Since the incident with Adam last week I have been avoiding both him and Jacob..and it has been a chore. From Avoiding them in the hallways to after-school activities to school events...I even went as far as to beg my school counselor to change my schedule temporarily so I wouldn't have to see or talk with them in class.
“Oh God what have I done?” I groaned slamming my head on my science textbook. “ cheated on your boyfriend by fucking Adam in the bathroom.” Sarah scoffed rolling her eyes. I told her everything that happened she was worried about me when I didn’t show up to school for 3 days after you know it happened. “He isn't even my boyfriend...we just so happened to have a lot of things in common.” I said blushing as I remembered all the things we had “in common”. “Yeah dildos, sex, and him being your daddy.” Sarah laughed as the bell to end 5th period rang. I quickly turned my head looking at her with an embarrassed look as if she read my mind. I quickly gathered my things to head to chess club. “You could have easily said no to Adam but no you wanted to think with the little one instead.” She said putting her arm over me and pointing down. “It's not little..” I mumbled under my breathe.
“I know I know but what am I gonna do now to fix this? Jacob is beyond pissed with me avoiding him for no reason he doesn't know what happened and Adam is blackmailing me with my own ass.” I sighed brushing my hair through my hair then turning to Sarah as we headed to both our lockers. “I don't know. But all I know is you better talk to Jacob before Adam does.” She said shaking her head and sighing i knew we were both thinking the same thing. “I'm fucked..” “He's fucked.”
As we approached Chess Club my phone vibrated rapidly in my pocket it was from Adam. I opened the text and saw my cum filled ass on my screen with winkey face under it. The blood drained from my face as I hurried to deleted the text and shoved my phone back in my pants pocket. “You okay?” I heard a concerned voice that snapped me out of it. I looked up and saw Sarah’s face she could tell as I quickly said goodbye to her and ran inside to my club.
After Chess Club I slowly headed to Jacob's room praying to a higher power he wouldn't be there. I knocked on the door I waited a few I didn't hear anything so I turned around to head home when the door suddenly opened. “shit” I thought as i quickly turned around and saw Jacob standing there looking a bit pissed and sad at the same time. “Hello Mr. Black. Did you need something?” He asked in a soft but angry tone. “uh...yeah..c.can we talk?” I asked looking down a bit. “About what?” He questioned raising an eyebrow. “Um..a..about….my grades!” I finally came up with an reasonable answer realizing we were still in school. “Oh..I see. Alright, come in.” He said holding the door open for me as I walked inside.
He shut the door and walked back to him desk looking through some papers he was grading. I waited a bit before speaking. “Jacob I…” Before I could get my sentence out he stopped me. “Mr. Black remember we are in a school let's stay on a professional level shall we?” He said coldly. My heart sank a little and I was on the vague of tears as I nodded slowly. “I have a meeting to go to so I must go.” He said writing on a piece of paper then standing up and handing it to me. Without looking at me he left the classroom slamming the door behind him. I jumped at the sound then read the note. “You have a lot of explaining to do. And you will be punished for it. Be at me house at 8 pm.” -Daddy.
I couldn't help but be terrified and happy all at once.
After, hurrying home to pack some clothes and convincing my mom I was going to spend the night at Terry's house I headed to Jacobs. I rang Jacob’s doorbell at exactly 8:00 on the dot. The door opened and there stood Adam with that same dimpled smile. I felt my soul leave my body as Jacob came to the door in sweatpants and no shirt showing signs of sweating. “Well come in.” He said opening a bottle of water and drinking it. I slowly came inside dropping my bag as Adam shut and locked the door. “Why is he here?” I asked following Jacob into the living like a desperate puppy. “I don't know why do you think he's here?” Jacob said holding up his phone showing me my cum covered ass in the bathroom. I felt my heart and breathing stop at the same time as i tried to come up with an explanation. I got nothing. Jacob sighed as he sat down on the couch looking at me coldly.
I felt tears streaming down my eyes as I tried uttering the words “I'm sorry.” but they wouldn't come out no matter how hard I tried. “Cody..” Jacob said standing up and walking to me kissing me roughly yet caring like he missed me. He wiped my tears. “I'm not mad that you slept with Adam. I'm mad you didn't record it.” I looked at him confused. “what? You knew?” I said. “Well..not until a few minutes ago when someone interrupted my workout.” He glanced at Adam who smiled and waved back in response. “Adam told me a while ago he liked you and wanted to sleep with you. I didn't really condone it since you are my boyfriend but I said if he could convince you then sure have a crack at it. Were you unfaithful yeah….but since I already knew you liked him before me I will let it slide this one time.” He said squeezing my cheek forcing my mouth open. I nodded.
“And as for your punishment for not telling me or him in time I'm your new daddy.” Adam butted in. “Hey! Only for tonight.” Jacob in a rude tone. “Of course Of course.” Adam chuckled. “Excuse us.” Adam said smiling taking my hand and leading me to the spare bedroom.
Opening the door Adam pushing me inside and I immediately fell on the bed. It was dark but enough light from the window to see the shadowy figure in the doorway. The shadow climbed on top of me and I started feeling kisses and bite marks on my neck. The weight almost crushing me I felt Adam’s warm breath on my neck as he struggled to take my sweater off. I felt tears running down my face slowly thinking about what I done to Jacob even though he forgive me I still couldn’t forgive myself. “Aww don’t cry I will be gentle a little.” Adam laughed echoed in my ears. “No...stop.” I quietly whispered to myself as Adam started unbuckling my belt and pants the lights came on and Jacob was standing at the door. “Yeah...I changed my mind. Get out.” He said coldly. “Oh boo. We were just starting to have fun!” Adam pouted as he rolled off of me and I quickly wiped my tears away and fixing my clothes. As we started heading towards the door Jacob let Adam go past him then blocked then blocked the doorway with his arm to stop me. “Not you idiot.” He said wrapping his free arm around me. I felt his tongue slide into my ear as Adam got his coat and left. “I’ll cya at school.” He smiled giving me a wink then went out the front door as it locked on its own.
“Why did you stop us? Wasn't he my punishment?” I asked confused. “Yeah..but I'm the only one allowed to punish my boy.” Jacob grinned sliding his hands up my shirt pinching and twisting my nipples making me yelp in pain. “Mmm maybe next time you will think twice about being alone with other men?” He growled I nodded and begged for him to stop. “What's my name?” He said biting down on my neck hard I felt his cock press against my ass as we leaned against the door frame. “d..don't stop..” I groaned in pain and pleasure as Jacob picked me up and threw me back on the bed. Practically tearing off our clothes. He nibbled, bit, and sucked every inch on my body leaving his mark claiming me completely. When he finished he stared at his masterpiece, “These are never going to heal” he laughed circling his fingers over my fresh bite marks adding pressure to the one on my inner thigh causing me more pain. “ah..that hurts.” I groaned. “Not as much as this will.” He said biting down on my left nipple making my twist and turn in pain. “I don't think you learned your lesson.” He chuckled reaching under the bed and grabbing the belt from my pants. Then, looking into the night stand and pulling out silver handcuffs. My eyes widened as I quickly sat up “I have I have!” nodding frantically but all it did was excite Jacob more. He handcuffed me to the Head board and make me do a spread eagle across the bed . “Mmm so sexy.” he grinned wrapping the belt tight in his fist. “ Now every time you squeal you getting 5 more hits you got that?” I nodded then suddenly a sharp and painful sting spread across my inner thigh. I couldn't help but get hard and shed a few tears. “I couldn't understand you.” He growled. “Yes daddy i understand.” i whimpered. “good you get 10 one for each day you ignored me.” He growled I felt the anger in his voice thinking about last week. I bit my lip as Each hit got harder and harder along with my cock.
“Ah..fuck!” I moaned with tears scrolling down my face as more and more hits turned my legs and arms bright red. “Think you learned your lesson?” Jacob smirked cracking the belt one more time making my heart race. “Y..yes daddy.” I panted enjoying and enduring the pain all at once. “Good now you get a new reward.” He said dropping the belt and his pants. He took off the handcuffs returning circulation to my hands. He stood at the edge of the bed his dick at full attention as he called me over. Still strictened in pain I still forced myself to crawl over. “Good boy.” he smirked as he slid his cock into my mouth. I tried to pace myself by putting my hands on his thighs but he slapped me and growled “No hands just your mouth.” I put my hands back down in front of me letting daddy fuck my mouth like a good boy. Slamming deeper and deeper into my mouth. Jacob didn’t even give me a chance to breath the more I choked, the more his dick pulsed in my throat and got harder along with mine. I tried stroking myself but Jacob slapped me again and said “no hands.” He started thrusting faster and faster into my throat with no regards if i was breathing or on the verge of puking up the school lunch all over his cock. I felt my cock spasm and drip as I heard his sweet low moaning feel my ears then a stream of daddy’s milk flow down my throat. I swallowed every drop trying to suck out more as I came hard shooting all over Jacob’s legs and thighs. “Mmm such a dirty boy.” He laughed pulling out allowing me to finally catch a nice deep breath of air. Immediately, I fell on my back and spread my ass as Jacob wiped his thighs off with my underwear. “Such a delicious looking boy.” he smirked pulling me to the edge of the bed and lifting my ass. “Please eat me daddy.” I begged slowly playing with my hole and stretching it for him. Jacob drove his tongue inside twisting and circling around inside licking deeper and deeper. My eyes rolled to the back of my skull as I whimpered and moan for more and tightening my hole to squeeze his tongue even more. Finally, pulling out he dropped me on the bed and climbed on lining his dick with my hole and slowly pushing it inside trying to savor it. “Mmm...Daddy.” I moaned slowly stroking my cock as Jacob again slapped my hand. I grabbed the sheets surrounding us as he slammed inside without warning. “Ah...mmm...fuck..” I kept gasping and panting as Jacob pounded into me faster and harder digging his nails into my sore thighs. “Such a good boy.” He growled as he slammed into me harder making his dick go even deeper I felt my cock twitch and shake as Jacob leaned over nibbling and sucking my sore nipples.
Suddenly, pulling out Daddy flipped me on my stomach and slammed back into my spreading my legs and shoving my face down into the sweat drenched pillows. I could feel each thrust get deeper and deeper into my ass almost feeling his cock rip into my stomach. “Ah daddy.” I moaned into the pillows finally feeling sweet relief as I made a huge wet mess on the sheets. Each thrust Jacob gave me made me shoot more and more cum I thought I’d never stop just when I finished soaking every corner of the bed Jacob pushed down on the back of my head making it hard to breathe again I felt my vision starting to go black as I felt a warm form in my ass then making it’s way through my enough body. I blacked out as I felt arms wrap around me and a voice whisper in my ear, “I love you, Cody. You’re mine, Forever.”
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