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My 1st requested story posted with permission from the requestees.
Miriam followed her husband through the restaurant to their table with the waitress in front of them getting his generous gaze. She loved when he’d stare at women when they went out. It got him going so bad they’d usually get halfway home then fuck in the car on the side of the road. At the very least she gave him a very wet and loving blowjob and swallowed down his thick cum. They sat down at their table and she teased him by running her foot up his leg.” I liked her ass.” She says casually.
Herbert shivers and smiles.” Not as nice as yours. You know i love your tiny butt. How loud it is when i give it a good slap.”
She chuckles and they both smile as the waitress returns and gives them each a glass of wine. They sip their drinks and look over their menus, both having to switch from their casual glasses to reading glasses, and order the same thing they always do when they come here. The menus and glasses were all to draw out the night and build the anticipation in both of them for later.

Herbert smiled as his wife continued to tease him with her foot and thought tonight he’d have a bit of fun of his own. He knocked his glasses case off the table and it bounced under the table. Before miriam could climb up he got down under the table and brushed the case aside as he moved toward his wife. He slid her dress up her legs, which stiffened at his touch, and he brushed the dark bush along her lower lips with his strong hands. She was getting wet the moment his fingers brushed her hot skin and she was weakly moving her hips at his hand to get more stimulation. He only stayed down there for a few seconds to tease her, not wanting to get caught by the staff, but before he left he gave her a deep kiss that made her body lock to avoid letting out a long moan.

When herbert resurfaced and pocketed his glasses miriam was flushed with her curly lockes much darker than normal against her bright red face. She gave him a lustful death stare as the waiter brought out their food and they ate and chatted like normal, but with miriam seeming more urgent than normal now that her body had gotten a small taste of what was to come later. Her husband loved when she got like this and was happy he had this 24 year old beauty as his wife. Nice and petite with not much ass or breasts, so his slightly muscular build looked far more imposing and he loved when her small hands wrapped around his respectable seven inches. Just thinking about her heavenly mouth made him hard and he picked up his pace so they could go. They’d be lucky to get out of the parking lot with how turned on they were both becoming.

They left quickly and as herbert started the car miriam was already undoing his belt. Herbert, being playful, looked at her with fake surprise.” Baby, we’re in public!” He whispered loudly.
She just giggled and unzipped his pants as he started moving. Fortunately, she didn’t get much farther than that as the moment herbert backed up the car was stopped by a sudden impact. They both screamed and herbert looked up to see the front end of another car roughly shoved in the trunk of his.” Fuck!” He yelled hitting the wheel.
Miriam fixed his clothes fast and they got out to speak with the other driver. He stepped out slowly, an older looking gentleman with a cane, and he walked up to them not looking at all angry. Herbert sighed.” I’m so sorry about that. I didn’t see you at all.”
The man waved his hand.” It’s quite alright. My car is black and there are no lights in this lot. I get in a wreck here twice a year. The foods just too good to pass up.” He said laughing.

Herbert looked at him surprised as miriam held her husband's hand.” Oh. Well, i guess we can just swap information then and be on our way?”
The man laughed harder.: I have a regular deal with an auto parts place for when this happens. If we go through insurance it’ll jack up both our rates, but if you let me handle this then they won’t hear a peep and you don’t lose a penny.”
Now herbert looked at him in true shock.” But my trunk ate your engine! That’ll be a few grand to fix both cars fully! I can’t ask you to do that.”
“Oh, don’t misunderstand, young man. I plan to get my moneys worth out of you for this, but until then you two just call a cab and head home and I’ll get in touch when you can pay me back for this.”
He gave them a card and wrote their information down on another and went into the restaurant. Minutes later a cab pulled up and took the confused couple home. The crash had killed the mood for them and they went to sleep after only some light kissing instead of the great fuck they normally had on date night.

A week later, and with no word from the old man, the couple awoke on what was their usual date night to the sound of a truck in their yard. They looked out to see their car being placed in the driveway looking brand new. They rushed down and marveled at the old beat up thing now looking factory fresh. The mechanic gave them a copy of the bill and where the signature was for the payment they saw a stamp like a star which he explained was the way the old man, a Mr. Myers, signed for everything. A special stamp ring he wore at all times. There was a note with the same stamp under the windshield wipers of the car and herbert grabbed it as soon as the mechanic left.
“ To my new friends, I hope you enjoy all the work that i got done on your car. I had them rebuild it from the ground up just to show how sorry i was for the little incident. And to pay me back all i ask is that you two drop by once a week to help with some house work. The young man looked quite fit and the woman like she would enjoy some time seeing him sweat. I’ll expect you both by my address at noon today. See you soon.”

The two of them couldn’t believe this. They wrecked his car and he fixed them both and all he wanted was some yard work? This was amazing! They were so excited for their good fortune that the couple got ready and were at Mr. Myers house, a mapquest directional sheet lying in the front seat helped them do this, by eleven. He answered the door within a minute of Herbert shrugged.” It’s the least we can do considering everything.”
Mr. Myers nodded and let them in.” Well, today all i need is the yard mowed and the pool cleaned. My filter is broken, so i need someone to do that by hand until the repairman comes next week.”
Obviously herbert was led to the garage where he got the new looking push mower and immediately went to work on the fair sized yard of the two story house while Miriam stripped down to her bright blue bikini, actually hoping for a task like this, and climbed up on the deck of the pool to clean all the leaves and bugs from the surface.

Miriam enjoyed seeing herbert work so hard, making his body glisten as the sun beared down, and she enjoyed tanning her sweet body as she did so. The cool breeze blowing over the pool helped her stay comfy as she worked and by the time herbert was done hours later she had only worked up a light sweat whereas he had to take a quick dip in the freshly cleaned pool just to cool down. All this time Mr. Myers had watched them work, but miriam knew his eyes were mostly on her. As they were leaving he gave her a hug and she had to hold back a gasp feeling his surprisingly large cock press into her side. She stumbled along side her husband as they left and once they were out of sight of the house she made him pull over.” Baby, what-”
Before he could finish speaking she had ripped down his shorts and was sucking him frantically to make him hard.

Herbert couldn’t think as he had never seen his wife so hungry for his cock. Her head bobbed so fast her hair bounced and she wasn’t even playing with herself. Normally she’d be deep in her pussy with two fingers at least, but now she was massaging his balls and stroking him as her spit lubed him and forcing him to become hard faster than ever in his life. Once he was hard, still unable to do more than moan, she had climbed on top of him in record time and just shoved her bikini bottoms aside as she drove her slick pussy down his rod with a loud groan of relief. She bounced eagerly and grunted every time she slammed down and it was with this stimulation he finally found his voice.” Oh, fuck, miri! What the fuck has gotten into you?!”
He grabbed her hips and watched her little tits ripple as she slammed up and down on him.

Miriam stared in his eyes and bit her lip with a shaking head.” Just fuck me, baby!”
He could tell she was hiding something. The lip thing was her tell. He grabbed her breasts, one fully in each hand, and squeezed as miriam bounced. She gasped and groaned as pain made her ten times hornier and looked at him with lust filling her eyes.” Tell me.”
She shook her head, but whimpered as the words tried to make their way past her lips. He crushed her breasts again and again and soon she was near screaming as she rode him. Finally, she couldn’t take it and yelled out,” I felt his cock! He’s a fucking horse! It was so big and he wasn’t even fully hard!”
Miriam dropped down hard and with a scream she came as herbert contemplated what she said. She was this eager from feeling the fat cock of that old man. That was his thought as he kissed miriam deeply and flooded her pussy with all the cum he could muster in one shot. Now they were both covered in sweat as the car baked in the sun with the heat of their fucking having brought it up that much faster. They drove home in silence once they got back in their seats properly and barely spoke the rest of the week until they went to Mr. Myers house again.

This time he had herbert repairing small rotten parts of the house, door frames, stairs, cabinets, and the like while miriam cleaned the kitchen. She went to work washing dishes first and was surprised at the sheer quantity of dirty dishes. Mt. Myers sat in there with her and explained when he saw her confusion.” I live alone, but i have parties here twice a month and last night was a party night.”
Mirima enjoyed a good party.” What kind?”
He chuckled and shook his head.” Don’t worry about it, dear. Just a get together between my friends and i. I’m sure you and your husband will be joining soon enough.”
She liked the sound of that and smiled as she worked.” Can you tell me anything?”
He smiled.” Just that we all have fun at these events and everyone leaves quite satisfied with the experience. Especially whoever gets to be the guest of honor that week. If you’re good it might be you, dear.”

She giggled at how he said that and moved on to other things as she worked on the dishes. Once she was done she swept and mopped the kitchen and even wiped down all the counters. She noticed they were all a bit sticky and wondered what was being served that would leave them like this. Especially since there didn't seem to be any residue. Whatever it was seemed to be clear and if miriam sniffed carefully as she scrubbed she caught a musky kind of scent off the counters from whatever it was that she was cleaning up. Strange. Whatever the cause, she got the kitchen spotless just as herbert was finishing with the rest of his house work. The two gathered things and were leaving when Mr. Myers pulled miriam aside and gave her a tight hug just like before. She felt that he was a little hard again and he hugged her so long that she actually felt his cock jump a bit being pressed so hard to her.

Once again miriam left on shaky legs, but this time she didn’t attack herbert on the drive home. They were dead quiet until he pulled into the garage and looked right at her.” You like feeling his cock.”
It was a flat out statement she couldn’t deny and she just looked away when he spoke. That is until his hands rubbed her breasts and she had to look at him in confusion.” Say it.” He said sternly.” Say you like his cock. You said he was like a horse.”
Miriam felt her face redden and her nipples harden as she spoke softly.” I...I like…”
He pinched her nipples through her shirt and she screamed,” I like his cock!”
Herbert pulled her into a deep kiss and as his tongue explored her mouth he was sliding off her shorts then working on his own. His rock hard cock sprang out and was already dripping pre cum as he forcibly pulled miriam over and she excitedly took him inside her like before.

He started bouncing her harder and faster than last time and sucking her nipples, making her squeal and moan as his teeth tugged her sensitive nubs.” Have you been thinking about his cock?” Herbert moaned around her soft flesh.
She nodded rapidly.” Yes! I’ve been imagining his fat cock!”
Herbert licked from one nipple to the other slowly as he spoke.” Tell me everything.”
Miriam moaned with every lick.” I wanna feel it...i wanna stroke it and watch it swell...know how it deep i can swallow it before i choke...and most of all i wanna fuck it!”
She gasped and moaned loud as his fingers found her asshole. Anal was something they’d never done and ass play was rare. She had only ever taken his pinky so few times she could count on both hands, but now his index was wiggling in her slowly and the double stimulation was making her crazy.

Herbert used his other hand to knead the soft flesh of her small ass.” Imagine he’s fucking you.” He says watching her.
She moans and can’t help herself from shaking her head.” Can’’ aren’t…”
He suddenly got his full finger in her and she yelped out at the sudden fullness.” I’m what?”
She threw her head back, unable to look him in the eye, knowing what would happen as the words left her mouth.” He’s so much bigger!”
She came hard speaking those words and her pussy tightened so much that she forced the cum from herbert's cock and he groaned in pure pleasure as a week's worth of cum was released into his wife. This time instead of awkward silence the two embraced and kissed passionately as they rode their orgasms. When it was over they looked at each other lovingly and spent the rest of the night fucking wildly as miriam imagined the massive cock of Mr. Myers.

A week later Mr. Myers answered as normal, but was dressed in a robe this time instead of house clothes. He let them in and explained his washing machine and dryer had both broken and that would be herbert's job for the day. Fixing the machines. He was given the tools and led to the basement by Mr. Myers while Miriam was left to wait in the living room. When their host returned he sat down on the couch and invited her to join him, having no simple tasks for her this week. She was happy for the off time and sat beside him gladly. They talked and watched tv for a while, but after an hour or so Mr. Myers looked at her.” I noticed last week you and your husband seemed a bit cold. Were you two having a fight?”
She blushed and bit her lip as she looked away.” Something like that, but we worked it out last week.”
He nodded.” What was the issue?”
She gripped her legs, searching for an explanation.” I was...a bit too into admiring this one guy i saw...and it made a bit of tension between us...but we worked it out and now everything's fine.”

Mr. Myers looked at her and smiled.” Right then. So the young man was jealous you enjoyed feeling me the other day.”
Miriam whipped around realizing he already knew full well what was going on.” H-”
He laughed at her shock.” You girls, even when you’re so in love you can’t think of any other guy, can’t resist a thick cock when you feel it so close to your cunts.”
She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Nor could she believe what happened next. Mr. Myers opened his robe and Miriam's eyes sprang out of her head as eleven inches of soft cock lied there in his lap before her.” Wh-what…”
He grabbed her hands and put them on his cock. She felt it jerk instantly and she lost her sense of self as she instinctively began stroking him with both hands.

He leaned back and sighed as she gave him her best hand job.” Mr. My-”
He covered her mouth with his hand.” Master. You call me master or i show your husband video of this. I have security cameras in every room.”
Her eyes widened in fear and she nodded, getting him to remove his hand.” Master…” She said feeling her pussy heat up calling him that.” Why are you doing this?”
He smiled.” I love finding new girls who seem so in love and making them desperate for my cock. My first wife was married to another man for ten years and when she met me she dumped him in less than a year with the promise of riding me every night. She managed to take me fully every night for a good twenty five years before i lost her to a brain tumor and decided I enjoyed Finding women and just making them mine.”

All the time he talked miriam stroked him and when he paused she looked to see he was up to thirteen inches, at least, and almost fully hard. He grabbed her by her hair and she knew what was coming. She took a deep breath as her mouth was forced over the thick head and the back of her throat caressed it as he forcibly fucked her face.” Mmm. I do love making you girls act so dirty. You just can’t resist a real man when the chance comes along.”
His cock was roughly pushing in and out of her mouth and slamming into the back of her throat. It was so thick and long that she couldn’t even take half without her eyes tearing up and her lungs begging for air. She knew the only way to get out of this was to make him cum, so even as she was desperate to breathe she stroked the length of him that wouldn't go down her poor throat and rubbed his balls to coax out what seemed like a huge amount of cum considering their size.

He moaned and smiled as miriam worked so feverishly to make him cum in order to get free, but even with all she was doing and how hard he was it took her over half an hour before she was making him pant and pre cum was flowing regularly. For an old man he has more stamina than herbert, she thought as she pumped him faster. She hated to admit it, but having to give such a lengthy blow job without holding back had soaked her through her panties and she could feel it making even her jeans moist. Then suddenly she was pushed down harshly and she felt his cock head push past her throat and jerk violently inside her as a huge blast of cum started pouring out. It wasn’t just a quick squirt, but what felt like a long stream of thick cum and it made her gag harshly as it went straight down into her stomach. This wasn't the only shot, though, and she was held there, getting giant load after giant load until she felt him peter out and thankfully stop shooting. She sucked hard a few times as his grip loosened to get the last mouthful inside him and swallowed with a gasp as she was let go. She blushed at the old habit, not having meant to do that.

Mr. Myers smiled at her as he sat there with his cock still hard, but not making her go again. She was thankful for that since her stomach actually felt full. Not like she was stuffed, but like she had a meal and wouldn’t be hungry for a short time. He covered up and she saw the tent of his robe slowly falling.” Now if you don’t want your husband knowing about this then you’ll come by tonight and be sure to dress nice. I like my sluts to look good.”
She was about to yell she wasn’t a slut, but her husband came up then and smiled at the two.” I finally got those stupid things running.”
Miriam fell silent and Mr. Myers smiled and shook her husband's hand.” Thank you, herbert. That’s all i needed today. Now i need to try and get my clothes done.”
He waved them off as he went upstairs and miriam forced a smile as they left with the thought of what her master would want of her when she showed up tonight. Little did she know that Mr. Myers had gotten his phone the moment he was out of sight and texted herbert to show up at his house that night for a visit without miriam. Set about half an hour after when miriam was set to arrive.

The day went by as normal and neither said a word to the other about going to Mr. Myers that night. The first to go was miriam who told herbert she was going out for drinks with friends. He kissed her goodbye as he usually did and was happy he didn’t have to make up an excuse himself. She arrived at his house around ten and he met her wearing the same robe as before. When he let her in he admired the short dress she wore and complimented her make up.” The perfect balance of slutty and sexy.” he said smiling.
That made her wet for reasons she didn’t understand. He led her upstairs and he sat on the bed with her in the doorway.” Now come strip for me, slut.”
And with that she knew the night had begun. She walked in slowly and started by sliding off her heels and giving exaggerated kicks to sent them into the corner of the room. She bent down with her ass to her master and held her ankles then slid her hands up her body and over her head to show off the curves of her breasts. She slid them back down and slid down the straps of her dress until her petite titties escaped the fabric. She hadn’t bothered with a bra or panties since she knew where this night was going. She moved the dress down her body and wiggled her hips as she let the black fabric pool around her feet. She gave a sexy pose as she was left naked and marveled at the half hard cock of the man before her. The man that wasn’t her husband.
He smiled big and beckoned her over without a word. She took one step and he spoke with power that made her legs weak.” Crawl!”
She dropped down instantly before she knew what was happening and was crawling before she knew she was on the ground. She crawled forward and when she reached him he opened his robe. She was surprised to see he had a mask hidden in his robe and handed it to her.” As wonderful as you look right now, i need you to hide your pretty face for a moment.”
She took the mask hesitantly, but knew any argument on her part would lead to her husband knowing about this and the afternoon blow job she gave him. She donned the latex mask and tucked her hair inside before tightening it up. Her master nodded in approval and stood to close his robe.” Now come along, dear.”

She crawled behind him as he went downstairs and he called for her to walk on them so she’d be quick. Miriam had no idea why she was doing all this, but she found out when Mr. Myers walked toward the front door just as the bell rang. She was about to retreat into another room, but her masters voice calling,” Stay!” made her freeze.
She felt flushed and wanted to hide as the door opened, not knowing what to expect, but was shocked to see her husband there dressed casually. He was just greeting Mr. Myers when he saw her and gasped. The old man who had her acting so...slutty laughed at his surprise.” This girl is a friend of mine who enjoys being...a kind of servant. So i indulge her now and then just for fun. I thought you’d like to come over and watch. As i understand from your wife she loves when you get your motor running checking out other girls.”

Herbert merely nodded and was led in by Mr. Myers to sit on the couch. He clapped to get Miriam's attention.” Go get us some drinks, slut!”
She nodded and walked into the kitchen, feeling her thighs get slick with her juices as being ordered around like a slave made her wet. She had never known she had this side to her, but as she poured two glasses and made sure they each had enough ice and alcohol she knew that she’d need this feeling from now on. Being controlled. She walked back in and handed them their glasses. Herbert openly stared at her body.” So what’s your name, cutie?” he asked her.
She went red under the mask keeping her identity safe, but Mr. Myers spoke up.” She’s just a common slut. Call her whatever you want and she’ll respond. She isn’t allowed to talk, though.”
Why was he covering for her? She wondered as herbert shrugged. He was a lightweight concerning alcohol and after a few sips was no longer sobor.” Why don’t you give us a show, slut?” he said with a smile.

She was drenched hearing her husband call her names and instantly went to work doing a sexy dance for the men who watched her. She shook her tiny tits and ass and gave them sensual rubs and slaps that made her hotter as it made them harder. It felt amazing being stared at. Being their entertainment as they slowly drank. Being a toy for their pleasure.” Slut!” Called her master after her dance had gone on for some time. She looked at him fast and could see his rock hard cock.” You know what to do.”
She nodded and crawled over to him slowly, wondering what her husband would think seeing her suck another man. Then she remembered he didn’t know this was his wife opening the robe of this man. She was a random slut about to suck cock. Something she knew he watched online often. This would be like a live show to him. And the idea of sucking another man in front of him made her actually drip on the floor below her as her hands once again wrapped around that thick shaft.

She wasted no time stroking him with both hands and licking all over his glorious cock. As ashamed as she felt being with another man, she couldn’t resist such a massive tool. He was right that this giant dick was enough to make her his slut and she couldn’t help the heat building inside her as her hands made wet squishes with every tug of his cock coated in her spit. She knew she’d be at this a while and pulled out all the stops just like before. She let herself drool freely as she licked along his length and sucked on his balls, she would kiss the head and swirl her tongue around it until sweet pre cum flavored his head, and she’d massage his heavy sack when she took him into her throat as far as she could, which was barely half his length.

She heard her husband moaning and dared a glance at him while stroking her master and saw that he was openly stroking himself. She shuddered knowing he was getting off on the sight of her sucking another man and it made her more energetic in her actions. She sucked harder, took him deeper, and he could see that she was getting more enthusiastic in her sucking because of her husband's presence. He took full advantage and grabbed her head to fuck her face fast and hard. The sudden change surprised her and made her gag and cough, but she could hear her husband moaning and bared the pain and humiliation for him. She knew when they were in bed again the memories of this night would drive them insane with lust even if he never knew the slut sucking a man in front of him was really her.

Her master moaned as he let her return to her work at her own pace, but she kept up the rapid pace he set as best she could to entertain them both to the best of her ability. The old man deep in her throat showed his enjoyment with louder moans and pumping his hips into her mouth now with his pre cum flowing faster. She wanted him to cum. She knew if she swallowed every drop then her husband might bust right there or would speed home and eagerly wait for her to fuck her senseless. The thought of him fucking her like a madman as he thought of “some slut” sucking off another man right in front of him made her pussy clench and pulse in need of a hard cock. She was suddenly forced down on the cock in her mouth and once again felt it pulsing hard as a huge load was dumped down her throat. She suctioned her lips around him and swallowed hungrily as her mind became starved for the feeling of absolute submission that was overtaking her.

Miriam looked at her husband and saw he was rock hard and oozing pre cum quickly. If he got a single touch he’d burst. She smiled seeing his hands gripping his pants and his cock twitching in desperate need of relief.” Do you want my slut to take care of you?” Mr. Myers asked him.
She was torn as to what she wanted. If he said yes she could get another load of cum in her belly, but that would be like him cheating on her since he had no idea this was her. He waved his hand shakily.” I have to say no. As good a cock sucker as she seems to be, my wife and i have a rule. Looking is fine, but touching is off limits.”
That made her heart swell that he’d say that. She crawled over to him and kissed his knees to say thank you then crawled away. He looked at her confused for a moment then lustfully as her ass and dripping pussy shook for him.

Mr. Myers stood and snapped, prompting miriam to follow as he headed for the stairs.” If you’d like to follow, young man, then you may.”
Without hesitation herbert followed, but with his under clothes left on the chair where he was sitting. Most likely so he wouldn’t stain them with cum or have to bother shoving his rock hard cock back inside. She walked up the steps, following her master quickly, and crawled the rest of the way to the bedroom and found him waiting for her, standing by the bed. She moved to his side and he pointed at the bed. She obediently got up there on her hands and knees and when her husband entered wiggled her ass just for him. This got a slap from her master, but he rubbed the print and made her moan quietly.” Good slut. Show my friend your body.”
She could feel herself get even wetter taking orders and exposing her body to the two of them. She rolled on her back and spread her hairy pussy for her husband's viewing pleasure. He loved her bushy cunt and she saw his cock twitch as the pussy she knew he loved was presented like a fresh one.

This didn’t last long, though, as her master flipped her on her stomach and pushed her up on her hands and knees. She was looking her husband right in the eye as she was set up like a bitch for use. Something crossed her mind as she was done up this way. Every time they saw him until now Mr. Myers had moved slowly and used a cane, but tonight he kept up with them and had done so on his own. He had been acting like a frail old man and tricked them into believing he was exactly that until now when he was acting strong and in charge as he made miriam his personal plaything. His cock rubbed along her pussy and she cringed at the thought of taking him inside her, but found herself pushing back in hopes he’d fill her soon. She’d never had such a big rod in her tiny hole, but knew she wanted it desperately. The most prominent thought was that this wasn’t her husband, but she was just as eager to take it.

She gave a moan as the head of his cock started to spread her lips. She was really going to do it. She was going to fuck another man. Not only that, but it’d be right in front of her husband. While he stroked the wonderful cock she loved so much. As her master began to enter her she bit her lip and moaned as her slick hole easily took him, but did so slowly as she was clenching her tight pussy down on his fat cock. She had been so excited all night that she could already feel her orgasm building inside her rapidly. The cock sinking into her depths was drawing pleasure from parts of her that her husband had never touched. She couldn’t stop herself from moaning out loud as he pulled back only halfway in then in one swift motion buried himself within her.

He started fucking her slowly with strokes along the full length of his shaft, pulling out so only the head was in then slamming back so his balls slapped her body. Every time he did this she grunted and moaned like a slut and she wanted to cum desperately, but knew when she did she’d lose all control and start talking and thanking him for this. The moment she came her secret would be out and her husband would hate her for acting like a cheap whore all night. But she didn’t care as the pace of the man fucking her increased. He was building speed now and miriam had to bite her lip as she moaned to keep back her voice. It was getting to be too much for her.
Her pussy was pulsing on the very edge, her muscles were all locking up with the need to cum, and her juices were pouring out of her like a waterfall as she struggled to hold her pleasure back. Then suddenly there was a gasp from her husband. She opened her eyes, wedged shut in her bliss, and saw her mask on the floor. She looked up at the stunned face of her husband and knew he saw her face and all she could say, knowing she was busted for cheating on him,” FUCK, I’M CUMMING!”
And let her body experience the greatest orgasm she’d ever felt.

There was a chuckle from Mr. Myers as she came and he continued to fuck her faster and faster, keeping her orgasm going as her husband stared at her being defiled by another man, but the one little thing that got through the cloud of pure pleasure destroying all sense she had was that her husband, although looking shocked, was still stroking himself and the lust in his eyes hadn’t faded at all. It had grown. Without a word he walked up to her and she thought he was going to slap her in anger at her betrayal, but instead she was fed his hard cock down her open mouth and began face fucking her with as much force and passion as the man fucking her cunt. Being slammed back into the huge cock in her pussy and knowing her husband was deep in her throat made her orgasm reignite just as it was petering out. She was in absolute heaven as the cock she had loved for years filled her mouth and let her taste all the cum that had been spread over it as it was stroked to her sluttiness and at the same time the cock she had lusted for over the past weeks was stretching and filling her pussy like never before.

Then she felt both of them tighten their grip on her body. Hands were woven through her hair as her husband's balls rapidly struck her chin with loud slurps from her, knowing he loved when she was sloppy and loud. At the same time the surprisingly strong hands of her master were gripping her ass with nails biting into her tender cheeks as her pussy was abused with the best cock she’d ever felt. They were both about to cum. She could taste wonderfully salty cum in her mouth for the third time that day and could tell by the short, hard thrusts in her pussy that the cock there was about to burst with another massive load. She wanted it. She moaned for it. She shook her ass to entice one of them as she sucked with all her might on the other. She needed to be filled and two loud moans filled the room as she got her wish.

Both men came together and as the delicious cum of her husband poured down her throat and mixed with her masters cum, filling her so well she actually thought her stomach was totally full to the brim, another huge load from her master was pumping into her pussy and she could feel the power of his shots as they painted her insides. She could swear it was burning her insides and marking her pussy as his to use from now on. And she knew it was. As much as she loved her husband she wouldn’t say no to fucking her master again. She had been given the greatest fuck of her life and would have to have it again. Once she had swallowed every drop of cum and her pussy had been sufficiently filled, both men pulled out. Her husband collapsed in his chair as her master stood and walked to her mouth. She kissed his cock lovingly and licked it clean of both her juices and his remaining cum. He patted her on the head like a dog and walked toward the door.” You two may spend the night.” he said and shut the door as he walked out.
Miriam looked around what she thought was the main bedroom and realized as big as it was it was only a guest room.

The next morning, the loving couple that was miriam and herbert, after a night of fucking like bunnies, woke in each other's arms with happy smiles. They walked down in robes they found in the closet and found Mr. Myers sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee. He greeted them kindly and they had a long talk. Herbert had loved watching miriam fuck him, more so when he knew it was her than when he thought she was just a random whore. Miriam admitted she couldn’t live without Mr. Myers, her master, fucking her like that again and again and making her feel so dirty. The three of them came to an agreement that their relationship would continue with them stopping in once a week to do chores, but while herbert worked miriam would be sucking off Mr. Myers and that night if he wanted them over then they’d cancel their usual date night without a second thought since a night of teasing and admiring other men and women had no comparison to the amazing sex they had after a night of miriam acting like a whore for her two favorite men.
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