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Selling Mom for Cash
Selling Mom
Jill was a 39-year-old red head, she had put on a few pounds in the last 15 years which only accentuated her 36 E breasts and well-rounded butt. Her husband Al was a VP of sales for an International Chemical Company and was gone months at a time. When he was home all he did was sleep and stay on the phone with clients. Working all week and cleaning house on the weekend didn’t give her a lot of free time either, she was super horny all the time and tried to entice Al with sexy outfits. He would always come up with an excuse to be left alone.
Her son Evan was a gawkish 18 year old who was horny all the time, he spent half his night watching porn on his computer. Evan did however have a few very good friends on the football team as for a price he would do their homework which kept them playing football without the coaches ragging on them. Evan was totally consumed with monitory gain so for money there was little he would not do.
On at least three occasions two of the guys from the team who were black were at his house when his mom would come home. After she would change she would start dinner and scurry around the house straightening and cleaning. They would watch her and tell Evan how they’d like to fuck her in every way possible. They were always graphic as to where they would put cum, did she swallowed was she on the pill. She had a great ass they told Evan it was the perfect ass to get fucked. Evans response was always “show me the money”.
On this particular afternoon as Evan responded Luther a linebacker looked him in the face and said “how much for a weekend”? Evan was taken back by the comment, he thought about it for a minute and said “500 a night”. Luther and Gary (the other player) looked at him “$500 for Friday and Saturday for both of us”. Evan now realized this was a legitimate offer so he carefully thought about it then said, “ok 500 for the two days but I get to video it”. The two exchanged glances they gave a thumbs up, “you’ve got a deal Ev now how is going to happen”? asked Gary.
Evan need a little time to get a plan together so all he said was “very soon I’ll work on it starting now”. For the next hour they described what they were going to do with her Evan just nodded and agreed. They finally left but as always went down to the kitchen they stopped and said goodbye to Mrs. J as they all called her.
Terry noticed they were staring more the usual at her chest but she chalked it up to hormones she smiled as she thought I can still get a rise out of young guys.
At dinner they discussed how her husband was always gone how lonely she must be and it would be nice to have some companionship. Jill had no idea where the conversation was going but as she kept talking and sipping her wine she began to get very free with her opinions about her life. “Mom don’t you ever get horny”? asked Evan. She never expected that from her son but the wine and the entire conversation seemed very relaxed and natural. “I sure do get horny but what am I supposed to do”?
Evan smiled as a plan was beginning to take shape, “well mom frankly there are a lot of the guys I hang with who think you’re a hot MILF. I can think of at least two who would be very happy to give you attention”. Jill’s eyes open wide, her mouth hung open for a minute she was speechless. “Evan just what are you saying”? Evan knew it was now or never so he continued, “they want to have sex with you, they think you have a great body”. At that she stood up, a little wobbly after all the wine, “Evan this conversation is over, please do the dishes I’ll be in my room”.
Once in her room she looked at herself in the mirror a voice in her head said you’re not getting any younger dear, young men have great stamina. Al isn’t interested and if you don’t use it you’ll lose it, besides they want you. Well how it girl a little hard cock would be great. She sat in her room for a while until she heard Evan come up stairs and go into his room. She had finished the bottle of wine she had started and went to the kitchen to open another, returning to her room with the bottle she kept thinking about what Evan had said.
She waited until she heard Evan leave his room to go to the bathroom, she quickly ran down the hall she went in his room to see what was on his computer. She was amazed as there were mature woman with young men. They had very large cocks, one woman was sucking a large black cock, she was hypnotized by the scene. She felt a tingle between her legs.
Evan had staged this as he watched her through the crack in the bathroom door. Now he made noise as if fumbling with the door to give her time so she could get back to her room. Once in her room she took two large gulps of her wine, the glass was empty. She filled it again sat on the edge of the bed thinking about the conversation. An hour later after almost finishing the second bottle she changed into a cotton nigh shirt, she got up and headed for Evans room.
Knocking first she heard him yell just a minute, she smiled to herself as she was sure he was watching porn and jacking off. A minute later he opened the door in his boxers. “High mom what’s up”? “Can I come in”? He swung the door open and motioned to the bed, “please sit”. She sat for a long moment chewing her bottom lip then she asked. “which of your friends want to fuck me”. Evan turn away for a moment smiling to himself he then turned back “all of them”. She smiled asking him which two recently”? “Luther and Gary just today, why”? She took a deep breath “I’m curious that’s all”.
“Mom I really think it might be good for you to party with them, it’s been a long time since dad and you have been together and I’m fine with it”. There was a look of total surprise on her face at the comment from her son. “Well your right it has been a very long time since he touched me frankly I could use some attention but both of them”? “Mom from where I’m sitting you need a lot of attention”. They both laughed.
She looked at Evan, “you wouldn’t think less of me if I was to party with your friends”. “Hell no in fact I think it would do you a world of good”. She thought about it for a long couple of minute, “it would definitely help my mood”.
Evan realized the next step was to get her to agree. “Mom how about I get Luther on Skype, tell him what we’ve talked about then you and him can chat and set up a date. She giggled, “you think I should”? “Well there’s only one way to find out, right”? “That said I know he’ll cum in his jeans thinking about it”. “I don’t want him wasting any cum in his jeans”. They both laughed.
She held up her hand, “wait before you get him on the computer I should sex myself up a bit, don’t you think”? Evan smiled “yes you should, why don’t you put on the red bra and boy short set. Fix your hair a little makeup and you’ll will be ready”. “How do you know about that outfit”? He laughed “I saw you wear it once while you tried to get dad interested”. She thought for a moment then nodded as if he was right.
I’ll get Luther on skype now while you sex yourself up, then just come back in when you’re ready”. She nodded with a big smile stood up and headed for the door, “I’ll need about 15 minutes”? As she headed down the hall he punched in the code for Luther, within a minute they were discussing the plan. Evan left his door open so he could see when she came out of her room. The chance she would change her mind was always there and if she did he could cut the link quickly.
Evan had written down a few questions for her to ask him. Evan and Luther t discussed his questions for her. They were talking when her bedroom door opened, she came out in the outfit he had suggested only besides that she had put on 6 inch heels. She came down the hall hips swaying tits bouncing, he told Luther to hold on he stood up and walked into the hall. “Mom you look very very hot, I’ve written down a few questions you may want the answers to as I’m sure he has a few as well. She giggled, “can I ask him how big his cock is”? “I guarantee he hopes you will ask”.
She entered the room pushed Evan into the hall closed the door sat on the bed smiling, “hi Luther how are you”? An hour and a half later the door opened and she waved him in. “Well for your info there coming over Friday night about 8. I’m really looking forward to seeing him, he says his cock is 9”. You’ve seen him in the shower is it that big”? Evan smiled “I would have bet it was bigger”. “He asked to see my tits he wanted to know how big they were, I told him 36 G. Then he wanted to know if I had a bush I told him yes I pulled my panties down to show him I think he almost came I think he’s super-hot for me”. “He asked me if I swallow cum I giggled and said ever drop”. “I told him no jerking off till Friday night I enjoy cum I want as much as possible”. Evan smiled at her “mom you look so fucken hot, would you give me a hand job”? Jill giggled “ok let’s see what you’ve got”. Evan pulled his boxers down and a six-inch cock sprang out. “Well hello big guy looks like your happy to see me”. She kissed the head then licked it she went to work sucking it. It didn’t take very long before he pushed his entire cock down her throat. Her throat was milking his cock, he grabbed the sides of her head blasting a load of hot cum directly down her throat. She pulled back so she had the head still in her mouth she continued to milk it till he was dry. She got up and headed back to her bedroom, cum on her lips a smile across her face. At her bedroom door she turned smiled coyly “Evan if you need your cock sucked again let me know, truth be known I’m a great cocksucker”.
The next morning when he arrived at the kitchen table she seemed nervous. “Mom you ok”? She brought their breakfast to the table sat down, “I made a date with Luther and Gary for Friday night and gave you a blow job, I’m not sure it was the smartest thing I could have done”. Evan looked at her, “why you seemed to have a great conversation with him last night, the blow job was fantastic”. “Yes but I’m not sure about it, I’m ok with your blow job but he was talking about a clit ring for me, he wants me to squirt for him”. Evan looked at her, “you showed him your tits and pussy, if you change your mind he has the pictures”. He’s already texted me that he’s not jacking off for the next two days as you told him to save every drop for you”. “You were great with my blow job I’m sure they give you a great fuck”. “I could really use some attention down their so let’s see how it goes”.
Jill sat at the table chewing her lip she seemed nervous again. “I hope your father doesn’t call Friday night, I have a feeling my pussy is going to be very busy”. Evan smiled at her, he finished his food and hurried out the door.
Thursday night about 9 Luther called on skype, Evan yelled for Jill to come to his room. She walked in saw Luther on the screen, she pushed Evan out and closed the door. Two hours later she emerged her face flushed but grinning from ear to ear. As she got to her bedroom door she turned to face Evan “I guess Friday night I’m learning how to squirt, I understand its wonderful but it makes you horny as hell. I wish your father would do things like that”.
Friday at 6:30 she went upstairs to get ready for the evening, she was working on the bottle of wine she had started with dinner, “Evan should I put on a cover up or just walk in with bra, panties and heels”? Evan smiled “Bra, panties and heels is my vote”.
At 7:45 she came down stairs, she walked into the den. “Wow mom you are a very hot MILF” “Thank you sir, it’s nice to know I can still give guys boners”.
The bell rang, they both exchanges glances, “I think my date is a bit early”, she giggled heading for the door. Evan ran into the den he turned on the hidden camera he had set up in the den and her bedroom. He heard the door close and then nothing. He peered around the corner to see his mom in a sandwich between Luther and Gary, they were groping her body while she gyrated her hips so her ass was on one cock her mound on the other. “Hay guys come in and get comfortable”.
They broke the embrace and headed for the den, Jill was swinging her hips and ass way more than necessary as Luther keep squeezing her butt cheeks telling her what a great ass she had.
They sat on the sofa Luther and Gary on each side of her. Gary had his tongue down Jill throat, his hand was gently rubbing her clit which was already swollen. Luther was sucking a nipple which was hard as a stone and an inch long. Her pussy was very wet leaving a stain in her panties her nipples were hard as rocks which was quite evident. She was rubbing his cock through his shorts. She was moaning softly as the fact of being pleasured by these men was bringing her to the first of many orgasms.
Gary continued to rub her clit her pussy lips were wet so she was so close to orgasm, she buried her face in his neck she shuttered as she orgasmed in his hand. Since she hadn’t had an orgasm in almost a 2 years it took her a while to calm down a bit.
“Wow Lu look at her tits her nipples must be an inch long let’s get this bra off her”. Gary unhooked it and was already sucking on a nipple, Luther took the other nipple he started sucking it. She was in heaven two men sucking both her tits which were sensitive as hell this was too much for her she let out another moan as a small orgasm hit her. Both boys stopped sucking Luther smiled “Jill go over to my gym bag dig out a small box, please be sure to wiggle a little so we get a good look at your tits and ass. As she stood Gary pointed to her crotch “hey bro look at the size of wet stain in her crotch and she hasn’t squirted or been fucked.
She took her time prancing around the room got the box came back over slowly.”Did you like the show”? “Am I going to get some cock soon”? Gary smiled “yup but first we’re going to teach you to squirt”. Luther kissed her nipple “Jill stand up pull down your panties and sit down”. She took more time then needed to wiggle out of her panties, as she stepped out of them she handed them to Luther, both guys grinned each one kissed her pussy lips. She sat down.
Luther removed a clit ring from the box he gently he placed it on her swollen clit he pushed the button and it softly started vibrating. Jill’s nipples pooped out bigger and harder then before. The feeling on her clit was fantastic the guys sat on either side of her holding her legs apart while sucking her nipples. The feeling was new to her but she quickly realized something was happening deep in her pussy. She was slowly rubbing their cock as the vibrating continued. “Guys I don’t think I’m a squitter”. Luther pushed the button the ring speeded up. It only took another minute or so before she had started bucking her pussy as if she was milking a cock. Evan had the camera positioned to take full advantage of her first squirt.
She grabbed Gary’s arm tightly yelling “oh my fucken god I’m Cuming or squirting or both”. A stream of pussy juice blasted out of her followed by at least 5 more blasts, the tile was soaked before they took the ring off.
“My god that was the most fantastic thing I’ve ever experienced, but guys there is one side effect”. They both looked at her puzzled “I need a good fucking right now”. Luther wasted no time putting her on the floor, she spread wide as the 9 incher parted her pussy lips. She looked into his eyes with a dreamy look “baby go slow until I adjust to your size then we can go at it”. He pushed slowly but in no time he was deeper in her then any man had ever been, he continued to push he pushed past her cervix he was deep in her womb. All she could do was moan “Luther fuck me I love your black cock inside me now her pussy started milking the big cock. Looking into his eyes she asked “you didn’t jerk off for three days right, so you could save every drop of cum for me”? He was grunting, she pulled him close thrusting her mound up to meet his downward thrusts. “I’m Cumming baby oh god cum for me honey, fill me up I need it”. He pushed down she felt the sensation of warm cum flowing deep in her pussy, that pushed her to yet another orgasm of maximum intensity. All she could do was moan in orgasmic ecstasy.
They both lay quiet for a few minutes, then she heard Gary “is it good pussy bro”? “Not good it’s great, Jill is it ok if Gary”. Before Luther could say another word she grabbed Gary “get in her baby I need a lot more attention”.
She had cum leaking out of her like a faucet so Gary cock slipped in without any trouble. He was definitely wider, not as long but wider. “Oh god babe your cock feels wonderful take your time I love it”. Gary went slow for at least 6 or 7 minutes. Jill pushed up every time he thrusted down. “I’m getting close to an orgasm babe”, she moaned but Gary just kept pumping at a faster rate. She was almost there when he grabbed her ass pushed deep she once again she felt hot cum flooding her pussy. That was all it took to ignite a massive orgasm within her. She started screaming “I love your cocks I want all the cum you have I want to drain your ball sacks”.
Again they lay together catching their breath. Gary smiled at her “Jill that is some great pussy”. Looking into his face “well thank you sir you two have really great cock I love them both, I’m yours guys”.
Luther looked at her, “Jill put on your panties so you leak into them this way we see how much cum we’ve given you, let’s go to your room I want my cock, balls and ass cleaned with your tongue. She nodded and grabbed the panties.
In her room she went to work cleaning both guys with her tongue, she realized they were getting hard again. She was finished and wanted to go rinse her mouth out when Luther pulled her panties off he pulled her on top of him imbedding his cock in her, she let out a low moan of pleasure leaning forward to kiss him she was rubbing her tits on his chest. She was totally surprised when she felt Gary’s cock at her rosebud, then one hard push she now had two cock in her at the same time. Her eyes went wide but Luther calmly hugged her, “baby give it a minute our cocks will be rubbing together in there if you hate it he’ll pull out but give it a minute. The three of then rocked for a few minutes until they had a rhythm going. She was amazed how sensual a feeling it was, they were all building up to a massive climax, “guys I’m going to cum like I’ve never cum before”. That was all she got out as a sexual explosion erupted from deep in her pussy. Pussy juice was flowing out of her as both guys pushed in deep, they came in unison the feeling of hot cum flowing in her pussy and ass at the same time kept the sexual explosion going. All she could do was moan oh my fucken god oh my fucken god that was wonderful. It took almost two minutes for them to calm down enough for them to roll over.
Gary looked down “wow you’ve got cum flowing girl it’s really a good look for you” Jill smiled “do you like me looking like this covered in cum”? His only response was YES! Luther chimed in with “Jill get to work cleaning our cocks”. She pulled her panties on and went to work licking them clean. After cleaning both cocks clean Luther looked her in the eyes “I’ve got a feeling you give a great blow job, right”? “If you must know I have always loved sucking cock I’m quite good at it”. With that she swallowed almost the entire shaft allowing it to go down her throat. She was working on it bobbing her head up and down for 15 minutes before he grabbed her hair, pushed her face down his load went straight down her throat. She gagged pulled back enough to get at least 4 squirts on her tongue. Smiling she opened her mouth so he could see his cum then she swallowed it all down. “You taste great babe but I have a question”. “What’s the question Jill”. Do you think we could try the two cocks in me again soon”? “Gary get over her I see a cock that needs sucking”. It didn’t take Jill long until she was rewarded with another mouthful of cum.
Jill got DP twice before they feel asleep,they made her put the panties back on so as not to loose a drop of cum. At 7:30 Gary woke, then Luther “ hey bro why don’t we give her another dp” when the phone rang she woke, Al her husband was calling, she told them to stop while she answered but there cocks were hard before long while she was talking she had both cocks in her. Al kept talking and soon she was over half way to an orgasm this was annoying her.
She paused as Luther who was in her ass pushed deep.She let a moan escape. “No I just stubbed my toes, when are you coming home”? As he was telling her about his coming home she realized an orgasm was close. “Al hold on a minute there’s someone at the door. She put the phone on hold as the orgasm over took her she was moaning “I love your cocks was all she could say over and over as both guys blasted cum deep in her. After a few minutes she rolled off realized Al was on hold. Cum was leaking out of her as she pushed the hold button, Al had hung up. Looking at her two black lovers she cooed “I guess I really like the way you guys give me special attention thank you” I’m afraid I’ll be shitting white for a few days and I’m sore in a really good way and no doubt will be walking a little funny but do you think we can do this again soon”?
They gave each other the thumbs up sign, we sure can babe. They left Saturday late afternoon. She walked them to the door in only cum soaked panties. Luther looked into her eyes “Jill from now on covered with our cum is the way we like to see you”. No teeth brushing or mouth rinsing either”. “We love the look as the stains in your panties show all the places we put cum. Do you know who your daddy is”? “You guys are my daddy, please call and get back her soon”. They left. The smell and taste of them lingered, as she closed the door she saw Evan he smiled “from here it looks like you had a very good time mom”. “Baby I wish you would have suggested this months ago. Do you think they’ll call me”? Before she could say anything else the phone rang, it was Luther. She grabbed the phone tits swinging she trotted off to her room.

Evan sat in his room watching the video thinking I should have charged them more.
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