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True story of the time my girlfriend and I nearly had a threesome and an alternate fictional ending
The following is a true story about the 2 occasions that my girlfriend and I were in a situation that could quite easily of turned into a threesome.
At the end, after the true story, I have included an alternate ending that is based on our own personal fantasy and purely fictional

I hope you enjoy

My girlfriend Kate (not her real name) and I met when we were nineteen years old.
Like most new couples, we spent most of our time together in the bedroom. We were always adventurous when it came to sex. We loved finding new places to have it, trying new positions, etc.
We were quite honest about our desires. After some time we began fantasising about having another girl join us.
Then after some more time we started fantasising about having another guy join us. Then, after a few years of being together, the latter could well of become a reality.

It all started one night when my friend Jake (not his real name) was at our place.
The three of us had been out drinking and we were all pretty wasted.
I suggested we put some porn on.
Not something I would normally do with a third person present, but I'd watched plenty of porn with Kate before and I'd watched plenty with Jake before and plus I was drunk! It seemed like a good idea at the time so I thought "fuck it! Why not?".
To my surprise, Jake and Kate happily agreed, so I went ahead and put some on.

I was sat in the middle of the couch with Jake to my right and Kate to my left.

After a while of watching, I noticed Jake seemed to be getting fidgety. As I looked round at him I couldn't help but notice the bulge in his jeans he was trying to conceal. He began rubbing it for a quick second here and there.

I too was bulging and found myself doing the same thing. After a while I got up and grabbed the blanket from across the room.
I sat back down in between Jake and Kate and threw the blanket over us all.
I then pulled it up over my shoulders like I was just getting snug. Kate did the same thing and Jake just threw it over his stomach.
I then took the opportunity to grab a load of my hard cock from the outside of my jeans. I rubbed firmly back and forth.
I couldn't see because there was a blanket in the way, but Jake seemed to be doing the same kind of thing.

A few minutes past and I reached over to my left and started undoing the button on Kates jeans. She grabbed my wrist.
I looked at her and she looked at me in a way that meant no.
I kept totally still and just stared at her.
I felt her grip around my wrist begin to loosen and saw the stern look in her eyes begin to fade into submission.
I continued opening her button, then pulled down her zip. I slid my finger tips just under the top of her nickers when she grabbed my wrist again.
"No" she mimed, half grinning.
I stayed completely still again, staring into her eyes.
I began pushing my hand down, in an attempt to get it further into her nickers.
She kept a tight grip for a few seconds but once again her look turned into a submissive one and she released my wrist from her grip.
The second she let go, my fingers slipped further into her nickers.
She let out a pleasure filled moan under her breath and rested her head back on the couch looking up at the ceiling.
I worked my hand further down and started to touch her pussy. It was soaking!
I continued to play with her as she sat there breathing heavily.

I carried on watching the porn for a few minutes until I felt her fingers begin to stroke my belly. Then she slid her fingers into my jeans. I jack knifed a little.
She pulled them back out and tried undoing my button. She was struggling so I unfastened it and then pulled down my zipper.
I felt her hand come down to rest on the bulge in my boxers. She squeezed it, rubbed it, tickled it. It felt amazing.
Then she stuck her hand through the flap on my shorts and whipped out my incredibly hard dick. She wrapped her hand around it and began slowly and discretely wanking me off.

So there we were, people having all sorts of sex on the 50 inch screen in front of us, my friend sat at one side of me doing whatever he was doing to himself, my girlfriend at the other side of me enjoying my hand playing with her pussy and her hand wanking me off.
It was amazing!

Kate began breathing more and more heavily. Her moans were all whispers.
She was biting her bottom lip. I could tell she was trying her best not to make any noise.
Eventually though, she moaned out loud. It wasn't really loud but still enough for her to become self aware and snap out of the moment.
She let go of my dick and grabbed my wrist, pulling my arm away from her. She fastened up her jeans and so I did the same. Then she stood up and said..

"I'm going up to bed. See you later Jake"

and she left the room.

I went out after her and caught her up on the stairs.

"Are you OK?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just wanna go up to bed" she replied.

"oh, ok" I said, confused.

"I'm going to finish myself off" she said, smiling.

"Oh really?" I laughed.

"Yeah... But I'd rather YOU came up and finished me off" she said, with her come to bed eyes.

"Ok!" I shouted, excitedly. "Laters Jake!" I shouted. Then chased Kate upstairs.

The instant we got into the bedroom, we stripped naked where we stood.
Kate through her arms around me and started kissing me furiously.
Her tounge tasted of mixed fruits and vodka.
With both hands, I grabbed her arse and pulled her in tight. She released one of her arms from around me, gently ran her fingers down my chest, down my belly and on to my incredibly hard cock.
She stroked it gently. I pulled back from her kiss, grabbing a handful of her perfect tits at the same time.
I caressed them both lovingly whilst i licked and sucked on her erect nipples.
As I went back to kissing her, she grabbed a hold of my dick and started wanking me. After a few moments I backed away from her.

"I'm sorry" I said, grinning,
"But I've really got to wee".

Not a great thing to say to a someone your about to have sex with, I know. But I had drunk so much and I didn't really have a choice. Kate just laughed at me.

The bathroom was down stairs. I grabbed my dressing gown and kissed Kate on the lips.

"Back in a minute" I said.

"Be quick!" she said.

I quickly ran down stairs to the bathroom.
On my way back to the stairs, I passed the living room. The door was ever so slightly open and I could see the TV was still on.
I opened the door a little bit and saw that the porn was still on the TV and Jake was lying under the blanket on the couch.
I walked a little bit in to the room to see if he was still awake and then I froze.
I froze because I saw he was lying there wanking himself off.
He hadn't seen me so I quietly backed up out of the room and went back upstairs.

When I got back into the bedroom, Kate was sat on the corner of the bed, legs apart, rubbing her pussy with a big smile on her face.

"Wow!" I smiled.

I leaned over, kissed her and then told her how I'd just seen Jake wanking off on the couch.

"Really?" she asked, excitedly.

"Yeah" I answered.

She exhaled heavily with pleasure, pulled my dressing gown open and began furiously wanking me. I could tell she was excited by it.

"Do you like that baby?" I asked.

"Yeah" she exhaled.

"You like knowing that a guy's down stairs wanking himself off on our couch whilst where upstairs...."

At that point she interrupted me by standing up and throwing herself at me.
She started kissing me like crazy.
She slid my dressing gown off my shoulders causing it to drop to the floor, then resumed wanking me.
I placed my hands around her hips and walked her backwards towards the bed, Purposely causing her to fall on to it.
She landed on her back with her legs draped over the end of the bed.
I dropped to my knees and spread her legs apart to reveal that wonderful soaking wet bald pussy.

"Wow!" I said, overwhelmed at how much of an attractive sight it was.

I gently separated her lips and blew softly on her clit.
Straight away she let out a noise.
I blew some more on it and then gave it one quick lick.
Her moan was louder that time.
I slid one finger into her soaking wet hole.

"Your so fucking wet!" I stated, with uncontrollable excitement.

"I know. What do you expect!" she moaned, as I pressed firmly onto her g spot.

I started to to rub it firmly as I teased her clit with my tounge.
I pulled out my finger and licked her pussy furiously all over.
She made so much noise.
I got up and knelt on the bed next to her head. She grabbed my throbbing cock, stuck it in her mouth and began going to town on it.
I continued to rub her smooth pussy, sticking a finger in every now and again.
After a couple of minutes or so, she pulled my cock out of her mouth with a loud pop sound and began to beg me..

"fuck me. Please, Just fuck me. I want you to put your cock in me baby! Please, fuck me".

The only reason she stopped begging was to scream as I plunged my cock deep inside her warm wet hole. It felt like heaven!
With my hands on the bed at either side of her face, I thrusted in and out of her, hard and fast!
I could feel the inside of her pussy swelling and squeezing tighter on my cock. Her tits bouncing around all over the place from the violent thrusting.
I couldn't take it, it was just too good. Within moments I let out an animal like roar as I felt my cock explode with cum. At that same moment, Kate shouted out...

"Don't stop! Oh fuck! Don't stop!"

Then she Jack knifed like crazy as she came, screaming with pleasure.
We kissed, cuddled up and went to sleep.

The next day, I jokingly pointed out to Kate that we could of ended up in a threesome the night before.
She laughed.

"How do you know? Jake might not of been interested" she said, jokingly.
"I was actually worried that we might have made him feel uncomfortable" she added.

"Jake?!" I said, surprised.
"Nah.. I don't think we will of made him uncomfortable and why wouldn't he of been interested? He's single and sex deprived.. and your hot! I don't think he'd of turned down a blow job!" I laughed.

A couple months later a few of us were out drinking.
Kate and I were very drunk and feeling very horny. We could not stop kissing.
At one point we was stood on a balcony above the dance floor and we were kissing so passionately that I think we forgot where we were.
I slipped my hand down her pants and started playing with her pussy. She slipped her hand down my pants and started playing with my dick.
Then she grabbed it and started to wank me.
This went on for a few minutes until we were eventually interupted by a friend.

One by one, people started going home. Kate and I got a taxi back to ours and asked Jake to tag along for a couple more drinks and told him he could sleep on our couch.
We were quite close with Jake.
He was one of the only one of our friends who was single.
We could tell he often felt left out but we enjoyed his company and we could obviously be ourselves around him, so we really didn't mind him hanging at our place.

We got back to our place and had ourselves a drink or two.

"is it porn o'clock yet?". Jake randomly blurted out, in his drunken state.

It came out of the blue and before I'd even had time to register what he'd said, Kate replied..

"Yeah if you want!".

I was smitten. As I sat there grinning, Kate grinned back at me raising her eye brows.

"Put some on!" she said.

So I did the honours.

Once again we all sat there watching porn together.

After a good while, Kate said she was going getting another drink from the kitchen. I followed her.
We had a horny kissing session for a few mins and then Jake walked in so we decided to stop and make some drinks.

We hung out in the kitchen just having random conversations.
Kate couldn't leave me alone but I wasn't really showing her the same kind of attention back.
She eventually questioned me on it.
I explained how I just felt a bit ignorant towards Jake.

"You don't have to worry about me!" He replied, instantly.
"If I had a girlfriend, I'd be practically fucking her on the kitchen unit now too!".

We laughed.

"Oh.. Poor Jake" said Kate.

"Especially after watching all the porn" Jake added.

We laughed some more.

"It's alright for you two! You can go to bed whenever you want and shag! All I've got to look forward to is a box of tissues" he stressed.
"And I have to wait until I get home tomorrow for that" he quickly added.

"Well you can always relieve yourself on the couch" I said.

"Yeah.. I can't to that" he replied.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because it's weird" he said.

"It didn't stop you last time" I grinned.

"What?!" he shouted, as he turned red.

I started laughing.

"Aww leave him" said Kate.

"What you on about?!" shouted Jake, smiling with embarrassment.

"Nothing" I said, as I contained myself.
"No but seriously, it's not weird, and you can continue watching porn then and you don't have to wait until you get home."

"Yeah! Do it! We don't mind!" said Kate, enthusiastically.

Jake burst out laughing.

"I think I'll just wait until I get home" he laughed.

We went back into the living room and resumed watching porn.
Once again I sat there in the middle of my couch with a boner, my girlfriend to my left, and my friend to my right.
I was itching to fiddle with myself for some time and then I noticed Jake just slip his hand into his jeans and begin fiddling away. I was envious.
I hesitated for a few mins and then went ahead and slipped my hand down my jeans too.

As I sat there fiddling with myself I turned to look at Kate and she grinned at me whilst looking from me to my crotch.
Then she leant forward slightly and saw Jake doing the same thing.
She sat back grinning at me from ear to ear.
I looked down at her crotch and looked back her with raised eyebrows.
She then looked down at her crotch and looked back at me with raised eyebrows. I grinned at her and repeated the action again.
This time she grinned at me with raised eyebrows and turned to watch the TV. Then after a few seconds she slowly started to slide her fingers into her jeans.
I exhaled with pleasure. I saw her smile to herself, knowing that I was watching. Then she slid her hand further into her jeans, paused for a second and then began playing with herself.

After a couple of minutes or so she pulled her hand back out of her pants.
I looked back and forth from her crotch to her face, protruding my bottom lip. She looked across the room and then looked back at me, smiling.
I looked across the room to see what she was hinting at and saw the blanket.
When i looked back at her she raised her eyebrows smiling.

So I got up to get the blanket and threw it over us all like the last time.

"Blanket time again is it?" asked Jake as he pulled his end over him, keeping the other hand down his pants.

"Yep" I replied. As I got comfortable.

I turned to look at Kate. She just sat there smiling at me. I would look at the TV and look back at her and she'd still be smiling at me. I kept smiling back in confusion.
This went on for a good few minutes until eventually she turned to face the TV and began undoing her jeans.

When she stopped she smiled at me and pointed at her crotch with her eyes. I discretely moved my hand over to her. She had undone her button and her zip.

I began slowly stroking her from outside of her thong.
She reached her arm over to my crotch. She undid my button and zip and began stroking me from outside my boxers.
I slipped my hand inside her nickers and felt her pussy lips. I could feel the damp already.
She pulled my hard cock out through the flap on my boxers and began slowly wanking me.
I endulged further, spreading her lips apart and rubbing her absolutely soaking wet pussy.

We sat there facing each other.
I saw her eyes fill with pleasure as she began breathing heavily.
Like before she was biting her lip trying not to let out any noise, but it was inevitable. She eventually let out a slight moan.
She suddenly slapped her hand against mine, pushing it firmly against her pussy to stop me from moving it.
I grinned at her and she smiled at me with embarrassment.
She very slowly released my hand, and as she did, I slowly started to play with her again.

She started breathing heavily again.
This time louder and more obvious than before.

I glanced to my right and saw that Jake didn't appear to be moving his hand anymore.
I looked back at Kate. She was sitting there with her head back on the couch looking up at the ceiling.
Her mouth wide open as she concentrated on the pleasure. Concentrating so hard that the hand she had on my dick had stopped moving.
She turned to look at me, smiled and began wanking me fast. I then started to breath heavily too.

I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye, looked to my side and saw Jakes hand was slowly moving again. This time it was going up and down and I knew he must of been wanking his bare cock.

I turned my attention back to Kate. She was grinning. She leant forward a little to look at Jake for a second and then continued grinning at me. I grinned back at her and went back to watching the porn.

Kate suddenly let go of my dick and I instantly took over. Jake and I were now wanking ourselves side by side.

Kate started fidgeting about under the blanket.
I wasn't sure what she was doing.

She then pinched the blanket in both hands and lifted it slightly, grinning at me and using her eyes to point at her crotch

I peeked down under the blanket and saw her bare legs. Her jeans were gone!

She then tugged at my boxers and jeans, raised her eye brows and grinned.
I could tell this was a hint for me to remove mine too, so I went ahead and did so.

As soon as I'd got them off she smiled, let out a big heavy breath and threw her lips around mine, cupping her hand around my balls at the same time.
I reached over and placed my hand on her now bare thigh. She opened her legs to welcome it. I stroked up the inside of her thigh till I found her naked wet pussy resting on the leather of the couch.
She grabbed my dick and began wanking it again. We were both starting to breath quite heavily. We'd almost forgot Jake was there. Until of course we remembered he was.

Eventually Kate stopped it again.
She fidgeded around under the blanket, putting her jeans back on.
I was a bit gutted but I thought I better do the same.
Then Kate jumped up to her feet, grabbed my hand to pull me from the couch and said it was time for us to go to bed.
We went to bed and fucked each others brains out, in the knowledge that Jake was still wanking himself off down stairs and fantasising about were things could have ended up leading.

*Above is the true version of events.
If you would like to read how we imagined things played out, please continue reading for an alternate ending*

Although Kate and I have fantasised about how that night could of turned out, neither of us would change it in all honesty.

We have fantasies about threesomes, but I'm not sure if we would or could ever act upon them. Especially not with Jake, as he has been a friend for years and it would probably make things a little awkward.
I forget these things when I'm drunk and horny but I'm grateful for Kate for eventually taking me up to bed on both of those occasions.

However, I am also grateful for both of those occasions in general.
One because they were a little naughty and did turn us both on a lot.
Two because they gave us a basis for us to build a real good threesome fantasy on.
A fantasy which we have used on multiple occasions.
Of course, in our fantasies, our actual friend Jake (not his real name) is not involved.
We replace him with a fictional character who we simply name Jake.

*The following story is an alternate ending to the above and is purely fictional...

As soon as I'd got them off she smiled, let out a big heavy breath and threw her lips around mine, cupping her hand around my balls at the same time.
I reached over and placed my hand on her now bare thigh. She opened her legs to welcome it. I stroked up the inside of her thigh till I found her naked wet pussy resting on the leather of the couch.
She grabbed my dick and began wanking it hard and fast. We were both breathing so heavily. We'd almost forgot Jake was there and was going to town on each other.

All of a sudden, Kate threw her left leg over me, keeping her lips sealed around mine.
"Is she trying to get on top of me?!"
I thought.

Realising that's exactly what she was trying to achieve, butterflies raced through my stomach as I grabbed her bare arse and slid over to the left a little, pulling her up on top of me.
She pulled he lips away from mine and gasped for air then.. "fuck me" she exhaled.
Filled with nerves and excitement, I spread apart her dripping wet pussy and lined up my rock hard cock.
As it made contact with her entrance she exhaled with excitement and furiously through her lips back around mine.
I then continued to squeeze all of my dick in to her warm wet hole.
She let out a really loud moan that was only muffled by her lips still around mine. She pulled away from the kiss gasping for air.
She gradually suspended herself upwards until only my tip was inside her and then dropped herself back down, causing it to ram back up her again.
She then let out an incredibly loud moan!
She continued to gently move up and down and back and forth with my dick up inside her, moaning with each stroke.

I looked to my side, I could see Jake was wanking away under blanket.
Kate always loved the idea of us being wanked over and it was happening. I liked that we was causing him to enjoy himself.

I decided to make it even better. I slightly pulled up on Kates top, she lifted her arms so I pulled it all the way up and off over her head. I saw the excitement in Jakes face grow as he started wanking faster.

I reached around for the clip on her bra and paused.
I saw Jakes eyes widen as he nodded his head to himself.
I paused another second or two and then undid the clip.

I saw Kate smile over the 2 guys getting off over her as she grabbed her bra and threw it on the floor behind her.

Her perfect tits were now on display and bouncing up and down as she continued bouncing on my dick.

Jake let out a pleasure filled grunt.

Kate was now completely naked and I don't think she planned to be alone. She leant forward, grabbed my shirt and pulled it off over my head.

As she leant back, I looked down at her pussy and wondered whether it had been in Jakes line of sight this whole time. I wasn't sure but decided either way, there was not much point in our side of the blanket anymore so I pulled it down from off of kates arse and through it in Jakes direction.

Jake instantly shuffled to sit up straighter and stared ay her pussy just sliding up and down on my cock and grinding back and forth.

All of a sudden the blanket was snapped away from Jakes lap. Kate was bouncing there with the blanket in her hand and a massive excitable smile on her face.
She let out a sexy devious laugh and threw the blanket behind her.

Jake froze. Then he looked down at his hard exposed cock with his hand still wrapped firmly around it, looked back at Kate still bouncing on my dick and just continued wanking.

Jake had his button undone, his zipper down and his dick was sticking out of the flap in his boxers. Kate tugged on his pants leg.

"I don't think you need these anymore" she said, seductively.

Nervously, Jake pulled down his jeans and boxers, took them off and got straight back to wanking.

Kate had slowed down and was staring at Jakes dick. She would occasionally glance at my chest and then look back at his dick. It was as though she was taking in the fact she was fucking me whilst being wanked over.

She was really fixating on his cock.
I tapped her on the leg and she looked at me.

"Grab it" I mimed.

I saw the temptation in her face as she turned back to look at it again.
She looked back at me, as if for reassurance. I just nodded at her.

She looked back at his cock. I could tell she wanted to touch it. She licked her lips and pulled her bottom lip back between her teeth, paused and then finally reached out and slowly wrapped her fingers around the bottom of his dick.

Jake looked down in amazement at her incredibly sexy fingers wrapped around his hard shaft. His mouth wide open, he let out the heaviest breath so far, as Kate began slowly wanking him off.

I could tell Kate was loving this.
She took her hand off his cock, licked her palm and fingers and started giving him one of her amazing hand jobs.

"Oh fuck yeah" she whispered, as she began furiously wanking him faster.
"oh fuck" she moaned.

She was staring at his cock in amazement. Then she leant over, opened her mouth wide and took as much of it as she could in her mouth before sealing her lips around it.
She slowly sucked all the way up, until it popped out of her mouth, making a popping sound on the way out.

"Oh yeah" she gasped, then she continued to suck it.

Leaning over, she seemed to be struggling to continue fucking me.
So with my hands full of her bare arsed, I lifted her up slightly and started penetrating her fast.
She started moaning really loud with her mouth full of Jakes cock.
I wanted to cum right then.

Jake was muttering "Oh yeah" over and over.

I lifted Kate higher, pulling myself out of her. She stopped sucking Jake and looked at me with a massive grin on her face.

"You ok baby?" she asked.

"Very much so" I exhaled.

"Were you getting a little close?" she asked.

"Maybe" I admitted.

Still holding onto Jakes cock, she climbed off me and knelt down in front of the couch. She continued wanking Jake as she started to gently lick my dick all over, looking me in the eyes as she did so.

She sucked Jakes a little as she wanked mine, then she sucked mine and wanked Jakes again. She kept alternating between the two of us.

Then whilst she had Jakes cock in her mouth, I got up off the couch and knelt down behind her.
I rubbed her pussy, slipped my fingers in and out of her and finally slipped my cock in.
I held on to her hips, fucking her hard from behind, her moans muffled by Jakes cock.

Once again I felt I needed to cum.
I pulled my cock back out of her and continued to rubbing her pussy.
I started licking her hole and tongue fucking her, then I slipped my thumb inside her and rubbed her gspot hard and fast.

As I pulled my thumb from out of her, she quickly span half way around on her knees. She kept hold of Jakes dick, still wanking it, she started sucking mine as I knelt there. I stood up to give her easier access.

She turned to Jake, "come here" she ordered.

Jake got up to his feet.

With me and Jake now standing there facing each other, Kate started to suck his dick whilst wanking mine, then sucked mine whilst she wanked his, alternating between the two like she'd done before.

Then kneeling between us, wanking us both off, she shuffled back a little and looked up at me

"come closer together" she said

I walked closer to Jake. She looked at both of our dicks in her hands and exhaled with excitement.
She started rubbing the ends of our saliva covered cocks against one anothers.

"Oh... Fuck yeah" she said.

"That's an amazing sight" she smiled, looking up at me.

I've got to admit, it felt kind of good!

"Do you like that baby?" I asked.

"Yeah" she replied, as she swallowed half of my cock.

She sucked me whilst wanking Jake furiously. Then she looked at both of our cocks in amazement whilst she knelt there wanking them, moved the ends of them together again and then shoved them both in her mouth at the same time. It was a great sight.

I noticed she was slightly bouncing up and down as though she could be sat on a third cock. I looked down at her pussy untouched and decided it needed some attention.

At that point Jake let out a big moan and pulled his cock away. It was obvious he nearly came.
It caused Kate to grin and make a proud noise of excitement.
I needed to give my dick a little rest anyway. I pulled away from Kate and asked her to lie on the couch.

She lied down on her back with her legs apart. I started licking her pussy and fingering her.

Jake stood watching, wanking himself slowly.
Kate watched him for a while before telling him to come to her.
He knelt down beside her and she started playing with his dick and sucking it.

I couldn't resist her soaking wet, bald pussy any longer. I was loving licking it but from the noises her and Jake was making, this couldn't go on much longer and I couldn't wait to sink my raging hard cock into her gorgeous hole.

They both got louder and louder. I knew it was time. I jumped up, lifted one of Kates legs and sunk my dick into her. She screamed with pleasure!

She lay there wanking Jake hard while I fucked her.

All of a sudden a huge amount of spunk fired out of Jakes dick and all over Kates perfect tits.

Kate moaned incredibly loud as she looked in absolute amazement.

She lay there screaming with pleasure, pointing his cock directly at her tits as she continued to shake out every last drop all over them.

I could tell she was about to climax!

Then as she lay there tickling her cum soaked nipples with the end of Jakes cock, I felt my whole body go in to shock, she began jackknifing uncontrollably as I felt the most powerful amount of spunk fire out of my cock and deep inside of her. It felt like it came from ever inch of my body.

We had what we both described to be the most intense orgasm we've ever had together.

I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-01-30 05:21:55
Good story.

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-01-30 04:38:50
Good story.

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