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On vacation to save my marriage, things get crazy as my wife finds her wild side
If you have seen my list of stories, you will see that this is just a part in a continuation of a long story/fantasy of mine that has been bouncing around in my head for a while now. Some parts of this are true, some are made up. I would love some feedback in the comments or in a pm. Thanks and enjoy!

My eyes felt like large iron doors as I tried to pry them open. My mind slowly slipped out of a dreamless sleep and fought its way out of the fog. With a groan I slowly rolled on my side and eventually made my eyes open. There was an orange glow to the room as the sunlight crept past the thin curtains across the large glass doors leading out to the balcony. The crazy events of last night flooded my mind when I realized that I had slipped off into slumber as soon as Steph left the room last night. I looked at Amy's side of the bed and it was still empty. I remembered that she was planning on going over to Gloria and Michele's room to end the night, so I wasn't too surprised. She must have fallen asleep there and she would be back in time for breakfast… or maybe lunch. I looked at the small alarm clock on the nightstand and read the green block numbers. 8:30? Why would the sun rise be so late in the day?

I sat up on the bed and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Then it dawned on me. I had slept the entire day away! The sun wasn't rising, it was setting! I pulled myself up off the bed and shakily walked over to the table in the corner where my cell phone was charging. A moment of panic started to sink in and I just knew something bad had happened. As I reached for my phone, I noticed a small folded piece of paper next to my phone. Propped up on its ends, I recognized Amy's beautiful penmanship had scrawled two words across the front: "My Lover"

A sense of warmth spread through my chest as I thought about how wonderful those words sounded to me. It had been years since I felt that she cared enough about our marriage for intimacy. This trip really had been worth it. And the changes I had seen in her already were amazing. I reached down and picked up the note. I could smell a hint of Amy's perfume surrounding the note and I held it to my nose and just breathed in her scent for a moment. I pulled the note away and unfolded it and read:

"My lover,
First and foremost, thank you so much for last night. I have never felt so free to explore my desires. I had no idea that I had these thoughts and feelings until you so selflessly opened yourself to my whims. I am so sorry. I sit here writing this, watching you sleep so soundly, and I realize that I have not been honest with myself all of these years and therefore were not honest with you. I know that I have been cold and unfeeling. I think it was because deep down I knew that I had these needs buried deep inside and did not trust that you would be so accepting. I promise to be much better about expressing myself to you.
That being said, I now must switch gears and remind you that you made me a promise last night. You agreed to go to the new club with us and be my at my whim. A promise is a promise. And I promise you that we will explore many new limits tonight. I have already laid out your outfit for tonight. You will wear all that I have chosen. You will be ready to be picked up at 9:30. I will not lower myself to pick you up. Your ride will be there promptly at 9:30 and you will go with them. You will follow all of their orders. I will see you at the club.

So, she had not forgotten her dominant side! I felt the familiar twitch of my penis as I reread the note. I had no idea that being dominated by Amy would be such a turn-on. I set the note down on the table and walked over to the bathroom. There was another garment bag laying across the counter. I was torn between looking into the bag or getting into the shower. Looking at myself in the mirror made my decision for me. I was a mess. I turned on the hot water and climbed into the shower. After letting the hot water stream down on me and relax my muscles, I washed thoroughly. Stepping out of the shower and drying off, my eyes kept being drawn to the garment bag.

I guess it was now or never. I hung up the towel and unzipped the bag. There was a crisp, clean white button down dress shirt, a pair of khakis, and the black pair of sandals from last night. I was perplexed why Amy was so adamant that I wear this until I noticed a black plastic bag at the bottom of the garment bag. Pulling the bag out, I turned it over and let the contents fall on the counter. There were a couple packages, a small bottle, and a pair of underwear.

Picking up the underwear, I realized that using that term was being generous. Looking over the small amount of material it took some twisting and turning to figure out exactly how they worked. I finally got them facing the right way and held them up to look at. What I had before me was a black leather waistband and two smaller leather bands to go around the thighs. Connecting the bands together were strips of black see-through mesh that ran along the outside of the hips and thighs. The front and back were completely exposed. I carefully pulled on the underwear and got them adjusted.

Picking up the first small package, I saw a contraption made up of two round rubber circles connected together. Flipping it over, I saw a diagram explaining what it was for. I had never seen a cock ring before but had heard of them. The diagram showed that one ring went around the base of the cock and the second wrapped around the ball sack. I opened the package and spent the next few minutes trying to get everything situated and put together properly. It was constricting and felt weird, but it was what Amy wanted. Picking up the next package, I saw a shiny black rubber thing. It was narrow at the top and widened out a bit before slimming down into a flat, wide base. It was probably about 4 inches long and was about an inch or two in diameter at the widest point. I didn't really need to see the diagram on the back to get a sinking suspicion about what it was used for. Looking at the small bottle, I realized it was a container of lube. My suspicions were confirmed. Taking the plug out of the package, I squirted a couple dabs of lube on it and spread it all over it with my fingers. I then used the excess on my fingers to try and lube up my butt. Taking a few deep breaths, I wiggled and twisted and fumbled around until I finally had the butt plug inserted. It was definitely a weird and filling sensation.

I washed the lube off of my hands and then finished getting dressed. I slowly walked around the room, trying to get used to having the plug in place. Looking in the full length mirror on the back of the door, I was hit with an odd sense of dichotomy. On the outside, I looked like I was heading to a casual dinner in my untucked white dress shirt over khakis and sandals, but underneath I tried to wrap my head around the fact that I was wearing silly underwear, a cock ring, and a plug shoved up my ass. My mind racing about the possibilities the night held, I tried to calm my breathing and paced around the room. I had almost relaxed when there was a sharp rapping on the door. I glanced at the clock and saw it switch from 9:29 to 9:30. My heart started racing again and I shuffled over to the door. Opening it, I was surprised to see the two men from last night! With a flash of a smile, they brushed past me into the room.

"Here, you will take these now please." With that, the taller one handed me three pills. The man next to him handed me a bottle of orange juice. So, it was going to be another one of those nights. I tossed the pills into my mouth and unscrewed the cap on the bottle. With a swig, I swallowed the pills. I started to hand the bottle back but he gestured for me to keep it. "You will want to drink that on the way to the club."

With that, they turned and started to walk out the door. I quickly followed them, flicking off the light switch as the door started to close behind me. I shuffled behind them down the hallway until we reached the exit. Stepping out into the humid night, I saw a black BMW parked out front. "You will need to sit in back."

I opened the door and climbed in behind the dark tinted windows. The shorter man leaned in and started to wrap a blindfold around my eyes. I was about to protest when I remembered that Amy said I had to do exactly what they wanted. I heard the door close next to me and then the front doors open and close. The engine revved to life and the small compartment was filled with dance music. I felt the car pull away from the curb and we made our way through the streets. I lost track of time as we twisted and turned through the streets, but it was long enough for me to slowly finish the orange juice. I felt us turn left and suddenly the road was very bumpy, like we were driving over the cobblestone streets some very old downtowns have. There was a sharp turn to the right and I could hear the crunching of gravel under the tires. We slowed to a stop and the engine died.

A moment later my door opened and I felt someone guiding me out of the car. Gravel crunched under foot as we walked a few feet. I heard a metal door open and someone greet us in a foreign language. We stepped through the door and I was escorted down a long hallway. The voice that greeted us at the door said something to my two escorts and I was taken through another doorway. I was manipulated until I was sitting down on a soft chair of some kind. I sat there, heart racing and sweat starting to gather on my forehead, as I tried desperately to hear anything that would give me a clue as to what was happening now. I could barely hear shuffling and movement around me, but it was not enough to tell how large the room was, how many people were in it, or what they were doing. Time stood still and I couldn't tell how long I sat there, a shroud of darkness over my eyes.

"So, do you think enough time has passed that it is working for him? It took longer than usual last time." The voice came from a few feet to my left, and if I wasn't mistaken I thought I recognized it as Gloria's voice.

"Well, there is one way to find out." The voice came from right behind me, and I was certain that it was Michele. I suddenly felt fingertips running lightly across each side of my neck and I immediately had a shiver run up my spine and I let out a soft moan. "Wonderful! Looks like we are in business."

"We are going to remove your blindfold. You will keep your eyes shut when it is removed. Do not peek or it will not go well for you." Amy said this in a stern voice from right in front of me. I felt hands untying the blindfold so I shut my eyes tight. The blindfold was whisked away, and almost immediately I felt something being forced over my head. With a little bit of work, my head was soon encapsulated in some sort of tight hood. "You can open your eyes now."

I slowly opened my eyes, but I am not sure why really. My vision was still obscured and I couldn't see anything at all. "Tell me, can you see anything?" I slowly stammered that I couldn’t and suddenly my face was grabbed roughly under the chin and Amy hissed at me: "When you address me, it will be as Mistress, do you understand?"

"Yes Mistress!" I quickly replied.

"First, I want you to feel your mask. I want you to understand exactly what you have on." I slowly reached up and started to feel around the mask. It felt like a thin, smooth leather across most of it; the back was a more stretchable, thin material which allowed it to be pulled on and off without needing a zipper or other clasps. Around the throat, there was a strip of leather that buckled on the side effectively keeping the mask tight around my neck and secured on me until the buckle was undone. There were no eye holes of any kind so there would be no seeing my surroundings unless the hood was removed. Around the mouth were a few metal snap openings - obviously there were some sort of attachments that could be used with the mask. "Good. Now I want you to put your arms out in front of you, palms of your hands facing me."

I reached my arms out and waited for what was to come. "I am going to tease you with just a little information about what is happening." I felt a warm body step forward against my hands. Hands firmly grasped my wrists and began to move my hands across the body. I could feel the smooth texture of latex under my palms and the soft, toned stomach underneath the material. I started to run my hands up and down the stomach in front of me until my wrists were pulled roughly away. "Did I say you could touch more than what I allowed you?"

"No. Sorry." I realized my mistake too late, and suddenly my head was pushed back until I would have been staring at the ceiling if I could see.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Such a slow learner. I guess we will have to give you some time to think about the words that will come out of your mouth. Michele, if you please." Suddenly I felt a hard rubber pressed against my lips. My mouth was forced open and the rubber scraped my teeth as it inserted into my mouth. It was long and round; by the time it fit all the way in, my mouth was almost completely filled to my tonsils. I felt pressure against my lips and chin and heard the tell-tale click of metal snaps falling into place. The hands let go of me and I was gagged and blind and no more sure of my surroundings. "Now, let's try this again. Arms out."

I quickly complied with my wife's orders. "Mistress Michele, please come over here." A few seconds later I felt a round firm ass in my hands. "You may explore for a moment. You will stop immediately when I tell you to." My hands began to slowly caress and try and decipher what I was supposed to. Michele's legs and butt were encased in something smooth and I guessed that it was maybe rubber. My hands slid up her back and the material continued - a body suit! As my hands worked around to her sides and started to slide down towards her ass again, I felt buckles and straps on both sides. They were tightly bound against her hips and even down on her thighs. I figured I was good so far, so I decided to try and cop a feel and my hand started to slide underneath her butt towards her crotch. "That is enough!" I quickly pulled my hands away before I would be in trouble again.

"Mistresses Gloria and Steph, please introduce yourself as well." I felt my left hand lifted upwards and my first two fingers on my hand were sucked into a warm, wet mouth and the tongue swirled and flicked. My right hand was grasped and placed on what I knew immediately was a soft, supple breast. I could feel strips of leather cupping the breast and small metal chains dangling off of the cup in different directions. With her hand firmly placed over mine, my hand was manipulated in to gripping, groping, and pulling on the breast. "Wonderful. Now you have met your Mistresses for the evening. If you earn the right to speak again, you will address all of us as Mistress or be punished. You will follow all of our orders - or be punished. If we ask you to submit to anyone else, you will listen - or be punished. Nod if you understand." I quickly nodded but my mind raced as I wondered who else was around. Who else would see this? Who else would be involved?

I felt hands grasp me under the arms and start to lift me up off the seat. Standing up, disoriented, more than just a little nervous. I felt hands being the unbutton my shirt and another pair lifting my feet and pulling off the sandals. After my feet were bare, the hands began to unbutton and unzip my khakis. It was a weird balancing act as I was having my pants and shirt removed at the same time. After I was left standing there in my new underwear and the hood, I felt the latex-clad body of Amy slide up behind me and press up against my back. Her hand slid around my waist and felt her run her finger along the cock ring. My penis twitched and I could feel it start to engorge. Her fingertips trailed along my hip and down over my butt. It began to trace around the base of the butt plug. "Hmmm, I was a little concerned that you wouldn't be up for this." She used her fingers to press against the base and shift the plug deeper into me. I let out a moan that echoed in my ears but I was unsure if it escaped around the gag in my mouth.

I suddenly felt my head being pulled forward and the gag in my mouth tugging outward on my teeth. It was still attached to the mask, so I was really confused. My body leaned forward and I was forced to take steps to keep from falling. I could tell I was being led away from the couch but was clueless where to or how it was happening. As I was allowed to come to a stop, I felt hands on my shoulders turning me around. Another set of hands slipped to the inside of my knees and started pushing my legs apart. As I stood there bow-legged, the hands on my shoulders pressed against me until I shuffled backwards a few steps. I could tell there was some sort of bench between my legs and when the hands pressed down on my shoulders I sat down on a rounded mound that felt to be covered in a supple plastic or fake leather. I could feel a strange rubbery piece that pressed up against the plug in my ass and the underside of my balls. Strong hands grabbed each of my ankles and forced them against the side of the bench I was sitting on. I felt some sort of fur-lined cuffs wrap around each ankle and I heard them clicking shut.

I heard the soft voice of Steph in my right ear whisper: "I want you to reach up with your hand and feel the other side of your gag." I slowly reached up and felt around a bit until my fingertips brushed against something protruding exactly opposite of the gag in my mouth. Feeling around, I was able to surmise that it was a very realistic, fleshy dildo. It seemed to be fairly thick, and just guessing that it was possibly a good 8" long. Feeling along it, the first thing I noticed was that it was incredibly lifelike in texture and sculpting (I could feel veins and found that although it represented an uncut cock, the foreskin would even pull back like a real penis). The second thing I noticed was that it seemed to even radiate heat like my body did when I held my own penis. "I had you feel this for a few reasons. I want you to know that we all plan on riding that thing at some point tonight and you will just have to deal with it. I also want you to know that there are a couple of those around here tonight, so unless you are really good at guessing, you will not know which ones are real and which ones are Memorex." With that, she pushed me down forward until my chest was touching the tops of my thighs. Hands grabbed my wrists and pulled them down to by my ankles. Suddenly my wrists were being cuffed right next to my ankles and I was completely immobilized.

I felt a hand grab the top of my mask and pull backwards so that I was facing forward again. I heard something being moved in front of me - a chair or something. Someone slid between me and the new chair and slid down into it. I felt the smooth skin of someone's thighs against my shoulders and the edge of heels being dug into my back. A hand grasped the protruding dildo from the front of my mask and pulled it towards them. A moan escaped the person in front of me. A pair of hands roughly grabbed the back of my head and pulled it forward forcefully. A stifled whimper escaped their lips and the heels dug in deeper into my back. The hands began to push and pull my head forward and back and I could actually hear the squishing sounds as the wet pussy gripped the dildo and slipped and slid back and forth on it. The heels began to press and release against my back with each thrust. The pain was right on the edge of pleasure and excruciating. I could feel the tension in my back and neck as I was forced into this awkward position and jostled around. This continued for a few minutes until I heard the girl in front of me being to pant and moan louder, throatily exclaiming that she was cumming. Suddenly the thighs clamped down around my ears, the heels dug in deep and hard enough that I began to feel a warm trickle sliding across my back.

There was a quiver in the thighs for a moment and then they slowly, regretfully released my head. The legs dropped off of my shoulders and whoever the mystery girl was shifted off the seat in front of me. Shivers danced along my body as I felt a set of fingertips begin to graze along from the base of the mask, down my spine and to the spot where the heels had cut my back. They paused briefly and then I suddenly felt a warm tongue begin to lick the small trail of blood from my back and twirl around the cut. The feeling was intense and surprisingly erotic. My body shivered again and goose bumps raised across my legs and arms.

"Well, that was an unexpected reaction. That gives me an idea. Michele, go grab me the small spur." I felt my wrists being uncuffed and I was brought up from my cramped position. I felt myself being pushed backwards until I was laying with my back on the bench. My arms were pulled down and under the bench where they were cuffed once again to the underside of the bench. Fingertips began to run from my bent knees, up to my semi-hard penis. They begin the trace lazy circles around the head until I slowly grow as full and rigid as I could ever remember. I feel the cool sensation of a few drops of lube fall on the tip and soon the fingers have coated me from the base of my shaft to the very tip. As the fingers circled around the base, I felt a strange sensation as something was slid down the full length of my penis. As the hand let go, I started to hear a small hum and an immense suction against my penis. Very slowly, I could feel the pressure growing in my cock. I could feel the blood pulsing in my veins and it felt like it might explode.

Right as I felt like I couldn't take any more, the humming and suction stopped. There was no release, so I just felt the pulsing in my penis and it felt engorged further than it had ever been. Michele leaned down and whispered in my ear. "I may be more into girls, but I love the feel of a hard cock between my legs. First I am going to use the one up here and then the one down there." With that, I felt someone lifting their leg over me and straddling my head. A soft purring sound escaped Michele's throat as she slowly slid down on the dildo. I felt some of her weight against me as she settled in and paused for a moment. I waited patiently for her to start fucking the dildo, but instead a felt the smallest of pin pricks on my chest. Slowly, ever so slowly I felt a trail of pin pricks dance along my chest as Michele rolled the spur across me. She had just enough pressure to keep it on the edge of passing pleasurable to painful. "Hold on baby, this may sting a little." With that, I felt her press harder against my skin and roll the spur across me for about an inch or so. It was excruciating, but for some reason incredibly hot as well. I immediately felt a handful of warmth trickling and sliding across my chest and down my sides. I felt a couple mouths begin to lick and suck the trails off of me.

Michele began to slowly slide up and down on the dildo attached to my gag. She leaned forward and put her hands on my chest while increasing her pace. She would rotate her rhythms and style every once in a while - one second she would slide all the way down and in quick rhythm slide up and down only an inch or so and then the next she would slowly slide all the way up until the tip was just inside her and then slam back down. As she rotated through these rhythms, her breath go heavier and heavier. I could tell she was building up to a crescendo; suddenly she started sliding up all the way and slamming down hard as fast as she could. Her fingernails dug deep into my flesh and she started to whimper. Suddenly her body went rigid for a moment and then on shaky legs she climbed off of me. It was incredibly sexy to have the women use me like this, but I was glad that it stopped for a second - I was afraid she was going to hurt me with the force she was slamming into my head with. Luckily the bench underneath me was incredibly padded.

As I lay there trying to breath, I heard and felt a pop as the contraption on my penis was lifted off. I felt someone reach under the bench and uncuff one hand. I heard Amy whisper into my ear: "Touch yourself. Feel how big you are. Slowly stroke it for all of us to see." I reached up and slowly touched my penis. Holy cow! I immediately could tell that it was harder than I had ever been. The veins were straining and popping and I could barely fit my fingers around it. It must have been nearly double the girth than it usually is. I slowly stroked upwards to the tip and it even seemed to be slightly longer as well. "Keep stroking it. Slowly. Slower. I want to see you stroke that cock." I felt the cold sting of lube being drizzled on my penis and my stroking spread it all over. After a few minutes, my hand was pulled away from my penis and placed against a warm pussy. I could feel the natural lubricant all against my hand. "Do you see how wet you make me? I love watching you stroke you huge cock."

Amy slid over my body and I could feel her cool hand guiding me into her. It took a moment for her to wiggle her way onto me but as soon as she was ready she slammed down on me hard. She immediately started cumming. "Oh Jesus that feels so good!" Normally she goes nice and slow to start, but Amy immediately began riding my cock as fast and hard as she could. Only a moment later she screamed out that she was cumming again and popped off of my cock. As my hard cock slapped up against my stomach I felt a gush of warm liquid splash over me. Holy cow, she made herself squirt from my cock. The idea started to send me over the edge and I guess Amy could tell from the twitching of my penis and the flexing of my stomach that I was about to cum. She immediately grabbed around the head of my penis with one hand and the base with the other and squeezed. She held me tightly, almost painfully, until the twitching subsided and I fell back from the edge.

"I think it is my turn." I heard Steph say. Amy moved out of the way and I felt another round of lube cascading over my cock head. I could feel the brush of a body between my legs and then a soft hand reach down and hold my penis straight up and down. Very slowly, I felt warmth against the tip of my penis. Slowly, slowly, I felt pressure against me as she attempted to lower herself on me. I felt myself easing into her but it was one of the tightest feelings. She wiggled her butt and she suddenly slipped down a few inches. "Oh my god, that feels so good in my ass."

A sharp intake of breath around the gag in my mouth. Did she say her ass?! In the entire time that we had been married, Amy never let me stick it in her ass. I could kiss and lick it and she loved that, but I could never stick anything in there. I was finally having anal sex. It was almost too much and I could feel myself about to cum. Steph must have felt it coming on too, because she immediately stopped moving and grabbed the base of my penis extremely hard. I shivered and shook as my orgasm was pushed aside once again.

"Oh poor baby. I think he really wants to release that load." Amy cooed into my ear. "Not yet. Not for a bit. Maybe not at all." With that, she straddled my head and I could hear her moan as she lowered herself onto the large dildo. Steph held perfectly still, grasping my penis in a death grip. Amy began to slowly slide up and down. "You know, this is great, but I think I need a real one too. Come here."

A few seconds later, I could hear Amy moaning again, but this time I could tell she had something in her mouth. Slowly I begin to hear the slurping of a wet, dirty blowjob. She began to grind against the thick phallus in her and moaning into the blowjob. With a loud plop, I heard her break free. "You know, this just isn't enough. How about you come over here too." I felt her lean across to the other side and I heard the sounds of a blowjob start again. As she continued to grind hard against my face, I could feel her lean one way for a minute and then the other. The sounds of a wet blowjob continued. There was a slight break and she stopped moving. "How do you like this? I have to hard, throbbing cocks in my hands right now. They are covered in my saliva and they taste so good. I would try and fit them both in my mouth at one time, but they are just too big."

As Amy went back to sucking the cocks of the two men, I felt Steph begin to slowly lower herself further on me. She began the most frustrating rhythm. She would slide down on me and raise up an inch then grip my penis hard. She would sit still for a moment and then repeat. It felt amazing, but with each vice-like grip my sensations would wane and my orgasm would fall away. This went on for a few minutes until I felt Steph tense up and shake. She slowly slid off of me and let out a deep breath.

Amy climbed off of me and stepped away. I felt someone reach under the bench and unlatch my hands. My ankles were next and then I felt hands under my arms and lifting me up. I was led away from the bench and then was forced to my knees. I felt a wooden pole raising up from the ground and I was pushed back until my back was against it. My legs were drawn around each side of it and I felt my ankles crossed over each other and strapped down to the ground. My wrists were pulled behind me and around the pole as well and I felt them bound to each other. To my surprise, I felt a strap wrapped around my neck and attached behind the pole as well. I could not move an inch.

Someone began unbuckling the small strap around the bottom of the mask and pulled the snaps free from the dildo gag in my mouth. I tried to wiggle and relax my jaw as the gag was removed from my mouth. I couldn’t move my head anywhere to help as the mask was slowly removed. I blinked my eyes and tried to adjust my vision as I was pulled from utter darkness to a semi-lit room. As my eyes came into focus, I looked around the room. Amy was standing a few feet in front of me. The first thing I noticed was her outfit. She was wearing the tightest latex dress that barely went below her ass cheeks. It was extremely low cut and her breasts were pushed together and up to create amazing cleavage. It was translucent yellow with black piping. The next thing I noticed was that there were two young men standing next to her naked, their cocks in her hands as she slowly stroked them. Sitting on a couch behind her were the two men that we met at the gay club last night. They were naked and stroking each other and smiling at the action going on. Standing on each side of me were Gloria and Michele.

Michele was wearing a black, full body suit. It was super tight and showed all of her curves. I immediately noticed a strap-on sticking out from her crotch. It must have been at about 6" long but pretty narrow (maybe an inch in diameter). Gloria had nothing on. Well, that isn't true. Dripped all over her tanned body was a multitude of colors of liquid latex; it created a veritable Jackson Pollack painting on her. Strapped to her crotch was a horse cock. No, it wasn't just big, it was literally shaped like a horse penis. It was about 12" long and very thick.

Sitting on a loveseat in the corner was another girl I had never seen before. She was naked except for white knee-high Go Go boots. I couldn't see it because of how she was sitting, but I could tell by the straps around her hips that she was wearing a strap-on as well. She was stroking the cock of a naked man next to her. Sitting on the arm rest of the love seat was Steph. She was wearing a black leather bra and matching school girl skirt. There were gold metal chains looping off of the bra that hung down her sides and looped down and connected to the waistband of her skirt.

"I hope you have a lot more energy, because the night is just starting." Amy gave me a wicked smile.

********** (to be continued) ***************


2021-03-07 04:44:29

Mr ShelbyReport 

2020-08-20 03:40:59
This is a SHIT story line there are so many ways you could improve on it. Yet you keep taking it down and down to the point the reader feels the need to take a shower to clean their very soul after reading it

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-01-08 04:35:54
I have nothing good to report about this story so far, I will give you one more chance to become good or I am gone.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-21 15:03:05
A masterpiece.... Best story I followed on this site... Would love to know how much is true and how much fantasy... But great and incredibly hot

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