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This short story incorporates a few different fetishes. I appreciate constructive criticism, but please nothing caustic or acerbic. I hope you enjoy :)
Kathleen woke up to the sound of birds chirping beneath her window. Smiling and stretching, the young woman slowly got out of bed, her naked body partially covered by a nightshift, and walked to her room’s natural source of light. It was such a good idea to put the bird feeder and bath directly under her window, since she loved the sound of songbirds in the morning.
Covering a yawn with the back of one hand, Kathleen turned away from the morning vista of cloud cover and stepped toward her bathroom, tossing away the only garment she slept in. Her bright crimson-dyed hair was long and straight, framing a pair of piercing bright green eyes that pinned people to the wall when she was angry. Catching sight of herself in the mirror, Kathleen reached for a brush and started getting rid of the knots she had acquired during the night. Her perky B-cup tits jiggled with every jerk and tug of the brush through her hair. Her body was thin and toned from a proper diet and a morning run; a routine established years ago. Her pussy was shaved bald, as was the rest of her body except for her head. Kathy adored being a woman, especially since she was attracted to her own gender, she had herself to admire every time she looked in the mirror.
Finished tending to her hair, she hopped in the shower. As she cleaned off yesterday’s dirt, she pondered the swirl of dreams that had orbited her brain last night. Masturbating immediately before bed usually inspired radical dreams, but this was somehow different than usual. Pausing with her hands in her shampooed hair, she frowned and tried to remember what she had dreamt, but to no avail. All there was left were heavy feelings, and a sense that she had never dreamt anything like this before.
Dismissing the thought, Kathleen finished washing and dressed in her running garb. Passing Violet’s room on her way to the kitchen, she was mildly surprised to hear light snoring coming from within. The hallway clock said ten o’clock. Vi didn’t usually sleep in this long, but after all, that’s what summers were for, so Kathleen left her alone, jogging out to the black-topped road.

Waking up was the worst part of the day, in Violet’s grouchy opinion.
Sleep was still clinging to the corners of her brain like cobwebs, so her first thoughts were of the videogame she had been playing the previous night before she rage-quit. Either she would have to drop the difficulty a notch or adapt her playing style, because she just kept dying too much. Either way, the storyline was definitely great and she wanted to proceed with the game if only to catch how it ends.
Faint chirps from the songbirds at the feeder made Violet grimace and look at the clock. Ten minutes past ten? She had slept in more than usual. Kath was probably already out for her run. In one graceful movement, the still-sleepy girl rolled out from under her blanket and shut her window against the sounds of a new day. This action caused something between her legs to rhythmically slap against the inside of her thighs.
Violet froze in sheer confusion. Lifting up her tattered night shirt, her jaw dropped at the sight of the huge member hanging from where her pussy lips would normally be.
With a flash, everything from late last night came flooding back into her memory.
She could hardly breathe. She didn’t know how to deal with this. She had never even read about something like this transpiring in any of the fiction or fantasy books she had read. She forced herself to breathe evenly. Calm down. Maintain…
She tried to walk into her bathroom, but found that she had to waddle the slightest bit to walk comfortably. The cock between her legs was huge, even completely flaccid it reached almost six inches, by her estimation. Something would have to be done if she was going to fit into any of her wardrobe, and she had no idea what had to be done.
Violet had showered last night before going to sleep, after she had tested out her new dick and balls with amazing success, so she brushed her hair and then her teeth. Her mind settled on the orgasm she had had; it was very different than any orgasm she had achieved during sex or when she fondled her pussy. When she still had female organs, the orgasm would start out low, and, depending upon if she was stroked and touched the proper ways, it would steadily rise in intensity until she peaked, which could be maintained for seconds or even minutes, again with the proper stimulation. Her longest orgasm had been at her own hands, keeping an orgasm in the air for minutes, according to her digital clock next to her bed. That had left a sizeable blotch of fluid on her sheet. Having a penis, on the other hand, was different. The stimulation was definitely felt when she had been running her hands up and down the shaft, but there was no intense pleasure until the seconds at the end, when the semen mixed and shot out of her. The apex of her orgasm was more intense than anything she had ever felt as a complete female.
She gasped as she felt her cock jump and tense at the thought of orgasms. It wasn’t an unconscious movement; she had flexed a muscle that she didn’t know she had. As her mind had wandered, comparing orgasms between the genders, her dick had swelled a bit, extending out further and further and getting wider. She tried flexing her cock again, it jumped and fell back. For some reason, Violet giggled at the sensation. Being a boy must be fun!
Finishing with her hair, the young woman took off her bed clothes, exposing shapely C-cup breasts and a wide set of hips. Her red-brown hair fell down and stopped just before the ends covered her nipples. Her skin was pale white with no freckles, having never had any interest in tanning or sunbathing. Grey-green eyes glimmered on either side of a thin nose and lips.
Throwing on a bra and a shirt with a videogame graphic etched on the front, Violet stopped when she went to select a pair of panties. There was nothing in her drawer that would even come close to effectively hiding this enormous cock that her vag had somehow been replaced with. It hadn’t shrunk back down to its original size yet, so she couldn’t even test her more concealing raiment. Violet wondered how boys get their dicks to shrink when they wanted to…
She looked down past her tits at the dark head of her dick and made it jump again. Every time she had fucked her ex-boyfriend, he had pulled out and cummed on her tummy or on her back, and his cock shrank back down to the size it was before her blowjob. Well, she was getting impatient, so she decided to masturbate. She wrapped both of her hands around the sizeable shaft and stroked it evenly and slowly. It quickly hardened up to its foot-long length, veins popping out on every side of it. Violet shook her head at the sheer size of it; it was just impractical! Her ex’s cock was around six inches long, and he had bottomed out inside her as soon as their pelvic bones touched. There was no way anyone was going to ever take this full length inside her.
At least it was fun to play with!
She stepped quickly over to the bathroom for a copious amount of toilet tissue, her fully-hardened cock swinging back and forth in front of her. Hopping back on her bed butt-first, she began to stroke a bit faster. Her mind cast back in time to the last time she had been fucked; months ago, now. She remembered his hard, hot cock pistoning in and out of her vagina, the head of his dick coming up hard against the end of her vagina every time. She remembered orgasming, her screech of pleasure coming out between ragged breaths. As she gripped her cock, she recalled the point when her ex had started breathing harder, she felt him speed up and the head of his cock grew slightly, expanding the walls of her tunnel with every thrust. When he started hissing his breath out through his teeth, he drew out completely and shot stream after stream of his load onto her heaving stomach.
This memory was enough to push her over the edge. Jerking at herself with one hand and holding a wad of paper with the other, she repeated the memory of her ex orgasming. Her pleasure climbed rapidly and abruptly she climaxed, firing ropes of pearly cum into the tissue in her left hand. Violet’s euphoria slowly ebbed away, in time with the shrinking of her member.
The session had left her drained. She dragged herself over to the bathroom, dropped the damp wad of toilet tissue into the trash, and decided to shower again.
A half hour later, she was clean, made up, and had her hair brushed. She arrived at the same conundrum she faced before she masturbated: how was she going to hide this huge cock?
For now, a skirt would have to be enough; all of her jeans and sweatpants were too tight to hide anything. She would just have to make sure that she didn’t get turned on when her sister was around. Forgoing any panties, she snugged the skirt around her hips, and looked in the mirror. The contrast between her black graphic tee and the white skirt was distracting, so she didn’t think that Kath would notice the slightest of bulges that showed through the fabric when Violet walked in front of the mirror. It was hidden well enough.
In a positive mood, Violet paced out of the room to go find something to call breakfast.

Kathleen stopped at the base of the steps to catch her breath. It was a humid day, which combined with the cloud cover suggested a storm later, or at least some rain. She hoped the power wouldn’t go out again; the area in which they lived in was notorious for losing power during a thunderstorm.
The bottom floor of the house was empty, so Kathleen assumed her sister had hopped on the videogames after her breakfast. Pouring herself a glass of orange juice from the refrigerator and toasting a bagel, she glanced down the hall toward the library, which was illuminated brightly since the majority of the windows faced east. On the only end table visible from where she stood was a thick brown book that had not been there yesterday. Kathleen sipped at the juice and set the glass down, walking down the side hall to investigate the misplaced book.
When she got close enough to see that the book was open to a completely blank page, she noticed a black stain on the carpet beneath the end table that hadn’t been there yesterday either. The stain was rough, but formed a vague shape that was unfamiliar to the young woman. She grasped the book and closed it, noticing that the cover had the same exact symbol that was stained into the carpet at her feet. Frowning at the strange mystery, Kathleen decided to ask Violet about it the next time she ran into her.
Her bagel popped out of the toaster, causing Kathleen to gasp and jump at the sudden noise. Scoffing at her skittishness, she dropped the book back on the table and returned to the kitchen to eat her breakfast. As she crunched on her bagel, it struck her how quiet the house was. It wasn’t the lack of input for her sense of hearing alone that struck her as being out of the ordinary, that combined with the knowledge that her parents were gone for more than a week made her off, somehow. That must be it.
Swallowing the last of her meal, Kathleen left the kitchen, taking the stairs two at a time to the second floor. Hearing the clash of swords and the grunts of men coming from her sister’s room, Kath smirked and proceeded into her bathroom to clean up. After a shower, make-up, hair maintenance, and shaving, the young woman stood out on the landing at the top of the stairs. Still hearing the sounds of battle coming from her sister’s television, Kathleen decided to make good on her suggestion yesterday to give videogames a chance. Spontaneous, yes, but after thinking about what she had said (she had been talking out her ass to cover an awkward situation), videogames seemed like the source of more stories now, more than just another way for businesses to make money.
She knocked on the door, after which the sounds of the game stopped and Violet opened the door.
“You’re lucky I’m not playing an online game. If I were, I couldn’t have paused it for you.”
Kathleen blinked. “What? Why?”
Violet rolled her eyes and strode back to her chair, picking her controller back up. “Because I would be locked into a game with other players, all of us actively playing. The game plays until the match is over.”
“Oh.” Kathleen felt a little dumb. Of course that makes sense. She took a few steps into the room and looked at the screen as her sister unpaused the game. It didn’t look too complicated, just a man in armor with a giant sword fighting skeletons in dark hallways. Violet glanced at her sister peering at the TV.
“Can I help you with something, Kath?”
Kathleen told her that she was making good on her suggestion yesterday. Violet’s brows rose in surprise.
“Really? I thought you just made that up because you wanted to change the subject.”
“Why would I want to do that?”
“Because I caught you checking me out again.”
Kathleen averted her eyes. Violet’s tone of voice was mostly neutral, but Kath still felt a little too embarrassed after that last remark, so she got up to leave.
“Wait Kath, don’t go yet.”
Kathleen pause a few steps from the door.
“I know you’re trying to be appropriate, sis. I shouldn’t have said it like that. If anything I’m flattered by the attention you’re giving me. So let’s just forget about it, okay?”
Kathleen felt a lot better now that the air was cleared. “Okay, Vi. Consider it forgotten. So what is this game?”
Violet’s face got hard. “It’s called Dark Souls. One of the most punishing videogames out there. I think my character died like fifty times when I played yesterday.”
Sitting on the bed with a quizzical expression on her face, Kathleen asked why someone would play a game that was so tough.
“Well, I suppose winning is that much more satisfying. Plus the storyline is unique and very dark. I like it, when I’m not being torn apart.”
Kathleen nodded and watched the game being played for a while. It wasn’t exactly boring, but after a while, watching her sister kill things on a television screen got a little tedious. Looking around at the posters on the wall, somehow her eyes alighted on Vi’s lovely hair. Unconsciously filling her lungs to the brim, Violet’s scent on every particle of air, Kathleen bit her lower lip and looked sideways at her sister’s pale skin. Nerds are so hot she thought to herself. The black t-shirt stuck to every indentation and corner of Violet’s body, telling her steadily more aroused sister that Vi was not wearing a bra. The white skirt she was wearing clashed with the shirt, but it wasn’t like either one of them were dressing to impress.
Then again, Violet didn’t have to dress a certain way to catch her sister’s eye. The bare feet planted in the carpet gave way to shapely white legs that were flawless in Kathleen’s unique opinion. As her line of sight stopped at the hem of the skirt that Violet was wearing, which had rode up a bit, Kathleen spotted something peeking out from beneath the skirt. Her clandestine check-out of her sister through her peripheral vision wasn’t exactly the most detailed, but Kathleen was sure something was sitting in between Violet’s legs, which were spread somewhat.
Forgetting about subtlety for a split-second, Kathleen looked almost directly at the unknown object. In the shadow of her sister’s skirt, it seemed to be a dildo! She could definitely make out the shape of the distinctive penis-shaped head of the toy. Kath’s eyes widened slightly; she had walked in on her sister masturbating! Kathleen felt like an intruder all of a sudden, feeling embarrassed that she had interrupted Violet’s pleasure session.
At that moment, a wave of enemies overwhelmed Violet’s armored character, and the words YOU DIED overlaid themselves on the screen in bold red. Violet sighed and shook her head.
“That was the longest I ever went without dying to date!”
Kathleen took this opportunity to excuse herself, saying that she wanted to get some reading in before dinner.
“Yeah, I’ve got a couple chores to do anyways.” Violet said as she got up to turn off her console. Kathleen’s eyes settled on the spot where Violet was sitting; there was nothing there but the indentation of a butt. Kath had thought that her sister was sitting on the toy to hide it from her intrusive sister, but there was nothing there. Her confusion rose steadily. She was absolutely sure that something had been in between her sister’s legs.
As Violet bent over to put her game in its spot next to her other games, her skirt lifted up, and there it was: a large flaccid cock with a pair of balls to match, both far too real-looking to be fake. Kathleen’s astonishment was so complete that the words were out of her mouth before she could stop herself.
“Oh. My. God.”
Violet froze for an instant and then quickly stood up straight, adjusting her skirt with her eyes wide in embarrassment. The sisters stared at each other for a moment, Violet rigid with uncertainty about what was going to happen next, Kathleen beginning to recover from her surprise.
Before anything else was said, Violet poured out the story of what had transpired the previous evening, her quest for something to read in their father’s library, the discovery of the old tomes, seeing the word ‘penis’ on one of the pages, the ink flowing off the pages, and then finally, Violet’s genital replacement by unknown means. By the end of it, Kath’s jaw had dropped even further.
Kathleen managed to find her motor skills again, and her voice a moment after. She took her sister by the shoulders and gently urged her to sit down.
“We’ll get to the bottom of this, Vi. Even if we have to learn whatever language was etched in those books, we will change you back to normal.”
Violet nodded, her sister’s support soothing her shot nerves. She took a deep breath and calmed herself. She wasn’t counting on anyone finding out about this, much less her own sister, but now that it happened, she was glad to have Kathleen in on the secret. Carrying a burden was always easier with two people rather than only one. Violet glanced over at her sister, who averted her eyes at the same time. Vi decided to open up to her some more.
“I tested it last night before bed. It works perfectly.”
Kathleen was surprised for a moment, but the more she thought about it, the more she believed that that is exactly what she would have done once the shock of the change had worn off. Looking at her sister, trying to make sense of the whole situation, Kathleen realized that her panties were soaked through, for some reason. She shifted on the bed, but before she could do anything, Violet spoke.
“Do you want to see it again?”
Kathleen pondered, but only for a moment. Her curiosity got the better of her, so she nodded.
Violet lifted up her skirt, revealing the long member, and grasped it with both hands. Kathleen shook her head at the size of it, having never seen anything like it in real life or on the internet.
“What does it feel like?”
Violet giggled at the question. “I can’t explain it. The head is sensitive, and the balls are really sensitive, but it feels good to play with them all.” As she spoke, she ran both her hands up and down the shaft of her cock, which was slowly growing in size. Entranced, Kathleen watched as it extended to its full length, roughly twelve inches, and began to throb the slightest bit.
“You don’t still have your pussy, do you?”
Violet shook her head, lifting up her ball sack to show nothing below but her anus. “Last night, I felt my guts moving around before this huge thing grew; my vagina must have disappeared or something.”
Kathleen’s hand went to her own crotch for a second as she tried to imagine what it must have felt like to feel internal organs changing. Violet saw the movement, and tried to gauge her sister at that point in time. As her cock was hardening, Vi’s lust was rising at an equal rate. She had never had the tools necessary to fuck a girl before, so before now she had never given the action any thought. But now, with a huge cock between her legs and her sister deep in her own imagination, the act of hetero sex seemed like a real possibility. Besides, Kathleen had been turned on by Violet for years now. Violet didn’t think that the cock was turning her sister off, the exact opposite, as a matter of fact. Before she lost her resolve, Violet spoke.
“Do you want to-“
Kathleen’s eyes were full of conviction and her head full of lust. This was going to happen. She reached over and carefully grasped Violet’s new growth. Violet gasped; no one else had touched it yet, and she was slightly unprepared for the sensation.
As she stroked the cock protruding from her sister’s crotch, Kathleen’s breath picked up. She had never touched a penis before, so this experience was a completely new one. It was hot in her hand, and she could feel the veins pulsing beneath her touch. Her own pussy was soaked to the point where it was uncomfortable, so Kath slipped her other hand down her panties to play with herself. A slight groan escaped her as her fingers slid past her still-hooded clit and snuck into her vag.
Violet leaned back onto her elbows and let her sister play with herself and the cock. It was nice, Kathleen’s hand going up and down the shaft, but she felt an insistent need from something more.
“Maybe if you put your mouth on it…?”
Kathleen immediately descended on her sister’s cock, taking the head and two inches into her mouth before she gagged a little. None of her toys across the hall came close to this size, so it was no wonder that she couldn’t very much in her mouth at all.
Violet moaned aloud at her sister’s hot mouth and tongue manipulating these brand new nerve endings. Although definitely new, the sensations were welcome and turned her on even more, if that was possible. Looking at her sister’s mop of bright red hair bobbing up and down on the end of her cock, Violet was sure that she had to fuck her sister. Right here, right now.
“Kath, should we—“
Her sister disengaged from the cock with a loud suction noise. “Yes. Right now.”
Growling with anticipation, Kathleen crawled up her sister until they were nose to nose, Kathleen’s pussy poised above the head of Violet’s member, which was leaking pre-cum. Both of them were breathing hard by now, their breaths intermingled, so they did what came naturally. Kath sensuously pressed her lips against her sister’s, whos mouth opened for her tongue to explore. They wrestled tongues for a moment longer before Kath drew back and looked down.
“Ready?” she asked Violet, who nodded vigorously.
Kathleen slowly lowered herself until the head touched her vulva. She bit her lip as she worked the head inside her tunnel, and methodically sunk down onto her sister a couple of inches. She clenched her teeth and moaned, for even though she had broken her own hymen years before with her first dildo, this was the first cock to ever enter her vagina. It felt intrusive at first, but her muscles began to relax.
Violet held her breath as Kathleen’s clean-shaven vulva seemed to eat up the first three inches of her member. When Kath stopped in what looked like pain, Vi helped to support her until she could loosen up enough to take more. After a few hissed breaths, She sank down a little bit more. Violet was in heaven right now; she never imagined what the inside of a vagina would feel like wrapped around a cock from the other perspective, but here she was, experiencing it. It was a wondrous feeling, and it clouded her mind with lust.
Making eye contact with her sister below her, Kath lowered herself more and still more, her breathing hard and fast. She felt as though she was slowly being filled to the gills by this monster, but she kept going. When fully half of the cock was imbedded within her, Kath finally felt it bottom out. So, she backed off, and came back down, experimenting with depths and speed.
Both girls were riding out waves of pleasure from the stimulation, Violet with even breaths exhaled through her teeth and Kathleen with half-shut eyes and an open mouth. They established a rhythm, Kathleen using her legs to bounce up and down, Violet slowly getting the hang of thrusting with her hips. Her body wasn’t built for thrusting a cock into a pussy; as a woman, she had child-bearing hips and thighs angled to a single point beyond her feet, so she couldn’t thrust too much, especially from this angle. After a couple minutes of wet sounds and panting, Kathleen stopped to pull her shirt off, exposing her titties with hard nips. Violet grinned and slipped out of her own shirt, to her sister’s pleasure. She had been angling for a view of these bare breasts for months and months!
Kathleen looked down at the monster disappearing up into her lower abdomen. “Let’s see how much I can fit into me.”
Violet watched as Kath pressed down with her hips. A couple more inches pushed up into her, but that was all; she distinctly felt the head of the monster cock pushing up into her stomach area, which was an incredibly hot sensation, if a bit uncomfortable. Letting out her breath, Kath shrugged. It was simply too much meat to envelop.
“Let me try fucking you now.” Violet suggested.
Crawling forward was the only way to get off of the beast, so that’s what Kath did. She rolled onto her back as Violet got up and laid eyes on her sister’s pussy lips. At Kathleen’s urging, Violet edged forward, placing the slick head of her penis against her sister’s entrance. Since they were both plenty warmed up, Vi smirked and pushed forward, and with one thrust buried seven inches of cock into her sister. Kathleen’s eyes went wide as she yelped, then grinned and lightly slapped her sister.
Violet fucked the best she could with the tools given, and soon Kathleen’s short moans gave way to longer and high-pitched noises of pleasure. She’s about to cum on my dick! God that is so freaking hot.
Kath’s orgasm rose steadily. As it culminated, she slammed her feet back into the bedspread and shrieked a couple times; her eyes squeezed shut. Violet watched this happen in fascination, sweat beginning to drip down her face. She felt a roiling sensation in her balls, but before she could say a word, she felt completely overcome by a sourceless urge to empty her load inside her sister.
Increasing the speed at which she rammed into her sister’s depths, she felt hot pleasure mix in her lower abdomen. At the right moment, she pushed in as deep as she possibly could and groaned shakily a few times as she shot gob after gob of semen up into Kathleen’s guts.
Through the haze of her orgasm, Kathleen felt that last thrust, in addition to the pulsing of her sister’s cock as Violet came. Her eyes popped open when she felt the hot fluid jetting against the end of her vagina, but she was feeling far too good to let panic overcome the moment.
Violet’s orgasm seemed to go on for hours, although it was only a few seconds. As they both panted in unison, the same thought stole into their minds. Would Violet’s seed get Kathleen pregnant?
Violet was the first to speak. “I’m sorry! Kath, I’m sorry…” She pulled out of her sister’s vagina, expecting a flood of pearly cum to follow. Surprisingly, nothing came out of the steadily shrinking hole but a little queef. Violet frowned in confusion, then looked down and squeezed the head of her own shrinking genitalia, causing a single drop of semen to come out onto her finger. She had definitely shot her load into Kathleen, but even when Kath leaned forward and probed with her fingers nothing came out.
They looked at each other with mutual mixed emotion, but Kath decided it was fine. She got to her feet, came towards Violet with a sincere expression on her face, and lovingly kissed her lips again. They made out slowly, deliberately, Kath’s hands feeling up her sister’s boobs, Violet’s hand on Kath’s cheek. After a while, whey drew away from each other, Kathleen catching a corner of her lip with her teeth.
“Well that was amazing. Even if you did cum inside me.”
Violet agreed whole-heartedly. “Hey, you’re the one who wanted to fuck ME.”
Kathleen grinned, her eyes bright shards of emerald.

{Author's note: There will be more if positively received!}

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-07-19 13:26:36
Loved this story so far. Would like some more chapters! :-)

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-07-16 02:25:17
Great story any more chapters

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-07-15 20:18:28
Very good. Two more at the least!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-07-01 20:00:57
I enjoyed it but please don't have Kathleen impregnated right away. Perhaps the curse could be reversed and she could grow a penis and fuck Violet once she gets her vagina back. Mom & Dad may even want to join in once they return from their trip. ;)

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