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Constructive criticism is welcomed, I would like to make the reading experience more enjoyable.
   After having a real pain in the ass day, I decide to go to my favorite bar for a beer and to visit with a good friend of mine that tends bar Friday nights.  I typically don't care for the weekend crowds but needed to blow off some steam and knew she would have me laughing in no time since we had the same sense of humor.

I walked in the door and received a warm smile from Tracy, she immediately pours me a Guinness and with a concerning tone says, "That bad, huh?"  I sigh heavily and blow a whisp of bangs out of my eyes.

Tracy has been a great friend over the last few years, ever since  I moved to her home town. After graduating from college, I accepted a high paying although high stress corporate job. I met her at the local gay bar and was so thankful when she befriended me and helped me during that emotionally stressful time. We were like long lost friends right from the start. There was never any attraction between us, which eliminated any awkward moments. Tracy's butch and I'm attracted to femmes being one myself, or at least a chapstick lesbian. She actually set me up with Sarah, one of her friends. It lasted for a while although we had a respectful mutual split and we all still remained friends.

Today I thought I could spin by and have 2, maybe 3 beers before they got busy with the weekend crowd then I would retreat to the comfort of my home.

Tracy knew that I must of had a shitty day knowing I liked a mellow place to have a beer once in a while but was easily irritated with a packed bar or being hit on by weekend lesbians.

She sets a coaster and my beer down and waits for me to talk...

"So why does my therapist always tell me that I need to stop trying to control everything?!?" I say with a overly dramitic quizzical look on my face. Tracy smirks and says "No more advice for you young still haven't paid for your last session", as she throws me a wink before walking to the other end of the bar to check on some other patrons.

My beer goes down quickly and Tracy brings me another. Letting the stress of the day evaporate, I relax and b.s. with my friend for a little bit. Tracy and I look over when we notice two new women enter the bar and sit at a table by the door. We both raise an eyebrow signaling the start of our bet, we quietly say Couple-Tourists-Newbie w/straight Wingman? I slap down a 5 spot on the bar  thinking briefly before I bet "Tourists" Tracy scoffs and bets "Newbie/Wingman".

She gets their order, serves them quickly. Visits for a brief moment and returns laughing silently. Tracy gets to my end of the bar and pockets the cash.

"Damn it, I hate loosing!" I say with a slight laugh.

"Geez Maddie, don't be so competitive! Besides I'm used to the tell tale signs....too bad, Wingman's cute" She says in a devilish tone.

Knowing exactly what she's doing I only reply with a shrug of the shoulders acting like I didn't notice.

Tracy chuckles "Yeah, right!" as she walks away.

She knew me all too well, and knew my type better than I did. How could I not notice a genuine smile that had hint of a dimple on her left cheek and a  light nervous laugh that was so cute. Big soft brown eyes that seemed even brighter than her blushing cheeks. Straight brown hair that ended mid back.  She was wearing a casual white lace tank top that made her healthy tan really shine,  capris revealing her tone legs.

After realizing that I let my eyes linger a little too long, I look across the bar to find Tracy staring at me with a shit eating grin on her face. When her grin turns into a devilish smirk, my eyes go wide in panic knowing she's going to embarrass me! I scrunch my eyebrows together and shake my head quickly, silently asking her not to do anything. She makes what appears to be rum and coke and walks over to the table nearest the door. Leaning on the back of the brunette 's chair she sets the drink down in front of her and motions in my direction. Trying not to show my frustration towards Tracy,  I give a slight wave and smile. The woman's eyes went wide and she turned an even brighter shade of red. Her friend let out a loud laugh and hit her on the shoulder with the back of her hand playfully.

Tracy walks back to me clearly amused with herself. I roll my eyes at her and stand up to pay for my drinks, even the one I didn't order. Tracy swings a bar towel down and says with a stern tone. "Oh don't get all pissy, I was just messing around."

"Damn it Trac, you know I don't need drama like that right now." I reply which was an answer that revealed a lot more than I intended. The corners of Tracy's mouth starts to turn up into a grin. I rap my knuckles a couple times on the bar and draw out "I'll see you later" and walk away. As I approach the door, I see the brunette pull back her shoulders and  straighten her back. I got a sudden twist in my stomach as I walk by but was able to throw her a quick smile before exiting the bar.

I drove straight home to my gated community. Immediately kicked off my shoes and put on some shorts and tank top. I leasurly pulled dinner ingredients and a Honey Brown beer out of the fridge. Casually grilling some chicken for my salad and then grabbed another New Castle to have with my dinner on the patio. After sighing and putting my bare feet up on a chair across from me, I jump at the sound of my phone ringing.  I recognize the number although answer with a reluctant "Hey Trac...." knowing we were going to have one of those conversations that I hate.

Tracy quickly apologizes but enevitably starts with her standard redoric.

"You shouldn't work your life away and you know that you need to get back on the bike sooner or later!" She almost sounded like a broken reccord. Although I listen patiently knowing that she was only concerned for me. "Maddison, you haven't even been out on a single date in over 8 months, I know you're not hurt over Sarah....what's really going on? "

"I know. Nothings going on. I've just been real busy with work and everything!" trying to calm her.

Scoffing in disbelief she says "Look, I gotta go...we're starting to get busy but we are not done talking about this."

--- ---

I wake and already have my whole Saturday planned. I was going to finish some work that I brought home from the office, put something on the grill. Maybe if I was lucky take a little dip in the pool.

Time flies by, even though I wasn't very productive because I kept having flashing thoughts about the brunette at the bar. But I kept reminding myself regardless of what Tracy lectured me about.  Even if she was a beautiful woman, she was striaght... Maybe possibly bi-courious. That WAS just too much drama for any career orientated business woman like myself.

The phone rings and grunt in frustration knowing that it would probably be Tracy setting in for round two. She knew that I always answer the phone, no matter how irritated I was or what time it might have been.

"What's up ?" I answer.

"Kendra's here..."

Still being surrounded by paperwork I didn't get what Tracy was getting at. 

"Who?" I ask confusingly.

"The brunette, dummy!" She chuckles.

I drop my highlighter, push my laptop away and lean back in my chair trying to feign confusion. "What?" Although immediately my breath hitches. I try again to throw Tracy off track, "Well, the money goes back into the pot then. Nobody won, if they're a couple."

I can just imagine Tracy's goofy smile "Nope, I still win. She's here....alone."

Tracy gives me a hard time and says "What does your therapist always tell you?"

I growl in frustration even though secretly excited on the inside. I tell Tracy that I'll come down for ONE beer, IF...IF it gets her off my back!

I freshen up quickly and throw my wavy brown hair into a loose ponytail trying to appear as casual as possible.

I walk in to the bar and immediately felt deflated when I don't see this "Kendra" woman at the first table. I turn and head over to my usual spot and almost trip over my feet when I see her sitting at the end of the bar visiting with Tracy. I get that odd twist again in my stomach and even felt a little rubbery in the knees, which never happens to me. This must of been evident on my face and I feel bad because her blushing smile is replaced with a furrowed brow. I try to recover as quickly as possible and smile as I sit next to her.

"Fancy seeing you here, I'm Maddie!" I say trying to ignore the butterflies.

"Hi, I didn't get the pleasure of meeting you yesterday or thanking you for the drink,  I'm Kendra!"


We both start out with the standard small talk. Tracy plays the part of a bartender perfectly, helped break the ice in the beginning but didn't hover either. Finally our conversation actually started to flow naturally once I reminded myself that this wouldn't go anywhere because this pretty thing didn't know what she wanted and I was not going to be her "experiment".  Keeping that in mind she actually hit it off with Tracy, myself and even a couple other regulars.

In between all of our laughter I had to shoot Tracy an evil glare when she mentioned that I was a gold star friend. Luckily Kendra didn't pick up on the hidden meaning of Tracy's smartass comment

Kendra's sense of humor was very simular to mine, very dry with a touch of sass! The only problem was when we would make each other laugh she got a little twinkle in her eye that would make my heart flutter!  I had to keep reminding myself of my motto, "No Drama"

When ever she returned from the restroom or the jukebox, I had a difficult time keeping my eyes where they should be. She was wearing a pale yellow lace camisole top which revealed just enough to know she wasn't wearing a bra. The sun would shine behind her and would show off her stunning silloutte through a colorful floral skirt

After a few hours of laughter and a couple of beers my stomach started to growl and I remembered that I didn't eat any lunch and invite a few friends over for a impromptu get together. Kendra accepts excitedly but then all of my other friends smirk and say that they will have to decline for an eray of reasons. I shoot another look in Tracy's direction to only see the same shit eating grin that I was so familiar with!

Now knowing that Kendra didn't have many accepting/knowing friends, I decided to not reschedule. Figuring she might need a little break so she wouldn't get too enindated or overwhelmed.  I was no where near as overbearing as some of my friends, especially with someone new to our community.

 When we first arrive at my house I am nervous because I didn't want Kendra to think this was a planned seduction of some sort, well maybe by Tracy but not on my part. Eventually I started to relax again and enjoy myself cooking and entertaining even though it was just the two of us. After dinner we sat on the patio and enjoyed a glass of Sangria and continued visiting like old friends.

We are enjoying each others company and couldn't help but flirt with each other periodically but always would quickly retreat. Although for different reasons, I can only assume that she's aprehensive of where her desires might take her. I withdraw because my heart is moving faster than my mind and I always want to know and plan everything. The unfamiliar flip flops in my stomach and racing of my pulse is scary and new. My typical confidence is now running for cover.

I suddenly had to occupy myself when I notice the butterflies returning. I stand to clear the table but had to slightly lean over in Kendra's direction revealing my cleavage. I felt even more flushed when I notice that her hand comes off of the glass table and a steamy hand print remained briefly. I felt a gaining fire and ache between my legs when I saw her start to trace imaginary circles with her middle finger in the air.  I went in the house immediatly to keep from pouncing on her right then and there. I try to catch my breath before returning from the kitchen. Tracy's advice echoed through my head and I finally decided to give in. I approached Kendra from behind and dipped my head and suprised her with a light kiss on her neck. She jumped slightly but let a high pitched sigh escape her lips and instinctively tilted her head to give me more access. I hum against her skin enjoying the softness against my lips. I had to peel myself away but before I can return to my seat she grabs my hand and pulls me in close for a quick kiss. I wanted to stay there longer but didn't want to push her too fast. Her cheeks were flushed and had the cutest grin that accented her dimple and made her eyes shine.

"I'm sorry, I just really wanted your lips on mine" She whispers to me.

I raised an eyebrow when she bites her lower lip. Confidence gaining, I lean over her and ghosts my lips next to hers giving a light flick with my tongue. She gives a soft whimper and lunges forward crashing our lips together. We explore each other with a very passionate kiss and both moan lightly with pleasure. All I could think about was what a wonderful kisser she is. The tenderness had us both moaning in unision, then would be mixed with playful nips that had us smiling with slight giggles. I pull back to look into her beautiful, warm eyes.  I place one palm across her jawline and gently caress her full lips with my thumb.

"Mmmm, that was lovely" I whisper to her with my face only inches away. 

I whimper and my pelvis aches when she parts her lips slightly and starts teasing my thumb with the tip of her tongue. I am so turned on knowing that my pussy was just as hot and wet as her tongue. Mesmerized watching her tongue, I release a deep moan. I raise my other hand to cup her face. With my palms on her cheeks I start kissing her with want and need. She moans loudly into my mouth that has a way of saying "finally". The kisses now have pace of lust and desire.  I pull her up and forward, she stands slowly, careful not to break our kiss. Her hand snakes behind my neck pulling me closer and I wrap my hands around her waist, letting my hand slip under her blouse to caress the small of her back. Turning slowly I start to walk backwards in to my house pulling her with me. My intention is to get this glorious women into my bed but I quickly lose patience.  Making our way though the kitchen I turn and push her up against dark cabinets. We both release a high pitch moan upon impact and I start to slowly walk her skirt up with my fingers. We both moan deeper once my fingers graze the soft skin on her hips. Once the full length of material is in my hand, I pull down slowly. The skirt that flowed with her beauty earlier is now crumpled on the floor. Using both of my hands I lift her on to the counter top which makes her give out a light squeal and shiver when her skin touches the cool granite top. I strip her camisole over her head, reluctantly breaking our kiss. My eyes drink in her naked breast for the first time. Her skin was flawless, the bikini lines draws my eyes directly to her small yet firm full breasts and then my eyes drift down to a wet patch on her panties that is pure evidence of her excitement. Kendra clears her throat to snap me out of my fog. I blush profusely knowing I got caught gawking and lean in to start kissing her again.

She whispers against my lips with a smile "Did I just make a gold star blush?"

My eyes widen with surprise, she wasn't as innocent as she was letting on! Before I could say anything, she closes the gap to bite and nip at my lower lip.

Kissing her gently and letting my tongue gently tease her, I can almost taste her moans.  I slowly move down her jaw and settle into her neck. When her soft moans change to deeper groans, I changed from light kisses to lashing at her with my wet hot tongue. I elicit another deeper moan along with a shiver from her when I let my knuckles deftly rub across her left erect nipple.

I mark her with a love bite right between her collar bone and her breast. I hum to myself pleased with my handy work. She pulls me into a heated kiss knowing I marked her to remind her of this evening.  I moan at the pleasure that I have  so long missed. My hands move slowly down to Kendra's waist, down her thighs and to her knees and coax them wider. I  smile against her skin when she opens them wider to accept me. I'm pleased to know I wasn't pushing her too fast.

This stunning women leans back on her hands and watches me with wide eyes kiss from her collar bone to the valley between her breast and then lightly lick and flick her nipple with the tip of my tongue.

The desire is starting to get overwhelming, I had to taste her! Moving lower and peppering her stomach with light kisses. I stop right at the top of her panties and lock eyes with her. I raise and eyebrow in a way of asking permission to continue. She mewls out a light response "Please don't stop" Normally my dom side would come out and I would continue teasing her until she would be a whimpering, begging mess. Although don't because I want her first lesbian experience to be beautiful and enjoyable, also my desire was like a wild fire and I just simply wanted!

She shifted her weight and briefly brought her legs together helping me  pull her pale pink panties down. Sliding past her toned calves she raised one knee slightly spreading her legs for me. Her panties briefly hung up on her right ankle for a moment before falling silently to the tile floor of my kitchen. My eyes fall across her body her down to a nicely trimmed mound. Even though the hair was so short I could see the folds of her pussy glisten, I could smell her excitement as well.

Once I settled in between her thighs I couldn't help but be completly selfish. I flatten my tongue and take a slow deliberate swipe up the entire legnth of her slit, gathering as much of her wetness on my tongue as I could.

Her voice quivers, "Oooh, God!"

 I close my eyes and enjoy her taste when I tilt my head back and swirl my tongue in my mouth savoring every drop of her. I groan and smile to myself, it has been WAY too long since I got to do that.

I take a natural deep breath and go back into her heat. I enjoy keeping my eyes locked with hers. She returns my gaze when her eyes aren't rolling back in pleasure or fluttering shut. I work gracefully around her tender folds of skin and only lightly graze her sensitive clit periodically. Both moaning together I start to have an enveloping sensation that I have never had before. Trying to ignor my feelings, intent on pleasing her to the fullest and wanting to make this pure magic for her. I continue sucking and flicking her button of nerves with my tongue. I growl in hunger against her clit and she groans and bucks her hips against my face. Her hands move down and pull roughly at the back of my head,  fingers twisting through my hair. I pull back briefly, Kendra pleads "Oh no, please don't stop now" which I had no plan on. Bringing two fingers to her entrance,  she then knew what I was about to do and whimpers in anticipation. I slide my fingers in easily into her aching hole. Her legs twitch and she kicks the cabinets with her bare feet.

"Oh my god, that feels good!" She breaths out through parted lips.

With my free hand I pull her closer and her sweat slicked skin magnifies my hunger. Running my blunt nails down her thigh makes her tremble, growling in pleasure.

 "Oh my god, Maddie...fuck me!" as I pull her leg over my shoulder. The strength of her leg holds me firmly as she uncontrollably bucks herself into a wild orgasm. Her muscles soon became rigid although almost felt like she had electricity flowing through her veins. Slowling slightly,  I let her ride out her sensation and only remove my fingers when she is completely spent.

Gently moving her leg, it falls limp against the cabinet. I stand and her eyes are shut and my heart clenched wondering if she now regrets what we have done. Kendra opens her eyes, and I stand back feeling a little apprehension. My heart skips when I hear

"Get over her, beautiful" I  step closer and she pulls me into a heated kiss and moans in a different way.

"Mmm, you taste ......good!?"  My heart flutters at her words.

"That's you baby! You're the one that tastes so sweet."  I murmur into a long drawn out wet kiss, our tongues caressing each other passionately.

"I want...more.....I want you!" Her words make my whole body ache with need. I groan at the thought of her mouth on my clit and it is pulsating almost painfully. But I can't help but smirk knowing that man has lost another stunning woman to the other team!

Helping her down from the counter. She slides against my skin and I get to kiss her again from her chest and back to her neck. Now looking eye to eye, I feel lost. My heart races and I suddenly feel anxiety rushing through my veins. Trying to ignore this new sensation, I gently kiss Kendra's hand while staring into her bright eyes and pull her to go back out side. She looks at me confusingly but clearly curious of what my plan was. I press up against her whole body and whisper into her neck "Trust me. The back yard is surrounded by tall trees" as I flick off the patio light. I moan in response to her giggle that turns into a whimper when I pinch her nipple.

 I move her in the direction of the pool and she now knows my devious plan is for us to go skinny dipping. Pool side I quickly ditch my shorts and tank top as we walk and kiss and slowly try to make our way to the shallow end of the pool. She stops and pulls me into a wonderful wet kiss. As my fingers slip though her beautiful brown hair, Kenda holds me firmly around the waist then suddenly smiles as she falls to the right and pulls me into the pool with her! I squeal in anticipation  of the cool water but have to quickly hold my breath. When we surface, I find her beautiful face smiling like a Cheshire cat.

"I'm gonna get you" I say playfully as I gently splash water in her direction

She raises one eyebrow and in a sultry voice says "I believe it's my turn to get you"

My eyes flutter slightly at the thought and I start to swim towards her. Her eyes and nose are slightly out of the water and she wrinkles her nose and gives me a come hither motion with her index finger. When our bodies meet she raises out of the water to meet me eye to eye. I can't believe how gorgeous she is in the soft glow of the pool light.

I couldn't help grab her hips and give a brief but firm possessive tug against her body, eliciting an "Oohhh" sound from Kendra then I wrap my arms around her waist. I move one hand to her neck and the other to left breast and kneed it briefly before teasing her nipple with my fingertips. Kendra leaves one hand on the small of my back but slowly moves her other hand to my core. We both gasp for air when her middle finger slides between my folds with ease due to a my excess slickness.

"Oh,'re wet!" She moans out.

"You have no idea how much you turn me on" I husk out but quickly clench my teeth together when her finger continues moving.

"Right there, baby" I growl but then she stops.

"Can we move to your bedroom?" She whispers.

 Even though my body is aching for a release, I worry that this is evening is going too fast for her. I don't want to end this perfect evening if she wasn't ready reciprocate with any sapphic love making. I try to let her know its okay if she wants to stop by saying,

"Hey babe, it's okay. Let's slow down...why don't I just give you a call tomorrow" and give her a quick kiss.

"Oh, one is stopping! (devilish grin) I was hoping to make you scream but didn't want to wake your neighbors. Besides I want the lights on!"

I shiver at the thought and give her one more sensual kiss before turning to make our way out of the pool. We reach the foot of the lounge chair and I move my book and pick up the towels that I had set out earlier that day. We quickly pat dry our hair and towel each other off but end up more groping at each others body. Picking up my discarded clothes and wrapping our towels around us, we hurry back into my house.

Keeping our eyes locked in between quick kisses as I pull her towards my bedroom.  I'm pleased because her eyes only fill more and more with desire. Suddenly her pace quickens and she pushes me until the back of my legs hit the edge of my bed. Letting her towel fall away from her body and a wild look in her eyes she pulls my shorts and tank top from my hand and flings them across the room in a mock fury and playfully rips the towel from my body. She is so cute trying to be a little dom, I smile and let her find her way in her new adventure. We both smile briefly before she raises an eyebrow and literally pounces on me. Our lips couldn't be closer without touching as we move further on to the bed and her warm breath washes over my face.  My tongue slips gently to her lips and carefully caress her equally wanting tongue. We moan together as our kiss increases with passion. This moment has been building for too long and I can't wait any more! I know that it's been a while for me although the sensations running through me are still higher than ever before.  

She settles herself between my legs and the weight of her body is an unbelievable turn on and a relief all at the same time. I moan in anticipation when her hand slowly slides in between us and makes its way to my throbbing pussy. Moaning together when her finger slides against my hairless, slick mound. I let a groan escape from my lips and enjoy when she takes it as hers with a kiss. I wrap my legs around her waist and melt as she grinds the back of her hand with her pelvis. I don't need any more because the  wave is about to crash over me. "Oh baby, that's the...." two fingers ram into me and I can't finish a complete thought. My mind is a whirl instantly and I shudder when I was hit with the quickest orgasm ever.

As soon as I catch my breath I blush with embarrassment. I was supposed to be the experienced woman tonight. I suddenly felt like a vulnerable teenager having their first sexual experience. My mind is searching for logic, trying to understand why this experience felt better than any other.  Kendra was number six for me in my 29 years of life but all I could think about is that I wished she was my first and last! Trying not to think, I pull her down on to me. I nuzzle up to her neck and kiss her tender skin gently. Relaxing in a state of satifaction we both easily drift off to sleep.

--- ---

I wake in the morning upside down in my bed, turn and find Kendra staring at me. I smile as I blink slowly "Mmmm..good morning, beautiful!" I rasp out with a sleepy voice.

She smirks "I'm so glad you didn't leave in the middle of the night"

We chuckle together but my heart flutters wondering what she meant by that. Was I looking too much into her possible meaning? I lean in closer and kiss her gently. Holding the kiss as long as possible, I inhale through my nose and sigh, enjoying the softness of her lips. She smiles against my lips and I can't help but smile too as I think of the little dimple that only shows on her cheek when she smiles.

I hear my cell phone vibrate in my shorts that were who knows where, since they were flung away in the middle of the night. I ignore it for the first time ever.

"Don't you want to get that?" She asks.

"Nope" I murmur and return to kissing her.

My home phone now rings and it receives the same treatment.

"Maybe, it's important? " Kendra asks with a concerned tone.

I pull the sheet over our heads in attempt to hide from the world. When  Tracy's voice comes on my answering machine and I groan and roll my eyes hoping that she doesn't embarrass me.

"Hey Maddie, this is Trac. Sorry I missed you already this morning , or maybe your in the shower (giggle). Well, I'll catch you later. I'm working this afternoon, come by for a bloody mary, bye!."

I roll my eyes again knowing Kendra heard the hidden joke in Tracy's words.

"She's gonna give us shit, isn't she?" Kendra asks

"Yep....but...I...don'!" I say as I punctuate with kisses in between each word.

I roll her over until I'm directly on top of her and I can't help but to smile at this stunning woman that is glowing from the light that is shining through the sheet that is still pulled over our heads.

"What?" She asks with a smirk

"Mmm" is my only response as I continue kissing her. My lips part slightly and I flick my tongue against her lip. She responds with a similar playful kiss. Moaning together our kisses become less playful and replaced with passionate wet kisses with our tongues wrestling together as I push my body against hers.

Kendra moans out what I long to hear "Can what you did last night...again?"

"Hhhmmm?" Wanting to find out if she liked to be teased.

"You know...that thing..." She says with a higher pitched voice and a slight smile.

"You're gonna have to be more specific. " I tease back.

She whimpers, "That thing...with your mouth...down there."

"Mmmm....Where do you want my mouth? " I husk into her lips.

Her body is now trembling  in between ragged breaths.

"Say it....I want to hear you say it " I whisper against her quivering breath.

"On my....p-pussy" She whispers against my lips.

I smile and move slowly kissing and nipping at her skin across her chin, down her jaw to her neck.  " Mmmmm, you want me to...."  Against her skin I mimic my words with the same actions. "kiss (kiss) your pussy..."

"Yesss..." She mewls out.

"Lick (lick) your pussy..." I tease in the crook of her neck.

"Uh, huh.." She whimpers with a high pitch moan.

"Bite your pussy..." I draw out as I lightly drag my teeth across her neck that shows her racing pulse.

"Ooohhhh, Maddie.... Fuck me, ....please....would you please fuck me!" She begs.

"God, you're even sexier when you beg." I growl in response.

My whole pelvis aches with desire and I start kissing my way to Kendra's breast. Swirling my tongue with every kiss I trace over her love bite from last night and make my way to her stiff right nipple. My hand cups her left breast and I lightly pinch and pull her left nipple with my thumb and finger, all the while I continue to tease her other nipple with my mouth. Kendra moans and arches her back to push harder into me. She starts to whimper with pleasure when I gently drag my teeth across her nipple then wrap it up in my wet tongue and gently lash at it soothingly.

I move my left hand tantalizing slow against her soft skin squeezing firmly her ribs and pelvis. I elicit a deep moan from her when I drag my nails under her thigh to her perfectly shaped ass and squeeze roughly.

My need is growing and start to move lower. I try to go slow and build the moment but I want to taste her sweetness in the worst way. Kissing my way down her stomach, I pause right below her belly button and enjoy her quivering muscles against my lips.  Consumed by the scent of her excitement, I continue lower and gently kiss her moist mound. I hum anticipation before I snake my tongue into her wet folds. We both moan together when we truly connect.

To me there is a certain magic in the taste of a beautiful woman, but this time it is at a new high. I am intoxicated on Kendra and I have no intentions on stopping, my hunger is insatiable! I am lost in passion and selfishly make love to her with my mouth. I am suddenly reminded of her needs when growls out my name. Her knees bend, hips thrust and she roughly pulls the back of my head with both of her hands.

I pullback and she grunts in dissapointment and I can't help but to smile to know her want and need. I flip over to my back and quickly tell her, "Come up here gorgeous!"

She eagerly kneels and flips her leg over and straddles my face. I graciously take her clit in between my lips and suck gently. Kendra's hips start to rock back and forth. When her grinding gets more forceful I wrap my arms around her thighs and hold her tight. I let a growl escape, she responds by pulling at the back of my head. I have no air and I don't care, all I want is more! I adjust myself and bring two fingers up to her entrance and slowly enter her tight pussy. She unknowingly clenched my fingers as I start to please her with a ramming motion that ends with a little tug of my wrist each time. Her moans and groans build and turns to screams as her sensation starts to explode. I am able to thrust a few more times and start to shake my head side to side while holding her clit between my lips.  She screams out with a force that is animal like before her body goes rigid. She tries to get air in her lungs but can't because her mouth gasps open with a wild scream that can't escape.  She tries to come down from her rush although her body peodically spasms. I release her clit but continue to flex my fingers against her g-spot.

Kendra thrusts one more time forcefully before her hips still, while she cums completely and gives then a last shudder with her hips and sighs with a content that obviously had years of pent up emotions behind it. She swings her weak leg away and falls beside me.

"Oh my god....thank you Maddie!"  She breaths out with a heavy sigh.

I roll to my side and trace my fingers across her stomach. She starts to recover and I suddenly see a hunger in her eyes. Our mouths meet in a passionate kiss. Like last night, I hear a moan that has curiosity behind it. She gently pushes my hip until I am on my back. And lowers herself and treats me with heated kisses across my breasts down to my stomach. She slowly lowers herself until her mouth hovers above my core.

To my surprise Kendra has a very honest, innocent way about her as  she brings her hand up and parts my labia. Her eyes are wild with lust and curiosity as she leans forward to lightly kiss my throbbing pussy. Her eyes flutter and she moans deeply,  although my groan is what echoes through the room. Her tongue flicks between her lips and makes contact. We both quickly moan out in pleasure. I truly want nothing else than to be with her, right here, right now. My want and need for this exquisite woman is like none other. Her own actions are now being controlled by her excitement and known through her growls and overall eagerness. She attacks my pussy with an insatiable hunger and explores every bit of me with her hot mouth! I can easily tell that like me, Kendra is addicted to the taste. Her hands move to my ass and squeezes roughly. My muscles tighten as I near the beautiful sensation of a massive climax and I start coming undone for this stunning woman.

"Kendra, oh my sweet heaven" I scream, as my toes curl in exticy! I finally relax my arched back and fall to the bed. With a smile that has a hint of pride behind it, Kendra slinks up to me and kisses me passionately before she falls to my side.

"Are you sure you haven't done that before?" I say lightly as I push a little hair away from her face a place it behind her ear.

She smiles in victory and blushes "First time, but I have been wanting to for years! Did I do okay?"

" Oh sweetie, you have no idea!" I mumble against her neck as I kiss her skin and watch goosebumps erupt across her body.

"I think I might need more practice." She smirks with an eyebrow raised.

"Good, what are you doing this afternoon? " I reply back playfully.

"Uhm, well we better first go to the bar and let your friends settle their bets on us!" She laughes.

I smile with excitement as she says "Us" but apologize "Oh gawd, I'm sorry they're such assholes!"

She pulls me in closer and laughs against my neck under my chin "You liar! Tracy told me you lost five bucks on me!"

I blush immediately but roll her over and lightly kiss her and whisper against her lips "Yeah, but I WON so much more!"


2016-06-30 04:15:31
Love it!


2016-06-04 23:19:15
*stories (sorry)


2016-06-04 23:18:25
I have two sores posted, and thinking about a sequel. Let me know which one you would like.

mature ginaReport 

2016-06-02 18:21:40
You are an excellent writer. It wasn't just a wild sex romp, but it had a nice steady build-up. I have a devilish friend like Tracy who thinks she knows what is best for me also. ;)

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