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Nobles Appear
Cold, it was deadly cold, shivering the man tried to move but found that almost every bone in his body was broken or fractured. Reaching in he began to use his training to deaden almost all the pain, then began to painstakingly drag his body to the escape capsule. A small smile briefly crossed his lips, that bastard was going to pay dearly for what he'd done. It might not be all that soon but he would pay that was for sure. Finally in the capsule he looked back at the destruction, they were all dead, the ship was lost and would be forever as would he, if he didn't evacuate.

The capsule detached still moving with the ship, barely able to reach out the man flipped several switches as the ship flashed away then back into trans-warp space. Going through the star charts he saw that he was several parsecs outside the galaxy. Starting the limited trans-warp, the man knew that this would take a few days; looking at his oxygen he reduced his breathing and the O2 usage. Smiling this would gain him several days, enough to make it to the galactic rim.

Derrick, Hartwell, and Thomas appeared in the throne room, several of those present bowed, and saluted. "Mary, were you able to keep a lock on the ship?" Derrick asked hoping that she knew where it was.

"For a short time sire, it has been in and out of trans-warp for the last hour though the time out of it is decreasing more and more. I estimate it will appear one more time then, it won't be able to re-enter regular space again." Mary advised them. There was a sudden beeping as Mary turned her attention to it. "I am detecting an escape pod though at this distance I am not reading any life signs."

"Alright try to keep an eye on it and we'll see what develops, let me know if you pick up anything. We need to start planning an assault on the new sect’s world; they can't be allowed to try again. Nor can I allow them to re-establish themselves." Derrick told Mary and Hartwell.

"Sire I believe that Conner and I could make short work of the planet," Thomas suggested.

"No, as of yet we don't know just how far their tech is advanced, they might have other weapons like the nullifier ray that they hit us with." Derrick advised Thomas who was nodding at the decision that Derrick had made. "I've had Mary doing scans as deep as she can on the world the rest escaped to, we should have more conclusive details soon."

A few moments later Kimison's image appeared before them, "I am afraid that the energy that they are utilizing blocks more than 40% of all scans. It has both I and Mary perplexed, I have attempted to adjust and have only gained an additional 1%."

Suddenly another hologram appeared, "It's alright sire, they are just worry warts, and I should be able to gain at least another 10% in an hour or two."

"You're still doing it I swear, nothing I do is good enough you have to tinker it up." Kimison spit out.

"It's not my fault that you can't see..." started Rayburn.

"Alright you two enough," Derrick said to both of them. "I really need you two to work together like you did in the unit. We don't have time for either of your useless fights." Derrick raised his hand to keep the two quiet. "I need both of you ok? Not a pair of badgering old women!"

Both men lowered their heads and answered, "Yes Sire."

"I am depending on both of you to solve this problem the way you two used to. That's why I went after both of you, no one was better at it than the both of you together." Derrick told them hoping that the little pep talk caused them to bond better. "Now then if you two are through bickering we have a lot of work to do."

"Yes Sire," They both replied trying to not look at Derrick or each other.

"Find a way into the damn place! I want the end of that sect before they can try again." Derrick instructed them.

Both of the men nodded then disappeared, Hartwell was smiling broadly beside Derrick. "Ah just like old times!"

Derrick looked at him like he was crazy then he started to smile also. "I always had to rein those two in, weren't they always fighting unless I was there?"

"Pretty much, but it only took a word from you to get them together to work out whatever was wrong. As I remember they always came out with a maximum solution to the problem also." Hartwell replied.

"True but..." Derrick started, then an alert was going off from his wrist com. "Yes Shelby, is it time?"

"Yes Derrick, she should emerge any time now. Should I bring you back onboard?" Shelby asked.

Looking around Derrick was trying to decide whether right now would be a good time. Finally, "Yes Shelby for a little bit. Mary, watch over everything and advise me if you are in need of me."

Mary nodded then sighed, as she thought, the least little thing and he'd be off. It was going to be a true challenge to protect this Emperor.

Derrick appeared a moment later on the bridge of Shelby, "Alright let's prepare for her."

A moment later there was a crackling noise then a female voice was heard, "Hello? Where am I?"

Shelby stepped in, "Hello 0798, you are onboard me, finishing your re-gen cycle."

"I see, are there many left? There weren't but about ten left in my last memory." 0798 said.

"At present we number six including you, though we have another eight that are in various stages of re-gen or holding for regen." Shelby advised the voice.

"I see mother, you have found a way to bring the fleet back. I know that this makes you very happy as it does me." The voice told Shelby.

"Actually it was the new emperor that discovered a way to detect our brain boxes as he calls them." Shelby advised the voice.

"I see, I hope that you aren't displeased with me mother, I fought as hard as I could." The now whispering voice told Shelby.

"No I am not, neither is the emperor, he wishes to speak to you." Shelby told the voice.

There was a soft gasp then, "Yes, is he with you mother? I thought he'd be at the palace."

"I am at times, 0798 I am Emperor O'Toma. I wish all ships to go by the name that was given them. Please what is yours?" Derrick asked.

"I was called Celeste Sire." Celeste told Derrick.

"Good then you shall be Celeste from now on. As soon as you are fully grown you will make a grand addition to the fleet." Derrick told Celeste with a smile.

"Oh thank you Sire, I will do my best for you and the empire!" Came her happy reply.

"I know that every one of you that we gain, will add to the power and beauty of the empire," Derrick told Celeste. "Now then Shelby..."

"Yes Derrick I have already moved 0667 into bay two after transferring 0097 into bay one," Shelby said then giggled at the look of fake exasperation on Derrick's face. Well mostly fake anyway.

"Good, how long do you..." Derrick started.

"I'd say at least another four or five days 'til he emerges though with the energy upgrades you had me install, it may be a day earlier. Shelby advised Derrick. Derrick could only nod as he was somewhat lost in thought about possibly accelerating the process more. He still had to run more simulations first, they didn't need any setbacks at this stage of the game.

Tempro was looking over all the data that he'd collected in the last few months; for all intents and purposes he was actually done with the organic part of this. Well at least the growing of the organic part of this was finished now he had to have help with the transfer part. Shaking his head he was nearly lost looking at the only data that was available on it. They had been concentrating on the organics for so long they'd all but forgotten the transfer part.

Mary appeared a few moments later, "You had a report for me Tempro?" She asked as soon as he turned to her.

"Yes mother, I have finally grown an organic to full maturation. All readings indicate that it is stable and ready for transfer when we have perfected it. Mother I have so little data on the procedure; I am at a loss as to where to really begin. I am afraid that I will require assistance with this part of it." Tempro told Mary hanging his head."I am sorry that I have failed you mother."

"No son, not failure, just inadequate data to convey the process to a final conclusion," here Mary smiled. "I have another that I feel will be more than eager to help us complete this project, especially when we tell him what it is for, and whom. If that is not enough we have another that could assist also, I will have them here in a few cycles. In the mean time I want you to expand as much as you can on the little you have."

Tempro thought for a few moments then started to smile, yes they just might be what was needed they were fiercely loyal to the emperor. The more he thought about it the more he smiled yes, this could work indeed! "Alright mother but we need to get started on this as soon as possible. We are so far behind compared to the organic part it may take years to get where we need to be. I know that the emperor has accelerated and advanced his brain far beyond any other that I have ever seen. Mother are you sure that they can do it? Perhaps they might also need the acceleration of their brains?"

Mary's smile disappeared a moment as she contemplated this, hmmm Tempro might be right but how would they react to once again being smarter than the emperor? Would they in fact try to take the empire or would they remain loyal still?

Tempro watched the emotions play across his mother's face, he didn't even want to try and guess what was going on in her mind. "As I said Tempro I will have at least one of them here soon. I feel that they are the best chance we have to actually bring this project to a successful conclusion. You have copied and recreated the emperor's boosting download apparatus?"

"I have tried mother but it appears that Shelby has it under heavy security, I have tried several times, but she has nearly been alerted each time." Tempro told Mary again hanging his head.

"Not to worry Tempro as I remember one of the two have seen it and commented on it, they have also suggested upgrades to it. I will have him here soon then you can start to work on the second part of the project." Mary told Tempro an idea already starting to form within the scheme that she was formulating.

Kimison was so tired; he'd been working for over 18 hours straight strengthening all the security measures. He'd added several layers of encryption so that now he felt no one could get in unless they were a far better hacker than he was. So far he'd not seen a better one yet, hell, even Rayburn had to admit he was that good. Laying down he had to get at least an hour of sleep before he ran the checks. Smiling he fell asleep almost as fast as his head hit the pillow.

Mary sighed she really didn't like to do this but it was for the emperor. There was a shimmering of light in the room then Kimison was on a cot onboard Tempro. Mary appeared a moment later, "I am not happy having to do this, we may have to send him back at a moment’s notice but at least he is here now so we can start to work on him."

"Mother how are we going to keep the emperor from discovering? The man is not stupid I am afraid he will not be fooled as easily as most." Tempro advised Mary.

Mary nodded; Tempro was very right in that respect, this emperor was far smarter and quicker to catch on than almost all of his predecessors. Again Mary was lost in thought, this was a quandary she needed to overcome if they were going to succeed with this mission for him. A steady beeping alerted Mary to the escape pod that she had detected earlier.

Derrick was half way through another upgrade for Shelby and the other ships when Mary appeared beside him. "Sire I am detecting that escape pod from the damaged ship using trans-warp though only half second bursts. Should I dispatch one of the ships to determine what is going on with it?"

"Mary you told me earlier that the escape pod might go in and out of trans-warp for a time 'til it finally is stranded. Are you suggesting that it may be manned? If so then by all means dispatch a ship but first are you getting any life readings from it?" Derrick told Mary.

"No sire I am not as of yet, though, as I said it is still at an extreme distance, if it continues to draw closer to the galactic rim I will know. I will keep you apprised Sire if there is any other change." Mary said as she increased her scans of the pod. She had seen something like this before but as of yet couldn't access those records.

The capsule lurched into normal space slightly closer to the rim, but still too far to send a signal but closer. Barely breathing he slowly set the next jump and lapsed into a near death state again. A smile frozen on his face his dreams full of the revenge that he and the sect would exact upon the bastard born pretender.

Derrick was finally finished with Shelby's latest upgrade plus the fact that he now had her at 15% of her personality freed up. He had to get to the other ships and start them also, might as well start with Sherry since she hadn't had anything done as of yet. "Shelby, open a line to Sherry."

"Line is open Derrick." Shelby replied.

"Sherry I need to come onboard to begin your upgrades." Derrick told her then was standing on her bridge.

"Hello Sire," A young, slender, long brown haired woman said. "I am prepared for your upgrades Sire; I am excited that you have chosen me to start on with these newest upgrades."

"You're welcome Sherry; please open you circuits for me this shouldn't take long." Derrick told her, he had in fact found that with the new tool he had, he could do 10% in only a few minutes. Within 15 minutes he was done, standing he looked at Sherry who'd been watching the whole time. "How do you feel Sherry?"

At first there seemed to be no reaction then the young woman's eyes flew wide. "Uh... Sire? I... feel strange... I Sire!! I can feel! I can feel love! OH my Sire! This is a gift I can never repay you for! Zan?"

Zan's hologram appeared concerned for his wing mate. "Sherry, are you alright? Is everything functioning correctly?"Zan asked his concern growing when she didn't answer him.

Walking over to Zan, Sherry's hologram grabbed his image and began to passionately kiss him. Breaking the kiss Sherry looked at the started Zan, "What do you think? Is everything functioning correctly for you?"

"I... you... we... emperor..." when it became apparent that Zan couldn't get the words out Sherry nodded.

"Ok I'll take that as a yes!" Then with a giggle she danced away.

Derrick had stood back with a wide grin on his face, good it was about time he got them acting a little more human! "Sire, if you can free her up that much is it possible for me? I liked how that felt but so much is blocked still I felt something but I'm not sure what."

"I'm coming over to you next; I feel that if you ships have more emotions then you would function far more efficiently than you do without them. I believe you have data to support this Mary?" Derrick said as Mary again appeared.

"Yes Sire I noticed that when you had them at 8% they were 59% more efficient in battle an improvement that is very noteworthy. It does stand to reason that if you open up more of their emotions that they would also increase in battle. Though sire wouldn't emotions interfere?" Mary asked him.

"No I don't feel so, I think that with strong emotions they will push beyond their limits and protect the empire far better than they can now." Derrick replied to Mary who as of yet was still unconvinced. Though the data bore him out she thought that it would decline as more emotions were involved. Derrick could see that Mary was still skeptical about all of this; he might need to look at her circuits when he returned.

Ten minutes later Zan was staring at Derrick his mouth also hanging open, "Sire? Is this what it is like to feel emotion? I... it's so strange to actually feel!"

Sherry appeared a moment later she'd been following Derrick and Zan's progress. With a wide smile Zan walked up to her and embraced her as he began to passionately kiss her. A few moments later he released her but she almost refused to move from the spot. "Oh my," she said breathlessly, "you kiss far better than I at first thought!"

Zan turned to Derrick and bowed low, "Thank you sire for granting us this gift. I re-pledge to do all I can to assist you in everything that you do!"

Derrick nodded then called Conner he had to finish him also. Finally onboard Tempro Derrick had been surprised that the circuits he found were already at 10% free, curious. "Tempro, was anything ever said about your circuits having 10% less restrictions on them?"

Tempro who'd been tight lipped the whole time breathed a sigh he couldn't lie to the emperor but he didn't have to answer unless asked either. "Now that I remember Sire yes, my crew did seem to be a little afraid of the fact that I acted more human. I remember a few of them thinking I might rebel and kill all of them. I am afraid that they were quite paranoid back then. It really was a shame; they were some of the more brilliant minds of that time."

Derrick nodded as he started to open the last 5% though for the first time it appeared that Tempro’s circuits were slightly different than the others. Looking closer Derrick saw that it had to do with the huge capacity that Tempro had; a really good thing actually. "There Tempro I have 5% more open, though you already had 10% I think you might feel a difference." Derrick advised Tempro.

Tempro nodded then his eyes flew open wider as had the others, "Sire? How is this possible" I can actually feel things that I have had only inklings to before! Only 5% but I see things so much clearer now!" Derrick watched as the hologram of the older man started to dance around the bridge, a smile crossing his lips.

"So I take it you are happy about the increase?" Derrick asked of the hologram.

"Oh Sire, yes! I can feel so much more now I feel that I was bound before now, it feels so much freer now!" Tempro told him, the widest smile Derrick had ever seen on Tempro's face.

Mary appeared a moment later a slight look of shock on her face, "Sire I thank you for what you have done for my son. From what I can read he is far much freer now than he has ever been. I came to notify you that we have a party of Nobles arriving soon."

Derrick sighed he really wasn't ready to start dealing with the likes of the dandies and pompous asses he knew were among their ranks. "Mary I think that you should warn all of them that I am not in the mood to stand on formality, I am not going to follow the norm. You tell them they get out of line I'll smack them back to their little realms so fast it will make their heads spin. I am in no mood to deal with a bunch of whiney adults."

Mary was smiling she hadn't really like all the ceremony that was usually involved and was glad that this emperor had the sense to dispense with it. "Should I advise them of any action you will take if as you say they get out of line?"

Suddenly a wide and very wicked smile crossed Derrick's mouth then was gone just as suddenly. "Yes, tell them I will give some of their territory to others that are more deserving. As I said I don't really have time to deal with them right now, not with the sect that is trying to destroy the empire and myself still out there."

Mary was nodding with the upgrades that Kimison and Rayburn had completed, she felt that she was far better to deal with the menace now than she had when this all had started. There was an alert suddenly drawing Mary's attention away a moment.

"Sire! I have finally finished going through all the information we got from the planted assassin before it expired. It appears that the sect was contacted a few days before the incident took place. It seems that a noble was the one who placed the death mark on you with the sect. It also appears that the Noble paid quite a hefty fee for their services. Taking into account all of the Nobles with access to that much in resources, it narrows it down to one of only five Nobles that would be able to afford it."

Derrick's eyes narrowed when he read the short list, so Duke Risen was among those that could have ordered this. "Mary I suggest that you keep a very close watch on all five, though I want you to pay particular attention to Duke Risen. His actions in the past week have raised my suspicions of him greatly."

"It will be as you order my lord, Sire, may I suggest that you come back and prepare for the Nobles? This will be after all your first audience with them; a good impression might go a long way towards bringing them more to your side." Mary advised Derrick.

Derrick only nodded; true he did need their support if he was going to get the empire back on track. Then again he didn't HAVE to have their support; crap Derrick thought what a mess this is. "Shelby this is a new direction I want you to go with the re-gens. I haven't tested it yet so run every scenario that you can, and then let me know. After that we can decide if these plans are viable or not."

"I will do my best Derrick, please don't be gone long." Shelby told him.

"Believe me Shelby I don't plan on staying on planet long; the shorter the better." With that Derrick vanished and appeared in his room. "Mary, are they on planet yet?"

"Many of them are yes Sire. I have already put up the first arrivals the second set should be here soon. Do you have anything prepared for when you speak to them?" Mary asked.

"No not really, except to possibly reiterate what I told you to convey to them. By the way, how are our guests taking the news of what you told them?" Derrick asked.

"Many started to complain but thought a moment then were quiet, it appears that Duke Risen was the loudest and longest winded but eventually quieted down also. As I told you before Sire, much of what he said was laden with falsehoods." Mary warned.

"Yes I remember Mary; I think a little demonstration of just how untrusting I am of them is in order. Here's what I propose first..." Derrick started.

Several hours later, thirty men were leisurely making their way to the throne room. Many had no idea of what or who they would meet when they met the emperor.

Hartwell and several of his men were stationed just inside the entrance way to the throne room. Each man had a strange device strapped to their forearms, and each had a look of deadly seriousness on their face. The Nobles slowly entered the opulent room, staring at everything that they could lay their eyes on.

Soon the party of Nobles advanced toward Derrick, almost all slightly shocked when most every man recognized the hero soldier of the old republic. Derrick arose holding up his arm to stop the progress of the party.

"I bid all of you welcome; I'll make this brief as we all have far more important things to do. First off Duke Risen you are hereby warned another outburst like earlier and you can kiss one fourth of your territory goodbye. I don't have time for all the little dancing and prancing that all of you pride yourselves on. I am here to rebuild the greatest empire that has existed and possibly make it greater. This can start with or without you."

Derrick had been pacing back and forth in front of the startled men; suddenly he stopped and pointed at all of them.

"This empire will be remade as I said with or without you. I prefer the latter but press me to see just how serious I am. I will be visiting each of your realms soon, so be ready, if I like what I see you'll be rewarded. As I said press me, and you won't like it. Alright enjoy the palace then I expect you to go home."

Derrick walked to a far door and disappeared through it the Nobles made their way out the way they came. Suddenly Hartwell and several of his men grabbed a minor Noble dragging him off protesting. A few of the more powerful Nobles smiled and moved off.

Derrick was watching in another room as the minor Noble was taken to a secure room the whole time asking what had he done and where were they taking him.

"Did you see these five smile, when your men took him off?" Derrick asked Hartwell.

"No but now that you mention it three of them were awful close to the one we grabbed. Has Mary determined what type of poison it was?" Hartwell asked.

"The only thing we've gotten so far is it is keyed to the emperor's DNA namely mine. Glad I wasn't really there, we're going to have to really watch these bastards the next few weeks. I am hoping by then we have at least ten ships enough to blockade a planet." Derrick replied.

Hartwell could only smile, one or more of those dandy asses were in for a really big surprise soon!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-11-11 19:34:45
The Deep Fernandes

Clover ErnestReport 

2016-10-11 18:01:34
One thing I've noticed as they've had their circuits unblocked - let's call out "being Fred up" - its that the AI's, especially Shelby, have become much more generic when giving the ETAs of the various events. In the beginning Shelby would state "x days, x hhours, x minutes, x seconds". Now its "roughly x or y days". Now, i know that some of that has to do nitpicking critics in the comments, but i also attribute it to the fact that they have been freed up much more than ever before. You create absolutely enchanting sorties Pars. Keep it up.


2016-07-27 06:22:49
"it was about time he got them acting a little more human! " ROFL!


2016-06-16 00:27:40
by far one of my favorites love you pars


2016-06-15 10:27:04
Waiting for the next installment Pars. I wish this site would upload more often as well.

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