After a most heartfelt and romantic gathering that brought those that deeply loved me closer together I woke up with Kendra and Kaye in bed with me. Everyone else I suppose woke up and were downstairs with the rest of the family. I turned to see it was eight in the morning before I turned my head to look up at the ceiling while pulling Kendra and Kaye to me. Both moved their hands to the center of my chest. Kendra was the first to wake u p. I guess she forgot where she was because she rose up quickly to look around before looking down into my eyes.
“ Heath?” She asks while I give her a nod
“ Yes? Are you ok? Last night not fun enough for you?” I ask to see her smile before laying back down to cuddle back up to me
“ Yes since I am with you now. And if last night was any indictator of what the future holds I want more.” She says while I pull her to me again
“ Yep. How do you feel?” I ask to get a relief sigh
“ So loved and welcomed. I loved last night because I was here with you.” She says while I chuckle
“ True, but you got raped by the ladies.” I say while we both laugh trying not to wake Kaye up
“ Yes, but it was all worth it just to be with you and my new sister loves.” She says while I smile
“ I’m glad to hear that Kendra.” I say while Kaye starts waking up
“ Good morning Travis I love you.” Kaye says moving her hand along my chest.
“ Good morning darlin. And I'm not my brother.” I say hurt while I place my hand on her back. Kaye pops up looking at me asking where she was for me to remind her of last night and what she asked. She nods before Kendra smiles
“ And what a morning it is Kaye.” Kendra says with a sigh
“ How do you feel Kaye?” I ask still hurt she just used me
“ I feel good..... My pussy feels so sore, but it was so worth it after that 3rd time. Just glad Diamond put that plug in to keep your sperm in me.” Kaye says while I chuckle trying to hide my pain and it works
“ Did any leak out Kaye?” Kendra asks to only get a no before she kept going,“ That’s good. So what should we do now?”
“ Well by the smell I would say breakfast is being made. So we can either get dressed and go down to the kitchen and get coffee, or stay here and hold each other?” I state to get them to think hoping they choose the first since I really was reconsidering Kaye being with me
“ Actually baby I think a shower then get dressed. I hate to since I have the man I love in bed but I am hungry.” Kendra says to get laughs
“ What the Skittles wasn’t enough last night?” Kaye asks receiving a giggle
“ Not really when they melted some. Damn Diamond filled up her vagina with them.” Kendra says while I shake my head
“ Maybe I need to try that. Get our man here to eat from my rainbow.” Kaye says while we all laugh but I didn't count on that happening any time soon if ever again.
“ Mmm I would love to watch that baby. How about tonight just us three?” Kendra says while Kaye raises up quickly
“ Are you serious Kendra?” Kaye asks to get a nod and I make a note to shoot that down quicker than a raccoon with rabies
“ Why not Kaye? Didn’t you say you, Selena, and Michelle wanted to be Heath’s lovers? I thought about it while waiting for my love to wake up. You and I have both given Heath our love in a way most would be disgusted with. So why not we both be with him together in such a way, and besides I doubt Travis would be mad about it since you are trying to get pregnant by his loving brother.” Kendra says while Kaye looks at the both of us and I make a another note to have a headache tonight
“ Heath you wouldn’t mind being with me again would you?” Kaye asks with some concern in her voice
I look at Kaye intently. Her eyes show love and concern. I remember her words from last night that ring freshly back in my mind. But then again by her actions this morning showed she was just using me to pump her full of my sperm. I feel Kendra press up against my right side. I turn to see her looking up into my eyes while giving me a smile. I guess love shows it’s intentions in one way or another. Shoot I had so many already that what is a few more going to hurt. But then again I wasn't just going to be a sperm dispenser like I had been in that dream I had a couple months back. I turn back to see Kaye sitting on her feet with her legs spread a little. I really didn’t notice last night, but I see a T and a H just above her hairy mound.
“ Um....what’s with the T and H?” I ask to see her giggle
“ Your initial and Travis’s. I love you both Heath. I went to a tattoo artist in town with Travis. He was perfectly alright with it. Like I said he trusts you and you are the only man he will let me be with in this way.” She says while I feel that warmth knowing Travis always would accept things as they are even if I was deciding I wouldn't. I just didn't know if I could since Kaye only viewed me as a way to get pregnant
“ Mmmm it looks sexy I must say. I might have to get a few myself.” Kendra says while Kaye giggles
“ Well Diamond, Hannah, and Nicky are the tattoo artists of the family. Only reason I went to someone else is I didn’t want Diamond or the other ladies to get upset.” Kaye says to get nods before she moved straddling me to only lean down to look into my eyes,“ So baby brother would you like to have another night together? But more intimate with exploration of the other's body?”
“ Oh that would be very nice.” Kendra says while she raises up
I look at the both of them. Both have the softest of caramel skin. Both are such ebony goddesses to my eyes. I give a smile before I respond faking interest.
“ I can’t wait my beauties, but the thing is.......” I say to get nervous looks
“ What baby?” Kendra asks while Kaye places her hands on my chest joining Kendra’s
“ I want to take all of both of you. I want to make it really official.” I say to get wide smiles
“ Ok baby.” Both say in unison
“ Wow that was quick.” I say to get laughs while I curse Kaye for agreeing so quickly and enthusiastically
“ Well what do you expect Heath we both love you, and besides Travis doesn’t do anal like I wish he would.” Kaye says while I shake my head being defeated
“ I’m sorry.” I say to get a shook head
“ Don’t be honey. I would love to have that rock hard cock that is between your legs in my ass.” Kaye says while Kendra giggles
“ Same here baby.” Kendra says while I reach for them both not putting as much effort into Kaye coming over but she makes her way to be on par with Kendra
Kaye lays on top of me while Kendra cuddles up on my right. We lay there for a moment until the door opens and shuts. I look over to see Ellie start over to the foot of the bed. She crawls up to straddle my legs behind Kaye. Kaye lets out a moan while I hear a quiet slap.
“ Mmm baby girl you have a sexy ass that momma Ellie wants to have fun with.” Ellie says while we all laugh
Kaye raises up turning her head to look at one of her adoptive mothers.
“ Really? want me in that way?” Kaye asks to only be held by Ellie from behind
“ Yes darling I would. Verna and Kiko want to be with you also. Look we love all you girls, and want to show it in every way. I would love to double penetrate you with Heath. That would be so much fun.” Ellie says getting smiles
“ Wow I have come into a wild family. This is going to take some getting used to.” Kendra says while Ellie and I laugh seeing Kaye shake her head in agreement
“ Yes and no honey since you see the only man that does us ladies is Heath except for those of us that have another man like Kaye, Selena, Michelle, Verna, Kiko, and I. Travis, Adam, and Chris can’t um give their loves babies. Heath has been so kind to try and help them become mothers.” Ellie says a bit sadly and I am starting to regret it now wondering if Shellie and Selena used me like Kaye has
“ Oh my so that is why..” Kendra starts to say but is cut off by Kaye
“ Yes, that is why I came to Heath last night. I want to be a mother. Selena and Michelle even slept with Heath a while back. I kept asking and he always put me off saying he had to think about it.” Kaye says while I look at Kendra in fear
“ I see.” She says while raising up to look at me before showing a grin,“ So you're a fountain of love that fills the truest of loving hearts? Even if one is your sister?”
“ Yes Kendra. Your not disgusted are you?” I ask to get a no
“ No baby I’m not because watching Michelle suck you off last night was a turn on. I mean she really can deep throat that big fella.” Kendra says while we laugh
“ She isn’t the only one Kendra honey.” Ellie says to get a nod
“ Ok as much as I would love to have some sweet loving from you three right now. I think we should take a shower and dress for the day.” I say to get giggles from them
“ Aww what’s wrong baby? You don’t want some pussy for breakfast?” Ellie asks while I raise up and have Kaye move to only pull Ellie to me getting a squeak
“ Yeah I would, but I think I don’t want to get caught by the kids. I would love to take you three right now beautiful.” I say to hear Ellie moan hoping Kaye would decide she'd rather be somewhere else
“ Mmm baby I would love to feel you in me right now, but you're right. I want to be able to enjoy you pounding my holes with no distractions.” She says before giving me a deep kiss that gets joined by Kendra and Kaye
We kiss each other openly until Ellie starts grinding against me. She is wearing a pair of tight shorts. She has the crotch of her shorts against my hard on.
“ Oh Heath I love you so much, but I need to get off right now.” She says while Kendra and Kaye laugh
“ Heath baby let momma Ellie have some loving. Kendra and I will go take a shower and get to know each other since we are your loves too.” Kaye says before both get off the bed while Ellie puts her hands on my shoulders
“ Thank you....girls.” Ellie says with a moan while they make their way to the bathroom
Ellie looks into my eyes with such love that I hold her to my body. She has on a bikini top that barely holds her D cup breasts in place. She keeps grinding against me. I feel the crotch of her shorts get wet. I can’t take it any longer while I pick her up only to get her on the bed. I reach down to rip the crotch of her shorts.
“ Oh baby yes.” She says while I see no panties underneath
Ellie pulls her legs back to give me a better access to her hairy pussy. I scoot closer placing the head of my hard cock to her entrance. I look deep in her eyes to see love. She reaches down spreading her pussy lips apart. I gently enter her to get a moan. I lean over to kiss her lips feeling her arms wrap around me. I slowly make love to her while her lips open up with our tongues clashing. Our moans fill the room before she breaks the kiss.
“ Oh my love.....make me yours again.....I need you so much.....yes my darling.” She says while I make love to her
“ Ellie I need you too....I love you so much.” I say feeling tears filling my eyes
“ Baby what’s wrong?” She asks while I place my head on her left shoulder while thrusting deep into her
“ Please....please never leave me.” I say with tears while the hurt of my mother comes flooding through me. It seems she just hurts me so much every time she says she will love and protect me.
“ Never have me....I will never hurt you....oh fuck....I’m going to cum.” She says while I feel her juices wash over my cock
I can’t help but cry while I make love to this woman that was like a mother to me. I feel her hands caress my back while our love connects on a new level. I raise up placing my hands on the head board while hers go to my hips. I see sincere concern in her eyes while her love flows into my heart and body.
“ Cum in me baby....give me your love....while I give you mine.....please baby calm down and cum for your momma Ellie.” She says while I increase my pace to feel my body start to tense up
“ OH ELLIEEEE!” I say loudly while I quickly pull her crotch closer to mine
I feel her pussy clamp down milking me while I erupt deep in her womb. I collapse on top of her feeling her arms wrap around me along with her legs while she keeps me locked against her. My tears come falling onto the pillow.
“ Shhh my love it’s going to be ok. No one is going to hurt you again, but I wish you will tell me what is going on darling.” She says while I hold her also
“ I can’t because it hurts so much.” I say while she runs her hands up and down my back
“ Yes you can baby. Please don’t hold it in my darling love. I promise not to tell anyone. When you have others to help nothing hurts as much.” She says starting to calm me while the shower is still going
I lay there in the most loving arms debating on what to tell her. Out of all the godmoms Ellie has been like my best of friends. She was the primary mom when Maggie left me taking me in just as her own. I place my mouth to her left ear and start to tell her. I explain what I saw before I came home. She keeps holding me close to her. She stays quiet letting me explain until I am finished. It’s at that time she has me get on my back letting me go before she gets up to only lay down on top of me. Her hands go to my chest while her face is just inches away from mine. Her eyes show anger, but yet love for me.
“ Heath I will never betray you or stray. You and Mike are all I need in the men department and that is how I truly feel. You have so many ladies that love you, and will prove it everyday and night. With all that said your mother, Faye, Jackie, and Tessa will have to get past me to ever return to you because I will make them see what losing you will be like. I will show them a woman's love for her man and the love of a mother for her child. Heath I never thought I could love you in such a way like I have. I have watched you grow up, and become the man of my dreams. Yes I love Mike just as I love you, but if things were different I would be your wife and have our children.” She says with sincerity
“ Ellie.” I say feeling a finger to my lips
“ Shh I am not finished Heath. I started in your life as your godmother, but I am no longer that in my heart. In my heart I am your wife and you're my other husband. That first time I gave you my heart, body, soul, and love. The few times I have hurt you really made me see how my heart felt seeing and feeling your pain just like it had been done to me. I know I have to share you with everyone else that comes to this bed, but the thing is I have been there for you the longest besides Maggie. Before you were born I would talk to you while rubbing Maggie’s belly. I then started sending you my love while you were forming. I couldn’t wait for you to be born, and when you finally did I made sure to spend all the time I could with you. I quit teaching just to be your babysitter before Maggie decided to be a full time mother. Your eyes just filled my heart with such love and joy. I would breast feed you when you would wake up. I guess I was selfish when Verna and Kiko wanted to give you milk. I think they knew I had connected with you on a different level, but never said anything. Out of the four of you kids you were always the quite one and the most giving. We started the four of us moms being together while pregnant with you four. And even when we had some mother time the other three would cry but you'd let us finish and after being emotional drained you'd stay quite. You knew we needed some time together and wanted to give it to us. You'd just sit there looking at us with those bright blue eyes telling me you loved us even though you were our baby boy.” She says with tears while I hold her
“ I never knew you felt that way.” I say to get a nod
“ I know baby, but the moment that...that I started to fall in love with you was when you turned sixteen because that was when I knew what I really felt. When...when Tiffany asked you to be be her man I was jealous. I wanted you then, but knew it might cause trouble. I didn’t want to hurt Tiffany, but wanted to hold you claiming you as my own. I wanted you in my bed with Mike and me, but not sexually with Mike. And don’t worry Mike knew my feelings, but he told me it wasn’t the right time to show you my feelings. He told me I should let you experience love like a regular teenager before coming on to you. He didn't want me to hurt you and I told him I never would. To me you were my godson who I considered my baby just like Chris and the girls but I loved you so much more than I could even explain. Heath my precious love never leave me. I can’t lose you and the love I have from you.” Ellie says to me with tears hitting my face
“ I won’t leave you beautiful. I just wish I knew then so we could of been together sooner.” I say to get a smile
“ Me too darling because it would of been so wonderful. I do need to ask you something though.” Ellie states while I look at her concerned
“ What is it darlin?” I ask while she moves closer up on my body with her pussy on my abs
Her face is closer to mine while I see her eyes searching mine looking to see how I answer her question.
“ Heath can you and I have our own little wedding? I mean if you still want to marry me.” She asks surprising me
“ Wait you mean like just you and me at the alter?” I ask to get a nod
“ Yes baby just you and me. I will have Mike give me to you. Then that night you and I can spend it together as husband and wife.” She says with a hopeful smile
I think of her idea then of Verna and Kiko before I nod.
“ Does Verna and Kiko feel the way you do? I mean did they ever feel the same as you.......?” I ask to see her eyes look into mine intently
“ Yes we....we did and still do.” A familiar voice says making Ellie lay on my left side, but she kept her left arm and leg on me
“ Why are you both in here?” Ellie asks while the two come over getting on the bed
“ We came to tell Heath, Kaye, and Kendra that breakfast was ready like you were suppose to Ellie baby.” Verna says while she straddles my legs making Kiko get on my right
“ Ops sorry guess I um got caught up with our other man.” Ellie says to get giggles
“ Oh is that why the crotch of your shorts is ripped apart? And you look so well fucked?” Kiko asks getting Ellie and I to blush
“ Um yeah I sort of went overboard.” I say to get laughs
“ Overboard isn’t the word.” I hear Kaye say
Kaye and Kendra come back in the bedroom wearing towels on their heads while still naked.
“ Oh my you two look very yummy.” Verna says making the two giggle
“ Thanks momma Verna, but right now isn’t the time to eat our snatches. And this is really going to get used to escpecially if I will be joining in when my mom is here.” Kaye says picking up her robe while Kendra gets her clothes she wore yesterday on
“ Well you're no fun, but you're right.” Verna says before looking at Ellie, Kiko, and I before continuing,“ Ladies could you both give us some privacy? We need to talk to Heath.”
“ everything ok momma Verna?” Kaye asks showing concern and my guess is she wanted another round to try to make a baby which wasn't going to happen the more I think about it
“ Yes honey just some things that need to be said to Heath. Go on and make sure our man has some food saved before the others eat it all.” Kiko says while they nod
Kaye takes Kendra’s left hand to lead her out of the room before shutting the door. I feel uneasy before Verna places her hands on my chest again. She looks at Ellie and Kiko who just nod. Verna looks intently into my eyes before she sighs.
“ You remember that time when you came home bruised and beaten?” She asks while I think then nod,“ What did I tell you then?”
I thought of her question while feeling Ellie and Kiko snuggle up to me.
“ Yes. You said you would always be there for me.” I say to get a nod
“ That’s right darling. I told you no matter what happened I would be there for you. Heath I fell in love with you like Ellie and Kiko did. I always wanted to just hold you in my arms. You were always my little bundle of happiness. Kiko and I quit right after Ellie so we could be around you kids as much as possible. You all made our lives worth living. You being born and just growing up experiencing life made us so happy. Just like Ellie I was jealous of you and my daughter. I always wished it was me being your girlfriend instead of her. I had Ricky role play with me. I would have him be you calling me momma while I was riding him. He understood my feelings back then and truly understands now. When you left without us knowing it hurt baby. I lost my best friend...we lost our best friend and love. We always wanted to tell you our feelings. The days turning into weeks before turning into months and then years.... it hurt because you were and ARE so important to all of us baby. The past year hasn’t been just sex Heath. It’s been that closure between us and you. Each time we make love or fuck like animals it’s all been that connection that we desire.” Verna says while each shows tears
“ Heath you are the man that we can’t live without. When....when we heard about you taking pills and dying it broke our hearts. The news of the letter and how you tried to leave again without us getting the chance to see you. Then during the fight with Tyrone we thought we lost you, but you survived. Heath you know what ying and yang is?” Kiko states asking me to get a nod
“ Yes it’s the balance in life.” I say to get a nod
“ Yes my love, but it’s also the balance of love. You are the ying to my yang. The other half of my heart and soul. You are what any Chinese woman would give their life for. Look Heath each of us want you to be our other husband as you know, but on that higher level. We are still young and want to grow old with you. So with all this said....” Kiko says while her and Ellie raise up to sit up turned facing me,“ Will you honor our love by marrying us separately?”
“ Wait I thought you three wanted to marry me in that ceremony when I married Reneee and Allison? And now we have Vanessa and Simone and most likely Kendra...” I ask to get nods
“ We did baby, but the past two weeks we have been thinking, and we don’t want a shared wedding. We each want a special wedding with you. One that we desire emotionally and romantically.” Kiko says while I see Verna and Ellie nod
“ Heath we know this is a lot to take in, but you always want the truth and no secrets right......?” Ellie says while I nod
“ So what are you thinking baby? You're not upset with us are you?” Verna asks while they all look worried
I look at each of them seeing their love and feeling that love in my heart. Each one has been there for me when I was little, and when my own family left me behind. They each were a mother to me, but yet showed love that finally hits me. I place my hands upon Verna’s before Kiko and Ellie place their’s over each of mine. I look up at Verna before answering her question.
“ I am not upset Darlin because I understand all those times you each showed such love I didn’t see until now. Growing up you all showed your love in different ways, but all the same. I love each of you so much. When I left I knew I was leaving something behind, but could never understand what until you all came out and we started reconnecting. I think that first time each of you made love to me was the moment my heart began to grow that much more with love.” I say to see tears of joy fall from their eyes,"but we might have to break it gentle to the others."
“ Oh baby you don’t know how happy you have made each of us.” Ellie says with a smile
“ Yeah I do, but I think you three need something that shows my love.” I say to get confused looks
“ Um baby we don’t really have time to ride your fat beautiful cock.” Verna says while I chuckle
“ I am not talking about that sheesh you nympho.” I say to get laughs
“ Your ebony nympho, and what are you talking about?” Verna says while I take their left hands
“ Rings, I want to get you three special looking rings that would match one for me.” I say to get wide big smiles
“ Awww baby.” They all three say in unison
It’s at that moment there is a knock on the door. Verna quickly gets off me while Ellie pulls the cover over her and I. Verna goes to the door to open it. There standing is Karen with a tray of cups.
“ Karen what are you doing honey?” Verna asks while Ellie and I sit up while Kiko makes sure I am covered
“ I was told to bring you all coffee.” My oldest says before walking in
She comes over to the side Ellie is on. Ellie takes the tray helping Karen. Karen looks at all of us with her bright blue eyes.
“ Is everything ok? Grammie why are you under the cover with daddy?” Karen asks while we all look at the other before Ellie speaks up
“ Well honey I am comforting your daddy. He has been gone for awhile and we all have missed him.” Ellie says while my daughter nods before giggling
“ Ok Grammie I understand. I know you and the other grammies here love daddy like the mommies and us kids do.” Karen says
“ Um honey it’s not...” Kiko tries to say before Karen cuts her off
“ Yes it is. You all hug and love on daddy and smile to him. He smiles and hugs and kisses you back. You love daddy because he is your baby just like Lindsey and I am daddy's big girls. His hugs just feel so nice. And his kisses just make you smile because they tickle." She says while I chuckle since she doesn't really understand what our true relationship is yet
“ That is true sweetie."I say to get a giggle from Karen
“ It’s ok daddy I won’t say anything to the mommies. I love you all and just want my daddy happy and not sad. I know mommy hurt daddy in a bad way. I just want my daddy never to be hurt again.” She says sadly while looking down as if she was going to cry
Verna and Kiko quickly go to their granddaughter and comfort her. Ellie stays in bed since her shorts are ripped. Verna and Kiko kneel and hold Karen together.
“ No one will hurt your daddy hun. If anyone does they will hear it from us ok sweetie.” Verna says while my daughter sobs
“ Ok grammie Verna.” Karen says while Kiko stands up
“ Karen lets give grandma Ellie and your daddy some time to get dressed ok.” Kiko says while Verna stands up
“ Ok.” Karen says looking up at the two of them,“ Don’t forget your coffee. I helped mommy Jazzy make them.”
They each take a cup before leaving the room. Once to the door Karen turns her head.
“ I love you daddy, and your breakfast is getting cold.” She says with a smile that is so big you can see she lost a tooth in the top middle
“ I love you too baby girl.” I say before the door gets shut
“ She is growing up so fast my love.” Ellie says handing me my coffee
“ Yes she is beautiful. I just wish I was there when she was born.” I say to get a nod
“ I know darling, but you're there for her now. That is what counts baby.” Ellie says while I take a sip of my coffee
We sit there in silence for a few moments before I place my arm around her. Ellie cuddles up to me placing her right hand under the cover and on my left thigh.
“ So what now?” I ask turning to look in her eyes
“ I guess we keep going like we have, but if that little angel ever figures out how we really love you we will have to explain it so she doesn't get confused. I just know I am not going to stop loving you and showing my love for the other man I love.” Ellie says while I smile
“ Likewise and if one of the kids do figure it out they'll tell the others so it will be a family discussion. So I think I need a shower darlin.” I say to get a giggle
“ Yeah you do baby since you reek of sex.” She says while I chuckle
“ Hmmm I wonder why beautiful.” I say to see her smirk
“ Maybe because a beautiful woman that loves you gave you her body earlier to love.” She says while I nod
“ True so want to take a shower with me? I think you can wear one of Jasmine or Jessie’s bikinis.” I say to get a giggle
“ Aww I was hoping we could stay in bed, but if we must get out of bed.” She says while I smile shaking my head
After placing the cups on the tray Ellie places it on the other side of me. Ellie and I got out of bed. I had her stop while I undressed her. Once her shorts and top were off I took her hand to lead her. We both were naked reaching the bathroom. She turned the water on then the shower. I helped her in before getting in myself. I adjust the shower curtain before she stepped up to me placing her hands on my chest.
“ I love you darling.” She says looking up in my eyes
“ I love you too Ellie my beautiful love.” I say to see her smile
Kendra’s POV:
It’s around one o’clock in the afternoon that I am sitting in Heath’s lap. After a serious morning he seems more sincere to all his ladies. I don’t know what all was said after Kaye and I left the bedroom, but he has shown each of us his passion and love. The kids are watching cartoons on the cartoon channel while those that are here of the family talk. Nick, Savannah, Megan, and the godparents of Heath’s took Jack, Sierra, Mandy, Adam, and Michelle out to start on the upcoming wedding. I thought it was cool that the five were having a double wedding so to speak. Caleb, Simon, Nicky, Justin, Grey and Kevin took Damon out to get his own bike. He was complaining all morning. So his uncles and brothers took it upon theirselves to get him a bike. That left those that were Heath’s, Shelby, Sasha, Lisa, Lucy, E.P., Jax, Chris, Selena, Kaye, and Travis here to help with the kids and plus Nick wanted to make sure we were all safe for some reason. Nick said he had a dream that he never wanted to come true. Heath asked him about it, but Nick said he didn’t want to explain it. Nick said it scared him and he just hoped it stayed that....a dream. So Heath gave up to only have Nick say to trust him. So here we are enjoying the moment with those around us.
I am cuddled up to Heath when I hear little feet then a hand on my left leg. I turn my head to see it’s Karen.
“ What is it sweetie?” I ask to see her smile
“ I love you mommy.” She says bringing a warmth to my heart
It’s at that moment we hear the front door slam. We all look and I see a young African American woman standing in the living room with anger in her eyes.
“ What the fuck is going on? And why is my daughter calling that woman mommy?” She asks getting Karen’s attention
“ Because she is my mommy now. She's with daddy so that’s why she's mommy.” Karen says proudly while Heath has me get up out of his lap so he can stand and talk to the young lady
“ Tiffany if you stayed home instead of leaving for no reason you would have found out along with everyone else. This is....” He states trying to finish before she cuts him off
“ I don’t give a shit who she is. She needs to get away from my man.” Tiffany says making me feel awkward
“ Tiffany she is one of us. We brought her in yesterday after.....” Diamond tries to finish but is cut off like Heath was
“ Shut up Diamond. So you replaced me with some whore?” Tiffany says making my eyes go wide
“ I am not a whore you bitch. At least I am not the one that hurt him.” I say to see her eyes go wide to show pure anger
“ Why you.....” She says before going to the kitchen making everyone look at the other
It’s at that moment Heath tells Karen to take her brothers and sisters up to their bedroom. She asks why only to be told so they can keep a eye on their younger siblings. She nods while the others get up following her. I watch while they get halfway up the stairs before Tiffany comes back in the living room with her right hand behind her back. I take Heath’s left arm because I feel something isn’t right.
“ So you come into my baby’s house to take my place......I’ll show you whore.” She says coming at me with a knife
Heath shoves me to the side stepping in front of me to only be stabbed.
“ HEATH!” Everyone yells while I stand frozen in place
“ DADDY!” I hear the kids scream out while coming back down to their father's aide.
Tiffany is standing in front of Heath holding the knife that is between his stomach and his left side.
“ Tiff I...I never hurt this.” Heath says with his hand on her's to pull the knife out
I see it’s a sharp steak knife. Tiffany steps back dropping it before he goes to his knees. I see Karen and the kids run over making it to their daddy.
“ Daddy, Daddy please don’t die.” Lindsey says while each one hugs him
“ I my little....warriors.” He says before collapsing to his right side
Everything is like a blur while I see Jasmine and the others rush Tiffany while Kaye and Selena gather the kids up along with Travis and Chris’s help.
“ No let me go. I need to help daddy.” Karen says loudly
“ No honey Shelby and the others will help your daddy.” Travis says while Karen struggles
“ Get them out of here guys. Lucy go get the first-aid kit. Lisa go get some towels. E.P. and Jax get Heath over on the couch.” Shelby says giving orders while doing her best to keep him from bleeding
I can’t move because the man I love is on the floor. He...he saved my life again. I feel tears come to my eyes while E.P. and Jax move Heath to the couch while Shelby keeps pressure on the wound.
“ Sis why is he not awake?” Jax asks being very worried
“ From shock hun. I just hope the knife didn’t hit a organ.” She says while Jasmine and my other new loves argue with Tiffany
I turn to look at Tiffany who has tears in her eyes. I slowly make my way over passing my lovers.
“ Kendra?” I hear Allison say before I gently have Jasmine move to the side
“ Kendra what are you doing?” Diamond asks while I look into Tiffany’s eyes
“ Why? Why did you have to be a bitch? Why did you hurt such a loving man?.....WHY DID YOU STAB MY LOVE!” I state yelling at her
“ Because I....” She doesn’t get to finish before I slap her hard
“ Get out.” I say seeing her eyes go wide
“ can’t tell me to get out.” She says before I grab her by the throat
“ I can too because I am also Heath’s woman. I plan to marry him one day when he, Jasmine, Diamond, and Hannah ask me to marry them. I love all my new loves. I was hoping to love you too, but since you can’t get past your selfishness I see no reason now.” I say seeing her eyes go wide
Shelby is checking Heath out while I keep glaring at Tiffany who lowers her head.
“ I’ll go since I see it was a bad idea to come back home.” She says before turning making her way to the front door. Once to the door and opened she turns her head to look at us that are standing,“ Please tell Heath that I always loved him and always will. Tell him and Karen I am so sorry.”
After those words she steps out shutting the door. I stand there not knowing how to feel about her now. After all I heard about her being a nice person must of been when she was a kid. I feel a hand on my right shoulder. I turn to see it’s Hannah.
“ You ok hun?” She asks while I shake my head no
“ She hurt my...our love.” I say breaking down right there and then
Hannah and Diamond comfort me while Jasmine and Jessie go after Tiffany. Simone, Renee, and Vanessa go check on the kids. Allison goes over to help with Heath. It’s a hectic moment since emotions are running in every sort of way. I just cry on Hannah’s left shoulder because I was scared for the love of my life. I can only pray that none of his organs was punctured.
???????????? POV:
I’m sitting in a booth at a local diner waiting for my friend to call. Things have been different that much is for sure. It’s around six o’clock in the evening that I hear a familiar voice across the diner. I look from outside to where I heard the voice. My eyes go wide seeing it was Tiffany. I smirk since my friend told me things at the ole so happy Thompson home have not been all that happy. She seems a bit sad which I have to chuckle about since I know why. I think of how to break her in a way to make her mine at least for a little bit then sell her as a slave. I think of someone that could do such a thing. I have met some interesting people around town. A few seem to be into the dominating life. One comes to mind while I see Tiffany pick up her glass with her left hand. I look closely to see her wedding ring gone. Hmmm that is something new. I guess things are far from being happy at the whore house that Heath owns. I call it a whore house since he is the pimp having all that pussy he commands. I pull my phone out to scroll through my contacts. I find the one I need before dialing the number. I let it ring while seeing Tiffany look out the window she is sitting by. She seems lost in thought while holding her glass. My contact answers after three rings.
“ Hey it’s me. How would you like to make some money.........Oh just take care of some bitch that loves someone I hate......I’ll send you her picture because she is just a couple booths away from me......yeah she’s cute and probably a good fuck......I’m very sure you could break her will......yeah it will be pretty easy since it looks like she left home.......I’ll let you know.” I say before hanging up
I raise my phone to take a few pictures of Tiffany making sure she doesn’t see me. I send them to my friend I had just called. I get a text a few minutes later saying ‘ Yummy’. I smirk while looking at Tiffany thinking of how much I could get out of her.
It’s around seven that my phone vibrates while I am still at the diner. Tiffany is still there while I answer the call.
“ So anything way she did......will shit to bad she didn’t puncture his lung or heart......yeah I see her right now......yeah she seems sad.......oh a new girl huh? Is she pretty?......Wow could get a lot for her......yeah I know we split the women up......they still haven’t returned......his mother is mine.....because I owe her payback for leaving Tyrone......yeah I know......well keep in touch on everything.” We hang up while I smirk
Bad habits don’t change I guess since it looks like Heath has another whore up for grabs once he is out of the way of my plans. I hope that day comes soon because I will show all those bitches what a real man is. I see Tiffany pull out her phone to just stare at the screen. I guess she misses her dumbass of a man. I look at her through my sunglasses.
“ Aww don’t worry bitch soon you’ll have a new master to be a whore for. They like a little fight so I hope you don't disappoint.” I say to myself before the waitress goes over to Tiffany with the check
Tiffany’s POV:
It’s been a week since I went home to only stab the man I love. I didn’t know what I was walking into when I arrived. I have never gotten that upset, or mad to the point I would grab a knife and stab anyone. My heart sank so far when I heard Heath’s words to only see him fall to his knees. After I walked out of the house Jasmine and Jessie came out asking me not to go. I told them I had to go because I had hurt the one person I declared I wouldn’t again. So I left in my car to return back to my motel room. I cried that night being afraid of what may come.
It’s around nine o’clock on a Friday night that I am sitting on a bar stool with a beer on the counter. I don’t usually drink being pregnant, but the way my life is going I thought a few would be just fine. The bartender keeps looking at me concerned, but doesn’t pry. The music comes on to drown out my thoughts, but my thoughts keep coming back. I think of the happy and loving moments that Heath and I had. I remember the day I asked him to be my boyfriend. Seeing him walk out the backdoor I was afraid he would turn me down, but after the godmoms talked to him he came back in the house to only say yes. All those loving times with his arms around me just made my heart miss him more. I am brought out of my memories by a soft voice. I turn to my left to see a tall brunette standing there. She looks to be late twenties or maybe early thirties and about 6‘0 with green eyes and long brown hair. She is dressed in a blouse and a short skirt.
“ Is this stool taken hun?” She asks to get a no
She sits next to me placing her purse on the counter. She motions the bartender over to get a beer herself. I don’t say anything to her while I just stare at my beer that is in my right hand. The music changes to something softer. About ten minutes go by when the lady starts talking to me.
“ So what brings you here?” She asks while I turn to look at her
“ Just wanted to be alone in my thoughts and unwind.” I say to get a nod
“ Yeah it’s a nice place to relax.” She states with a grin while talking a sip of her beer before adding more,“ So what’s your name? Mine is Sandra.”
“ Tiff...Tiffany.” I tell her being a bit hesitant
“ Well it’s nice to meet you Tiffany.” Sandra says with a grin
“ Likewise.” I say with a small grin
I turned back to look at my beer before Sandra started telling me about herself.
The next hour and a half went by with Sandra wanting to get to know me. I had around four beers during that time which the beer was having a very deep effect on me. I had to go to the ladies room twice since being pregnant was also effecting me. Around ten thirty at night Sandra helped me out of the bar asking if I needed a ride.I told her no because my motel room was just down two blocks. She was very nice to help me back to my motel room. I thanked her while she offered her arm to me.
Karen’s POV:
I am sleeping on the right side of the bed holding Lindsey close to me. It’s been a long week for all of us. Us kids have been watching after daddy. Since mommy hurt him I have not left his side except for when he gets some sleep. He isn’t badly hurt, but I still watch over him.
While I lay her holding my little sissy I suddenly remember my dolly that grammie Savannah got for me. My eyes suddenly open seeing Lindsey sleeping. I slowly let her go before getting out of bed. I try not to wake her or my brothers and cousin. I get my Snow White shoes on before slowly making my way out of our bedroom. I make sure I didn’t wake them before going into the hallway. I hear noises from the other bedrooms to only smile. I know that my daddy and mommies are playing a tickling game. I quietly giggle wondering if it’s goldfish. I wonder if daddy will let us kids play with him sometime. He really is tickling the mommies good. Mommie Diamond and Jazzy are really loud which is kinda surprising us kids can sleep so close to them without being woke up. I start making my way down to the front door. Once down the stairs I look to see no one in the living room. I sneak by hearing the TV is still on. That is when I hear voices coming from the kitchen. I go see who is in there trying not to get caught. Once to the wall next to the kitchen doorway I turn to look in. There in the kitchen is my Uncles Chris, Kevin, and Jack. Each are talking about something that I can’t understand. I back up to giggle inside since this was my chance to not get in trouble. I quickly get to the front door. I look up to see the top lock thingy isn’t sideways. I unlock the doorknob before opening the door. I step out to only slowly shut the door. I then quickly make my way to daddy’s Hummy. I hope it’s unlocked because I really wanted my dolly. I have to get up on the foot railing then to the back door. I smile once I get it open. I get in before shutting the door with what strength I have. Once it’s shut I make my way to the middle of the back seat to get my dolly.
“ Hey Katie I missed you.” I say holding her close to me
It’s at that moment that I yawn before laying in the seat against the back.
“ I’m tired Katie maybe a quick nappy will help.” I say holding my dolly in my arms
I remember now how the pregnancies were before. All those that are pregnant have the strangest food cravings. I am asked around midnight to go get ice cream, Snickers, Baby Ruth, and strawberry syrup. I get dressed asking them what I get when I get back. Renee, Allison, Kendra, Hannah and Diamond get on their hands and knees while Jasmine, Simone, Vanessa, and Jessie spread their legs with devilish grins. I shake my head chuckling seeing the horniness they all have doesn’t go away. I make my way out of the bedroom grabbing my wallet and keys. I shut the door hearing them all giggle. I make my way down to the living room to see Chris, Kevin, and Jack sitting in a chair or on the couch. Well Chris is laying down on the couch watching some movie. I start walking towards the door before Kevin speaks up.
“ Where are you going Heath?” He asks while I turn and chuckle
“ Cravings.” I say to get shook heads
“ All of them?” Jack asks while I shake my head no
“ Nope, but might as well say all of them.” I answer to get laughs
“ You want company bro?” Jack asks while I tell him no
“ Nope I’ll be just fine. You guys hold down the fort.” I say to still get them laughing
I finally get out of the house before making it to my Hummer. I get in to only put my seat belt on. I start up my ride and back out to make my way getting food for my wives and loves.
After reaching my destination, and getting all that my beauties wanted I made my way back to my Hummer with the one plastic bag buldging filled to capacity. I get in placing the bag in the passenger seat. It’s at that moment that the driver door slams making me quickly turn to see a so familiar face, but it’s not the face that shocks’s the gun that is pointed at me.
“ What do you want?” I ask to see him grin
“ Well lets see, for one we want you dead. Two I want all those ladies you have in that house of your's. I am very sure once they are broken my friend and I can get a nice price for each of them.” He says while my eyes go wide
“ I will never let that happen you asshole.” I say seeing him smirk
“ Oh I am sure you won’t have any say over anything after tonight you big fucking bastard.” He says before the next thing I know I feel three stings hit me making me go towards the passenger seat before hearing some last words,“ Your too easy and pathetic. He really was right about you being dumb going out alone.”
Once those words were spoken I heard footsteps running away from my ride. I felt my body starting to go into shock. I tried my best to straighten up in which I did into my seat. I sit for a moment trying to stay focused until I feel a small hand on my right arm. I turn my head to my right to see a wide eyed little girl. My own eyes go wide because I see my oldest daughter standing there.
“ Karen...why...what are you....doing here?” I ask trying to stay awake
“ I fell asleep daddy while getting my dolly. Are you ok daddy? Was that who I think it was...?” She asks being very worried for me, but scared
“ No baby girl....look I need my brave little warrior princess....I need your help..” I say feeling my eyes are trying to shut
“ Daddy what’s wrong...?” She asks before climbing up on the center area and then into my lap,“ DADDY YOUR BLEEDING!”
She screams telling me while I reach for my phone that I had left in the hummer.
“ Calm down take my phone...dial 9..1..1.” I say before my fight of trying to stay awake is short lived
Diamond’s POV:
I’m sitting at the head of the bed with Vanessa laid back against me. Everyone has a lover to hold. We discuss what is keeping Heath so long until my phone goes off. Jasmine reaches for it since she is closer to the right night stand. She hands it to me while I see it’s Tiffany’s number. I tap the accept to only speak up.
“ Tiffany why are you calling so late? It’s like 12:45 a.m. in the morning.” I ask to hear her crying
“ Diamond please help me.” She says with fear in her voice
I quickly have Vanessa get up from between my legs. I make my way to the edge of the bed planting my feet on the carpeted floor.
“ Tiffany what’s going on hun?” I ask to hear some banging in the background
“ She’s trying to get in the bathroom. She tried to rape me please come save me. I am so sorry about everything........OH GOD SHE HAS A KNIFE!” Tiffany states with a voice that sounds like pure terror
“ We’re on our way. Where are you baby?” I ask making my way to the other room that became a closet
Tiffany says her location while I get dressed. The others come in following me. I get all the information before she gets cut off.
“ SHIT!” I say loudly before Jasmine comes to me
“ Diamond what’s going on?” She asks while I drop my phone before finishing dressing
“ That was Tiffany. Someone is trying to hurt her. She is scared beyond anything that makes me feel fear.” I say seeing wide eyes and concern
“ Um why should we save her? Wasn’t she the one to start all the mess last week?” Vanessa asks making me turn quickly to look at her
“ Because either way hurt or not she is our wife and sister. She is just as much a part of this family just like each of you and I. Now who is going with me?” I say standing there for a moment to see each looking at the other
Jasmine is first to step to her closet before Renee, Jessie, and Hannah go to their's.
“ Ok the rest of you keep an eye on the kids. We will go and bring our wife home.” I say to get nods
After we all are ready I lead my wives and loves out of the house. Kevin tries to ask what is going on, but we don’t stop and answer. We take Jasmine’s SUV while Renee and Jessie take their bikes. It’s kind of interesting to see slight belly bulges stick out on our biker babes. After engines are started we make our way to the motel. Renee and Jessie stay very close behind. I know they all have their opinions of Tiffany, but like I told them she is a part of us. It’s about ten minutes later that we pull up. Hannah quickly points to Tiff’s car in which Jasmine pulls up alongside it. Renee and Jessie pull up behind us. We quickly get out and to the door to hear screaming and banging. Renee tells us to get out of the way while I see her holding a crowbar. She uses it on the door to break it open. I shove her out of the way making my way inside. I see a half naked woman stabbing the bathroom door with Tiffany screaming for help.
“ Back away from the door you skank.” I say making the harlot turn to look at us five
“ Who you calling a skank you whore? Tiffany is mine since he gave her to me.” She says while I double my fist
“ No she’s not. Tiffany is our wife and no one elses. You will have to get through us first.” I say before the bitch starts coming at me
“ YOUR ALL DEAD!” She yells before Renee and Jessie run past Jasmine and I
“ Jasmine go get Tiffany. We got this whore of a slut.” Renee says before swinging the crowbar at the woman’s left side
Karen’s POV: fifteen minutes earlier
I stand there scared looking at my daddy while he passes out. I quickly put the phone on the other seat before getting in his lap. I start shaking him while I try to stay strong.
“ Daddy wake up, please wake up daddy. Don’t leave me daddy.” I say only to hear him groan
I look at his chest seeing he is still breathing. I pull my hands back to see blood on them. I shake my head while tears fall from my face. I look around to see no one. I hear a soft voice in my head.
“ Stay strong my granddaughter. Call 911.” The voice of papa Greg tells me
I get out of daddy’s lap to get the phone. Mommy showed me how to use a phone like daddy’s in case I needed her. I start to cry wishing my mommy was here. I miss her so much, but she hurt my daddy and my other mommies. I turn the phone on then start dialing 911. I place it to my left ear while getting in my daddy’s lap again. I lay my body against his.
“ 911 what is the emergency of your call?” The person asks while I try to stay strong
“ Please help me, my daddy is hurt.” I say feeling his chest slowly move
“ Honey this isn’t a prank is it?” The woman asks shocking me
“ Ok honey I’m sorry. What is your name?” She asks while I feel my tears start
“ Karen, please help me. I don’t know what to do. I am alone with my daddy in his Hummy.” I say crying
“ Calm down sweetie, and you actually are doing something. Now where are you and your daddy?” She asks while I look around until I see a sign
“ Wal Mart.” I say hearing a sigh
“ Ok Karen you're doing good stay with me. I have patrol cars on their way plus an ambulance. Do you hear any sirens?” She asks while I make my way to the window with the phone
“ Yes but barely.” I say before making my way back to daddy’s lap
“ Don’t worry you will hear them better soon. How old are you Karen?” She asks sounding friendly
“ Five.” I say to hear a gasp
“ Oh honey. I bet your a strong little girl. I bet your daddy is proud of you.” She says stating proudly while I clinch my daddy’s bloody shirt
“ Yes, I am his little warrior princess.” I say to get an awe
“ Aww and your being a strong one. I bet the sirens are getting closer.” She says while I look around and hear loud noises
“ Yes I hear them. Please help me...OH NO DADDY....” I say screaming
“ What’s wrong Karen? Karen you there?” She asks while I hear the noise scream louder
“ MY DADDY ISN’T BREATHING!” I scream out before I turn to see a man open the door
Tiffany’s POV:
I heard things getting thrown around and screams before a knock on the door. I hesitated to open it until I heard Jasmine’s voice. I quickly got out of the tub and unlocked the door. Jasmine came to me quickly holding my naked body.
“ Oh no Tiffany your face.” She says while I cry
“ she gone?” I ask to see her grin
“ Not yet baby, but Diamond, Renee, Jessie, and Hannah are teaching her a lesson.” Jasmine says before helping me out of the bathroom
I turn to see Diamond on top of Sandra’s stomach with her fist pounding in Sandra’s face. I am scared to move until Jessie comes over with my clothes.
“ Get dressed darling and go to the SUV.” She tells me until I shake my head
“ I can’t leave my car here.” I say to get a shook head
“ You won’t because Hannah will drive it. Now go we got this.” Jessie says before giving me a soft hug and gentle kiss
Jasmine helps me get dressed while I see Renee and Diamond taking turns.
“ Renee don’t kill her. I can’t lose any of you. I know I don’t deserve forgiveness, but I have missed my wives and sisters.” I say to see her and Diamond stop
“ But Tiffany she was hurting you.” Diamond says while I slowly nod
“ I know and the way she looks Sandra knows not to miss with a married woman, but I do have a request.” I say seeing them all nod before I smirk feeling the pain in my face,“ I want one of you to kick her hard in her cunt because.....because she hit me in the stomach.”
Once those words come out all five of my loves look down at Sandra who is in the fetal position. I notice Diamond look over at Renee who is the bad ass biker bitch of us.
“ Renee want to play cunt ball?” My beautiful Diamond asks while Renee looks up from Sandra then at Diamond with a smirk
“ Sure make me a goal.” Renee says while Diamond and Jessie who is over by Sandra’s left leg reach down grabbing a leg each
“ No please don’t....I’m sorry I won’t do it again.” Sandra says pleading while Renee stands just a few steps from Sandra’s vagina
“ Oh we know your not because after I kick that skanky pussy you will never have sex again.” Renee says before moving her right foot back then with all the force she can kicks Sandra in her cunt to only get a loud scream
“ GOAL!” Diamond yells being joined by Hannah, Jasmine, and Jessie
“ Damn that must of hurt.” Jessie says while I make my way slowly to Sandra
I look down with my left eye since my right is swollen. She is in a ball holding her crotch.
“ Tiffany lets go baby. We need to get you checked out honey.” Diamond says while I slowly nod
“ Ok.” I say while Jasmine and Hannah help me out of the room. I hear my biker loves telling Sandra that if she ever came near us again the men and them would break her, raping her like the bitch she was before making her their toy.
Jessie and Renee stay inside making sure we get out safely. I hear something about our brothers paying Sandra a visit if she ever came around me again. It’s at that moment my wives and I see three cop cars speed by followed by an ambulance.
“ Shit I wonder what’s going on?” Jasmine asks while the other shrug
“ Don’t know baby, and we can’t go look since we got to get Tiffany home.” Diamond says before I am helped into Jasmine’s SUV
Sheriff Johnson’s POV:
I get to the crime scene to only see my deputies standing around a very familiar Hummer. I make my way over to see the paramedics working on a person. I quickly make my way over to only stop in my tracks. I feel my heart sink because the man on the ground is someone I considered like my own son.
“ What happened to him? Is he going to make it?” I ask while the female paramedic looks up at me
“ Yes sheriff we got him breathing five minutes ago.” She tells me while I nod
“ Who called it in? The dispatcher wouldn’t tell me.” I ask while the paramedics look at each other then up at a few of my most trusted deputies
Vivian looks at me before turning to look at the ambulance. I look over to see the third paramedic looking over a little girl. My eyes go wide while I make my way over quickly passing everyone. Once to the rear of the ambulance I stop to see Karen wrapped in a towel. She is crying so hard. I get closer for her to look up at me. Her arms go up quickly towards me while I quickly pick her up.
“ Oh Karen why are you here?” I ask rubbing her back
She doesn’t respond at first until she starts to calm down a little.
“ I....I was sleeping in the back seat with my dolly. I wake up hearing a door slam. I ducked down behind daddy’s seat. I looked the best I could at who daddy was talking to.” She explains while I nod
“ And who was it baby girl? Please tell me so we can find and arrest him.” I ask stating a fact
She looks up in my eyes before lowering her head.
“ was Jamie. He....he shot daddy, but I didn’t really hear anything after the first shot.” She says making me think on that last part
“ Sheriff we need to get him to the hospital. He has lost a lot of blood.” I hear the female paramedic say from behind me
I move out of the way making sure Karen doesn’t see Heath like he is. I know she is wanting to, but she keeps her head against my chest. I look over at Vivian and Scott.
“ Vivian take Scott with you. Escort them to the hospital full sirens. No one is to enter that emergency room without proper ID and they better have a good reason to be there. And if Jaime shows....” I say thinking for a moment while Vivian and Scott come over,“ Use caution, but if he pulls a gun shoot to kill.”
“ Sheriff you sure you want us to kill?” Scott asks while I look back at Heath who is in the back
I turn to look back at them while Karen cries on my chest.
“ Use tazers, I want him taken alive. I know my personal feelings can’t be seen but......” I say but get cut off
“ Sheriff if I may be so bold.” Scott says getting a nod from me,“ We all know how you feel about Heath and his family. When I...I got here first she was crying, but yet stayed strong. She was keeping Mr. Thompson warm with her small body. That moment I saw what love that family has for one another. It’s a love that means sacrifice and deep caring. She hung in there before we all showed up one at a time.”
“ Scott is right sir. We each have tried to comfort her, but gave her to Ryan to watch over and check out while the rest of us began our jobs of finding evidence. Sheriff no matter what happens we are behind you in any decision you make on the matter.” Vivian says while I see everyone stop and come over
“ Sheriff we got to go.” Ryan says while I nod
“ Alright Vivian and Scott once you get there neither one of you are to take your eyes off Heath except in the operating room. You stand outside the doors.” I say to see nods before they get to their cars,“ THE REST OF YOU I WANT VIDEO SURVILENCE FROM WAL MART’S CAMERAS, AND ANY OTHER CAMERA THAT WAS POINTED IN THIS DIRECTION!”
They all start going in different directions while I feel Karen wrap her arms around my neck. I look down in her eyes while the ambulance makes it’s way.
“ Want me to take you home honey?” I ask to get a sad nod
“ Yes, but can I have my dolly since it was why I was in daddy’s Hummy.” She says while I think
I start over to the Hummer to see one of my deputies taking pictures.
“ Deputy have you taken pictures of the back seat?” I ask to get a nod then a grin
“ The little warrior want her dolly back?” He asks to get a nod from Karen
“ Yes, please. Can I have it?” Karen asks while he steps up to the back driver side door to get it
He steps back to hand it to Karen. She quickly grabs it with tears.
“ Thank you sir.” She says before placing her head on my left shoulder
“ Your welcome princess, and you can call me Lee.” Lee says while she nods
“ Lee I am going to take her home and tell her family. Make sure this area is closed off and went over more then once.” I say to see him nod
“ You got it sheriff.” Lee tells me while I take Karen to my car
I put her in the front seat with the towel still around her. I buckle her up while she holds onto the doll. Her tears don’t stop in which is understandable. I shut the door before going around to get in the drivers seat. I put my seat belt on before one of my deputies comes over to give me some information he wrote down. I read it before my eyes go wide. I turn to look at Karen who has her head lowered. I turn back to the information before handing it back to the deputy.
“ Make sure to get me a copy of everything you all find. I want to know how Heath was shot. I don’t care if you have to wake up the forensics department. I want to know how a caring man of the community was taken off guard.” I exclaim to get a sincere nod
He starts walking off before requesting what I said over his radio that is on his left shoulder. I hear the dispatcher ask if he was sure. That was when I got on mine to confirm it. She came back saying,‘ Yes Sheriff’. The ride to Heath’s was in silence except for Karen sobbing. I held back my own tears since I knew what I was about to do would be hard enough.
Nick’s POV:
After a few hours of being with my wives Savannah and Megan we decided to get something to eat. We were up when Diamond, Jasmine, Renee, Hannah, and Jessie arrived home with Tiffany. Once my eyes hit Tiffany’s face I knew something wasn’t right. Savannah and Megan both went to her asking what happened. Those of us that were in the living room sat stunned. Chris ran to wake Selena, Travis, and Kaye. Once they came in Selena and Kaye went straight to Tiffany. Jessie and Renee ran over to get their mothers and aunts. When everyone and I mean everyone showed up I saw some angered faces. Selena went and woke up my brothers and sisters meaning Mike, Ellie, Verna, Ricky, Kiko, and Nate. Once Ricky and Verna saw their daughter I could see they were pissed. Verna asked what man could have done that to her daughter. That was when we found out it was a woman. Kevin came out asking where the bitch was since he owed the bitch a beatdown for hurting his aunt. Jessie came out telling her cousin that she was already taken care of, but was warned if she ever came around her wife again that she was going to have her male cousins go after the bitch. I could see my brother and sons nod in agreement saying they missed playing tug of war. I grinned knowing that no matter who hurt who this family we would stand by each other no matter what. Shelby and Sasha suggested they take Tiffany up to check her out. Lucy and Lisa went along with them. Actually all the woman went except Savannah and Megan because they started to talk to the guys. Adam and Michelle went up, but Michelle told Adam to stay downstairs. He protested saying he would stay outside the room until he was needed. I had to admit he took the counselor thing pretty serious.
While all the guys were talking waiting for Tiffany’s diagnoses on if she had lost the baby there came a knock on the door. Savannah and Megan got off my lap so I could answer it. Since I had that nightmare before both Heath’s birthday and Lindsey’s I have been answering the door at night. I knew I could get the first move on those I dreamt about. I pull my gun making those watching me shocked because I had no intentions of anyone hurting my family again. I got to the front door opening it to only see Sheriff Johnson standing there, but he wasn’t alone. To his right was my granddaughter Karen. I notice she was wearing a towel around her.
“ Sheriff why...why is Karen with you?” I ask seeing his eyes show sadness
It was at that moment that Karen came running to me.
“ Grampie.” She says reaching up at me, but when she did the towel fell making my eyes go wide
“ Karen are you hurt? Why are your clothes soaked in blood?” I ask after I went to one knee taking her in my arms to only stand back up
“ Nick I think it would be best if all the family was assembled so I can tell you all at once.” Sheriff Johnson says before I get a bad feeling
“ Savannah go up and get the others.” I say before letting the sheriff come in
He shuts the door while I turn. It’s at that moment that I hear gasps. I guess the blood went around to Karen’s back.
“ KAREN WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!” Megan asks before coming over
“ That is what I um need to tell everyone.” Johnson says while Megan takes Karen from me while Savannah quickly makes her way up
“ Sheriff I have to clean my granddaughter up and change her. Nick can fill me in later.” Megan says while he nods
Megan carries Karen up the stairs while I see my brothers, sons, and nephews either sitting or standing in confusion.
“ Sheriff what is this about? Why is Karen all bloody and crying?” Jack asks with great concern
“ Jack be paitient he will tell us once the rest of the family are down here, but Heath isn’t home yet by the way.” Kevin says while I glance at Sheriff Johnson to see him look at the floor
I study his body language and that is when my bad feeling turns to something I hoped would never be.
“ It has to do with Heath doesn't it?” I ask while he looks up and over at me
“ Wait what about Heath?” Jack asks while I see Johnson look at me intently
It’s at that moment the ladies of the family come down. Each one have a look of worry. Tiffany is being helped down the stairs by Savannah and Sierra.
“ What happened to Tiffany?” The sheriff asks being concerned
“ She went through a very bad ordeal earlier tonight. Some.... um woman tried to rape her, but thought beating her up first was going to help break her.” Jessie says while he nods
“ Need me to call for a paramedic?” He asks to get a no
“ No hun Sasha and I already checked her over. We are just lucky she didn’t lose the baby.” Shelby says while he sighs
“ Ok sheriff were all here except Megan who is taking care of Karen, and Heath isn’t back yet.” Savannah says while I see him looking nervous
“ Maybe you ladies need to get comfortable. What I have to say is not going to be easy.” He says while Jasmine and all the women of the family except my mother, Maggie, Faye, and Jackie take a seat on the floor or couch while my sons and brothers move
“ Ok sheriff will you just tell us what is going on?” Chris says sounding impatiently almost like if he is annoyed with the sheriff being here
“ Between 12:30 and 12:40 this morning I got a call that required my attention. I asked what it was about but I got told I would be filled in at the crime scene. So I made my way in a way I wouldn’t be speeding but still getting there quickly. Once to the scene I noticed a familiar vehicle. A...a Hummer to be exact.” he says while I hear a few gasps before he continued,“ Once I approached the gurney that was by the Hummer I noticed a person that made my heart stop.”
“ can’t.....No it couldn’t of been......” Allison says with tears in her eyes
“ Before I continue I need to say something. Karen......that little angel is a very strong girl. All my deputies admire her in a big way.” He says shocking us
“ What...what does my daughter have to do with this? What are you not telling us?” Tiffany asks sounding very worried
“ Well Tiffany she made the call that had my whole police department respond to a shooting. She...she helped save a man. She witnessed something so hard that she hasn’t really talked except telling me who was responsible for shooting...” He tries to finish but gets choked up
“ Shooting? What shooting and who was shot? Your scaring us sheriff.” Diamond says before I see my friend compose himself to speak but is interrupted by a tender sad voice
“ Daddy was. He was shot three times” Karen says shocking us all
“ No Heath...Heath can’t be. He went to get us some food to snack on.” Jasmine says looking up at Karen
“ Yes he was mommy Jazzy. He...he died in front of me. I was so scared.” Karen says before Tiffany gets up and runs to the sheriff ignoring her pain
“ Tell us this is a dream. Tell us my Heath is not dead.” Tiffany states with tears coming down her face
“ It’s not a dream Tiffany, and Heath is alive. They brought him back just in time. I have a few deputies keeping watch over him. I gave them strict orders not to let anyone in the Emergency Room unless they had a reason. I am going to post guards on his hospital room until he is able to go home.” He states making the room go quiet
I stood there not believing what I was hearing. How did this happen? Who could of hurt the best of us. It was at that moment that Kevin spoke up.
“ Sheriff I think you need to tell me who did this so I can go snap their neck.” My giant of a son states while Sheriff Johnson looks at all of us while comforting Tiffany
“ Jamie did.” Karen comes out speaking up
“ I doubt that since he hasn’t been around since the beach incident.” Chris says while I look up at Karen who is nodding
“ It was Jaime who hurt my daddy. I saw him while ducking behind daddy’s seat. He shot my daddy.” She says with tears while Megan holds her seating on the top of the stairs
“ Sweetie you must have been dreaming. Jaime hasn't been around in months.” Chris says trying to sound sympathic while Jack slaps him in the back of the head
“ Chris you need to be more considerate. Karen has been through a lot. If she says that punk did it then he did it. I say we go find his ass and beat it.” Jack says while I see Chris wants to hit Jack back
“ Chris don’t even think of hitting Jack. You brought it on yourself for getting smacked.” Grey says surprising me
“ Whatever. I still say she just had a nighmare and thought she saw Jaime.” Chris says crossing his arms
“ Well guess we can count Chris out. Kevin feel like going on a hunt?” Nicky asks with a smirk
“ You read my mind big brother. How about you Justin?” Kevin asks his uncle
“ Yep I say bring that little man on. I would love to make him go limp for the rest of his life, and besides I owe him for hurting my niece.” Justin says getting all three to agree with a nod. It seems after they come out a few months ago Renee told the family what Jaime had done. I am with them in wanting to kill the little bitch myself.
“ Wow you three just love to accuse an innocent man. We all know Jaime is not around here. Because if Jaime was he would of done something already. And after the last asskicking he got what man in his right mind would even think of fucking with this family and all of us bad ass guys?” Chris says nonchalantly while I see Kevin look at Chris very intently
“ Well Chris I don’t care what you think. If my niece saw Jaime then I believe her. So quit your preaching since we have already made up our minds.” Kevin says before I shake my head
Yep he is just like me at that age.
“ Enough of that talk please. Sheriff can you tell us how bad our husband is?” Jasmine says asking while he gets out his phone
While he checks I see Tiffany step away from him to only turn to look up at her daughter. I know she wants to go hold her, but after what she can see she is scared too. It’s at that moment I hear a soft voice.
“ What’s going on?” I turn to see Lindsey is up
“ Come here baby girl.” Megan says turning with her arms open
Lindsey goes to Megan to only join Karen on her lap.
“ Why is everyone up? And where is daddy at?” My other granddaughter asks while Megan looks down at me worried
“ Well honey a few things happened tonight that is hard to explain.......” Megan says while Lindsey looks confused
“ Oh?” Lindsey says while Megan nods
“ Lindsey......” Karen says while her younger sister by months looks at her before she continues,“ Daddy was in a accident. I....I was there and saw everything.”
“ What do you mean accident? He isn’t hurt badly is he?” Lindsey asks sounding scared
I notice Karen looking at Lindsey before she breaks down making Lindsey reach for her. Megan pulls them both to her while Lindsey holds her big sister.
“ Sissy why...why are you crying? Where is daddy?” Lindsey asks trying to comfort her sister
“ He is in the hospital honey.” Megan says finally while Lindsey quickly looks at my other wife
“ No he can’t be. He promised to take us to the park tomorrow.” Lindsey says lowering her head
“ I am so sorry honey, but it’s true. You need to forgive your daddy because he won’t be able to.” Savannah says making her way up to help our wife
“ But why would anyone hurt our daddy? He never hurt anyone unless they hurt him or us.” Lindsey says while Savannah rubs her back
“ We don’t know honey, but soon we will find out I promise ok?” Savannah says turning to look at me
I know how Savannah looks at me. After all the years of growing up and being a married couple. Savannah and Megan just had to give me certain looks to tell me what they were thinking. I gave her a nod that she understood.
“ Heath is still in surgery. Seems the way he was shot the third bullet is stuck, but what the nurse said the doctors are not giving up.” Sheriff Johnson tells us while I look around to see worried eyes
I think for a moment before looking over at William. William is looking at me before motioning outside with his eyes. I nod before looking at the family.
“ Ok everyone get dressed we're going to go be there when Heath gets out of surgery. Mike see if you can’t get us permission for the family to stay a few nights. Tell them we will donate money if that will help.” I say to see everyone start to get up before I turn to see Karen clinging to Savannah,“ Karen could you come here for a moment?”
Karen nods before Savannah picks our granddaughter up and brings her down.
“ Nick what about the kids?’ Ellie asks while I see her and the other ladies look at me
“ Get them dressed also. Make sure they have enough of everything. I think all the kids being there when Heath gets out of surgery might help him recover.” I say to get nods
Savannah and Karen come over to me. I wrap my arms around them both before looking in Karen’s eyes.
“ Honey I know you probably don’t want to go back there, but what about getting your daddy some flowers and a few cards. Your grammies Savannah and Megan can take you. I am sure Shelby and Lisa wouldn’t mind going either. And don’t worry Caleb and Simon will be with you.” I say suggesting to see her thinking
“ Can....can I get daddy a new shirt? The one he had was ruined.” She asks while I nod
“ Nick.....I mean dad I want to go also. I am not going to take any chances in case that fucker is still around.” Kevin says shocking me
“ Actually I would feel better if you did go along with Caleb and Simon. That will leave Gray, Nicky, Justin, and.....and Damon escorting the family.” I say to see my youngest son looking at me
“ Wait dad are you saying what I think you are?” Damon asks to get a nod
“ Yes, look I know I haven’t been the best of dads, but after watching how you have stood by this combined family.....I think you deserve to ride. You will ride next to Gray if that is ok with you both Kevin and Gray.” I say seeing them both look at Damon then at me
“ Sounds good to me how about you Gray?’ Kevin asks while Gray nods
“ He’ll need a gun though dad.” Gray says while I agree
I turn my head to see my youngest son smile. I guess he felt like a kid in a candy store. I told Kevin to fix his brother up to get a nod. They all went to get ready while William and I took Sheriff Johnson outside. My other brothers and sisters went back over to Gina’s to get dressed and tell them. I know once they find out they will want to go too. Once outside and in the yard William and I confronted the sheriff.
“ Sheriff we know you can’t really hunt down Jaime, but we can.” William says while I nod
He looks at the both of us with a serious look.
“ Yes your right, but it would be nice to have an extra set of eyes. Now don’t get me wrong I do want to help, and my deputies did state they would stand by me to get this punk, but then again....” he says shocking us both before he showed a smirk,“ Once you do find that fucker call me because I want to be there.”
William and I looked at each other with smiles before looking back at our friend.
“ You got it.” We both say while he nods
“ Think we could get a escort?” I ask to see him nod
“ Was going to anyway. I’ll go call for another car to take the rear.” He says while William and I go back in
Once back in the house we both see Karen standing in the middle of the living room. William shuts the door before we go to Karen.
“ Honey is something wrong?” William asks while she sadly nods
“ Yeah I didn’t actually tell papa Johnson everything.” She says while William and I look at one another before going to one knee
“ Ok Karen what did you not tell him?” I ask to see her look at us both
“ Well after Jaime shot....shot daddy he said something weird.” She says peaking our interest
“ What did he say honey?” William asks with concern
“ He said that some guy told him daddy was dumb to go out alone and he was easy.” She says while William and I look at her
“ Is that all he said?” I ask to get a no
“ No, but that was the weird part. He told daddy that after tonight daddy wouldn’t be able to stop him from.....from hurting the mommies or the grammies.” She says while our eyes went wide
I lowered my head to look at the ground wondering if my nightmare was going to come true. I shook my head before looking back up at my brave granddaughter.
“ Karen your uncles and grandpas are not going to let anything happen to this family. Now go up and get ready.” I say to get a nod
She hugs us both before running off to get ready. William and I stand back up.
“ So what do you think of what our brave little warrior told us?” William asks while I think
“ I don’t really know except that someone that knows this family is giving him ideas, and news of what we are all doing.” I say to see him nod
“ So you think the assault on Tiffany was no coincidence?” William asks while I shake my head no
“ Nope I think it was a setup. And when I find the asshole he will wish he was never born.” I say to get a nod
“ Make sure I am there since there was two souls in that Hummer. One got hurt while the other was scared to death, but stood strong the best she could.” William says reminding me
“ I know and that is the part that pisses me off. If Jaime even looked in the back seat we would of lost a little beautiful angel and Heath.” I say to get a nod
It wasn’t long before we all got in separate vehicles, or on bikes. Kevin took up the rear behind his mothers, the older kids, aunts, and uncles. I was proud of him finally stepping up by my side. While they left the rest of us made our way to the hospital with Sheriff Johnson in front of me while his deputy Lee behind the convoy that was the family. I had Nicky and Justin in the back while Gray and Damon were in the middle. I wasn’t going to take any chances until I knew my nightmare wouldn’t come true.
Maggie’s POV:
After a long trip from Oklahoma my wives and I finally arrive home around three on a Saturday morning, but when we arrived we were shocked to find the house empty. We didn't notice that all the cars were gone even. We searched for any sign of where they were. I looked around upstairs with Faye to find something that shocked us. It was one of Karen’s pajama tops. It was soaked in blood. We screamed for Jackie and Tessa to come up to the kid's bathroom. They came running to only be shocked like Faye and I were.
“ What do you think happened?” Jackie asks while I held the garment
“ We don’t know, but whatever happened it doesn’t look good.” Tessa says while the rest of us agree
“ I guess our surprise return home got canceled.” I say feeling sad
“ Maggie I am sure once we explain things Heath will welcome us back. I mean it was just bad timing my love.” Faye says to me with a sincere look
“ I hope so baby because I miss my son.” I say before Tessa comes up to me
She takes the blood soaked shirt from me to put it in the bath tub. She pulls me into a hug.
“ I am sure everything will be ok. How about we go down and call someone and find out what the hell is going on?” She says while I nod
“ I’ll call Adam. I am sure he will tell me.” Faye says before we make our way down to the living room
Once down and seated on the couch Faye calls Adam on her cell phone. I hold her left hand while Jackie holds my left. We all wait to find out where everyone was and why there was one of Karen's tops bloody like that.
“ Adam it’s Faye.....It’s good to hear your voice too......Yes were home, but it’s empty. Where is everyone?.......At the hospital why are you all at the hospital?.......You’ll tell us when you come get us......your scaring me honey......ok we’ll wait....I love you too.” Faye says before hanging up
“ What’s going on Faye baby?” Tessa asks while Faye squeezes my right hand while looking at her phone
“ I...I don’t know. Adam said once he gets here he will tell us. I don't like the sound of that or his tone. It sounded like he had been crying....” She says while I turn to look at my lap
“ must have been bad if he won’t say over the phone.” I say feeling a sharp pain in my heart
We don’t really move from the couch. I start to think of all that could be wrong. I knew my baby’s heart was completely healed. He never passed out anymore just got winded once in a while so it couldn't be that. I kept wondering what it could of been.
It’s about ten minutes later that the front door opens with Adam coming in. He quickly came over to hug each of us. He was scaring me before he sat on the coffee table in front of us.
“ Adam what’s going on?” I ask for him to look at all four of us
“ Momma Maggie, Faye, Jackie, and Tessa....what I am about to say isn’t going to be easy......” He says trying to compose himself while I feel a sharp pain in my heart again
“ Ok so what is it please tell us.” Faye says while he lets out a deep breathe
“ There was two incidents earlier this morning between midnight and one. The first was Tiffany.” Adam says while my eyes go wide
“ What about Tiffany? What did she do honey? Is she alright?” Tessa asks being very concerned
“ She is alright now. Actually she didn’t do anything except call Diamond for help. She went to a bar to drown her hurt.” He says to only be cut off
“ No....doesn’t she know not to drink while pregnant?” Jackie asks to get a nod
“ Yes she does, but last Sunday she um stabbed Heath when he stepped in front of Kendra.” He says while my eyes go wide
“ What do you mean stabbed and who is Kendra?” Faye asks with worry
“ It’s a long story, but it was because of that day that she decided to drink. She met a woman who acted nice until getting back to Tiffany’s motel room. That was when the woman tried to rape Tiffany, but she um beat up Tiffany trying to break her. She hit Tiffany in the stomach trying to kill the baby.” Adam says while my hands go to my mouth thinking I can't lose one of my grandbabies
“ Tiffany and the baby ok? Please say they are Adam.” Faye asks to get a nod
“ Yes they are ok. Tiffany got a check up at the hospital earlier and everything is fine.” He says making us sigh knowing one thing was at least alright now
“ So I take it the woman got her's?” Jackie asks angrily to get a nod
“ Yeah the way Jessie says it that the woman won’t be able to have sex after Renee kicked her crotch making a field goal.” Adam says while Tessa giggles
“ That sounds like Renee.....kinda surprised it wasn't Jessie though. But then again when it comes to her babies...” Tessa says while Adam nods
“ So what’s the second incident?” I bluntly come out and ask to see him look at the floor before looking at me directly
“ I guess there is no easy way to say this......Heath was shot three times in the chest.” He says while my heart stops and eyes go wide
“ No...he...he couldn’t of been. my son ok?” I ask before I start to cry. I see him take my hands in his
“ He is going to be, but they put him on some heavy pain medication so he can sleep.” Adam says while I feel my eyes fill with tears
“ My poor baby.....who....who shot him Adam?” I say asking while he holds my hands tight. I still can't believe someone would hurt my baby like that
“ Jaime did there....there was a witness who called the police for help.” He says while my deepest fears came true
“ Jaime? can that be? William took care of Jaime.” Tessa says to get a nod
“ Actually after William's friends beat him good he told Jaime to leave town and to never come back. The sheriff has an all points bulletin out for Jaime.” Adam says while I lower my head crying
“ You said there was a witness. Who is the witness so we can thank them?” Faye asks while I stare at my hands
“ Well I can say you already know her...” He says making me look up at him
“ Adam was it one of our loves?” Jackie asks to get a no
“ was Karen. She was in Heath’s Hummer through the whole thing.” He says while we all gasp with wide eyes
“ Oh no is she alright? Is that why her shirt is bloody...?” I ask scared something happend to my oldest grandbaby to get a nod
“ She will be in time. She has been crying off and on. Nick had her and the kids go get their dad some flowers and cards. It happened in the Wal Mart parking lot. So he had Caleb, Simon, and Kevin go with Savannah, Megan, Shelby, Lisa, Lucy,and Sasha so Jaime couldn’t get any of them.” Adam says to get looks of relief
“ Take us to Heath honey because we need to see him.” I say with tears while he nods. I can't stand the thought of my baby leaving me without me telling him what he saw was just a mistake. It wasn't what he thought
We all make our way to his car. Faye and I are in the back with Tessa who holds us both. Faye and I can’t stop crying because we both love Heath just the same as his wives and loves. We share a bond in I was his mother but Faye had been it since that first Christmas she visited.
I cry on Tessa’s left shoulder with so many thoughts running in my head, but only one came strong. I hoped that Heath would listen to Faye, Jackie, Tessa, and I because we have never strayed like he thought. What he saw was Faye’s friend wanting to know about the man that stole our love and hearts. I loved my son and those that shared our bed with all my heart.
To Be Continued.......Jaime has returned, Heath is surrounded by love while four have returned with hope that he will accept him back, Karen tries to deal with all that happened to her daddy, and Nick is out for vengeance
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