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Sorry for the delay. This one took some time to get all the parts i wanted to include it this part
I quickly try to find something, anything to cover up the writing. I can hear someone coming. I can’t find anything at all. I prepare myself mentally. I’m going to have to fight. I can possibly take three out quickly but any more and the odds start to drop. They are getting closer, so I’m ready. Suddenly coming from across the street is a young African American girl about 5’7”, 130lbs, wearing scrubs.

“Quick put this on and follow me.” She says as she tosses me a coat. I put it on and follow her across the street and inside the door she opens for me. I can hear people walking and talking nearby.

“Stay here out of sight until I come back.” She says.

I go to the window and listen. My mind is telling me I’m in danger, but I have nowhere to go so I wait and listen.

“Sup Tab?” a Guy asks.

“Just got home from work, what are you boys up too?” Tab says.

“We got wind of a white punk walking around stating he hates niggers. You haven’t seen the punk have you?” Guy 2 says who sounds familiar.

“Nope I haven’t and if I did I wouldn’t tell you Roger.” Roger of course Mikta’s ex.

“Why not? Disrespectful punks need to be taught a lesson.” Guy 1 says.

“You mean piss pounded and put in a coma. Some lesson.” Tab say.

“If that’s what it takes sure.” Guy 3 says.

“Yeah we need to watch out for ourselves. Nobody else will.” Roger says.

“Like you watched out for my brother?” Tab says.

“That was an accident. He wasn’t supposed to be there.” Guy 1 says.

“Besides we tried to protect him. Things just went wrong.” Guy 3 says.

“No what went wrong was he got conned into joining your gang and he paid the ultimate price.” Tab says.

“We didn’t con him. He asked.” Guy 1 said.

“That’s right. Now Babe can we move past this. It’s been 6 months. I miss you.” Guy 3 says.

“Tyson you got my brother killed. I want nothing to do with you or your life. I am working hard to get away from you and this neighborhood. Now leave.” Tab says.

“Babe please.” Tyson says.

“Go or I’ll call the police for trespassing.” Tab says.

“What you would call the popo on your own kind. Wow, I guess you really are a white bitch trapped in a Nigga’s body.” Tyson says.

“Fuck you Tyson. Fuck you and your gang.” Tab says as she opens the door and walks in. She sees me and motions for me to wait. Tab look out the window. I take a moment to look closely at her. She is athletic with black hair done up in a ponytail. She looks down at me with her gray eyes.

“They are gone.” She says as she walks away from the window. I get up and start to follow her. I must have walked two or three steps before I get a little weak knee and drop to the ground. Tab rushes back and helps me to a kitchen chair.

“You ok? What happened?” She asks.

“I’m not really sure. I remember getting hit on the back of the head and something shattered. Then as I was on the ground I was hit in the temple by one of them. Next thing I know I was being dumped at the corner where you found me.” I tell her.

“Well let’s take a look, what’s your name?”


“Well Shane, I’m Tabitha, Tab for short.” Tab grabs a small pen light. “Can you follow the light with your eyes?” I do everything she tells me. She turns off the pen light
and walks behind me. I can feel her examining the back of my head.

Shane good news is you have no concussion, but you have a minor abrasion on the back of your head. That needs cleaning.” Tab says.

“Who were those guys? I know one of them is Roger he dated a friend of mine.”

“They are members of the Black Knights. A group of thugs who think they are protecting Blacks. In reality they are a gang who are involved in drugs, money, girls, and guns.”

“I never picture Roger as a gang member.”

“Roger is one of the worst. He has so many girls and in a way he provides the gang with girls for sex. He will spend months gaining a girls trust then he gets violent if they refuse a request he makes. He is the pimp of the gang.”

“You seem to know a lot about them.”

“Well my brother was one of their new recruits. He was killed when they took on the 88 skulls. Tyson, one the guys with Roger, is the recruiter. He finds young teenagers and gets them involved. At first the gang did protect the neighborhood from other gangs, but when Lil B took over it became more aggressive. It was soon after my brother was killed.”

“I’m sorry about your brother.” I tell her.

“Thanks it hasn’t been easy.”

“Oh I’m sure. My life hasn’t been easy either.”

“I can tell. The wound is all clean why don’t you take a shower and get that marker off.”

“Thanks Tab.”

“Your welcome.”

I stand up and take a couple of steps before feeling dizzy and hold onto the table. Tab is right there and helps me back to a chair.

“Sorry I just feel really dizzy when I walk.”

“It’s fine. The blow to the head may have left you disoriented for right now. Come I’ll help you.”

“Umm.” Is all I can say. I mean Tabitha is very beautiful but I am a stranger and she is going to be seeing me naked.

“Don’t worry I’m a nurse. It is not like I haven’t seen a stranger naked before.” Tab explains to me.

She helps me to the bathroom and we remove my pants and boxers. Tab starts the water and when it’s warm enough helps me into the tub. She gets my body wet and I start to scrub the marker off. Some of it isn’t coming off so Tab tries. As Tab is washing my chest I start to get naughty thoughts in my head. I can feel my cock becoming hard. I try to bite my tongue to keep it soft but I can’t. After five minutes of scrubbing the marker is off and the entire time I have been rock hard. Tab helps me stand up and I know there is no hiding it. For her part Tab is very professional. She doesn’t say anything about it, make fun, or do anything sexual. Together we dry my body off, and put my pants back on. Tab helps me to the living room and has me sit while she changes clothes. I look all around the room and I see a lot of pictures and well-worn furniture. A few minutes later Tab comes down dressed in street clothes instead of scrubs. She is wearing a pair of light yoga pants that show off her legs as well as a tank top that hugs her boobs just right.

“I need to get you out of here before my mother gets home. She wouldn’t like seeing a stranger here, especially a half-naked one.” She says as she hands me a dark shirt and coat.

“I am not sure I can make it home.” I tell her as I take the clothes and put them on. The jacket is leather and soft.

“I am going to take you home and I promise I will stay to make sure you’re ok.”

“What about my vehicle. I am sure it is still at the mall where I was jumped?”

“I wouldn’t trust driving. You can get it tomorrow come on.”

She helps me out and together we head out to her car, and old beat up Nissan hatchback. Surprisingly it starts up and we start heading to my place. On the way we chat
and I found out she just starting working as a nurse about a month ago and wants to get her masters in nursing this way she can be a nursing administrator. It takes us a good 20 minutes to get to my place. One again I try to walk on my own but fail. Tab helps me inside and I quickly turn the alarm off. We make it to the kitchen and I sit down again. I tell Tab to make herself at home since I am too useless to treat her like a guest.

“Mind I fi make something to eat? I haven’t eaten yet.” She asks.

“Sure it is the lest least I can do to repay your kindness.” I tell her.

I watch as she finds things to cook. A pan with some oil I started while she chops up peppers. Once the peppers are chopped into the pan they go along with some left over chicken. She then starts a pot of water to boil while chopping an onion. After the water boils in goes ziti to cook. The onion goes into the pan with peppers and chicken after 10 minutes, after she pours in a jar of sauce and some seasoning. When the sauce boils and the ziti is done, Tab combines the two bringing the newly created dish to the table. She hands me a bowl and silverware while she starts to dish up some dinner. Even though I am not hungry I do take some out of respect.

We continue to talk. I find Tab is very easy to talk with despite just meeting her. After our meal we go and sit in the living room. There is nothing on so I tell Tab to pick a movie, if she doesn’t like any on the shelf I have others on my laptop. She puts in Grown Ups, and then sits next to me. Part way through the movie she cuddles up to me and I put my arm around her.

“You know Shane. We just met and yet something tells me you’re not like typical guys. You’re not flirting or trying to get in my pants.” Tab says.

“It’s funny. Until the start of school I kept to myself and didn’t socialize with anyone but my sister. I just observed quietly and I learned most guys don’t respect girls. Girls are objects to some. For me women are people just like me with real feelings. If I wouldn’t want to feel it why should I make a girl feel it? Girls want a guy that they can relate to and build a foundation of trust on. If she can’t trust him he isn’t worth friendship. All I can do is be myself and if a girl likes it a friendship blossom.” I tell her.

“Smart man, I can tell us maybe good friends as long as you’re not a psycho.”

“Psycho no, but I will go after any who hurts my family.”

“Shane, family is family. We all will do what is necessary for family. If it meant my brother is alive today I would have gang banged all of those assholes.”

“I’m sure one or two would have taken you up on that offer.”

“Oh I’m sure of that. However I want a good man. Someone who is honest, caring, and has an honest plan in life that isn’t gang related.”

“Well Tab. I’m sure he is out there. Just keep your eyes open. After all he could be in your life and you may not know it.”

“Oh you think you’re the man for me?”

“Right now no, I mean you’re beautiful and pleasant to be around, but when it comes to a relationship I don’t have a clue. My head is all mixed up about who I want to be with.”

“Well sounds like you have some girls already.”

“There are a couple of girls that I like but only 1 that makes my heart skip a beat. I know they like me and we have done things, but this one. Even though nothing has happened I feel like there is something about her that draws me to her. She broke into my shell and got me talking the moment I saw her.”

“Sounds like you should make a move.”

“I did. I made a date with her for Saturday night before I got jumped. Problem is I don’t want to hurt the others because I like them too.”

“That’s the curse of feeling love. The fact that you don’t want to hurt them means you care about them, maybe love them in their own way. Everyone is different. We all spend our whole lives trying to find out soul mate. Problem is sometimes our souls or our soul mates soul are so broken that instead of soulmate it because soulmates because not only does one make you happy but another does too.”

“So you would date a guy who had a girlfriend or wife already?”

“If all parties where okay by it sure, the thing about love Shane is that it knows no limits, it knows no boundaries. As long as everyone knows about the other and are okay why not be a big happy family. A healthy relationship has no secrets. Yes society has way to prevent someone marrying more than one person and people frown on it, but nobody cares if a 75 year old man marries a 20 year old woman. It’s no different if you have one or more partners in life.”

We quietly watch the movie. I think about what Tab said. It didn’t take me long before I fell asleep and started to dream. Tab and I were alone in the living room when she kissed me. I reach up and place my hand on the back of her head and my other hand on her back pulling her in closer to kiss her deeper. She responds by straddling my lap. I slowly move my tongue inside her mouth. Once inside she uses her tongue to wrestle with mine while she grinds her crotch into mine. I can feel my cock getting harder. I break our kiss and move to kiss her neck. I kiss her collar bone. Tab pushes me off and pulls she shirt off. I quickly move in and kiss the top of each boob. I reach behind and undo her bra. Once her bra is removed I suck on both nipples at the same time. She grinds her crotch harder into mine. My cock is throbbing so much it hurts. I slide down a bit and pull her closer to me as I suck her right nipple. At this angle I can slide my hand down the back of her pants. Once down I can shove my middle finger part way into her pussy which is very wet. I do the best I can at this angle and finger fuck her pussy.

After a minute it proves to be too much and Tab removes my hand and gets off my lap. I watch as she removes her pants and thong in one motion. I remove my pants with her help. Tab waste no time pushing me back and straddling my lap again. I feel her line my cock up with her wet love tunnel and then jams it inside as deep as possible. We both moan with pleasure as she starts working my cock. We kiss again as I hold her tits and she bounce on my cock. She places her hands on my shoulders and starts bouncing on my cock. I put my hands on her waist to help guild her. Tab begins moaning with pleasure as she rapidly fucks me. In no time I can feel the pressure building.

“Tab I’m going to cum” I warn her.

“Oh yeah, give it to me. Give my pussy some cock juice… Oh Shane. Oh SHIT.” Tab screams as her orgasm hits hard. I feel my cock about to snap from how tight her pussy now is. I thrust up hard as my own orgasm hits. I blast my cum deep inside her pussy. Tab rest her head on my shoulder.

I feel a warm liquid on my hand. I snap awake and I realize I have my hand down my pants and I just jerked off in my sleep. The warm liquid I feel is my own cum. I look for Tab and find her at the other end sleeping. I need to clean up so I try to stand and walk. Seems I am able to walk so I go to the bathroom and take a quick shower. After that it’s a stop off in my room for a change of clothes. I get dressed and hear someone coming up the stairs. It’s Tab.

“Hey, you’re walking better?” she asks.

“Yeah thanks to you.” I tell her.

“No Problem. Mind if I use the bathroom?”

“Sure it’s right there.” I say to her as I point to the bathroom. Tab walks down to the bathroom and closes the door. I find myself looking at her tight cute ass and my cock twitches. I take care of my dirty clothes just as I hear the toilet flush and the sink come on. Tab comes back to my room a few moments later.

“So umm, I know it’s late but do you mind if I stay the night? I will help you get your car but it’s a long drive at night.” She asks.

“Sure. We have a spare room, but my step sister had a sleep over. I don’t know what condition it is in right now, but your welcome to it, or you can use my bed and I will take the spare room.”

“How about this, we are both adults so we can share your bed. I know you won’t try anything because that’s who you are.”

“Ok. Do you want something to sleep in?”

“Sure a t-shirt and shorts if you have anything that will fit me.”

I check my dresser and find a long t-shirt and a pair of shorts that I don’t like because they are too tight.

“Here try these.” I tell her. “I will leave so you can change.”

“Thanks.” She says as I leave so she can change. I wait by the door for a few minutes. Tab opens the door and I walk inside. We then get into bed on opposites at first. Tab falls asleep quickly, but I’m still awake. I can’t let what happen to me go without doing something. An idea forms in my head but I need more information. I put that aside and think about the other problems I need to solve. Monday is coming up fast and I plan to get information out of someone. I have my list of suspects and people form the party, but who is the weak link. I will have to watch and listen. I plan out a few ideas before I fall asleep.

I fall into a dreamless sleep. When I wake up I feel something pressed against me. So I open my eyes and look. Tab is now cuddled up to me. Her head is laying on my chest; her right hand is holding my cock, while one of her legs is over mine on top of her hand. Through the shorts I gave her I can feel the heat from her pussy. My mind goes to the dream I had and my cock reacts. I think about how close a wet pussy is to my body, but I can’t and mustn’t think that. I promise Tabitha I wouldn’t try anything. I try to think of nonsexual thoughts. I get it to go down a bit but Tab is still holding it which doesn’t help me. I decide to try to move her hand. It’s not easy to do with one free arm and you can’t move much. I get her legs moved enough to get her hand. I grab her hand and move it up. For a few seconds are fingers are locked together. I place it on my chest with mine on top to keep it there. As I lay there I start to think of codes and algorithms used for hacking.

My cock softens and I lay there for about half an hour when Tab wakes up.

“Morning Tab.” I say to her.

“Morning handsome.” She says.

“Sleep well?”

“Yes, Shane did you?”

“Yes I did thanks.”

“Your welcome, Excuse me while I head to the bathroom.” She says as she gets out of bed. I do the same and check my phone for messages. I have one from Kelsey saying she will be home later, one from Anna telling me how happy she was about yesterday and can’t wait for Saturday night and finally one from Caitlyn asking if I am ok with what happened yesterday. I tell Kelsey ok, Anna that I’m happy too and excited for Saturday and Caitlyn, I tell her I’m ok and if she’s ok with it maybe we can talk later.

I head downstairs to see about breakfast. Tab comes down after changing back into what she had on yesterday. I want to thank her for her generosity and come up with an idea.

“Tab how about I take you out for breakfast. This way I can thank you for helping me and after we can get my vehicle?”

“I’d like that Shane so it’s a date hope you’re ok with how I look?”

“If you’re ok sure, after all you look beautiful.”

“Awe thanks, you’re only saying that because I slept with you.” She says jokingly.

“I would have said it if you stayed in a different bed because it’s the truth.”

Tab blushes as we head out to her car. She lets me drive so I take us to IHOP. It takes us 10 minute to reach IHOP and get our table. The waitress comes and we each get a stack of pancakes. We continue to talk and enjoy each other’s company. I find Tab to be very deep and thoughtful. As we are eating our breakfast our talk turns in a direction I didn’t expect.

“Shane do you believe in Karma?” she ask.

“I believe that our actions for good or bad have a consequence. I believe that people who do bad things to others will have something done badly to them. It may take time but at some point the evil deed will catch up.”

“An interesting way to look at it.”

“Yeah, but it does have a fault.”

“What fault is that?”

“Say a man rapes a girl; the man did badly to the girl. Now say the girl’s father finds the man and beats him to death. The father did badly to someone so something bad must happen to the father.” I tell her.

“In the eyes of the law yes, but in the eyes of karma no. The father was just the instrument karma used. The father was protecting his daughter and karma will see it as that. I know first-hand how justice works. Laws require proof of the act. No proof no punishment.”

“Yeah know I’m glad we met. I can tell we will be great friends.” I tell her.

“I think Shane that you’re right and that we will be very close.” Tab says with a smile.

We finish our breakfast and pay the check. I do leave a nice tip for the waitress. I drive us to the mall so I can get my mom’s vehicle. Luckily no damage and the Rav is still there. I thank Tab for everything and in return she takes my cell phone puts her number in it and then messages her phone so she has mine. She tells me to text her later and we can see about hanging out later on. I happily agree as we part ways. I go inside the mall because I need something for my plans. I get what I need and get back into the RAV. I’m about to leave when I see Chris and Russ Wheeler get out of their car. I can’t help but smile at this turn of events. I sit and wait for them. An hour later they are back in their car leaving the mall. I follow not too far behind them. While they were in the mall I took the time to get some information on their vehicle.

After about a 30 minute drive we end up at someone’s house. The guys get out and head to the door, knock and then enter. I creep up to the nearest window. It’s just high enough that I can see inside, and it’s open so I can see and it’s open so I can hear what is being said.

“Tell me you brought the good shit Chris?” a woman says.

“That I did,” Chris replies.

“Russ what happen to you?” she asks.

“That shy piece of shit Shane Spring broke it all because beer was at Kelsey’s party,” Russ says.

“Kelsey is a stuck up snob that everyone leaves just because she has big tits. Shane is nothing more than a quiet perv jerking off in her underwear because he can’t ever find a real woman to fuck” she says as she comes into view. She is about 5’ 5”, 110lbs, thin with medium length red hair. She is wearing a pair of tight shorts and only a bra that is housing her 32B tits, but that’s not the most shocking part. The most shocking part is that this is Alicia Allens, the 18 year old daughter of our principle. She is a straight A student, class president, and well liked and loved by the student body. Yet here she is dressed like she is going to work the corner.

“Anyways,” Chris says. “I have your stuff now about the payment.”

“Same payment as always,” she asks?

“Yes but for Russ I will throw in another gram.”

“Let’s see it,” she says.

Chris pull out of his pockets a dozen baggies full of something that looks like heroin while Russ pulls out 3 baggies of what looks like meth. I smile to myself as I grab my phone and take a few pictures, and a video.

“Leave it on the table and fallow me,” Alicia says as she walks past them and rubs her finger across their chest seductively. The guys do as told and follow her. I go to the front door and test it. It is unlocked, so I open it and sneak in. I head to the living room and find the baggies. I take more pictures then head to find them. I can hear talking coming from upstairs so I quietly sneak up them and find the room they are in. Stupid fools left the door open. I look in and smile at what I see as I pull my phone out and
record it.

Russ is on the bed while Alicia is sucking his cock. Behind her, Chris is fucking her pussy. All three are naked. I laugh to myself because Alicia has gone on record saying she will remind a virgin until she’s married makes her Deacon of a father proud.

“You going to cum Russ? God your cock is so yummy. Yeah oh yes Chris fuck my pussy, fuck my slutty pussy,” Alicia moans. Russ holds Alicia’s head down, forces his cock deep down her throat as he grunts. Must be he came because his hands relax and she removes her mouth from his cock. Russ moves off the bed while Chris pulls out of Alicia and she lies on the bed. Chris climbs on top of her and resumes fucking her. Chris puts her legs up on his shoulders and speeds up. Alicia loves it as she moans and screams as waves of pleasure hits. Form my angle I can see his cock moving in and out of her pussy. I zoom in to get a better shot. I can’t help but laugh to myself as Chris grunts hard as he stops then climbs off of her. I watch as his cum slowly leaks out of her pussy. I zoom out as Russ climbs on top of Alicia and shoves his cock into her leaking pussy. Slowly he works his cock in and out of her. She doesn’t moan as loud as she did for Chris but she is moaning. Russ takes hold of her legs and rolls them over so she is no on top and he is on the bottom. Chris climbs into the bed as well and holds Alicia so she can’t move. He lines up and pushes into her.

“Oh God go slowly, please it hurts.” She half moans and half scream in pain. I zoom in and see Russ’s cock inside Alicia’s ass. After about a minute Chris and Russ both start to move. The two brothers start fucking Alicia hard. She doesn’t move and lets them do all the work. The harder they fuck her the louder she screams.

“Shit boys fuck me hard, oh God please fuck me. I can feel it boys. I’m going to ……CUUUMMMMM.” She screams as her orgasm hits hard. Russ and Chris grunt loudly as they both cum. Chris pulls out and lays down at the foot of the bed, while Alicia collapses on top of Russ. I take this time to stop recording and make my way out of the house.

I head back to the RAV and get a few of the items I got, then back to their car I go. I bought a pair of gloves that I put on then I pull out the pocket knife I bought and slash one of the tires. I make my way back down the street and hide. I watch for the boys and about fifteen minutes later they come out. I bought a mask and put it on. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest as I get closer. Chris is freaking out as he goes to the trunk for the spare and jack. Russ is working on taking the hubcap off. I get behind Chris and as quick as I can I strike. I slam the trunk down on his back as he was reaching in for the spare tire. He cries out in pain as I move to Russ. Russ isn’t’ startled but he is at a disadvantage of being on his knees removing the hubcap. Before he can get up, I kick him as hard as I can in the jaw. I can hear teeth breaking. I move back to Chris and see him sliding out of the trunk. I slam the trunk down again this time on his arms. He screams again and falls to the ground. Both arms bent in a way they shouldn’t be. Russ is up and going into the car. I do a back spin kick, catching the door and forcing it onto his ankle. As he screams I pull him out of the car then slam his face into the window of the back door. It breaks on impact and Russ falls to the ground, bleeding from lacerations on his face. Both don’t get up as I leave the area. I head back to the RAV and head for home. The entire way home I am smiling.

I have to been home for about an hour when I hear Todd and my Mom come home. I go down and great them, asking how was their trop and in return getting asked how things were here. As we talk Kelsey comes home. She gives Todd a hug, my Mom a kiss, and says hi to me. We sit as a family in the living room talking about everything that happened except about the rape. After an hour Kelsey and I order dinner. Well I should say I order dinner, Kelsey pays. My mind during dinner is on tomorrow. I am worried about what will be said about Kelsey. I look over at her and although I can see her laughing and joking around, I can see that she is still hurting. Sometimes her hand shakes, or for a second her eyes show sadness. After dinner I clean up while Kelsey says she has a little homework to finish up. I watch as she leaves the room. I hope she will be all right tomorrow.


It’s not that I had homework to do so much as I needed to get away from everyone. I head into my room and shut the door. My mind is still reeling from the weekend. How can I face everyone at school tomorrow? How can I look at a guy at school and not wonder, did he fuck me? Dathan has been messaging me all weekend. I tell him I’m ok and I will see him at school. I want to talk to him, but it will be face to face. I wasn’t kidding when I said he better give me answers I like or he is fucked. I know Shane is worried about me. That alone cheers me up. We have always been close since our parents introduced us. I smiled when Anna told me about the dance. Not sure I’m going to go. I hope soccer can take my mind off of things for the time being. I know Shane will stop at nothing to find out who set me up, but I worry about him. The girls told me about his outburst, I hope he doesn’t do anything that will get him in trouble. Tomorrow I will talk to Dathan, but I really thing he is the reason. If he is I just want to know, what kind of boyfriend lets his girlfriend be raped if he is supposed to love her like he says.


It has been a few hours since Kelsey went upstairs. I gave Mary a kiss goodnight before I came into my office to do something for work. At least that’s what I told her. In reality something has been bothering me since Kelsey came home. At first I thought it had to be something she did that I wouldn’t like, like possibly a party. I figured she had one after all I was once a teenager. Dinner however got me wondering. My family doesn’t know I am a profiler and can get a good read on people, as well as doing a psychological profile. It comes with my job. AT dinner I noticed something deeply wrong with Kelsey. So here I am in the office looking at videos from that hidden camera’s downstairs. Nobody knows they are there and I only have them downstairs. I watch the party happen, the fight between Shane and two guys with booze. I am impressed with his fighting skills. He has come a long way. I switch cameras and find Kelsey. I follow her from the time before the party till she goes upstairs. As I watch the stair cam I see her and Dathan go upstairs. Guess my little girl is a woman now. Not that I can do anything about it. After all I encouraged her to get the pill. I keep watching the video on fast speed and I see Dathan come down then a few guys go upstairs then come down. I count 5 guys go up within 10 minutes. I back the video up and start the photo software. AS each guy goes up and comes down I take a photo of them and check them off. Soon I watch Shane and Mikta go up. I wouldn’t have guessed that one, but good for him. Later I watch the last guy finally comes down. That camera gets a good shot of his face so I ran it through a few government databases I have access to. Shane and Mikta come down but still know Kelsey. I check the other cameras and I see everyone leaving. I watch as Shane, Mikta, Denise and Caitlyn start looking for someone, probably Kelsey. All of them go upstairs; a few minutes later Caitlyn and Denise come down and go into the living room. They are clearly upset. I watch Shane come down and lash out.

I rewind the stair cam and see Shane’s face. It’s a face I have seen only once. I go to the locked safe and pull out a file I have. Before Mary accepted my marriage proposal she told me something that she believed could have been a deal breaker for us. She told me the night she was raped didn’t happen the way Shane things he knows. That after Shane was beaten to the floor and she was being forced to have sex, Shane come into the room with a knife and stabbed the first man in the back severing his spine, the next was cut across the chest, while the others ran out of the house. When asked what happened that night Shane says he was beaten and 5 guys raped his mom, then left. A psychiatrist determines Shane suffered from a psychic break in which he didn’t know what he was doing and suppressed the memories. Since Shane was a minor and defending himself, the judge ruled the assault as self-defense. The psychological profile shows that Shane holds in anger and lets it build up until it reaches a boiling point then unleashes it. This combine with my first training session with Shane in which I told him how helpless he was when his mom was raped, the ferocity he attacked made me realize just what kind of man my stepson is. He is loving and caring, but if you hurt those he loves he will attack. His actions when he came downstairs in the video cam only means one thing; Kelsey was attacked and given how many guys went up those stairs it’s a safe bet she was gang raped. “Well Shane” I say out loud. “You better ruck them up good because if you don’t I will bury them in an unmarked grave in the middle of nowhere.”


I can’t believe how fast the weekend can fly by when things happen. I am standing at my locker getting my first period books and yet I can’t help but wonder if any of the passing students had their way with Kelsey. She was quiet on the drive to school. As I go to shut my locker door I over hear a bunch of kids talking about this new slut at school who gang banged a group of guys over the weekend. Normally I would have let it go but after what happened to Kelsey I start wondering if it’s her or someone else. I put it into the back of my mind since I have no clue who said it or if it is Kelsey. In first period I grab my seat next to Anna. We talk about the dance and how happy her parents are about meeting me and we talk about her next game. I never talk sports about sports but Anna just brings out a different me. I even tell her about me being attacked to which she is shocked and upset. Soon class starts and all talking stops, when class is done I grab my things and walk Anne to her next class. I just can’t stand being away from her. Once there she smiles and thanks me. I head to the gym for my next class, but she stops me.

“Shane please be careful. I don’t want you to get hurt again.” She tells me.

“I will be Anna. I will miss you.” I tell her.

“Me too” she says as she turns and head into class. I head to gym and just before the door to the girl’s locker room, Kelsey and Dathan are there and I can tell Kelsey is venting.

“What do you mean you’re sorry?” Kelsey asks.

“I mean I’m sorry for leaving you like that.” Dathan says.

“Oh so you’re sorry for leaving me after we had sex or for leaving me drugged?”

“Kel what are you talking about, being drugged”

“Someone drugged my drink and while I was unconscious some guys fucked me.”

“What you’re the new slut that gang banged a group of guys?”

“No Dathan I was drugged and gang raped. How could you think I would be a gang bang slut? You were my first, and I would never cheat on you.”

“So it sounds like your blaming me.”

“Should I Dathan, You’re the only one that had access to my drink that night. So tell me why?”

“I didn’t do that but it seems to me that you cheated and went too far and now like a typical woman that didn’t want it to happen you yell rape.”

Kelsey slaps him hard across the face. “Fuck you Dathan. How could you ever think that?”

“You know what; you’re not worth this shit. Fuck off slut.” Dathan turns to leave as I walk in front of him.

“You better not have anything to do with Kelsey being raped or else you will wish you had cut off your won dick.” I tell him.

“Maybe you raped her you freak.” Dathan says.

I walk away but I am still very pissed. I think Dathan knows something. If Kelsey wasn’t around I would have beat it out of him. I walk into the locker room to change, but I can’t. I’m so pissed I want to attack and hurt someone.

“Man you should have been at Kelsey’s Friday night. The party was great and the entertainment upstairs was even better.” Someone said.

“What do you mean” another said.

“I mean Kelsey wanted to have fun so a few of us went upstairs and we had fun if you know what I mean.”

“No I don’t know what you mean” I said as I walk around the corner to another set of locker and see Thad Sanders and Keith Weir, “So tell me what kind of fun are you talking about”?

“The kind you wish you had Shane” Thad says. “After all you must jerk off thinking about her every night. We all think your gay since you never got laid and will die a virgin since that hot desperate slut you call your step-sister gave it up to real men.”

Thad is almost laughing as I rush in and jump. He has no time to reach as I slam both knees into his chest and drive him hard into the lockers. We both fall and I’m up quicker than he is and attack again. I release all the anger Dathan caused me. I hit and punch and punch. Thad can’t defend himself. I feel someone lock my arm so I can’t swing anymore and pull me off of Thad. I used my legs to quickly give Thad a kick to the head smashing it against the lockers. I don’t fight much as Coach Latham drags me way.

“Let’s go Shane, to Mr. Allen’s office you go.”


I’m in the office looking at the DMV photo of Randel Runions, the last guy to come down from upstairs. After cross-checking him in the police database I am left with more questions than answers. Since he is 20 years old at an 18 hear old party. He also is a member of a local gang called Blade Kings. Not someone who should be at an innocent high school party.

“Todd” Mary says. “Shane was in a fight at school and the principal wants to see me.”

I look at the screen and Shane’s file. “Hold on Mary I will go with you” I tell her as I close the computer and lock the file way. My last thought was I leave the room is that it’s started.


I have been sitting here for an hour. Principle Allen has been dealing with Thad’s parents and the EMTs. Mom and Todd are here as well. Nobody has questioned me or said anything. Mr. Allen opens his office door and ask for us to come in. Walk in and he shuts the door.

“Have a seat” he says as he walks behind his desk and sits. Behind Mr. Allen I see Coach Latham and Superintendent Sanders Thad’s father. I sit down as well as mom, but Todd remains standing as there are no more chairs.

“Shane tell me what happened. Principal Allen asks.

I relate what I heard Thad say and how it upset me. Todd places his hand on my shoulder and squeezes it gently. Showing me he is glad I stood up in Kelsey’s name.

“So because Thad had fun at with your sister you assault him” Ask Mr. Allen?

“No sir” I reply.

“Shane you just said he had fun with her” Mr. Allen says.

“He got what was coming to him for another reason.”

“And what reason is that?”

“I can’t tell you.”

“Shane let me be frank for just a minute. You assaulted Thad and in doing so have broken a couple of ribs, collapsed a lung, broke his nose, and gave him a concussion. That is grounds for suspension as well as charges being filed by Mr. Sanders here. So please tell us why you assaulted Thad.”

“I think things over for a few. We can get into trouble for covering up her rape; on the other hand I could get to jail and the rest of the assholes walk free, I make up my mind.

“Friday night Kelsey had a party. She disappeared and when we found her she had been drugged and gang raped.”

“What makes you think my son was involved?” asked Mr. Sanders.

“I saw him at the party” I reply, “Then he just bragged to his friend about Kelsey and what he did that is why he got what was coming to him.”

“So you plan to ring violence to any and all male students at your sister’s party. I am afraid I have no choice but to suspend you indefinitely and report this to the police” Mr. Allen says.

“What” I reply?

“Now what one minute Mr. Allen” Todd says. “Now I am sure we can work something out.”

“I’m afraid not Mr. Adams” Mr. Allen says. As he reaches for the phone, “Shane assaulted a fellow student all because he said he had sex with your daughter. Shane
believes Kelsey was raped and if so where is the evidence? He stepped over the line and now will pay for it.”

“My son has never done anything wrong” My mom says.”

“I am afraid you will be talking to our lawyer” Todd says as he removes a card from his wallet and hands it to Mr. Sanders. “I believe you know her.” I watch the color drain from Mr. Sanders’ face as Todd continues, “I will be providing her with evidence of Thad going up to my daughter’s room. Judging by your reaction Mr. Sanders you know what she is like and will investigate the whole school.”

“Leon put the phone down and lets work out something” Mr. Sanders says.

“Well what are you terms then” asks Mr. Allen.

“Well for starters Shane is not suspended indefinitely and no police.”

“Fine but Shane has to be held accountable for the fight” Mr. Allen says as he reaches for the school handbook. “5 day suspension and barred from the dance.”

“I have read your handbook. As long as he is her the day of an afterschool function he can participate, therefore he is suspended till Friday and during the assembly makes an apology to the Sanders for the fight” Todd replies.

Mr. Allen, Mr. Sanders and Coach Latham talk among themselves. I can’t believe Todd said that. I would rather take the five day suspension then apologies to these assholes, but I can’t hurt Anna like that. She is the only reason I will do this.

“We agree” Says Mr. Allen.

Shane hours later

I’m waiting for Kelsey to come home because I’m afraid she won’t’ talk to me now. I sent her a text letting her know that our parents know what happened. She said ok, but how mad is she? It’s warm outside waiting for her, but this I want to do so I can explain everything. I’m lost in my own thoughts that I never see her pull in until I hear her door shut. She is walking up to the house and I can tell something is wrong.

“Kelsey I’m sorry. I told our parents what happened.” I say as I explain everything.

“Shane I’m not mad at you I knew that I couldn’t keep it forever. The fact that you stood up for me is a very noble thing. They back you into a corner when they threatened to expel you. I’m upset because Mr. Allen feels that I started everything so I have been suspended from soccer for the next 3 games.”

“What, with everything I did and have to do they still punish you?”

“They feel that if I was reaped I would call the police. You know our school administration. They think their kids are perfect role models.”

I think back to the video I have and an idea comes to mind. “Don’t worry Kelsey. I have a feeling Karma will visit them soon.”

“I think your right Shane. No matter what happens in live remember that I love you. We may not be brother and sister by blood, but it doesn’t mean I don’t love you and care about you. You’re not only my brother, but my best friend, my protector, and most trust worthy friend.”

“Thanks Kelsey. I love you too.” I tell her as I get up and lead her inside the house. Once inside Kelsey gest an ear full. Our parents ask all sorts of questions one of them being why police were not called. Todd understood Kelsey’s reasoning and can see why. The main thing is that Kelsey is alright. Mom is planning to have blood work done on Kelsey to make sure she didn’t catch anything, to which Kelsey doesn’t protest about. After it’s all done we each go about our normal after school lives. I head up to my own room to begin setting up for Mr. Allen’s payback. As I am looking into the school security system, that I hacked long ago I get a message from Denise. She tells me Steve set her up with his buddy for a night of fucking Wednesday night. I ask for details and she gives me the time and location she is to meet him at. I have a plan in mind and I tell her a bit of it. She likes it and agrees to help. I smile as I put my phone down and thing. I need to go shopping tomorrow.

Steve Wednesday night

It’s going to be a good hall tonight. I got 3 guys lined up to fuck Denise and the stupid bitch doesn’t even know it. Hell she things they are my buddies that she is fucking when in reality these are guys willing to pay for some pussy. At $100.00 a guy I will be making $300.00 and then when I sell the secret video’s I create to the overseas clients I stand to make another 3 grand. Not a bad bit of business. Nobody knows I secretly video them. They think I love to watch, hell it does turn me on better than any porno, but I’m actually recording it and I prefer younger girls. At 26 prefer teenage girls and Denise is getting too old, but still makes some good money. I need to find another girl then I can double my profits. I’m blackmailing Denise into it, but who else. I heard Kelsey Adam’s got gang raped. I could blackmail her. I could blackmail her. I am sure the investors would pay more for the innocent girl. Maybe Holly Snider could be convinced for a fee. Oh well first thing first. I need to head to the site and set up. It’s nice that my dad is too drunk to realize he sold the small hunting cabin to me. As always I will go set up then text the location to the guys.

I pull up to the cabin that is 30 minutes away and 2 miles into the woods I see Denise is already here. That’s strange but not unheard of. She has no other choice, besides maybe she is really horny tonight. As I get out and walk to the cabin I hear movement behind her car. Got to be an animal. I get closer then something is put over my face and a strange smell is coming off of it. I try to fight away but the darkness tarts creeping in. Suddenly the world is black.

I wake up and I can’t move, can’t yell, and I am naked in a tub with a shower head over my body. I try to move but I can’t I am tied up good. I can see a monitor inform of me and without warning it comes on. A figure with a black mask with white eyes comes on.

“Welcome Steve.” The monitor says. I can’t help but watch. “They say you like to watch people have sex, that it turns you on. I hope you enjoy the show I have for you. Just don’t get to turned on for if your dick breaks the laser in front of it, the shower head well begin to spray lye on your body and dick. Just know Karma always comes around to those who wrong others. Your pain will be but the beginning of your suffering for I am Karma’s Justice.” The masked person is replaced by Denise in a room waiting for me and the guys to enter. Only she don’t’ know that I planned for 3 guys tonight. I watch in horror as someone enters wearing a black mask, that covers all but the lips. I struggle to get loose or to look away but I am held tight. Even looking away doesn’t help because the monitor is big and I can hear everything. Tears form in my eyes as I realize what is about to happen.

Shane 5 minutes earlier to now

I told Denise the rest of the plan when I get here to get set up. Lucky Steve thought I was an animal when I grabbed his sorry ass. Getting him in the tub and set didn’t take long. After I hooked up the machine and put the smelling salts under his nose. Using the spy cam I see he is awake so I start the laptop. I watch his reaction to my message then switch it to the live feed. I walk into the room wearing sweats and a black mask that has my lips free. I see Denise waiting on the bed, she is still dress as she normally would be. We talk ahead of time and agreed never to use my real name.

“So you’re Steve’s friend do you know where he is?” she asks.

“He will be coming shortly.” I tell her.

“Ugh fine let’s just get this over with.” She is playing her part well. I remove my clothes and walk over to her. She looks me up and down putting on a great show of meeting me for the first time.

“You like what you see?” I ask.


“Get on your knees.” I tell her.

Denise gets on her knees and talks my cock in her mouth. At this point the script is done and now time for Steve to suffer. The web Cam is set to Steve can see Denise sucking my cock. Slowly she kisses the tip of the mushroom head. Then she licks the length of my shaft. She fondles my balls as she opens her mouth and takes my entire length into her mouth. I can feel her moving her tongue on the bottom of my shaft. She is working up to a faster pace. I can her Steve struggling in the next room but it doesn’t stop her. Finally her mouth is around my head moving back and forth as her hand jacks my cock. I can’t last long like this and I grunt as my first orgasm hits hard. Denise swallows ever drop of cum I blast into her mouth.

I look down at her and pull her up. I remove her clothes then start sucking on her 34C tits. I twirl my tongue around her right nipple as my fingers play with her other nipple. I move my mouth to the other nipple and I suck on it as my hand slowly traces its way down her body to her trimmed red hair pussy. I push two fingers deep into her pussy as my palm rest against her clit. She grinds her pussy into my palm and I feel her wetness soaking my hand. I kiss her deeply as I rub her clit hard. Denise breaks our kiss to moan loud as her pussy tights and she has a mini orgasm. Before she can recover from it I push her onto the bed and dive between her legs. I am kissing all around her opening but not going inside yet. I kiss her clit and flick it with my tongue. She is moaning louder and one hand is on my head trying to grind my face into her pussy. Slowly I use my tongue to pierce her pussy which in returns causes her to scream with pleasure.

I look up and see her pinching her nipples so I move both hands up and pinch them as I slowly tongue fuck her pussy. This goes on for a few minutes before Denise grabs my head with both hands and forces it tighter against her pussy as she has a powerful orgasm. I lick up and swallow all of her juices. She tastes so wonderful. I slowly kiss my way up her body giving her enough time to recover and to torture Steve more. I can hear him screaming into the duct tape on his mouth, struggling against the zip ties because he knows what is about to happen.

I kiss Denise deeply, letting her taste herself on my tongue and lips as I grab my cock line it up with her wet pussy and push it in. She moans in my mouth as my cock sinks all the way in. I pinch her nipples as my cock starts moving in and out of her sweet pussy. I kiss Denise hard and her tongue moves into my mouth. Without warning she pushes so she can be on top. We angle so the cam shows her tits as she rides me. My hands go to her hips and help guide her. With her hand on my chest Denise begins riding me hard and fast. I watch her wonderfully big tits bounce around as I thrust up once in a while. She is bouncing on my cock so hard and fast the bed is squeaking and we are coming up into the air a bit. Suddenly I hear Steve scream unlike anything before as the shower starts. I smile as I hope he is enjoying his special shower. Denise for her part hasn’t stopped moaning. I can tell she isn’t faking it because her pussy juices are running down my shaft and balls. This goes on for a few more minutes till she slams down hard, arches her back and creams with pleasure “OH SHIT I’M CUMMMIINNGG.” Her pussy clamps down hard, I can’t help but grunt as I blast my cum deep inside her wet pussy.

Denise gets off my cock and on all fours.

“God put that wonderful cock back in me. I don’t care if tis my pussy or my virgin ass. I just need it.” She says.

I get behind her and put my cock back into her cum filled pussy. This time I go slow as I pull all but the head out then jam it back in hard. Denise becomes more vocal this time, that’s because I believe she can her Steve screaming in pain.

“Yes, Oh yes please fuck me with your big hard cock. Jesus I hope Steve lets you fuck me again. Ugh. Nobody has ooo, fucked me as good uaaahhh as you are.” She says.

She may be putting on a show but damn I am so turned on by her dirty talk. I decide to see if I can get it into her tight ass. I pull out of her pussy and rub my cock head against her ass. Denise understand what I am going to do so she grabs her ass cheeks and pull them apart, exposing her brown rosebud to me. Since my cock is already slick with our juices I slide in with very little trouble. Denise for her part is so turned on she doesn’t scream in pain but moans. Her ass is very tight but I go slowly. I reach down and pull Denise up so her back is against my chest as I rock my hips. My left hand grabs her right nipple and tease it as my right hand goes down to her pussy and I push my two middle fingers in while resting my palm on her clit. The thrusting of my hips causes my palm to rub her clit hard. Denise is no longer speaking, but moaning loudly. I can feel my balls turning, the pressure is raising. I thrust hard and faster, the desire to cum is bring out and animal instinct in both of us. I thrust hard and deep as my cock erupts a flow of cum again for the third time. Denise’s pussy clamps down on my fingers as she cums and lets out a primal scream of pleasure. Her juices are running down my hand. I pull out of her ass as we collapse on the bed breathing hard and heavy. Steve is screaming in pain.

I rest for a few minutes then get up, get dress, and out of the bedroom. In the next room I change again into my gear that I call Karma’s Judgment. I make sure the voice changer is squarely over my mouth then walk around the cabin into the bathroom from the other door. Steve is laying there with chemical burns and open soars from the lye. His dick looks like Freddy Krueger’s dick. It’s all burned and red. I don’t think it can be saved but that’s not my problem. I walk over so he can see me. All fight has gone out of him.

“Now you see what happens when you like to watch and blackmail someone into doing your bidding. Never contact Denise again, never speak of this to anyone or next time what comes out of the shower will be worse.” I tell him. “Do you understand?”

Steve nods his head.

“Good now I want some information about someone and you will answer my questions correct?”

Again Steve nods.

“You and Daniel Curran share a like for young girls correct?”

He head nods again.

“Do you know where he keeps his collection?”

Steve nods.

“Where,” I ask as I remove the duct tape from his mouth.

“On his office computer at home, but its pass worded.” Steve says.

“Not a problem.” I tell him as I walk behind Steve’s view and remove a towel and a bottle of chloroform. Steve is begging and pleading for some help but I quickly cover his nose and mouth with the towel and knock him out again. Once he is knocked out I begin removing everything. Denise is dressed and helps. I make sure she has gloves on. The sheets, the bindings, the monitor, everything is gone and put back the way it was. Denise drives me back to my place. Once her car is unloaded we go out back to the fire pit and get a fire going. In go the sheets and Steve’s bindings. The nice thing about shows like NCIS and CSI is that they help you understand what to do to cover your tracks. We sit by the small bonfire and enjoy the cool air.

It is then I decide to ask her a question that I need to ask. “Denise there is something I need you to do for me.”

“What is it Shane?”

“I need to get into her house and access your Dad’s office computer for information I need to help you.”

“You do realize his office is more protected than our house itself and that my mother never leaves?”


“I will see what I can do Shane, but I make no promises.”

“Thank you.” I tell her.

Shane Late Thursday Morning

I just finish having a late breakfast with Tabitha. Ever since we met we have been talking every day. Today was the first time we got to see each other because she is on overnights in the ER. We are becoming very good friends. I’m sitting in the RAV thinking about my next move, waiting for the light to change when fate decides my move. I see Randell drive by just as I get a green light. I try to follow him but I lose him down in the slums. So I decide to head home to do something I should have done once I learned his name.

Once I’m home and on my computer. I hack back into the schools system and find Randell’s address from when he was in school. I then do something crazy to cover my bases. I hack into the DMV to double check his current address. I make sure I am running through servers around the world, just in case the Feds try to track the hack while I’m online. Luck for me the DMV uses the same security software as the school. However I know this system isn’t maintained by a community college grad. Within 15 minutes I manage to get in, check the address, then get out and shut down my computer. It didn’t look like they started back tracking the connection, but I am not taking a chance. I check the address on google maps and find a parking structure three blocks away. I head out to the structure and leave the RAV. I then walk to Randell’s address. It’s a rundown house not too far from where I lost him. I am looking it over when I hear.

“What the fuck do you think you’re looking at?” a voice says.
I look and see Randell coming out the door. His hair is in a ponytail, he has a pair of jeans on and no shirt, as well as a bottle of beer in his hand.

“I said what the fuck are you looking at asshole?” He repeats.

“A low life that is going to give me answers.” I reply.

“A low life you say, well you best watch your tongue rich boy. This is man’s land.”

“I’m not rich and I want to know what you were doing at a high school party Friday night.”

“None of your damn business.”

“It was my house and my step-sister was raped so yes it is my business because I think you had something to do with it.”

“Ha ha ha. If that was the case the cops would be talking to me not you. Now back off before you get fucked up cock sucker.”

“Make me, you rapist.”

“Listen here little bitch. You see this.” Randell turns and shows me the tattoo on his left shoulder. It is a crown with a dagger through it. “This is the symbol of the Blade Kings now get out of here before I fuck you up harder than I fucked that blonde hair soccer bitch Friday night.”

With that comment I explode into action. I run at him dropping my shoulder slamming into her hard. Randell is taken by surprise, but quickly recovers. He tries to hit me with the beer bottle, but I block it and knock it out of his hand. Randell start throwing a combo of jabs at me which I block. He has never fought someone like me which works for me. I see an opening and I take it. I deliver a quick jab to his throat, blocking his airway temporary, and then as he is clinching his throat I throw a hard jab at his nose breaking it. Now he is chocking on his own blood as I deliver a hard shot to his temple. Randell is on the ground knocked out as I turn ad quickly head back to the RAV. I want to heart him some more but it is not the right place. At least he suffered just a little bit.

[b]Kelsey later that night[/b]

I am sitting on my bed talking to friends on Facebook. Anna showed me the dress she is wearing to the dance. Shane’s eyes are going to pop out. Makta, Caitlyn, and Denise are trying to get me to go, but I don’t feel like it. I have been getting strange looks at school, ever since Shane got into that fight. Even some of the other girls on my soccer team have seemed distant with me. Anna has always been talking to me and being a great friend. I tell her what happened and everything. She tells me, that it isn’t my fault and I’m lucky to have Shane standing up for me. I tell her I’m not going to the dance because I’m sick of all the looks and talking behind my back. Anna’s reply brings a smile to my face. She tells me that I shouldn’t care what others think or say. What matters is what I know and what your true friends know. As long as you know the truth, nothing else matters. Going to the dance is my choice but I shouldn’t live in fear. I tell her she’s right and let the other girls know I am going too. I ask everyone if they are willing to stay close to me for support. I smile when they all say always.

Shane School the next Day

So here it is Friday and everything is going smooth. My teachers don’t act differently; students whisper as always and some give me looks. Some looks are good and some bad. I don’t care right now because it is time for the assembly and I am on stage to do something I don’t want to do, but must do for Anna. Mr. Allen has explained why I am up here and that’s my cue.

“My fellow classmates, Earlier this week I was involved in an incident here at school and two students where hurt. I have come before you to offer an apology to you, Mr. Allen, Mr. Sanders, and Coach Latham for my actions Monday. It was wrong and I am truly sorry. Thank you Mr. Allen for letting me take this time to apologize.” I tell everyone. I hand the microphone back to Mr. Allen as I walk back to my section of the bleachers my class is in. I walk up to where Kelsey is and I sit next to her. Anna is on the other side of me with Makta, Caitlyn, and Denise in front. Mr. Allen is on stage talking about our high school and the importance of truth and values. I smile as I know what is going to happen. The time has come to show the football teams winning touchdown for the championship last year. The lights dim and the screen comes one. I watch as the video starts. There is the team staring their play then the video goes to a blue screen and a new video starts.

“Good Afternoon Mr. Allen. You tend to express that you and your family are the perfect role models for your school. Even willing to hurt others to give your daughter what she wants. Well I am here to give you what you and her want.” The video of me dressed up in my mask and voice changer says.

Suddenly the video changes again to the video of Alicia Allen doing drugs and having a threesome with Russ and Chris Wheeler. The whole room is cheering at the sight of a naked Alicia getting fucked hard. Kelsey, Anna, and the others are laughing. I can hear Alicia screaming no, I can see Mr. Allen trying to stop the video, but it is too late, that damage has been done. Alicia is now known as a drug addict and a slut. Mr. Allen’s prefect family is ruined. I smile at a job well done.

Shane, day of the school dance.

I am standing at the mirror looking myself over one last time. I am wearing a pair of black dress pants, blue long sleeve dress shirt, and a blue and black stripped tie. I must admit I look good. I head downstairs and my mind goes back to an email I received last night from someone telling me to leave Randell alone or pay the consequences. I told them I am not done with him and won’t drop it. I push it form my mind when I get downstairs and see Kelsey in her dress. Her hair is done up into a nice French Braid, blue strapped dress downs her body hugging all the right places, and her make-up is a simple eye shadow and lip gloss.

“You look beautiful Kelsey.” I tell her as I fight the urge not to stare.

“You look handsome yourself Shane.” She tells me.

Mom and Todd come out and take pictures of us. I smile when mom hands me the keys to the RAV and tells me it now mine.

“What do you mean it’s now mine?” I ask.

“I mean I am getting a new vehicle Monday and we thought you could use one so mine is going to you.” Mom says.

“Thank you Mom, Thank you Todd.” I say to them and both reply back with welcome.

Kelsey tells me to go get Anna and she will get the other girls. We will meet up at school. I head out the door after saying bye and into my vehicle. This is shaping up to be the best night of my life.

Anna a few hours earlier

I’m getting very nervous as the time gest closer to when Shane gets here. Shane; how I can’t get feelings for him out of my mind. I knew there was something about him the moment I saw him. I kept dropping little hints and he talked to me more. The more we talk toe more I get lost in my own little world with him. When he asked me to the dance I said yes before I even thought about it. I check my dress again. Kelsey says he will love it, but I hope it doesn’t make me slutty looking. I am working on my hair when I hair when I hear a chime saying I got mail. I check and see tis a Facebook message request from someone not on my friends list. I read it and it must be some kind of mistake. The message says. “Tell your boyfriend if he cares about you to drop it or you will pay for his stupidity.” I delete the message and roll my eyes. Stupid Spam shit always clogging up my emails. I don’t have a boyfriend if they bothered to read my profile. In fact I have never had one, of course after tonight I am hoping to change that.

Shane present time

I pull up to Anna’s house and walk up to the door. I would be lying to myself if I said my stomach wasn’t full of butterflies. I got up to the door and ring the bell. About a minute later Anna’s dad opens the door.

“Good evening Shane, come on in. how are you?” he asks.

“Hello, I’m fine thank you.” I say as I walk in. “How are you?”

“I am well as I can be thank you.” He tells me as he leads me into the family room. I stand and wait for Anna which isn’t long. Her mother leads her around the corner and I get the first glimpse of my date tonight. She is wearing a red strapless dress that hugs her body like a second skin. The dress start at mid-thigh and stops just about her chest, exposing just the right amount of cleavage that would make you know this is a girl who values looks, but doesn’t need to flaunt them. Her hair is done up into an intersecting design of braids and a ponytail weaved together. She has on just enough make-up to enhance her natural beautiful Asian features. This is so unlike the girl I sit next to in first period, yet it is her.

“You look truly amazingly beautiful.” I tell her.

“Thank you. I hope it isn’t too much.” She says.

“Anna you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. That dress is perfect on you, like it was made for you.” She blushes as I reach out and offer her my arm. She takes it and then we spend the next few minutes having our pictures taken. We pose in different positions, mostly with my arm around her tiny waist. I feel the warmth of her body against mien and it feels good. We good bye to her parents and I make sure to open the door for her. Beauty like this deserves to be waited on by a gentleman. I drive us to the school dance and we talk. Anna tells me about this spam message she got earlier. I agree with her about it being stupid. I ask her about the profile picture and she describes it for me. For the life of me I know I have seen it before, but I brush it aside.

We get to the dance and I park next to one of the parking lights. I help Anna out and we walk arm and arm to the school. Kelsey and the others are meeting us at the entrance. I can see a few guys taking a quick look at Anna. I see Kelsey smile when she sees us. I make sure to introduce Anna to the others as we walk into the gym as a group. We find a table and claim it as ours before we start with the pictures. First Anna and I pose, with our chest together and my arm around her body. I am trying very hard not to get a hard on. Next is Denise who poses with her back against my front and my hand on her waist. Then Makta who poses with me like we are dancing. After it’s Caitlyn who because of her shortness has me sit down and she sits on my left leg. Finally it’s Kelsey who also sits on my lap but kicks both feet into the air causing her shoes to fly off. We all laugh at that one.

Soon the dance is in full swing. All of us dance together in one big group. Sometimes each girl pulls me closer for a song they like and for a more one on one dance. The first slow dance song comes on and I move towards Anna and take her in my arms. Her arms are around my neck, mine around her waist. We stare into each other’s eyes, neither of us does anything but dance. When the song ends we slowly move apart. Though out the night we dance or sit out a couple songs. When the slow songs come on I dance with the other girls too. Anna doesn’t mind because she tells me that’s what a gentleman does. I don’t dance nearly as close with the others as I do Anna. Each girl makes me happy but it Anna that stands above the others. Finally it is the last song of night, a slow dance song I requested. Anna and I are dancing when I decide to man up and do something unexpected. I pull Anna closer and lean down. Our lips touch for the first time. It’s like the entire world stopped moving. I can feel my heart beat skipping then going in sync with her heart beat. I kiss her deeply and she kisses back. Finally I move my lips away from hers and look into her eyes. We both smile because we both know that no words can describe our feelings. Truly this is the best night of my life.

Anna and I walk out of the school towards the rapidly emptying parking lot. Our hands are together and smiles are on our faces. I help Anna into the RAV and head to my side when I hear my name called. I look and see a guy with a long coat on, but hard to make out anything else in the dark. I walk closer to get a better look.

“You were warned.” He says as suddenly I hear tires squeal and an engine racing. I turn around and see a black F350 racing towards the RAV. I watch in horror as it slams into the passenger side with its modified push bar, pushing the RAV into the light and causing it to fall onto the RAV. I move to the RAV as the F350 drives away. As I get to the passenger side I realize where I saw the symbol Anna described. It’s the logo of the Blade Kings.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-28 04:37:50
Doesn't deserve comment.

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