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Two days ago Cindy was blackmailed into giving oral to her nasty uncle, but to her great surprise he is extremely well-endowed and skilled in the art of sex. Now she is conflicted by her past opinions of her uncle and the new feelingsh swelling within her. Will she give in to temptation and go all the way with her uncle? Pff! It's in the tags, of course she will!
Her Fucking Uncle 2: The Plot Dickens
(har dee har)

Cindy hadn't been able to sleep right for the past two days. A couple of nights ago her uncle Jeremy had barged into her room and threatened her with making a move on her sister Rebecka. Cindy had agreed to “take care” of him instead and... well, she'd ended up sucking his dick and getting the most earth-shaking orgasms of her life from his tongue. She was repulsed by her uncle, of course. He was a meager, scrawny man, with no class or style. He was overall creepy, and he had ogled her and her sister for as long as she could remember. But now she had sucked his cock, drunk his nauseating semen, and she couldn't stop thinking about it. Now it was fifteen minutes past two in the morning, and she had been masturbating ferociously for hours. Whatever she did, no matter how many times she brought herself to finish, it just did not compare to the intense pleasure her disgusting uncle had given her the other day. She couldn't get the musty smell of his jizz out of her head, or the sight of his gigantic cock. She'd only seen one other penis in real life before. Her ex boyfriend Brad had been half her uncle's size, and they'd never gone the whole way, not for lack of trying on Brad's part. No Cindy couldn't help wanting more. She was disappointing in herself, disgusted even, but she told herself that if she didn't sacrifice herself uncle Jeremy might put his hands on Beckie. She couldn't have that. She wanted him for herself.

No! She just wanted to protect her older sister. Even though Beckie was a year older, she was a shy and gentle girl. She had darker hair than Cindy, a light shade of brown, a petite body and pouty lips that begged to be kissed. Uncle could make her do all kinds of things. Perverted things. And if Uncle started doing those things with Beckie, he might never do it again with Cindy.

She fingered herself like crazy, and came again. Her panties were soaked and her heart beating like her whole body was on fire. But it just could not compare to what her uncle had done to her. She felt her pride being torn apart, but she realized that she wanted her uncle to take advantage of her again. Whether she knew it or not, the sinful pleasure mixed with the dreaded feelings of revulsion made for an addictive blend, and she feared if she kept on this road she would take it all the way. Even now she was masturbating to the thought of Uncle Jeremey taking her virginity with his enormous dick, her fingers working tirelessly on her 18 year-old pussy. He had wanted to have sex with her the other night, he had given her the chance. It had been her choice. If she ever got that chance again, would she be able to turn it down?

She came again.

What am I going to do?

The next day at breakfast Cindy wasn't able to touch her cereal. Her only thought were of her uncle, the bastard. She was wearing a pink top and a pair of black running shorts, her curly dirt blonde hair fell to her shoulders and framed her tender neck. Her father was working, even though it was Saturday, and her mom out shopping. Beckie came down the stairs, her brown hair a rough mess, still wearing a white pajama covered in pink animals. Her slippers were the kind of fluffy puppies that barked if you squeezed them.

“Morning, Cindy.” she said, yawning.

“Good morning. You slept till late.” Cindy remarked.

“Yeah, I guess I did.”

“Sorta unlike you.”

“Couldn't sleep.”

“Me neither.” Cindy said, and thought of her uncle's fat dick. Her pussy became wet at the mere thought. This was so wrong.

They spent the next few minutes in silence. Beckie got herself a bowl of cereal and went upstairs. Then Cindy's phone vibrated in her pocket. It was from her uncle. Last thing Cindy knew, he didn't have her number. But despite herself, she felt excited. A tingling sensation built up in her stomach, and her heart almost skipped a beat as she read the text message.

“Need relief. You home?”

Oh, shit. What am I gonna do.

“Yes, but Beckie is home.” she typed, her heart racing.

“Come to my place.” he sent her a minute later.

“I can't.”

“Then I'll come and pay sweet little Beckie a visit.”


“Okay. I'll come over.”

Cindy realized she was touching herself, getting wet and hot underneath her running shorts. First she hesitated, but then she sent another message.

“What are you gonna do to me?”

A short while there was no reply. Then Uncle Jeremy sent her a picture of his throbbing tower of a cock, and she remembered the intoxicating sensation its taste and smell had given her. She typed with her one hand as she rubbed herself through her shorts with the other.

“Be there in 20 min.” she typed.

It was only twenty minutes by bus to Uncle Jeremy, and Cindy was already out in the hall when she called upstairs to tell Beckie she was going out. It was a bright sunny day, summer break only weeks away. She stood anxiously waiting at the bus stop, the two minutes it took for the bus to arrive felt like hours. When it finally came and she got on, she was hit with a wall of mixed feelings. Why was she doing this? Why was it so exciting? Her uncle's dumb face appeared in her head and she felt nothing but disdain for him, but then memories of the way he'd dominated her and how dizzy his sperm had made her and the size of his dick came over her and she felt an aching not just in her pussy but in her chest. She desperately did not want to be attracted to him, but she was.

And she was going to his house. Alone.

She got off the bus with a sense of trepidation unlike anything she had ever felt in her life. It was a shot walk to her uncle's house, and even though she had every opportunity to turn around and go home, she kept walking. Eventually she found herself outside the door to his apartment complex, and she pressed the intercom. His apartment number was 324.

“I- It's me.” she said with a shaky voice.

The door opened.

She went in and got in the elevator. The journey to the third floor only took a couple of seconds but they felt longer. She was having doubts. But too late now, she was practically at his door. She proceeded down the hallway, thinking if she didn't do it Beckie might have to. Never once did the thought cross her mind, that she could report her uncle to the authorities. Her chest was beating and her pussy was aching when she knocked on his door. A moment of awkward silence, then it opened.

Uncle Jeremy was wearing a worn t-shirt and a pair of loose shorts. He had smug grin on his unshaven face.

“Come in.” he said.

She stepped inside, her legs wobbling, her footing insecure. Her breath was heavy. He closed the door behind her. His apartment was a messy, barely decorated two roomer. Judging by the smell of the place, her uncle hadn't aired it for a while.

“Can I sit down, uh, somewhere?” she asked, looking for a chair or couch. He didn't seem to have a proper living room, just a hallway, a kitchen and a bedroom with a TV. She feared the conclusion, then again, wasn't that what she'd come for?

“Let's sit down on the bed.” her uncle said. Of course he did.

They went into the bedroom. Cindy was audibly panting. She noticed a few game consoles, and a bookshelf with comics. Jesus, wasn't this a grown man? Then, as they sat down on the bed, she noticed just how grown a man he was. He put his arm around her, spreading his legs. His penis was poking out of the leg of his shorts. Even flaccid, it was as long as Brad had been when totally hard. She tried prying her eyes from it, but when her uncle's face was the alternative, she chose to focus on the TV.

He was watching anime. The trash.

He was caressing her arm now. Pulling her closer. Her eyes kept stealing glances of his dick. Why wasn't it hard? Didn't he want her?

“Why did you choose to come here?” Jeremy asked.

“What do you mean? You told me to, you creep.”

“Yeah, I did.” her uncle chuckled. “But I didn't make you.”

“Are you serious?” she tried to sound defiant, but his strong touch and pungent smell seemed to pacify her. “You, you said you will do these thing wi- to Rebecka if I didn't.”

“But you came here because I made you feel good the other night. And you want me to make you feel good again.”

“Yeah right!” again, she tried to act up, but her lack of sincerity was palpable.

“So I suppose,” he said as he reached between her legs. “that this ain't because of me?”

She was wet. She didn't know if he could feel it through her panties and shorts, but she was. He could be bluffing though. He was massaging her hard, so it felt through the fabric of her short, and even if she hadn't been wet when he started, now she would be. He got up and grabbed her shorts and pulled them off her. She recoiled, falling down on her back. His dick was now beginning to rise, struggling with the shorts that held it back.

“Wha-what are you going to do?” she whimpered.

“What do you want?” he asked, smug and confident.

“I want to, to leave.”

“No you don't. Be honest with me.”

“I... I want... I want what you gave the... other night.” she pointed to her soaked panties. “I want you to lick me, and make me cum like I did before. And I... I want to give you another blowjob. You bastard.”

To this Uncle Jeremy just laughed. Then he gestured her to keep going.

“And I... I... I want. I can't say it.”

“Say it, little girl.”

“I want to have sex.”

“Then take off your top.”

Hesitantly, she obliged him. She got up, sitting on her knees on top of his bed. She pulled her pink crop top over her head, revealing her sizable 32C cups.

“Nice bra. Very cute.” her uncle said, his eyes fixed on her breasts.

“T-thank you, Uncle.” she whimpered. The embarrassment was unbearable but she felt compelled to continue.

Suddenly, Uncle Jeremy pushed her back on the bed. He went down on his knees and pulled off her panties, exposing her wet pussy.

“I love the smell down here.” he said. “Whatever you say, I know that your pussy won't lie to me. It wants this. I know you want it too, but you doubt yourself.”

“Wh-whatever. Just do whatever you're going to do.”

“Hahaha! Some words who literally seconds ago said she wants me to fuck her. You're conflicted. I get that. This is incest, you know. Say it.” he said as he gently caressed her labia.

“This, this is incest.”

“Say it properly.” his breath was cool on Cindy's hot and wet mound.

“... This is incest. Uncle Jeremy.”

“And that turns you on, doesn't it?”

“No!” she gasped as his tongue entreated entry on her hot snatch.

“No?” he returned.

“It's your,” he struggled to speak, the combined senses of her uncle's touch and the sheer wrongness of the situation was too much to handle. “It's your cock. It's so big, and the smell makes me dizzy.”

“So that's it?”

“Yes! Don't stop. I fucking hate your guts, but I can't stop thinking of your huge cock.”

Her uncle didn't answer, unless you count thoroughly rolling his tongue inside the lips of her pussy a reply.

“Oh fuck! Oh fuck! I can't be cumming this fast!” Cindy yelped between violent breaths.

But just as she felt her climax rising to the top, he stopped, retreated. The violent pleasure was reduced to a teasing, just like he had done the other night. That time, he had pushed her to the brink over and over, built her up until she was ready to burst, and when he finally had made her cum it had been a brain melting cascade of earth-shattering orgasms that had lasted over ten minutes. Was he planning on doing that again? Already? Her thoughts were interrupted as he once again rose in pace, and her pussy once again caught on fire. Then, again, it stopped.

This time, though, her Uncle Jeremy got up on his feet and looked at her sternly. She looked into his eyes, panting, her chest heavy. He didn't seem so unkempt or scrawny anymore. He was grizzled and lean. In her eyes, he'd almost become handsome in a way. He gestured her to look down, and as she did she saw several inches of his penis sticking out of the left leg of his shorts.

She crawled over to him, in awe she pulled his shorts down, releasing his magnificent cock. Free from the textile of his shorts, his dick pounced at her and brushed her face. The smell was immediate and strong. She felt intoxicated by it. She felt distant and weightless, the way one does in the afterglow of a strong orgasm. But this was still foreplay. She couldn't to taste the pleasure her uncle would give her.

“It's so huge, Uncle.”

“If you want me to keep making you feel good, well, you know what you got to do.”

“I do.” she said and, looking up at him, to the amazement of herself, she smiled at him. “I'm going to suck you huge dick, Uncle.”

She started by giving it a tender kiss. It felt appropriate, as she felt more strongly about this sex organ than she had about any of her exes. Then she cupped his large balls in her one hand, and started to carefully jerking his dick with the other. She was kissing the head of his dick, her tongue gently licking it. Then she built pace, and started making out with the tip of her uncle's penis, before sucking down on it hard, taking as much as she could into her mouth. She still had plenty of room to spare, and started jerking it with both hands, still having ample room to suck it.

“Get some spit on it, Cindy dear.” her uncle urged her.

She happily complies, salivating until there was enough spit to make the big hard dick slide easily into her mouth, and her hands to glide along the thick shaft. As she felt more comfortable sucking off her uncle, she decided to try taking his big dick down her throat. She readied herself and took it as far down she could, but could barely take the first five inches without gagging.

“Looks like you need some practice, sweetie.” Jeremy said.

“Do you mind if I keep practicing, Uncle?” Cindy said with a newfound softness in her voice, her submission slowly creeping in inside her mind.

“By all means, once summer break starts I expect you to come visit me all the time.”

“I don't care to visit you, but I'll come visit this amazing cock as often as I can!”

This pathetic show of defiance was halfhearted to begin with, and Cindy knew that. As she kept sucking her uncle's member with fanatic zeal, she started dreading the fact that would not be able to stop, that she might have to come to terms with the fact that it was uncle that turned her on. She could only hide from it for so long, and as much as she wanted to deny it, she knew in her heart that it wasn't just his dick she wanted. She rebelled in her submission to him. The idea of her dirty, deadbeat uncle pushing her down by the bed and training her to be a good, obedient slut sent electricity down her spine all the way to her dripping wet pussy. It had taken so little to make her realize this. But she wasn't ready to admit it. Not to herself and certainly not to Uncle Jeremy. So for now, she was determined to keep up the charade of only being interested in the fat meatstick between his legs.

“Less talking, dear.” he said and grabbed her by her head, nestling his hands in her hair, and started moving his hips. He showed little regard for her throat, pumping his dick into her mouth. First five inches, then six, then seven. Cindy opened her mouth as wide as she could, and could only brace herself and weather out the storm as her uncle facefucked her, gagging be damned.

“If you can't take it all you're worthless to me, you hear? So you better practice.” he grunted, and pulled his hips back, giving Cindy a brief moment to breath.

“I'll get better for you, Uncle Jeremy. I'll take all of your cock.

Then he attacked her mouth again, coming down on her like a piston, fucking her mouth in every sense of the word. He varied pace, sometime slowing down, but only ever to prepare for a real fuckstorm where his hips would work double-time to make sure Cindy's throat got a fucking that would give most pussies cramp. After several minutes he let go of her, and pushed her aside. He placed her as if she was a mere doll, and she didn't move a muscle to stop him. With her back on the bed and her head leaning over the edge of the mattress, she opened her mouth to welcome his big cock. He grabbed her by the legs and sank his thick fuckstick down into her wanting mouth, and fucked her throat gently while he licked her pussy with a level of expertise that her 18 year old body had never even imagined. He repeated his usual pendulum of aggressive twirls of the tongue and gentle licks, and every time Cindy felt like an orgasm was coming she knew it would recede, and took great pleasure in wanting to shower in the radiant glow of her orgasm and her uncle's unwillingness to give it to her. She also knew that when he decide to let her cum it would be so powerful, so mind-breakingly good that she might cum just from the thought.

Finally her uncle let go of her, though she was a bit saddened to let go of the wonderful sensation of having his epic cock down her throat. The unpleasantness of being throat fucked had quickly given way for the basic pleasure of being manhandled the way she was. She wiped the saliva from her mouth, and her uncle piked her up and placed her neatly on the bed. He got on top of her, his thick dick waiting just at the entrance of her womanhood.

“Are you gonna fuck me, Uncle?” she said in a girlish voice. It seemed to turn him on, but the voice came naturally. She just felt so powerless in front of him.

“Yes I am, sweetie. I'm going to fuck you.”

“Will it hurt?”

“Maybe, but I've done my best lubricate it. You're a virgin, right?”

“Yes, Uncle.”

“Then it will feel strange at first, but I can tell you're excited enough. Those tales you've probably heard of painful first times were almost certainly because the girl was anxious or scared, or maybe the boy just didn't prep her right.”

“Is that true?”

“Trust me, honey. It doesn't hurt if you do it properly. And I'm going to do it properly.”

With that, he slowly slid into her, and planted a big, passionate kiss on Cindy's lips, that she was powerless not to resuscitate. She whimpered as she and her uncle kissed, not because she was in any way uncomfortable, but because her pussy instinctively tightened, trying to keep out his massive dick from getting any deeper. With time though, as he gently pushed and pulled, her pussy relaxed and let him go deeper with each push. In a minute, her well-lubed vagina easily let the whole length of 10 inch cock thrust into her harder and harder. They kissed with tongues of wild animals as her uncle fucked her ferociously.

“Ohh, fuuuck” she exclaimed, breaking the kiss. “Uncle, you fuck me so goooood. It's amazing! Your huge cock is going all the way in!”

“You have a great pussy, Cindy. I'm going to enjoy making you my personal slut.”

“Yes! Yes, do it! I'll come here everyday, and I'll do whatever you tell me. Just fuck me, and eat me out. Make me cum and let me suck your enormous cock.”

“You're going to do everything I say?”

“Everything! Ohhh fuck I'm burning.”

He slipped out and violently flung her on her back. Grabbing her by the ankles and raising them up, he cleared the path for his cock to reenter her soaked cunt. This time, as he slid inside, Cindy was able to appreciate just how long it was, it seemed to take forever for all of it to go inside. He kept upping the pace, slowly but steadily, the same way he used his tongue to make her snatch catch fire. In a couple of minutes he was pounding her so hard that the whole apartment was shaking, and Cindy was at a loss of any mode of speech, unable to mouth anything more than frenzied, cock-hungry grunts and wails.

“Uunle! I'm uuumming!”

Her uncle started fucking her with a ferocity and fervor that made the previous 45 minutes of non-stop fucking seem like he was holding himself back, and he started rubbing her clit violently with a two lubricated fingers.

“Cum for me, sweetie. Cum for your uncle.”

“Uuugh! Aaah. It's, it's cumming! AAH! OOH FUUUUCKK CUMMMINGGG!”

Cindy's vaginal climax coincided with a her clitoral climax, and erupted together in an orgasmic explosion of hot, furious pleasure. Her uncle slid out of her and starting licking her clitoris with strong twirls, keeping the fires of her orgasm lit as she came again and again. It was just like the other night, but even stronger. Things around her seemed to lose shape, colors became vibrant and saturated. She felt as if gravity had been upended and she was floating out into space. Then the entire apartment went black.

She awoke half an hour later. She felt as if she had just woken from a nap that was meant to last fifteen minutes but had somehow become a two hour sleeping session. Which is to say that she felt disoriented. For a few moments she couldn't say where she were or what day it was. Then she remembered. In the space of a few days, it felt like her whole existence had changed. Her uncle was, suddenly, no longer the low-life black sheep of the family. He was hung sex machine and she was going to be his slut from now on. She accepted it at that moment, and decided to act the part whenever they were alone. Right now, he was next to her with his back to the wall, watching some anime on his TV. She turned to him and purred. He was still naked, like her. She saw his soft penis, and without a word scooted over and lovingly inhaled it into her mouth. She caressed his legs as she sucked his dick into hardness, and soon enough it was hard and as big as ever.

“You were pretty out of it.” her uncle said casually.

“I've never felt so good in my life.” she said in a soft, dreaming voice.

“Don't you feel silly now? About how you've trying to hide it for so long?”

“Yes, Uncle. I feel so silly, but so good. I've always been hard on you, and I never realized why until now. It was because I wanted to be your bitch, your slutty niece whore.” she felt a tingling in her pussy, and savored the taste of his cock.

“From now on you will treat me with respect in front of my family.”

“Yes, Uncle.”

“And you will follow my every order to the letter.”

“Yes, Uncle.”

She happily sucked him off, changing between slowly and thoroughly sucking his shaft, licking him up and down the length of his cock, and deepthroating him so that only three inches remained. She tilted her head so she could watch his anime with him while she worshiped his dick, and thought of how nice it would be to suck him off while watching Netflix with him. She was caught off-guard with idle fantasies of going to the movies with him, going out for walks, doing all the things she liked to do with Brad or any other of her boyfriends. It was then she realized that she wouldn't mind falling in love with her uncle. He was a mess. He didn't take care of himself. Didn't eat properly, or dress very nice, didn't exercise or groom his facial hair. But she could fix him. She would fix him and then she could move in with him and be his slutty niece forever. She could tell by his breathing and the twitching of his beautiful cock that he was close to cumming. She couldn't wait to taste his delicious cum, the smell was already making her high. She took it as far down to the base as she could before the first volley of sperm shot out. He must have cum a gallon as he empties his balls into her mouth. She could feel a faint after-quake in her pussy, a delightful mini-orgasm as she swallowed what she could of his yummy cum. The rest squirted onto her face as she released his dick from her face. She turned around and lay down on her back, with her head toward the foot end of the bed. She gathered the semen with her fingers and licked her uncle's cum from them one by one. She savored the taste of his cum before swallowing.

“It tastes so good.” she said distantly.

“You'll be drinking down my jizz a lot from now on, sweetie.”

“Anytime you say, Uncle.” she smiled at him.

“I'm going to hop into the shower. You're more than welcome to join me, though it might get a bit cramped.”

“I'll be there in a minute.”

Her uncle got up and headed toward the bathroom, his semi-hard dick dangling between his legs like a sausage at the butcher's.

“Uncle Jeremy?” Cindy said, un-moving.

“Yes, little girl?”

“I really am sorry for the way I've always acted. You used to make me really uncomfortable, when you looked at me or made remarks. But you've made me feel so good, I don't see any of that when I look at you anymore.”

“What do you see now?”

She turned to him, and smiled. “I see my man. I'll be good slut for you, so don't do away with me, okay?”

“Don't worry about that, sweetie. You're my little girl now, and I'm going to keep you forever.”

“I'd like that. Oh, I feel so nice!” she said and stretched.

Her uncle went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Cindy felt it hard to get out of bed but she wanted to join Uncle Jeremy before he finished. She realized she'd been here for almost one and a half hours, and soon Beckie and Mom would wonder where she was. She got up, she wanted to be fresh for when she got home, and hopefully her uncle could eat her out some more before she headed home. Summer break couldn't come fast enough. She was just about to enter the bathroom when she noticed a blinking light on her uncle's phone, which was lying on a nightstand by the bed. Curiosity got the better of her, and she checked who'd sent him a message.

Absolute shock was what awaited her. On her uncle's phone, which had been on silent mode, was a string of messages from Beckie, from around the same time she had gone up to her room this morning to just an hour ago. Read in order, they said:

12:06 - Uncle, mom and dad are out. Can u come and fuck me again? - Beckie

12:07 Not today sweetie. - Jeremy

12:16 Cindy is going out, we'll be all alone. Plz I need you cock in my ass again – Beckie

12:19 Come to my place tomorrow. Busy today – Jeremy

12:48 Plz Uncle Jeremy u havn't fucked me since you visited 2 days ago. - Beckie

13:03 Im sorry Uncle Im so needy. Will u punish me tomorrow? - Beckie

13:17 Plz answer Uncle don't hate me. Ill let you cum inside again – Beckie

13:27 Sorry Im so needy! I'll make it up to u tomorrow. I love you I love you I love you – Beckie

Cindy didn't know what to do. Jeremy had tricked her into doing all this. Two days ago he'd said he'd go to Beckie if she didn't suck him off, and he'd done it anyway! God's sake, it sounded like he'd been doing it for longer than with her. Longer than with Cindy... She didn't know what upset her most. The fact that her uncle was lying asshole or that she wasn't the only one he'd fucked.

She marched into the bathroom, ready to lash out at him. He turned around and smiled at her, and suddenly she lost her footing. He looked so innocent, so vulnerable. Then she saw his cock, as hard as a rock, despite cumming just a few minutes ago. He grinned and said.

“Up for round two, baby girl?”

She wanted to scream at him, hit him, claw at him. But she couldn't. Memory of the pleasure he gave her won out against her feelings of betrayal. She knew she was being weak, but her hears told her that it cared more for the pleasure of his touch than it did for petty jealousy. She knew she would talk to him about this. But not now.

She walked up to him, got into the shower with him. He put his arm around her, she felt his chest and grabbed his cock, looking hungrily into his eyes and she slipped down on her knees and licked his tasty shaft. She knew then, that she wasn't going to let Beckie steal him from her. He said she'd be his slut forever.

“Do you want to cum inside me this time, Uncle?”


Okay, so I wasn't totally prepared for continuing this story, but I put the bits there if the interest existed. I think I have material for a couple of more entries, but there is alot on my plate so I can't guarantee a steady flow of chapters. That said, please leave comments and constructive feedback. It's nice to be back on the site. I will be continuing Malpractice too, chapter 1-4 were posted on an older account so you'll have to search for them on the site, if for some reason they are not there anymore, say so in the comments or send me a PM and I will re-upload them on my current account.


2020-10-22 18:25:08
I love both malpractice and uncle, both made me better than niagra falls during a storm. Please continue both, I had an uncle who seduced me also, I loved it too.

ray carletonReport 

2018-09-20 22:27:15
Ok! Neodadachum if you are going to continue UNCLE don't leave it more than two years between episodes please, Love your work just cant remember to keep checking for when new ones turn up!

ray carletonReport 

2018-09-20 22:27:10
Ok! Neodadachum if you are going to continue UNCLE don't leave it more than two years between episodes please, Love your work just cant remember to keep checking for when new ones turn up!


2017-08-09 13:29:01
Bitchass mofo stfu this is a good storie u try writing

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-01-26 07:23:57
This is a pretty good story but I really think you should continue Malpractice.
Malpractice is one of my favorite stories on this site.

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