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Sorry for the delay. I just figured out why this story was not posting.
A Weekend with My Niece – The First Evening
Just a little bit about me by way of introduction. I’m a professional male making a good living with a company that believes that when people are travelling for them they should be treated well. My position takes me on the road fairly often, although I wouldn’t call myself a road warrior. At the time of this story I was in my early forties. I have dark hair that has made the transition to grey, but at the time it was barely showing. I’m average at six feet with a medium build that I try to keep in shape with almost daily exercise using whatever means are handy.

I was fortunate enough to be educated in sex by a slightly older girlfriend one summer when I was 18. I never did find out where she learned, but she was patient with me and maintained enough control to make sure that I paid attention and learned well. This was nothing like domination, just god patient teaching. I still remember those times I spent with her mostly on a foam pad and blanket in the back of the family station wagon I had been given control of to maintain my summer job. Since this was in cottage country there were a number of private roads into the woods where a car could park in good privacy for us to spend time together.

At the time she had just broken up with a guy who was four years older than her. As I came to learn he was a bit of an asshole who having “conquered her vagina” as he put it was pretty indifferent to her needs and only focused on what he wanted. I on the other hand was more sensitive and truly thought myself lucky that she accepted my request for a date. On our first date we took in a movie then a walk around town talking about anything that came to mind. We didn’t have much in common, but we seemed to hit it off right away I believe based upon genuine honesty with each other.

She was a year older than I about five foot four with shoulder length straight blonde hair and had a slim build with nice B cup breasts sporting very sensitive pink nipples that stood out about a quarter inch or more when sucked. Her vagina was tight, sweet and produced lots of lubricant for our other activities. The first thing she educated me in was oral sex starting with her performing it on me to take the edge off of my passion enough to help me pay attention. She gave me a detailed introduction to her vagina with special attention to the clitoris, how it worked and the best ways to stimulate it for her and my pleasure.

I believe that she was on the pill, but there were some occasions where she had me use a condom teaching me how to properly put it on and letting me see the difference in the feeling as opposed to our more frequent bareback contact.

It was actually on our second date that she decided to start my education. After going to a local dance which my friends and I actually had organized I was driving her home when she directed me down a private road which was owned by the family of a friend of mine.

I must say that I was an avid learner right from the start. After parking the car we started the usual making out which was great and my moves for further intimacy were matched and bettered by her own. I quickly confirmed that she wasn’t wearing a bra, but in those days that was not unusual, however when I probed under the hem of her dress I was surprised to find that the dress was all she had on.

As I said she was equally advancing and after she felt my erection through my pants she suggested that we move to the back for more freedom. I folded the seat down and opened the foam pad and blanket I kept there making a more comfortable surface for us finishing just as I saw her dress flash by my face as she spread it over the front seat, “To keep it from being destroyed”. I turned to see her totally naked on her knees just looking at me. Needless to say it took no time at all for me to join her aside from wrestling my underwear off over my erection in tight quarters. I made no attempt at all to be suave.

Once we were side by side we started the normal necking and touching each other as far as our hands would reach. I tried to keep the same pace as her with my stroking and slid down to kiss and suck her breasts and nipples, which brought some satisfying moans from her. After about five minutes of this she applied some pressure to the top of my head and rolled to her back moving me between her legs. I got the idea pretty quickly, but never having performed cunnilingus I really had no idea as to what to do. I started licking and kissing her thighs, which worked well then moved to her pussy and just licked from bottom to top like I was eating an ice cream cone.

This satisfied her for a couple of minutes, but then she held my head and said, “Have you ever done this before?”

I saw no reason to lie and admitted that she was dealing with a virgin regarding anything after third base. That turned out to be one of the smartest decisions I ever made. She seemed to be delighted to have a raw trainee in her control. That was when she started my female anatomy lesson demonstrating what areas to stimulate and what worked best for her. She was quite clear in telling me that every woman was different and I needed to try things and pay attention any time I was with a new woman.

I would have been quite happy to stay in training for the next long while, but after about 10 minutes following her direction including inserting two fingers inside to stimulate she tensed and squealed for about 30 seconds. Following that she pulled me up by the hair saying that she was getting too sensitive for me to continue.

Rolling me onto my back she said now it’s your turn. I had heard about blowjobs, but had never been close to getting one up to that point. I leaned back on my elbows to watch her work. She looked directly into my eyes and wrapped her hand around my cock and started to work it with a twisting up and down motion. After a minute she gave me a thorough tongue bath of my cock and balls and then proceeded to suck on the head, while running her tongue around in circles. She kept that up for about 5 minutes bobbing her head down the shaft every few seconds and shifting her position until she had her lips about two thirds of the way down.

She said ”I think that’s as far as I can get without more practice. I need to stretch my throat a bit more to get it all of the way, but hang in there with me and we’ll do it”.

I was willing to do about anything this angel asked me to do with no questions asked. I realize now that we were playing a dangerous game, but I wasn’t smart enough to know it at the time.

She said “This is a safe time of the month so let me introduce you to something else new”, as she shifted to straddle my hips and position my cock head at the entrance to her pussy. Once again she looked directly into my eyes as she lowered herself down over my cock to about half way. “I love the look on your face when I show you something new. It’s a combination of wonder and gratitude that I have never seen before, with you being my first virgin. I think I could get to like it.” She actually told me later that I had that same look on my face for about the first month we went out together and I’m not surprised. She was smooth and had one of the tightest and warmest pussies I have ever had the pleasure to be in.

I stayed propped on my elbows so that I could bend forward and kiss and lick at her nipples as she rode me to a second orgasm for her and a first for me inside a woman. It was wonderful watching her face in the moonlight especially the way her nose crinkled and her lips puckered as she got close to her orgasm and picked up speed in her ride. She was a determined lady and rode right through her orgasm and kept riding until she felt me let loose inside her. By the end of her ride she had managed to take almost all of me inside.

Being my first time I stayed hard inside her and wouldn’t pull out or let her up far enough to get off of me. After our breathing calmed down I held both of her hips, raised mine off of the flor in a partial bridge and rolled over so the she was under me in the missionary position.

I kissed her and started some small circular motions with the base of my cock that seemed to keep her stimulated and there was more than enough lubricant with both of our fluids mixed inside her to keep things moving easily.

“I can see that you liked our lesson tonight and want to continue. All right if you want, but give me a minute and promise that if I tell you it is hurting you will stop immediately” she said.

“I think that you know I would never do anything to hurt you so I am happy to agree to your conditions, but yes I really would like to spend more time inside you tonight and as many more times as possible.”

As I say she taught me a lot that summer about pleasing a woman, what signs to look for to know what to d and what not to do as well as when to stop, whether I had achieved orgasm or not. We tried every position our bodies could manage and christened many rooms and outdoor locations. The one thing she would have nothing to do with was anything going into her butt. It was OK to rub or lick outside to stimulate, but nothing was entering and that was a hard rule. Luckily I was seventeen and could hold an erection for long periods of time as long as we were naked together. Now none of this is to suggest that I have been an ace lover since that time. I am ashamed to say that I fucked up royally with a couple of women I dated and I have sincere regrets about those times. However, I think they also forced me to come to terms in my twenties and base my future actions on that base training I received that summer.

I owe her a lot.

Now on to the story related to the title.

This story happened a few years ago when I could get an erection at the drop of a hat. I was travelling fairly regularly for business and on one occasion the client had an emergency which postponed our planned meeting from Friday to the following Monday. Since the location was a six hour drive from home, I decided to just stay put for the weekend. I have a habit of keeping a case in the car packed with the basics for unscheduled stopovers due to weather, etc. and it has paid off more than once.

I went for a good dinner and then on a whim decided to stop at the building where one of our nieces lived while attending university in the town. Since it was a Friday night and only about 9:30 I didn’t think she would be home, but figured I might as well check. As it turned out she answered on the third knock on her door opening it quickly. She looked dressed to go out but wasn’t looking at all pleased. I was about to make my apologies and beat a retreat, when the light came back to her eyes and she smiled.

“Uncle Steve, what a nice surprise”.

“My apologies for dropping in on short notice and please don’t change any plans on my account. I decided to stay in town over the weekend and thought I would pop in to see my favourite niece.”

“No, no”; she said. “I’m very pleased to see you, it’s the rest of my evening I’m not too happy with.”

She went on to explain that she was to meet up with some friends at a local club, but after waiting for them for a half hour she called them and was informed that they had changed their plan and had chosen a different itinerary with a later start. She had returned home to decide if she was going to join them on the new route.

“Well don’t let me stop you from doing what you want. I can either give you a lift or just get out of the way for the evening. I did however want to see if you are free for dinner tomorrow night?”

She responded that she was not decided yet about tonight, but would love to accept the invitation to dinner.

Turning back to me she said; “Please come in and visit until I make a decision at least.”

Moving into the apartment I handed her the bottle of wine I had picked up on the way there and was planning to just leave at the door if she wasn’t home. She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek as a thank you.

Walking in I visually re-oriented myself to the layout. Being the second floor of a 70 year old house the small bedroom was right off the entrance way, which was very neat with everything in place in this compact space around her double bed. The small kitchen was also off the entrance and was mostly open to the living area with a walk out to the bonus balcony. The balcony was very important in hot weather as the place did not have air conditioning. The bathroom with a deep claw foot tub as also off the main area. The deep tub and balcony were what sold my niece on the apartment when she first saw it. That and the fact that it wasn’t in a basement.

Aside from the bed being new the place was furnished in typical student style with cast offs from various family members, all well used, but comfortable.

I settled myself into a chair with a beer provide by my lovely hostess and just relaxed. I guess now would be a good time to describe my niece Alexandra; Alex for short. She is what my dream girl looked like when I was in high school; about 5’6” tall with wavy auburn hair to the middle of her back, long legs that were in great shape from years of training as a dancer and the crowning achievements, which got in the way of a dance career being her 38 DD breasts. She had a classically beautiful face and the poise and grace that comes from a vibrant personality and those years of dance training. I guess you could say that I had a crush on her since she turned 17.

We had just started to chat about things in general when there was a knock on the door. Alex answered it and I could hear another female voice in conversation with her.

Alex came back into the room followed by a very attractive tall blonde with similar long legs and beautiful C breasts that were moving nicely on their own path suggesting either aa very light duty bra or none at all. Alex introduced her friend to me as Sierra.

“I know it is unusual”, said Sierra “But my parents were in love with some pictures they saw of those mountains just before I was born and voila; a lifetime of me explaining the source of my name”.

“Actually I would think that the name is self-explanatory for a lady as stunningly attractive as you are”, I replied attempting to be smooth.

“Now why don’t the guys our age have some of that class?”, Sierra directed her question to Alex.

“I know, normally the guys our age just say that’s weird. For an uncle he’s pretty cool so I think we should keep him around”, replied Alex and they both chuckled.

I on the other hand was surprised that they found my comment cute and was pleased with myself.

I enjoyed my beer as they sat and talked about their plans. Sierra was sitting directly across from me on a higher couch and with the movement of her legs as they chatted I was able to see up her short skirt to what was clearly one of the smallest and sheerest pair of underwear available outside of clear plastic wrap. At times it was easy to make out that she was a natural blonde and that she groomed her pubic hair into a thin strip pointing directly to her clitoris. The rest including her lips appeared cleanly shaven and a little damp.

I was careful not to stare and came back to reality hearing Alex say “Actually I think I’ll just stay in and hang with my Uncle. My neck is starting to bother me again so bumping around a club won’t be very enjoyable”.

I had forgotten that Alex had suffered a pretty severe blow at the top of her back during a family ski event that had gone horribly wrong for her and unfortunately not due to any action or failure on her part.

I said goodbye to Sierra and said that I hoped to see her again some time. She smiled and gave me a wink, which left me wondering.

When Alex came back into the room I said, “That was interesting”.

“I imagine it was”, she said, ”Did you enjoy the show?”

I attempted to play dumb imagining that I had been caught after all.

“You don’t have to deny it Unc. Sierra is an exhibitionist of the highest order and I didn’t miss that wink she gave you on the way out”.

“In that case I must admit that I enjoyed it very much”, I replied.

“That’s the spirit”, she said grabbing her wine glass, “I have to agree that she is beautiful and she’s a very good friend as well”.

We chatted about life in general, how her classes were going, how various family members were doing these days and what her plans were for next year. As we talked I noticed that she was changing positions quite a bit and didn’t seem to be able to get comfortable.

“That wasn’t just a line about your neck being sore that you told Sierra earlier was it”, I questioned.

She winced a bit and admitted that it really was sore and that this was the main reason she had taken the earlier excuse to return home when her friends didn’t show at the first club.

“You know I’m no professional, but if you like I could try to massage it for you to see if that could give you some relief”, I offered, not really expecting her to take me up on it.

Her eyes once again brightened, “Would you really do that for me? Anything would be better than how it feels now”.

“I sincerely mean it” I said standing and moving to the back of the couch.

I rubbed my palms back and forth against each other to generate some added heat and placed my hands on her shoulders with my thumbs pointed toward her spine and gently started to knead the muscles through her top.

“Ohhhh, that feels so nice” she moaned.

As I felt the warmth in my hands diminish I once again rubbed them together and put one across the back of her neck and the other across her spine just above the shoulder blades applying firm pressure and massaging he neck muscles.

“That feels great. Can you go a bit lower on my back?”

“Not a problem at all” I said as I rubbed my palms together one more time.

As I moved both hands lower on her back and attempted to massage the muscles it was obvious that much of the effect was being blocked by her top and her bra strap.

“That isn’t working very well”, she said. “Would you mind if I took my bra off so that I can get more of the warmth from your hands?”

“No problem for me my dear. Why don’t I put a cushion on the floor and then you can be free to assume whatever position is comfortable for you?”

While she was in her room getting ready I grabbed another beer and refilled her wine glass, then moved the couch cushions to the floor in front of my original chair.

“This should be better” she said coming back into the room. I looked up and tried very hard to keep my mouth from dropping open. She had changed into a tank top and the movement of her breasts made it clear that there was no bra involved. I was also aware that her nipples were aroused and the shadow around them indicated that her areolas were about two inches in diameter. She had also changed into a pair of thin body hugging shorts that showed no hint of underwear lines. She had also put her hair into a bun to keep her neck clear.

She thanked me for the wine refill and settled herself in front of me on the cushion in the one leg tucked under position that many women seem to favour. Warming my palms again I started back into the massage I had initiated earlier. Based on the sounds she was making I assume that I was having the desired effect on her and I know that she was now having quite an effect on me.

As I applied pressure to her shoulders she would hunch forward enough that the tank top now became a tunnel for me to see the entire top of her breasts out to and including her areolas and nipples, which were now standing out about a quarter of an inch. Needless to say this was quite a delightful distraction and was playing havoc with my state of mind as an uncle.

As I worked the muscles in her neck and upper back, taking a few breaks to drink my beer and rewarm my hands, she worked on her wine glass till both of our drinks were empty. At that point I offered to get refills as she looked too comfortable and it was the gentlemanly thing to do. This also gave me a chance to stretch and get a full frontal view of my gorgeous subject. With the chance to move a bit more she straightened both legs and shook them to help the blood flow. This in turn caused her whole body to vibrate adding a nice jiggle factor for me.

As I returned with the drinks Alex looked a bit nervous.

“What’s up?” I said, “You look nervous about something. Anything I can help with?”

“Actually that’s what I’m nervous about” she replied.

Now I was getting confused and a bit nervous myself that I may have done something wrong.

“We’ve never had any issues talking in the past. You know you can tell me anything and that will be as far as it goes and you know I will do anything I can to help.”

“OK, then I was going to say that this feels so good that I’d like you to do the same for more of my body, but I wasn’t sure if that would be stepping over a line or sound weird.”

I considered her request for about a millisecond, but considered how to make my answer a bit longer.

“Sorry”, she started “I knew that might be too much to ask”. And she started to retreat.

“No no”, I laughed “just as you weren’t too sure how to ask the question, I would be pleased to give you any massage you want, but I was trying to figure out how to say it without seeming like a letch, or a drooling old man”.

That made her laugh as well, which seemed to clear the air between us.

“OK then what would you like rubbed the right way?” I said with a wink in her direction.

“I’m going to say everything right now and I’ll leave it up to your discretion, Unc”, she replied with a malicious grin.

Not to ignore a challenge or an invitation I topped up her wine glass, put a towel over her lower half to keep her warm and warmed up my palms. Starting from the waist up I massaged her full back first to get a feel for the area as well as to gauge her response in various areas. The tank top was just a bit too tight to get under easily, so I began rolling it up as I worked. She shifted up from the cushions to allow the roll of her top each time and continued to encourage me with the appreciative sounds coming from her as I worked. I kept a spare towel to cover her when I took breaks to relax my hands and drink my beer.

As we continued with the massage I asked her how things were going in her classes, how she was making out living on her own and if there was any particular fellow she liked or if she was trying a few out and beating the others off with a stick.

She said that things were going well in classes and in her living by herself except when her neck acted up. As for the men situation she said that she had been on a few dates, but the guys were only interested in getting off and getting out, so she had switched to a vibrator and hanging out with friends to party and have fun.

As I continued to work on her back and neck I eased my hands under the tank top t work her sides, which included some contact with her breasts as there was no way to contain them under her. It didn’t seem to bother her, so I continued to enjoy the feel and the texture of her very soft skin. Once the top was rolled up to the bottom of her breasts I thought it best to leave it at that point because with the size of her breasts the next move would have meant a major shift for her and would have left her breasts exposed and I didn’t think we were ready for that; at least not yet.

At this point she excused herself for a bathroom break. While she was gone I noted that she had actually consumed about half of the bottle of wine, so the bathroom break was understandable.

When she returned she had removed her arms from the straps to expose her upper back, which made the tank top more like a tube top but with no holding her breasts from natural movement at all. It was wonderful to watch her walk back toward me.

She drained her wine glass and laid back down on her front.

I moved to start working on her feet and legs after putting a towel over her back to keep her warm. As I have said she has excellent legs. Long and well muscled and flexible due to continuing her dance based exercises. I found out that one of her fun things is teaching dance to some local children at the community center, which is why she kept up the exercise while not continuing to dance herself.

AS I continued to work we both seemed to be enjoying the action. Her enjoyment was evident in the sounds coming from her and I was just having a great time feeling her skin and rubbing her feet and legs.

When I reached her butt I wasn’t sure what to do, so I made some tentative moves under the fabric at the sides massaging her hips, which seemed to elicit more groans from Alex, but no apparent concern. I took that as a positive sign and shifted up to her ass cheeks. I couldn’t believe how firm they felt under my hands as I worked them gently being careful to stay away from the crack and not push things too far just yet. Alex was so relaxed that she hadn’t made a voluntary move for almost 5 minutes and I was starting to think that I was violating a sleeping niece as opposed to a willing one. To be on the safe side I asked her how she was doing and she responded in a very relaxed calm voice that she was great.

Now I don’t know anything about hypnosis, but this looked to me to be what they refer to as a “suggestive state” and I thought what the heck.

In a low steady voice I said “Alex each night when you go to sleep you will feel your muscles relax just the way they are right now and you will feel the same way when you wake up”. This received an “mmmhmm” response from her, which I hoped was an indication that she might see some future benefit from the evening.

With that part of the massage completed I covered Alex with a second towel to keep the bottom half warm and sat back and finished my current beer and admired the peaceful look on her face for a few minutes.

At some point Alex appeared to realize that the massage had stopped and raised up on her elbows to look around at me with a very serene smile on her face. Gradually she changed to a sitting position and grabbed her wine glass. I got us both a refill and saw that she had actually consumed close to a half of the bottle of wine, so I realized that I couldn’t take full credit for her relaxed state.

She kept the towel over her legs but removed the top towel which afforded me a wonderful view of her partially covered breasts as we chatted a bit more about her expectations of a love life and her continuing disappointment with the males that were hitting on her. I commiserated with her about the lack of consideration they were showing and thought back to my own behavior at that age. I had been lucky enough to be introduced to sex by a young lady who was a couple of years older than me in years, but much more mature in wisdom. She had seen to my education very well, which I am eternally grateful for and showed me how to make sure that my partner was satisfied first by several different methods. She took great care to show me specifically what worked well in stimulating a woman and her training has served me and my partners well over the years.

Alex looked deep in thought and looking straight into her eyes I asked the question, “A penny for the thoughts rolling around in that lovely head of yours?”

Running her hand through her hair and taking a large sip of wine, she was quiet for a few more seconds and then looked back at me with a sense of resolution and said, “I can’t remember the last time I felt this good. I really hate to impose on you further, but would you mind doing the same thing to me on the front that you have on the back?” She finished the request with a sheepish smile on her face as if she thought she might offend me with the request.

I on the other hand was working hard to make a controlled response rather than letting the sixteen year old part of my brain blurt a response and jump at her.

“It would be my pleasure to make you feel as good as I possibly can”, I replied and clinked my beer bottle with her wine glass. “Here’s to us making you feeling as good as possible tonight.”

We chatted a bit more about things in general and the value of feeling good about ourselves.

She drained her wine glass then laid back and shifted position so that she was comfortable on the cushions with the towel still covering her lower body. I picked up her wine glass and put it and my beer bottle on the kitchen counter by way of minor clean up and took a position on my knees above her head being careful to move her hair up onto the cushion around her.

I warmed up my palms and said “OK, let’s start with your arms”. That appeared to help her relax visibly, which told me that she wasn’t quite sure how I had taken her request for a frontal massage and restored my feeling that she was giving me her full trust to do the right thing.

I started at her shoulder and worked down to each slim finger on her hand; first on the left and then the right. As I finished I placed each arm down her side slightly away from her body. I noted that all of her skin was the same creamy soft texture and I hoped that my hands weren’t too rough for the task. But there had been no complaints so far, which was a good indicator to me.

Now came the tricky part of massaging the front part of her body so close to those glorious breasts. Based on her earlier comments I wanted to make sure that she felt comfortable and that I didn’t come off like one of her recent male companions. Again warming my palms and settling my nerves I started working from the center of her shoulders to the top of her breasts, but not beyond. This seemed to calm her even further and her breathing was steady and relaxed.

I then moved to her sides working down to the band of her rolled top. I was able to work my fingers under the top without moving it too much, which allowed me good access to her sides and what ended up being the sides of her breasts as gravity had moved some of this exquisite flesh outward. I was enjoying myself and the contact with her breasts didn’t seem to bother Alex at all. I’m afraid to say that no amount of reminding myself that I was her uncle could prevent my dick from firming up and heading for my pant leg.

I straightened up and rewarmed my hands to start massaging her mid-section and started in with the sides and worked my way toward the center trying to limit my contact with her breasts as much as possible, but based upon my position my arms did brush her nipples a couple of times and the effect was very evident as her nipples protruded upward under the fabric. It was at this point that my groin felt warmer and I realized that while I was stretching earlier; Alex had shifted toward me so that her head was hanging off the cushion and she was breathing hot air directly onto my expanding dick urging it on toward a full erection.

I leaned forward and resumed my rubbing of her abs and downward toward the top of her shorts. Considering how she was treating my groin I ventured under the waist band with my fingertips and verified that she indeed was not wearing anything else. At this point she actually lifted her head and placed her mouth directly against my pants and breathed hot air onto the base of my penis and scrotum. Her message was crystal clear, but I still wanted the evening to be about her pleasure. I continued the massage under her shorts across the top of her mons going down as far as a small strip of hair, but not beyond that for about 3 or 4 minutes. She would lower her head from time to time and then raise it again to continue warming my now full erection as her breathing increased a bit in speed and depth.

Slowly I reached for the towel on her legs and drew it up over her upper body, sitting back as I did so. I gave her shoulders a couple of gentle squeezes to let her know that things were fine and moved down to her feet. Re-warming my hands I started massaging her feet a second time, which I knew she would appreciate as a dancer and someone who loves to wear some of the most kick ass heels I have seen on any woman.

Over the next ten minutes or so as I worked up the front of her legs I gradually moved them apart so that I could be between them. When I reached the legs of her shorts I followed the same pattern as at the top, working from the outside to the center. As I got close to the center I leaned forward and gave her the same warming that she had given my cock and scrotum just a while earlier. As I did this her hands clenched a bit and I noticed just how wet the material of her shorts had become. She made no effort to move away from me so I moved the material covering her vagina to the side and exhaled my hot breath directly on her skin.

This caused her to roll her hips up seeking direct contact with my lips and tongue. I obliged moving the material of her shorts to the side and feasted on the meal in front of me. Wetting 2 fingers I inserted them into her vagina stroking gently with emphasis on her G spot. At the same time I used my tongue to circle and stroke her clitoris applying firm and light pressure in different patterns monitoring her response to each change looking for the ideal pattern for her. My taste buds were enjoying that youthful fresh flavor which was almost sweet. As I continued I found that a mix of 10 fast strokes followed by 5 slower strokes seemed to push most of the right buttons for her so I kept up that rhythm paying attention to her movements to direct me to exactly where she wanted to feel the contact. She was secreting steadily with her juice running down to her ass crack and my ring and little fingers were getting soaked as well. Experimentally I started stroking her rosebud with my ring finger and probed the entrance with just the tip. Her reaction was positive and encouraging without saying a word directly.
Actually neither of us had said a word since this part of the massage started. I don’t know whether we felt no words were needed or if we were afraid that saying anything would interrupt the flow and make us think and possibly interrupt what was happening. But the continual moans and other sounds from Alex told me all I needed to know at that point.

Being a bit more bold I inserted my ring finger into her rosebud gradually up to the second knuckle and rotated it to see if there was any area that provided her more positive stimulation than others and found that the front wall seemed to do the trick as she increased the volume of her moans. So I gradually worked my little finger in with the ring finger and duplicated the motions I was making with my two fingers on her G spot. As I was doing this I had worked my free hand up an under her tank top and was steadily loving the feel of her breasts as well as providing as much gentle stimulation as possible to each breast. I was able to work both nipples into the center of her chest and stroke both of them at the same time. As I was watching for her reaction she would occasionally move one of her own hands up to show me how I could improve what I was doing. I was trying to be a good student and follow her direction as she gave it.

All of this action had uncovered her breasts totally and I shifted my left hand to allow my thumb to replace my tongue so that I could shift my body upward and use my tongue and lips on her nipples individually and together.

I was reveling in my great fortune as I had fantasized about having access to these charms since Alex had come of legal age.

Although I would have preferred to carry on this way for hours I was sure that Alex’s body wouldn’t hold out that long, so sliding back down her body I re-applied my tongue to her clit and shifted my rhythm to help her over the edge and into a full orgasm.

As she approached the edge her body arched more and both of her hands came to the back of my head applying enough pressure to make sure that I did not get away, but not pulling so hard as to suffocate me, which I found to be a good portion of restraint on her part.

When the orgasm wave crested she screamed, arched higher and started to vibrate while her grip on my head tightened to make sure that I didn’t go anywhere. At the same time her vaginal muscles were giving my fingers a good workout and seemed to be pulling them deeper into her opening. I could only imagine how wonderful that action would feel on a cock and still don’t understand the males in her life not wanting to stimulate that sensation for their own cock. I would say that it was definitely their loss.
As she started to come down I picked up my tongue and finger movements driving her back up that crest and over the edge a second time. This time she didn’t even manage a scream; just some throat based sounds and those magnificent dance trained thighs almost crushed my skull. Her vaginal muscles at this point clamped down on my fingers making it difficult to move them other than to wiggle against her G spot.

She collapsed back onto the cushions breathing heavily. I removed my fingers from their new homes and kissed my way up her body savoring the taste and sent as I went. As I raised up I was glad to see that she was breathing steadily because she was totally unconscious with a relaxed look on her face and just a hint of a smile on her lips.

I got up and went to the bathroom to clean up and came back to her with a warm washcloth and proceeded to wipe down and clean up her neck, torso and finally the center of attention of her groin. She was still unconscious so removed her shorts and positioned her as needed to finish the clean up covering her with the towels when I went back to the bathroom with the cloth. I took the opportunity to admire where I had been dining. She had a similar strip of hair to Sierra, but she had actually shaped it to a point which was aimed at her clitoris. If the males she had been dating actually needed that kind of direction I could understand why she had been so disappointed with her dating life.

I capped another beer and drank some of it waiting to see if she would arouse, but after a few minutes I decided that the best course would be to put her in bed for the night. After pulling back the covers I scooped her up and placed her gently into the bed and removed her top to leave her totally naked. Following a 30 second memorizing session looking at her body, I covered her. As a last thought I leaned down to her ear and said “Remember that as you sleep you will feel as relaxed as when you were being massaged. Your body will work on healing your neck damage and you will wake feeling well rested and refreshed”.

I felt pretty good about that and hoped it worked. Then just for the heck of it I leaned back down and said “When you hear my voice say the word karaoke you will feel the way you did when I was licking your clitoris and using my fingers on your vagina and anus. You will feel that way until I say the word karaoke again. You will not remember me saying that word or anything that happens between me saying the word except for the feelings in your body”.

With that I left the room and did some basic clean up in the kitchen and put the cushions back on the couch. After that I finished my beer and left, locking the door behind me.

When I got back to my hotel I had a shower and went to sleep hoping that Alex didn’t wake up regretting the events of the evening; especially since we had two more nights together and a dinner date for Saturday.


2023-10-21 22:21:21
fucking awesome story. kept me hard!

paul hornReport 

2017-11-02 03:32:43
very good read. I also was fortunate enough o have had 3 older women teach me how to tease and please a woman and it has definietly been a plus over the years.

pussy eater

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