A professional therapist, desperate to find what's wrong with her patient, decides to try hypnosis. Due to his age, a parent guardian is needed in the room, and unfortunately things get out of hand quickly.
Kyle Roberts Hypno-Therapy Sessions
My name is Dr. Tiffany Strauss. I'm 32 years old and I have been practicing therapy for about seven years. While I take on many different patients, my office mostly focuses on family dysfunction, teenage depression, and other various younger patient issues. It's a job that I find extremely rewarding, as I know that a person's teenage years are the most crucial times in their life, so when I'm able to set these troubled youths onto a better path, I know that my work has tremendous value. I should also state that I'm also quite good at what I do. I'd say 95% of my patients leave better people and that brings me tremendous joy.
What's my trick? I'm not sure really. My academics were all top notch of course, but I think what helps me the most is that these teens see me as quite approachable. On the outside I may look like your traditional therapist, as I am a 5'4, long brown hair, skinny white woman, with thick glasses, and a boring old blouse and long skirt, but on the outside I'm extremely relatable. I just have a knack I guess and that goes with adults and families as well. I'm good at what I do, I'll leave it at that.
That is until Kyle Roberts
Kyle's mom brought in the high school sophomore three months ago. All her concerns were those that I hear on a daily basis. He was getting into fights in school, he was distancing himself from his friends, and 'just wasn't the same boy she remembers'. This could not be a more common case and I even assured her that this was my specialty.
Unfortunately, none of my normal tricks were working on Kyle at all. Normally by the 3rd or 4th session, there's some sort of breakthrough, but I was approaching session 7 and still I wasn't able to get him to open up. All of the sessions were filled with one word replies and "whatever" from Kyle. There must have been something that happened to make him become so closed off, but I was getting nowhere fast, and I think everyone was beginning to get frustrated.
I felt bad because I could tell Kyle had so much potential. He looks like the type of high school boy that would have a ton of friends and have girls all over him. He was slightly taller than average at about 5'11, shaggy blonde hair, a good build (which helped him win many fights), and his mother showed me pictures that he had a wonderful smile. I needed to get him to open up, so I decided that it was time for desperate measures. It was time for the famous session 8.
I'll never forget that Monday morning. I had already concluded with two patients for the day when my young intern secretary popped her little redhead in my door.
"Dr. Strauss, Kyle's here for his appointment".
"Thank you Steph, send them in".
She was so spunky and ready to learn and I was happy to give her the experience. If I recall, she was in her second year in college. So beautiful as well. Her redhead hair was always in a ponytail, her skin was quite pale, but she had quite the gorgeous body as well as she always managed to find some sort of lovely flower dress.
Anyways at this point I should mention what the plan was for this particular session. After talking to a few colleagues, they told me that I may as well try some hypno-therapy. It's not a practice I've used since college, but at this point, I was willing to try anything to get to this young boy. Now the code states that a guardian must be present when applying hypnosis on a teenager, so for this session Kyle's mom was going to have to join us. They began to walk into the door when I greeted them.
"Hi there Kyle, Mrs. Roberts, and oh, who might this be?"
"Sorry Mrs. Strauss, Hailey's soccer game was cancelled, so I had to bring her with us, I hope that's okay?"
Hailey was Kyle's younger sister. She was wearing a soccer uniform, so clearly Mrs. Roberts story seemed to have checked out. The three family members definitely resembled each other. Hailey had long blonde hair, light skin, blue eyes, stood at about 5'3, and appeared to be a skinny girl. Mrs. Roberts also had long blonde hair, and was what most people would call, a 'young mother'. If I recall correctly, I believe she was 45. The entire family was quite beautiful.
"Oh hmm, well this is really unusual, and it's unfortunate since as you can tell, we are currently re-doing the waiting room. We could reschedule, unless Kyle doesn't mind? It's his session, so it's his call."
"whatever let's just get this stupid thing over with, it probably won't even work", said Kyle.
"Hailey brought her headphones anyways, she won't make a peep, right Hailey?" said Mrs. Roberts.
Hailey nodded in agreement.
"Okay well then let's get started. Kyle we're going to have you lay down on the couch right here, and Mrs. Roberts and Hailey you could sit in these two chairs next to me".
Everyone got situated as I had instructed. Kyle laid down on the couch looking rather unenthused about the process, as his mother sat on the chair next to me with a positive, yet concerned look. She wanted to make her son feel comfortable, but I could tell she was also concerned about his son's behavior. She sat properly cross-legged, while Hailey put her headphones on and went to town on her cell phone.
"Now remember Mrs. Roberts, I had you sign that waiver that said you have to remain here for the entire hour for the treatment, are you sure you want to try this?" I asked her.
"Is this dangerous? Have you done this before"
"Of course it's not dangerous and yes, lot of times. We will finally be able to get into Kyle's sub-conscious. Normally he'll just act sleepy, and if all goes as plan, he will finally let us know what's troubling him."
I lied about doing it lots of time, but I did attempt it in school many times, and have seen it performed, so I knew what to expect. There really wasn't anything to be afraid of. She nodded in agreement. I leaned over Kyle with a pocket watch and began to swing it back and forth.
"Okay Kyle now I'm going to put you under hypnosis. You won't remember a thing and remember, everyone in this room, so there's nothing to be worried about. We're just trying to help you. Just relax. This is our last session. You won't have to see me ever again after this. So just follow the watch and the sound of my voice as I talk to you."
"This will never work", as Kyle began to yawn already.
"Of course it won't but continue to follow the sound of my voice Kyle, just relax, or chill out as you say"
A few moments later it appeared that Kyle had fallen asleep.
"Kyle can you hear me, do you know where you are?"
"Mhm, I'm sleeping"
"And can you tell me your favorite color"
"Mhm it's dark green".
"And do you know where you are"
"I'm sleeping".
The hypnosis transformation was complete and was now in a complete daze. He is able to hear the sound of my voice, but he does not think he's in a doctor's office. He thinks he's sleeping. His mother still looked concerned and his sister wasn't even remotely paying attention to anything.
"Okay great Kyle. You're going to listen to my voice and answer as truthfully as you can okay. It's just me and you. Whatever you say stays between just the two of us okay?".
"Mhm Okay".
I needed to lie to him in order to make him extra comfortable. Reminding him that his mother and sister were in the room might still make him skittish...even in this state.
"Kyle, are you angry?"
"Why are you angry?"
"Because of dad, I found out the truth"
"The truth about what", I asked, definitely curious myself, as from what I knew, Kyle's dad had died.
"That dad didn't die, he left town and mom lied to me all these years", Kyle said in an angry tone.
"Oh my god, Kyle, how did, how did you find out", Mrs. Roberts addressed her son.
"I'm sorry Mrs. Roberts he can only hear my voice."
"That's why he's been acting up. I tried to cheer him up by lying about his death. I didn't want Kyle to know he was just a deadbeat", Mrs. Roberts looked upset that her secret was unveiled, but also a form of relief knowing THAT was the issue.
"How did you find out Kyle? I asked.
"Grandma told me when she was drunk on Fourth of July haha", Kyle laughed at what he said.
I was so thrilled as that was literally the first time I had ever seen Kyle smile, let alone laugh. I felt so relieved.
"Haha oh that dumb woman, I should've known. I'm sorry Kyle, I should've been honest", Mrs. Roberts cried.
"It must have hurt to find the truth Kyle, but know your mother only did that because she thought she was protecting you. She loves you. Do you still feel angry?"
"Mmm no, not really".
A huge smile came over both me and Mrs. Roberts face. She even gave me a huge hug.
"You did it doctor! Now we can finally move on. Can we get him out of this state now" she asked me.
"Well no not yet. We need to keep the positive vibes going or else his subconscious will just revert back to his old angry self. I'm going to try and talk about things he likes, his hobbies, and then slowly bring him out. We can't do it quickly either because that could cause some damage".
Mrs. Roberts seemed to like the idea of talking about positive things and she leaned back in her seat looking relieved.
"Okay Kyle, now that that boring stuff is over, let's talk about other things you like? Do you like music?"
"Mhm, I like Metallica". He started to play an air-guitar in his sleep. That made us both laugh.
"That's great Kyle. What about food?
"Mmm mozzarella sticks are my favorite, yum", Kyle licked his lips for that one.
"How about spots? Do you like sports?"
"Mhm I like to run so I can stay in shape. See" Kyle reached down at the bottom of his shirt and pulled it right off over his head. He did reveal what looked like quite the nice body. Not overly bulky but slender. I oddly enough found myself staring for a bit but quickly snapped out of it.
"Okay we can see that. The working out is definitely working. What else do you like Kyle?"
"I like girls" and a huge grin came across his face.
"That's wonderful Kyle, what else?
"I like sexy girls, like the ones I see on the porno" he's still grinning but now he bites his lip a bit
"Porno? My dear Kyle. I don't want you watching that filth", said Mrs. Roberts. She wasn't mad, but she didn't seem pleased at that comment either.
"Okay it's fine Kyle that's perfectly natural for a boy your age. What else do you like?"
"I like sexy girls with big titties, like Jenna Jameson or Katy Perry", he now began to make air-gestures as if he were grabbing a pair of breasts and making kissing sounds as if he were sucking on them. Mrs. Roberts now looks awkward.
"Haha Kyle what are you doing" I suddenly remembered that Hailey was in the room. She had taken the headphones off and noticed that her brother was now topless and was sucking "air breasts'. Mrs. Roberts was looking stunned as I tried to get him to move on.
"I get it Kyle you like women. That's very natural for someone your age. Do you think we can move on to other hobbies, what else do you like?"
"I like pussy, I like titties and pussy, and I think about them all the time." What he did next really shocked everyone as his hands now started to fall on top of his abs and slowly they made their way down his slender body, and his right hand began to touch the outside of his crotch through his jeans.
"Kyle! Stop that you're not sleeping" Mrs. Roberts exclaimed now looking on more awkwardly.
"I like pussy and titties and porn and fucking mmm"
"Dr Strauss please make him stop, change the subject" Mrs. Roberts yells to me. I'm at a loss of words as this was not something I expected. The worst part about it was that I was starting to feel my pussy get wet. I've never even come close to ever having feelings for a patient, yet alone a young teenage boy.
"Yes Kyle okay again this all very natural to feel. But what about sports, let's talk about sports again".
"Mm yes I like sports and running and I work out sometimes when I'm depressed. That's why I have these abs".
His left hand runs up and down his tight abs and flexes a bit as he does so.
"I can see that. Your abs are very impressive and..."
"And I do that so I can look good so the girls will fuck me. There's a better chance the girls will fuck me if I have abs," Kyle interrupted as his right hand was still rubbing the outside of his crotch and his left fan rubbing up and down his abs. Hailey let out a little laugh as she thought her brother looked silly.
"Hailey put your head phones back on. Doctor snap him out of it" Mrs. Roberts pleaded with me as her voice had a very awkward tone to it. It was a mixture of anger and embarrassment. I was still getting quite turned on by the visual in front of me as I noticed that there was definitely an erection growing in his jeans and his right hand was rubbing along the sides through his jeans. I did my best to make sure I remained professional though.
"I'm trying Mrs. Roberts. You see its at this time is when a person is most vulnerable and the most fragile too. We have to do this delicately. Kyle can you tell me if you're still and angry?" After I said this, he stopped doing what he was doing and rested on his body.
"Mm yes I'm still sad and angry", Kyle said. That was surprising to hear as I thought we found the root of the issue. Me and his mother both leaned in.
"Oh Kyle that's too bad. Well why are you sad and angry?"
"I can't say, it's too embarrassing" Kyle said.
"Kyle where are you?"
"I'm sleeping" Kyle replied.
"That's right so nothing to be embarrassed about. Why are you sad and angry?"
"Mmm because I like pussy....and titties..and fucking...and I'm still a virgin....and all I think about is fucking...mmm and I just want to fuck" Kyle was in now a complete daze and began to ramble those type of words over and over again and this time both hands ran up and down his chest and quickly found their way to the top of his belt buckle and to the shock of everyone started to unbuckle his belt.
"Oh my god, honey, don't do that, stop this doctor". Mrs. Roberts leaned back and slumped into her chair and began shielding her eyes as she feared what was going to happen next.
"Umm umm I, Um.." I was at a loss of words. Kyle was beginning to breathe quickly as he successfully unbuckled his belt and pants. At this moment my judgment was becoming more hazy, as I couldn't stop staring at what was in front of me. I felt my pussy definitely beginning to get wet. I tried to find something to say until it finally happened. I remember every detail.
"I love pussy and titties and thinking about fucking"
"Please lets change the subject Kyle, what else do you..."
At that moment he scooted his butt up from the couch, pulled down his jeans to his knees and immediately followed suit with his boxes and there in front of all of us laid Kyle Roberts. He was 3/4 naked. All the way from his handsome face, to his stunning chest, to his beautiful abs, and now to his fully erect young dick. It was such a wonderful looking dick too, especially for his age. Fully circumcised, 8inches, only a little pubic hair, and it stood straight up from his sexy body. I was able to see his full body in all its glory for only a few moments as Kyle immediately took his right hand and began to masturbate. He took upon a nice medium pace and let out a little groan as if he was finally scratching an itch, as his hand ran up and down the length of his cock. This all happened rather quickly. I let out a cough when it happened, Mrs. Roberts put a hand over her eyes as this happened, and I heard a quite audible gasp from Hailey over the side. Mrs. Roberts was the first to yell out
"Oh no Kyle, sweetie, don't do that now. You're not sleeping. Dr Strauss snap him out of this immediately", said Mrs. Roberts all in a state of panic now as she shielded her eyes.
"I tried and now I can't. He's fully naked, If I woke him up now like this he'd be scarred for life. The damage could be irreversible."
"So what we're just going to let him keep going like this?" Mrs. Roberts yelled out.
"Mmmm I love rubbing my dick so much....it feels so good.. mmm I love titties...I love stroking my hard dick all the time" Kyle groaned as he was getting full into it. "Oh my god" was heard from Hailey, as she had a hand over her mouth and couldn't believe what she was seeing. This reminded Mrs. Roberts that her daughter was in the room, so she got up from her chair and went to shield her eyes, and could only divert her own.
"I'm loss for words. I can't wake him now, I could try and put his clothes back on..." I noticed that this whole time I had been staring. I shook my head to try and remain professional. I stood up in my long grey skirt, black button-up and thick glasses, fixed myself, and went over towards Kyle. He was still muttering, had a long grin on his face, and was still working his cock. I knelt down in front of him, unsure of how I was going to put his clothes on.
"Doctor, I think we're going to leave, we shouldn't be watching this..." she wrapped the eyes of Hailey and used her other hand to signal that they were going to leave.
"No Mrs. Roberts you can't leave remember. You have to be here at all times while your son is under hypnosis. You signed the waiver, it's a very big deal. Unfortunately Hailey has to stay as well. No parties may leave". I wasn't lying, she couldn't leave, although I'm sure the people who wrote that never expected something like this to happen.
"Ugh that's ridiculous. We'll fix this immediately Doctor", her head darted towards the side of the room so she couldn't watch. She was standing behind Hailey and had both of her hands covering her eyes as she stood directly behind her sitting daughter. I was kneeled in front of Kyle.
"Okay Kyle. Listen to my voice. I know you're sleeping, but you have to put your pants back on"
"Mmmm no, I don't sleep with pants while I'm sleeping....mmm my dick is so hard and it feels so good to jerk off".
My professionalism was beginning to wear off a bit as I was consciously biting my lower lip. I could also feel my nipples underneath my shirt and bra start to harden, and my pussy was now fully soaked. I was lightly breathing too, but tried to keep it down.
"I know, I'm sure it does, I've never seen you so happy. You look really handsome too but I'm going to put your pants back on okay?". I put my hand on top of his chest at that point, which caused me to let out a soft sigh, and I reached towards his boxers and successfully slid them up.
"See that's better". I leaned back thinking I solved the problem, but he immediately pulled them back down and continued to rub his dick.
"No, no boxers, I'm sleeping. I want to rub my dick, I want to fuck, I want titties, I want to fuck Jenna Jameson, I want titties" , Kyle groaned.
"He doesn't want to put his pants back on Mrs. Roberts. He's going to have to do it himself."
"Oh god, he'll never want to do that just look at him." I looked over at Mrs. Roberts who continued to cover Hailey's eyes and quickly glanced at her son and pointed, but immediately shot away. He was now rubbing his dick harder and was now using both hands and began to hump up towards his hands. I was on fire between my legs right now. Maintaining this professionalism was getting harder and harder.
"I umm, I think we're going to just have to wait until Kyle finishes. It's really important that Kyle wakes up fully happy or else his subconscious will fall back to how he was before this"
"Oh god okay, just do what you have to, whatever's best for Kyle," Mrs. Roberts cried out.
"Maybe I'll try and hurry it up. Kyle, umm, why don't you keep telling me what you like okay, how are you feeling sweetie?" I shot a half professional-half passionate look right at him as I said that. I began to stroke his hair as I said this.
"I'm feeling so good right now, I love rubbing my dick, I love fucking, I love titties, I love taking my time while I jerk off", Kyle groaned again.
"Oh great" cried out his mother. My panties were so wet at this point, that my sanity was almost fully shot at this point.
"Mrs. Roberts, I'm giving you a warning, I'm going to try some sexy talk, perhaps that will speed things up:".
"Just hurry up. This is too much" Mrs. Roberts yelled out.
" I understand ma'am, okay umm, okay Kyle sweetie. So you like thinking about sex right? How often do you masturbate? How often do you rub your dick and think about sexy women?" I said as I kept stroking his hair.
"Mmm I love sex, I rub my dick at least three times a day maybe more. I really love big titties too, big soft titties". At this point my panties were absolutely soaked. I looked over at Mrs. Roberts who had her face completely turned away. A real devilish idea came across my brain. I don't know what I was thinking. My right hand was still petting his hair but I took my left hand and placed it softly on top of his chest. I almost orgasm'd at that touch of his rock hard teen body. I then moved my hand over to one of his strong arms, ran my hand down it, and took one of his hands and placed it directly on my right breast. He immediately began to rub and squeeze my right breast through my shirt. I let out a breath but luckily, Mrs. Roberts saw none of what I had just done.
"You like breasts right. You like rubbing and squeezing big soft tits right. Your hands look really big and strong, I'm sure any woman would love to feel them on their tits. Does it turn you on?" I said in a more lustrous voice.
" Mmmm so much" Kyle groaned.
"Dr. Strauss, what are you doing?" Mrs. Roberts peaked over and saw her masturbating son rubbing one of my breasts.
"The words don't seem to be helping. At this age, vocal stimulation isn't enough. I tried to remove his hand but it went directly back up. Kyle, are you going to orgasm soon?" I asked in a low voice.
"Mmm no".
"Poor thing. He'd be so embarrassed if he knew what he was doing right now", Mrs. Roberts cried out.
"Absolutely, that's why we have to make sure he wakes up clothed, and of course happy. Hmm, he seems to be enjoying rubbing my breasts but it's not enough, what if I..." I began to unbutton my shirt, going button by button as he continued to squeeze my right breast and play with his hard cock. I grabbed his wrist for a second and moved it off my breast for a second just enough so I was able to slide my shirt completely off, leaving me in my lacey black bra I had on underneath. At this point I should mention that I did have quite the wonderful set of 36C breasts and I knew that this young man would enjoy feeling them. I put his hand back on my breast after that. He let out a groan and went right back to squeezing my tit.
"Doctor why did you take your shirt off!" Mrs. Roberts yelled.
"Mmmmm.... Kyle how does that feel?" I cooed.
"Mmm so good, I love titties so much".
"Hopefully by increasing his stimulation, this whole process can move on much faster. I have rather large breasts, so hopefully by letting him squeeze them...." Mrs. Roberts in a huff turned her head away.
"Mommy what's going on, why can't I see?" Hailey asked her mother. "It's not appropriate Hailey, this is a personal moment for your brother, keep your headphones on."
"Kyle I see that you're rubbing your dick faster, does rubbing my tits excite you, are you going to orgasm soon?" as I continued to rub his hair and now decided to place my left hand right on top of his thy.
"Mmm I love squeezing tits, this is the best dream. Whose tits am I squeezing, they're so soft and big?"
Hmm at this point, I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to admit to who I was, because maybe that would embarrass him, so I said the first thing that popped to my head. "They're Jenna Jameson's. You're squeezing Jenna Jameson's big soft breasts right now. Are you going to orgasm?"
"Mmm oh god, no way, I'm going to make this last. My dick is so stiff right now" Kyle groaned.
"I can see that Kyle, your dick looks absolutely beautiful. It's so big and hard, and your body is so perfect. Mm what if I did this..." I reached behind my back, unclipped my bra and took it right off, placing his hand right back on my now completely bare tits. I let out a much more noticeable mmmm this time as his strong young hands were now touching my bare breasts, squeezing them, playing with my pink nipples. My breasts were still slightly perky with only a bit of a sag, but it felt so good to feel a hand squeeze them like this. I could feel my pussy juice run down my thighs at this point.
"Mmm yes, Kyle you're doing such a good job rubbing my bare breast now. This is very healthy of you to feel this way and we all want you to be happy. My nipples are so hard" I said.
"Dr. Strauss! I sure hope you're not enjoying this. This better be for Kyle's own good and safety" Mrs. Roberts said sternly, while she quickly looked at me stared a moment and looked away again.
"I assure you Mrs. Roberts, this is all for Kyle. I'm a professional . Kyle sweetie, how are you feeling now, how does Jenna Jameson's tits feel in your hand, do you think you're going to orgasm now?" I cooed at him.
"Mmm this is the best dream ever, I never want to wake up. Your tits feel so soft in my hand and I like squeezing your nipples and rubbing my dick" he groaned.
"Oh I know you do hun, hmm, we really need to you to orgasm, what if Jenna Jameson does this...." I was clearly not thinking straight anymore because at that point I moved my hand up his thy rather quickly, forcefully moved his hand out of the way, and I took his full young dick into my hand. Kyle lets out a much louder mmm this time, as do I, as my hand feels the base of his beautiful dick and I work my hand up and down its length, my fingers lightly massaging the tip, as I begin to jerk him off.
"Dr Strauss, what in god's name...why are you, why are you...." she couldn't get the words out.
"I'm rubbing Kyle's penis, it's the only way. By stroking his erect penis and letting him squeeze my breasts, he may orgasm much quicker mmmmm" I said looking at Mrs. Roberts and then back at the boy in front of me.
"If you think it will work doctor ugh, we are never coming back here again" Mrs. Roberts said, believing the process, but still in a state of shock.
"Yes it's going to work, I don't want to keep you in here longer than you have to. Here Kyle, why don't you suck on one of Jenna Jameson's tits okay?" not wasting any time I move closer, taking his hand off of my tit, and pushing them right into his face. Instinctively he knew what to do, as his tongue quickly made its way around my nipple, then placing his lips on it and began to suck away. Mmm it felt so good and I felt his dick harden in my hand. "mm that's it sweetie, your lips feel so good on my tits, ugh I mean breast, and I love, I mean, you must love how it feels to have another woman stroke your hard cock up and down." He was only able to mutter a mmmmmm. At this point I was completely out of control. My hand was really working his dick at this point, occasionally going down to play with his balls, while stroking at a beautiful pace.
"Dr. Strauss you better not be enjoying this!" Mrs. Roberts yelled. She was no longer diverting her eyes but still looked angry and awkward.
"Mmm no, no worries, mmmm I'm not. He's really enjoying it though, I can tell by his cock, I mean erection. I'm a licensed therapist. This is good for him. Mmm but I know what would be even better", I take my tit out of his mouth, which causes him to groan angrily, but it quickly changes as my face goes right down towards his cock and I waste no time and put it right in my mouth. "Ohhhh wowww, Jenna Jameson, wow that feels so good, this is the best dream, I love oh wow" groans out of his mouth. It's true, I was now sucking Kyle's dick in my office. I wrapped my lips around the head and rolled my tongue all over his head until my head started to slowly bob up and down its length. I wasn't even being slow about it, I was sucking it like no tomorrow.
"Dr Strauss, this is going too far now. I mean, putting his, his penis in your mouth?" Mrs. Roberts said, still shielding Hailey's eyes this whole time as if her life depended on it. I took a break from sucking his cock to look at Mrs. Roberts.
"You see Mrs. Roberts, young males love all sorts of stimulation, but nothing more than oral stimulation," I went back to sucking his dick, really sloppily licking all around the head, even spitting on it and using my hands a bit too, "mm you see how he reacts when I spit on it and use my hands and mouth at the same time. If we're going to get Kyle out of this, it's really mmm, it's really the best option mmm".
"Oh dear I, uh, I uh guess. As long as you're not umm enjoying it" as she said that, I began to ease my throat and take it all the way down. Kyle grabbed the back of my head and started to thrust up into my face. I loved every minute of it. "Mmm no, mmm no not at all Mrs. Roberts. Kyle, how are you feeling?"
"I feel so great, so happy, mm, so good, I love how you're deep throating my cock Jenna, holy shit mmm, your tongue playing with my balls thats so hot", Kyle moaned loud. I spent a solid minute just working my lips around his cock, really taking my time with it. The room was silent except for Kyle's mumbling and the slurping of my mouth on his cock.
I couldn't help myself anymore. Giving Kyle the blowjob of his life got me so worked up that I finally took my left hand and moved it up my skirt and finally got a hand on my pussy. "Mmmmmmm" I let out as my mouth was filled with his cock. My fingers ran up and down, rubbing through my panties.
"Dr Strauss you're enjoying this!" I looked over and noticed she was staring right at us with a very confused look on her face.
"Mmm no Mrs. Roberts I assure you this is all for Kyle. Just adding to his stimulation. I'm as embarrassed in this mmm, mmmmmm situation as everyone else is" I spurt out as I went back to sucking his cock. Mmm my pussy so was so fucking wet, I decided to pull my panties all the way off. I managed to do so without taking my mouth off. In the process I reached back behind me and unzipped my skirt and slid it off as well. It happened, I was now fully naked, and I pretty much came as soon as my fingers landed on my clit. "Ohh mmm, holy shit, oh god, Kyle, how, ahhhh mm, how are you feeling sweetie!" I managed to position myself so I was able to sit on the sofa and still suck his cock at the same time. I spread my legs and rubbed my clit...slipping my fingers deep inside once in a while.
"So fuckng good Jenna, your mouth feels so god oh god" Kyle groaned.
"Dr. Strauss, you're, you're playing with yourself, and I can see that your pussy is soaked" I looked up and she was still staring.
"Mmm Mrs. Roberts I'm not enjoying this at all...I'm just sucking your sons cock so he cums faster. My pussy just, just ..mmm oh godddd, oh godd, uhhhh Ahhhhhh, wait hold on, no not yet" I yelled out, feeling an earth shattering orgasm approaching, but I wasn't ready yet. I took my hand off my pussy and moved my pussy over Kyle's face and right away he began to lick away right onto my clit. "oh my goodd holy shit, jesus that feels so, mmm I mean, holy shit don't stop Kyle"....at that moment he took his two hands and grabbed my ass, and shoved his tongue into my pussy and flicked all over my clit and gave it a little suck too and it happened "uhh im imm cumming, oh GOD, ohh shit oh mmmm", I had my orgasm. I sucked his cock the whole time, moaning all over it, giving him extra pleasure as he humped up towards my throat. I took it all in down to his balls.
"Oh my god Dr Strauss, what, what did you do....is he, is he at least done yet mmm". I had cum down from my orgasm, although still very horny, realized what I just did. I just came all over his face, but I heard an odd sound and looked up from Kyle's dick and looked at Mrs. Roberts who was still looking at us with the same look. She still had Hailey's eyes completely shielded using just one arm, but her other hand was now squeezing one of her own breasts through her shirt! I couldn't believe it. I took my face off his dick and just stroked it as I talked.
"Umm, well, sorry this is all still part of the process. I don't think Kyle is finished unfortunately. Kyle are you finished sweetheart?" I asked.
"No way Jenna, not by a long shot. Your pussy tasted really good though, I love licking it, I love sexx mmmmmm" he faded as he went back to eating my pussy.
"Uhm Dr, your plan isn't working, he's still not finished mmmm" I again looked up and noticed Mrs. Roberts was clearly caressing her breast with her open hand. As I had done earlier, it seemed that she was losing control of reality.
"Mmm it's true, oral stimulation isn't working. His erection is as big and hard as it was in the beginning. Wait I think I know what to do" I moved off his mouth (which was a really hard thing to do), and moved my pussy directly over the tip of his cock. Mmm my pussy was aching in anticipation as I knew what I was about to do..."the only way he'll wake up fully satisfied is If I give him what he wants and thats sex" and at that moment I lowered my pussy onto the head of his cock, with my face pointing away from Kyle and slowly but surely lowered until the whole thing was inside my hot wet pussy "uhhhhhhh ahhhh mmmmm", I yelled. "Oh god Jenna, is that what I think it is, mmmmm, holy shitttt is that a pussy?" Kyle yelled out.
"Oh my god Dr. Roberts, you're, you're having sex with my son mmmmm", I locked eyes with Mrs. Roberts. She was a fairly attractive woman. Long blonde youthful hair which she let down, beautiful green eyes, skinny, just a very attractive woman. This whole time she was wearing jeans and a white button-up blouse, but as she said this last sentence, her open hand un-buttoned the top three buttons of her shirt and revealed a light blue bra underneath. She had very beautiful, big tits just like mine.
"Mmm ohh yesss, mmm I have to, it's for Kyle, ohhh fuck Kyle needs to be happy" I panted out as I was reverse cowgirling Kyle's cock. I loved moving my hips in circles on top of his dick and then switching it up by lifting my beautiful ass up and down on it. I did this for over a minute, staring back at Kyle's heavenly face and then back at looking at Mrs. Roberts.
"Uh, mmm yes, Kyle needs to be happy. Mmm Dr Strauss I'm so going to have you fired for this mmm" she had at that point unbuttoned all of her buttons and took off the one side of her shirt (as her other hand was still occupied covering Hailey's eyes) and pulled down the bra strap on the same side, exposing her c sized breast to me. She licked her finger and began circling it around her nipple.
"Ohh fuck oh god, I understand Mrs. Roberts, mm I'm so sorry for this, ugh god, Kyle sweetie your cock feels so good in my pussy right now, can you feel it gripping your dick head and sliding it down your shaft. You should put your hands on Jenna Jameson's ass and massage it as she rides your young hard dick sweetie" I said while staring right into her eyes.
"Anything you say Jenna, mmm wow oh god" Kyle yelled again.
Mrs. Roberts nodded her head in disapproval at the same time she moved her hand down her stomach and unbuttoned her jeans. "Dr Strauss I swear, I'm going straight to the board mmmmm, you're fucking my son, you're riding my son" she says angrily and finally sliding down her jeans and panties to her knees, exposing me her pussy. It had a bit of a light colored bush, "mmm you're going to be so fired uhhh oh jesus!" She had made contact with her clit and her eyes rolled all the way back to her head. It was a face like I've never seen before. Mrs. Roberts had her jeans and panties at her knees, and had her bra and shirt half way unbuttoned, and now was playing with her pussy. All while still covering Hailey's eyes. It looks like a death grip of her head from this point and it seemed like she had no idea what was happening.
"Oh Mrs. Roberts I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I don't know what to do mmmm fuckkk, I'm just trying to help, uhhhhh" I leaned my hands back on his chest and rode his cock like that for a moment. My big tits bouncing as I humped.
"Well you better try something else doctor and fast uhhh ahhh" she moaned as I saw her insert two fingers up her pussy. "Okay maybe I can try this..." I said as I stood up from his cock to the disappointment of Kyle. "Kyle can you kneel on the sofa for me". He took the instruction well and did what I said and I positioned himself so my pussy was aligned right in front of his cock so he could fuck me doggy style. "Okay now take your hands and place them on Jenna's hips and push your cock forward into her pussy, can you do that hunnn ohhhhh mmmm yeah just like that ohh shit yesss" he wasted no time and began pumping into my pussy. We were positioned as such where Mrs. Roberts could see everything. She could see her son's cock drill my pussy and I was able to look at her face.
"Oh my god, oh my uhhh god, I can't believe...how is Kyle feeling right now, mmm" I could practically hear her pussy juice as she fucked herself. "Kyle, baby, do you like it, do you like fucking my pussy doggy style" I groaned. "So fucking much, so fuckingg much, ughhhhhh".
"Uhh oh godd uhh I'm so wet, god I don't know why, ughh....Kyle needs to feel good, he needs to be happy" she squealed and in the process squeezed her daughters head extra tight.
"Mommy you're hurting me, what's going on, I can't see anything. All I've been hearing are curse words and yelling. Why are you wet, is the ceiling leaking?" Hailey asked her mom innocently.
"oh God im' sorry sweetheart, mmm I didn't mean to. Doctor I can't cover her eyes anymore, my arm is starting to mmmm hurt"...she gasped out as she was trying to hold in an orgasm. I was so fucking horny, I had no idea what to do. "Mmm fuck I'm trying to go as fast I can, Kyle, can you fuck me harder, are you going to cum honey?" I said looking back. "Jenna no way, I can go all night" Kyle said with a smile and still with a complete dazed look on his face. I came up with an idea.
"Stephanie! Come in here, it's an emergency!" Only a second or two later, 19 year old, Stephanie rushes in wearing her very cute yellow sundress, her red hair tied up in a pony tail, and opens the door, "Dr Strauss what's the matt...oh...my god! What's going on here! Doctor you and Mrs. Thatcher what I don't". She stopped dead in her tracks.
"Don't worry Stephanie, this is all okay, it's all part of the process. We need to make sure Kyle remains happy and unfortunately this was the only way possible, uhhh mmm god" I tried to get all that out before I could moan.
"But Dr Strauss you're, you're fucking Kyle! And Mrs. Roberts you're naked touching your pussy!" She yelled at. "Mommy you're naked?" Hailey yelled out.
"It's all fine Steph, I've been doing this for many years. You'll learn this in your final semester mmmm, but the problem is poor Mrs. Roberts arm is starting to hurt and we need you to cover Hailey's little eyes. And if you don't I'll have to write your dean a poor performance review"
"What! No you can't do that. Ugh, god, this is all so weird. Okay I'll do what I can", Stephanie said reluctantly. She made her way to where Mrs. Roberts was. Her face was in utter bliss as she couldn't stop rubbing her pussy for once sec. "Okay Mrs. Roberts, switch on, 1, 2..." And as quickly as they could Stephanie used both hands to cover the girls eyes and Mrs. Roberts was now free. "Mommy, why is she covering my eyes now! What's going on?"
"Don't worry Hailey, everything is going to be okay", finally Mrs. Roberts was able to take the rest of her clothes off and sat on the chair she sat in before. She spread her legs far apart and threw two fingers in her pussy. "Mmmmm oh god yes, everything is going to be fine. Doctor keep going mmm".
"Kyle don't stop okay, please, keep fucking me, please god, oh shitttt oh fuckkkk harder", I was in full porn star mode. Really getting into it. I noticed his body was all sweaty now, as was mine, and honestly couldn't believe he lasted so long! But I wasn't complaining. Mrs. Roberts look like she lost her mind as she fingering herself hard. "He's still not cumming, he's lasting so long. Mrs. Roberts, hmm maybe if there was more sexiness in the air. Come over here, maybe if suck on your breast". She walked over towards my face and had her tits right in front of me.
"Okay! If you think it will work" I couldn't even respond, I grabbed onto one of her tits and began to suckle it into my mouth. She let out a loud groan "ohhh mmmmmmmm Dr Strauss mmmmmm your mouth feels wonderful on my tits, keep licking my nipple". I kept taking turns between her tits, licking her nipple, biting gently on them. This whole time while Kyle was pounding my wet cunt. "Dr Strauss it's still not enough, do you think if you maybe lick my pussy, that will help?" Mrs. Roberts said, not waiting for my response as she sat on the couch, and started to move my head towards it. "Good idea mmmmm" my mouth closes over her entire pussy. My tongue darting all around her clit, licking it in circles, "oh my god Dr Strauss, oh uhhh AHH UGHHHH MMMMMM GOD, ohhh shittttt, my pussy is so god damn wet".
"Is there a cat in the room" Hailey asked. "Dr Strauss are you sure this is helping?" Steph asked nervously, biting her lip, starting to feel a little awkward herself.
"mmmm fuckk yea its helpinggg, im gonna mm, mmmm oh god I feel it, im going to cum, im ahhhh goddd fuckkkk Kyle I'm cumming! ahhhhh fuck" I let out a huge orgasm, thrashing all around, having a hard time keeping my mouth on Mrs. Roberts pussy. I felt like was about to faint and collapsed off the couch with her. Kyle sounded disappointed "heyyy where did everyone go, I'm not done yet", he was still thrusting but now into air. Me and Mrs. Thatcher sat back up on the sofa and began to make out passionately. We were squeezing each other's tits, feeling each other's bodies, rubbing against each other.
"Kyle lie back down okay" I said and he followed suit lying on his back again full hard cock in the air. "Mrs. Roberts okay, this might sound crazy, but I think it's your only chance your son comes out of this 100%" I said trying to sound professional again. "What is it?" she responds. "You're going to have to fuck Kyle. A second pussy might just do the trick"
"That's disgusting! I can't believe you did this Mrs. Strauss. Honestly. Ugh well, you're the professional, and I do want Kyle to be okay." It took her almost no convincing, as she got up and stared down at her son and was about to straddle his cock.
"Kyle, it looks like Jenna brought a friend...it's..umm..oh, it's Katy Perry. You want to fuck Katy Perry right?" right as I say that, Mrs. Roberts takes the cue and now begins to ride her sons cock. "Oh fuckkk, Katy Perry too! Holy shit her pussy feels so good, oh my god" Kyle yells out.
"I can't believe I'm doing this, I can't believe I'm, ohhh wow, mm I, holyy shit, mmm that's right, oh my god Kyle your cock feels so good in me right now, oh my goodddd, this ughhhh ughhhhg ughhh", Mrs. Roberts yelled out.
"Oh my god!" yelled out Steph. I looked over and saw that she was now breathing really heavily and biting her lip. I couldn't even worry about her I was so horny that I just went and started to make out with Kyle. It was so fucking hot, with Kyle's mom bouncing up and down on her son's cock, all while he was under hypnosis. "Oh Kyle, we just want to make you happy, mmmm, UGH UGHH UGH, let me rub your balls as I fuck you baby" she panted as Kyle let out a grunt. I needed some more so I took it upon myself to sit on his face. "Ohh that it Kyle sweetie lick Jenna's pussy, fuck Katy's pussy, mmm oh you're doing such a good job" I screamed . His tongue felt so good shoved up my pussy.
After a few seconds I had a chance to glance over Mrs. Roberts shoulder. She couldn't see Stephanie behind her and was far too into her fucking. I saw that Steph was really turned on but didn't know what to do. She knew she had a responsibility. I then saw her head lean down and whisper something into Hailey's ear. Hailey responded with a thumbs up, as if she was complying with something. Steph took that as the cue and took her hands off the girls eyes and took off the headphones. The girl opened her mouth as if she was going to say something but Steph kneeled next to her telling her to 'shhh", which made Hailey nod her head and do the zipper thing on her mouth.
The girl must've had so many things running through her head. All she could see was the back of her mother, her ass jumping up and down on Kyle's cock, and the doctor sitting on his face. Everyone naked.
Steph was satisfied at her compliance and stood back up. She quickly took both straps of her sundress off and revealed her young, beautiful perky B sized tits. She let out a little subtle sigh and had such a sexy young face. This redhead wasn't wasting any time as the rest of her dress came down. I saw she was wearing regular white panties, but those were only on for a second as she stripped them off too, revealing a perfectly smooth pussy. "Mmm doctor, I sure hope this works. Kyle is such a handsome, hot stud, with such a beautiful cock. I really want him to come out of this happy. Mrs. Roberts keep riding his dick, it'll work soon enough mmmmmmmm" Steph squealed out now touching her own pussy.
Stephanie looked so worked up. She kept switching from playing with her tits, to rubbing her clit, to fingering herself. I could see she was quivering already, and I saw her pussy wet juice explode out of her pussy "ohhh uhhh uhh uhhh oh my god uhhhh" and just like that she squirted all over the floor. Mrs. Roberts then had a huge orgasm herself "oh baby, oh Kyle i'im gonna cum, im cummimg im cumming uhhhhh gooddddd ughhhh" and she collapsed right on top of me.
"Mrs. Roberts, Dr Strauss, if he hasn't finished yet, maybe I should try. I've only had sex twice, so maybe he'll enjoy something a bit tighter" she said covering Hailey's eyes again so her mother doesn't notice. "That's a great idea Steph, that's thinking on your feet, why don't you come lay on your back on the couch and we'll give it a try. Mrs. Roberts can you go cover Hailey's eyes again". She nodded and quickly went and took Stephanie's spot, practically hyperventilating as she covered her daughter's eyes again, not realizing that she had seen everything already.
Steph laid on her back and I instructed Kyle that he was going to try another pussy "Okay Kyle, wow your stamina is amazing, luckily another friend has arrive! This is, hmm, well, Miley Cyrus! She wants you to pound her pussy on top, do you want that Kyle?" He nodded frantically as I guided him to my young secretary intern and got him right on top of her and like before knew exactly what to do as he fucked her pussy her. "Oh fuck, oh fuck that's it, that's it Kyle, mmm yes fuck me, fuck meeee, oh shitttt, mmmm fuckkk yessss uhhhh fuck uhhhhh" Stephanie could hardly contain herself as I think she orgasmed on contact. She was an animal though grabbing the boys back and wanting more, humping her pussy towards his cock in unison. She looked so sexy I went to her and shoved my tongue into her mouth and squeezed her little pink nipples. "Good job Steph, mmm I'll give you a good review mmm".
Mrs. Roberts was back in her original position. Standing behind Hailey, with one arm around her eyes, and was back at working her pussy but this time completely naked. Her pussy was so sensitive at this point that she came quickly "uhhh oh godd, mmm fuck this is, so uhhhh I'm cummming again ughhhh fuckk yes yesss yesss" and collapsed on top of her daughter, not remembering that she was fully naked and now her tits were fully pressed against the back of Hailey's head. The girl turned her head slightly but remained silent. Those few minutes of her eyes opened got her body feeling new things, she didn't know what they were, but she was breathing very heavily.
Mrs. Roberts coming to, began to feel Hailey's breath's on her tits. She didn't know what to do but those breaths got her nipples to stick straight out again. Her own breathing began to pick up again as well. Her arm was still covering Hailey's eyes and she yelled to me "Dr Strauss, do you think there's enough sexual energy in the air yet". Not exactly sure what she was getting at I simply said "the more the merrier Mrs. Roberts mmmmm". I was still playing with Steph's tits while she continued to get fucked.
"Okay, okay honey, okayy..." she kept saying okay over and over again and with one arm covering her eyes, she used her other hand to feel up her daughters front side. Just repeating "okay, okay" as her hand rubbed all over the girls soccer uniform body. Her stomach, and then up her chest, and then down to her thighs, all of this quite frantically which was getting the young daughter totally worked up. Her breathing picking up tremendously on her mother's tits which she was loving. She lifted up the girls soccer uniform top and now began rubbing her bare stomach, rubbing it gently but quickly. Then she worked her way up the girls shirt and finally got a hand to the girls sports bra, which she went right under and made contact with the girls little nipple. "Uhhhhh" the girl let out as Mrs. Roberts began to rub her little nipple, but then would stop and run her hand up and down her stomach. After a few seconds of back and forth, she finally found her way to the stop of Hailey's shorts, paused a minute, but plunged right in, underneath her panties and felt the girls bare pussy for the first time! "Uhhh oh my, mommy, that, mmm what's happening". to the shock of her mother her pussy was already quite wet. Mrs. Roberts stumbled to find a coherent answer, "Hailey, I uh, it's for your brother, who needs, umm, hmmm, oh shit, oh fuck it, Hailey baby, I'm going to fuck the shit out of you". Me and Steph gasped really loudly at the bluntness of the mother.
She took off the arm covering her eyes and half-forcibly rose Hailey's arms and took her top off, followed by her sports bra. She leaned down and started to lick up and down the side of her neck as both of her hands found their way to the girls little breasts. They were slightly budding and had adorably stiff pink nipples. Mrs. Roberts was pinching them rubbing them, while giving her daughter quite the hickey. She then took her hands off and got in front of her daughter, kneeled, and looked her right in the eyes for a few seconds. I could tell she was having second thoughts and Hailey looked so confused. "Oh jesus, oh jesus, my dick is so fucking hard, keeping sucking it girls" screamed Kyle...that was the incentive she needed and went right to Hailey's mouth and kissed her, shoving her tongue into her mouth. The girl had no idea what to do. She was trying to talk but to no avail, and eventually she just followed suit as both her and her mother's tongues starting to play with each other. The mother was in such heat that she stopped the kissing and looked at her daughter and practically ripped her shorts off, followed by her cute white underwear. She was fully naked in front of her mother, but instead of hesitating, the mother just jumped right in...pulled her legs apart and shoved her tongue all over her pussy.
"Oh woww, oh my, mommy thats, ohhh thatsss mmmmm that feels really good, whats, uhhh eeee, eeee, mmm, oh gosh, oh goshh, oh goshh" she wrapped her legs around her mothers face and began to jerk around in her chair as she was feeling all sorts of new things.
Stephanie yelled out, "Oh fuckk,. This is just so fucking hot, oh fuck, fucking this hypnotized teenage boy is so fucking hot. He's so delicious, filling my cunt up. Dr Strauss your tits are so fucking sexy, and oh god, Mrs. Roberts are ohhh uhhhh, she's not even hypnotized, uhhh uhhh im cumming im cumming", I saw her pussy explode with her juices flying everywhere as she squirted on his cock. Kyle pulled out which lead to Steph licking all over it. I was so turned on by Mrs. Roberts, that I approached the two of them.
I forcibly pulled Hailey from the chair and had her stand up completely naked. Mrs. Roberts continue to assault her little girls pussy with her tongue, and I kneeled behind her and shoved my tongue against her pussy from the back, shoving my nose between her cute little butt. "Oh Dr Strauss, Mommy, oh my this is, ohh my oh myyy, I im going to , ohh wow, oh woow, uhhhh eeeeee ahhhhhhh" and she had her first orgasm, and it was because her mother and me. The girl did faint and we lied her down on the floor gently, which gave me and Mrs. Roberts time to make out, tasting the girls juice on each others tongue.
"Uhh oh fuck, that's it Kyle, fuck my 19 year old ass, mmm this is so tight, you're going to cum now, yeahh yeahh you are" we looked on the sofa and saw that Kyle was fucking Steph's ass. We both went up to them, Mrs. Roberts shoving her tongue into her sons mouth, and me doing the same to steph. We rubbed each other's clits at the same time causing us all to orgasm again, making us collapse.
"This is impossible, he still hasn't cum. I gave him my asshole for crying out loud" the three women, laid passed out all around Kyle who was still humping, and still had a hard cock. I was all out of ideas but then Mrs. Roberts naughtily suggested, "mm wait I have one more idea".
She stood up and went to a passed out Hailey and gently woke her up. "Mommy what happened","...nothing dear", she picked her up and took her over to Kyle. She lifted her and placed her directly over Kyle's dick, "Kyle's going to fuck you sweetie, it's the only way. Your pussy will be tight enough". "Wait what?" Hailey exclaimed.
With little hesitation she guided the girls pussy right on top of his head. and slowly pushed her down on it, "ohh gosh its, aahh its so big", Me and Steph eased the situation by having me rub her clit and Steph lick her nipples. It took a lot of effort but finally Kyle simply grabbed the girl by her hips and thrusted his entire dick up into her cunt causing her to scream "AHHHHH ohhh ohhh oh myyy ow, Kyle, ahhh it feels so..sooo....mmmm oh it feels so good". We were pleased to see her take to her brothers dick so fast. She was so instinctive and began to rise her cute butt up and down her brothers long cock.
"Ohh shitt, oh my god this is so tight, who is this, who am I fucking right now?" Kyle screamed looking like he was finally about to cum. "It's umm, it's, oh, it's that Icarly girl, yeah, It's miranda cosgrove, she came here and wanted you to take her virginity". Kyle liked the sound of that and really started to grunt and really started to pound into his sisters pussy.
"uhhh my gosh Kyle, uhhh, my vagina feels so good, uhhh, oh wow, oh woww, uhhh oh wowwww, Im going to do it again, im going to uhhhhhh" Hailey let out a loud squeal as she orgasmed for the 2nd time. Kyle was also finally about to cum "ohh wow, oh my oh woww, I'm going to cum, I can't hold it anymore I can't hold it, ohh jesus here it comes". Mrs. Roberts lifted her daughter off the cock and me, her and steph both positioned ourselves as he finally shot his cum all over himself and onto our faces. Gallons upon cum getting all over her Stephs tits, all over his mothers face, and all into my mouth.
We all fell on the side breathing heavily and I actually completely passed out. Eventually I came to and I I think I finally realized what had just happened "oh my god, what...what have...what have we done....! We're all going to jail, I'm going to get fired, Mrs. Roberts, Steph, Hailey, I'm so sorry" I sat up looking all frantic and scared until I saw over the side of the room. They were all going at it again! Hailey was on her hands and knees and her brother, still hypnotized was fucking her hard, she was also starting to talk more grown up "uhhh,uhh yes that's it, that's it big brother, keep fucking your little sister, keep fucking her , uhhh oh woww, uhhhh mmmm fuck meeeee". Right next to them it was Mrs. Roberts and Stephanie 69ing both humping into each other's faces, "Oh Steph lick my pussy, lick it, I'm goingg to cum again ughhhh".
I guess, it's just something we'll have to deal with. Eventually we're going to have to wake up Kyle...just not yet.
Damn. It's ridiculous. And hot. And still ridiculous. Nice writing though. I think Kyle's going to be asking why his cock ached like it had just gone through a triathalon when he wakes up.
Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport
it is just to wrong
Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport