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A Succubus journeys to deal with Mina.
In the second circle of hell, on one of the minor planes named Vitae, ruled the succubus Rathae. She had her plane divided into nine districts, each governed by a weaker succubus. Rathae was considered influential through her dimension, but in actuality, the demoness's domain belonged to an even bigger hierarchy of minor planes that made up a larger plane called Cupido. After that, the planes continued until eventually it was just called the Plane of Lust, The Second Circle.

Ashkrath was an even lesser succubus than Rathae, but she ruled one of the nine districts on the plane Vitae named Desert. The demon was not having a good day, and she was listening to one of her subordinates, an imp named Pu. He was sputtering on about the current problem she was facing.

"M-m-master, I can't answer where all of the souls are going," Pu said.

Ashkrath looked at the imp in disbelief. How did she ever employ such a thing? She knew the answer, which was that this far down on the totem pole, the pool for reliable and smart demons lay depleted. Smart demons hid and bided their time until they could promote up more than one station. They fed off of scraps for years, but Ashkrath had been too impatient for that. Now she was in serious trouble.

"Who is stealing them?" she asked.

"We can't find anyone," he replied.

She knew Pu probably right. The actual issue is that the souls had been stymied off from arriving on the plane. Ashkrath was hoping that her subordinates would be able to tell her such a thing, but they were too dumb. Instead, they had focused on wasting time with seeing who within the ranks was stealing souls. That was the first place to look, but then again, not the only place to look. Anyone of them could have brought her the information she already knew, and she would have been incredibly grateful. It meant they were a cut above and worthy of sharing her bed.

"Enough," she said.

The imp shut his mouth, fear crossing his yellow face. Her throne, as small as it was, set her far apart from those that would gather in her presence. There was only Pu and herself so when her anger exploded, Pu was the only one there to take her wrath.

"Master no!"

Black claws ripped through the leathery yellow flesh of Pu. Screams emitted from him, but there was no escaping her. It was a waste to kill him in such a way, being that absorbing the weaker was a good way to get the precious souls he would have possessed, but there was no way she was going to fuck such a vile creature. Pu disappeared in a wisp of black smoke, and the demoness turned away in disgust.

She wanted to feed so badly but even if Pu had been worth it, if she grew stronger while the souls in her plain weren't showing up, it could spell trouble for her. Rathae did not take kindly to failing subordinates. Screaming in frustration, Ashkrath headed to her bed chambers where she looked upon her domain from a palace balcony.

There were worst issues than a visit from her superior. She had killed Pu out of anger and even though fear was a good way to rule in some aspects, its use would eventually breed teamwork among her minions. Teamwork that would lead to the underlings attacking her for a bid in power. Everything she thought of only meant trouble until one particular thought crossed her mind.

What if the souls weren't reaching here because a demon that was supposed to be on her plane was in fact on a mortal plane. When the demon there was feeding, it was taking the quota not for just her, but

for the entire plain. That idea quickly became an explanation in which there was a chance to prove herself and to escape the desert wasteland of her domain. Who could she trust to look watch over while she left to see her superior?

The only one she could think of was Gar. Summoning the crypt demon was difficult. Even though he was technically weaker, the demon did not like to answer to her. He would come if called, but he would ask an enormous price for it. Everything in hell had a price and often the currency were flesh orientated. In a flash of bright green light, Gar, the Six-Armed Reptile, appeared.

"What!" Gar said. She had woken him from a nap it seemed.

"I need your assistance, my friend," she said.

"Oh, you do? Why would I want to help you?"

"I'll pay you an exceptional price," she said.

Yellow reptile eyes peered at her in disbelief. Often, the negotiations were a drawn out, but she wanted to leave. She already knew what he wanted and was ready to offer it.

"I want three prices," he said.

That meant three days of sex. Sex being the only real currency available in the lust circle. Gar didn't get out much and even though he was technically a weaker demon, he had surprised much stronger demons. A conniving little reptile, Gar, was more than fit to run her domain while she was away.

"When I return, I'll give you five," she said.

The extra offer of two days took Gar by surprise. His mouth hung agape showing cracked yellow teeth.

"Deal," he said.

"So what am I doing?"

"You are running my domain in my absence. I have to see my superior," she said.

"I should have asked before hand. Anyway, you'd let me out of this?"

"Come now Gar, don't you want some of this beautiful ass?"

"It's small, but it can take a pounding," he said.

Gar turned away from his mistress and headed down to the throne room.

"I reserve the right to kill anyone who opposes or is too stupid," he called back.

She laughed in response, knowing that the rest of the minions here were in trouble. Not that she cared too much. The thinning of the herd was better accomplished at someone else's hands. Maybe her news would gain her promotion from her master. Smiling she went to getting ready before she headed out.

The district named Desert lived up to its name. Punishing heat bore not from the sky but the very rocks themselves. This region was known, almost famously, of its unforgiving environment. The heat caused Ashkrath to sweat as she walked in it. All demons had a way to fly in some form, but Ashkrath refused to use her wings. They were her pride. A flawless pair of wings. It limited her in combat, but then again, it made opponents underestimate her too.

Over hard surface the succubus walked, hoofed feet echoing as they clacked against the stone. Out her, in her domain, there was little to fear. The occasional demonic beast or monster was a worry, but by now, her reputation had filtered through the land as someone not to trouble. The actual walk took no longer than a few hours, but it felt like days to Ashkrath. She arrived at Rathae's castle in a sheen of sweat and exhausted.

"Halt, who approaches Rathae's domain," a stern voice said.

Ashkrath was taken aback when a gargoyle-like demon landed in front of her. The ground shook under the weight of the taller demoness, but Ashkrath squared her shoulders in defiance to the other's words.

"You have the pleasure of addressing Ashkrath, ruler of the Desert district. Who are you so that I may address you vermin."

The power of her words made the challenging demon take a step back.

"I meant no offense, just have to be sure," she said before taking off and offering neither further resistance or her name.

Ashkrath smiled and made her way into the castle and was greeted by a surprise once through its gates. Rathae and all of the other district rulers were here. The ruling succubus was going on in a tirade of anger. Ashkrath approached the governor of district six.

"What's going on Forea?"

The yellow skinned succubus looked at her inquisitively. Like all of the other succubi here, excluding herself, the questioned demon was a full-bodied beauty. Ashkrath never knew why her body lacked full figure.

"What are you doing here Ashkrath?"

"I came to discuss some issues in my district."

She was telling the truth but chose not to reveal the actual problem in the case of word getting out she was weak.

"Those will have to wait. Something has gone terribly wrong on our plane," she said.


"Listen," she said.

Ashkrath did, hearing her ruler rage about the lack of souls. She wanted to know who was stealing them and why. It was the same scenario Ashkrath had found herself earlier in the day.

"Where are they?" Rathae screamed. No one had an answer besides Ashkrath.

"I think I know master," Ashkrath said. Her voice was shaky and meek, but her words turned all attention to her.

"I mean, I have a theory..."

The blazing looks she got from her equals. There was anger in them and that's why one demon should never trust another. Too much envy.

"Spit it out Ashkrath," Rathae said.

"What if the thief isn't here?"

"We know the thief isn't here you dim wit," Surn said. She was a blood red-skinned demon with bright purple eyes.

"No, I mean, what if there is someone who supposed to be, but they were spawned elsewhere, like on a mortal plane," Ashkrath offered.

With the looks she received from everyone, it seemed like she had said the most bewildering thing ever. Rathae did not respond and instead disappeared with a whoosh.

"Gosh Ashkrath, you are just the dumbest peach ever," Hulen said. Another demon but she didn't look like an actual succubus. Instead, the demon sported ram horns and muscular arms. Where hooves should have been or even legs, was a mass of tendrils.

"Yea, dummy. You aren't going to last long. Heck, you weren't even summoned," Surn said.

"Hush," Rathae said, reappearing in another whoosh.

Everyone looked towards their leader.

"Unlike the rest of you, Ashkrath has offered an idea of what happened. After consulting with things, she is right."

If eye daggers could kill, Ashkrath would have been stabbed over and over.

"We need to investigate this problem," Rathae said.

"How master?" Surn asked.

"Someone has to go to the mortal plane."

There was a gasp from all of the succubi. Such a thing was not only a dangerous process to leave Hell, but anyone who left would essentially give up control of their district. They would also be alone in the mortal realm and have to rely on their community of demons to succeed. That is until the demons realized they didn't have to listen anymore.

"So who will it be?"

No one volunteered. It was the thing to do. The mission would be a death sentence. Even if the one sent managed to find the culprit and solve the problem, chances were that the returnee would face attack by present company. But Ashkrath wouldn't be a coward.

"I'll go, master," she said. Her meek voice was back.

No one bothered to step forward or volunteered to take her place.

"Ashkrath, you are the weakest, you might not survive the process,"

Rathae said.

"Is there anybody else?"

Again, no one stepped forward.

"It seems then Ashkrath, we all will place our faith in you in restoring the balance. Come," Rathae said.

Ashkrath followed her master into the bowels of the castle. She stared in awe with all of the decoration. It was much more than what she had as most of her walls were plain. Everywhere, there were suits of armor, keeping a vigilant watch. Tapestries of red and gold hung everywhere, and ornate rugs covered the stone floors. Eventually, the two came to a fountain enfaced in a wall.

Out of the demonic face flowed green water where it pooled into a vast basin below. There was a staircase that winded up the side of the basin and the two walked it. No words spoken until the duo stood at the top.

"This is going to be extremely painful," Rathae said.

"I understand master," Ashkrath said. She tried not to meet the gaze of her superior knowing that if she did, it could be seen as a challenge. Instead, she focused on the attire of her master. Her wings showed tears, but their pink undersides matched beautifully with the light blue of her skin. To compliment everything, she was wearing a red cape and an open crotch g-string. Red heeled boots completed the outfit. Demons loved to be as naked as possible when they weren't in battle.

"You will learn things while in the portal. Terrible things. You will arrive among the mortals so get a disguise as soon as possible. Mortals won't take well to your form."

"Where am I going?"

"The plane of humans, Earth."

Ashkrath's heart almost jumped in joy. She used to be human. That was until she died at the hands of religious folk for what was essentially rape. Back when Christian Priests came to her village, the leader had been found violating her. In his defense, he claimed that a demon had possessed her, and Ashkrath died for it. Being sent back to Earth would give her an opportunity for revenge.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes," Ashkrath said.

Shoved out of nowhere, Ashkrath found herself falling into the green pool of water. She sank until a bright light engulfed her vision. Blinded, Ashkrath tried not to panic as a weightlessness took over her body. Everything went dark before pain laced in what felt like the bones of her entire skeletal structure. At some point, she was screaming and then what seemed like an eternity; she flew out of the portal. The pain continued to lace throughout her body when she hit the ground. Shaking and almost delirious, Ashkrath almost screamed again in pain. What stopped her was the sound of a wailing.

As the pain subsided, she spied that the human world in which she used to live herself in as a human had vastly changed. She was between two huge buildings that were made of rock, and the ground was of an alien substance. When she heard footsteps, Ashkrath pulled her demonic form back and turned into a human. Without a mirror, she hoped that she would be able to pass for one. Nakedness was always a taboo and terror went through her as she realized that as the steps came closer, she would have to try and hide her shame.

"You okay miss?"

"No, please help."

Her voice was meek, and a bright light illuminated her.

"Oh my, you're naked. Stay here," and the man was gone.

She hadn't gotten a good look at him. Worried and in the dark, hiding and waiting for him seemed to be the best course of action. While she was there, it became known to her just how weak she was. After the last spell of turning into a human, she had no energy left. With no powers, there wasn't much to be done about the mission. Souls were needed, but outright feeding on humans was ill advisable. Succubi preferred to feed in dark secluded areas until they could handle groups. With her looks, which she assumed her human form mimicked her demonic one in that she was going to lack bountiful looks. Without energy too, none of her seduction powers would work. Why did any demon want to come here?

"Hey girl, what's your name," the man said. He was back and laid something across he shoulders. It turned out to be a blanket.

"My name? I don't know," she said. Still keeping with her meek voice, she wanted to appear weak for the human male. He was viable, and as he leaned close, she could taste how delectable he was. Heat spread through her body, and she wanted to attack the human, but then there was another voice.

"Roger, I have a female here, looks to be around nineteen," He said. She knew he was talking to someone, but couldn't understand who or even how? There was no one else besides him. The voice sounded irritated.

"Alright, Tell you what, I'm gonna take her to the Saints Church. It's less than a block away. She probably needs medical attention but the father that runs the church will help," he said, but to who, she was still lost.

"Come on; I'm gonna take you somewhere safe."

He held out his hand, and she took it. Pulling her up and leading the way, he told her to stay close. They were close to a church that would help her and keep her safe, but the neighborhood was a bad one. A flash of lightning raced across the sky.

"Shit, we have to move. A storm is coming."

And so they headed to the church. The walk was tough for her because of the pace. He moved quickly and it was only after standing next to him briefly to cross a street that she was able to study him.

The rescuer, as he was at this point, was a middle-aged man. A slight beard was on his face and peppered with white hairs. He wore glasses and had a scholarly look to him. They moved again, and that was all. He spoke no more words to her, and she tried to keep up her meek facade by being quite. Relief washed over her as they turned into a back alley. Their destination was a red door.

"Let me do the talking. The father here is an old friend," he said.

Ashkrath wondered why he hadn't given her his name. In retrospect, she only new names by listening to talk. The village she was alive in, Ashkrath had been the closest thing to beauty, and so she was protected from men who weren't suitors. The village and her parents should have been more worried about the priest. To hide his shame, they sacrificed the innocent. No matter how much she pleaded, it never stopped the flames.

Her would-be rescuer knocked on the door, and it opened none too soon. Rain began falling in giant droplets.

"Come in, come in," a voice sounded from the light. She walked into warmth and Ashkrath was worried that entering a church would cause some calamity. Instead, the wind blew her in, and lightning flashed. It was if she was meant to be here.

The man who had rescued her turned out to be something called an officer. It took a minute to realize that this meant someone like a guard. Officer and clergy talked for a bit and then the father abruptly walked away.

"Look, he is going to let you stay a few nights, but he had to get some clothes for you and let the head nun know there will be a guest. Be kind to the man."

"Okay, but can't you stay?"

"Afraid not. Rain brings out the fun crowd here. Got to go."

Walking away without another word, she hugged the blanket around herself. Even though she was a demon, being left alone in a church was not a good step to beginning her reentry into the mortal realm. Much had changed, especially with churches. The place had a weird smell, and it was way more bright. With so much "holiness" she was wondering why she was able to be in such a place. Something was off with the place for her to be here, but it was an opportunity. A demon in a church, what salacious deeds she could do.

"My dear, if you'll follow me," the father said.

He was wearing just a white robe and had a gold cross hanging from his neck. He wasn't too old and something told her he was an ideal target. She could smell the lust on him, but she hugged the blanket even closer.

"My dear, I am Father Vitoli. Welcome here. David told me that you have no recollection of what happened to you."

"Yes, father," she said.

Something was off with his question. Did she see a smirk on his face? It seems the father had ulterior motives, but what did she care right now. If he did, they meant fun times to come.

"You can stay for as long as you need. There will be a price to pay, but maybe you'll be willing to stay here as a nun. Follow me, please. I'll take you to your quarters."

Ashkrath assumed that's where he would make a move on her.

There was a suspicious outline in his robe as he walked that clued her in on his intentions. She tried to pay attention as he rattled on but as they went deeper into the church, strange things started happening to her.

Thresholds were nothing that Ashkrath had encountered before. The wall she hit caused her heart rate to increase and her body to go numb. She could tell the same thing was affecting the priest. His breathing became labored, and Ashkrath tried to understand what was going on. A church shouldn't have had something set up like this and a moment of panic went through her. What if the one she was sent to hunt was in control of the church? She pushed the thought away and instead focused on maintaining control of herself.

Whatever was in the air was beginning to affect her ability to maintain her human form. She was glad that she had the blanket to cover herself. Already her tail had sprouted above her ass and was curled between her cheekS. The thing was waiting for any alone time, and it began pulsating it in and out of her pussy. The moan that escaped her lips sounded like a happier breaking glass to her, but the priest just kept on babbling. Annoyed, but that went away with thoughts of sex. They were going upstairs when they stumbled upon a bizarre scene.

There at the top, two women who were wearing what looked to be remnants of nun outfits, were rolling around in a tryst of lesbian sex. The priest froze and made a noise before doubling back a barreling past her. Somehow an elbow had swung out from the priest as he passed and ripped the blanket from her shoulders. Immediate fear enveloped her, overriding her lust. Exposed, Ashkrath realized that whatever was in the air was a great cover to feed. She watched the priest disappear around a corner and decided that he could wait. Two women were at the top of the stairs who needed some attention and Ashkrath had an appendage that would suffice.

Each step up the stairs became a fight to maintain her human form. As she got closer to the two women, the demoness was unable to hold her horns back entirely, and nubs sprouted out from between the hairs on her head.

Each step up the stairs became a fight to maintain what she could of her human form. As she got closer to the two women, the demoness was unable to hold her horns back entirely, and nubs sprouted out from between the hairs on her head. The hot breathing and moans of the women were an assault on her will, but Ashkrath held firm.

"Looks like you two ladies could use some help," She said.

One was an older looking blonde, and the other was a young redhead. The redhead had her face buried between the blonde's legs. Only the blonde acknowledged her.

"Yes, we need some help. We can't stop," the blonde said.

"I can't see a reason you'd want to," she said.

The redhead pulled away and looked back at Ashkrath.

"Goodness, I don't want to. She won't service me. Will you?"

"Of course. Why don't you get to a better position?"

"No, I don't want to stop here. She tastes divine. Can you just eat me out from behind," the redhead said. Then she went back to munching on the blonde. Ashkrath was too horny to be offended by the demand. What was weird for Ashkrath is that she was able to think about the order. Generally, succubi were slaves to the demands of their sexual partners, but Ashkrath had never been with a mortal before ands surmised that the pungent cinnamon scent has something to do with it.

Kneeling on the top step, Ashkrath spread the cheeks of her first victim and delved her forked tongue into the folds of the woman's sex. Tasting and feasting on the woman had an immediate effect of Ashkrath. Valuable life-force replenished and began recharging the demoness. It wasn't long when the redhead exploded in a creamy end, and Ashkrath was sucking her soul out. The whole process was just natural for the young demoness, and her release happened as the redhead's soul flowed into her. Ashkrath had embraced her demonic side and found that feeding on humans, as opposed to other demons, to be the sweetest delight.

The redhead slumped over dead, but the blonde didn't seem to notice that her friend was no longer responding. Instead, she moaned when Ashkrath's tail snaked its way into blonde haired pussy.

"No please, no more," she said.

"Oh, it'll be over soon my dear. Cum to your end."

Words had no effect on the lust drunk blonde. The woman chose to buck and scream as waves of pleasure washed over her. The blonde wasn't going to last much longer, and Ashkrath licked her lips in anticipation of devouring her second mortal soul.

Ashkrath left the bodies of the two nuns on the stairs. There, of course, was a priest to eat and she could honestly use something else besides her tail in her pussy. Damn thing wouldn't leave her alone as she hunted for the priest. Each step "loosened her up" and her human form melted away for the hellish natural one.

"Oh father," she sang out, "where'd you go?"

Room after room turned out to be empty. Until she stumbled into a hallway that sported in wall bookshelves and a red door at the end, she knew that's where the holy man was. When she walked into the room, she found the holy sitting behind his desk beating his meat like it owed him redemption. He only looked up when he heard the door close. He screamed, probably having to do with her demonic appearance, but the old father couldn't stop punishing his rod.

"Oh father, I've been a bad girl. Wouldn't you'd rather punish me instead of yourself."

The man stammered at her. Words of how evil she was and for her to stay away. The words had no power in them. Of course, Ashkrath found herself delighted that the priest was losing his struggle with being a clergy. It would make consuming him much more satisfying.

"Father, why don't you come here," she said curling a finger at him.

The man got up, never once taking his hand off of himself. He walked around his desk and Ashkrath stayed at the front of it. It had taken no further goading before she felt his hot breath on her neck. One hand slapped onto her round ass, sending waves of pleasure through her. Sex was different now. Demons typically just filled the holes of their partners, never took care of each other while they tried to fulfill their own selfish needs. The priest was doing the same, but it was different in the way that he was worshipping her. Fingers dipped into her dripping pussy, into her ass. They pinched nipples and scratched across her skin.

It was a surprise when he suddenly slammed her forward onto the oak desk. Breasts, which had swelled in size since feeding, were pressed against the cold surface. Ashkrath half expected the man to slam his cock into her, but instead, her cheeks were spread by his hands and a tongue penetrated her pussy.

"Found something a little more fun that yourself huh?"

He moaned into her a deep resonating breath. The man lost himself in her, licking and lapping her love up. A few times his tongue even delved into her tight ass. It was funny to her that a man could so easily replace one form of worship to another.

"Please father, I need some of your righteous justice," she said. Which were words to goad him into a much better activity, fucking. It works and almost too late for her liking; Ashkrath was experiencing the first joys of having a mortal man's penis in her. As he slammed away, the demoness looked up and out a window to see spread wings in flashes of lightening outside.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-24 14:51:51
sexy very hot

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