Alan had opened up a total of ten people; two of those young women. He'd rejected two others that had growing signs of a hideous evil within them. Smiling he was glad that they weren't as stupid as he thought they might be at first. After the first had passed out cold at his feet the rest took their time to recover.
"You all have to remember that the power can be removed as easily as it was opened." Alan advised them. Perhaps with these twenty adding their power to the hiding field it might be strong enough to withstand further probing. Leaning back in the chair Alan was reaching out to make sure of where the spy the doctor sent was.
Looking around Alan soon found the man wandering several miles from the hiding field. As Alan watched the man was heading further and further from the field. ‘Good,’ Alan thought, ‘if he'd done everything well enough then the man should be fine,’ at least Alan hoped he would.
Smiling a wide smile, Alan closed his eyes as the fatigue from working on everyone finally caught up to him. Immediately Alan seemed to be flying across the country side 'til he settled on the doctor's old bunker. Alan watched from the outside as smoke rose from the inside. Moments later 4 young adults were crawling out. Looking lost and dazed one of the males helped the other three as they rested a bit then started to walk.
The four were barely out of sight when two older men also crawled out of the bunker. It was only a few moments later that the entire bunker collapsed. The younger of the men collapsed in a heap beside the other. "What are we to do Herr Doctor?" the young one asked.
The older man that the younger had called doctor was staring straight ahead seeing something that only he could see. Shaking his head the older man said, "For now we need to follow them. We cannot lose them! They are my greatest creation and it is far too late to start again. That, plus I don't think the Führer will let us rebuild. No I think we need to follow them and mold them further to aid the cause.”
"How dare you speak of the Führer like that! He is a great man! He will lead Germany to the world leader it should be!" The doctor's assistant stated.
"I do not doubt that, I just need to make sure that they survive in the outside. If we can use them out here, then we can end this war far sooner!" The doctor told the man making his eyes gleam.
"Ja Herr Doctor a quick victory for our glorious Germany would greatly elevate you in the eyes of the world! You are the greatest scientist that Germany has ever produced! We go with your plan for now doctor!" The assistant said with a slight sadistic smile on his face.
Alan followed both the two men and the four young adults for a week feeling the doctor and the assistant's power as it started to appear. Growling he also felt both of them as they started to plant more and more in the young adults.
Alan became so mad at one point he'd actually grabbed both men's hearts and was going to kill the both of them. Again just as he increased pressure a huge myriad of images of possible futures sprung up in front of him. Though the most disturbing thing he saw was that he did not exist in ALL of them. What in the hell was going on?
Letting go, both men grabbed their chests as they looked around. <I see that you are a great coward!> The doctor said in his thoughts. <You can't kill either one of us! You...>
Alan screamed out in rage as both of the doctor’s arm and legs twisted and snapped in several places. <I don't need to kill either of you!> Alan was again screaming as he snatched the legs out from under the assistant breaking them in more places than the doctor's. <No, I don't have to kill you. But I can damn sure make your lives a living hell! For the pain you put them through, I will return it a thousand fold!> Here Alan twisted the assistant’s spine. The asshole will never walk well again if he could help it!
<You bastard!> The assistant screamed, <I'll kill you!>
<You can try asshole, you can try!> Alan said as he sneered at both men.
<You seem familiar, I will find you and destroy you,> the doctor told him.
<As I have told the both of you good luck with that!> Alan's thoughts said as he started to laugh at both men as they were screaming unable to move.
<When I do finally kill you both, I will make it as painful as I can. Never again will innocents have to suffer...> Alan started.
<Innocents? You have no idea of just who they are! I have detailed...> The doctor was thinking.
<I know who the hell they are! As I know the both of you, all the evil twisted things that you both have done. No! I will kill the both of you. I will make the both of you suffer unlike you never have! Enjoy, I will be back again and again!> With that, Alan left the two men twisted and screaming on the road near the smoking bunker.
Alan felt his self snap back as if he'd had a rubber band hooked to him. His eyes snapping open he stared straight into the eyes of Truda! "What in the hell are you doing here?" A slightly irritated Alan asked her.
"Again your cousin grew concerned when you weren't responsive to her calling you name or shaking you." Truda told him an edge of irritation in her voice as well. "Really Alan if you are going to continue to scare the shit out of us at least let me come with you!"
All Alan could do was smirk, as if he really had any control over this! Truda suddenly whirled and stared at Alan. <I heard that! You just need to practice more. Like you told me use it and it'll get stronger.>
Alan nodded it had been sound advice, thing was with all he was doing helping them and the village it was difficult. <Believe me Truda I will try with everything right now I am surprised I am as awake as I am! I know that the more I do it the stronger I get. I have to be able to stay conscious long enough to actually have them grow!>
Truda nodded at Alan, <I know Alan but you have to know I have far more faith in you than anyone else. I dare say I have more than your mother Angelika!>
<No I don't think so Truda!> Came Angelika's thoughts.
<Sorry Angelika, it's just that I am finally starting to feel more like a normal person. I feel that Alan could do anything if he tried hard enough,> Truda answered.
<That may be true though if he keeps pushing as hard as he has, I am afraid that he will collapse again!> Angelika replied.
<Wait a damn minute!> Came Alan's thoughts, <I have something to say about this!>
<No, you don't!> Angelika thought. <Stay out of this it doesn't concern you!>
<Enough!> Came a very loud and powerful thought from Alan. <Please don't forget just how strong I am mother!>
<I haven't Alan. I also haven't forgotten that you almost died. You pushed yourself to the brink of death. I want you alive not dead, alright?> Angelika asked.
Alan nodded then stretched the short nap had done him wonders. Sitting up he saw both Emory and Madde smiling at him. "So are you done?" Madde said.
"Wait?! You and uncle heard all of that?" Alan asked.
"Kind of hard not to as loudly and strongly as you and they were projecting!" Madde replied.
"I guess Truda was right. I need to practice more if I am to keep my thoughts to myself!" Alan chuckled.
"Yeah that might be a good idea. Especially as strong as I feel Truda is becoming!" Madde advised Alan.
"I know, believe me I know! I feel it is taking all I have to keep myself as strong as I am." Alan told both of his relatives.
"You know of course I am standing right here!" A slightly irritated Truda told Alan with her hands on her hips. "I don't think I really want to find out which of us is stronger. After all you have done for us I really don't want you or myself injured."
Alan could only stare at Truda with an open mouth and wide eyes. "I can assure you that I also do not wish to find out that either! I especially don't want to after I worked so damn hard to get you where you are. I think I am starting to see why the doctor took such an interest in you. As I see it, I and possibly the doctor are the only one's capable of entering your mind."
Truda was nodding a moment a little confused as to what Alan was on about. "Ok, I get part of what you are saying. Why did he spend so much time on me?"
Alan smiled then started to show Truda just exactly what he meant. "You remember before we left the last time? I told them all goodbye then concentrated a moment?" Truda was nodding again still a little confused as to where Alan was going. "Truda, I did a wipe of all of those here! Though it wasn't the easiest thing I have done, it was possible."
Truda's mouth hung open as she realized the ramifications of what Alan had said. "So you believe that the doctor was thinking of total domination? Through me? Like hell! I'd die well before that happened!"
"Perhaps now yes, with what I have freed it is more possible than not. Your earliest persona was the easiest to control. With the seven parts that I have freed, it would be far more difficult. I still need to do more as I feel he has other commands in you, all much like he had in mother." Alan explained.
<Yes, I think that is an excellent idea. We most assuredly need to avoid another confrontation like the one we had before. That and you trying to die on us!> Came Angelika thoughts.
Sighing Alan thought she wasn't going to let it drop was she? Both Emory and Madde were both smiling wide at him. Shaking his head he was wondering when Angelika started to get so worried about him.
"You have to admit sister is trying as hard as she can." Emory said an even bigger smile on his face.
"What the hell do you mean by that snide remark!" Alan growled out at Emory.
"If what I have felt from her is true, she has had an emptiness within herself for a very long time. An emptiness that 'til they found you lingered and festered there. Yes I think she is trying to be a mother to you even if you are grown." Emory explained.
Alan looked at Emory closely trying to judge if the man was joking or not. Finally realizing that his uncle was serious he could only shake his head in surprise. "A mother." Alan whispered in almost disbelief. "Damn it! That son of a bitch has something to hold over after all! I should have seen it before now. How could I have been so god damned stupid!"
Truda, Madde, and Emory had backed away from Alan. His shout blew the entire wall of the building in front of him into dust. Still pissed off Alan raged a few moments more then realized that several thousands of yards of the forest past the wall was gone also. Calming Alan shook his head then nearly jumped out of his skin when Angelika laid a soft hand on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry son, I hadn't thought of that either. You are right of course, he could use me in the way that you are thinking." Angelika relayed to him.
"You think I'm not terrified of losing you? Especially after I just found you? After what I did to the assistant? If that asshole were to hurt you I might kill more than just him or any he has working for him. The sight of seeing you safe was the only thing that calmed me, THE ONLY THING! I may not seem like I care mother, but I do far more than I thought I would."
Sighing herself Angelika caressed Alan's face, "I know my son, though I feel the same every time you go against them. I just found you, and I DO NOT wish to lose the only child I have ever had. Though you know, we do seem far closer than I thought we would." Hanging her head a few tears escaped her eyes, "I still have no memory of your birth or of who your father may be. I do have an idea though I fear that the truth might do irreparable damage to both of us."
"No I don't think it will, not by a long shot. Hell if anything I feel it will make us both far stronger" Alan replied.
"I hope so son, I really do. As you said though I think you need to do further work on us so we have far more strength to resist him. As it is now I am of no help to any of you." Angelika said turning her head away as more tears left her eyes. She'd never felt useless before, this was a true first for her, a first she damn sure didn't like!
Alan saw that she was upset and moved to comfort her, then was amazed when she refused his attention. "I'm sorry that I have dredged up painful memories."
"NO! Never apologize for giving me back the memories that I… that WE were all robbed of! Look Alan I know you are growing more powerful, I have no doubt that you will one day kill that prick of a doctor. I just want to make sure that you are still alive to enjoy the victory and freedom with all of us." Turning away more tears fell from her eyes. "I know I wasn't there for you. Just as you weren't there to fill the hole in my life that not having you there made."
"You don't have to mother. I know that you care, I know that you were empty, I know all of that, ok? All I can think of is killing that son of a bitch! He took my family from me leaving me to be beaten and nearly killed. THAT alone makes me want to kill him the most!" Alan growled out his eyes flashing with a buildup of energy from his abilities.
Sighing Emory approached the both of them, "I know that it isn't much of a consolation, you do have family now. Though you do not use the Verlorenen name you are and will always be family."
"Thank you uncle that means quite a bit coming from you." The he looked at Madde, "though I am not so sure that all of the family feels that way."
Smirking Madde looked at Alan hard, "After what you did to all of us it might take all of us a bit to forgive you>" Holding up her hand she stopped Alan from speaking. "I understand why you did it, all the reasons behind it. The thing is we all feel that you couldn't trust us."
"That's the problem Madde, we really couldn't, not as weak as most of you were, now? I still fear it but the resistance is higher as is the hiding field. You have to understand I am strong yes, so is the doctor. That plus the fact that he like the people here in the village have had years to learn tricks. I got the short end of that the first time I went against the doctor. The only thing I think that saved me was mother." Alan explained to Madde.
"Wait, wait if she is the weakest against him how did she save or help or whatever you?" Madde asked.
"As I have explained before, all of our abilities are tied to our emotions. I think it was for that reason that the Doctor and the assistant limited them as much as they did. The stronger the emotion the stronger the ability. Though as I found out extreme bursts of emotion can also be extremely debilitating." Alan explained.
Madde was nodding as the light of understanding was starting to shine through. "So getting mad isn't really a good thing?"
"It's not that, it's more like being able to control it when you get angry. When we went against the assistant, I was controlling it at first. I think that's the only thing that really saved me. When he tried to shove mother out of the window, defenseless and almost comatose, that is when I lost it. It wasn't 'til after it was all over that I
realized, I had been very close to dying. As you heard mother say I do tend to push as far as I can. When I went into her mind I couldn't find her, I looked 'til I found a part hidden away." Alan took a deep breath as Madde started to nod again.
"Are you saying that you would sacrifice yourself for her?" A surprised Madde said.
"Yes, in a fucking heartbeat. I am unsure of this bond that seems to be growing stronger between us. Hell even what the hell to call it. I just know that right now there is nothing I wouldn't do to save her, NOTHING!" Alan growled to emphasize his point.
Alan felt a tap on his shoulder turning he was met by the heated look in his mother's eyes. "As I told you before you die saving me? I will find a way to bring you back just so I can kick your ass!"
Madde and Truda were both laughing at the completely serious look on Angelika's face. Suddenly Angelika scowled at both of them, which started them both laughing harder. A quick smirk crossed Angelika's face then as suddenly was gone. Pointing a finger at Alan, Angelika poked his chest to drive her point home. "You had better remember that! I am not a weak and wimpy woman best you remember that before I have a go at you!"
Emory's smile suddenly disappeared as did Madde's. Alan noticing reached out he too could feel a probing at the edge of the hiding field. Alan just hoped that all the improvements he'd made were going to help.
It started in low then started to build much as Emory had described. Already it was almost to the point that the old strength of the field had been. Adding his own energy to the field Alan felt it flair then increase. Still the probing was increasing damn if it was the doctor it appeared that this time he was going to go all out to see if anything was in this area. Calling Varick and Harman they were both there a moment later.
Alan watched as both the men added their energy also as did Truda and finally Angelika. Still the probing was increasing in power! Damn it what had he missed? Rapidly Alan went through everything that he could, every bit of energy that was added.
Alan was on the second time through when he found something odd. It appeared that someone was putting an energy out there that seemed to be attracting whoever was doing the probing. Growling Alan was reaching out then the man appeared in front of all of them.
"Traitor!" Alan growled as the man shrunk back from Alan and the others. "I should kill you where you stand!" Even as they all watched the man began to scream as blood started to pour from his mouth.
"Please!" The man gasp out. "I had no choice! He has my family. If I didn't help him he is going to kill them!"
Alan stared at the man growling, "I see no family! I see nothing in your mind! You can't hide anything from me! When I am through with you, you'll beg for death!" As the man started to scream louder Angelika touched Alan's thoughts.
<Alan don't kill him. It will make you as much of a monster as the doctor is!> Came her thoughts.
The man was now floating off the floor gasping for breath. With a disgusted grunt Alan slammed the man forcefully to the floor. Then with a frustrated hiss Alan vanished.
"Truda? Can you feel him?" A worried Angelika asked.
Truda cocked her head to the left then the right. Her eyes suddenly opened wide as she turned to Angelika. "My god! I can't feel him! I can always feel him no matter where he is!"
"As can I, oh, this is bad this is very bad. We have to find him and quick before he does something disastrous!" A now extremely worried Angelika replied.
Alan was so pissed off at himself for nearly killing the man. The fact that he felt that he was acting a lot like the doctor, wasn't sitting very well with him either. Looking around he didn't recognize where he was.
There was some type of structure nearby but he didn't know what it was. What the hell? I always know where I am. Walking toward the building something pulled at the back of his mind. What the hell? Why was he suddenly starting to feel that this place WAS familiar?
Reaching out he could feel a powerful mind nearby, the thing was it seemed dormant? Reaching the door he found it locked, easily he appeared on the side. Inside he found a lot of medical equipment, beds, respirators, EEG, and EKG machines. Several monitors, ultra sound equipment, there was even what appeared to be a portable x-ray machine.
What in the hell is this place? It reminds me a little of what I imagine a mad scientist's... Alan's mouth dropped open then he felt that dormant powerful brain seem to wake up!
<What!> Alan heard the thoughts of the person say. <Who in the hell is here? Identify yourself now!> Suddenly an alarm was going off. <Unless you want to die tell me who you are!>
<I thought that would have been obvious by now you repulsive son of a bitch!> Alan's thoughts shot back.
<Ah! So the prodigal son has returned! I knew it was only a matter of time before you sniffed me out. I would welcome you but your thoughts are quite murderous to be sure. No I think I shall wait 'til cooler heads prevail. I think son you should go, it will do neither of us any good to meet right now. Besides there are about 100 men moving on your position. Go my son we'll talk later.> The doctor's thoughts said.
<Son? What in the hell are you talking about? You are in no way my father!> Alan's thoughts spit back.
<We shall see, you have thirty seconds before they open fire go.> Came the reply.
"NO!" Alan screamed as he vanished. A moment later the space where he was, was sprayed with hundreds of bullets.
Firstly belated HNY nd 2ndly when r u going to post a guy and his.....?next part....plz I am a big fan of that series so please post it as soon as u can
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