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This is based on a true story. Not mine, but someone else's worth telling.
DAY 3:

3:19 AM

My eyes fluttered slowly open, still heavy with sleep, as two rough hands toyed with my breasts. For a moment, I was disoriented - after all, I was naked, in Eric’s bed, in the dark, and I was being groped shamefully. And then the memories of the night before filled in the holes in my waking mind and I let the tension ease from my body.

Yes. Somewhere during our all night fuck-a-thon, Eric and I had moved from Finn’s bed to the floor, to the dresser, and then to his own bed. And the fingers tugging at my already erect pink nipples were my brother’s. I smiled sleepily up at him.

“Don’t you have to go to work in a few minutes?”

“Yep,” he grinned down at me. “But I’ve got time.”

“Not that much-” my words were cut off with a gasp as one of his fingers slid into my cunt. He curled it upwards, letting the tip of his finger press against my G-spot. I trembled beneath him and moaned softly as he leaned down to take one of my nipples in his mouth.

Pausing for only a moment, Eric growled seductively in my ear, “Your cunt is already so wet. I wonder how much of that is mine from last night.”

I mumbled something incoherent, my eyes screwed shut as I focused on keeping quiet. I’d lost count of how many times he’d cum in me last night - God, he had so much stamina. But just the thought that some of his load was possibly still buried inside my pussy was enough to undo me.

I’m such a pervert…

It was so taboo, so wrong - especially knowing that we had gone unprotected every single time and that I was fertile. The logical part of my brain kept insisting that I should feel worse about this, that I should feel worried. And yet, I didn’t. I wasn’t. Maybe something really was wrong with me. I should have cared, but I didn’t. The risk of pregnancy, the very indecency of what we were doing only added fuel to the fire building inside me. For the moment, all that mattered was that I wanted him. I wanted to be fucked.

Eric’s finger, still inside me, flicked upwards again, and I squirmed, mewling - I could barely contain myself. His tongue traveled from my tits down to my stomach, and I shivered as the cold air of the dorm room met the wet trail left by his tongue. He paused to nip at my hips and I whimpered in response. He was teasing me.

Seeming to sense my impatience, he winked at me and then continued down, his hands moving to lift up my legs, giving him better access to my aching slit. I could feel his breath on my clit, and I lifted my hips slightly - encouraging him to taste me.


He didn’t. Instead, he blew sharply on my pussy and then turned his head to nibble at the tender places along my thigh - the sensations of both pain and pleasure almost too much to bear. I moaned in a mixture of protest and excitement, my hands moving down to push him away.

“Eric, don’t.”

He ignored me, batting my hands aside to continue his torturous kisses. As his mouth moved further and further away from the one spot that desperately needed his attention, I whined, shifting my hips closer to him. Finally, he pulled away from my legs, smiling roguishly up at me.

“I’m getting the sense you want something specific.”

“Don’t tease me,” I whined, but he just laughed.

Slowly - ever so slowly - he inched closer to my pussy, and I held my breath in anticipation, every muscle in my body taut as I waited for that feeling - that release. I felt the bed move as Eric adjusted, and then -

“Oh, fuck!”

He attacked my cunt - flicking his tongue over my clit, then sucking, his fingers parting the moist folds to give his expert tongue better access. I writhed beneath him, clutching the pillow over my face to keep from screaming - it felt so good. His mouth found its way slightly lower and he sank his tongue into my depths and I bucked my hips upwards. In response, his teeth grazed my clit to still my squirming, before continuing to tongue-fuck me.

I was close - so close - to cumming. And he knew it.

So he stopped.

Before I had a chance to protest, he had shifted position, his arms on either side of me, the tip of his rock hard cock pressing up against my snatch. Eric tossed aside the pillow I had been using to cover my screams and sought out my lips with his. The taste of that somewhat tangy, somewhat sweet flavor of me still lingered on them and I kissed him back greedily. As his tongue sought mine, he thrust his hips forward, sheathing his cock completely inside me and I gasped into his kiss.

He was so hard - so big. I could feel the full length of him inside me, stretching me, filling me completely, each time he rammed into me. I could feel the tip of his cock against my cervix with each thrust. I raised my hips - trying to pull him in deeper, if that were even possible. Eric grunted as my cunt squeezed his cock. It was almost like he lost control. He was no longer gentle - his hands pinned down my arms, his mouth captured my screams, and his thrusts became merciless - pushing into me as hard and as deep as he possibly could. I was completely helpless - and it felt so, so good.

I was even closer to cumming, and by the sound of his ragged breathing, so was he. His thrusts became irregular as he fought for control. One thrust, two, three, four - my body was tense with anticipation. So close. So damn close!

“Fuck!” I gasped, my head reeling as my orgasm washed over me. My entire body shuddered and my cunt spasmed around his stuff cock.

“Oh, god, Lara,” Eric groaned. “I’m cumming.”

Ropes of his hot cum splattered inside my pussy, and I squealed as I came yet again - my entire body convulsing as though to milk every ounce of cum from his dick. Panting, Eric collapsed on top of me, his slowly softening cock still shoved deeply inside. We lay there for a few long moments, catching our breaths, both our hearts pounding loudly.

Eventually, he propped himself up on his elbows and smiled down at me.

“See? I told you I had time.”

I glanced at the clock.

3:46 AM

When he moved off of me a few too short minutes later, his semi-flaccid member pulled out, and I sighed, unable to help feeling of slight disappointment at its absence.

“I wish you didn’t have to work today…”

When Eric smiled back at me, I caught a hint of resignation in the slump of his shoulders. “Yeah, me too.”

I watched him dress and then dash out the door before snuggling again under the covers, my fingers moving down my body to dip into my cum filled pussy. The thought occurred to me before I drifted to sleep that I just might be becoming an addict.


“Hey…” someone nudged my shoulder. “Hey, Lara - you okay?”

My eyes blinked open slowly, and I felt my face flush with embarrassment as soon as I realized what had happened. Glancing frantically up at Finn, I hissed, “How long did I nod off for?”

He chuckled, “Only a second. I just saw your head bob and figured something was wrong.” He pointed at the lectern where the teaching was introducing yet another series of boring equations. “See? You didn’t miss much.”

I breathed out a soft sigh of relief, but cast a few quick glances around me to make sure no one else had seen my little “mini-nap.” Most of these people were sophomores and I couldn’t count on them to forget this little incident before I arrived as a student in the fall.

As the teacher droned on, I leaned back in my seat, trying to make the most out of my last day of “classes” before the College Days Program ended. Beside me, Finn chuckled.

“Geez… you look dead. Didn’t sleep well last night?”

For some reason the question made me blush and I ducked my head down, pretending to be interested in the book in my hands. “Um… I guess not so well.”

He shook his head, “Yeah, the mattresses here suck, don’t they. Sorry my bed’s so uncomfortable.”

The blush on my cheeks only deepened. So, of course, he noticed.

“You sure you’re okay?” He leaned over to peer into my eyes.

Putting on my most natural smile - which, thinking back on it probably didn’t look normal at all - I nodded, “I’m fine.”

He accepted my answer, though he didn’t look completely convinced. A few moments later, he leaned over again, “After this, you guys are going to that huge assembly meeting, right?”

“Ugh…” I grimaced. “Yeah, the question and answer thing.”

“Wanna hang out with me instead?”

I giggled at the question, “Um, duh.”


“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

The room Finn had been crashing in while I slept in Eric’s room had pretty much the ultimate geek set-up imaginable, for a college dorm anyway. He had PS4 and XBOX consoles with two separate towers of games, a Wii with its cables neatly folded, and - hell, yes - a Nintendo 64.

“Nope - not kidding.”


Finn laughed at my outburst, “Yeah, and he’s got a couple two player games, too.”

He shouldn’t have said anything. In an instant, I was on the floor beside the bed digging through the glorious collection, “Banjo Kazooie, Super Mario, Donkey Kong, Pokemon Snap, Starfox, Perfect Dark - oh, my God! We have to play this one.” I held up Mario Kart and smiled. “Seriously - I want to do the rainbow bridge course.”

He grimaced, but took the game from me anyway, “I hate this game.”

“What? Why?”

“All the falling off stuff and the banana peels make me rage quit.”

“But you like Assassin’s Creed. You fall off stuff all the time.”

“Well, this is different. Because it’s cute. So it’s more insulting.”

I laughed, flopping on the floor and grabbing a controller. “If you’re going to be so mopey, I’ll let you be player one.”

“Actually… I was wondering…”

When I looked over at him, the soft smile had turned into something almost wolfish, and I felt my heart skip a beat. “Wondering what?”

“Let’s make it interesting. How about…” he hesitated, and I saw the faintest of blushes creep up his cheeks, “... if one of us loses a round, we have to discard a piece of clothing.”

Yesterday, I would have told him no. Yesterday, I would have been offended, screamed in his face about how disgusted I was, and stalked away. Yesterday, I had been different. Literally, just within the past twenty-four hours, my entire outlook on these things had changed. Yesterday, I had been a virgin, but today I wasn’t - and somehow that changed things for me. It changed everything. I felt a tingling between my legs, and I bit my lip to hide the satisfaction on my face when I agreed to his terms.

Besides, I was fairly confident in my Mario Kart skills. He was going down.

Sure enough, he was the first one to lose, and off came one of his shoes. I frowned at him, having expected him to start with something a little bigger, but he just laughed, “It’s a shoe. It’s on my body. It counts.”

“It’s cheating.”

“No, it’s not.”

“Well… it’s not fair. You’re wearing socks under your shoes, I just have my flip flops. That’s two extra pieces of clothing for you.”

He winked at me, “Then you’d better not lose.”

It was a challenge, and I knew it. But, you really can’t win against the thunderbolt powerup. I’m not sure how he did it, but he got two of them, and managed to win - ahead by two laps. Off came one of my flip flops.

Next was his second shoe, both his socks, my second flip flop, my headband, his shirt…

Whoa… I did a double take when he removed his first “real” article of clothing, taking his taut stomach and muscles. There hadn’t been any doubt before of how sexy he was, but now to have visual proof - I could barely contain myself. My clit throbbed between my legs, and I felt a blush creep up my cheeks when I realized how wet I had become in the short time I’d been staring.

He grinned at me, and I gulped. If I lost this next one, the next thing to come off would be either my shirt or my pants. And I wasn’t wearing a bra.

As we started the next round, nervousness began to give way to excitement, and somewhere after that I stopped caring about winning or losing, or even staying on the track. It was hard enough knowing that a shirtless hottie was sitting next to me and that I had to keep my hands off until the game was over. So, of course, due to my inattention… I lost.

Finn set down his controller and nodded to me, “All right - what’s it gonna be?”

I met his gaze squarely, before hooking my fingers under the hem of my shirt and pulling it off. As my breasts fell free of their confinement, Finn caught his breath and I heard him swear softly as he stared at me.

“Damn…” he licked his lips. “Those are… I mean, you’re… fuck,” he cursed again in embarrassment. “I’m sorry - I don’t know what to say. You’re so beautiful, and -”

“You like them?” I interrupted, scooting a little closer. He nodded, and I smiled at him. “Do you want to touch them?”

Yesterday I wouldn’t have dared to ask such a thing. But I was bolder now than I had ever been. And I knew exactly what I wanted.

He didn’t need to be asked twice. Gently, his hands cupped my breasts, his thumbs running across my nipples. I was so horny, and my tits were so sensitive, so I gasped when he took them between his fingers and rolled them back and forth. Almost breathlessly, I murmured, “You can taste them if you want.”

Before I had finished my sentence, Finn’s mouth was upon them - licking, sucking, kissing, and I whimpered as sheer desire coursed through me. Somewhere in that last second the both of us just… gave in. The careful young man he had been a minute ago had somehow transformed into wanton rogue that knew exactly what he wanted and how to get it. Whatever had changed - it made me want him even more, if that were possible.

His hands roamed my body, from my cheeks to my shoulders to the dip of my waist, stopping at the rise of my jeans. His fingers slid beneath the fabric and I bit my lip, frantically moving my hands from his broad back to undo the button and zipper of my pants. The moment I was finished, he slid them, and my underwear, off.

I was completely naked, and yet every shred of nervousness I had felt before melted away. I wanted this. I wanted him. And, judging by the bulge in his pants, he wanted me too. I reached for his pants, but he caught my hands and pulled away from me.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, sitting up so I could peer into his eyes.

Finn shrugged, “I… I really like you, but… if you’re not ready, we don’t have to do this.”

I almost laughed. Here I was, naked and practically begging to be fucked, and there he was - being chivalrous. It would have been the cheesiest thing, except, from the furrow in his brows and the concern in his eyes, it seemed he really meant it.

It was… unexpected. Sweet.

I’d never been good at flirting - all that eyelash batting and booty swaying, it just wasn’t my thing. Whenever I did it, it always seemed awkward and out of place. So I didn’t. And yet somehow, I’d found myself alone with this amazing person and I hadn’t even had to pretend to be one of those “sexy, popular” girls. I had just been me. I mean - come on - we’d just been playing Mario Kart, of all things. Who does that?

So, in answer to his question, I just smiled. And I hoped that somehow I could convey in that one smile just how much I wanted this.

It worked. His grip on my wrists relaxed and I pulled myself free, scooting forward and reaching back down to the button and zipper of his pants. My eyes traveled down across his chest, his flat stomach, and to the button I was struggling with. Nervousness more than anything put the slightest tremble in my fingers as I managed somehow to undo the button and pull down the zipper.

Finn slid out of his jeans, and I caught my breath at the bulge in his boxers. He smirked a little bit at my obvious gawking and pulled us both to our feet, guiding my hands to the waistband of his underwear, “Go ahead, take them off.”

So I did - slowly and carefully. I pulled the material down his legs and my eyes widened at the monster in front of me. Eric’s was large, but Finn’s was just…

“Oh, my god…” I breathed, my hands reaching up to encircle his length. It was so thick… It wasn’t as long as my brother’s, bit it was wider, and so very, very hard. It pulsed beneath my touch and I almost whimpered - I was so crazy wet. Would he even fit in me?

Tentatively, I leaned forward, flicking my tongue across the tip of his cock and felt him shudder. Encouraged, I flicked my tongue again, snaking it across the small opening, and then down the underside. Slowly, my tongue moved back upwards and my eyes met his just before I slid the head of his cock into my mouth. Finn’s breath hitched, and he rested his hand on the back of my head as I bobbed back and forth on just the tip.

“Fuck… yes.”

Feeling a little more daring, I lifted my free hand and grabbed the base of his cock, pumping in time with mouth. He was more than a mouthful - and that was just the first few inches. But I wanted to try for more, and I gingerly pressed forward, taking him in until it almost hurt. I couldn’t fit all of him in my mouth, but my hand made up for the difference, and I sucked him fiercely until he was panting. On my head, his fingers grabbed my hair - more for balance, I guessed, since he hadn’t tried changing my pace.

My jaw was beginning to ache, so bI obbed once more deeply and pulled back, smiling at the pleasure written across his face.

“My god…” he managed after a moment, pulling me again to my feet and then pushing me back against the bed. “You’re so fucking sexy…”

Flat on my back, I spread my legs for him, almost aching with how badly I wanted to feel that cock inside me. Covering my body with his, his mouth reached for one of my nipples while his hand reached down to rub my sensitive clit. I gasped at the onslaught as his fingers alternated between sweet torture and agonizing pleasure.

I was on fire - every flick of his finger brought me closer to an orgasm and I thrust my hips forward at him, begging for more, aching for release. He took his time, however, until he felt my body begin to tense beneath him. I saw something flicker in his eyes as he withdrew his finger, and I whimpered at the mischievous smile on his face.

Before I could say anything, he covered my lips with his and pushed the head of his cock into my throbbing cunt.

The sound I made at the sudden entrance was somewhere between a growl and a groan, and I squirmed beneath him when he hesitated.

“It’s okay,” I murmured. “You won’t hurt me.”

Slowly - oh, so slowly - he pushed the rest of his cock inside of me. I let out a guttural moan, feeling just how very tight a fit he was. If I hadn’t spent the night with Eric, I had no doubt that Finn’s dick would have had me screaming in pain by now. As it was, it was uncomfortable for only a few moments, but my cunt adjusted to his girth, and within a few more long moments he was buried all the way inside me.

“You’re so tight,” he said, his teeth gritted. “God… what an amazing pussy…”

“Fuck me,” I urged him, my arms wrapping around his neck and pulling him down for a passionate kiss. When he pulled his cock out, I almost cried - it felt so empty without him in me - but then he thrust forward again and I whimpered as he once again stretched me out. How could something hurt and yet feel so, so good?

But he was too slow - too nice - too considerate. And I wanted to be ravaged. With a growl, I pushed him off of me and settled on top of him, rubbing my smooth pussy against the underside of his cock. He leaned his head back and groaned, and I held my breath as I plunged myself down on his massive member.

The pleasure outweighed the pain this time, and a few thrusts later, it was all gone - lost somewhere in a fog of bliss. He filled every part of me, touching places I hadn’t known existed, and I rode him with a furious passion. It was different from when Eric fucked me - I couldn’t quite explain it. It still felt like the first time, somehow, even knowing that it wasn’t. I know - it doesn’t make sense. And I didn’t really care. It just felt so damn good…

“Lara,” Finn grunted. “I’m… getting close. You need to get off.”

I heard him. I really did. I just didn’t care. I increased my pace - my own orgasm was near and I wanted to reach it the same time he did. His hands - when had they reached my waist? - tried to slow me. I could tell he was only giving me a token resistance. If he’d really wanted me off of him, he could have lifted me off of him at any time. But he didn’t, so I didn’t stop. Couldn’t actually. So close…

The next time he called my name, his entire body tensed and trembled beneath me. Long, thick, hot ropes of his cum erupted in my pussy and I screamed as my own orgasm consumed me. Fuck, there was so much cum - I didn’t think he’d ever stop. I almost wished it wouldn’t. Long moments later, I let myself collapse atop him - panting and trembling. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly.

When we’d both had time to catch our breath, he murmured, “So… we’re good, right? You’re on the pill or something?”

“Yeah,” I lied. He didn’t need to know. It didn’t really matter, did it?

“Oh, good…” he chuckled. “Because that was amazing.”

“More than amazing,” I assured him, placing a lingering kiss on his lips.

We stayed as we were for another few, too short minutes before we reluctantly decided that we needed to leave. As I pulled myself off of him, a rush of cum dribbled from my pussy and down my legs. I was almost sad feeling it go… the perverted part of me that Eric had awakened the night before had really hoped to keep as much of his cum inside me as possible for as long as possible. Still… it was kinda sexy feeling it so wet between my legs - and knowing it wasn’t my own wetness.

We dressed slowly, taking most of our time to stop and kiss, or tease each other, and then packed up the games. When we reached the dorm I shared with Eric, I took Finn’s hand in mine and pulled him inside, shutting the door behind us.

“We should do that again.” I smiled up at him, pressing my body close to his. “After today, I’m leaving for the summer. I want to make sure I remember what this feels like with you.”

His hands squeezed my ass and pulled me tightly against him. I could already feel another bulge growing in his pants. His grip on me almost hurt, coupled with the hardness pressing against my stomach, and let out a soft moan, although I couldn’t quite wipe the self-satisfied smirk off his face. “I’ll make sure you don’t forget me.” His voice was husky, borderline savage, and I shivered.

I don’t remember the details - we undressed in a matter of moments, savagely tearing at each other’s clothing. No hesitation, no concern - not like the first time. Chivalrous Finn was gone - replaced by a dominant Finn, one who knew what he wanted and how to get it.

He possessed me - I don’t know how else to describe it except that. He took me - laid me on his bed and claimed me, body and soul. His fierce kisses left marks across my skin, his hands touched places I didn’t know could turn me on, his tongue tangled with mine and then sank into my pussy with a passion that surpassed anything I’d felt before, and then his cock - oh, fuck! That cock! - thrust into me with a pent up need that surprised us both, I think. For a few minutes, I was his, and the thought consumed me.

Finn lifted my legs over his shoulders and ground into me. With every thrust I could feel his balls slapping against my ass. I moaned. God, he was so deep. So fucking deep. I gripped the sheets tightly as he ravaged my cunt, shuddering as a third orgasm flooded through me.

“I’m gonna cum,” he grunted, pressing into me harder, deeper.

“Cum in me,” I pleaded, my words punctuated by my own guttural cries with every thrust he made. “Fill my pussy.”

“Fuck!” he groaned, and then I felt his cum flood my pussy, splashing against my cervix - jet after jet after jet until I was overflowing.

The thought occurred to me that if Eric hadn’t gotten me pregnant the night before, Finn’s seemingly unending supply of cum had almost certainly knocked me up. But I didn’t care. For a few blissful minutes, this feeling - this rush - was all that mattered. I wasn’t naive enough to think that I had fall in love with him - not after two days, and not because we’d had sex. All I knew, and all that mattered for the moment, was that it had happened. And it had been amazing.

Beside me on the bed, my phone chirped and I smiled at the message on the screen.

Mom: [[Hey, sweetie. Dad and I won’t be able to pick you up till tomorrow night. Do you think you can just stay at the college another day?]]

[[Yeah! That’s fine. Lots of people are staying here an extra day anyway.]]

Mom: [[Ok, good. I’m so sorry.]]

[[It’s okay. It worked out. I wanted an extra day to check things out anyway.]]

She tried to apologize a couple more times, and I think somewhere in the middle of it all she had a decent explanation, but I had already tossed my phone aside. I cast a mischievous gaze up at the man who had leaned down to suckle my tits.

“I guess I have one more day.”

His softening cock, still embedded in my dripping cunt, gave a small jerk at my words and I chuckled at the smile on his face. Just as he leaned forward to kiss me, a voice from the doorway stopped us both in our tracks.

“What the hell is going on in here?”


2020-03-07 20:42:38
Nice; the only possible solution to her dilemma is a DP. I guess her brother gets ALL of her virginity, neh?

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-12 05:21:17
Amazing stories. I really hope there is more.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-09 10:09:55
Please tell me there's a chapter 3

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