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More character building as Ruby comes closer to making her decision to stay in the lifestyle
Grandpa was full of questions when I went inside. I filled him in on our day and told him that I really thought I was going to love being Kyle’s wife. Grandpa snickered, “And to think you thought this entire town was insane when you arrived.”

“I know.” I felt myself blush a little, “Is it the body alterations or the conditioning? What is it that’s changing in me?”

“It’s just your primal instinct coming out. It’s not a change so much as a regression. You’re getting back to your biological roots, your natural savage self. The more conditioning you do, the more you’ll accept your place.”

“My place?” I felt my inner feminist roar.

“Yes, Ruby. Your place is beside your husband, to please him and to make him proud. In return, he will give you the pleasure or punishment and pain you deserve. It’s up to him how you dress, how you behave, how you serve the other men in this town. Even if it’s just as a decoration and something pleasing to look at, you will have to be pleasing to the men in this town for the rest of your life. The better your behavior, the more proud of you your husband will be.”

“Part of me still hates the way it sounds.”

“Then we need to step up the conditioning a bit more. School will help, too.”

“I’m having lunch with Kyle’s family tomorrow. And he wants me to see our house and start decorating?”

“Ah. Very good. I’ll give him your curfew tomorrow so he knows when you’re to be home. No staying over until you’re married, I’m afraid. His family won’t allow it.”

We had a light dinner before Grandpa prepared me for bed. When I was strapped down and mounted to the machine, Grandpa turned on the TV and the sounds of sex flooded the room. He found what he was looking for on my iPod and put the headphones over my ears before he left the room.

I watched a woman being penetrated in all of her holes while the machine slowly fucked me and sounds of nature lulled me into a calm state. Then a woman’s voice began speaking. It was calm and soft and sultry. “You know the power your body has over men, you must use it to please them into submission. If you do as they ask, you will be rewarded. If you behave as they wish, you will be worshipped. There is no shame in submitting to your husband, he is the head of the house, he rules your world. He owns your body, your heart . . . and you will obey because you love him….”

I was asleep before I heard anything else.

I woke up to silence and Grandpa removing the headphones. When I was released from my bonds, I drank my lemon water and headed to the bathroom. Grandpa proudly announced that I had finished the anal training kit.

“So now what?” Was it ever really over?

“You’ve learned to relax your sphincter and let it stretch safely, not to resist. Now we progress to the soft kit.”

“Soft kit sounds nice.”

“We’ll see how you do.” He pulled a larger case from the cupboard and opened it up. I couldn’t believe the size of the plugs! The smallest one was about 6” long, shaped more like a cock and about an inch in diameter. They ranged in size all the way up to what looked like 10” and 3” in diameter. My mouth gaped open.

“They’re made of much softer, pliable material that will feel more like a cock to you. It will bend and move with you like your horse plug. These have thicker base though. You won’t be closing around a thin rod anymore; you’ll be stretched open little by little with thicker bases as we move up.”

I still hadn’t recovered from the shock.

“Don’t worry, we’re not going to the largest size. Your husband isn’t that well-endowed and isn’t interested in torturing you or pushing your limits beyond his own needs.”

I sighed with relief. After my anal douche, Grandpa inserted the smallest one into me. It did feel like a small cock. As I relaxed to let it in, I was surprised that the insertion took so much longer. When I closed around the base, I realized Grandpa was right. I felt my sphincter straining open a bit.

“Just relax and don’t clench.”

I relaxed my muscles and the discomfort went away but it felt unnatural. When I stood, I felt full like I had with the horse plug but it wasn’t the same. I couldn’t forget that it was there, the thicker base stretched my sphincter just enough that I was uncomfortable.

“You’ll adjust, that’s why it’s called ‘training’, Ruby.”

We went downstairs and with every step I felt the stimulation. It was distracting.

“Do your breathing, you’ll be fine.” Grandpa set breakfast on the table and I lowered myself onto my dildo, filling me up in both holes. I took a deep breath and moaned.

“Grandpa, it’s too much.” I wanted to cum. There was such a feeling of desperation.

“Redirect your thoughts and eat your breakfast.” Grandpa had three sheets of paper he was reading.

“Your prospects?”

“Yes. All widows. I think I’ll make a phone call while you’re at the track. I know who I would prefer.”

When I was finished with my running and pool time, I had to get showered and ready for the luncheon. My clit was throbbing and I was so wet. I hadn’t realized that just a new type of plug could steer my thoughts toward sex so constantly. When Grandpa removed it and let me relieve myself before I showered, I almost begged him to push it back in and pull it out again. The sensation was incredible.

I showered with cooler water to try and calm myself down. When I was finished, however, Grandpa re-inserted the cleaned plug. My ass felt open and ready and I had months before I would have any kind of sex at all.

When my make-up was flawless and my hair dried and curled as Grandpa had instructed me, I had to get dressed. Grandpa had laid out my clothes, as usual. I put on the baby blue dress, made entirely of lace with long sleeves that belled at the wrists. The hem came to just below my ass cheeks where the 6” fringe began. It was a sweet little hippie dress and the neckline was off-the-shoulder and framed my neck and shoulders beautifully. The color was divine with my platinum blond hair and tan skin. You could see my body perfectly through it and the lace was textured enough that when I moved, it rubbed my nipples and kept them at attention quite obviously. I slipped on some 4” white heels and started downstairs just as the doorbell rang.

Kyle had impeccable timing. I was still descending the stares when he came in and saw me. His face lit up and he smiled. I beamed with pride, I was so happy he approved.

“I see you got the dress my mother sent over.” He took my hand as I made it down the last step.

“Your mother sent this? It’s beautiful.”

“She’s a very generous woman. I have a feeling she will love spoiling you. She never had any daughters, only sons.”

“I can’t wait to meet her.” I smiled and told Grandpa goodbye. He made sure to let Kyle know what my curfew was and when to have me home.

“And make sure you don’t make any plans that interfere with her exercise and pool time. I know she’ll be your own soon, but she still has training to work on and needs guidance from her family.”

“Yes, Sir. I completely understand. Don’t worry, I will make sure to check with you before we do anything.” Kyle led me to the car, the new plug was on my mind constantly as I walked. I found that if I let my ass sway from side to side in a certain way, it was more comfortable.

When I lowered myself onto the dildo in the car, I sighed and moaned as I went slowly.

“New plug training kit?” Kyle smirked and waited patiently.

“Yes.” I moaned a bit more, “It’s very different.”

“I adore watching your efforts to fit into this life and prepare yourself for me.” He leaned down into the car and kissed me gently and gazed into my eyes, “You’re doing remarkably well. Everyone in town says so. It makes me so proud that you’re going to be mine.” He shut the door and went around to get in.

On the drive to his parents’ house, he filled me in on what we would be doing and how I should behave. It was not your average parent meeting.

When we arrived at the house and Kyle drove through a gate and down a long driveway, I knew I was in a new world. The drive was lined with trees that shaded the road and I saw the house coming into view. It reminded me of an old plantation house; white with pillars and marble steps. It was beautiful. The grounds were immaculately landscaped.

“It’s beautiful!” I felt like a poor country mouse staring out the window.

“Our home won’t be quite so grand to begin with.”

“Oh I don’t expect it to be.” I smiled as he parked the car in front of the steps on the circular drive. A nice man came to my door and opened it for me. I looked at Kyle, unsure what to do.

“Go ahead, I’ll clean up behind you.” He winked.

I lifted off the dildo and stepped out of the car. The nice man was discreet and didn’t even look into the car, just shut the door and let me to the stairs. We ascended slowly and Kyle caught up with us and took my arm. The man turned and got into Kyle’s car to park it elsewhere for him.

The door swung open and an older version of Kyle appeared on the landing, “Kyle! This must be your beautiful fiancé! Lovely to meet you, Ruby.” He took my hand and kissed it gently while observing me from head to toe. “Impeccable. I’m impressed. Come, meet my wife.”

We stepped into the foyer and I saw Kyle’s mother for the first time. She was obviously older, but very well kept and taken care of. She had beautifully tan skin and brown hair with highlights. It was long and she wore it down, reaching the middle of her back. She wore a beautiful sheer, white gown that reached the ground and every curve of her body below was visible. She was gorgeous.

She stepped toward me and gave me a hug, “Ruby! I’m so glad you came to see us.” When she pulled away from our embrace, she looked down at the dress, “Perfect. Do you like it?”

“I love it, thank you so much.” I smiled, “It’s an honor to meet Kyle’s parents.”

“The honor is all ours. Please, come into the sitting room.” She led me into a beautiful room lined with bookshelves. The light was incredible. We sat on the antique furniture and a beautiful French maid brought us lemonade. Her uniform was like a sexy Halloween costume, her make up overdone. When she bent over, I could see the base of an anal plug. I wondered if Kyle’s father used her for his own delights. Kyle and his father were still speaking in the foyer.

“Thank You, Bridget.” Kyle’s mom waved the maid away, “Lavender lemonade. You’ll love it. It’s made with lavender grown right here on the property.”

I tasted it as I watched Bridget saunter out of the room. It was delicious.

“No, she isn’t a toy.”

I jerked my eyes toward Kyle’s mom, “Excuse me?”

“I know what you’re wondering. No, my husband doesn’t use her as a piece of ass on the side. Everyone assumes so. She’s more like a prop for his visiting clients. Her husband prefers that she be used, so…this is a safe place for her to satisfy his own perversions and earn a wage.”

“Oh, I didn’t…” I didn’t know what to say.

“No harm done, darling. You’re new to this lifestyle, I want to be sure to fill you in on everyone in the town and make you feel more at home.” She sighed and sipped her lemonade. “Kyle is very pleased with your progress. I see his alterations were slight but they suit you.”

“Thank You, Ma’am.” I blushed a little.

“Please, call me Mother. I’ll be the closest thing you have to one in this town. Now. Would you like to see the grounds?”

“Oh yes, please.” The house was so beautiful.

‘Mother’ led me through the rooms of the main floor, mostly for entertaining. The ‘study’ was where Kyle’s father entertained his business clients. There was a saddle about knee-height in the center of the room where you would expect a coffee table to be and the shelves were lined with dildos and plugs and whips and neatly tied lengths of rope …. There were shackles on the walls, stocks in one corner …. In the conventional world this would have been referred to as a dungeon.

“Don’t let it intimidate you. Nothing goes on in here without consent. I’m sure you’ll have something similar in your own house.”

We stepped into the back yard and I saw the Olympic-size swimming pool with expensive lounging furniture lining the patio around it. A woman was using a net to fish something out of the pool, wearing the tiniest bikini I had ever seen. The top was a string bikini top, but the ‘cups’ were merely tiny triangles of fabric hugging her nipples, her firm implants jutting out like round melons. The bottoms were merely a string around her waist and one that ran from front to back, disappearing into her labia.

“That’s Lucy. She is our pool girl. She’ll be married next year, we’ll have to hire a new girl. Obviously my husband’s clients are curious about our lifestyle, we keep them entertained with decorations while they’re here.” Mother seemed to dismiss her as just one of the ‘help’ and we walked around the house to the sound of barking dogs.

There was a large kennel and fenced in grassy area. “These are my boys.” Mother gestured toward the kennel. “They are champions in many shows and bred to be the biggest and strongest of their breeds.” I could see about six dogs and identify only about two of them for sure. They were big and beautiful, she was right.

“Is this a hobby of yours?” I tried to act interested.

“Yes and no. I don’t show them, we hire a professional to do that. They’re more like … my playmates.”

“Oh.” I smiled, having no idea what she was talking about.

She stepped into the yard and gestured for me to follow. She pointed to each, gave me their name and breed and told me all about them. She made them sound like men she knew and adored. I smiled and acted impressed. I wasn’t much of a dog person, but I didn’t want to offend her.

One of the dogs buried his face in her crotch and began to burrow, “Titan, no! We have guests.” She quickly led me out of the yard and shut the gate, “I played with them all morning, but their appetites are ravenous.”

I smiled as if I knew what she meant.

“Darling, do you not understand what I’m talking about?”

“I’m sorry, no. I’m not much of a dog person, but they’re lovely, really.”

Mother threw her head back and laughed, “Oh you are so sweet. When I say they’re my playmates, I mean that they’re my lovers.”

I blinked, the information still wasn’t registering.

“We make a good amount of money breeding them, I keep them fresh and tame. I make sure their appetite for breeding is large and when a bitch is brought for breeding, it goes like clockwork, no fuss.”

“Oh I see.” I didn’t have a clue what she was talking about.

“Oh sweet Ruby. I let the dogs mount me and breed with me.”

Was I controlling my facial expressions? Because I was trying to. “So you…”

“I fuck the dogs regularly, yes.”

“Now I get it.” I smiled, trying to freeze my face.

“It’s not for everyone. But as my husband gets older, his appetite has decreased somewhat. Mine has only gotten stronger. This keeps me busy and satisfies my cravings. He supports it. Between me and you, I think it turns him on.” She giggled and led me back toward the house, “If you want your own dog, I can be sure to breed you only the best. You just say the word.”

“Oh, I don’t think I’m really a pet person.” I smiled and continued to try to hide my shock. The woman fucked her dogs!?

“Well, if you’re curious or have any questions, I’m the woman to ask. I’ve helped plenty of women in this town find and train their own K-9 lovers. I even teach courses at the finishing school.”

“There’s a class for that?”

“Well of course there is. It’s a common interest with men in this town and a lot of them require their future wives to be familiar with how it works. No husband wants to see his new wife terrified to carry out even the simplest task with the family dog.”

“No, of course not.” I saw Kyle on the back veranda and smiled and waved. I needed an escape.

“I see you’ve met Mother’s dogs.”

“Yes.” I desperately wanted the subject changed.

“We can discuss it later, darling.” He handed me my lemonade and we all made our way to an outdoor gazebo for lunch.

There were two chairs in the gazebo fitted with dildos, I waited to see which one Mother lowered herself onto before sitting myself. It was the replica of Kyle’s cock again and I wondered how a mother felt having it in her home.

Lunch was light and delicious. Kyle’s parents were curious about how I was raised and peppered me with questions.

“So your brothers broke you in…” Kyle’s father clearly disapproved.

“Yes, Sir. But Grandfather doesn’t believe in incest, so that all stopped when I moved here this summer.”

“Yes I know, your Grandfather is quite a respectable man. Which is why I’m a bit shocked, I apologize. I don’t mean to offend.”

“No, not at all.” I smiled and took small bites of my food and waited for the next line of questioning.

“So you’ll be attending Church with us tomorrow?” Mother looked excited.

“Oh yes, Kyle said it was something we would do regularly when we’re married.”

“Yes, we’re very involved in the church.” She sipped her champagne.

I kept my opinions about bestiality to myself.

Half way through lunch, Kyle touched my arm and gestured under the table. It took me a moment before I understood. I lifted off the dildo and crawled under the table where I found his limp cock out of his pants, in his hand and waiting. I put my mouth around the tip and let him relieve himself. As I was swallowing, his mother crawled under the table to service her husband in the same way. I never imagined I would be drinking piss with my future mother-in-law the first day I met her.

When the men were relieved and we were lowered back onto our dildos, the conversation picked up like nothing had happened. I felt full.

The afternoon was very informative and relaxed. Kyle’s parents asked a lot of questions, but neither of them judged me or raised an eyebrow to my responses. They were wonderful people and I adored them already.

We had our polite goodbyes and soon were in Kyle’s car on our way to what would be our new home when we were married.

“I noticed you seemed uncomfortable when Mother was showing you her dogs.”

“Oh Kyle, do we have to talk about it?”

“I’m afraid we do. Is that something that you’re interested in trying at all?”

“No. I don’t even like dogs very much. Is it something you’re interested in?”

“I’m open to it, but it isn’t a requirement. You have to understand that it seems normal to me.”

“I understand, I do I just….”

“Another time, Ruby, just relax. Let’s go see our new home.” He smiled and rubbed my leg. We just enjoyed the beautiful day and the beautiful drive.

The house wasn’t quite finished being built yet and there were contractors working inside. It was a three bedroom house, pretty standard.

There were two living areas, Kyle informed me one would be for relaxing, the other for entertaining and playing. I assumed that meant we would have our own public ‘dungeon’.

“I know three bedrooms seems a bit much, but if we want to have guests stay over, it’s nice to have the space.” He showed me the kitchen, large and spacious, “We’ll have a private chef on staff so neither of us have to focus on cooking or cleaning.”

Through the back there was an in-ground pool being built. It wasn’t huge, but it would be beautiful when it was done. “We’ll have an adjoining Jacuzzi as well, for winter. And I’ve decided that you may choose the staff.”

“Me? Well….how will I know what you prefer?”

“Ruby darling, this will be your house. I’ll be working but you’ll spend most of your time here. You need to be comfortable with who we hire.”

“Okay.” I decided that we would have a pool boy in a thong, just to be defiant.

We talked about the furniture; Kyle gave me assignments on when things should be ordered and when people should be hired. Deadlines. It was a lot to think about with school coming up.

I asked if the plumbing was finished, since I needed to relieve myself. Kyle led me to the downstairs bathroom and stayed with me while I sat down, then pulled his cock out of his pants so we could both go at the same time. It was a strange sensation guzzling down his piss while I relieved myself of my own. Kyle seemed pleased, which made me proud.

When we were both finished and washed up, we went downstairs and Kyle pushed me to my knees in the foyer. He pulled my dress over my head and twisted my nipples between his fingers, “Take me in your mouth.”

I unzipped his pants and let his semi-erect cock flop into the open and wrapped my swollen lips around the head, swirling my tongue around the tip. It tasted so divine. As it grew, I slid it further and further down my throat until I had a quick and steady pace.

Kyle grabbed a fistful of my hair and began fucking my face faster and harder, “Touch yourself. I want you to cum with me.”

I reached down and rolled my big, sensitive clit between my thumb and forefinger, sending jolts of electricity through me. Kyle using my mouth made me so wet and desperate to cum.

When my orgasm got closer, I tried to slow down and hold it back. My moans betrayed me when Kyle could feel the vibration of my voice, “You’re close aren’t you, Ruby?”

I tried to nod and managed an ‘mmm hmm’ around the head of his dick. He fucked my face faster and I choked on his cock, making me desperate to taste his cum and let go of my own orgasm.

Finally, His rhythm became uneven, “Cum, Ruby. Cum while you swallow me.” I furiously moved my fingers over my clit, letting my orgasm build until it all became to much and I nearly buckled to the floor as the warm electricity exploded and spread throughout my body.

Kyle shot into my throat at the same time and I could barely concentrate on swallowing all he gave me while my orgasm refused to stop. I was whimpering and moaning and trying to swallow the best I could without making a mess.

Somehow I managed to get it all down and my orgasm subsided so I could focus on cleaning Kyle’s cock.

“Good girl, Ruby. I didn’t know if you would be able to handle multitasking, but you did pretty well.”

“Thank You, Sir.” I smiled and tucked his cock back into his pants.

“You can get up and get dressed. I want to get you home early so you can be well rested for church tomorrow.”

I could taste him in my throat the whole drive home while we talked about setting up our house and focusing on my classes if I decided to choose the lifestyle permanently and marry him.

At home, he was fairly formal; he walked me to the door and kissed me sweetly and was gone. I had the feeling he was worried I would decide this wasn’t what I wanted.

Inside, Grandpa announced that he had chosen a bride. Her name was Molly and she was his age and a widow. He showed me her pictures and I was impressed with how well she had taken care of herself.

“Neither of us expect to be in love, but she needs taken care of and I have needs….we’ve chatted and I think we can at least be good friends and companions.”

“Good choice. She looks nice.” Grandpa relieved me of the anal plug before dinner so I could have a break and relax. I told him about the house, my assignments and deadlines and church the next day. Grandpa didn’t attend the church, but he seemed pleased that I was going.

“You better get to bed early. Since you’re going to church, you’ll have to exercise later tomorrow when you get back. Have you decided what you’re going to tell this boy? Are you going to stay here and marry him?”

“I don’t know…I think so?”

“That doesn’t sound too positive. What’s on your mind?”

“Grandpa….Kyle’s mom … she… she has sex with her dogs. Kyle wants me to consider the option for ourselves. He says he’s open to it.”

“Ah.” He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, “I’ve never been too keen on the idea, it’s more something you mess with when you’re young if at all. If it will make your husband happy, don’t you think it’s worth considering?”

“I…I don’t know?” No. I didn’t think it was something worth considering.

“Well if you have any questions or worries, I know Kyle’s mom is the lady to ask. She’s been training dogs and girls in this town for years. She’s very professional and very understanding.”

“So you support this?” I was shocked. Incest wasn’t okay with him, but fucking dogs was!?

“Ruby, if it’s something your husband is open to, then I think you should be open to it as well. I don’t have much say in the matter.” He finished his iced tea and got up to put his dishes by the sink.

“But…” I had so many arguments against this. Where did I begin?

“I suggest some research.” Grandpa left the dishes in the kitchen and led me upstairs to get me ready for bed. When I was bound and set up with the machine, he found more mental conditioning on the iPod and put the earbuds inside my ears. A movie began, as usual and he left.

But this time the movie was a woman and two dogs. My mind was racing, I didn’t want to see it! It was awful! In the dark room, there was nothing else to look at. The machine teased my vagina, the words filtered into my brain about submission and obeying and knowing your place. I began to cry a little and as I fell asleep watching a woman bow down to animals, the words kept repeating, “You belong to men, you are here to give yourself over to them, to show them how good you can be, how happy it makes you to please them…”

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-11-10 10:33:22
Love the piss drinking

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-02 11:53:23
Rip this story

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-02 09:19:26
chapter 7????? please!?

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-01 14:42:27
Can you try updating again? It's not here

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-09-27 20:15:44

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