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Laura, a lesbian, has been blackmailed into a life of degradation and hypnotic conditioning to turn her into slutty rape-bait...
Chapter 33

Laura's new work arrangements started the next day. She was moved, along with Katy, Taylor and Candy, to an out-of-the way area on the second floor, with doors that locked and no windows. Alistair worked just nearby. He started the morning by getting a blowjob from Laura while Taylor licked his ass, then he removed the girls' clothes, leaving them naked, and locked them in the room from the outside. They had computers, and were able to do a certain amount of work, but their real job was just to be sexually accessible. At times during the day, John or Harrison or Chelle or Alistair would come in to fuck one or more of the girls. John always liked anal, and Laura soon learned to accept his cock into her tight virginal ass. Chelle always wanted her pussy licked, which was difficult for Laura to do with no men watching or enjoying it - Chelle usually had to force Laura's head against her cunt. Harrison preferred fucking the girls in the cunt and cumming inside them, while Alistair's preference remained getting blowjobs, or even just jacking off over the girls' faces and tits.

They were not let out during the day. Alistair offered to bring them bowls of dog food if they wanted lunch, but the girls declined. If they needed to piss, they used each other's mouths. A water cooler in one corner kept them hydrated in a more normal fashion. Mostly Laura spent the day just playing idly with her pussy and staring at the tits and cunts of the other girls.

She was not popular with the other girls, of course. She was directly responsible for all of their enslavements. But Alistair made it clear he was watching them and wouldn't permit them to damage each other - that was *his* prerogative.

During this time she made arrangements for Taylor to move in with her. She was definite that she wanted Taylor as her new girlfriend. The arrangement would humiliate Erica, which made Laura wet, and it would also give her access to another cunt to degrade and hurt to make Laura feel better. Raping Erica was no longer sufficient for Laura to express her intenalised horror and disgust at her own behaviour; she needed a fresh bitch to play with and hurt in order to deal with her own sluttiness and trauma.

Alistair supported Laura in this, and told Taylor she would do as Laura said and be her obedient little slut or Alistair would punish her. Taylor reluctantly said that she would start sleeping at Laura's in two nights' time.

After work, Laura went to the Mayim Clinic. Amy and Roy were delighted to see her. They stripped her naked, and then Roy fucked Laura and came inside her pussy, and then Amy had Laura lick her cunt. Afterwards, they had Laura piss on a stick. Laura just obeyed, not even thinking, and didn't even realise what it was until Amy came back with the "good news".

Laura was pregnant. By her brother. She would have her brother's baby.

They made her ring Erica to give her the good news. "Erica, honey," Laura said into the phone as Amy pumped a vibrator in and out of Laura's pussy, "Daniel got me pregnant. I'm going to have Daniel's baby."

"Make her come in and get tested too," said Roy.

"Can you come to Mayim Clinic in town?" Laura gasped. "You're probably pregnant to Daniel too. You need to come and have a test."

They put Laura on the training machines while they waited for Erica. The tape today gave Laura a happy stimulus in her cunt whenever the images on screen associated women with animals, or with garbage, and shocked her whenever they showed women doing people things like reading or wearing clothes. Laura watched it happily and orgasmed three times.

When Erica arrived she didn't even question what this place was or what it was for. Nor did she object when Roy helped her out of her clothes. Erica did nothing these days but submit to what was happening to her. The submission irritated Laura. She missed when she had been able to horrify and hurt Erica. Taylor would be much more fun, she though.

Erica pissed docilely on a stick for Amy, then submitted as Roy stuck his cock into her cunt and started to rape her. Amy waited for the results, and then confirmed that Erica, too, was pregnant.

The two researchers had the girls kneel, and then explained how things were going to go from here.

"Your journey is almost complete, Laura," said Amy. "You know we've been training you to be a good little slut. You've done very well. You've become an obedient little fucktoy who lets men do whatever they want with her, and you helped pass on what you're learning to Erica and to so many other girls. I'm pleased with you, and your blackmailer is too."

Laura jumped a little. She had suspected her blackmailer and the clinic must be working together. Now she knew for sure.

"Now you're pregnant by your brother, who is going to regularly rape you for the rest of your life. The only money you make is from fucking men. You willingly rape and enslave your female friends. You eagerly drink piss and cum. You exhibit your body for strangers. And now that you're pregnant your tits are finally going to swell up with milk and make you a useful little moo cow."

Laura was silent. This was all true.

"So the last little bit of our training is going to take away the last of your humanity. You've seen a little in tonight's training tape. We're going to teach you that you're not a person, you're a fucktoy, you're a big-titted moo-cow bitch. We're going to teach you to deliberately seek out your own degradation, to beg to be hurt and humiliated for the pleasure of men. By the time we're done there will be nothing left of Lesbian Laura, and only a wet needy cunt that used to think it was a human."

Laura was still silent.

"Are you pleased by that, Laura?" Amy asked.

Laura was not pleased but she knew what Amy wanted. "Yes, Amy, thank you for teaching me I am a garbage sex-toy and not a person."

Amy lifted her high-heeled foot and viciously kicked Laura in her melons. "That's not what cows say, bitch," she corrected Laura.

Laura thought about Katy on the floor at Alistair's house. Her face flushed. "Moooooo...." she said quietly.

"Good cow," said Amy.

After that, Roy prescribed the girls additional vitamins to promote breast growth. He said if they took two a day, their tits would get bigger faster and their milk would come in sooner and stronger. Laura was already ashamed of her big slutty tits and didn't really want them to get bigger but she knew she would obey.

He also gave them a case of bottles of nutrient drink. He told them this was everything their baby needed in terms of vitamins and so forth, which was important because he knew they drunk a lot of piss now. As long as they took one of these a day they could drink all the piss they wanted without it hurting the baby. He said the nutrient drinks were special, with a little dog semen mixed into them, just so the girls would be degraded even drinking their health food.

Then Roy fucked Erica - just because he could - and both girls were finally released.

They didn't go home yet though. Laura had a shift at the Pretty Titty. She decided to take Erica too, and sign her up to work there as well. They bumped into Katy, who Alistair also required to work as a whore, and Laura got to tell Katy that she and Erica were pregnant moo-cows like Katy too now. Then all three girls separated to service their johns and spend the rest of the night being fucked for money.

The next day after work, Daniel came to visit Laura and Erica. He started his visit by pissing in Erica's mouth and then fucking Laura's cunt. Afterwards, Laura told them her news - that she and Erica were pregnant by him.

Daniel took it fairly well, all things considered. He called them stupid cunts for getting pregnant, which was fair. He told them that as they were stupid sluts, it would be their job to raise the children, but he would make all the relevant decisions in the matter, which Laura again agreed was fair. The girls would be forbidden from claiming he was the father - that would only distress people - and would instead say they didn't know who the father was because they had fucked so many men. This was technically true - Laura had had the cum of other boys in her twat during her last menstrual cycle, but she knew in her heart that it was Daniel who had knocked both of them up.

Laura showed Daniel the supplements the Mayim Clinic had given her. Daniel agreed they were a good idea - Laura would look prettier with big, milky boobs, and it was important that she still be able to drink piss in large quantities.

Laura also told Daniel that Taylor would be moving in as her new girlfriend.

This was the first Erica had heard of this, and despite all the trauma Erica had received, this still got through to her. She burst into tears at the news she would now be Laura's secondary girlfriend-slash-pet.

"There, there," said Laura, kissing Erica's hair and twisting her clitoris to try and get her to shut up. "This is what you deserve for being such a cock-hungry fake lesbian. You got pregnant from my brother's cock. What kind of stupid slut would I be if was okay with my girlfriend carrying my brother's baby? You're a dumb little fake lesbian bitch and you'll make a much better pet than a girlfriend."

Erica wouldn't stop crying though, so in the end Laura asked Daniel to stick his cock in Erica's mouth for the rest of the conversation to gag her. Daniel complied, and held her face hard against his groin while she sobbed quietly, her mouth full of his dick.

For Daniel's part, he only had one question: would he be able to rape Taylor too? Laura assured him that he would. "You can do anything to Taylor you would do to me," she told him, and he kissed her on the lips to say thankyou even while he orgasmed and ejaculated into Erica's mouth.

The next night, Taylor moved in. Laura had told her that she would not need any posessions except her sluttiest clothes, so she brought nothing but a very small bag. Laura showed her around the house, pointing out the dildoes Taylor would be required to sit on, the toilet she was forbidden to use, the area out back where she was to piss and shower in public, and the bed where she would sleep naked with Laura in full view of the street. Taylor was horrified by all this but Laura licked her cunt in the bedroom until the endorphins started to overwhelm Taylor's brain and made it all easier for her.

Daniel came round again too, with some purchases he had made. The first was an adorable little dog-basket for the foot of Laura's bed. It was just the right size for Erica to sleep in it curled up. She could lie there at night and listen to Taylor and Laura fucking and think about what a disgusting fake-lesbian slut she had been and finger her pussy until her brain turned off.

He had a set of dog bowls too, with names printed on them - "LAURA", "ERICA", "TAYLOR". He set these on the kitchen floor and told the girls this was what they would eat from now.

He also had several large tubs, that he moved into Laura's fridge. He explained he was concerned that sluts like Laura and her friends should eat food that was appropriate for them - nutritious for the baby, degrading for the slut. More importantly, it should be cheap, to make up for the various ways Laura was costing him money.

The first tub was full of dog food - wet, slimy dog food. Daniel said it would form the bulk of their meals now - he could buy it in bulk and it was dirt cheap. It contained most of the vitamins they would need.

The second tub was full of dog semen. This, he said, was NOT cheap to collect, but in the course of his business he had come across a farmer in the area who had his wife, daughter and girlfriend milk this daily from their large kennel of dogs, and who would sell it at a loss just to see it go to a good home - that is, the mouth of a slut. Daniel had had it enriched with the remainder of the vitamins the girls would need to be healthy, plus some mild aphrodisiacs to keep them wet and slutty and some mild sedatives to keep them stupid and obedient.

He filled three bowls with the slimy dog food chunks and then poured a generous sauce of dog sperm over the top, before directing the girls to eat their dinner. They did - Erica numbly, Taylor extremely reluctantly and only after having her face physically pushed into the bowl, and Laura with some genuine enjoyment. The meat chunks were gross but the sperm sauce was delicious and she felt her cunt wettening with every mouthful. She knew she shouldnt't feel this way, and part of her deep inside was disgusted and humiliated by her response, but it was much less stressful to be happy about what was happening than upset by it so she locked that protesting part of herself away.

The third tub was piss - a mix of human, dog and horse urine - and the girls were told this was all they would be drinking now. They were encouraged to warm cups of piss up in the microwave before drinking them for the best experience. He had connected a device to their water mains outside which would inject a small flow of emetic into the house's water - it was still fine to shower in, but it would make them sick if they tried to drink it.

Daniel spent the rest of the night raping Taylor, with Laura assisting, or watching Laura rape Taylor while he masturbated. After each session, Erica would be called up from the foot of the bed to lick everyone's genitals clean, then sent back to her basket. This continued until everyone was exhausted, and fell asleep...

(To be continued....)


2016-11-28 20:52:40
Did you stop writting? Please continue.


2016-10-12 11:18:57
I dont find this story intresting anymore because it seems everything thats happening is too easy and there is no resistance at all from the girls. I feel that story lost the charm that it had in the beggining. You should make them more reluctant or just start a new story.

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