The Bestiality Triplets - Day 1: Barbie Fucks a Dog
by barbielez
Fiction, Bestiality, Blowjob, Coercion, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Erotica, Extreme, First Time, Hardcore, Male / Female Teens, Male/Female, Male/Teen Female, Oral Sex, Reluctance, Romance, Teen, Virginity, Written by women, Young
Many people believe that siblings who have shared a womb have a special, almost supernatural bond. While it is true most are quite alike in personality, it does not mean they can communicate telepathically. It only seems that way because of the staggering amount of time they spend together. How could they not know every single detail about each other’s lives when they spend every second of every day with one another? At least that was the case for the Lez sisters. Barbie, Candy and Nikki were so alike that most people were unable to tell them apart. Even their parents occasionally mixed them up. But the sisters didn’t mind. They had each other and that was all that mattered. Or so they used to believe, but that all changed when they turned eighteen.
The triplets’ parents had gone all out and booked them a three-day stay at the fanciest spa resort in the country. Unfortunately, a mix-up with the reservation led to them spending their birthday vacation at a deserted farm in the middle of nowhere. By the time this was discovered, their ride was already gone. With no landline and no cell coverage, the sisters were stranded. According to the note they found pinned to the front door, the owners of the farm had left for the week and would not return until the day after their vacation was scheduled to end. With nothing to do, the triplets had no choice but to rely on their imagination to keep themselves occupied.
They played card games. They gossiped. They even went for a walk. But within an hour, they had run out of ways to pass the time. Or so they thought until they remembered the birthday game they used to play as kids. It was quite simple. They would take turns being the birthday girl and, for a full hour, this unlucky sister would have to do everything her siblings asked of her. But given the amount of time they had to dispose of, they chose to alter the rules of the game. Instead of lasting one hour, each round would last a full day. Hopefully it would keep them busy long enough to keep from going completely insane from boredom. Little did they know, this small alteration would make for an unforgettable vacation.
---Barbie Fucks a Dog---
Hi there! My name is Barbie, Barbie Lez. You won’t believe what happened to me and my sisters. We were supposed to spend our eighteenth birthday at the most relaxing spa in the country. Instead, we ended up stranded miles from civilization with no means of contacting the outside world and no way to pass the time. But that isn’t the worst part. Nikki—my eldest sister—suggested we play the game we invented when we were kids. Being the youngest, I was the first one to be bossed around. Only, instead of being at my sisters’ mercy for a mere hour, I would be their bitch for the entire day. Hopefully their requests wouldn’t be too malicious.
Candy and Nikki took turns ordering me around. As humiliating as some of the request were, I completed them without question. I knew that I could get back at them when their time came. Still, I could not help complaining when I was asked to drink the entire bottle of apple sider vinegar my sisters had found in one of the kitchen cupboards. I was about to try and talk them down to a single mouthful when a scratching sound filled the air.
“What is that?” asked Candy.
We all glanced around, but none of us could figure out where the sound was coming from.
“What is that?” asked Candy again. She always did this when she was agitated. Instead of thinking things, she would speak them aloud.
“Just shut up!” shot Nikki.
“You shut up!” retorted Candy.
I considered telling them both to shut up, but instead chose to investigate. I stood up and slowly spun around. The sound seemed to be coming from the front of the house. I crossed the living room, where my sisters and I had been playing our game, and found myself standing in the corridor. My new vantage point allowed me to identify the source of the noise. It was coming from the front door.
“What is it?” asked someone. I turned to find Candy and Nikki standing behind me.
“Something’s scratching at the door,” I explained. It was the only logical explanation. But the identity of the animal remained a mystery. More curious than afraid, I headed toward the door. I grabbed the doorknob and slowly twisted it.
The scratching stopped. I froze. Should I open the door or assume whatever creature had been making that noise was gone? Before I could decide, the animal in question pushed the door open. I released the knob and jumped back, slamming into my sisters. They grunted, but said nothing.
The door slowly swung open, revealing the noisemaker. It wasn’t a raccoon or a porcupine as I had secretly been fearing. It was a dog. A massive golden retriever with long, silky fur and floppy ears. He stood there, perfectly still and stared at us. His tongue hung from his mouth and his head was cocked to the side, as if he were trying to figure out who we were or what we were doing in his house.
“He’s so cute,” squealed Candy as she rushed forward and began petting the golden canine. I half expected him to bite her, but he barked excitedly and began wagging his tail. Encouraged by this, Candy started playing with him. Within seconds, the dog was on his back, whimpering joyfully as my sister rubbed his belly.
“I guess they have a dog,” said Nikki after a while, referring to the owners of the farm. I had nothing to add, so I simply nodded.
Candy rubbed the dog’s stomach for a while. Watching my sister play with an animal wasn’t exactly my idea of a good time, but the thought of drinking an entire bottle of vinegar kept me from speaking. Unfortunately, Nikki wasn’t as patient as me.
“Are you done?” she asked. It sounded like a simple question, but her tone was full of reproach.
“Why can’t you ever let me have fun?” demanded Candy.
“We’ve got a game to play,” reminded Nikki.
“What about the dog?” asked Candy.
“Bring him along,” suggested Nikki.
Candy broke out into a smile. Moments later, we were on our way back to the living room. I made sure I was the first one back and managed to hide the vinegar bottle under a couch cushion. Hopefully the dog’s arrival would keep them from noticing its disappearance.
“Whose turn is it?” asked Nikki.
“I’m not sure,” admitted Candy, who seemed more interested in the dog than in the game. “Why don’t you go?”
I considered pointing out it was actually Candy’s turn, but I feared that would remind them of the vinegar. So I just sat there and waited for my next command.
Nikki seemed to consider her options for a while, but I could tell she already knew what to ask of me. She was simply putting on a show, though for whose benefit I knew not.
“I need your help,” she told Candy. “Do you think you could get your hairy friend to come and sit in front of Barbie?”
“Of course,” assured Candy. Moments later, the golden retrieved sat before me. Since I was also seated on the floor, our heads were level. My sisters sat on either side of us. I couldn’t help wondering what Nikki would ask of me. All I knew was that the dog was involved and that did little to reassure me. In fact, my hands were shaking.
“Kiss him,” instructed Nikki, getting right to the point. That was so typical of her.
“Wh-Why?” was all I could come up with.
Nikki chuckled.
“Your job isn’t to ask questions. It’s to do whatever I ask. And I’m asking you to kiss him.”
I glanced at Candy. She seemed just as surprised as me. I returned my focus to Nikki and found her smiling. She clearly enjoyed watching me squirm.
“I won’t give her the satisfaction,” I thought. Moments later, my lips were being pressed to the animal’s. The kiss lasted only a second, but it was enough to allow the animal to lick my face, covering it in saliva. By the time I pulled away, I was dripping.
“See, it wasn’t that hard,” said Nikki.
I shot her an angry look, but said nothing. The more I fought, the worse things would get for me. The best thing to do was play along and hope a kiss was all Nikki had in mind. The only upside was that it was now Candy’s turn to challenge me. Candy had always been the shy one, the good girl. There was no way she would ever…
Candy spoke before I could finish the thought. And what she said was so unexpected I actually chocked on my own saliva. After nearly coughing up a lung, I started at her in disbelief.
“Pardon me?” I said, certain I had misunderstood.
“I said ‘make out with him’,” repeated Candy, making sure to enunciate every last word. One look at Nikki confirmed this was no joke. My eldest sister was beaming, no doubt proud of the effect her initiative had on Candy.
I couldn’t believe it. First Nikki. Now Candy. What the hell was going on? But as freaked out as I was by the unexpected turn of events, I knew I could not afford to refuse the command given to me. The harder I fought, the worse things would get. All I could do was play along and get back at my sisters when the time came.
I closed my eyes and leaned forward. My lips slowly parted as they neared the animal’s. I was planning on giving a few tongue flicks and pulling away, but the golden retriever took charge of the situation as soon as my mouth was within reach. He slipped his long, slimy tongue past my lips and began exploring my mouth. I was so surprised by the animal’s initiative that I momentarily lost control. By the time I regained my wits, I was passionately making out with him. Even more shocking were the soft moans that escaped my throat. I broke the kiss as soon as I realized what was happening.
The first thing I noticed was my sisters laughing. They had clearly enjoyed watching me make out with a dog. Candy seemed genuinely amused by the resulting humiliation, but there was a twinkle in Nikki’s eyes that told another story. I couldn’t figure out what it was until she gave her next command.
“Get undressed,” she instructed.
“Why?” I demanded to know.
“You’ll see,” was her enigmatic answer. The wink that accompanied it did little to reassure me. One look at Candy told me she had no idea what our sister was up to. The only way to figure that out was to remove my clothes, so that’s exactly what I did.
“Now lie down,” instructed Nikki as soon as I was naked. You may find this odd, but neither of my sisters seemed surprised at the sight of my naked body. Then again, they had both seen me naked dozens of times. It’s one of the advantages of having twin sisters. We all look alike, so there is really no point in being afraid to change in front of one another.
“Lick!” she said as soon as I was stretched out across the floor. At first I thought she was talking to me, but then something long and slimy slithered across my labia and the true nature of the situation finally dawned on me. Forcing me to kiss the dog. Asking me to remove my clothes. Getting me to lie down. It all made sense now.
I was afraid to look, but I knew I couldn’t simply ignore the perversity of the situation. It took a few seconds, but I finally found the courage to look. Sure enough, the golden retriever stood between my legs, his face buried in my pussy as his tongue massage my labia.
I didn’t know what to do. Part of me was freaking out, begging me to pry the animal’s tongue from my slit. But there was also anger. At Nikki, for forcing me into this, but also at myself for allowing it to happen. In the end, the predominant emotion turned out to be fear. Fear of what would happen if I refused to let the animal lick me. But even more terrifying was the thought of what would happen if I let events play out. What if I actually enjoyed being licked by an animal? What if I came? What if…
Nikki interrupted my train of thought by reminding me that I had no say in the matter. If I refused to do as she asked, which she now made clear was letting the golden retriever lick me to climax, both she and Candy would have no choice but to reject me as their sister. It was part of the pact we had made as kids. I wanted to tell her it was nothing more than a silly promise, but the look on her face told me she planned on upholding her end of the agreement. Candy seemed slightly more reticent, but she wasn’t one to argue. If Nikki chose to rebuke me, Candy would too. The mere thought of losing my sisters was enough to convince me to allow things to proceed unimpeded.
It took all the strength I had, but I let my head return to the floor and closed my eyes. My breasts jiggled as my chest rose and fell to the rapid rhythm of my breaths. My hands trembled. Pearls of sweat appeared on my forehead. But the worst part of all was the overpowering sense of excitement. There was something about the manner in which the dog’s tongue danced across my labia that made it impossible for me to remain indifferent. He worked my clit with such skill and zeal that soft moans began to fall from my lips. I struggled to keep them contained, but such a thing became impossible when his tongue slipped past my labia.
“Fuck!” I yelped as it slid into me. Deeper and deeper it travelled, until every last inch was stuffed inside my slit. I couldn’t believe how wet I was. In fact, I’d never felt this excited in my entire life. Perhaps it was the fact that bestiality was illegal. Or maybe it was the knowledge that my sisters were watching. But deep down I knew it was because this was my first sexual experience.
I told my sisters I lost my virginity to Sam David in the tenth grade, but the truth is all we did was kiss. Of course, he wanted to take things to the next level, but I wasn’t ready. So I remained a virgin. But when I got home, my sisters asked me how it went. I’m not sure why, but I lied. I told them Sam and I had sex and pretended like it was the greatest thing in the world. Within the next few months, both Candy and Nikki had their first sexual experiences.
I’m not sure how it happened. One second I was freaking out because a dog was furiously thrusting his tongue in and out of me and the next I was moaning like there was no tomorrow. Shame momentarily engulfed me, but it was quickly washed away by arousal. It coursed through my veins. It infused my every moan. It seeped from my every pore. I had never felt this aroused. In fact, I was so turned on that I soon felt an orgasm grow within me. But it was no ordinary orgasm. It was the single most powerful orgasm of my entire life.
At some point during the interspecies lick fest, I caught a glimpse of my sisters. Nikki watched the dog lick my slit, a broad smile curling her lips. As for Candy, she just sat there, a stunned expression on her face. I think she was even more shocked than I was by my perverse behavior. But all thought of my sisters faded the instant I reached the point of no return.
“Fuck!” I yelled. “I’m gonna cum!” Moments later, that’s exactly what happened. My pussy began to tremble. Within seconds, it was convulsing madly. Wave after wave of cum began gushing from the depths of the slit. The hot orgasmilk travelled around my lover’s tongue and gushed past my lips. I think he swallowed some of the cum, because the few drops that landed on my thighs failed to account for the geyser gushing out of me.
I moaned and writhed around in sheer ecstasy until the final squirt of cum left my cunt. Moments later, I lost all strength and had no choice but to lay there as my body slowly recovered. By the time my breathing had returned to normal and I was able to sit, my canine lover had licked away every last drop of cum. I’m pretty sure he had also licked away my arousal, because only an overpowering shame remained.
“I can’t believe I just lost my virginity do a dog!” I thought. But no matter how much I repeated it, the reality of the situation remained unchanged. I was seriously starting to freak out when Nikki gave me another command.
“Barbie,” she said in what could almost be interpreted as a casual tone, “Would you mind sucking this handsome canine’s dick?”
I was so surprised by the perversity of the request that I momentarily lost the ability to speak. When I finally regained control of my body, the words came pouring out.
“Are you fucking kidding me? That’s gross!”
Nikki just smiled.
“Need I remind you what will happen if you refuse to do as I ask?” she inquired.
She didn’t. I knew full well what would happen if I refused. But I no longer cared if my sisters rebuked me. There was no way in hell I would suck that dog’s cock. Or so I thought until Nikki I spoke the only words that could have changed my mind.
“I understand why you are reticent to continue down this path,” she admitted, “but it hardly seems fair this poor animal should suffer because of it. Does he not deserve to be compensated for his hard work?” That got me thinking long enough to allow my sister to keep talking.
“Deny it as you may, there is no doubt in my mind you enjoyed your first bestial experience. Though you now have doubts, can you deny it is only righteous that this beautiful animal be repaid in kind for services rendered?”
I wanted to tell her she was wrong, but I couldn’t. Every last word she had just spoken was true. I had enjoyed my first bestial experience. And it was only fair the golden retriever be repaid for the intense orgasm had given me. So, although I knew I would most likely regret it, I chose to ignore my feelings and turned my attention to the hairy animal.
I was shocked by what I discovered. The dog was not only aroused, but also fully prepared to receive what I now realize probably wasn’t his first blowjob. He lay on his back, a rock-hard member standing perfectly erect between his hind legs. Slightly bigger than the average human’s, it was a bright shade of red and came equipped with a large knot and a pointy tip. I could almost see the heat waft off of it. But it wasn’t until I wrapped my fingers around it that I truly understood how scorching it was. The mere touch of the stiff shaft was enough to lure a little arousal back to my body. More soon followed as I wrapped my lips around it. But it wasn’t until I began tentatively sliding it in and out of my mouth that arousal exploded within me.
I moaned in surprise. Or maybe it was appreciation. My lover’s cock felt so good sliding across my tongue. Then again it may have been the near-burning sensation that enveloped my lips. Whatever the cause, the facts remained unchanged. I now craved the taste of my lover’s hot cum, and nothing, not even my sisters, could keep me from getting it. But that didn’t mean I was willing to let them know just how much I enjoyed my first blowjob. As such, I kept quiet throughout the unforgettable experience.
I worked long and hard, refusing to give up until the animal’s shaft finally came to life. It thrashed around my mouth with such force that I had to grab hold of the base just to keep it under control. But it was forth it, because the first squirt of hot semen spilled into my mouth mere seconds later. I was so focused on keeping the animal’s shaft from escaping that I failed to note the orgasmilk’s flavor. However I do recall an intense warmth envelop me as the hot nectar slid down my throat. I swallowed squirt after squirt until my entire body felt like it was on fire. But still I kept swallowing. And sucking.
Time eventually lost all meaning. It could have lasted a few seconds like it could have gone on for an hour. All I know for sure is that I had never been so aroused. It took all the strength I had to keep from complaining when the final wave spilled into my mouth. I wanted to keep sucking, but doing that would mean putting an end to my secret infatuation. And the last thing I wanted was for my sisters to know how truly aroused I was.
I was about to pull away from my lover’s cock when Nikki’s voice filled my ears. I don’t recall the exact words, but the meaning was clear. She wanted me to keep sucking the golden retriever’s shaft. I didn’t know why, nor did I care. Only one thing mattered and that was continuing the blowjob. So I kept sucking, making sure to keep my lustful moans contained. My lover’s cock, which had momentarily lost its rigidity, soon started stiffening again. Within seconds, it was once again hard as rock. I was looking forward to another snack when Nikki spoke once more.
“Stop,” she commanded.
That was the last thing I wanted to do, but I knew how bad it would look if I refused. So I pulled away from the animal’s spear and turned to my sister. Nikki hadn’t moved. Even her smile remained.
“Am I done?” I asked, hoping neither of my sisters would pick up on the despair in my voice.
“Not exactly,” admitted Nikki. “In fact, you’re just getting started.”
A few minutes ago those words would have worried me, but hearing them now filled me with a great sense of excitement. What did Nikki have in store for me?
“I need you to get on all fours,” she explained, which left little doubt as to the nature of her plan. Sure enough, the golden retriever hopped up moments after I was in position. His front legs came to rest on either side of me as his hind ones forced his body forward. Moments later, the tip of his cock made contact with my labia.
I suddenly had a doubt. Mutual masturbation was one thing, but was I truly ready to have sex with this animal? He may have been a skilled lover, there was no denying how incredibly perverse the situation was. But in the end my arousal won out over my fear and I chose to let my lover dominate me.
Just as I was closing my eyes to better enjoy my first pounding, I caught a glimpse of Candy. She sat on the ground with her legs crossed and her hands resting on her knees. She would have looked quite relaxed if not for the look of total and utter disbelief that deformed her beautiful traits. I was the one about to have sex with a dog, yet she was the one freaking out. I half expected her to put her foot down and tell Nikki she had gone too far, but she just sat there, staring at me as my lover forced himself deep into me.
“Fuck!” I yelled as inch after inch slid into my slit. I was so wet my tight, virgin pussy had no trouble accommodating my lover’s rather imposing pole. In fact, I probably could have taken a few inches more. But this would have to do.
The golden retriever seemed to enjoy the feel of my tight slit wrapped around his shaft, because he remained deep inside me for a few seconds. A disappointed moan toppled from my lips when he finally got bored and pulled out. For a brief moment I regretted my lack of self-control. But then the pounding began and I stopped caring if my sisters knew just how turned on I was.
“Faster!” I begged, finally giving in to the arousal that filled me. I’m not sure if he understood me or not, but the studly dog increased the force and speed of his thrusts moments after the words left my lips. Within seconds he was drilling me with such intensity that I lost all control. Powerful moans shot past my lips, interrupted only by the occasional begging.
I didn’t hear a peep from either of my sisters, but I could tell what they were both thinking. Candy just sat there, staring at me in disbelief. This told me she couldn’t believe how much I seemed to be enjoying my first interspecies pounding. Nikki grinned broadly, which confirmed my suspicions. She was incredibly proud of her accomplishment. After all, it’s not every day a girl can claim to have convinced her sister to have sex with a dog.
I continued moaning for a while before the familiar sensation of impending climax enveloped me. I barely had time to mentally prepare myself before my body started shaking. Moments later, my pussy tightened, clamping down on my lover’s shaft with a death grip. Speaking of the studly animal, his cock began to convulse moments before my first squirt was released.
“Don’t stop!” I begged. He didn’t, and within seconds, powerful squirts began gushing past my lower lips. Moments later, my lover’s trembling shaft began leaking semen. It was now a blend of human and canine cum that flew past my lower lips. The feel of it raining down upon my body was unlike anything I had ever experienced. It was a sensation I would remember for the rest of my life.
My orgasm stretched on for ages. I was actually starting to worry when the final squirt oozed out of me. Moments later, my lover’s shaft grew still. It hovered inside me for a few more seconds, then slipped out. I groaned, though I couldn’t tell if it was in relief or disappointment. Just holding on to reality was a struggle.
I’m not sure how long I lay there, panting heavily, but when my strength finally returned, shame washed over me like a tidal wave. But as embarrassed as I was by the perversity of my actions, I could not suppress a deep sense of accomplishment. My lover may have been an animal, the fact remained that I was no longer a virgin, and that was something to be proud of. But then I opened my eyes and found my sisters staring at me. Candy was just as stunned as before. I expected Nikki to still be sporting her usual smile, but the corners of her mouth were no longer curled. In fact, she looked almost as shocked as Candy. She may have been the one responsible for my first sexual encounter, she clearly had not expected me to enjoy it so. For some odd reason, that hit me harder than the realization that I had lost my virginity to a dog.
“Are we done?” I asked. Unlike last time, I was actually hoping for a yes.
Nikki nodded. Candy just sat there, frozen. I took that to mean she shared her sister’s opinion. Jumping to my feet, I threw the canine one final glance, then hurried out of the living room. I ran upstairs and locked myself in the bathroom. I took a moment to gather myself. When it became clear that tears would not invade my eyes, I chose to give myself time to work out how I truly felt about my perverse actions. In the meantime, a hot shower should take care of ridding my body of all that cum.
By the time I joined my sisters downstairs, I was clean and clear-headed. I had accepted the reality of the situation. I had sex with a dog and I enjoyed it. So be it. What I hadn’t been able to accept was the fact that Nikki had forced me into my first sexual experience. As enjoyable as it had been, there was no denying her actions had been incredibly inappropriate. But I had a plan to get back at her. She would pay for everything she had forced me to endure.
@Eprise01 - She does finish them. Except for her one-shot fantasies, what she posts here is the first chapter of each series, and the remainder are for sale ($1 each).
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