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Alright guys, thanks a lot for your positive feedback. I present you the thrid chapter of your beloved story, now with more sex included. Because my writing style is a bit complicated, if you have any questions please post them in the comments and I will answer them. Also, please give positive rating so the story can be seen by more people, thus becoming more popular! Thanks a lot guys!

The sun was shining in all it’s glory. The calming sound of the waves hitting the shore was in rhythm with that of the wind blowing through the palm trees. All this natural orchestral music was stopped abruptly by the sound of a V12. Following that came the sound of tyres stopping in asphalt, and then silence. It was as if nature had frozen for a minute to admire the couple that just got out of the car.

“We’re here, darling. Our new house. Or better, our new home.” Said Atlas as he helped Kate out of the car. They walked together until the entrance, were they were greeted by the realty salesman.

“Hello, Mr. DeWitt. I see you just arrived to check the new house”

“No we haven’t. We are still in Romania.” Said Atlas without even paying attention to the man and then proceeding to pass right by him.

The two stopped to admire this architectural masterpiece. Immediately after entering through the dark oak front door, they were found in front of a spectacular interior fountain. Behind it, a gigantic glass front which looked to the sea. This mansion had two floors, the lowering consisting of the hall, the living room and the kitchen, whereas the second story included the bedrooms and a terrace containing a pool and a variety of plants. After taking a small look around, Atlas decided.

“This is the one. We are taking it. How much does it come to?”

“There have been some changes since we contacted though the phone. The owner decided to increase the price from 12,700,000€ to 13,100,000€. I believe this shouldn’t be too much of an inconvenience, should it?”

“I’m afraid it will be. 12,800,000€ is the most I am willing to give for this house. Otherwise there’s a multitude of other houses and mansion in the area just as good with a lower price tag.”

“I’m sorry sir, but I’m afraid it is not upon my hand to change the price. It was set by the owner and it is not bargainable.” Said the salesman.

“Give me the number of the owner.” Said Atlas

Once he got the number, he went a few meters away to talk and after 5 minutes came back ready to pay.

“I contacted the owner. Twelve and a half million and the house is mine.”

“How did you achieve such a price sir? This house has never been such low for the whole time it has been up for sale!” asked the salesman, obviously questioning how such a deal happened.

“Was nothing really. We talked through, he saw the opportunity to sell it right now and gave it.” Answered Atlas, making the man stop questioning further.

“Alright then, let’s get through with the remittance and the house is yours sir!”

Once they transferred the money, the salesman left and the couple was left in their new home. All alone, in front of a beautiful beach and an even better house.

“So, what do we do now?” asked Kate to Atlas

“I’d say we should take a tour of the house, in order to learn the rooms. How about we start with the bedroom?” said Atlas, with his word showing more than said to Kate

“I’d say you are right”

The two proceeded to the second floor, and into the bedroom. The room had one side covered with a glass pane, looking to the sea and into the horizon. The bed was king sized, with pillars in the corners and curtains strapped on them. Beautiful paintings kept company to the walls, and some more minimalistic furniture was present. Once they saw the room for good, Atlas decided to put some romantic classical music on the built-in-ceiling sound system, as Kate pulled him on the bed. They undressed each other slowly, until their bare bodies now touched one another. They started kissing as passionately as possibly, intertwining their tongues. But this time instead of keeping on, Atlas moved his mouth from her lips down to her neck. He kept going, kissing his way through Kate until he reached her breasts. He lifted his head to take a good look at them, and then moved on to her womanhood. He started thrusting inside her while she was thrusting to him. They hugged together and kissed without dropping their movement, now in rhythm with the music. When they were both exhausted, after what seemed like hours of lovemaking, she finally broke the silence.

“Oh god, that was amazing. Is there anything on you that isn’t amazing?”

“I can’t answer this one honestly. You will be the judge for this.” He said, in a calming tone.

“If I am going to be the judge, then I can say from now that there is nothing faulty on you. You are, indeed, amazing.”

With these words they both went to sleep, together in their new bed, inside their new house.


It has been three months since they moved on to the beachside mansion. Everything seemed so peaceful there as if it was a place isolated from the problems of life. Their life, consisted of swimming in the beach, going for trips around the sea in their boat or lovemaking in their house. It seemed almost too true to be true.

“So, how about we make it back home? It’s getting pretty dark now, and I don’t want us cruising around in the night.” Said Atlas

“Yeah, I think it is time to get home. Maybe I’ve had a bit too many drinks too, so I think resting on our bed would be ideal now!” Said Kate

“Well, you insisted on getting the bar on the yacht. But I can’t blame you, it would be a loss to not have a bar on such a beautiful yacht.”

The yacht was indeed beautiful. Painted black with red details along the hull, it’s 72 meters made it very noticeable to anyone in the close and far vicinity. Atlas ordered the captain to take the yacht back to port, and from there they would continue to their house by car.

Once they reached the land, Atlas told the crew to clean it, service it, and tomorrow bring around to the house. He then lifted Kate with his hands, and took her to his Range Rover Evoque. He laid her in the backseats, and then got in the driving position. After twenty minutes he reached home, where he lifted Kate again in order to take her to bed. He opened the door, switched on the lights, and pulled Kate to the bed. Once he put her in, he went down to take another Scotch, and then also fall to sleep with her. When he switched on the lights to the kitchen, he saw it. The windows was cleanly cut through. A hole big enough to fit a man. He immediately ran to the office, where the hidden safe inside the wall was open. Inside it he found nothing. Stolen. This was not just a theft, this was made by someone who knew about who was living in the house, who knew exactly where to search and exactly what to take. He immediately took out his phone, and dialled up a number.

“Risso, someone broke in the house. Not a thief, someone that knew what to take.”

“What did he take?”

“Here’s the problem. He stole nothing. That safe was empty. I was keeping it for when I would need to hide something. There are twelve more of them in the house, but all intact as well.”

“That is strange. Someone wanted to show you that you have an enemy, or a thief broke into, found the safe by luck, opened it empty and then left believing nothing was kept in the house.”

“Yeah, could be that too. Anyways, I want you to get me footage from every camera in a two kilometre radius. Search them and tell me if you find anything about the thief.”

“Consider it done yesterday. In the meanwhile, improve the security more. Let’s not have more incidents”
“Will definitely. Call me if anything comes up.”

With that he hung up, and returned to sleep. Tomorrow he would see what happened more in detail.


It has been two years since coming in the new house, and that incident. By now, our couple has become quite popular in the region, being invited to every gala and party organised by other high society neighbours and not. They have been invited in every house there is in the region. Every except for one. The grandest and biggest one. A Barok styled castle, big enough to make every other look like a shack. It was that winter day, that the bell rang in our characters’ house.

Atlas got up from bed, after spending a night with Kate, and went to open the door. A suited man appeared.

“You have been invited to a gathering in Lord’s Kapampelis’ Castle. All major identities will be present. It is held place on the Saturday the 23th of November. You are honoured to be presented at the event.” Said the suited man

“Very well, it is our pleasance to come” answered Atlas

“Thank you very much” said the suited man, right before he turned around and got inside the backseat of a Rolls Royce Wraith. The 1938 model, not to be confused with the modern one.

As Atlas closed the door, Kate had just gotten down from the stairs.

“Last night was wonderful.”

“Glad you enjoyed it” Said Atlas, and Kate laughed a little.

“So, who were you talking to?”

“Lord Kapampelis invited us to a gathering in his castle.”

“Who is that guy?”

“You know that huge castle we pass by as we get to Thessaloniki?”

“WHAT? The mysterious guy in the castle is doing a party?”

“Hey, we don’t know if each a party. It will probably be a classical social gathering. The dude must be like a hundred years old anyways. There will be classical music. Such fun.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right. Anyways, we have to go. I am so curious to see him.”

“We will. It’s next Saturday. Which is in twelve days, if you noticed.”

“Great. Can’t wait!” Kate said with a side of irony.


“Hey honey, how do you like this?” Kate asked Atlas about a spectacular red dress, which was hanging from one shoulder and splitting at the side of the other side’s leg.

“It is... stunning! I’m just worried though if it’s a bit too much for this occasion. I mean, it’s not going to be a dance party!”

“Oh come on, it is fine. You should get suited up. It’s in 20 minutes.”

“Oh Ha Ha Ha. We are not going in 20 minutes...”

“May I ask why?”

“Because in twenty minutes we will be going upstairs...”

“Oh I see where you are taking this...”

They both got ready in their outfits, only to get upstairs and get undressed in seconds. This time there was no time for passionate kisses and slow music. They did it quickly, furiously, almost like how a lion does a lioness.

Once they got done, they dressed up again, and got in the black Ferrari 599 GTO, ready to meet the mysterious Lord Kapampelis. Just as they were ready to get on the road, they saw a purple Murcielago pumping music louder than a club, speeding at maybe over three times the speed limit. Following right behind it was a lime green Ferrari Italia, having equally loud music.

“Where are these two guys going? Looks like maybe somewhere fun, like a club or party” said Kate

“No they’re going to the “Social Gathering” said Atlas ironically, and they both started laughing at the top of their lungs.

The Castle was about thirty minutes away from them. Once they got in the entrance, another suited man carefully opened the gate for them to pass.

“Hey, do you think this dude looked at us a bit funny? Almost as if he saw an old man in a club!” Said Atlas to Kate. What they saw just as they turned around the corner though left them stunned for good.

The Murcielago and the Italia were both parked there. Further down the street, more exotic supercars were parked, each one wilder than the other.

“Whoaa, what did we get ourselves into?” Asked Kate

“I don’t know, but we will find out soon!”

Once they parked their car far back on the line of supercars, they got out and started walking to the entrance. They passes by a huge fountain, which was displaying it’s water in many different colours. Once they got closer to the mansion, they started hearing loud club music. They moved through the darkness, reaching an open hallway, in which the most exotic supercars were parked left and right, being showcased by spotlights. Veyron Grand Vitesse, Koenigsegg One:1, Rolls Royce Wraith Black Badger, Saleen S7, to name a few. These cars made theirs look like a beat up Toyota.

Once they got through the entrance is when they really were left with their jaw on the floor. A huge hall, maybe bigger than the opera at Zurich, which was filled with people drinking, dancing and having fun. On the centre, a glass room was hanged from the ceiling, in which the DJ was inside, and on every side of the room there were laser machines making light shows on the room. This was nothing like they expected. As they were staring up on all these things, a waitress appeared, and offered them a drink. They gladly accepted it, and kept walking. In not much time, they understood that this was nothing like what they had in mind. Men and women were dancing like crazy, with wine and champagne being spilled everywhere. The party was not formal at all. Actually, all these women dressed like that made Kate look like a nun in her red long dress. Not much time into it, a suited man came up to them.

“Am I speaking with Mr. DeWitt and his spouse?” asked the black dressed man

“Yes, you are.”

“Lord Kapampelis has invited you to the lounge. He would be pleased for you to come.”

“The VIP lounge?”

“No sir, his personal lounge.”

“Alright, show us the way and we will come. The pleasure is ours.”

And with this they followed the suited man up to locked elevator. It became unlocked shortly after the man put his hand at a sensor, and afterwards they rode up to meet Lord Kapampelis. The suited man stayed in the elevator, and the couple proceeded through a pair of automated doors.

There he was, Lord Kapampelis. He was not an old man, with grey hair and a cane. He was an around thirty man, with short golden hair and blue eyes. He was tall, with a muscular build. He was watching from on top of his glass room to the party that was raging downstairs, while drinking whiskey.

“I’m glad you accepted my offer.”

“Oh please, the pleasure is ours. This party is amazing. It must have cost a fortune to make such a big event.” Answered Atlas

“It was worth nothing. I throw these parties every week just to throw them. Money is valueless to me. What truly matters is actions.”

“This is very true indeed.” Said Kate

A moment of silence followed, until the Lord spoke

“Anyways, enjoy your party. I have to go see some businesses. Farewell.”

With this a suited man appeared and guided the couple back to the main hall.

Since Atlas and Kate were tired and had to get up early tomorrow for their voyage around the Cyclades, they decided to stay in the party a bit more, and then get back. They danced, drunk and had a great time. Then, it was time to get back home.

As they got out of the door, they noticed three black helicopters flying in formation right above the mansion. Must have been Kapampelis. They moved through all these cars, which in total must have been worth more than a hundred million, and got in their little 599 GTO.

Kate had drunk a little bit more than just being drunk, and on the way home, she decided that she wanted Atlas that moment, right there. They stopped the car on the side, closed the lights, and Kate started taking off Atlas shirt. She was about to start unzipping his pants, when the car started moving. Not slow, either, but in harsh and powerful motions. They lifted their heads, only to see a black Mercedes G ramming them, trying to get them to roll of the cliff...



Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-28 04:50:08
Its nearly a month now...waiting for the next part

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-05 22:37:23
Take your time and flesh the whole thing out even though waiting sucks if you make it worth it people will wait happily.


2016-08-05 09:39:43
Thanks a lot for your feedback. This chapter was indeed rushed because I didn't have enough time on my hands. Now, about the sex scenes, I made them short because I don't want the characters' story to evolve only around sex. As I said, thanks for your feedback, and from next chapter I will put more detail.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-04 22:31:09
The story is rushed, the sex scenes even more. Take your time, patience is key. The story so far is just a beautiful skeleton, add flesh and life to it. Just a few words of advice friend. I'll vote positive just to encourage you, but seriously...... improve!!!!!

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