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The others start to develop more
Varick could only stare at Alan in shock there had been no sensation at all one moment he was watching with Harman and the next he was next to Angelika. Taken aback a moment Varick asked, "I'm sorry, what was it you were saying?" then felt like an idiot the moment the words left his mouth.

"Oh sorry Uncle, I know it can be disjointing it was to me the first time. I said, hello uncle, mother thought I should meet you, I agreed." Again Alan extended his hand to Varick who was really feeling stupid now as all he could do was stare at the gesture of friendship from his nephew. "Really uncle, had I known it would have thrown you off this bad I might have warned you first, I'll remember next time."

"Thank you Alan that might help though some of us might not be as accepting as my sister and I." Varick said a wry smile on his face, oh yeah he could gauge Harman's reaction had it been him. "You know why we have been looking for you don't you? Hell you might even have a better idea of a lot of things than we do. It appears that your abilities are coming in free of manipulation. Tell me just how much about us do you know?" Varick asked curious to see just what Alan had learned.

"When I went into Truda's mind I saw the many blocks that had been placed there. Most I could get past but I didn't try to remove them as I was afraid that it might hurt her mind. From what I saw they are in crucial areas of her mind." Alan told them.

Varick thought a moment so the doctor really was afraid that they would finally discover a way to reopen the memories. This was curious as they had always known the man to get sadistic glee from the pain he inflicted upon them. Then again he said that they had been close to getting him, were they in fact starting to develop past where he could retard their abilities? "When was the last time that any of the blocks were placed in her?" Alan asked.

"From what I saw it was many months ago, why?" Alan asked.

"We all have been working to strengthen our defenses, in the last few months we have also been able to access abilities that we hadn't been able to 'til now." Varick explained.

"May I look uncle?" Alan asked.

Varick tensed up but slowly nodded. Alan was suddenly in Varick's head, shit there were so many blocks here it was pitiful. Moving through Alan bumped an early memory, the block was suddenly trying to attack him! What in the hell?! Withdrawing Alan saw that the block was coming out with him. Breathing hard Alan held up his hand when Angelika moved to help him. "NO! Don't touch me, not yet!" Alan could see the block starting to form into a human shape. Ok now he was pissed and sliced at it effectively killing it.

Varick could feel Alan in his head, and then he felt Alan brush against something. Suddenly a painful memory flooded his mind, a memory of the first weeks of torturous pain that the doctor had put them all through. Breathing hard and gasping Varick feel to his knees his face contorted in horrid pain. Angelika felt helpless neither wanted her to touch them. Suddenly Alan growled and stood, looking at Varick. Alan flew back in Varick's mind.

<I am here uncle I touched a painful memory of yours I apologize, here.> Alan passed a hand over the pain and watched as it only was a memory of the event and not of torture. Varick started to breathe easier.

<Thank you nephew, it was at the beginning of when the things the doctor did to us. I am only now beginning to understand.> Varick told Alan finally able to stand. "I think the doctor sealed us up to keep our emotions in check." Varick said

"Funny you should mention that uncle, I was telling mother before I brought you here that emotions can up the power. THAT might be why this doctor has had you suppressed for so long. It almost seems as if he is still experimenting on you." Alan growled.

Varick and Angelika both smirked, yes that sounded a lot like something that the old bastard would do.

"Mother I have upped your defenses as I have Truda's, they aren't high enough yet but he will have an extremely hard time doing things to you now. I could go higher but I am afraid that with all the blocks it might hurt you. You uncle, are a different case, I can see that you have broken several of the blocks. I believe I can have you where almost no one can touch you without a major effort on their part." Alan told his uncle.

"Would this just be my defenses or everything?" Varick asked.

"Gee getting greedy aren't we brother?" Angelika giggled as she elbowed her brother, then gasped and held a hand to her mouth.

Varick's mouth hung open was his sister just giggling? How? All of their emotions had been sealed by the doctor. Turning he looked at Alan, had her son done this? She had such control! "Angelika! You... you have emotions! How?!"

"Alan smiled, he liked his mother better, and better after all she was a hot babe! Shaking his head he passed a hand over Varick's head feeling the blocks shift and slide into different places. "There uncle I think that ought to do it."

"Huh?" Varick said then looked at his sister, "I am not greedy thank you!" Varick said with a sly smile then turned slowly to stare at Alan. "This is strange almost like when the doctor," Varick growled and slammed his hand against a tree which shattered into millions of pieces. Varick stared at Alan what in the hell had that been?

"Very good uncle I take it there was no pain?" Alan asked Varick, who could only shake his head. "Good then your body has already started to adjust. Also anytime you want to break more of the blocks I think you'll be safe." Alan told him.

Varick was speechless! What he'd just done he' been trying to master for over two years now he'd not only mastered it but was beyond it! Finally able to speak Varick asked, "Just how far beyond where we were have you moved us?"

"I didn't do anything except to open your emotions and place control there for you. Everything that you do after that is all you, not me." Alan advised them both. "As I told mother earlier, emotions can up the power greatly, be careful as you always have. Now I have to go, that bastard that came after me is still at it. I am going to try and stop him by the way he shouldn't be able to hide from you anymore."

"You really need to prepare more than you have Alan," Angelika advised him.

"I'm not worried mother with what you and uncle have now you both should be able to open more for each other and the others." Leaning over Alan kissed Angelika on the cheek, "I'm glad I met you and I know the truth, don't worry I will make them pay I guarantee it!" With that Alan vanished.

"Damn it!" Angelika shouted. "He knows better than to go off alone!"

"We have to get back to the others," Varick said thinking of how worried Harmon and Truda must be. Suddenly they were both in the back of their jeep and it was moving! Holy shit! What in the hell?! Harmon slammed on brakes almost throwing all four of them through the windshield.

"What in the hell is going on!" Harmon was shouting. "Damn it people appearing and disappearing all over the damn place!"

Angelika was rolling her eyes, Truda was laughing then her eyes flew wide what the hell she was laughing? How?!! Worse yet Harmon was staring at his sister in an attack position. Harmon suddenly froze he could feel Varick in his head when had he learned that? Then he felt several things move then several more moved then a third set moved. Suddenly he felt a rush of heat on his face then he snarled at Varick, "WHAT in the hell was that!?"

Varick smiled, "That my friend is the beginning of the end of that bastard doctor using us for his sick little experiments!"

"If what you did helped, then I am all for it!" Harmon yelled as a bolt of fire flew from his mouth burning an area of 50 square yards to instant to ash. Harmon's eyes grew wide then a wicked sly smile crept onto his lips. "You know if this is what it's going to be like then I am really all for it!"

Varick was tense, Harmon was the most violent of their group, and he’d have to really keep an eye on him. Harmon might just start a war that they really couldn't win right now they needed control before they rushed off. "You are going to have to exercise more control Harmon we can't have you roasting everything in sight even our enemies." Varick told Harmon then looked inside again and reset a few more checks for Harmon, a lot like he'd seen in his sister when he'd looked.

"What in the hell did you do now?" Harmon asked. "Hmmm I see I have more control though I can feel the link of our abilities to these new emotions."

Varick nodded then looked at Truda but obviously Alan had already set her abilities, Also her control was far more fine tuned than her brother's but the second adjustment Varick had done had helped immensely. Sighing Varick guessed he was going to have to work on that as well, they were going to have to push it to get better so they could help Alan when the time came.

Angelika was staring at her brother she'd forgotten just how fast Varick could learn something especially if he felt their lives depended on it.

Varick looked at Truda then asked, "Can you see Alan, Truda? I am afraid that he has gone off the try to take the other down. He wouldn't listen or give us a chance to warn him about him of the doctor. Alan might be far stronger than us but I doubt he has surpassed the other or the doctor."

Truda nodded and stared straight ahead, then she shook her head, "No I can't see anything past the point that he left the both of you. I can feel him, not exactly where he is, but I can feel him. He is within 100 miles but other than that right now I can't tell." Turning she looked at Harmon, then her mouth hung open. "Your power and defenses have almost doubled!" The she turned to stare at Varick's crotch with a smile. "You are one sexy man Varick!" Truda's mouth hung agape as she suddenly realized what she had said.

"I'm sorry Varick that was inappropriate, but you are sexy!" Turning away Truda giggled then caught herself.

Varick smiled, "It's alright Truda, with respect to your brother I also find you quite arousing." Varick was trying to put the feelings away but looking at Truda's lean hard body was causing parts of his body to react that he thought never would. Her slender thighs, hourglass figure, and 34B cup breasts were causing his blood to stir.

Had it been anyone else Harmon would be on them in a second but he found that he was pleased that Varick found his sister attractive. Suddenly shock registered on his face, what in the hell was going on? He knew that they would have to adjust but they were almost ridiculous! Shaking his head he found that he suddenly had control of the new emotions.

"Varick!" Harmon said as he nudged Varick to take his attention off his sister. "You three have to have more control though Angelika does seem to have more than you two."

Varick shook his head and closed his eyes looking in he saw that yes he was starting to lose the control that he'd had earlier. "Thank you Harmon," he said as he looked inside searching for what he needed to fix in order to not be a drooling idiot over Truda or hell any female.

Twenty minutes later Varick finally finished, it had been the hardest thing he'd ever done. Saying a small prayer he opened his eyes and looked at Truda. Thankfully what he'd done had worked, now he had to look at Truda and Angelika.

It was perhaps another hour before they finally were ready to move out. Varick wasn't sure they should try to appear back in the place, they did have quite a few working for them that really had no idea what they could do. Harmon started the jeep and headed back to the city at break neck speed, they might not be completely ready, but they could at least help if needed.

Alan appeared back at his apartment, it was still paid for the rest of the month so why the hell not? Sitting he needed to form a plan of attack to take the son of a bitch down, it would help him and his family for sure. They all seemed to think that this bastard was far stronger than him, he'd gotten away and told the asshole no.

Reaching out Alan started to search for the man who was the head man of the company he used to work for. Alan was only a few minutes into it when he felt another powerful mind. <Hello Alan I have been anxious to meet you. It's been a long time since I last saw you.> He heard in his head.

Snarling Alan lashed out, <YOU! If you have seen me before then you are the son of a bitch that left me alone! You bastard! I should kill you right now for the hell that I went through!> Alan released a huge wave of energy toward the voice. A moment later there was a pained grunt then a mocking laugh.

<Not bad Alan you actually hit me, though I have had decades to build up my defenses. Here try it like this!> Alan felt the wave long before it made it to him thinking Alan tried to bounce it back toward the voice he almost had it then the voice added more energy effectively overwhelming him. <You are powerful boy but I have many more years of experience. That was a warning, when you wake up, remember this, DO NOT advance my children!>

As the world was starting to grow dark Alan told the voice, <Your children? You bastard you used... no they aren't really yours you just claim them. Next time I won't fail you bastard!> Alan let the darkness that had been trying so hard to claim him finally take it's prize.

The voice watched as Alan slipped into unconsciousness, <I look forward to it,> the voice said as the connection was broken.

Harmon slammed on brakes as he and the others felt the first wave move out toward the opposite edge of the city. They all looked at each other; it had to be Alan, but who was he fighting? A moment later they felt the second stronger wave returning. Then, they knew it was the doctor, cursing Varick reached out as softly as he could trying to locate the man. Erecting their shields the wave was bouncing off it then Harmon shouted as the added power began to overpower the women and his shields, cursing Varick stopped and added his energy.

A moment later they heard, <A good stop you four, but you really need to...> Varick began to put up interference he really wasn't in the mood to listen to the asshole mock them. There was a pause then the voice broke through. <So that son of a bitch son of yours has pushed you further than I thought he would. I will have to kill him at this rate!>

A raging anger rolled through Angelika then started to build even higher releasing it toward the voice she screamed, "You won't touch him you putrid old fuck!" There was a screaming yell then silence for a few minutes.

<My, my so I see that it is true.> Laughing a moment the voice said, <they say that a mother defending her offspring has more power at a moment's notice than almost all male counterparts. Interesting I see now that you four are beyond my control also. Interesting very interesting.>

Angelika was breathing hard a look of pure hatred etched on her face, even Varick had back away from her. The amount of power that she had released was almost equal to the second wave that they had felt earlier. Harmon was almost afraid to make a move he might love to fight but right now he knew he'd get his ass handed to him if he messed with Angelika.

In a gruff almost male sounding voice Angelika growled out, "Get us back NOW! We have to help Alan that wave overpowered him I can feel it!"

Harmon could only nod his head as he started the jeep and headed back toward the heart of the city. A few miles in Angelika grunted which way to turn arriving in front of his apartment, Angelika had jumped out before they were stopped. At the door she growled then the door exploded, she found Alan slumped against the wall where he'd fallen.

Angelika looked him over seeing that he only had a few bruises letting out a held breath she said a prayer of thanks. Looking in she started to heal everything that she felt had been hurt including Alan's shield generating ability. Shocked a moment she was surprised that she had enough power to do this. A few minutes later Alan stirred.

Damn, Alan thought, what a damn hang over, wait! He hadn't been drinking then why ah crap! That was right he'd gotten his ass handed to him by this new mind he guessed it was the doctor. Groaning Alan again tried to open his eyes, crap they weighed a ton! Trying to sit up he started to fall only to be caught by soft arms, pulled to an even softer chest! What the hell? He hadn't invited any women over who in the hell was in his place?

"I don't know who you are but you have the softest breasts!" With that said, he snuggled into the softness grabbing a handful of what his head was laying on. A soft gasping, giggling sigh snapped Alan out of his daydream. "Mother? What the hell?" Shaking his head he looked at his hand and decided hell with it, feels too damn good to let go!

"We came as fast as we could we were on the edge of the city when we felt your wave, then we felt the doctor's. You really think they are that soft?" Angelika said starting to pant a little, Alan was gently massaging the nipple of the breast he had in his hand.

"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it." Alan said as he laid his head back down lounging in the softness afforded by placing his head between both her breasts. Alan smiled when he heard her gasp then almost purr as he gently rubbed his head in the valley on her chest.

Harmon looked in and smiled, he himself wouldn't mind trading places with the man.

Varick walked in and stopped short when he saw Alan and Angelika on the floor. "Is he alright Angelika?" He asked.

"Yes Varick, I managed to heal all that was wrong with him, I believe I even raised his shield ability." She said quite proud of her self.

Alan sat upright and looked inside, damn! He'd missed that she hadn't gotten it up much but she had started it going in a direction that he hadn't even thought of! Looking harder he saw that if he'd had this part stronger then probably the doctor wouldn't have been able to overwhelm him.

"I see you were right mother there are a few things that you guys know that I need to learn. Had I this part of my shield stronger then the doctor might not have been able to touch me." Alan told them as he started to strengthen what his mother had already started.

"What do you think his next move will be Varick?" Angelika asked.

"Hard to say especially after you hurt him he..." Varick started.

"Wait, wait, wait! You hurt him? How did you manage to do that? I used one of the strongest waves I have and barely touched him. Mother, may I see?" Alan asked of Angelika who nodded. Alan gently placed both hands on her head which drew a disappointed sigh from her. For a few minutes Alan watched then his mouth dropped open. Holy shit! The amount of power that she released was as high if not higher than the wave that the doctor hit him with. No wonder the doctor had almost eradicated their emotions! If they got enough control they could overwhelm and kill him!

Alan was about to let go when the doctor's last message played out. Damn! So the ass was still thinking that the four were still an experiment that he could use to further whatever screwed plan he had.

"Ok you guys it's been fun but I need sleep I'll contact you..." Alan started.

"NO! I am not losing you again! I doubt you could get rid of me right now any way!" Angelika said, Truda was standing behind her also nodding with a quirky smile on her face.

Sighing, Alan knew he was defeated for the moment. They might be able to keep him from sending them away all at once, but, hmmm would it work? With that he disappeared, Angelika growled then reached out and disappeared then reappeared next to Alan. Hmmm he thought ok let's try this gone again, Angelika reached out but at first couldn't find him going out further still nothing. About fifty miles out she finally found him at his repaired cabin, reaching she tried to pull herself in the cabin but nothing happened!

Perplexed for a moment she saw the barrier he'd erected around the cabin quite a ways out damn it! Didn't he realize that they were trying to help him? <Varick?> Angelika called.

Varick looked surprised but said, <Yes? Did you find him?>

<He appears to be back in the cabin but I can't get past his defenses, wait! What? It's a fake he is using another trick like with his jacket. I'll look again.> Angelika thought as she reached out again searching further and further away. Suddenly she felt a glimmer of power turning back toward the city she saw that he was beside his apartment.

Appearing beside Alan he smiled, so she was advancing on her own good then that asshole the doctor couldn't accuse him of doing it for them. "So tell me, is it getting easier? The more that you do it I mean."

Angelika blinked she hadn't even thought of it being hard to do she'd just done it. Now that he mentioned it though he was right it had become a lot easier the more that she used it.

The new door to his apartment opened with all three of them stepping out a smile on each of their faces. Alan looked into each of them He could see that Truda wanted another experience like she'd had before, that would be easy enough. Harmon had an incredible amount of control almost as much as he did, obviously Varick was learning very quick. The biggest surprise though was the amount of adjusting that Alan felt that Varick had.

"Varick, would you like me to finish what you started? What you did was impressive, I haven't even learned to adjust myself yet." Alan told Varick. Who only nodded then Alan was delving in adjusting as fast as he could, no sense in letting the doctor see. A few minutes later Alan stopped more than satisfied at the result.

Looking at Truda with a questioning look she nodded but held up a hand and walked into his apartment. Reaching in he felt her start to shiver then the tingling sensations started within her vagina, gasping she locked her legs together. Alan smiled as he started to move the feeling further out into the rest of her body. Smiling he could feel her almost begging him to go faster though he refused.

Moments later the three companions heard Truda scream out in orgasm. Then they heard a loud gasp as she started all over again. Alan was watching everything when he felt Truda reach out to him, the same tingling started in his own groin. So he thought she had also learned to execute this also. Alan could feel his member start to grow to almost painful length disappearing he appeared beside the bed that Truda was laying on he'd almost lost control of his own breathing as he too was gasping feeling his own release starting to build.

Running to the bathroom Alan barely got his pants down when he blew a huge load into the toilet. Falling to his knees he smiled, he'd created monsters that was for sure, they might kill him in the end, but this was definitely going to be a fun ride.

Clover ErnestReport 

2016-10-22 05:02:27
Well that Last part was a power that off probably never have thought of! Love it. Keep itrolling Pars.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-06-23 19:04:48
Interesting ;)

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-06-14 21:53:42
im seriously just waiting for the next installment of SOVEREIGNTY and the lost empire im hooked and wanting more

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-06-12 13:01:23
Can Alan have sex with his mother ?

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-06-10 12:52:40
An excellent Sci-Fi story and very enjoyable reading. I'm getting so sick and tired of the assholes that use the comment section for any other purpose than to make a comment on a story. Also it would be nice if they knew how to spell! But I guess the schools in Harrisburg, PA. don't teach spelling. -Now back to you "pars", Excellent plot with excellent characrer development, keep up the good writing. Retired Army NCO

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