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~Chapter 13~

The next morning, I walked into my new home to find my cell phone still on the charger. The mailbox was full and I had thirty-two text messages, all from Courtney.

“CALL ME NOW KELLY!” he yelled on the first voicemail.

I deleted all the messages.

“Hey mom,” I said once she picked up.

“Kelly? Where have you been? Courtney has been calling here all day.” She said.

“I left him, Mom.” I said.

She seemed to gasp.

“What? What happened?”

“He was cheating on me; he has been cheating for at least a year. I couldn’t deal with it anymore and I decided to leave.” I said turning the kettle on.

“So, you just moved out? He said he….”

“Yes, I moved out. I am filing this upcoming week.” I sighed.

“Does he know you know about the affairs?”

“Yes he knows, he refuses to give me a divorce, so he claims. I confronted him about it a while ago and he actually claimed to want to work things out. I don’t want to work on anything.” I told her.

“Oh Kelly…..”

“So I moved out, got a place and I am going through this.”

“Oh baby….”

“I am so hurt with him, I mean….. he has made me look like a fool, if you only knew mom.”

She sighed.

“I was afraid you two were having issues when you weren’t calling as much.” She said.

“I only really knew once I got the credit card statements, in my name and saw what he was buying. Then I saw him and her out to eat one time.” I told her.


“He had been lying to me for so long, lying about everything.” I confessed.

I sat on the couch, staring out the picturesque window.

“I couldn’t stay Mom.”

“I’m sorry honey, and you shouldn’t have to stay. Courtney has a lot of nerve. He probably isn’t divorcing you because he knows he can’t afford life without your income.” She said.

“Maybe, but while he was down at this mom’s house, I moved out. I shut off all the utilities in my name and I left.”


“I am done.” I said softly.

We talked a little longer, my mom was concerned that Courtney would try and find me. I didn’t care if he did. When I made the decision to be done, I meant it. There was no second chance of me going back.


“Kelly, your husband is here, asking for you.” My co-worker said.

I rolled my eyes, took off my latex gloves and walked to the nurses’ station.

“Kelly.” Courtney said.

I opened the door to the break room, telling him to come in.

“What do you want?” I asked putting my hands inside my scrub pockets.

“So you just leave, no word, nothing at all? What the hell is up with that?” he asked.

“Courtney, we have nothing to discuss. I told you I want a divorce and I meant that….”

“I told you I wasn’t giving you a divorce…..”

“It doesn’t matter what you say. Once the judge sees the evidence of you cheating on me, my petition will be granted. I do not want to be married to you anymore.”

“Kelly, you can’t just give up on us….”

“Why not? You did. You gave up on us every time you ate that woman’s pussy, or when you took me to her restaurant. I bet you two had a good laugh on that. You gave up on us when you bought her jewelry and whatever else you showered her with.” I said.

He looked down at the floor.

“I don’t want this. I don’t want you, I don’t want this marriage, I don’t want to look stupid anymore.” I said.

“You aren’t stupid; you don’t look stupid either.”

“Not anymore, because I left.”

“So you leave and shut everything off?”

“Yes, I don’t need to pay for a place I am no longer at. I will pay the mortgage, only because it benefits me to do so, since the house is partially in my name. But, I am not paying any utilities or insurances. I am filing papers on Monday, I have retained an attorney. You are not welcomed at my job anymore.”


“Any communication you want to have, needs to be through my attorney.”

“Kelly…. I am not going to make this easy for you.”

“Do whatever you want, I will notify my supervisors and security. My family is aware of the situation…”

“You told your mother?”

“Yes, when you called her all night, she called me. I told her what was going on, so if you want to try something….. just know you will be the first suspect.” I said shrugging my shoulders.

“Really? You think I would hurt you?”

“You already have, if you can eat another woman’s pussy and then come home and kiss me, clearly I put NOTHING past you.”

He dropped his head in shame.

“Now, if there is nothing else….. I have work to get back to.” I said opening the door.

“This conversation isn’t over.”

“Yes it is….. we have nothing else to talk about, nothing to fight for. You had multiple affairs and treated me like I was shit. You ignored me, you betrayed me. I wasn’t perfect, but I was good to you. I put up with you. I loved you and you decided it wasn’t good enough, you wanted little Miss Brazilian weave. So….. call her, see if you can live with her. See if you two can make it work out.” I said.

He shook his head.

“Oh wait…. She saw you cheat on your wife and now she doesn’t want you either, right? After all, if you can cheat with her, you sure as hell will cheat on her…..”

He sighed heavily.

“Get the fuck out of here Courtney. We are done.” I said.

“I’m not going to make this easy.” He said as he walked out.

~Chapter 14~

Three weeks later, I found myself sitting at the bar at ‘Debauchery’. It was a slow night, I didn’t even come to see anyone or be with anyone, it was just something to do. I looked around the room, there were three other couples, all sitting around talking. As usual, everyone was dress provocatively. I opted for a simple black dress and heels.

Courtney was avoiding being served the divorce papers. I was left with no choice but to serve him at work. I wasn’t out to embarrass the man, but, I had no choice at that point. Serving at him made him highly upset. He called my phone cursing and screaming. It got so bad, I went ahead and changed my number, blocked him from my Facebook account and notified my job that he was not to come near me. It amazed me that he wanted to now fight for our marriage after the woman he cheated with didn’t want him. Yeah, I heard from mutual friends that she ended things as soon as he told as he told her he was leaving me.

“Hello there.” A woman said.

I looked up at her.

“Hi.” I smiled warmly.

“Is this seat taken?” she asked.

I moved my clutch purse.

“No, sorry.”

She sat down and ordered a drink.

I looked at her, she was a slim build white woman. she had strawberry blonde hair that hung down her back. Her nails were manicured, her dress clung to her curves. I immediately noticed her ‘Pleasures’ perfume she was wearing.

“Are you new here?” she asked.

I looked at her. She had clear blue eyes.

“No, I am not. Are you?”

I assumed she wasn’t the way she ordered the drink as if she had been here before.

“No, I come here a lot.” She said.

I nodded.

“I am Janine.” She said.

“Hi, I am Kelly.”

I shook her hand.

“So why are you sitting here all alone, no fella to catch your attention?”

I shook my head.

“Wasn’t really in the mood for that tonight.”

I looked around the room.

“I hear ya, sometimes it’s like that.”

She picked up her drink and sipped it slowly.

“What brings you in tonight?” she asked.

I smiled to myself.

“I am going through a divorce and pretty much wanted to just get away.”

She nodded her head.

“Sorry to hear that.”

I shrugged.

“He was cheating and when I found out…. It was just time to go.”

“My parents are divorced, probably the reason I won’t ever get married.” She said sighed.

I sipped my drink.

“Is that what brought you here?”

I nodded.

“Yeah, I didn’t realize how much I have missed out being married to a man who never tapped into my sexual side.”

“Ahhh….. so this is kind of your sexual awakening?”

“Yeah, you can say that.” I laughed.

“No judgement, I understand, I was the same way…. Before college.”

“I’m enjoying the experience though.” I told her.

We sat there and talked for about twenty minutes. It was the first time I had a decent female conversation in months. Just as I sipped my second drink, a short white guy walked up. He was balding and had a beer belly. He wore glasses that looked more like bi-focals than anything else. He wore a white shirt and pants that clearly were too short for him. I know my face betrayed my confusion. He walked up with confidence.

“Janine, there you are.” He said.

“Roger…. Hi baby.” She said standing up.

Once she stood up, I saw just how much she towered over him. Janine had to easily be five foot ten, while Roger was no more than five foot five.

“Roger, this is Kelly.”

I shook his head.

“Why don’t you join us.” She suggested.

I saw Roger’s eyes grow wide. I wasn’t sure if it was excitement or trepidation.

“Oh nooooo, no…. thank you though.” I said politely seeing the relief on Roger’s face.

She grabbed her purse as Roger began walking off.

“Trust me….” she leaned in and whispered.

I looked at her.

“He is nothing like how he looks.”

I smiled. She read my mind.

I watched them walk off, probably to a room, while I sipped my drink. Once I was done, I went to a room upstairs, turned on a TV and found a couple in the hot tub fucking. I masturbated while watching them, before falling asleep, alone.

~Chapter 15~

“My client is requesting spousal support.” Courtney’s attorney announced.

My eyes got big.

“What?” I exclaimed.

“No need to worry, your client is not getting a cent from my client.” My attorney announced.

“I should be compensated, hell…. When we first got married, I paid all the bills so she could go to nursing school.” Courtney said.

My attorney seemed to ignore Courtney.

“Would you like to keep the house?” my attorney asked him.

“No, I can’t afford the house without a second income.” He said, his eyes shooting darts at me.

I shrugged.

“Well that settles that, the house will be sold and the profits will be divided….”

“No.” I interjected.

Everyone looked at me.

“I will sign off on selling the house, Courtney can have all the profits from the sale.”

Courtney’s eyes got big.


“No, this is what I want.” I told my attorney.

“Ok…. There are no children, there are no pets.” She continued.

“I don’t want anything; I would like to go back to my maiden name.”

Courtney’s attorney whispered something to him.

“We will accept that.” He announced.

“Good, let’s get this written up and once both parties sign off on it, we will get it to a judge.” My attorney said.

“Are we done?” I asked.

“Yes ma’am, you are done.”

As I left the conference room and headed to the elevator, Courtney ran after me.

“Kelly, stop….”

“No, this is the last time we will talk and we should leave it at what just transpired in that conference room.” I said.

“I am sorry.”

“No, you are sorry you got caught.” I said.

He dropped his head.

“I’m not though….” I smiled and walked onto the elevator, pushing the button for the lobby.

~Chapter 16~

“Good evening.” I said seeing Janine at the bar later that evening.

“Well hello, how are you gorgeous?” she asked.

“I am good, great…. My divorce came to a settlement.”

“Congratulations! We must celebrate.” She said touching my leg and calling the bartender over.

“How are you?” I asked.

“I am good, I was supposed to meet Roger tonight, but he had to cancel. I am slightly disappointed.”

“Sorry to hear that.”

“But… you are here, so that’s good, I can at least have some fun.”

I was busy looking around the room, not really catching that emphasis on the last part.

Janine and I sat and talked for about fifteen minutes, the champagne was hitting my system and I was ready to go lay down.

“Let’s go for a walk.” She suggested.


We walked down to the basement and I followed her into the chocolate and red color themed room.

“Damn, this is sexy.”

“Yeah, Roger and I usually choose this room when its available.”

“You really like him huh?”

“I like what he does.”

I nodded and sat down on the bed. Janine sat down next to me, moved my hair out of my face.

“You really are beautiful.” She whispered.

I smiled and finished my drink.

“Thank you.” I said nervously.

“So this sexual journey you have been on…. how is going?”

“Well I am here, I have experienced a lot, that’s for sure.”

“Have you ever been with a woman?” she asked.

“No.” I said quickly.

“No? Ever wanted to?”

I shrugged.

“Never really thought about it.” I said honestly.

She turned some music on before facing me.

“Close your eyes.” She ordered.

I cleared my throat nervously but closed my eyes.

“Just breathe.” She said softly.

I could feel her moving closer. Her hand rested on my thigh, I jumped at first, but then I calmed down.

I felt her lips on mine, at first resting. They were soft, like silk. I wasn’t sure what to do, I froze. Her tongue gently licked my bottom lip, trying to find a way in. Without thinking, I invited Janine’s tongue in. Her soft hands cupped my face as she kissed me. I had never in my life been kissed like that. I didn’t know if it was because she was a woman or what, but it was simply perfect.

We made out softly for what seemed like eternity, but was more around ten or so minutes. My hands were free to touch her hair, her cheeks and her collarbone. She was soft. I could only hope I was as soft to her as she was to me. Just as I was getting used to my first kissing experience with a woman, Janine leaned into me, causing me to fall back onto the bed. My eyes opened.

“Don’t worry.” She smiled.

“What…. What are you doing?” I asked.

“Just trust me.”

She smiled warmly.

Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was curiosity, but I decided to go for it. I lay back comfortably, staring at the ceiling. Janine’s hand rested on my stomach. She kissed my neck, softly and delicately. She moved her kisses from my neck down to my chest area, kissing along my collarbone. It was the single most erotic moment of my life. She carefully unbuttoned my dress, exposing my black lace bra. I didn’t stop her. My mind and my body were on two different pages. My mind was racing, but my body was excited by her touch. She reached her hand down, inside my dress until she reached my lace panties. I didn’t know what to do. Her mouth was still trailing soft kisses; her hands were exploring me.

Janine sat up and moved to the end of the bed. She said nothing as she reached under my dress and pulled my panties off. I wanted to hide under the covers, but I couldn’t move. Was I really getting turned on by a woman touching and kissing me? Did this make me a lesbian? Was I bi-sexual now all of sudden? My mind was running a thousand miles an hour as I laid there. Once my panties were off, Janine methodically finished the buttons on my dress.

“You ok?” she asked.

I nodded.

“Just relax.”

I took a deep breath as her hands ran up and down my thighs. She sat back and admired my body.

“You are beautiful.” She said.

I smiled.

She unclasped the front of my bra before licking one of my nipples.

“Ooooo” I moaned.

Her mouth felt heavenly on me. The moment she licked my nipple, I made up in my mind that I would enjoy this.

Janine licked on my nipples, using only her tongue. Her hands were rubbing my inner thighs and grabbing my ass. She wasn’t rough, she was exactly what I had never experienced before. She was feminine in her touch.

I closed my eyes as she kissed down my stomach. I thought maybe she would only use her fingers but just as I began to get comfortable, Janine opened the folds of my pussy. Her finger grazed my engorged clit and I jumped. I think she enjoyed that. She gave me a devilish smile as she buried her head inside me. I had no words for what I was experiencing. Janine’s tongue did wonders to my body. She brought to the most amazing orgasm I could have ever imagined. The way she took my clit into her mouth, her tongue made love to my pussy. She wasn’t rough, she wasn’t shy either. She controlled my pussy in a way that only another woman would understand. I came over and over again. Each time harder than the last. She didn’t mind having my pussy juices all over her mouth, she seemed to savor the taste.

“Oh my God.” I said looking at the ceiling.

“How was that?” she asked grabbing a tissue.

“I have no words.” I smiled.

“Good, I love a first timer.”

“Should I do you now?”

“No, this was about you. When you are ready and if you want, I can teach you.”

I nodded.

She leaned over me and kissed me. I could taste my pussy on her tongue. She had a remnant of flavored lip gloss that I could taste as well.

“I have never….”

“I know.” She smiled.

I lay there as Janine cleaned herself up.

“I will be at the bar if you want to join me, if not, I will see you next time Kelly.” She said before leaving out the door.

~Chapter 17~

~One Month Later~

I hadn’t seen Janine since my intro-lesbian experience. It was August 28th. I had plans to go to the club that evening. I was sitting in my kitchen, clipping coupons when the doorbell rang.

“FedEx.” The man yelled.

I opened the door and signed for the FedEx envelope.

“Thanks.” I said closing the door, inspecting the package.

In the Superior Court of Fulton County

State of Georgia

I sat down as I read the enclosed paperwork. Tears streamed down my face.

That night I walked into the club, a new swag in my walk. I was more confident that I had felt in a long time.

“Good evening.” I said to Koogi.

“Well, long time no see.” He said.

I hugged him.

“Are you here with anyone?”

“Of course not.”

“Then let’s get out of here.” I whispered.

I took his hand and led him downstairs.

“Are you sure you want to be on camera?” he asked.

“Yes, unless you don’t want to…”

“No, I am fine with it.” He said.

We walked into a room and I locked the door.

“What’s gotten into you?”

“Well…. A lot actually.” I said taking my shoes off.

“Do tell.” He smiled.

“I will, but first….”

I straddled him on the bed and kissed his neck.

“I missed you.” I whispered.

“I can tell.”

I unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his beautifully sculpted chest.

“I’ve been so busy working…” he began.

I smiled as I kissed him, taking his face in my hands. He pulled my dress over my head, breaking our kiss momentarily. I unfastened my bra, dropping it to the floor. Koogi grabbed my breasts rubbing them and playing with the nipples as he kissed my chest.

“Damn, I missed you.” I said breathlessly.

I held on to him as he switched positions, laying me on the bed. He sat up and pulled my thong panties off. He licked his thumb and began rubbing my clit. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation that his hands brought to my body. Koogi bent down and kissed my stomach, my belly button and down to my pussy. He opened my legs and kissed my inner thighs. I ran my hands over his head as he flicked his tongue over my clit. He pushed my legs up in the air, I was unable to move as he helped himself to all of my juices. I couldn’t stop myself from cumming over and over again. I could only grab the pillow and cover my face as I screamed in sheer pleasure.

“Stop…. Koogi stop!” I begged out of control.

He sat up started rubbing my clit. I couldn’t handle the sensation as I squeezed my legs shut, trying to get away from him.

“Stop, just let me breathe.” I said panting. My head was starting to hurt with a headache from the intense orgasm.

“Need to catch your breath?”

I nodded and turned on my stomach, trying to regain my composure. Koogi had no mercy as he turned me over and eased his dick into me. I gulped for air as he went inside me.

“Hold on to me.” he said.

I grabbed hold to his muscles as he started pounding me.

“This is what you wanted?” he asked.

“Yeah daddy….. fuck this pussy baby.” I said, surprised at how bold I was feeling.

Koogi was on autopilot. His eyes were closed and he was fucking me to the beat of the headboard hitting the bed.

“Cum in me baby…” I said as I grabbed his ass. I squeezed his cheeks as he picked up more speed.

“Oh my Gooooodddddd” he yelled as he came deep inside me.

“Oh shit that feels good.”

I fell back on the bed as Koogi collapsed on top of me.

“I needed that.” I said beginning to laugh.

“I can tell…. What got into you?” he asked.

I sighed.

“My divorce was finalized today.” I said.

His head propped up.

“Wow, really?”

I nodded.

“How do you feel?”

“Free.” I said staring at the ceiling.

“Damn, no wonder you went all National Geographic on me.”

“It’s been a long time coming.” I explained.

“I know it has, even you have come a long way.” He said moving over and lying next to me.

I rubbed his head.

“What now?” he asked.

“Now, I look at maybe buying a house, enjoying life.”

“Will you stay here? At the club?”

I shrugged.

“I don’t know; this isn’t reality for me. I can’t even imagine having a meaningful relationship in my life and this club being a part of it.”

“Well true…. But for now, you don’t need a relationship, hell, this place can be your therapy.” He explained.

I looked at him, deep in his eyes, and smiled.

“Therapy huh?”

He nodded.

“You need to heal…. And in the meantime, you can continue having fun. This doesn’t have to be the end, hell, if anything, it’s the beginning.” He said.

“Interesting point.” I told him.

“Think about it.”

“I am entering a new chapter.”

“Ok, so then enter the new chapter and we can all help you.”

I laughed.

“You just don’t want to see me leave.

“No, I don’t, look at far you have come. When I first met you…. You were so shy and closed off, now you have really found your sexuality. Next step is to explore it and experience more.” He said before climbing back on top of me for round two.

~The End~

Debauchery: The Invitation


2017-03-11 17:21:47
This series is amazing!!! Please keep it going

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-27 03:58:44
Simply amazing. Please write more!!! Omg. This series is everything!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-11 13:11:46
This was an amazing series. You HAVE TO CONTINUE WITH IT!!!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-09-19 09:26:44
I read on the forum there's going to be a second installment, is that true?

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-09-19 09:03:26
More!!! I want to know what happens now that she is turned out

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