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An unexpected incident changes my relationship with Amy and Amber.

Honest--there's real sex in this part.


I brought a change of clothes for Andrea and Chrissy—jeans and a sweatshirt. It was early October and the weather can be chilly, especially on the beach. I’d spent too many cold walks on the boardwalk and I had no desire to repeat. I thought I’d warn Amy and Amber when I got there, however Andrea and Chrissy had obviously beat me to the punch. Amy wore what seemed to be skin-tight jeans and a tight sweater under a light jacket. Amber was dressed exactly like my daughters would be as soon as they changed.

The three girls tumbled into the back seat while I placed their extra clothes into the rear of the minivan. I backed out of Amy’s driveway once I was sure that everyone was belted in. Minutes later we were on the Northern Parkway westbound, then south on the Sagtikos and west again on the Southern; all the parkways connect to each other so soon we were in Queens on the Belt Parkway rushing past J.F.K. Airport into Brooklyn.

Traffic was unusually light so I was able to sneak an occasional peek in Amy’s direction. Her jacket was open and pulled back to reveal her tight top. Her bra must have been really sheer because I could clearly make out her nipples under the tightly stretched fabric. We didn’t speak, but I was comfortable with our silence. There was more than enough gabbing coming from the rear seat. If I didn’t know better I would have sworn these three were lifelong friends.

They were really eager once we had entered the aquarium, but Andrea and Chrissy knew better than to get too far in front of me. We rushed through the reef building so we could see the penguin feeding. I could see how interested Amber was, rushing up to the railing for a better view. Amy and I hung in the background. I had my hands in my pockets and Amy had her arm linked through mine. We were close enough that I could smell her shampoo. It was great. How I wanted to hold her and make love to her, things I doubted would ever happen.

We returned to take in the reef display and marvel at the variety of fish and their colors. Amy kept her hand on my elbow the entire time. The girls were really excited as they moved from one exhibit to the next. We did everything there was to do at least once, including the 4-D movie on the way out. It was after one when we left and I knew that everyone was hungry. Fortunately Nathan’s was less than a quarter mile away. We had their famous hot dogs and fries along with jumbo Cokes. I always had sauerkraut and mustard on my dogs much to the amazement of my daughters who just couldn’t fathom the appeal of pickled cabbage. I was surprised when Amber said she’d like to try it and even more so when she nodded her agreement. Even more astonishing, Amy asked if she could have a bite of mine. I gladly gave it to her—anything to build up a cadre of sauerkraut allies.

After lunch we ambled over to the boardwalk and the girls took advantage of me, begging to be allowed to go on rides at Luna Park. We looked at the Cyclone—Coney Island’s famous roller coaster--but I couldn’t convince anyone to ride it. I would have taken Amy, but leaving the girls alone—no way.

We left to return home at four and three of us slept the entire way. I drove us to my house where I agreed to grill and make my famous California Cheeseburgers. When Amy asked what made them famous Andrea and Chrissy just laughed. “You’ll see,” they chimed in together.

I made the burgers—one for each of the girls, two for me, and two extras, just in case. I always grill the rolls and return them to a plastic bag to keep them fresh and moist. I make the burgers by hand from the fattiest ground beef I can find, seasoning them liberally with salt and pepper. They’re usually between a quarter and a third of a pound each. Meanwhile I sliced two big Long Island beefsteak tomatoes and two green peppers, but only one onion which I sliced very thinly. Andrea and Chrissy set the table, putting out plenty of napkins. These burgers can get pretty messy.

Amy stood by me while I grilled the burgers and helped by adding the cheese once they were almost done. Then we walked into the dining room where the girls were already seated in anticipation. My daughters knew what to do, but I spent a few minutes tutoring Amy and Amber.

“First, you need a little mayo on the bottom of the roll. Now a few pieces of lettuce; just use your fingers, that’s what I do. Now a thick slice of tomato and put your burger on top.” By then the creations were about three inches high. “Add a slice of onion and a ring of green pepper around that. Now, some ketchup and the top of the roll and you’re all set.”

Amy looked at hers then at me and asked, “How on earth do you get all of this into your mouth?”

Chrissy laughed. “That’s why we have so many napkins, Amy.” I led the way by taking mine in both hands, tilted it and took a bite out of the top part. Eventually I made enough progress to get the bulk of the burger into my mouth.

Amy and Amber struggled, but seemed to enjoy the food. I knew for sure when Amy complimented me. “This is without a doubt the sloppiest burger I’ve ever had, but it’s also the best. You’re obviously a man of many talents, Tim.”

I leaned over then to wipe a dollop of ketchup from her cheek. “You’re certainly right about the sloppy part. Sometimes I wind up with more in my lap than in my mouth. I have enough if anyone wants seconds. To my surprise Amber did have two and that encouraged Andrea and Chrissy to split one. It was all I could do to finish my second. Amy and I dismissed the girls who ran upstairs to Andrea’s room while we cleaned up the mess. There wasn’t much to do. I always used paper plates for this meal so they went into the trash. We were almost finished when Amy spoke, “I have to thank you again for a wonderful day. It’s the best we’ve had in a long, long time.”

“Yes, it was for us, too. I really enjoyed your company. I don’t get to spend much time with attractive women these days.”

“I heard about Chrissy’s Thursday night grace. I’m glad you think I’m hot.”

“You are. I try not to lie to my kids, but more importantly, you’re a really fine person.”

“You know, Tim—listening to you speak all day you remind me more of the lawyers I work with than a plumber.”

“You’re also very observant. I decided more than ten years ago to increase my vocabulary by five words a day and I have. I keep a thesaurus on my desk at work and I check it several times a day, even now. Some of the guys at work call me ‘the professor.’ Of course, they’re only joking.” Amy looked at me then and, once again, I saw those pools of liquid blue in her eyes. I thought then that her eyes were hypnotic. We spent the rest of the evening playing cribbage. I have to admit—I let her beat me.

We drove them home at eleven and I was sorry to see them go. Then Chrissy had another idea—why not go to church together? They all agreed so I said I’d pick them up at 9:30 on the way to 10:00 Mass. Andrea and Chrissy gave Amber and Amy hugs. I was surprised when Amber hugged me and thanked me for her wonderful day. Then Amy also hugged me and I hugged her back. Damn, she felt awfully good in my arms.


Thus began our relationship—a relationship that always included our children. We never did have an actual date so we never really kissed or did anything else, not that I didn’t want to. That changed about three months later just two weeks before Christmas when Amy and Amber drove to my house on a Monday afternoon. I was surprised because we had never discussed getting together on a school night. I could see by Amy’s eyes that something was wrong.

“I had a phone message from my landlord yesterday. He’s selling the house and he wants me out in three weeks. Great Christmas present, eh! I looked at some apartments today and they’re all more than I can afford. I don’t know what I’m going to do.” Andrea, Amber, and Chrissy had gone upstairs to Andrea’s room when they had arrived and just as suddenly they ran back down.

I could see that they were excited. “We know what to do, Daddy! It’s so simple. Amber and Amy can move in here with us! If we got bunk beds there would be room for Amber and me in my room. I’ll even sleep on top. There will be plenty of room for another dresser and a desk for Amber and my closet is big enough for two. Amy can sleep in your room. You already have a big bed.”

I gasped a few times. My heart was in my throat. I felt as though I had swallowed an entire chicken. “You…you came up with all that in the last two minutes?”

“Ummm, not quite, Daddy—Amber phoned me a little earlier while you were at work so Chrissy and I talked about it. It makes sense, Daddy. We know how much you like Amy. It solves all of the problems.”

“Uh, I think you know that Amy and I in the same bed …uh….”

“Actually, Tim—I think it’s a great idea.” I turned to face Amy as she stood and walked to straddle my lap, her arms around my neck. Turning to face our daughters she asked, “What do you think girls? What should I do?”

“Kiss him, Mom. Go ahead and do it.”

“Well, Tim would you like to kiss me? I’ve wanted to kiss you for months.” Then she leaned down and our lips met. Any doubts or questions I may have had disappeared in that instant. Sharing a bed with this goddess would truly be a dream come true. The kiss—the best one of my life—lingered for several minutes while our daughters cheered and clapped.

Finally, Amy broke the kiss with a smile. “I can’t speak for you Tim, but I thought it was worth waiting for.”

I still had stars in my eyes when I responded. “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind doing it again…like a few billion times.” She leaned down again to kiss me, just a little peck this time. Looking up into those liquid pools of vibrant blue eyes I asked, “Just when did you want to move in?”

“We brought some clothes and toiletries and Amber has her sleeping bag, so how about tonight?”

I was still half in shock so I was slow to react. Chrissy spoke long before I was ready. “We know you heard us laughing in the kitchen over the last month, Daddy. We were laughing because we’ve all known that Amy was in love with you for months. We were guessing when you’d wake up and realize it, Daddy. We all love you.”

“We do, Tim. I knew when I met you in the supermarket that you were an extremely good man. Then Friday at dinner and Saturday during our time together I realized that you were even better. I saw how much Andrea and Chrissy love you and I realized that I could love you, too. By the next weekend I was sure. What really did it for me was how you treated Amber—just like she was one of your own treasured daughters. I love you, Tim.”

“I love you, too Amy. I was afraid to do anything. I was terrified you’d reject me. You’re so….”

“Hot, Tim?”

“Yeah, you’re so hot and I’m so not.”

“I think that’s up to me to decide, don’t you? Right now this hot woman is hot for you so why don’t you kiss me again?” I did, and I realized that I’d want to do it those billions of times I’d mentioned earlier. Our lips met and I was in heaven. I never gave a thought to the presence of my daughters or of Amber. My hands roamed over her back and hers gently gripped my head, her fingers enmeshed in my hair. Our eyes were closed as our tongues explored and dueled back and forth when we heard the front door open and close. Our girls were back when we broke the kiss with suitcases and Amber’s sleeping bag. Our faces were covered with spit.

Amy and I looked at each other and laughed. “Does my face look anything like yours,” she asked. I nodded and she continued, “Good, then you must have enjoyed it as much as I did.” She rose and took my hand then I led her up the stairs to what would be our room.

She looked around and walked into the master bath. “I’m sure you’ll want to redecorate. At the very least I’ve been meaning to get a new mattress and box spring. I hate the idea of sleeping where she and….”

“Say no more, darling. I understand and I agree completely. The bedroom set is good and there’s no need to replace it. The rest we can talk about later. Isn’t that what couples do?” I nodded and took her into my arms again. She moved in really close then she whispered, “I’m hoping we’ll do this every day, Tim.”

“I’m thinking every spare moment. Right now I can’t wait until the girls go to bed.”

“Me neither; think we can punish them for something so they’ll have to go early?”

“We heard that, Mom!” They did hear it, but they were laughing so I pulled Amy into another kiss.

“Just making up for lost time,” I whispered, but, of course, our daughters heard that, too and laughed.

“About time, Daddy,” Andrea said. I only smiled then opened my arms and my three daughters ran into our arms for a group hug. They had already moved Amber’s few clothes into Andrea’s room so Amy and I unpacked her suitcase, placing her clothing where she wanted them in the long triple dresser. I was especially interested in the lingerie. I could barely wait.

The girls were gone when Amy moved in close once again. “Hmmm, I didn’t know you were a baseball player. It feels like you have a bat in your pants.”

I couldn’t stifle a laugh as I replied, “I’m glad you have a good imagination.”

“You’ll find out just how good it is later on.” Then she rubbed that hot body over my throbbing erection.
We were back in the living room half an hour later when I asked how much she had to move. “The house came furnished, but the microwave is mine and so are the TV’s in Amber’s room and mine. Of course, the food and kitchen supplies are all mine, too. I have a hope chest from my grandmother so, of course, I’ll want to keep that”

“We can try to have you out completely by the weekend. You’ll need to phone the electric company about changing over service to the owner. You have oil heat so a company will have to measure the amount. I’m sure you had to pay for the oil in the tank when you moved in. Also, the water company and the post office.”

“And the cable company, too. I think we need to make a list.”

“Daddy, we think we need to go out for dinner.” I looked at Chrissy and then at the clock on the wall. I had planned to cook spaghetti and meatballs, but the time had gotten away from me.

“Good thinking, Chrissy; let’s get cleaned up and go out. How about pizza?” Of course, they agreed. They always agreed to pizza. We climbed into the truck—what had just become my big happy family. That thought brought on another and I was thinking when Amy interrupted me. She only wanted to hold my hand. We arrived at the pizzeria about ten minutes later. If this trip was any indication, I doubted that I’d ever get a word in edgewise. I knew they were excited, but their conversation had begun long before they had left the house and it hadn’t stopped for even a second.

The next big topic was what kind of pies to get. Amy insisted that I get half sausage so they settled on one everything and the other half pepperoni. She organized the drinks, too—suggesting that caffeine at dinner time wasn’t a great idea. They settled for Sprite; Amy and I had frosty glasses of Bud. I had to admit that we all had a great time even though I barely said three words the entire time. On the other hand, Amy did sit in my lap and she did notice that I once again had quite the reaction when she did.

“Don’t worry,” she whispered into my ear. “I’ll be taking very good care of that after the girls are in bed—several times if I have anything to say about it. I noticed that nice big shower you have, too.” Then she kissed my ear and returned to her chair which was less than an inch from mine. It was after eight by the time we returned home.

The girls watched TV for an hour while Amy and I planned her move. One of the things we needed to do was find out about Amber changing schools. I phoned John Lynch to tell him I might be a bit late in the morning. Amy then asked what my schedule was like tomorrow. She wanted to set us up with an appointment to see one of her firm’s lawyers. I agreed immediately. I had held up on divorcing Terri because I had no reason to act. Now I did, or I hoped I did. Amy and I had never talked about getting married—only about living together. The girls went up to shower at nine and were in bed by 9:30. Their school began early—at 7:30—so they had to get up at 6:00 in order to get to school on time. I knew that Glenda Hoskins would be here at 7:10 to drive them. That was something else I’d need to discuss with Amy.

I had hugged and kissed my girls every night of their lives unless I was involved in some Kiwanis event and, even then, I always did so when I returned home. I began with Chrissy while Amy started with Andrea. She was kneeling at Amber’s sleeping bag when I sat at the edge of Andrea’s bed. She leaned up to hug me and whispered, “I’m so glad you have Amy now. There are some things I’m not too comfortable discussing with my father.”

I chuckled then whispered back, “I can think of a few things I don’t want you to discuss with me either.” I kissed her then and reminded her how much I loved her. She was becoming a beautiful and intelligent young woman. My final stop was Amber. I’d hugged and kissed her many times since Amy and I had begun spending our weekends together.

She didn’t whisper. She came right out and said what she wanted to. “I’m so glad you and Mom are together now, Tim. I love you and Andrea and Chrissy. You’re a much better man than my father ever was. I barely remember him, but now I have no need to. I can dream about you.” I gave her a special hug and kiss then retreated from the room, but not before I heard Andrea say, “Do try to get SOME sleep, Daddy.” Uhhh, kids!


I went downstairs to close up the house for the night while Amy went into the bedroom. I couldn’t believe how nervous I was as I climbed the stairs. I stopped short when I reached the doorway. There, lying on the bed, stark naked, was my soon-to-be lover reclining on her side, her head leaning on her right hand. I haven’t described Amy so I’ll do it now. She’s tall—taller than Terri—at five feet nine inches and slender. Her breasts aren’t huge, but they fit her frame magnificently. Looking at them now in their naked glory I’d guess C-cups with silver dollar areolas and puffy pink nipples, but I’m hardly an expert. She has a perfectly oval face surrounded by dark brown hair and the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen. Lying on the bed I could see that her pubic hair was trimmed back to what is commonly known as a landing strip. Even in the dim light from the hallway and bathroom I could see signs of her arousal.

I heard it when she spoke. “Hey there, sailor—been at sea long? See anything you like? Got a hose to put out my fire?”

“Yeah,” I groan. “I like everything I can see from here. You’ll have to decide about the hose.”

She rose and came to me. I was amazed by the smoothness of her skin as she unbuttoned my shirt and pulled my tee over my head. Then she knelt to remove my shoes and socks. My pants fell to my feet and when my boxers fell she could see my monster cock for the first time. Okay, it’s no monster, but it must be at least six and a half inches long and fairly thick. She smiled when she saw it. “Even better than I thought,” she whispered. “Let’s try out that big shower you have.”

I had tried to get Terri to shower with me many times with no success. Now I was going to wash and be washed by a woman who beat Terri in every department. I turned the water on and set the temperature at what I usually found comfortable. Seconds later we stood together under the hot spray holding and caressing each other, kissing and loving. Amy looked down and laughed. “Doesn’t this thing ever go soft?”

“Sure…it’s been soft for most of the past five months, but there’s something about you…how hot you are that just turns me on so much.” I grabbed the soap and began to wash her supple body, spending an inordinate amount of time on her round firm ass, her almost naked pussy, and her incredible firm breasts.

Then she took the soap from my hand and returned the favor. “You have a nice body, Tim. You’re obviously strong—not fat. I think any woman would feel safe in your arms. That’s important to a woman, you know.” She pulled me closer as she washed my back and butt. “Can you lift me and hold me, Tim? I want you right now and right here.”

I ran my hands between her thighs, spread her legs, and lifted her easily. Pressing her back against the wall her legs went over my shoulders as she gripped my raging erection firmly and led it to her core. A second later I felt that my legs would give out, that’s how overwhelming the sensation of entering her was. I was gripped tightly in a hot wet velvet vise. “Fuck me now, Tim. Fuck me and fuck me hard. We can make love later. Right now I need to be taken by force and made your woman.”

I’m good at giving orders, but after being married for fifteen years I’m even better at following them. I drove into Amy like this was my last day on earth. I knew I was getting to her from her reactions. I must have been rubbing her clit or her G-spot, or maybe even both because she was going wild on my cock. If I had this to look forward to every day I doubted I’d ever let her out of bed.

We went at it for several minutes, but it was doomed from the start. I hadn’t cum in a while, maybe a week and Amy, if I read her right, was closing in on her second. Suddenly, it was here! I grunted as I thrust deep into her. Amy gripped my head and pulled me into a long hot kiss as she screamed into my mouth. My grunts died in hers until we collapsed into each other.

She nibbled on my ear as she slowly recovered. “I hope you can hold me, Tim because I don’t think I can stand.” I changed my grip on her and my withering cock slipped from her canal. Gobs of semen oozed from her onto the shower floor as I turned the shower off. I was just in time, I knew, because it was about to turn cold. Even plumbers had a limit to their hot water. I eased Amy to a stool I kept under the vanity and dried her with a big fluffy towel. I made sure she was dry before seeing to my own needs then I carried her again, this time to the bed.

We slipped under the comforter, lying quietly in the dark, the only light coming from the street behind us. After a while we began to talk just as couples have for ages. I was surprised at how much we agreed, but then on second thought I wasn’t. Amy and I hadn’t been alone during the past months, but we’d really gotten to know each other extremely well. It was late when we finally fell asleep.


Six o’clock comes early under the best of circumstances, but Amy and I had talked about our future until almost one in the morning. We kissed then she went to the toilet while I roused the girls. Yesterday had been a big day for all of us, but today was destined to be even bigger. Andrea and Amber struggled out of bed, but Chrissy was up in a flash. I left them to dress while I returned to Amy. “You gave me my wish, Tim.” When my face showed my confusion she continued. “I wanted to feel your cum running down my thighs and I did.” She showed me the encrusted semen coating her inner thighs as I laughed then she led me back to the shower.

It was all business—okay, not ALL business. We did kiss and grope each other a few times, but fifteen minutes later I was almost dressed while Amy, dressed in her robe, went downstairs to start breakfast. The girls were all seated at the table when I walked in wearing a crisp uniform—white logo shirt with a button-down collar over navy blue chinos and, of course, my Robert Ernst ball-busting steel-toed boots.

I was halfway in the room when Amy handed me a hot mug of coffee. I took a sip then placed it onto the counter. “You know something,” I began, “I realized last night that I had forgotten to do two things so I think I should do them now, don’t you?” Amy was glowing as she leaned against the counter and I knelt before her. “Amy, the last ten weeks have been incredible for me even though we were never alone and never even kissed. Maybe that was for the best because we really had the chance to know each other.”

“Jeez, Daddy—just ask her, will you?”

“You heard her, Tim. I think you should just ask me.”

I turned to the girls. “Spoilsports! Okay, you win. Amy will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

“You know I will. I love you, Tim and I always will.”

“I guess things went alright between you last night,” Andrea commented as the three girls giggled.
Instead of responding Amy pulled me up into an incredible kiss. She spoke once she broke it several minutes later. “You’d better get used to that. I plan on kissing Tim several times a day…more if I can.”

I walked to the table and sat next to Amber. “One of the things your mom and I talked about last night—and, yes, we did spend a lot of time talking—was that I wanted to adopt you. I want you to be a real member of our family. I want you to be my real daughter.”

Amber looked up with tears in her eyes. “You mean I’ll have the same name as Andrea and Chrissy and you and Mom?” I nodded and hugged her. That was all the response I needed. “Can I change my middle name, too? I was named for his mother and she has ignored me ever since he left. Thank you, Tim. Does that mean I can call you ‘Daddy’ like Andrea and Chrissy?”

“I’d be very disappointed if you didn’t.” Then I hugged her again, showing my love for my future wife’s child—my child, too.

Amy found some breakfast sausages and eggs and soon had them on a griddle I pulled from a cabinet. I realized then that my food budget would need major revision. We had a great time considering that it was only breakfast on a work/school day. I left at seven after kissing Chrissy, Amber, Andrea and Amy—the latter being somewhat longer.

I was in the shop running through the day’s work when my men straggled in. None of them know me like John Lynch. He walked past my desk then turned around. “Something’s up with you, Tim.”

“Yeah…I didn’t get much sleep last night, but for a change it was well worth it. My friend, Amy, became my girlfriend last night when she and her daughter moved in and this morning she agreed to marry me. Of course, that means I’ll have to divorce Terri, but Amy works for a big firm of attorneys so I’m sure they’ll know what to do.” Most of the other men had overheard me so I received their congratulations until it was time to go to work. Carolyn came in at 8:00 and she knew everything by then, too.

My first stop was the Johansen’s. I had promised to look in at least twice a week and I always kept those promises. A mixed crew of plumbers, carpenters, and electricians had demolished the old bathroom down to the studs in a single day, even the wall and replacing it with the framework of studs for the new one. Then the work was simple coordination. We moved the toilet from one side of the room to the other, creating a commode room where there had been an open space toilet before. That enabled us to add a full-sized vanity and two basins to replace the single old-fashioned pedestal that had been there before. The carpenters built the frame for the skylight and once that was in place we needed a sunny day to pierce and repair the roof.

I had told Mrs. Johansen that the job would likely take two weeks. These crews had worked together many times so, after checking the job’s progress, I was sure we’d meet that estimate. All of the plumbing and electrical would be roughed in by this afternoon. Tomorrow would be sheetrock, and the following tile for the walls and the deck that would support the whirlpool/shower combo. Next Monday we’d replace the ceiling and sheetrock the skylight shaft. Finally, the tile workers would mud and tile the floor. I found Mrs. Johansen and told her everything. I’d learned long ago that communicating with the customer was critically important.

She had a few questions so we moved to the bathroom where I showed her rather than told her. I explained the mud was really concrete that would hold the tiles forever. “Most tile men use what’s known as backer board which is really a half-inch sheet of concrete that they glue the tile to. It’s good, but it’s nowhere as good as using wet concrete. Backer board bends and then the tiles can come loose or crack.” She seemed quite satisfied at my explanation. I was on my way out the door when Amy phoned to ask if I could meet with one of the lawyers at eleven.

I went next to one of Mrs. Johansen’s neighbors for a preliminary meeting on replacing their bathroom. I’d seen this happen dozens of times. It was called “keeping up with the Joneses or, in this case, the Johansen’s.” I finished by 10:20 so I drove directly to the offices of Peterson Schein Walters. There was obviously a lot of money here. The lobby was bigger than my entire office area. Walking up to the receptionist, I tried to introduce myself. “I know who you are, Mr. Moran. We all heard all about you this morning, just as we’ve heard from Amy almost every morning. I’ll let Mr. Peterson know you’re here.”

I was just about to take a seat when a short portly man dressed in a three-piece navy suit strode toward me. “Mr. Moran, I’m Walter Peterson. It’s a pleasure to meet you. May I call you Tim? Please call me Walter.” I was surprised—shocked actually. I was expecting some junior lawyer and here before me was the head man.

“Sure, Walter—everyone calls me Tim.” We shook hands and he led me to his office. I was barely in the door when he spoke again, “Would you care for coffee, or perhaps water?”

“Water would be great…thanks.” He asked for it over his intercom and a minute later a young woman brought me a large cut-crystal glass filled with water and ice cubes.

“Amy will join us in a minute or two. I think everyone here knows you as well as they know anyone on staff. You’re all Amy has talked about for months. I know she wants to show you off once we’re done. You’ll learn how much everyone here likes and respects Amy. We’re all thrilled for her.” He showed me to a couch and I was just about to sit when Amy opened the door. She was grinning when she walked to us and I was startled when she kissed me, holding it for several seconds before sitting next to me.

“If you are going to get married you’ll each have to divorce your current spouse. Amy’s case is really simple because she’s been abandoned for years. Tim, yours might be a bit more complicated. I understand that she cheated on you. Do you have any proof of the adultery?”

“Yeah, I do—eight photos of her and her boss in my bed. I have them at home, but I could give them to Amy to bring in tomorrow morning.”

“In a divorce for cause we’ll have to try to find her. I’ll argue in court that we’ve made a good faith effort if we can’t. That’s all we really have to do. The judge can take action on his or her own. We’ll have the paperwork done within the next week.

“Now, Amy tells me that you want to adopt her daughter. That’s a bit more complicated because we will actually have to find the father. What’s his name, Amy?”

“Michael…Michael Chambers. I have his DOB and social security information at home.”

“Good. I’m going to hire the Pinkerton’s for these searches. They have excellent resources and they’re a national concern so that will help to keep costs down. Still, their services will run about $20,000. Can you afford that, Tim?”

“Yes…I can. What about your fee?”

“You’ll have me pro bono. I owe that and more to the best secretary I’ve ever had. Amy, I’m giving you the afternoon off. Go out for lunch and do whatever young people like you do these days. Have fun.” He stood and the meeting was over. Then Amy took my hand and led me through the entire office, introducing me to lawyers, paralegals, and secretaries—even to some of the clients. All told I must have been introduced to more than forty people. I doubted I’d remember the names of ten. One thing was certain—everyone in the firm loved my future wife, just not as much as I did.

My watch read 12:25 by the time we were done so Amy grabbed her jacket and purse then looped her arm in mine as I led her out to the parking lot. Our first stop was a decent restaurant for lunch then I insisted that we see a jeweler friend. Amy needed a ring. Okay—nobody really NEEDS a ring or any other piece of jewelry, but I wanted her to have one. She selected a good-sized, but not huge, solitaire in a yellow gold setting. It looked great on her finger and she loved the ring. That was all that really mattered.

Our next stop was a furniture store where we bought a really good bunk bed, complete with new mattresses, a student desk, and a dresser. Then we tried out a few queen-sized mattresses to replace the one on what had just become our bed. We were assured delivery Thursday afternoon once the girls were home from school. We had time so I got a gleam in my eye. Amy recognized it, but not what I had in mind. “What,” she asked.

“Well, after seeing how much the people at your job love you I thought that maybe I could show you how much I love you. There’s a motel just down the block.”

“Oh, you nasty man—what a great idea!” We pretended we were cheaters having an affair just to add a little spice to our love making. We really didn’t need any. Amy melted into my arms as soon as the door was closed and locked. Our tongues dueled as we swapped spit until our faces were flooded. We moved back a bit then closed on each other for another sizzling kiss.

Amy was active as our kiss endured, unbuttoning my shirt and her blouse as my hands and arms were busy holding her up. I shuffled us to the bed then turned to fall backwards, absorbing any shock with my body. Now that Amy was on top she really took charge. My shoes went in one direction, my socks and pants in another. Last time I saw my boxers they were headed toward the window, reminding me that we’d somehow forgotten to draw the drapes. I blamed that oversight on our lust for each other.

Amy rolled us across the mammoth king bed. Then, moving like a big cat, she flipped around to kneel between my legs. “Do you have any idea how many nights I dreamed about taking this into my mouth…my pussy? Now I’ll get to do it every single day.” Then she leaned forward to lick a big drop of pre-cum from my tip. That sent a shiver up my spine. Looking down into Amy’s eyes I doubted that I’d ever been harder. Amy moved forward again, this time with an evil smile on her lips. She hovered over my cock for just a second then it disappeared in an instant. I couldn’t believe that she’d taken all of it in a single gulp. Terri had used oral sex as foreplay, but she had never deep throated me, nor had she ever allowed me to cum in her mouth.
I had no idea what to expect from Amy, but I sure as hell was enjoying the ride as she bobbed up and down my shaft. She had me in her mouth, rubbing my pole against the roof of her mouth while her tongue lovingly washed the sensitive underside of my shaft. I was getting close so I knew I had to warn her. “Amy! Amy! I’m going to…. I’m…oh, God!” I drove my hips up as the first thick rope of slick white semen flew from my cock into Amy’s throat. Five more times I blew and each time Amy swallowed every drop. Finally, my cock softened and popped from her mouth. Even then she gently licked every last droplet from my tip. Once she was done she climbed up my body, her gushing pussy rubbing its way up my leg and her head eventually finding a comfortable spot on my muscular chest as my breathing slowly returned to normal.

“You’re going to have to wait a bit before I can take care of you.”

“I’m not worried. I’m not going to keep score. I know you’ll take care of me…if not now then later tonight at home.”

Reaching down to stroke her cheek and neck, I whispered, “I was thinking about now AND later.”

Amy laughed as she tried to stroke my totally flaccid cock. “I don’t think it will be right now. Too bad we already had our holiday party. That would have been a great time to really show you off to all my friends.”

“Well, my holiday party is Saturday night so I’ll be able to show you off to my employees. Many of them are also my closest friends. Andrea and Chrissy have always attended in the past so I’d love to have Amber come, too.”

“Oh God, do you have any idea of what’s involved? Amber and I need dresses. Do Andrea and Chrissy have gowns?” I shrugged my shoulders. What the hell did I know about that stuff? Terri had always taken care of all that. Amy jumped up from the bed to find her phone.

She searched through her contacts for almost a minute before placing a call. “Kelsey? Amy Chambers here; I have a real emergency. I just got engaged. Oh…thank you. Anyway, I have a holiday party with my fiancée Saturday night. Yeah, I do, but I also have my daughter and his two. Please tell me you can help me.” Okay, we’ll be there at four. You’re a real life saver.”

“Okay, that takes care of our hair and nails, but we have to find out about dresses. I have the one I wore to our party, but I have no idea about the girls.”

“I think they just wore tops and slacks in the past.”

“Perhaps, but now they’re young ladies. They need to learn how to dress. That’s what we’ll do as soon as we get home. But first….” She took me in hand and smiled when I hardened. I pulled her onto my body. She was already wet and I could see both her love and lust in her eyes as she slid down my shaft. I gripped her firm butt cheeks tightly to increase the pressure as she began to slowly rock.

We moved together like the parts of a fine watch, every motion bringing and giving pleasure. Our pace increased and, as it did, our breathing became rapid and shallow. Amy arched her back, driving her clit even harder into my abdomen. “My breasts, Tim; please massage them and pinch my nipples.” I did, but she wanted it harder. Finally, I pinched her tender tissues tightly between thumb and forefinger and I could see the change in her. It began with a low growl that evolved quickly into a wild howl that she smothered with my mouth by leaning down to kiss me fiercely.

When her orgasm hit it was like a freight train roaring through the night, hitting with the power of thousands of galloping horses. Amy’s body shook wildly and I was afraid for her safety. Only my strong hands and arms and the strength of her pussy squeezing my cock saved her from propelling herself onto the floor. Eventually it ebbed and Amy collapsed onto my chest. I held her gently, rubbing her back as she gradually recovered and her breathing returned to normal. I kissed her head and her neck, loving the smell of her hair and skin.

“Your wife is a fool, Tim.”

“I have to agree. I’m younger, stronger, have a bigger…um, penis, and I also have a good income.”

“I was referring to your sexual skills. We’ve only just begun together and I can see what a wonderful lover you are. If I’m not careful we’ll be doing it so often I won’t be able to walk.”

“I don’t think that would be so bad.” She grabbed a pillow and swung it at me then we both laughed until Amy’s lips found mine again. She broke it after a minute, saying, “I think we should dress and go. I need to pick Amber up at school and withdraw her so we can register her with Andrea and Chrissy tomorrow morning.” I agreed and a few minutes later we were ready to leave.

“Hold on a minute. I want these.” She scooped the cheap soap and shampoo into her purse.” When I gave her a quizzical look she told me, “Bragging rights; I want our daughters to know how much we love each other. I know that Amber thinks I’m old.” I had nothing to say to that so I just shook my head. I turned back the key and we drove to Amber’s school. She was waiting for us in the office as Amy and I stepped up to the counter. Less than five minutes later she was withdrawn and her records were being faxed to her new school.

We were in my truck on the way back to Amy’s car when Amber asked to see the ring. “It’s nice, Mom—really pretty.” She hugged her mother as I began to roll out of the parking lot. I dropped Amy at her car and she followed Amber and me home. Andrea and Chrissy were already there when we entered and Amy placed the motel soap and shampoo on the counter.

Amber was the first to notice. She picked up the shampoo and turned it in her fingers. “Mom, this looks like stuff you find in a motel.” Amy just smiled as our three girls gasped.

“Amy…Daddy, you didn’t!”

“We sure did, Chrissy. We’re not as old as you think we are.”

“I don’t think you’re old, Amy. I’m sure you and Daddy made love last night, but a motel?”

“It was handy and we were in the mood--right, Tim?” I just nodded and Amy walked over to kiss me. It was long and sweet. Our daughters were grinning when we broke it. Glenda had made a big pan of lasagna for our dinner and we could smell it in the oven.

We sat in the living room while Chrissy, Amber, and Andrea set the table. “You need to rest, Daddy. We’re sure you and Amy are tired. Would you like a beer? How about you, Amy; beer or wine?” I gave Chrissy what I thought was a stern look, but she was not to be dissuaded and she looked so innocent when she brought my can of Bud and Amy’s merlot, served correctly in a crystal goblet. I pulled Chrissy into my lap as she laughed. We hugged and I kissed her cheek. She knew how much she was loved.

Then I had an idea. I phoned my mom, asking her if she would like to attend what she and dad always called “The Plumbers’ Ball.” She had always turned Terri and me down, but I was sure I could convince her this time. “Hi, Mom. Say, I just had a wonderful idea. Want to come to ‘The Plumbers’ Ball’ Saturday night? Before you say no, please hear me out. I have a really good reason for asking you, but I’m not telling you what it is. You and Dad have to come to find out. I think it will make your Christmas season.” I listened to her speak for a couple of minutes before continuing. “Mom, I guarantee you’ll be sorry if you don’t come to the party. Okay…thanks; we’ll see you at the Irish Coffee Pub in East Islip at seven. I’ll be there early.” I ended the call so I could speak with Amy.

“How about your parents, Amy? Do you think they’d like to attend?”

“I’m sure they would, Tim, but they live just outside Pittsburgh in McKees Rocks. I don’t know how they’d get here. They don’t have much money. Amber and I haven’t seen them in more than a year.” Maybe they couldn’t afford the trip, but I knew someone who could. I’d be on the phone tomorrow morning, for sure.

I showed Amy my oral skills that evening and she had to cover her mouth with a pillow to avoid screaming into the night. We slept naked--her body snuggled up to mine with her leaking cunt oozing all over my thigh. I couldn’t think of a better way to show her how much I loved her.


Up at six--as always--I woke the girls and began making breakfast. Amy joined me a few minutes later, setting the table and pouring juice and milk while I finished the oatmeal before pouring it into five bowls just as the girls ran down the stairs. They were jabbering a mile a minute, excited about Amber joining them in middle school. Now we’d have a student in each grade—sixth, seventh, and eighth, covering all the bases. If nothing else, attending parent-teacher conferences would keep us hopping.

We took the truck and Amy’s tiny Kia, planning on driving straight to work once our meeting in the school office ended. Amy held my hand as we walked into the school. I wasn’t at all surprised to see Mrs. Kelly in the lobby where she could greet the students. I introduced her to Amy and to Amber. “Aha,” she said with a smile. “That explains those great report cards I saw in our fax this morning. Come on in to the office. I’ll turn you over to Mrs. Reynolds. She handles all the new students.” Amber was beaming from the principal’s compliment.

I’ve known Mrs. Reynolds for years. She was a secretary when I was a student, although not in this school. It was only three years old. We spent fifteen minutes there and then walked down the hall to Mr. Burger’s office. He was Andrea’s and Chrissy’s counselor, as well. I knew when he was assigned that they were using my name—Moran—for Amber in anticipation of our wedding and her name change.

All told we spent twenty minutes settling Amber’s schedule. This was a big school in the best area of the school district so we had classes for high achievers and for gifted students. I had learned when Andrea was in fifth grade that these were not identical. Being gifted depended more on IQ and ability than on actual achievement. Terri and I had opted for the high achiever classes and we’d never been sorry. Andrea, Chrissy, and now Amber, meant we had a house full of budding intellectual heavyweights. That’s why my two girls each had their own laptop and why Amber would have one by the time I got home this afternoon. We had a home network and a wireless printer that saw one hell of a lot of use.

Amy and I kissed Amber good-bye as Mr. Burger took her to a locker and showed her around the school before introducing her to her science teacher. Amber told us later that another girl had volunteered to help her find her way. All told, she said it was a very positive day.

All of my men were off to their jobs by the time I arrived so I closed my office door and booted up my computer. Using Google I plugged in “McKees Rocks, PA” and “Melton,” Amy’s maiden name. I found four in the roughly 6,100 listed residents. There was nothing else to do but dial and say, “Good morning, my name is Tim Moran. I’m calling from Long Island and I’m trying to reach the parents of Amy Melton Chambers and the grandparents of Amber Chambers.”

I was halfway down the list when the woman at the other end replied, “May I ask why you’re interested?”

“I want to reassure you that there’s no problem. Amy is fine and so is Amber.”

“Wait a second…did you say your name was Tim?”

“Yes, Ma’am; has Amy mentioned me?”

She laughed so hard I had to hold the phone away from my ear. “Yes, Tim—you’re just about the only thing she has mentioned for the last two months, at least.”

“That’s great, because it will make what I’m going to tell you easier.” Then I told her what had happened on Monday with Amy’s house. “I damn near choked when my two daughters ran downstairs with Amber to suggest that Amy and Amber move in with us. Then Amy said she thought it was a great idea. The following morning I proposed and told Amber I wanted to adopt her.”

I must say that Mrs. Melton took everything I had told her in stride. “Based on what she’s told me about you, I’m hardly surprised.”

“Anyway, I’m having a big holiday party for my employees and their wives Saturday night. I’ve always taken my girls and I plan to introduce Amber and Amy then to my parents. I asked Amy if you’d like to come. I’m inviting you and I’m willing to pay your way—plane tickets from Pittsburgh to Islip MacArthur. You can stay with us—my office at home has a couch with a pull-out queen bed—or I’ll put you up in a nearby motel—your choice.”

“Where is Amber sleeping? I assume Amy is with you.”

“My elder, Andrea, suggested we put bunk beds in her room. Amy and I bought a high quality one yesterday and it should be delivered this afternoon. Andrea said she’d take the top.”

“That sounds like exactly what Amy told me about her. We’d love to join you, Tim. Can we stay for a few days?”

“You certainly can. I want to check the flights and I’ll phone you back as soon as I have anything. Okay?” She thanked me and I went to work on the flight arrangements.

I was back to her twenty minutes later. “I can get you on a flight out of Pittsburgh at 9:10 Saturday morning to Philly and from there to Islip arriving at 2:53. What I’d like to do is put you into a motel for a few hours so you can rest or change your clothes and then have you take a cab to the restaurant. I’ll sit you in the bar until I’m ready to introduce you. Amy has no idea you’re coming. I’d like it to be a complete surprise. Is that okay?”

She agreed and I booked the flights then I made a reservation at a motel I knew was roughly a mile from the airport and less than ten miles from the Irish Coffee Pub. What a great morning!

Glenda picked up all three girls and they were home to receive the new bunk bed, dresser, desk, and our new mattress. Andrea showed the men where to place the bed while she and Amber carried the pieces of her old bed down to the basement. Then she showed the men where to place the new dresser and Amber’s desk. She tipped them with the twenty dollars I’d left for her. She and Amber were chatting and having a great time when I walked in to check on them.

Amy followed a few minutes later and she laughed when she heard Amber and Andrea. She kissed me then whispered, “I don’t know how either of them gets a word in edgewise. Have they stopped since you’ve been home?”

“No, and Chrissy says they started the second school ended. Their lockers are almost right across the hall from each other.” She gathered the girls together, sent them to the bathroom and led us out to the truck.

“Where to first?”

“I think we all need underwear. Let’s try Victoria’s Secret.” I gave her a double take, but she continued, “They are becoming young women and they need appropriate undergarments. If you behave we’ll let you sit outside in the mall until it’s time to pay. If not….” I shut my mouth and drove.

They found me a comfortable rocker out in the hallway where I waited impatiently until Chrissy came out to get me. She had a huge grin on her face. I knew that was trouble. It was; the bill came to more than five hundred dollars. Macy’s was our next stop. I waited, holding the VS bags while Amy led them through the misses department until each girl had four dresses to try on. She went into the changing rooms with them, but I did get a chance to look at each dress and give an opinion. Andrea asked if she and Amber could get two so, of course, Chrissy also got two. Amy went into juniors for two dresses that I heartily approved of. Let’s face it—Amy was hot, really hot, but these dresses were really sexy, hugging her curves like a second skin. I hoped her mom would approve. I knew for sure that I’d be the envy of every man present at the party and wherever else she wore one.

After dinner at a nearby diner the girls showered and finished up their homework while Amber checked out her new Toshiba laptop. She jumped up suddenly and ran to hug and thank me. “Thank you so much, Tim—I mean Daddy, and thank you for the clothes, too.” I could see how happy she was. I was glad that I had been able to help. Andrea and Chrissy thanked Amy and me when we kissed them good-night.

We closed the door to our bedroom then turned our efforts to putting the plastic mattress cover and the quilted pad onto the new mattress then we made the bed. “Seems like a waste of time, Tim. You know it’ll be a mess as soon as we climb in.” We stripped each other and walked together into the shower. We kissed and held each other and we even found a few minutes to wash then we dried each other and she sent me to bed by myself. “I have something I want to show you, Tim. Trust me.”

I did, so I folded the blanket and sheet down and lay on the bed, my head on a pillow and leaning against the headboard. A few minutes later Amy called out from the bathroom, “I saw some candles in the room, Tim. Can you light them?” I kept some matches in my dresser so a minute later I had all four candles lit and the remaining lights turned off.

I waited patiently for Amy to emerge from the bathroom. Trust me on this—my patience was rewarded in spades. She slinked slowly toward the bed clad in the sexiest teddy I’d ever seen or even dreamed about. It was deep red and more air than cloth. From the look of it I guessed it was mostly lace. I was able to see through the crotch area all the way to Amy’s skin. She must have shaved off her landing strip while I waited.

Even better was the way her breasts were exposed. They were encircled by two triangles of matching deep red ribbon that led to what Amy later explained to me was a halter-like tie around her neck. I couldn’t take my eyes off this gorgeous creature as she slithered onto the bed to cover my body with hers. I resolved in that instant to thank Terri and Robert Ernst for making this all possible.

Amy looked down at my throbbing erection and laughed. “I see you like my outfit. Remember to thank Chrissy tomorrow morning. She picked it out. Amber and Andrea all but dared me to wear it tonight.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a group of girls who had a greater impact on their parents’ sex life than our three. Chrissy, especially can be a handful. I don’t mean that in a negative way, but she’s so unconventional and so daring. I think she’ll be better at working with her hands than I am. Wait until spring when I get involved in some DIY project. She’ll be right there with me the entire time. Ask her sometime to show you her tools.”

When Amy gave me an incredulous look I explained. “That’s what she wanted for Christmas last year—a complete set of hand tools, but we can talk about that later. I’m so hard looking at you that I’m hurting. You’re absolutely incredible.” Then I shut up and kissed the most incredible, the most fabulous—the absolutely sexiest woman I’d ever met.

She backed away, all the way to my feet. Then--using her legs--pinned my legs together and began moving back up--each hard nipple running up my legs to my groin and all the way to my chest before going back down to my cock. I’d thought I was hard when I first saw Amy, but now I was afraid I’d faint from lack of blood to my brain.

She trapped my cock between her breasts and began to bob up and down, fucking me with her tits and swallowing me whole on every down stroke. Her tongue was driving me crazy as it expressed her love by washing my cock and teasing the head as Amy moved up. Back and forth she went until I could stand no more. She had just pushed back down, her tongue tickling the ultra-sensitive underside of my cock when my balls clenched up tight to my body, my cock expanded and erupted with such force that I was sure the semen flew straight into Amy’s throat and stomach. She licked me clean then crawled up onto my chest to kiss me. I could taste my semen on her lips, but that didn’t stop me from kissing her back.

“You know that I appreciate the girls’ support for us, but I think we need to stop them. It’s up to us to work on our relationship. We’ll make mistakes and it will be up to us to correct them. I don’t think it’s healthy for them to be closely involved, especially in our sex life.”

Amy looked up for a second then returned to my chest, twisting my hair in her fingers. “I think you’re right, Tim. I didn’t think about it before, but this entire evening was engineered by our daughters.”

“I’ll take care of it at breakfast. Andrea and Chrissy know the drill, but I want to be very careful with Amber. Let’s go to sleep. You wore me out.”

We pulled up the blanket, snuggled together and performed what had become our nightly ritual, kissing before swearing our undying love.

NEXT: The bitch returns, but what a surprise she's in for!

Dudley DowrongReport 

2019-07-16 04:45:19
My only comment is to agree with everyone else. I love it.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-29 21:42:39
Great story! Cant wait for the next chapter!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-28 03:43:31
Like "countrycadillac" says please don't ruin a great story

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-27 16:16:07
Your story is warming up nicely ... ... I am looking forward to the next chapter


2016-12-27 15:51:31
The writing and story line are perfect, please don't ruin what can be a perfect ending !!! Thank You !!!

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