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Ruby and Kyle spend a day together
When Grandpa and I arrived home after my shift at the tavern, Grandpa removed my anal plug and I showered to wash off the oil before bed. The slick soap on my new nipples and clit were tough to handle. I managed to hold off making myself come, Grandpa reading on the toilet helped. I didn’t want to know what punishments were like.

When he hooked me to the machine in bed, he put it on a low setting. “Nothing too fast to start with. I don’t want to send you over the edge.” He turned the TV on to a porn channel and I fell asleep watching a group of men soak a woman with their semen.

In the morning, Grandpa stopped the machine and released my restraints, “You need to hydrate, Ruby. You’re so much wetter than you were before all of our conditioning and alterations.”

“Yes, Sir.” He handed me a glass of water that tasted like lemon and I gulped it down.

“Breakfast is ready, brush your teeth and meet me downstairs.”

“Yes, Sir.” I used the bathroom and brushed my teeth, then went downstairs and lowered myself on what looked like a new dildo on my chair for breakfast. It pushed further into me than my other one did and I had to relax to take the length of it.

“New seat for you!” Grandpa smiled, “It’s a cast model of Kyle’s penis. He wants you broke in properly.”

‘Broke in’ … like I was a shoe? I didn’t say anything, just enjoyed being filled and imagining Kyle’s handsome face while I ate.

“Kyle will be coming by just before lunch to take you shopping in the city. He seems anxious to spend more time with you after last night. He doesn’t have much time before school starts.”

“School is six months? So I’ll be done in the spring?”

“Yes. It’s a boarding school, so you’ll only be home on holidays.”

“I’m getting kind of excited for it.” I had to admit, finding out what this was all about was making me curious.

“Kyle will be here before you know it, we better get your exercise and pool time in. Go get your running gear.” He told me he would do the dishes and I went upstairs.

I noticed it was the white ‘sports bra’ and mesh shorts. I was thankful it wasn’t the dildo shorts this time, I didn’t think I would be able to handle that right now. Though fantasizing about that seam rubbing my new, swollen and exposed clit made me want it a little. Maybe it would be worth the punishment to come just once?

When I was dressed, we left for the track. Riding in the car on the dildo didn’t help things. I was hornier now than I’d ever been when I was having sex regularly.

Running was more difficult now as well. Once I was drenched with water, my nipples felt like they were pushing out with desperation and I was getting wet. With every step, the slight vibration felt like it jostled my clit. Not enough to please me, of course. My mind was constantly aware of my arousal. It did help take my mind off my running and I made three miles before I even realized it.

On the car ride home, I kept hoping for huge bumps or potholes so I could bounce on the dildo. I noticed a stack of papers in a file on the dash and asked Grandpa about them.

“Those are my own prospects. It’s getting to be time for me to select a new partner.”

“A new wife!?”

“Yes. My mourning period has gone on far longer than most and I’m being pressured. Also, Ginger’s husband has been loaning her to me for my needs and … I think he’d like her back with him full time.”

“So who are these women?”

“Eh, widows, women from the outside curious about the lifestyle…they’re usually pretty risky; they change their mind about the lifestyle more frequently and leave. There are some younger girls too … but that just doesn’t seem right to me.”

“When do you have to choose?”

“I’ll make my choice today while you’re on your date with Kyle.”

I desperately wanted to thumb through those pages, but I stared out the window and minded my own business.

I soaked up some sun by the pool and came in to shower and get ready for Kyle to pick me up. Grandpa monitored me in the shower, gave me a quick anal douche and put in a plug for me so I could finish my hair and makeup.

When I was ready, I went into my room to find the clothes Grandpa had laid out for me. There was a black flowing skirt longer than most that I owned, but that only came to mid-thigh and a red, silk spaghetti strap tank.

“No bra. The red color will hide the color of your nipples, but the fabric will let them show themselves enough to please Kyle.”

When I put the clothes on and looked in the mirror, I wouldn’t have looked twice at me unless I was focusing on my nipples. The thin fabric grazed them and made them stand at attention. The sensation was incredibly sexy.

I put on black mules with a heel and no sooner had I slipped them on, the doorbell rang.

When I went downstairs, I found Kyle and Grandpa talking.

“Ah, Ruby. You remember your fiancé from last night, yes?”

“Yes, Sir.” I could feel myself blush a bit as I looked at Kyle and he made full eye contact with me.

“Ready for some shopping, Ruby?” His voice was like smooth caramel.

“Yes, Sir.” I smiled and we left to get in his car.

He was driving a sporty Cadillac sedan and when he opened my door for me, I saw a dildo much like the new one on my chair in the kitchen. I slowly lowered myself onto it and moaned as it filled me.

When Kyle was on the road finally, he started small talk. He wanted to know where I grew up, what my family was like, even school and how I had done in my classes.

“I’m pretty progressive. When we’re married, if you’d like to go to school and further your education, I won’t object. I love intelligent women.”

“Thank You, Sir.” He wasn’t such a caveman after all!

“I just wanted to spend today getting to know one another and let you know what my expectations are in a wife. Obviously you know a lot from my profile. My family has money, but we don’t flaunt it or act like spoiled assholes. I had to work my way through college even though my tuition was covered by my parents. I’ll be starting with a firm in the city in the fall, about the same time you go to boarding school.” He smiled and sped up to merge with traffic on the freeway. “No formalities in the car, Ruby. Just call me Kyle and talk to me like any boy you would be dating. Ask me questions, let’s have a conversation.”

“Okay…did you always know you would stay in the lifestyle?”

“Yes.” It was a quick answer with no thought at all, “Growing up, I saw my parents’ relationship and I wanted that too. Seeing your mother half naked your whole life is a bit…unorthodox. But my brothers and I didn’t think much of it until we went away to school and saw how conventional families are. I always knew I wanted a woman who adored me and served me without question as my mother did for my father. They have a wonderful relationship; He respects her and they’re incredibly in love. But … she knows her place.”

“And you don’t believe in incest?”

“No. I’m not even sure I want to have children in this lifestyle. But…we have years to make that decision.”

“Yes. I know it’s not sexy, but … how do you plan to keep us from having children?”

“You’ll be on the pill, Ruby. No placebo week, no periods. You’ll just be on the pill everyday. And you’ll take them religiously. No accidents.”

“I agree.”

“I don’t expect anything crazy or over-the-top. I don’t even like bondage all that much. But anything you’re open to trying or want to explore….I will respect that. I may not adopt it as something allowed, but…anything is worth trying once.”

“Okay. Do you attend church?” In the town we lived in, it seemed strange, but there was a church and I wondered if he was part of it.

“I do. Every Sunday. You would accompany me. It’s not traditional, obviously. We have our own beliefs and we carry them with us into all walks of life. You should come with me on Sunday and see for yourself. I’ll introduce you to everyone.”


“You should meet my family first, though. It wouldn’t be right to take you to church if you hadn’t met my parents.”


“We can have a luncheon tomorrow. After your exercise and pool time.”

“Sounds good. I’m looking forward to meeting them.”

“I have to ask…are you 100% sure you want to stay in the lifestyle?”

It was a good question. I hadn’t considered leaving, even though I knew it was an option when I finished school. “Um…I don’t know? I guess that’s kind of important, isn’t it?”

Kyle laughed, “Yeah, I guess it is.”

“Well, I haven’t thought about leaving so…”

“You can decide after Church on Sunday. I’ll give you until then to make a decision. But once you make it, I need your full commitment. I’m making a life for myself, starting my career . .. I need a woman in my home to fulfill me.”

“Okay. Sunday.”

We chatted and got to know each other on the drive. The dildo had stretched me and I was perfectly comfortable with it inside of me by the time we arrived in the city. Kyle parked the car on a street with shops and restaurants. I didn’t know if I should get out or not, since a 9” dildo would be in plain sight once I did. Kyle opened my door and motioned me out.

I lifted off the dildo, my pussy feeling empty and wet as I did. Kyle expertly grabbed a wipe from the glove box, cleaned the dildo and put it in a box under the seat. There was a trash bag in the door where he put the used wipe and we were ready to go.

“I thought you’d enjoy some normalcy since you grew up in the conventional world. I’ll mix in a bit of the lifestyle for you so you can see that it isn’t really that daunting. Hold back with the ‘sir’ when we aren’t in town. Conventional people look down on that sort of respect. They tend to frown upon ownership.” Kyle smiled and took my hand, leading me down the sidewalk. I imagined what we must look like, him chiseled and handsome, me a platinum blonde with huge tits in heels…were we a beautiful couple?

“Yes, I frowned upon ownership myself when I arrived at Grandpa’s.”

“And now? Has your view changed?” Kyle seemed very interested in my answer.

“I’m changing…I’ve been doing some mental conditioning and I can tell that’s been helping. Also…I’ve heard of so many couples in the lifestyle who are genuinely in love…I didn’t expect that.”

“The mental conditioning works, I’ve heard. Though most of us grow up with it, so we don’t require it in the way that you do. It shapes your mind, opens your mind. There are a lot of couples very much in love. There are also relationships where the men really do see their wives as mere property. No love there, really. It breeds infidelity. The wives are shared with other men like…like loaning out a drill or a shovel. A lot of them end up falling in love with other men.”

“Do their husbands know?”

“Nothing in our town is a secret. They know. They don’t care…but they know.”

“How strange.” I wondered what it would be like.

“Don’t worry. I plan on falling in love with you, Ruby.” Kyle stopped walking, looked down into my eyes and lifted my chin to kiss me. It was the same sweet kiss from the tavern. He looked into my eyes the entire time.

When we started walking again, I could feel my heart pounding. “Where are we going?”

“I thought we would start with some lingerie.”

“Lingerie? Is that something you’re into?”

“Well what man doesn’t love it? But where we live, if we buy the right pieces, they’ll be clothing, not just for bedroom fun. In the bedroom I want you wearing nothing.” He gave me an evil grin, “Every part of you will be available to me at home.”

“Okay. Lingerie it is.”

We walked into a small shop filled with lacy, sexy things. Kyle told me to pick whatever I wanted to try on and he would wink if he approved. “But you must come out and show me each piece. No matter what the salespeople think.”

“Okay.” I smiled and browsed the racks. Kyle followed a bit behind me, watching me. “Kyle, I didn’t think to ask you what your favorite color is.” I had found some beautiful full-length silk gowns with spaghetti straps but there were six different colors.

“Blue. Every shade of blue.”

I selected a light blue in the silk and saleslady approached us.

“Can I help you with anything?”

Kyle spoke first, “The lady is to pick out whatever she pleases. I trust you’ll help her with a fitting room?”

“Of course, sir!” The woman smiled. Every time I picked up a piece, she graciously took it from me and added it to my dressing room.

By the time I was ready to start trying things on, Kyle sat himself in a chair directly across from the dressing room and the salespeople watched from afar, trying not to be too nosy.

I modeled the silk nightgown first, but Kyle wasn’t thrilled, “The fabric covers too much.”

I set aside the other things that would probably cover too much as well.

The long, fitted black lace nightgown was quickly approved, however. Soon I had five or six things that Kyle was happy with and that showcased my new body.

When we left the store, the sales girls were whispering. I didn’t care and Kyle clearly didn’t either.

We put the bag in the car and went down the street to a café. “You like coffee?” Kyle gestured toward the door.

“I do!” We went inside and ordered our drinks. We sat at a small table across from each other and Kyle made sure to remind me that I should always sit with my legs open. I pushed my knees apart and was blushing, thinking everyone could see up my skirt. We continued asking one another questions. We were in the corner, so I felt comfortable asking things about the lifestyle without anyone hearing us.

“So school starts soon….I’ve heard it’s pretty tailored for what your husband wants you well trained in. Any idea what classes you’ll sign me up for?”

“Well, there are some basics. Obedience class for one. All girls attend that class. I guess it depends on what we decide together. What your limits are, what your desires are … what I’m willing to allow ….”

“I don’t even know what kind of classes are offered.” I was a complete newbie at this.

“There’s bondage classes, pain classes, all designed to get you used to restraints or shifting pain and pleasure in your mind …”

“I don’t mind a little bondage but rope seems painful. I’m getting more and more used to the idea of being helpless and at the mercy of others this summer.”

“Noted.” Kyle smiled and sipped his latte. “There are latex classes, you’d be surprised how much there is to learn about latex and proper care and handling. Um…horseplay, role playing, dominatrix classes, yoga…”


“Some people get off on being treated like a horse. All students get a horsetail plug, don’t they?”

“Oh yes. I wore it when I worked one night at the tavern.”

“Yes. Well, add a bridle and a saddle and some hooves and you get the idea.”

“Oh. I can’t say it appeals to me.”

“Good, it doesn’t to me. I would like to have you in a yoga class, though. It keeps the body in shape and watching you do early morning yoga nude would be a spectacular start to my day.”

“I love yoga.” I smiled and maintained eye contact as I took a drink of my coffee.

“I think by Sunday when you decide to stay in this lifestyle and be my wife, “ He winked at me, “We’ll have a very good idea of what classes you’ll be taking. We can fill out the class schedule together if you like?”

“I would like that.” I wanted to stare at his face for as long as possible. I loved the way his eyes drank me in and made me feel desired.

“Okay, let’s shop. Quick bathroom stop for me after that coffee though. Come with me.”

Kyle stood and I followed. The bathroom was around a corner and no one saw us go in together. I was told to sit on the toilet while he unzipped his pants and placed his cock at my lips. I quickly understood and wrapped my new big, glossy lips around the head and began swallowing the second I felt the stream flood my mouth. I didn’t break eye contact with Kyle and just kept guzzling as he relieved himself.

When the stream stopped, he milked the shaft and I sucked him clean before he zipped up. He allowed me to use the toilet while he checked his emails on his phone and produced a disposable toothbrush with a dollop of toothpaste just like the ones I always carried when I traveled. I cleaned my mouth and washed my hands and we left.

The rest of the afternoon went by so quickly. I enjoyed his company so much. He was smart and funny and sexy and he was going to be mine! I found myself wanting to submit to him in ways I never would have imagined. I would have done almost anything to please him. He bought me an engagement ring so I would be branded as his in both worlds. It was a medium platinum band with a single black diamond solitaire. I’d never seen anything more beautiful in all of my life.

I also got new sexy shoes, some flats for everyday, and some very expensive hand-made organic make up. I felt like a princess, not a belonging.

On the ride home, Kyle reached over, pulled up my skirt and felt my new swollen clit. I whimpered as he began working his fingers in circles with my own wetness. My pussy was stuffed with a replica of his cock and begging for release after a summer of denial.

“Don’t ever cum without my permission, Ruby.”

“Yes, Sir. It’s so hard when you do that, Sir.” I was trying to redirect my thoughts, but it was getting more and more difficult.

“Does that feel good?” Kyle was watching the road.

“Yes, Sir.”

“You know I’m the only one who can allow you an orgasm, right?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Do you want me to allow you that release?”

“Oh yes, Sir. Please.”

“Ask me again.”

“Please can I cum, sir?”

“You may when I say you can. But I want to hear how desperate you are.” He took my clit between his thumb and forefinger and started rolling it in circles with more pressure.

“Ah! Please Sir, please! I haven’t cum in so long! Please let me cum for you!” I was losing control and I needed it so badly.

“Pull your shirt up and play with your nipples.”

I pulled up my shirt and rolled and squeezed my nipples, fondling my breasts with my head thrown back, eyes closed, trying to delay the release of an orgasm I wanted so badly.

“Tell me you’ll always obey me.” I never thought I would allow a man to talk to me that way, but something about Kyle was beyond sexy when he said these things.

“I’ll always obey you, Sir.” I moaned and whimpered, the pleasure was so intense I was sure I would fail and explode before I was allowed.

“I want to hear you say that you’ll dedicate your life to my happiness.”

“I’ll dedicate my life to making you happy, Sir.” I was beginning to sweat a little and my heart was pounding. I couldn’t hold off much longer.


“Please, Sir, oh my god please, please let me cum! I have to cum or I’ll explode. When you touch me like that, I can’t stand it, please!?”

“You may cum.”

I allowed my thoughts to return to what I was feeling. The dildo inside of me, stretching me, Kyle’s fingers expertly handling my clit and my own hands fondling my new sensitive nipples, sending sensations throughout my body that I could only have imagined weeks ago. Then I felt it, spreading and building before my whole body was seized with pleasure and I moaned and yelled so loudly that I was glad we were on the freeway and no one could hear through the windows. It was a release so powerful that I felt like I had been transported. I lost all sense of time or decorum. I writhed and moaned and grinded on the dildo, pinching my nipples harder and harder as the pleasure continued.

When I came down from the high and Kyle removed his hand from my clit, I opened my eyes. I looked at Kyle dreamily and smiled. “You did very well, Ruby.” He ducked and looked out my window, “Now put on a nice show for our friend. I think he liked the last one.”

My head jerked so I could see out the window and there was a tall truck with a handsome man in it, staring down at my exposed body, only half watching he road.

“He drove next to us the entire time you enjoyed that release. He liked it very much. Go ahead and touch yourself, let him see you make yourself cum again.”

I swallowed hard and reached down to play with my clit. I hiked my skirt up around my waste so he could see my pussy and put my feet on the seat so I could spread my legs wide for him. I left my shirt pulled up and with my other hand, fondled and massaged my breasts, played with my nipples and a few times leaned down to suck one or the other. The driver was only driving with one hand, so I suspected I needed to keep this up until he had finished himself off.

I kept looking at him while I touched and played with myself on display for him. The excited look on his face made it all worth it. I imagined a big, beautiful cock in his hand, the furious stroking he was probably doing to get off to a beautiful girl pleasuring herself right next to him.

As I watched him, I felt another orgasm build, “Sir, may I cum again now please?” it came out as more of a whine than a question. I was so close.

“You may, Ruby. Let him see you pleasure yourself.”

“I settled into the amazing feeling and put my feet down so I could bounce up and down on the dildo. My watcher liked this. My breasts were bouncing and my fingers were furiously working my clit into a frenzy. Then I felt it. It exploded inside of me like nothing else and I squealed and moaned and grabbed at myself desperately. I had never felt orgasms like these. Was it my new body? My new thoughts? Had I been masturbating wrong my entire life? I didn’t care what it was, this was addicting. If this was what being in this lifestyle would be like, I was going to do it.

When I came down, Kyle put a hand on my leg, “You were in your own world there for a minute, but I think we can safely say your friend got off in a huge way.” He smiled and switched lanes to exit the freeway. “You can cover up now.”

I pulled my shirt and skirt back down and tried to come back to reality. “Um…thank you, Sir.” I didn’t now what to say.

“You don’t have to say anything. That was beautiful. And you’re welcome. I enjoy allowing you such pleasure.” He smiled and took my hand in his, “It pleases me to watch.”

“When do we have sex?” I was craving it now.

Kyle laughed, “On our wedding night, Ruby.”

“Everything in this town the way it is and you don’t believe in premarital sex?”

“Some people do, yes. In fact, most do. But I’m more traditional and I want our life together to mean something to both of us.”

“Okay. Our wedding night it is!” I couldn’t tell if I was lucky or not?

When we arrived back at my house, Kyle opened my door for me again, cleaning the dildo and placing it back in its box. He walked me to the door and leaned down to kiss me deeply. Oh he was a good kisser, too! His tongue was soft and slow and sweet as it explored my own.

“Your turn to pleasure me.” Kyle started unzipping his pants and I knelt down on the porch and took him into my mouth.

He was divine. His cock tasted good, felt good, smelled good … it was heaven. My lips were wrapped around the shaft and he was pushing into my throat. I opened up and let him in. My gag reflex finally calmed itself and as tears ran down my cheeks while I focused on breathing, Kyle fucked my throat until I felt his hot semen finding its way into my stomach. He pulled out slightly and I sucked and licked and swallowed until every beautiful inch of his cock was clean.

I stood and he kissed my forehead. “I’ll put the things we bought into our home. After lunch tomorrow, I’d love it if you would come see the house I bought. I’d like you to spend time there before classes start, choosing furniture and dishes and whatever it is girls do.”

“Yes, Sir.” Now that sounded fun!

“Goodnight, Ruby. Thank you for today.” He smiled and stared into my eyes.

“Thank you for everything today, Sir. I think I’m going to be very happy with you.”

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-02 03:51:29
Please post more

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-07-20 09:48:50
Brilliant as always and even more than that. Part 6 is highly welcomed!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-07-19 23:07:19
part 6?!?!?! pretty please!!!!


2016-07-18 07:56:40
A surprisingly good addition to a genre I'm not a big fan of. Very good story writing and plot development.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-07-16 06:37:33
I'm looking forward to more myself. The webmaster doesn't upload stories very often.

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