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The preacher's sinful daughter is eager for her first time with a woman while her daddy watches!
Becoming Daddy's Good Girl
Chapter Four: Sinning with a Woman
By mypenname3000
Copyright 2016

“You take care of your father,” Mother said as she stood in the foyer of our house, the summer heat spilling in through the open, front door.

“Of course I will,” I said, trying to keep the naughty smile off my lips. I would take care of him so well. A weekend without Mother. She was about to leave on her annual women's retreat. It was every July. I have been waiting for this weekend.

Tomorrow night, Daddy promised me a treat. Finally, he had found the woman who would have a threesome with us. I shuddered, anticipating the wicked, sensual delight of being with a woman, to hold her breasts—I loved squeezing my Double D's—kiss her stomach, and to lick her pussy.

Especially that.

I loved tasting my own tart musk. After masturbating, I would always lick my fingers clean of my juices. And after a man has cum in my pussy, I had the salty treat to clean up, mixing both naughty flavors together. A hot shiver ran through my eighteen-year-old body.

Was there ever a preacher's daughter more sinful than me?

I gave blowjobs to my classmates for a dollar, I sold my pussy for $5, and my ass for $7. For the last three Fridays, I've danced at the Pink Velvet, an all-nude go go dancing club. I strip naked before the men, then work the room, giving intimate lap dances all while Daddy watches.

And even he pays for my pussy. The right, honorable Reverend Gary Powell, shepherd of Thousand Oaks Methodist, decrier of all manner of sexual immorality, fucked my cunt. My body was too tempting for him to resist.

I made him sin over and over in my sucking mouth, my wet cunt, and my tight asshole.

“You are growing up into such a fine, young woman,” Mother said, a big smile on her lips. She looked around, then bent in, whispering, “So I want you to be extra careful this weekend while I'm gone. I know the summer heat will drive you to the public pool. The boys will be there, their lecherous gazes trying to see your flesh. Be as modest as possible and don't let them excite you into sinning. You have to be a pure, young woman. Only in marriage, and then only for procreation, is sex permitted.”

“I've heard all of Father's sermons,” I said, trying not to crack a smile. Daddy was such a hypocrite. He could lecture on sexual immorality to the congregation while his dick was still wet with my barely legal cunt.

If Mother wasn't such a prude, Daddy might have all the sexual satisfaction he could need from her. He wouldn't be tempted by Donna Paxtor or me or the other sinful ladies of our church. He wouldn't cheat on Mother.

But then I wouldn't have learned the joys of being a whore. I would still be repressed by my mother's lectures and my father's sermons. I would love to seduce Mother, to show her how wonderful sex truly could be. As she hugged me, her large breasts pressing into mine, separated by our blouses and bras, I imagined kissing her, guiding her, seducing her.

Maybe it was a project I should consider after I've been with a woman.

As she went to kiss my cheek, I turned my head. Our lips brushed, warm and wet. My mother froze for a moment, then she pulled back, spots of color dancing on her cheeks. “Alexandra, why did you turn your head?”

“Sorry, Mother,” I said, feigning innocence. “I wasn't thinking.”

“I hope it wasn't a boy making you spacey,” she said, shaking her head, her blonde hair—styled like Jackie Kennedy's, who Mother thought embodied the modern woman—dancing about her neck. “That can lead to the sinful act of self-pleasure. Even that will ruin you.”

I gave a big smile. “No, no, just thinking about the ministering Father and I have been doing on the Sunset Strip. All those men I've helped.”

With my cunt. Ministering to the homeless on Sunset Strip was the excuse Daddy gave to cover our trips to the Pink Velvet Club.

“I am so proud of you,” Mother gushed. “You are turning into a fine, young, Christian woman. You'll make your husband very happy.”

“She will,” Daddy said, announcing his present with a booming voice.

Mother and I both turned. Daddy wore a black suit, looking so handsome and authoritative. His face chiseled and strong, his shoulders broad. Even the wings of gray streaking back from his temples through his dark hair made him seem so experienced, so sexy. He moved with confidence. It was no wonder my pussy clenched and my nipples hardened at the sight of him. I gave him a smile, hoping he loved how innocent I looked in my conservative dress and pigtails. I even wore white, knee-high socks that just reached the hem of my skirt.

“Well, it is time for me to go,” Mother said, embracing Father. “I see Suzette is pulling up. Take care of yourself, darling.”

Daddy embraced mother, and she planted two chaste kisses, one on each of his cheeks, her hands resting lightly on his hips. Then she broke away, snagging her blue, hard-sided suitcase in a tight grip.

“Take care, dear,” Daddy said as she strode out.

“I will,” she nodded.

Then she was marching out to Suzette Donnar's car, two other ladies already crowded into the Studebaker. They were off to the retreat. I should go, too. At eighteen I was old enough. But Mother didn't press it, and I wasn't about to volunteer. The Studebaker trundled off, the women off to their conference at the Millennium Biltmore in LA. I shuddered, watching them vanish.

And then Daddy handed me the silver dollar. I clutched the coin tight as he lifted my skirt, already tempted into sinning with me. I closed the door and shuddered as he pressed me up against it. He ripped down my panties and found me wet and dripping.

As Daddy fucked me, I imagined who we would have a threesome with tomorrow. Redheaded Donna Paxtor, the woman who I had spied Daddy fucking and led to my sexual awakening; the flirty Missy D, a busty brunette dancer at the Pink Velvet I had such a crush on; or another woman; blonde and busty Mrs. Carpenter, my Sunday School teacher; one of my teachers from school, like Miss Wendal, seduced at a parent/teacher conference; another housewife from church bored in her marriage; one of the girls from church, girls who were no longer my friend because they knew the rumors of my schoolyard blowjobs; or someone I didn't even know. I knew Daddy had other lovers besides me and Donna Paxtor.

He was such a virile man. But he never revealed them to me. Just like he didn't reveal my existence to them.

As I came on Daddy's cock, such wonderful, wicked thoughts shot through my mind. What would it be like to have a threesome with another woman and Daddy? I had enjoyed Daddy and another man several times. Last Friday, at the Pink Velvet, I had Daddy in my pussy and Emmy, the club's owner, reaming my ass.

Emmy loved my asshole.

“Sinful harlot,” Daddy grunted in my ear as he pulled out of me. “Mmm, you need to get ready for ministering tonight.”

“Yes, Daddy,” I shuddered. Tonight, I could leave in my go go dancer outfit. No changing to keep Mother from finding out. I loved being a wicked whore.


Dancing at the club helped to control my eagerness. Last night, I was too busy giving lap dances to be excited for tonight. I savored men squirting their cum into me as I writhed on them to the beat of the Beatles, the Beach Boys, the Four Tones, the Turtles, and more. I had my best night, walking out with seventy-three dollars after Daddy's and Emmy's cut. I was so exhausted, I slept until noon.

And only then did my excitement really crash through me. Daddy was gone, heading to his office at Church preparing for Sunday's sermon—just because we were having a wild night with a woman didn't mean he couldn't slack on his duties as a preacher. He had a flock to lie to.

And I hoped his sermon was on the evils of homosexuality, particularly between women. I wanted to listen to it tomorrow while remembering the taste of my first female lover.

Since I had the house to myself, I put my record player on its loudest setting, the Beach Boys booming through the house as I did my chores, doing all of Mother's normal chores plus my own. I didn't even wear clothes. I was so wicked, running around the house naked, my large breasts bouncing and heaving.

I really wished someone had come to the door, a handsome man, maybe delivering a package or a salesman needing to please me to win a sale. My pussy grew so juicy with all those naughty possibilities when I wasn't thinking about licking a woman's pussy or sucking on her nipples.

Oh, I was so ready for tonight.

As evening approached, and my chores were finished, I readied myself for tonight's fun. I had a brand new outfit purchased. I bought a pair of silk, black panties that hugged my rear and cupped my pussy in sensual caresses. Then I had a new garter belt, dark-red with black laces, to hold up my first ever pair of thigh-high stockings. My bra was also black, with dark crimson lacing circling the cups and boning to lift my breasts into lush mounds. My dress was a sleek evening gown, red and tight, hugging my body like a sheath with a wonderful, low-cut bodice.

I showered then began my beauty regimen. I styled my hair into a wonderful, bouncing delight of blonde curls and applied my makeup. I had learned a lot from Missy D. Mother didn't believe in wearing much makeup. “Just enough to enhance what God has given you, and not to accentuate your features in selfish vanity like a cheap whore.”

My lips were bright red, my eyeshadow dark, making my blue eyes pop. I rouged my cheeks, highlighting my cheekbones. I applied perfume, a dab on my wrists, on my neck, between my breasts, and a dab each on my inner thigh. And then I dressed, garter belt on first—Daddy suggested I wear my panties over my garter belt.

That way my thigh-highs didn't have to come off to remove my panties. It was so smart of Daddy.

Bra fastened, I pulled on my dress just as Daddy walked into the house, calling for me. I had the bathroom door opened, so I shouted back. He followed my voice and paused in the doorway as I adjusted my gown.

I smiled at him, turned away, and asked, “Zip me up?”

“You are radiant,” he said as he stepped in and pulled up the zipper.

It rasped up so slowly. I shuddered, savoring the sound. I felt so grown up, a woman instead of a girl. I had a sexy dress and a sexy man to wear it for. He looked so sharp in his tuxedo. He had changed at church. I turned, staring at him and shivering at how handsome he was. I couldn't believe how lucky I was. Tonight was about more than me being a whore.

He was taking me an a date. It was almost like he was courting me. My heart fluttered as he offered me his arm. I walked with him through the house on my new heels. They were so high. It was so different to walk on them. They clicked and made my ass sway.

“This is going to be so much fun, Daddy,” I purred. “Who is it? Who's the woman?”

He just gave me a smile. A mysterious smile.

“Ooh, you're having too much fun with this,” I gasped. I smacked him playfully with my clutch purse, red to match my dress, another new purchase.

“I am,” he said, his eyes falling down to my cleavage. “That is a daring dress you bought. Does your mother know you own it?”

“Of course not,” I answered. “She doesn't look in my closet. You know that, Daddy. It's her way of saying she trusts me.”

“How foolish of her.”

“I know,” I smiled. We reached the front door. “But if she didn't trust me, us, we would never have fun, would we?”

“Oh, I doubt your mother could ever keep your sinful body from tempting men.”

“From tempting you.”

He shuddered. “You are irresistible, Alexandra. You blossomed into a radiant flower. You draw men to you like a rose draws the honeybee.”

“They smell my sinful aroma,” I laughed, “and have to nuzzle into my petals and drink deeply.”

“So deeply,” he groaned, opening the door of our family Buick. I slid into the bench seat, the worn leather creaking. I was careful with my skirt, making sure it wasn't caught in the door as Daddy closed it. He moved around, slipping in from the other side.

I could see the bulge in his trousers.

I loved inspiring him into lust. I slid across the seat, cuddling against his arm as he started the car. The Buick was bought in the fifties, predating the new fad of seatbelts. Nothing restrained me from sitting next to Daddy as he backed the car out of our driveway.

“Can you at least tell me where we're going to meet this woman?” I asked.

“Sunset Tower Hotel,” Daddy answered.

“Oh, that place is beautiful,” I gasped. I had seen it before. It wasn't in the seedy part of the Sunset Strip, where the Velvet Club and Sunset Playhouse resided, but in the nice part. It was a large, white building rising up over the street, built in the twenties in the gorgeous Art Deco style. I always wanted to go in there. “Thank you, Daddy.”

He patted my thigh as he nodded his head.

I bounced in excitement as we drove out of our suburb and into LA. Daddy navigated the traffic. I grew more and more excited, especially when I spotted the white exterior of the hotel rising above the city. The palm trees passed us as it grew closer and closer, larger and larger. I let out a girlish giggle as we pulled up front and a valet—an honest to goodness valet, just like in the movies—greeted us in his red jacket, white gloves on his hands.

“Good evening, Miss,” he smiled, holding out a hand to help me out of the car. I took it, a huge smile on my lips as I stepped out before the hotel.

Daddy walked around the car. The valet handed Daddy a slip, then Daddy took my arm and we headed inside as the Buick was whisked away. The lobby was so beautiful. My head cast around, drinking in the marble floor and the decorations on the wall. It was so wonderful. I was here with Daddy.

“Thank you, thank you,” I whispered on the walk to the front desk.

“Ah, good evening Madam and Sir,” the concierge said, in a black jacket, white gloves on his hand. “And do you have a reservation with us?”

“Under Powell,” Daddy said, his voice stern.

The man looked down at his book, finger scanning through the list of names. “Ah, yes, here you are. In one of our corner suites, room 1502.”

I took in the beauty of the lobby and the glamor of the guests as Daddy signed the guest book and did all the other stuff. Then we had our key, and Daddy escorted me to the elevator. I giggled nervously when the elevator lurched up, leaning against Daddy. I had never ridden one before. I could feel it moving around us, my stomach sinking.

“It's okay,” Daddy whispered as I leaned against him.

He was so wonderful.

We reached the fifteenth floor, and Daddy navigated us to our room. He opened the door. It was lovely. There was a small living room, complete with a couch and love seat, beautiful paintings on the wall, a dish of potpourri on the marble coffee table. Daddy swept me through it to the bedroom. A four poster bed dominated the room, wood dark mahogany, the cover pale cream.

Daddy didn't lead me to the bed, but to the closet. It had louvered slats. He yanked it open, revealing an empty space, wire coat hangers ready to be used, hanging from a wooden bar.

“You'll wait in here,” Daddy said, pushing me in. “Watching, hearing. I'm going to make love to her first.”

My eyes widened. “She doesn't know I'm here.”

Daddy shook his head, a large smile on his lips. “Once I finish, you'll come out and enjoy her. She'll be blindfolded and helpless. I'll be watching. Make love to her. Seduce her. Show her how much you love her body, but don't let her know who you are until she's orgasmed at least once.”

“Oh, that's so wicked, Daddy,” I groaned. “So I do know her?”

He nodded his head.

“It's Miss Wendal, isn't it,” I gasped, picturing my lovely History teacher, a black-haired, doll-faced beauty with blue eyes and lush breasts that always stretched her blouse and had all the boys, and me, drooling. “I knew it. She'll be so shocked to learn her student licked her pussy.”

Daddy gave me a big grin.

“Or is it Mrs. Carpenter from Church?” She was an elegant, older woman, Mother's age, who taught me Sunday School as a child. She had dark-blonde hair as fine as cornsilk. “You seduced her, didn't you?”

“She is full of sin,” he admitted as he closed the door. “Our paramour will be here soon. Be quiet. Don't let her know you're here.”

He closed the closet doors. It was dark. With the louvers slanted down, not much light spilled in from the bedroom. I peered through the slats, but it was hard to see a complete picture through them, and I could only see half of the bed's surface.

I trembled, my pussy growing hotter and hotter as my heart beat quickened. I was in the dark, waiting to sin again. It was just like my seduction of Daddy at church. Back then I had tried to be anonymous, to not let him know that he was about to have sex with his daughter. I hid in the dark baptismal changing room, positioning myself so the light spilling in from the hallway wouldn't fall on me. All so Daddy wouldn't know he was about to fuck his daughter.

And now I got to do it again. Ooh, I hoped it was Mrs. Carpenter or Miss Wendal or Donna Paxtor or Middy D or our neighbor Mrs. Yancy or Carolyn. Ooh, it would be so hot to be Carolyn. She was the girl who stole my boyfriend because she would put out and I, at the time, wouldn't.

I would love to make it with Carolyn.

But does Daddy even know her? Carolyn doesn't attend our church since she was a Lutheran.

My thoughts raced. I had no idea how long I had been in here waiting, soaking my panties. Was it only a few minutes or close to an hour? I trembled, my heart beating so fast. I squirmed, my hips writhing back and forth, my nylons whisking together as I pressed my legs tight, trying to contain my excitement.

Where was she? I was so eager for tonight. I glanced at the open doorway. I could hear Daddy in the sitting room, shifting on the couch, waiting for our paramour to arrive. I almost prayed to God to hurry her along, but I doubt he would approve of our activity tonight.

And then there was the knock at the door, loud, confident. Bold.

The woman had arrived.

A hot shudder rippled through my body. I almost moaned aloud. I trembled, my heart thudding in my chest as Daddy stood and walked across the hotel room, his footsteps soft on the carpet. My senses were so heightened in the closet, hearing every noise. The doorknob twisted.

“You are late,” Daddy said.

“I had trouble getting away,” a flirty voice purred. I tried to picture the owner. She sounded so sexy and confident. Clearly a married woman, sneaking off from her husband and family, a whore needing the hunky preacher to fuck her, luring another married man into sin.

My hands rubbed at my skirt over my thighs, my body trembling as I listened to their kiss. Hot and passionate. I knew there was tongue involved. I pictured the woman plastered to Daddy, arms tight about his neck. I could hear her moans, hear the rustle of their clothing. She writhed, grinding on him. Was his hands on her ass?


I pictured a round, curving ass. His hands kneaded her, pulling her tight into his bulge. My pussy clenched again. Rushes of heat shot through me. I leaned against the closet door, breathing heavily, my large breasts feeling constrained in my clothing.

Why was I even wearing the dress? I should have taken it off. The woman would be blindfolded. The dress was for Daddy. He had seen it already. I should be naked and ready to have fun. As they kissed, I reached behind me, straining to grasp the zipper. My arm twisted. I groaned, glad they were still kissing and moaning and not hearing my grunts. I snagged the zipper.

It rasped as I pulled it down. My dress fell loose as Daddy and the woman broke their kiss. I wiggled my hips, and it fell to a puddle around my legs. My hands rubbed at my naked belly, sliding up to my breasts, cupping them through my bra as Daddy and the mystery woman came into the room.

“I have been so looking forward to this,” the woman purred. I could see their legs. She wore a black dress that fell to her mid-thigh, then sheer, black nylons leading to high heels. They were so sleek and beautiful. Daddy's hands were on her ass. I couldn't see any higher than that. They were kissing again. Daddy's hand moved around her hip, pressing between them.

Rubbing at her crotch.

The woman squealed, breaking the kiss. “Oh, Gary, yes, I need this so badly. I've been thinking about it since yesterday. Do you love my dress?”

“Beautiful,” he groaned. “You always buy the perfect dresses. You know what I like.”
“Mmm, yes. And what wicked delights do you have planned for us tonight? Any other parties joining us?”

“It's a surprise,” Daddy answered.

“Oh, yes, I hope you brought that Black man with the huge cock again. I came soooo hard last time.”

I groaned. The woman was such a whore. I bet her husband had no idea. And a Black man... Just the idea sent a mad shudder through me. What would it be like to be with a colored man? It would be such a scandal if anyone knew. Why hadn't I ever thought about it? Black hands stroking my ivory body... And a huge cock. One bigger than Daddy's?

Yes, please.

They kissed again, moving towards the bed, the woman moaning and sighing. A zipper rasped. Her dress slipped off her body as she wiggled, exposing a pair of red panties covering her ass. They were bright, ruffled along the waistband. Her ass had such a sensual curve to it. She wore a matching garter belt to hold up her dark stockings. And, like me, she wore her panties over them.

She fell back on the bed, bouncing. I could just see the side of her body up to her breasts, her head out of sight. Her bra was also red, so bright, constraining large breasts. Was it Missy D out there? But this voice was lower, huskier than the breathy dancer.

It couldn't be Donna. Not with tits that large. My teacher, Miss Wendal, was that busty. And Mrs. Carpenter from church. She was an older woman with a low voice. My breath quickened. Was it my Sunday School teacher on the bed?

“What are those for?” the woman purred.

“Ties to bind your naughty hands,” Daddy said. “I don't want you taking off your blindfold before I'm ready.”

“Mmm, and a blindfold to drive me wild. You are amazing, Gary,” the woman moaned, purring her delight. It was so sensual, so wanton. This woman exuded sex. I couldn't think of anyone I knew who acted this wanton. Maybe I didn't know her at all.

How disappointing.

I could see Daddy moving on the bed, blocking the woman from sight. Silk rasped. It took me a moment to realize he was binding her arms to the bed's post, I could see just the hint of her armpit exposed by her arm extended over my head if I craned my neck, shaved smooth like a proper lady.

“Oh, this is wicked,” moaned the woman. “Yes, yes, the blindfold is just perfect, Gary. Oh, you know me too well.”

“I love pleasing your sinful body,” he groaned. “You've tempted me since we met. The things you've led me into, woman.”

This woman...led Daddy into sin? Was she the first woman he cheated on Mother with? The one who tempted him and led him astray, transforming the right and honorable Reverend Gary Powell into a hypocrite?

Tonight was special.

“I know. I'm so wanton.” The woman's thighs pressed together, nylons whisking. Her legs were so long and lush, her toes curling. “Oh, yes, I'm juicy. I need you.”

“Patience,” Daddy said. He moved to the foot of the bed. Clothing rustled as he undressed. I slid one hand down, pressing on the outside of my panties. I groaned, my fingers finding my clit, rubbing the sensitive nub through the flimsy cloth. I did it slowly, teasingly. I breathed faster as Daddy stripped. I could see the hint of his muscular torso. And then his pants came down, cock straining his boxers. Lastly, those were peeled off.

His dick thrust hard before him.

“You are a feast,” Daddy groaned. “A succulent, tempting feast.”

“Yes,” the woman answered. “Eat me just the way I taught you. Devour me. Make me cum, Gary. You do it better than any other man or woman.”

This woman was amazing. I loved her already. She was everything I wanted to be. I rubbed harder, my fingers digging into my panties as Daddy knelt on the bed, leaning down, kissing at the woman's sleek thighs. He looked so strong as he moved his hands up her legs, so possessive. He knew he owned this woman. His hands reached her panties, drawing them down.

Blonde curls. “Mrs. Carpenter,” I breathed. Yes, yes, the older, mature beauty was this woman. She had a low voice, almost smoky, and she was so gorgeous. Breathtaking. She had seduced her preacher into sin.

A wanton hussy.

Daddy nuzzled into her pussy, licking, tonguing. I knew first hand how amazing his tongue was. I had this woman to thank for Daddy's skill at cunnilingus. He licked and groaned, hands stroking her stomach while he pleasured her. I felt every one of his licks thanks to my memories. I trembled, my heart racing as I watched her thighs twitch and heard her silken bonds strain. Her breasts rose and fell as she moaned and sighed.

Daddy grew more and more passionate. His hand stroked up her flat stomach, squeezing her breasts through her bra as he devoured her. Mrs. Carpenter humped him back, grinding her pussy on his face, her soft sights filling the room along with the whisk of her nylons rubbing on Daddy's flesh.

“Oh, Gary, yes,” she moaned. “I love it. Mmm, yes, lick my little clit. Oh, yes. I need a cum so badly.”

My left hand, playing with my tits, found the clasp on the front of my bra, hidden by a cute bow. I twisted. The cups spilled away, my tits bouncing free. I twisted my eighteen-year-old nipple, fighting against a groan as I watched Daddy feast and devour. I rubbed harder at my clit, backing off every time I felt an orgasm swell in me.

Not yet.

And then Mrs. Carpenter came. She moaned and gasped with wordless pleasure, humping hard into Daddy's face. He devoured her, gripping her ass, holding her pussy tight against his mouth. She bucked, arched, tits jiggling in her bra, demanding to be set free.

And then Daddy rose. “Sinful harlot,” he growled, lips smeared with Mrs. Carpenter's juices. He seized her hips and thrust his cock into her pussy's depths. “This is what you did. You caused this to happen.”

“Yes, yes, yes,” she gasped. “I'm such a whore. Oh, I made you so hard. Fuck me. Dump your cum into me. Lord, yes. Pound my cunt. Make me cum again and again on your wonderful cock, Gary. Oh, yes, I love it!”

He fucked her like a man possessed. His strokes possessed far more passion than I had seen when he pounded Donna Paxtor bent over his desk. He held Mrs. Carpenter's hips, lifting her up from the bed as he reamed her. The older woman's tits bounced and jiggled in her bra. The bed posts groaned as her arms must be pulling on them.

I stopped rubbing my clit and just watched the passion. Daddy's muscles rippled as he pounded her. His head threw back. He growled and grunted. He was an animal. I shuddered, savoring it. Loving how he fucked Mrs. Carpenter, possessed by sin, satiating himself in her wanton hole.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I whispered, trembling in awe over the lust I watched. “Fuck her. Cum in her.”

It was almost like Daddy heard me. He snapped his head back. He growled and slammed into her cunt. “That's what you get, whore. You wanted to make me hard. You wore that dress. You inflamed my lusts, slut.”

“Yes, I did,” moaned Mrs. Carpenter as Daddy flooded her married cunt. “Oh, yes. I 'm such a slut. Remember the first time you watched me with another man.”

“Yes,” he snarled. “The cabana boy.”

“The way he fucked me while you jerked your cock, watching his ass pump and writhe.? The woman shuddered. “What a lover he was. And so golden-skinned... You jerked your cock and came so hard, enraptured by the sinful sight, watching in disbelief, not even understanding why you found it so hot. But I taught you..”

“Yes,” he groaned, his back arching. “I learned you were a harlot that night, and I was so weak for enjoying it.”

“So weak,” moaned Mrs. Carpenter. “Mmm, yes. That was wonderful, Gary. Oh, I came so hard again. I love feeling your cum spurt into me. You are the best lover I ever trained.”

I shuddered. She had trained other men. I loved this woman. She was my idol. I wanted to be her.

Daddy pulled his dick out of her pussy, the shaft softening. It was coated in her juices. He breathed heavily as he crawled back and reached the edge of the bed. He stood there for a moment, fist clenched, his breathing slowing, regaining control. Then he marched to the closet.

“Time for your surprise, whore,” Daddy growled and wrenched open the closet doors.

“Oh, what's in there?” Mrs. Carpenter asked. “Sex toys? Or was someone hiding in there?”

Daddy stared into my eyes as he towered over me. He smiled at my bare tits then mouthed, “You wanted to be a whore, get to it.”

He stepped aside, and I boldly marched into the room. I cast my gaze up Mrs. Carpenter's body, seeing her blonde curls matted with her juices and Daddy's cum, her sleek belly, her breasts still contained in her bra, her blonde hair piled about...

A face I knew.

But not Mrs. Carpenter's face.

I almost blurted out, “Mother.”

My head swam as I stared at my mother. Even with the blindfold on, a black sleeping mask with crimson lace around it, I would recognize her features, the color of her hair, the way her lips pursed. My mother was a wanton whore? But she acted so prim and proper.

“Oh, who is it?” she moaned. “Another bronze-skinned Latino. Mmm, we had a wild honeymoon.”

“We did,” Daddy groaned. “I will never forget you and the cabana boy.”

My eyes widened. Mother had fucked another man on their honeymoon? She had led Daddy into sin? My mind couldn't comprehend this revelation. Why did she always try to tell me not to have sex? Realization struck me. She was even more of a hypocrite than Daddy.

My prim, proper Mother was the greatest hypocrite of all time. A whore pretending to be a moral preacher's wife.

My mind didn't work, but my body did. I moved to the bed, drawn to the sight of her body. To her pussy. She dripped with Daddy's cum. I knelt between her thighs. She shifted, head moving, blind. She had no idea her daughter was between her thighs. I touched her hot flesh, sliding up her legs to her pussy.

“Ooh, a woman,” moaned Mother. “Oh, that's so wicked. Mmm, and she feels young. One of Alexandra's friends?”

Daddy didn't answer. He watched, eyes hungry. He wanted me to do this. To please my mother. And so did I. This was even more sinful than I could have imagined. I was a true whore, just like my mother.

I leaned down and licked at her pussy. It was a slow, hesitant lick, sliding through her thick pussy lips and gathering the salty cum and tangy pussy juices which leaked out. They melted on my tongue. My eyes widened, and the taboo thrill of tasting both my parents' juices on my lips rippled through me. I groaned, my pussy clenching as I bent down and licked again. And again.

“That's it, sweetie,” Mother purred. “Mmm, don't be afraid. Just lick me. Enjoy. Is it your first time?” She laughed. “Of course it is. Savor it.”

Her voice was so sensual. She was talking different than I was used to, not her airy, breathy self, but sensual, husky. She had worn a mask when around me all my life, and now I was seeing the true woman. My true mother. I licked again, nuzzling, savoring the flavor of her pussy and Daddy's cum. She moaned her delight, her thighs brushing my cheeks, so soft.

“Oh, Gary, she is fluttering her tongue through my pussy like a delicious butterfly. You always had a letch for the young girls. Mmm, yes. Remember that girl we shared from Alexandra's school?”

“Carolyn,” Daddy answered.

“We turned her into a whore, didn't we?” laughed Mother. “What a wonderful anniversary that was.”

My eye widened as I licked. My parents went on a weekend trip for their anniversary in February right before I lost Ricky, my steady, to Carolyn. And they took Carolyn with them? Oh, my god. And here I thought she was a prude who just put out for Ricky to keep him. I bet she liked it when I kissed her a few months back.

And then that bitch tried to get me in trouble. Another hypocrite. Ooh, I would show her. I would corner her and lick her pussy hard.

I tongued mother's cunt with more confidence, remembering how Daddy would eat my pussy. Mother groaned, sighed, her hips undulating, grinding her hot flesh against my lips. I reveled in her tangy taste. She had such a rich flavor.

The cum ran out. I licked and nuzzled through her hot pussy, only tasting her tangy juices now. They poured out, coating my tongue. This was so amazing. No wonder Daddy loved licking my pussy. It was almost as good as sucking cocks. The velvety feel, the wonderful texture on my skin, the creamy juices. Hot and boiling. My tongue flicked up, licking her clit, nuzzling, sucking.

Teasing her.

She gasped, shuddered, hips undulating. I ran my fingers against her pussy lips. They were so much thicker than mine. I had a tight slit, but hers wasn't. All those years fucking all those cocks had transformed her pussy into something wonderful to lick and nuzzle at. I shoved two fingers into her depths, feeling her silky, elastic walls pressing around them.

The delight Daddy enjoyed.

“Oh, that's it, sweetie,” moaned Mother. “Oh, you are getting into it. Finger me, you little dyke-slut. Oh, you are going to be after pussy as much as cock when you're finished. How long as my husband been cultivating you? I bet he's fucked you in the church.”

“I have,” Daddy said. “It's been months. Since late March.”

“And you held her back from me for this long. Oh, you are wicked, Gary.”

“She was worth your wait.”

“Is she the slut I've heard rumors about? The one blowing boys behind the school?”

“Yes,” Daddy answered.

Mother groaned again, her breasts jiggling in her bra. My pussy ached every time I licked and nuzzled at her flesh. The heat burned in my depths. I explored her pussy, driving her more and more wild, her arms pulling at the blue ties binding her to the bedposts.

Her pussy grew hotter. Juices flowed more and more. Her pussy clenched down on my plunging fingers. Her hot flesh wrapped so tight about them. It was sooo sinful. I fingered her faster and faster, driving her wild, making her squirm and gasp.

“Yes, yes, yes, you little dyke slut. Make me cum. Drink all my juices, harlot! Oh, yes! You sinful harlot! Oh, Lord, yes!”

Her body heaved. Her pussy convulsed about my fingers. I made my mother cum. It was hot. Her juices poured out of her depths. I drank them down, letting them flow over my lips and chin. The very pussy that birthed me spasmed on my digits. I lapped up her juices, so glad I had made her cum.

She heaved and gasped, her face twisting with pleasure. I made Mother cum. I pleased her like Daddy. This was so hot. This was so amazing. I had the best Daddy in the world for giving me this opportunity.

I glanced at him, pumping my fingers in and out of Mother's snatch. He watched with hot eyes, his dick thrusting hard before him again. Mother groaned and bucked a final time before collapsing, gasping for breath.

“Give her a kiss,” Daddy said.

“Yes, yes, let me taste my cunt, you slutty dyke.”

I crawled up Mother's body, kissing at her stomach. My breasts dragged across her belly as I reached her bra. I found that she had a front clasping bra, too. I unsnapped it. I groaned, savoring the sight of the tits I had nursed from as a child.

I sucked hard on a nipple. She gasped, squirming. She licked her lush lips. I burned to kiss them. I released her nipple, sliding up her body. Our large breasts pillowed together as I knelt between her thighs, my panty-covered pussy pressing against her hot cunt. I felt her heat bleed through my soaked panties as her legs wrapped about me.

“Oh, you are a busty one. Who is it?” Mother asked.

I leaned down and kissed my mother. I had stolen a kiss from her lips earlier, and now I enjoyed them. I savored them. She moaned, her lips working against mine. Her tongue thrust out, caressing my lips, tasting her tangy pussy juices. Our hard nipples kissed together, and my clit throbbed as we ground our pussies in sinful pleasure. I wished I had taken off my panties as we both squirmed and undulated.

She was so soft beneath me. Not like a man. It was wonderful. I smelled her perfume, savored the waxy coating of her lipstick. Our tongues danced, dueled. Her mouth was aggressive but not strong, not possessive like Daddy's.

“You two are quite the sight,” Daddy said, moving behind me on the bed. “I have to fuck her.”

Mother broke the kiss. “Yes, yes, fuck her. Pound her naughty, barely legal cunt.”

Daddy didn't pull off my panties. He ripped them. With a powerful yank, they tore at my right hip, coming free. Suddenly, my naked pussy pressed against Mother's hot flesh. I groaned at the hot, incestuous kiss of our clits grinding together.

And then Daddy thrust his cock into me. I was sandwiched between my parents. A low moan escaped my throat as my cunt clenched down on Daddy's thick cock ramming all the way into my depths, stirring my delight.

“Take off her blindfold, harlot,” Daddy groaned.

It was the moment of revelation. I trembled, my hands sliding up Mother's face. I reached the sleeping mask as Daddy's cock slammed into my cunt again, his balls thwacking against our clits. I pushed up the mask and stared into Mother's blue eyes.

They widened. “Alexandra?”

“Hello, Mother.”

“Your daughter is just as much a whore as you are,” Daddy grunted, leaning over the both of us, ramming his dick into me. “She sent me a note, wanting to seduce me. She lured me into the baptismal room where she waited naked, wanton, eager to be fucked. We failed to raise her properly.”

“But we tried so hard,” Mother moaned, grinding beneath me. “We tried to keep her from sin.”

“She's your daughter, slut,” growled Daddy. “As wanton as you are. She blows her classmates behind the school, she fucks her teachers for good grades, she dances at the Pink Velvet and fucks the customers for $10. She's been to the Sunset Playhouse.”

“The glory hole?” Mother asked. Then she stared into my eyes as she writhed beneath me. A smile crossed her lips. “Did you suck all the cocks at the glory hole?”

“I did, Mother. For a dollar.”

“Oh, Mommy raised a wicked, depraved daughter,” she groaned. “I tried so hard to keep you from this. But you have my blood and my hot cunt, don't you?”

“Yes, yes, yes, Mommy,” I moaned. I loved calling her Mommy as we writhed in incestuous passion. Just like I loved saying Daddy when he was in me. “I've had so much fun. Daddy and the other men have fucked me together. They've cum on me. I've taken cocks in all my holes. I'm such a whore, Mommy.”

“You are, Alexandra. Mommy's whore.”

Hearing those words right before she kissed me hard sent a shudder through my body. My pussy had been on the edge of cumming all night. First from watching Daddy fuck Mommy and then aching worse as I devoured Mommy's cunt. I exploded about Daddy's cock. My flesh writhed about his shaft, the pleasure shooting through my body. I moaned into the kiss, savoring the taboo delight.

I enjoyed Mommy's lips on mine as I climaxed, loving the sinful caress of our flesh. Her body writhed beneath me. My nipples tingled. My clit ached. Every thrust of Daddy's cock pressed my pussy tight into Mommy's, adding more and more waves of bliss rippling through me.

“Your whore daughter's cumming on my cock,” growled Daddy. “You're both sinful harlots. Temptation made flesh. You have led me into such wicked sin.”

I broke the kiss and moaned, “Such wicked sin, Daddy. I love it. I'm just like you, Mommy.”

“Yes, yes, yes,” she gasped, her eyes fluttering as she undulated beneath me. I kissed her again, savoring her lips.

My orgasm rippled through me over and over. I came so hard. So many times. Daddy's balls smacked into me. I loved him atop me, so hard and strong, and I loved how soft and sensual Mommy felt beneath me. The duel sensations sent incestuous pleasure shooting through my body over and over.

“I'm cumming so hard on Daddy's cock, Mommy!”

“I can tell,” she moaned. “Oh, my baby girl is a whore. Yes, yes, make your daddy cum.”

“And then you'll lick me clean, Mommy?”

Her blue eyes twinkled. “Sweetie, I will always take care of you. I'm your mommy. I love you and your daddy so much.”

“Yes, yes, yes,” I gasped, my back arching, my pussy spasming about Daddy's cock even harder.

“You women will be the death of me,” Daddy grunted. “My sexy, wanton whores.”

I could hear the love in Daddy's possessive words. I groaned as he buried his cock into my depths. He came.

Hot cum painted my insides. Incestuous spunk flooding me. I loved it. I trembled a final time on mother. Daddy groaned, his dick pumping, my pussy milking out every drop. I kissed Mommy, savoring the taboo pleasure.

Tonight, everything changed.

“My sinful women,” Daddy groaned as his dick spurted its final blast. “My temptresses.”

“Mmm, yes,” Mommy moaned. She rubbed her nose against mine. “So, has she had a proper gangbang yet?”

“Not yet,” Daddy groaned. “She's come close dancing at the club. But I have plans for it. Make it even wilder than our second anniversary.”

“My first gangbang,” Mommy giggled.

“Gangbang?” I frowned.

“Men, sweetie,” Mommy moaned. “Lots and lots of men. All fucking you, cumming on you.”

My eyes widened. “Yes! I want that!”

“Of course you do,” Mommy sighed. “I tried to raise you right.”

“But I'm just too sinful,” I giggled and kissed her on the lips. I couldn't wait for my gangbang. It sounded amazing.

And until then, I had a pussy full of cum for Mommy to lick clean. Daddy eyes were hot, ready to keep watching his two wicked whores writhe in incestuous passion.

I loved being the preacher's sinful daughter.

To be continued...

Dudley DowrongReport 

2018-07-27 02:04:52
I didn't expect it to be Mom but thought it was a great surprise that it was/is Mom. I don't remember if she gets revenge on Carolyn or not But I do remember that the upcoming gang bang is a lot of old fucks show up to help celebrate her "Cumming out/in Party" hot HOT HOTTER ! !
I would have liked a detailed deion of Mom cleaning out her pussy & then they end up in a 69 with Dad fucking an asshole. Your deions ars so hot!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-18 12:31:36
I kinda figured it would be the mother but was hoping it was Carolyn. Or even Missy D. Oh well, now hoping the next chapter has Alexandra getting her revenge on Carolyn. Great story!! Hoping the next chapter isn't the end of the story.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-11-02 06:24:46
This story is good though the mother's revelation was predictable.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-10 17:30:13
I agree with the commenter who said they enjoyed the mother staying pure. As a fab of the whole behind the back angle I'd have to agree. That said. Amazing story, can't wait for what's next and would love some flashbacks!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-10 05:16:00
I typically love your stories, but the mother reveal was expected... I was hoping and praying it wasn't going to be the mother... an entire kinky aspect of the story is gone now sadly.

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