you like fucking your sister,” she asked, echoing my thoughts.
“I love fucking my sister,” I answered, nearly cuming as I said the words.
“I love fucking my brother,” she moaned. Her hip bucked as she started cumming. “Come in me! I want my brother's cum in me! Cum in your sister,” she cried, her pussy gushing.
I thrust hard and deep inside her. My cock began to pulse, pumping more and more cum into her pussy.
Our orgasms subsided. I pulled my cock out and lay next to her. She lay on my chest as we caught our breaths.
“Jackson, that was amazing,” Alexis said after a few minutes.
“It sure was,” I agreed, hugging her. “I just hope our parents didn't hear,” I added, thinking about it for the first time.
“I wouldn't worry about that,” Alexis said, smiling up at me.
“Why not,” I asked curiously.
“My dad was my mom's step brother,” she said, looking up at me. “They fell in love and lived as husband and wife until he died. My mom knew it could happen again and told me she would support us if this happened.”
“What about my dad,” I asked, taken aback.
“All he said to my mom was ‘if it keeps him home, I don't care’,” she replied giggling.
“Then, why did you say we couldn't,” I asked, trying to wrap my head around it.
“It turned me on,” Alexis answered sleepily. “We better get some rest. My mom has plans for the ‘happy couple’ in the morning.”
“What plans,” I asked.
“You will see,” she replied, falling asleep.
I let it go. Morning was soon enough and I had enough things to question. In fact, the only thing I was sure of as I fell asleep was that it was good to finally be home.
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