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This is my first story that i have shared with the public. If you feel like a brother and sisters love for each other is wrong and inhuman i advise you to leave now. For the people who are still here, Enjoy.
"Wake uppp!!" Whined my sister as she pounced on my chest.

"Ok, ok im awake!" I cried out as she landed on me.

She quickly kissed me on the lips as she jumped up and ran off. I know your probably like "Yuck you kissed!!!" But its pretty natural to us. See we're twins and our family kinda pushed us together because of it. we decided to practice kissing on each other for when the real thing happens, and one day we was caught...let me take you back about a month ago.

"Do you wanna try french kissing alex?" She asked a little to excitedly

"Yo..You mean kissing with our tougues?" I asked nervously

"No i mean Yes you big head!!" She said with a grin

"I guess it wouldn't hurt if we..." she grabbed me and kissed me i felt her tougue coming close to mine just as our step dad came out from nowhere.

"What the..KATIE . GET TO THE HOUSE NOW!" He yelled as katie ran off.

He pulled me by my sweater and had me by my throat as he said through gritted teeth

"If i ever see that again, I'll beat some sense into you, she's your sister for gods sake!" He dropped me and walked off. I was scared and didn't notice the reddness around my neck as i walked in the house,but my mother did.

"Alex! What happen to your neck!" She cried out

"Wha...oh this.. shirt got caught on a branch when i was climbing a tree"I replied rather fastly and knew she wasn't convinced. I quickly walked to mine and katies room where she was on the bed exclaiming her nails until she looked up.

"Oh my god alex your neck!"
"It was stupid boyd wasn't it!" She assumed

"I'm okay, im just relieved he didnt touch you" I said changing the topic to her. She quickly threw her arms around me.

As i walked in the kitchen i finally noticed katies in nothing but a tee and panties, not that it wasn't natural but i must have stared too long becaused boyed cleared his throat.

"Boy stop staring at katie like that you freak!" He exclaimed angrily

"Boyd volume! And im sure you was the same going through what he is going through" my mother said gently.

"I didn't stare at my sister for certain!" He replied. Katie giggled.

"May i be excused mother?" She asked angel like.

"Yes dear" mother said.

I skipped breakfast and went to get a shower and while i was letting the water splash on my back i started having thoughts about katie. I opened my eyes and noticed i was getting hard.I quickly vanished these thoughts and got out and dried off.
I got dressed and laid on the bed and i guess i fell asleep because it was dark when i came to my sences.

I went to the bathroom to take a wizz when i heard the shower and turned around to see a outline of a womans body. Of course it was katie, with her nicely shaped breast and her cute little ass. What the hell am i thinking as i quickly emptied my bladder and got out if there.

Now that i think about it why hasn't any girls ever talked to me, i mean im pretty muscular, my hair and eyes are a chocolaty color. Im pretter hot to be honest. Little did i know my sister kept girls away from me.

I spent about twenty minutes watching television before i went to bed. As i walked into the bedroom katie was fast asleep and the lights was still on. I turned them off and as i walked to the bed i about broke my neck as i half tripped over a book, i quickly regain my balance and hopped on the bed. I slipped under the covers and snuggle up to katie. I gently put my arm around her and without noticing i had one of her breast cupped feeling it. What is happening to me! Then a few seconds later i feel asleep.

What i didn't notice was katie smiling when i was feeling her breast.

I awoke to find katie halfway on top of me and I crawled out from under her which took a while, not because she was heaver or anything she was rather tiny, not like "woah look at that tiny girl!" But she was rather petite with a body of a godness.

I notice no one was at home and i grinned as i ran to boyds "Mancave" and got his naughty mags out and got comfortable. I pulled my sorts down and had by semi hard cock in my hand when i found that one of the pages was stuck together.

"What the...."i started to say as i realized why they was stuck. I quickly grabbed another one and started to stroke my now hard 7'in cock.(i'm pretty sure im the biggest in my grade as school!) Then i looked up to see katie walk in and i quickly stuffed the mags away and pulled my sorts up while katie got really red and frozed.

"Oh you see.."i started

"Its okay..i think"she cut me off giggling.

"By the way that thing was huge!"she exclaimed.Now it was my turn to get red.

"OH... no not like that..i.. i just meant as far as dicks go.."she quickly said rather embarrassed.

" better fix something to starving"she finally broke the silence
I grinned.

"Not that kind of starving you perv!"she said playfully and grabbed a pillow near her and hit me.

"Ok, ok"i said between hits as i still was grinning.
"Lets eat"

As we ate i looked over at katie as she was on her phone,

"Whatcha doing, texting your boyfriend"i teased

"Sure am"she replied. She then noticed i looked hurt and then said
"I was joking you dumbass, no one will get your smoking hot sister"she laughed.

"If someone does then i will have to beat them up"i said grinning

"Oh, i bet you will kill them in a if they hurt me right?" She said with a twinkle in her eyes.

"In a heart beat sis, in a heartbeat..."i said with a serious yet playful expression.

In a heartbeat

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-01-23 03:37:31
Part two please


2017-01-07 01:40:36
As read in the comments, yes the grammar is not at it's best and the reasoning for this is quite simple really. This was a quick write, not one that you would spend hours on, but one you would just spend like twenty minutes on just for fun. But I will announce that I will be making the second chapter soon and will put more effort into the story as a whole! Thanks for you support, be that good or bad. Let these stories become a second life! :)

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-01-03 09:36:42
Looking for more chapters. Alex from Auckland New Zealand

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-01-02 07:08:11
was interested at first but grammar and spelling is very poor, and just the way some lines are rushed out makes some of it make no sense

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-29 22:36:58
Bad grammar

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